Grand Canyon Trail | Western (1948) | Roy Rogers

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey cookie bunny Woolsey's moved out don't you take care of your blacksmithing anymore yeah we brought you a bunch of horses it needs new shoes you might as well take them home I've closed the blacksmith shop look at this stock in the new silver mine the old ghost towns gonna boom again ain't that pretty just look at a man practically a millionaire you know the mines are still good ah they petered out 50 years ago just what everybody else thought those old prospectors just used picks and shovels you know those two new fellas that I fixed the stagecoach for they're mining engineers they're bringing in new equipment gonna dig deeper share high-powered machinery they're putting in their own smelter plant even gonna fix the roads so we can bring automobiles in here now look fellas I went out and I begged and borrowed and stole every penny I could get a hold up just so I could get in on maybe you got something there yeah there could be some silver still no ground again no look fellows if you've got any money get in on it now before it's all gone you're not just buying stock you're buying land then it's good land and you'll share the profits of the silver mine too well boys that is that check that's where we're going now to put the money in the bank yeah we sold that big bunch of quarter horses you boys don't have to range and Roy Rogers own sister now there's one of him and there's four of you why don't you put it up to a vote I'll vote for Roy I'm in favor of me too me too me too so here's a check what do you spend the money now you're talking Jay Malcolm Vanderpool he's the biggest promoter in the country and you'll never regret it to the day you die [Music] it's important mr. Vanderpool hey let me out of here good morning miss Bob what's the matter mr. banner pool we're in trouble you're all business full of private detectives and process service the landlord came in and somebody's trying to take the furniture out sir you better read this it's from your mining engineer out in town Regan I never dreamed heading like this with peplum please don't feel so bad mr. Vanderpool you haven't even given sin town a chance they haven't been working out there long enough to really find out I'll still be trying to fool ourselves I'll know all along what nothing just like all those mining deals I would just hope that all if it only lasts a little while longer so I can pay some of these bills but what about that twenty thousand dollars that came in yesterday from those men out with all gone back alimony oh I don't care what you say I still think there's silver in that mine I was born out in that country I ought to know Carol you're the best secretary I've ever had there's no good deal I know when I'm licked now you go back to the office and rose up tell them them anything tell them I've disappeared why can't you go out to spend on yourself and find out I wouldn't dare they'd grab you the moment I got off the train then why can't I no what good would you do secretary oh well they wouldn't even talk to you Carol you've been very very kind to me almost like my own daughter what was that oh that's one of those process service he was running a horse as I got in the cab you better go Carol you know that two months salary I owe you yeah well here it is dear you wouldn't want a bison spin town mining stock would you no thanks lady I didn't think so two months salary for mr. Vanderpool me just like his own daughter daughter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like nobody's home trigger we better find out where this thing came from [Music] Oh hello there you realize you went right past me a few minutes ago oh but I was just don't try to make a lot of silly excuses get down here and help me with these bag I'm sorry I'm a little new on the job I'll give you a hand you just better learn to meet these trains on time I guess you don't know who I am I'm Carol Vanderpool daughter of Jay Malcom Vanderpool well lucky you not be Wall Street Vanderpool's I thought you'd be surprised when you write inside or out out your lights this isn't a subway man these things always ride like this they're all yours and I'll just take them go ahead oh no you don't mr. wiseguy you're fired cuz you can't fire me certainly can to fire you my father owns this page now just get off and see how you like walking down that hot room okay hey wait a minute what's the matter do you want to change your mind well no but if you're going back into town I'm not I'm going prospecting out in the hill that's where you belong I can handle these horses just as well as you can get yeah [Applause] hey boss stagecoach nice to come in by itself that's what you think hey boss a deep you amaze me what a ride no wonder this company's going broke here let me help you a little late for that isn't it your sage driver left me stranded clear off no no Blair I'd be