The Range Busters | Western (1940) | Full Movie | Ray Corrigan

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] haunting western food you hear that shot yeah sound like it came from the direction of the book house yeah who did it I don't know they got him like two did curly this ranch is bad luck I'm quitting right now No no don't tell me you can't do this no please no boy you must do this you kid think [Applause] what's happened I I heard a shot [Music] now there that's alright Carol this ranch is cursed I even the law hasn't been of any help your dad was going to send for somebody that might help us but it's too now no matter who it might be hyah crash uh yet that stinks you're glad to see you I got your message and I'm plumb glad to see you too it looks like the range bus kids are going on it Isabella bucks here well what's all the trouble well a friend of mine Homer Thorpe from the circle teams near passing Lobos got himself up taken trouble with a ghost ghost breakin a well sounds like fun well if it ain't a mirage it's alibi I'd have been here sooner but you see I'm riding tandem Elmer's been dragging his feet I didn't have time to pack he talks like I was an extra Harley calling an alibi why did you change your handle from will abide alibi all Preparedness dusty you see Elmer here gives me so many stampedes and have to have something to fall back on so use alibi don't Jim the lead in his heads post I'm drinking wood alcohol well let's get going well say I'm a got time to rap Elmen put him in mark now when we get to pass a Lobo [Music] hello Carol I've missed you the past week I've been out trying to trail the Phantom ever since dad was killed you'll try come inside and tell me all about [Music] goat in she's an ox tingles place oh maybe she'd be ready now to talk business you know those three Oh Murray's no see that they don't hang up their hats in this town we can't afford to have strangers nosing around hey what's the idea three men the water tree or critters I got to get a drink - I know you don't own our lessons cut my throat star inside of a sandpit let me cut the dust sock and breathe all right go on and start breathe so I haven't found a single clue then someone shot at three hours ago and you didn't see who did it well there wasn't anyone to see only a shot I don't know what to advise you Carol honey I wish I could ride with you and run down this phantom I'm going over to the sheriff's office again and instead I'll do something maybe I'd better walk over with you desire to hear about your trouble Carol that offer for the Circle T still holds it's not for sale you can't run it without rash hands with nothing but a blind old man I'll manage I don't just stop pestering the girl torence doc it'll be safer if you stick to your pills you better take the money for your place while you can I figured you'd start to threaten personally I think you know plenty about all these killings [Music] look I've tried to be fair with you I'll forget to be if you're starting the accusations confront let go my offer you've got no right to be interfering the line you keep your mouth shut Jack that's a problem in black the wood yeah [Music] hey wall rocky lost tangle up with em strangers [Music] thanks for the help crash oh don't mention it do I just kind of draw I beat it [Music] well already handle that you sure did nice going alibi certainly is good to see some fighting men around here and we're fighting men but while you handle time could use all three of you or anything like that Eddie I I don't know you don't know when did that bullet hole today well it looks like you do need somebody how about taking those jobs well I don't know I'd have to talk about with my paddles Thank You doc Stengel the chemist will tell you how to get to the ranch in case you decide to come thank you miss much obliged say the circle tease whoever hadn't ate it why didn't you tell the girl I think we'd be able to work much better if nobody knew we were around see I didn't know we were gonna be working running women women porn waiting for her ranch is a camping ground for that so-called phantom family yeah and they're not to mention a pretty you keep your mind on the Phantom dusty and you'll look after the young lady gee I kind of got a hankering for feminine companionship myself but don't mix it up with business say there's a private fight I've been bachelor long enough for sale okay crash you're the ladies man ha that's better unless I happen to beat your time well kidding on the squad dusty this girl's in a tough spot and she needs a per well this old chemist here seems to know quite a lot about Miss Dora let's see he's over and asked some questions a man must be pretty low to take a potshot at a girl unless it's really a ghost Oh who ever heard of a ghost carrying a gun tell us more about this fan in business doc well there isn't much to tell boys except there's an old legend about the original owner putting a curse on the old Circle T mine I thought the property had to abandon matter than three ranch hands were killed and after that none of the boys around here would work at the Circle T has anyone got a grudge against the circle T not that I know of and after that it does her father right in the living the track rustlers saved up girl was this ghost look like laurenandy ghost come on let's go it'll soon be dark pitch dark yo thanks for the information doc boy goodbye hold on Craig georgous yeah hey what's the matter you're not afraid of that phantom Orion crane who me no but I got some things do here in town first should we help him I think we should 1 1 2 upsy-daisy that's the place [Applause] well what's that did you see it shut up [Applause] it's disappeared now I know it's ago now it didn't disappear he went to the house maybe he lives there not that thing