6 Useful Pieces of Filmmaking Gear UNDER $100

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has this ever happened to you so you buy a  new piece of camera gear or an accessory and   it instantly makes you happy and I'm not talking  about buying a new camera kind of happy because   that's a different kind of happiness you know  buying a new camera of course it'll make you   happy but no I'm talking about a deep profound  feeling of Happiness here when you can feel it   right here for example when I bought this this  here that's happiness I can still feel it so if   you want to know what this is here's my list of  new gear that makes me happy happy gear for under   100 bucks sounds a little bit weird but okay so  first of all the skate Dolly and I bought this   because well I mean look at it it's so cute it's  a little skateboard for my camera this one was   just 20 bucks but turns out I really really like  it because I shoot a lot of tabletop commercials   and gear b-roll on my desk here right and even  though you can shoot a lot of that stuff handheld   this does make a lot of those shoots easier and  makes everything look a bit smoother and steadier   I don't know it just works for my style it's  also a lot easier and faster in use than one   of those sliders you know this is super flexible  it's not as super smooth as a slider and a lot of   the smoothness also depends on your own movements  and how flat the surface is that that you're using   it on but even if the surface is not 100% flat  or smooth you can always add some stabilization   in post and it actually looks great so yeah for  me for gear b-roll here on my desk it just works   and the fact that you can turn the wheels makes  it even better because then you can easily move   around the product I've also seen some people use  it outside creatively for some super low angle   shots also looks great the skate Dolly I actually  really really like shooting with a top handle but   the problem with this setup my old setup is well  it's the cage and it's not not that I don't like   it that cage but I don't know a lot of times I  just want the top handle and I want to be able   to remove or attach it in just a few seconds if I  need to you know my style is super running gun my   camera in my backpack in out in out you know what  I mean of course you know what I mean and that's   why I bought this this is also a top handle but  it doesn't need a cage it attaches to the hot   shoe of my camera this one's from also from small  rig this too uh I don't know how much paid for it   exactly it was this much and yeah I really like it  it literally takes just a few seconds to attach it   or remove it and you can still mount a few things  if you'd want to so for me this is great it has   all the benefits of this but without the cage that  I don't really like and I also don't need it so   yeah there you go but it's personal preference of  course [Music] yeah so this is one of those things   that's super useful in my opinion but I'm not  going to use it every single day look a lot of you   probably know that few years ago I was traveling  the world full-time right well a few years ago   it's more than a few by now but anyway the thing  is every device every brand every camera uses   different memory cards right and I was carrying  around a bunch of card readers dongles a million   different memory cards it was a mess and on top of  that a lot of times when we arrived in a different   country we bought a local SIM card so I could use  local data plans on my phone and because of that   because of the switching of the SIM cards all the  time I actually lost my Belgian SIM card which was   very valuable so if only I had this thing back  then it would have saved me a lot of stress and   it would have made traveling a whole lot easier  this is the freewell pro reader and it's a card   reader that reads CF Express a b SD cards micro  SD but it also has holding slots for all those C   cards and also for nano SIM cards so this thing  would have saved me from losing my precious   Belgian SIM card they also have a Duo reader that  is compatible with SD cards and micro SD cards so   if like me you travel a lot this is super useful  this goes in my travel bag and it'll stay there   until the next trip now something else that also  fits perfectly in this list of things that make me   happy is motion VFX the sponsor of this video  many of you probably know that I use motion   VFX plugins and Motion Graphics for all my videos  literally every single video I make has something   from motion V effects in it an animated title a  super cool cinematic effect or just something to   make the video visually more engaging and they  have everything everything is also super easy to   use drag and drop and you can customize all the  settings in the inspector window and you're done   that's it it takes your videos to that next level  no matter what your style is or what your cont   content is about you will find something you like  so after watching this video go check him out and   don't forget to use my link in the description  and of course thank you so much motion VFX for   supporting my channel okay on to the next piece of  happy gear still sounds weird okay so here it is   it's my favorite of the whole list and I order the  second one even because I use this every single   day why because well you all know that I love  having everything on Wheels in my studio right   my desk is on Wheels the stool I'm sitting on lamp  stands you know everything is on Wheels but I also   have some older stands and tripods that don't  have wheels but I do move them around a lot and   so that's why I bought this thing it puts wheels  under things that don't have wheels see how that   works it's compatible with pretty much all sizes  and you can even use it when you go on location   for example because it's super portable and look  it's not not that I'm too lazy to move a stand   or a tripod that doesn't have wheels but here in  my studio I move around everything like all the   time so it's a lot more comfortable and easier  if it does have wheels so there you go instant happiness okay so I actually bought this for  118 Bucks new but I also saw that you can get a   secondhand one for under 100 bucks so technically  this can go in this list right technically   yeah anyway look this is again something that I'm  not going to use every single day but I must say   that the results look great and it works a lot  better than I expected and I'm impressed actually   whether you want Thick Smoke for special effects  or just Haze up a room this thing does it all and   I wanted to show you but as you yeah that's it  battery is dead but I'll show you some b-roll and   you all know that I also love using Mist filters  right to get that cinematic hazy effect but the   thing is there's some things that a Mist filter  just can't do and that's when you need actual Haze   but I'm going to make a separate video on that so  stay tuned so this is definitely a niche product   but if you have a use for it go for it it's great  you can get them from different brands by the   way this is one of the the cheaper ones uh lens  what is it lens go smoke S I can't compare it to   the more expensive ones because I just have  this one but yeah for me this works great okay   and then finally something super inconspicuous a  clamp or a set of clamps I bought this because I   saw a lot of creators talk about it and use it so  yeah I decided to also buy a few to see what all   the hype was about and it's one of those mcgyver  tools that comes in handy when you least expect   it if you do a lot of tabletop work or if you like  experimenting with crazy angles you need at least   one clamp like this or for example right now I'm  experimenting a bit with macro videography more   on that soon also more videos but also for that I  I found that these clamps come in handy sometimes   but of course depending on what you want to  use them for you're also going to need like   a ball head or an extra little arm or a spigot  so you know you you can't really use them as is   just like that you need some extra thingies to  attached to them but yeah super useful so there   you go this my list of new gear that makes me  happy let me know in the comments what makes you   happy what camera gear what accessory not new  cameras because I know a new camera will make   you happy but the more inconspicuous things  you know what I mean like these things let   me know thank you so much for watching and see  you in the next one my voice is disappearing I   don't know if you can hear it but it's very raspy  maybe some of you will like that yeah yeah salute
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 43,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmmaking gear, filmmaking items, filmmaking gear under $100, filmmaking, camera gear, camera gear under $100, budget camera gear, budget filmmaking gear
Id: zPk_x7r2bDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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