there yes I didn't know how to drive this outfit what do you mean about the company going broke how do you know I'm James daughter Carol this is no Dame Miss Vanderpool uh I'm Bill Regan uh why didn't you wear as you were coming I didn't expect to find anybody here there's no more money you know why yeah I'm really very glad to see you again you don't think I run out on your father just because it didn't pan out did you hey Mike yeah boss I get miss Vanderpool's bag give him a hand Mike hello I want you to take with Vanderpool to the hangman's Hotel boss that the the hangman that's what I said okay boss if you say so my boys are very thorough miss tanner fool keep at it well I'll admit it doesn't first-class now but it used to be now Michael clean up a room for you you run along with him I'll see you later Thanks all right hey boss you're not gonna let her stay in that hotel are ya that's the idea one night and I bought a joint with a coyote howling and the shutters banging she'll be glad to leave we don't want her hanging around here yeah but what about that remarks you made about the stage driver I know I know that's got me worried too I don't see how the driver could have been all dead though maybe we better make sure [Applause] stagecoach came back into town yeah I know the horse has got away from it we got all that nice and safe why did you let me be a battery prospector you know why you're here don't you I said you know why you're here don't say that yeah now because I was invited peaceable they snatched me off the stage amendment left my horse yeah yeah yeah yeah this is in your handwriting it dear mr. Vanderpool have found a real silver vein on your land don't trust that Sidewinder riga mm-hmm get your hide down here as soon as you can sign edward Llywelyn Carruthers well the PS just a stroll dead I can't understand why you wanted to contact Vanderpool now Horace he's buried under the ground who same would I be the minute that I was fooling up to Kelly words he'd hear it take care of our guest if there's anything he wants give it time oh hey boy where you heard what he said did you yeah how about a little snort I'll get you some food what I'd be hey hey hey what's the idea don't worry I got ours in the oven gonna eat that well the boys will be in for lunch and you know the deal the first one of complaints has to take over my job here boy so tired of this tricking listen I'm gonna get rid of this job today are you sure why don't somebody fix that thing yeah we'll glue her that a ridin Ropin cowboy in Colorado Joe decided he would hit the trail for sunny Mexico and there he met a lady a senorita fair he couldn't speak her language but he didn't seem to care to care to care didn't seem to care cause he smiled and she smiled any wink then he went and he thought she was as pretty as could be and he laughed call for and she laughed any thought here is the only gal for me well he asked her what her name was he didn't understand she started speaking Spanish when he took her by the hand she said - ten cuidado are you they gave you the stop Arado el cielo smoke weed hace taken Rio yeah ya know but below yharnam but the story ends unhappily in through history history out all the words that she spoke that he saw her jokes were beaded kid my husband's watching you all they'll be here it's almost lunchtime holy mackerel it's wonderful closed outside boys here to come boy am i hungry already and ha boy glad you got back alright thanks gotta wash up hey Joey listen to this sin town Discovery Day everybody welcome songs music barbeque they're having a big celebration right on the spot where they're gonna build the new smelting plant who is the company that's gonna make us all millionaires are opening up all the old silver mines yes sir man we're gonna be on easy street no more ranching for us you're not including me in on this are you we sure are you know that check you sent the boys from the horses you sold well now wait a minute you didn't use that money yes we did we wanted you to get in on the ground floor before the prices went up well that's great we're all in on the ground floor yeah we thought you'd be surprised so will a bank you know we already borrowed money on work forces oh yeah we figured that out you see the bank will get their money back out of the first dividend when the mine starts paying off Oh Oh what's the matter Roy well I hate to tell you this but you can't sell horses you don't own if that mining stop doesn't start paying off we'll all end up in jail J yes those rooms with little bars on the windows oh well now Roy don't get mad at the boys it's all I talked them into Rama oh we gotta go get our money back yeah we'll have to contact Jay Malcolm Vanderpool back in New York Bannerman well I happen to know that these daughter came in on today maybe she can get it for us sure let's go in aspect now hold on wait weed I'm hungry by all means do you suppose he's complaining about the food