stay here I'm going to investigate [Music] [Music] who is it woman's arm its price Cory I hardly expected you this late well I'm sorry to disturb you but I don't think very strange strange what what's probably nothing - but somebody just came across the yard and went into the house in here yes I don't see how this door was locked are you sure yes yes I'm sure come in thank you I'd better not see that thing again he's dead he can't walk and he ain't dead I'll I'll put your gun away besides if it was a spook you couldn't kill it anyway well I guess two must have been never lets anyone in there except the housekeeper when she comes to clean well I think we'd better take a peek away all right but let's not awaken him [Music] evening well I'm sure he has you see uncle Ralph is blind okay to get around at all oh yes with a cane well I must have been imagining things guess I need glasses have you gone to the bunkhouse not that I know of why do you ask oh no reason at all just on my mind see you in the morning and be sure you lock the door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see from that Ridge we can pick up the trail from their alibi get the horses I'll go with crash and I guess you better stay here and look after his tour you betcha it was a shot I heard oh good morning good morning good morning good morning don't try to fool me the fair I'm shot at you I know it didn't mean a thing nobody was here I I didn't win last night I shouldn't have asked you to come here and I want to tell you now that I don't hold you to your bargain would be killed because sometimes a man meets people he likes are you hungry no that bullet must have cut away my appetite let's maybe I could eat a little something breakfast will be ready soon I'll call you ouch what are you trying to do brand me no wait who's that who are you okay no cow mister can't you see no I can't see confident who are you why I'm wrong what are you doing up so early shucks I just went out for a walk that's all who is this don't get so excited that's one of our new ranch hands alibi this is uncle wrong place to me all ranch hand a woman say didn't I hear a shot yeah but I ain't dead yet oh well don't brag don't brag you will be pretty soon The Phantom always does what is least expected I'll go wrong don't talk like well I'm just warning you all so you set yourself up to be a spook at your due yet I don't believe spooks on there well you will if you stick around this ranch for very long but I don't think you stay often it leads over spectacular castles and deep canyons where the sunlight [Music] what if some umbrage right not this far whoever it is we don't want to be seen [Music] and hardly see the ranch from here well anyway that's really in front well let's find out [Music] [Music] this must be that all abandoned Circle T mine the doc was telling us about it yeah hey I'm not so sure this is an abandoned mine [Music] keep quiet those new cow hands are snooping around outside they won't come in here wait on that you want him to yours I could have sworn I heard something I think they're gone let's go see [Music] did you hear anything I think I did better walk easy [Music] I think would make the rear entry stop take it slow who's that we've got a lead him a chance to get him away from the mine [Music] there they go another end no I'm pretty sure one of them's on fella Torrence we had a run-in with yesterday I'll find out it's too late to catch him now we trail them to find out who they are I'll head back to the ranch [Music] what's the matter alibi Oh Elmer I'm worried I can't make heads or tails of this setup you wouldn't know one until now there anyhow I'll listen you on the talk like that and you any respect for age only when it comes in bottles oh shut up I want to thank okay daddy I'm not your daddy don't tell me there was a maple tree well if it didn't come out of a tree I'm no SAP like you well I'll tell you Elmer I don't like this business I heard and a ghost what ghost let me out of here you're a lot of help I wish I know who this ghost is maybe it's one of their mamas in town maybe this blind king taught her English blind is the axe oh I'll take your huh there's two things and don't like him both of them are fakers I'm just talking about me here all by myself then saying nothing yeah well my eyes may be gone but I hear they're still pretty sharp yet no we're staying the jobs are mighty scarce yeah well what good is a job that may lead to a passport to eternity well I don't know I've warned you to stay away from this place and to be on your guard death is stalking you in this cursed place they listen Carol's father my brother was killed only last month yeah he was standing right over there and then before him there was a ranch hand he was sitting just about yes right where you are now yeah he had a nice round face like you've got to then before him there was others but we won't talk about them now they died too horrible died in their sleep over the bunkhouse yeah that's that's where you sleep I think I've heard enough well you haven't heard the worst yet now there was Carol's brother my nephew he was shot through the head he was standing right over there then oh boy he he was to inherit the place yes but now now Carol she'll have to face it you see the place belongs to her yeah he was standing just about right no yeah we're just a little bit they don't want that yes that's that's about where he was standing Carol she was sitting over there with the table when the lamp reading the door opened suddenly before the shot was fired well howdy folks what are you doing playing games yeah bingo [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes that's what I'm what do we do with you take him alive so we can find out what those three are really up to [Music] [Music] telling