he couldn't say how did it pain you can keep what delicious where can we find this Vanderpool he's right here upstairs you two better go in cookie should never give me the money when I left her we weren't exactly on friendly terms all right Roy good luck this will you hold the door open for me sure hey what's the idea I didn't see which one of you is Miss Vanderpool never mind Mike I'm Miss Vanderpool and just what can I do for you my good man well I'm cookie Bulfinch and I wanted to ask you something about that mining strong Oh what did you want to know about the stock well we bought 20,000 dollars worth we got to have our money back you see we borrowed the money from the bank on some horses now we don't have the horses are the money no normal all go to jail yeah well I'll go to jail huh you mean you're gonna go to jail but as soon as Tim town gets going that that's gonna be worth a lot of money well that's good I'll tell you what we'll do we'll let you have all of our stock just for what we pay for it oh well that's very nice uh-huh well youyou can write us a check for it right now yes I could write you a check but it wouldn't be a I didn't bring any with me well I could get you some right down the street onions you heard what the lady said go on get out learn what he Sam's you go oh no I don't [Music] [Music] be careful buddy [Music] funny [Music] their penalty to you troublemaker you he's always making trouble he hit poor Mike when Mike was help me clear up the room and he's the one who was driving stage two oh he was huh yeah well I guess this just about makes us even let me talk to him is Vanderpool I'll get this straightened out you go down and get Mike this place is really a mess long what's your name Rogers why all right Rogers what were you doing driving that stage well I saw it running away and I stopped it and you didn't see what happened to the driver no I didn't why all the questions I haven't seen you around before do you work in this part of the country no I just happened to be riding through town and I heard the fight and I tried to break it up you sure did those two guys I couldn't be looking for a job could you I might be I can always use another man can't with Dave this isn't Regan how he came up to the mine tell Gary to put him on okay come on tough guy now take it easy Dave I know what I'm doing what do you need Hamill he's our alibi he was driving the stage with me yeah old Ed's gonna turn up missing and Rogers are gonna have all the questions dance but old Andy tell Gary to give Roger something to do that'll keep him away from that Shack I'll get going hey boy get out of here I'm looking for me she's got a job don't let him see you talkin to me you're gonna work from the inside huh that's what I've been trying to tell you now boss wants to keep Rogers around but you don't want him to see this old coot I guess it's all right to let those oversized Jackrabbit in isn't it trigger [Music] oh dear lost something you you know you're not supposed to be on that side of the fence obvious but I was just studies I thought wait a minute I'm Carol Vanderpool I know that but have you got an OK from Reagan well no I didn't tell him I would I don't need an okay from Reagan my father owns this mine remember but I might ask you what you're doing here I work here I'm being paid to keep people out well that doesn't apply to me [Music] [Applause] hey this is the mineshaft isn't it I don't think you better go down there you just go back and guard your gate Oh see what I mean hey I've never seen a gun like that before do you suppose why those old prospectors lost it could be it's old enough could I have it for a souvenir I guess so as long as it isn't loaded you know this gives me an idea I think I'll take some of that are along it's all yours what's the matter Genevieve the dole had run off and leave yeah well I wouldn't let you starve all fuel girl good evening mr. bull Avenger good evening mr. Regan hey fellas hey I'm sorry about the line not panning us I suppose you still have that worthless stock huh we're getting some use out of it now at least it keeps the wind from coming through those cracks well mine is a gamble cookie but I hate to see anybody get hurt I just might be able to make a deal with you huh you mean you want to buy that old stock did you hear that fellas well well I might be able to give you a few cents on the dollar I mean just enough so that you don't lose out Harley play about $500 whatever you and your friends put into the $500 we paid over 20,000 it's better than nothing why don't you ask your friend look but that means very much money we but we hadn't asked them well that's very much my good evening miss Vanderpool hello mr. bull fincher yeah are you open for business sure what can I do for you do you think you could clean this out and put some bullets in it for me I thought maybe I might need it I guess you would living over there that old hangman hotel I wouldn't stay over there with the cannon Allen hey where'd you find this I found it up at the mind I thought maybe one of those old prospectors might've lost it it looks like a blonde stole head you know that fella you hard to dry the stagecoach Genevieve how about it ah just as I thought it is all that done it might not be the same gun yes it is all adds in trouble caught in a cave-in herself saddle up fellas with one of the lawyers there's no reason for him to get so excited ol dad's always wandering off somewhere my men will find him see if you can stop them here's your Carlo and disband a pool you might need a different what did you do with all this gun we took it from Italy that's a stupid thing to do now that thing's got it cooking his friends are on the way to the mine look for all that enough they'll bring it back before they find it sure sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I'll hurry there's some riders on the way up here Rogers you stay here and stop Galloway Cymbeline what do you mean I can't let you in here I'm working remember but Roy old heads up here someplace that was his gun the Vanderpool girl found it's good yeah and that's why there wasn't anybody driving that stagecoach someone left to grab you why have you had a look around no that kept me busy garden escape well now's a good time this one but I told you to keep him out here Roger I'll get going stand aside we're looking for land private property is gonna take you to jail for trespassing probably all going anyhow anybody got a match yeah hey Roy the cookie yeah it could be get him out of here can you take care of more right sure hey somebody's late taking you birds in for trespassing on private property move over to your horses you Rodgers bring that horse over here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh my stomach I think you're broken shut the horses out of here oh hey Genevieve can we look what they're doing to your old partner don't let it be I'm gonna have the hangman put his curse on you that's what I do you dummy [Music] [Music] guess I lost them cookie what's Genovese doing here I don't know but it must mean something here old girl we'll have to find another way to get it oh yeah I better stay here and keep guard you're coming with me no Roy you you know the legend about it not that O'Hagan man comes to life at midnight God says place you're not gonna believe that step or not god knows what I do don't you [Music] [Music] I'll give you a boost no no no you go I'll give you there come with me don't forget the hangman [Music] yes I told you if the hangman's ghost you live down that way so uh I'll stay here with you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] miss Vanderpool it's beautiful what happened talk to me Oh how should I know don't bother me can't you see that miss Vanderpool's fainted [Music] couldn't there this stay here both of you I'll be right back Oh oh good you huh haiman fishing you barman get away free now stay away me dear me you won't tell me where the mine is that I'll find it myself but I'll fix you so you won't tell anybody where it is hey wait a minute now hey Ronnie run all this upstairs I found these the Spanish food oh where is he oh hold that are you sure he was here cooking pull honest he was here Roy we gotta find him you go that way oh no you don't have a boy cookie did you look around down here no [Music] here that old man can disappear quicker than anybody I ever seen well at least we got one of them let's take him over here blacksmith shop I want to have a talk with you what's the trouble Rajesh your friend here is going to explain what he's doing in the hotel I'll explain that I sent him to look for you pretty bud [Music] oh right you know where we couldn't find all and that makes it a murder charge Rogers now wait a minute you're not accusing me are you why not the last time we saw that he was driving the stage who was driving when you arrived miss Vanderpool he was fat don't prove a thing you've never killed him you still got his gun yes upstairs good I guess that's more damaging evidence against me yeah that's right you powder to the mind didn't you he found it and he was in the hotel too that's all we need to know take him to the sheriff boys I suppose halfway there I get a bullet in my back not me oh excuse me why didn't you stop him are you kid [Music] [Music] look how good it sure would like to know who killed all and me too yeah oh I'm glad to see you're Roy it's alright Omaha no I sure wish no matter to finish what he started to tell me we didn't say anything about that before what'd he say oh it was all jumbled up about Genevieve silvered didn't make much sense well maybe you left a note or something nothing here hey cookie freaking in the cow look I'm super Oh what do you know this is a reason they killed away it yes good good morning mr. Egan mr. Han the pool we'd like to ask a couple of questions about your friend Rogers oh we want to know