somebody yes you come well I just wanted to make sure you came out of that old mine that's too bad he should never have done that well I I hate to disagree with you my boys taking [Music] [Applause] what happened to mine if it sells well I got 10 crash something happened at the ranch we set a little scared wrote the house he's a figure well you mean uncle Rolfe yeah sadly and blind I'm sure he ain't he was he couldn't show me where to stand yes that's true alibi but I know he didn't fire that shot at us this morning well don't be too sure he coming walking in from the hill right after you left I'm still sure it's those tough hombres and entertained you in town we'll know as soon as dusty gets here that must be dusty now it's only that doctor friend of Carole's oh won't you come home why certainly I dropped by because I had a letter from Tex Morley yes you'll remember him an old friend of your dad's Tex heard about what happened and want me to say if you were the silent he'd be interested says here he'd be willing to pay fifteen thousand in cash oh well that's quite a summer money why uncle Rolfe the ranch is worth five times that much I know Carol dear but after all that's been going on the same I wouldn't even consider such an offer yeah do you think maybe that he'd raised the ante Tex knows with the places word well Carol might write him herself I wouldn't sell if he double the price well what's the good of money once you're dead this is my ranch dad left it to me and I intend to keep it that's the spunk Carol and I've got a hunch that you're going to get to the bottom of all this trouble you've had very soon I sort of liked you for that hunch doc hello boys glad to see you on the job part of my hunch was based on you three being here your friend oh he's not riding the range Morley trying to your world I know Carol yeah I think she ought to accept the offer and get shut of the place we ain't heard the last no but yeah I don't blame poor uncle Roth after all he's been through I have a feeling that the ranch won't be bothered with the phandom much longer and I have a second feeling well goodbye cow goodbye doctor I'll see you to your horse doc come along now tell me what you know about this phantom business well nothing but suspicions torrents from that crowd of his from town might have used for routes like this why he's not a cattle man no but he has other business did you use a ranch like Circle T tell me what you know about him nothing for sure but big rumor has he running things across the border guns and whatnot nobody can prove it I guess and he might have used for that abandoned mine it'll be worth checking I can't figure torrents using this phantom business he wasn't going for that sort of hocus-pocus well hardly from what I know it hasn't that much imagination that great say this ruff is quite a man it's hard to believe he can't see but there isn't any doubt about it I guess see how'd it happen an explosion in the old mine when they were still working at about 20 years well I guess there's no doubt about it then his brother and I used to try to make him see a specialist Mike bring nice light back but he wouldn't go he wouldn't go see a specialist well people are funny when they're afflicted like Rolf is well so long crush and I'd help you any time again so long doc [Applause] so awful go to see an eye specialist ten maybe that'll loosen up your tongue the top is legs he'll talk later I got this to say you better finish what you're trying to do before my pals come in here and blast you off the landscape so matter of fact we're sort of expecting we won't have to worry about him are you sure all the orders have been carried out yep we go this cowpunchers horse in and plant the trail saw a tenderfoot could follow it good I'm going to town now to arrange for the trucks we'd be able to move the cases out of them by tonight I see you got Sam up there for a lookout that's a good idea Owen is two pals show up you know what to do I'll be no slip I'll check with your to pass he's Dusty's horse something's going wrong this horse is taking the fall well some things happen to dusty while we're waiting for [Music] why it's Dusty's he sure nothing trouble they found the Hat Joe I think they'll follow trail we set up for him we'll get on to the gulch [Music] something fishy about all these clues first we find his hat and then we find his neckerchief rusty must have done it himself no he don't usually go around daytime shedding these clothes figure gonna wear probably find his pants over the next year somebody's holding dusty when they lay out all these clues for us to find I like to stop and think no doubt they've taken him up that Gulch probably waiting for us up on that hill [Music] Uli's up ahead just like nothing's happened and I'll circle around from behind [Music] hey fella we want we'll take him anyway [Music] where's my pouch where is it I seen your pal I don't know what you're talking about I am talk Russian no no huh not that Indian haircut what do you think I think this is the place right peaceful Dhoni [Music] [Music] what's neither up there [Music] take it easy let get out of this [Music] now where's Ella but stay here but maybe I'll do reach simple anything funny [Music] turn around [Music] fire [Music] next time I wish you'd let me know you don't need humor I'll do mascara hello alibi for the boys I'd like to talk to them later oh they'll be a long prom though nice even ro did well I reckon there's nothing ice about it oh yeah we left him at the shack piled up like bundles of straw Torrance's probably ladies gang loose by now well why didn't you bring him into the lockup we talked about that sure but we didn't have any serious charge to file against him I'm sure torrents is using the mind for something after what's happened they'll be