where he came from and what he's doing in this town well over here guess is as good as mine huh what are you hiding huh nothing well well well where'd you get this uh oh I found it in there you thought it right there yeah make a nice clapper wouldn't ya this is old as mule isn't it uh-huh well he must have hidden it there somebody found out about it met somebody was Rogers and that explains the murder it's silver all right but it's too bad a man had to die for a thing like this it's worthless do you mind if I say it it's nice and shiny to me I think I'll just keep this there's a government at the office around here isn't there have you to write the next town now look here miss Vanderpool I'm an expert on silver ore and I tell you that thing is fabulous I feel like to find out yeah yeah me too well that's the way you feel about it I'll send you over on the stage Williams I'll Drive you all driver well that'd be swell cookie I'll see you in front of a hotel I think you better leave too mr. Regan okay okay Roy did you hear that that's why Regan wanted to buy our stock last night he's a crook do you mean a murder I don't think he would stop at another one I gotta go get the stage from this Vanderpool I'll be seeing ya yeah don't worry you'll see me give me your gun what for for him they're not looking for us they're looking for him here now they're looking for that all you've got in your purse get her inside cookie and turn your team around I'm gonna get this silver into town if it's the last thing I do and you or nobody else is gonna stop it yeah what he said now get inside if you're afraid to die [Music] I'll get a farce Tony you're soaked to the skin close it little plate for a burger if you're thinking of going anyplace little trail to gets pretty slippery so what well don't blame me if you end up with a broken leg at the bottom of some Canyon I suppose you still insist those men we're gonna try and stop me listen I'm just as interested in finding a lip as any silvery sending down as you are just as soon as those guys force I'll see that you get to the assay office I'm gonna see if I can find Racine's dry clothes these may be a little thing for you but while I'm taking care of trick you can try them on me put those dirty things on I should say not they're clean besides I'm only trying to help you that's the trouble with all you society girls you need a good spanking you wouldn't dare you didn't now get into these clothes yes sir [Music] now if I had my way how I'd like to store display the land in Canada is a fairy page every night my dream go right down the Grand Canyon the moon is there on high city in the sky and a man can get as far as by the face every night when dreams providin down the grass and you the river the river of silver and the fireflies are playing and may I find the casually there's many a perfect Monday before and this pod night-night they're the chanson hi meet someone who listen to my day and we'll share the dreams let's write down the grass and you any luck no how are we gonna find her in all this rain what are we gonna tell Regan if we don't yeah guess we better keep on looking you take that far Ridge okay what do you think you're doing oh yeah cold I thought I'd get some more wood another fire I'll get some other clothes okay hello Mike glad to see you hey what you got away he's in the closet wait a minute I'll get my thing where's the silver he'd been here he didn't get here okay Oh Oh Mike now you got any Mike thanks do you think I killed him no he ought to be used to it hey what are you doing here it is wait a minute I'm gonna go with you oh yeah say this is getting the be a head boy boy you gotta go get you got the filter sure he's got it you gave it to him I couldn't find him out there anyway take it miss Martin today I think we'd better find out just who you're working for it's true right I'm not Carroll Vanderpool I just said that I was so I could come out here and find out why we can put out that false rumor about there being no silver in the mine what difference did that make to you I want mr. Vanderpool secretary he was always very nice man I liked him that rumor is just ruined him wait a minute Carol you're not gonna give up now let Reagan take everything got any ideas I'm not and you said false rumor min ago you gave me an idea what if you want to stay most Vanderpool of are longer we'll start our own and Satan we discovered a silver mine but what if we don't find any silver mine well the sheriff's already after me since one more charge wouldn't make any difference [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning miss Vander blue good morning mr. Egan is do you want to see me yes good doing your father was on his way off he is arriving on the 1040 isn't that nice it's a nice surprise isn't it yeah hi I guess I better get back and meet him those friends of rockets are going over to pick him up oh well thanks very much mr. Regan hi bad donut what do you mean bad looks good those fellows are picking up a passenger they don't know about the sheriff or the pocket full of warrants Sheriff not a thing on my mind probably huh oh what a wonderful day standing on the outside looking on the inside everything's going my way yippee rich or poor life can be sunny but just to be sure have plenty of money go outside get into all of my blues no more styles of braids gonna take it easy after it's crazy everything so in my way it be gonna live like a cane won't settle for that I'll have cattle in the bank and money up where so I'll let you do through all of my blues no more times of rain gonna take it easy I'm very crazy everything go in my way Oh well Regan dear Longfellow dear old boy so he struggled at last day well I need the dough I need a lot of it has a lot of bills to pay I'm very sorry mr. Vanderpool that was just a false rumor you're the sheriff I stand for yep well arrest these men there's no such mine but honestly I didn't start any rumor if your daughter did that makes you responsible my daughter I never had a daughter in my life well there's a girl in the hotel if that's not your daughter who is it popped in the name of the law why Carol Martin what does it mean I'm sorry Jay I'm honest I am I'm really trying to help you now another charge against you impersonating somebody who ink but there is silver here on a story sheriff I've got two good friends Roy Rogers and cookie bull pincher and they're both up there now looking for it they're following old as mules she's bound to know where this why don't you go up in the North section and talk to them Rogers had water on a murder charge take these people to jail I'll bring Rogers in dead or alive don't you believe in sure they'll murder ROI what difference does it make we're gonna hang him anyway and another thing I came well-prepared I couldn't find anything that even looked like two dogs gotta be around here someplace this is the second time she's come right to this fun you can tell she's at home here look how she picked her way through them rocks coming up she's been here with it all right we just have to keep on looking well it ain't like to point but give me a clue will ya must be rigging I'll try to hold them off you keep on looking we've got to find that money [Music] don't come any closer Regan you better give up Rogers it'll go easier with you hey Carol yeah if they care I was telling you the truth we gotta get over there just some hunters that roll you make a give me careful young lady [Music] [Music] hey cookie have you found anything yet oh boy I guess around the wrong track [Music] I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to hold them off let's get out of here [Music] [Music] Hey looks like the back doors close to Roy I swear by everything I wasn't alive I'll never try and make a million dollars again yeah but Roy let's give ourselves up they can't pin that murder charge on you that's not what they're figuring well we can't stay here you see what I mean if I could get her here okay cookie if that's the way you feel about it that's the way I feel oh all right Reagan call up your men okay Rogers but come out with your hands up hold your fire boys make it down by the pool don't have it [Music] - Regan you better hold it here comes a stagecoach with the law telling you found the mines over let us off gold I wish I could Carol we know it's around here someplace we've looked everywhere we can't find it a likely story oh no you don't oh I guess I better unlock those mm-hmm one more charge against you he's very friendly I'm gonna look some more oh excuse me this is the man you want to hold for murder sheriff oh he is hand over those guns young fella and come along peacefully now hold up your hands [Music] hey Roy look this is real silver or this is the mine we were standing right next to it this what Genevieve restrained at our whole lid for the piece of canvas over then covered it up with dirt still nobody would find it and then the rains came along and made a puddle out of it unfortunately young lady you're right but there's still a murder charge against that man well I'm not the man you want Sheriff it's Regan if you'll check into it you'll find out it wasn't a bullet that killed Olli but murder or no man I'm preparing charges it's not gonna be me [Music] a boy Roy I help you now come back this way okay I'm sorry Carol you like that wasn't me again hey too [Music] [Music]
Channel: Western Central
Views: 9,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, western, movies, online, free, download, classic, old, spaghetti, westerns, full, films, film, school, hollywood, american, bonanza, clint eastwood, DVD, 60s, 70s, 80s, 40s, 50s, cisco, kid, cowboys, f-troop, wild, west, indians, sheriff, world, apache, chief
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 31sec (3991 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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