clearing it out tonight all you and your men will have to do is be waiting for them at the rear mine entrance well all my deputies are standing by and you will wait here at the right huh that's right all right so all right so long yeah I'm sure still think the Phantom will be prowling tonight with things happening as I know they will he's bound to I bet you know all about my little girl all my all yes I know all about money too bad you can't see you might do a little prospecting yeah yeah yeah it is ain't it hey what are you doing what kind of a trick are you up to Oh what's your hurry she'll be waitin I just want to be there less that's all when you're along with her you're still last that's what you think hey good evening girl hi thank you well if you made up your minds to tell me where you were afternoon as your employer I have certain rights well after a minute I forgot you were our employer well we were oh yeah check in on some water holes to the north and then we check on some water holes in the South field yes and what else well well then we checked on some fences that's right that's right and then we check on some more fences yes go on what next but there's no more fences I've been thinking Carole about all your troubles does your uncle Roth have any interest in the circle tea no I'm so owner of the ranch how about the mine up on the hill is it got any value no none at all was abandoned even before we came here they had put in some new timbers and he and uncle Rob tried to work it but there was nothing there after uncle's accident dad gave it up all together [Music] [Music] oh here you are I've been looking for you boy yes he's sleepy went to bed [Music] [Music] time to ride the car [Music] the strays keep those little dog [Music] along [Music] years [Music] that was grant I knew that Fatima crowd of the night you and dusty go get him house dear brought some bed of course he is then there's no harm and lucky are you killed I'm not accusing of anything I just want to see [Music] well everything's all set trucks are waiting at the rear entrance to be loaded what was that shot don't worry about it I've got things to do at the house we'll wait for you I'll be back before the cases are all loaded but he couldn't be gone but he is gone I don't suppose anything I don't know anything all I know is I'm gonna search this place right now and you wait in the living room until I get back [Music] you see Acuras on [Music] here's a tunnel leading away from the mine let's follow [Music] cow cow are you mommy shouting she can't answer you what do you want here you know or that corner and drop those guns come on hurry [Music] now you're gonna do some explaining come on towards I'm listening what's your game I just use you don't mind for a hideaway that's all my boys have rounded up young men but you haven't told me everything I told you everything [Music] I love killing on the ranch so I don't know think about those killing oh yes it do all I wanted to do is get the mind away from the girl before somebody else got it someone else what do you mean I don't know I tell you I mean now somebody is putting your pressure on me my gun [Music] ducks penguin we found out it wasn't wrong because bound and gagged in the mine tunnel alibi is bringing him up tell us what happened uncle Rolfe well I was going to bed I heard something like a door opening and then something hit me and I don't remember anything more until you found me at the mine the doc was using the secret mineshaft to get into the house to do his killings it don't hadn't been for that blind fool not to finish my work tonight right up at the mine well Doc's tingle what are you doing here believe it or not this is your phantom the doc huh well I thought you'd like to know that we rounded up the home they were running guns from the old mine but Torrance didn't show might have been better if he had he's in there yeah I know come on doc wonder what's delaying dusty if we're right we ought to get ready maybe he's riding with us [Music] we got to do something about that well I guess we know the whole truth now Carol doc Stengel found a rich vein in the mine but he knew the Torrance was using the mine too so he set out to st. of Torrance was caught her green that would clear him of all the previous killings still I'm sorry for poor ol doc to bring so much tragedy on others as well as on himself just to become a little richer I'll never be able to thank you and your friends dusty you don't have to girl don't you think we got a hankering for the Circle T range - I've been hoping you stay on and help me run the right where's your a will and what's more what kind of trouble do you save it's my series dusty we got to be riding the health 10 will be back Carol [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you stopping for at Ted's in trouble well okay dust gets like this fast alibi hey what is this say how Ted get word to you well if they won't tell you I will dusty they never heard clean Ted stool pigeon it's like this dusty we didn't want to see the range buster split wide open right after they got together no one can see I hated to leave that girl she might have been the right one hey you say that about her or pretty gal and me okay I get it well if Ted isn't in trouble we'll go somewhere else and find something that's better yes [Music]
Channel: Western Central
Views: 11,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, western, movies, online, free, download, classic, old, spaghetti, westerns, full, films, film, school, hollywood, american, bonanza, clint eastwood, DVD, 60s, 70s, 80s, 40s, 50s, cisco, kid, cowboys, f-troop, wild, west, indians, sheriff, world, apache, chief
Id: Y4f6tRbhgt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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