Is The Meta Quest 3 Blurry? 5 Reasons WHY, And Tips To Fix It!

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the quest 3 is definitely clearer than the  quest two but why can it still be blurry 30%   better resolution 25 pixels per degree versus  20 the better designed pancake lenses versus   the Resnel lenses I'm going to go over five  reasons why the quest 3 still might be blurry   to you and tips to fix it but ultimately is the  improved Clarity worth the upgrade let's focus in hey howdy everybody I'm Dr Neal Guymon, Dr.  EyeGuy, and for reason number one I wanted to   combine a lot of the obvious reasons together I  didn't want to brush over them because sometimes   the simplest reasons can cause the biggest  problems so we definitely need to talk about   the limitations of VR and specifically the  lenses the fresnel lenses has had a very small   sweet spot and had rings of magnification which  contributed to God rays and blurry vision and now   we have pancake lenses which makes The Sweet  Spot way bigger and doesn't have the rings of   magnification which pretty pretty much eliminates  most of the Cod rays and these still have their   downsides or limitations now pancake lenses are  made up of multiple lenses that are squished or   pancake together and when light shoots through  them sometimes light can be reflected and bounced   in between those lenses which causes Reflections  or chromatic aberration fraying or light that gets   refracted unevenly now they've done a good job  at using anti-reflective Coatings and designing   them really well but you can still notice some of  this chromatic aberration out in the periphery of   the lenses so if you're playing VR if you kind of  look off to the periphery you'll notice some blur   and some light being frayed or refracted a little  bit differently and that's just the limitation of   the lenses now a limitation to the display it  is better 25 pixels per degree better than the   Quest 2 better than the quest Pro but the eye has  the ability to see 60 pixels per degree so there   is a gap there so you'll likely still notice  some pixelation happening especially if you're   looking far off fine detail small detail you  still might see pixelation in lines and so just   understand that that's one of the limitations of  the device the other one you don't want to brush   over is to make sure that your lenses are clean  the smallest Speck smudge can look huge when it's   really close to your eyes and you might notice  it if you're looking around and maybe one area is   just constantly blurry that usually means there's  something on the lens so just make sure that you   clean them with a dry High clean microfiber cloth  approved for optical lenses clean them before and   after you use them and you should be good and the  same thing goes for a fogging of the lenses while   you're playing and actually go over this in this  video right here from The Quest 2 but a lot of   those tips from that video apply here as well so  definitely check that out I'll put the link in the   description number two is making sure that the  lenses are perfectly matched up with the pupils   of your eyes this includes the PD or pupillary  distance measurement vertical alignment and the   distance of the lenses from your eyes now the PD  adjuster is way better in the quest 3 compared to   the Quest 2 it can range from 58 to 70 which is  a little bit larger than the Quest 2 but it has   the scrolling adjustment way better compared to  whatever was in The Quest 2 the three different   settings 58 63 and 68 this one has 58 and 70 and  everything in between so if your PD is 59 you can   set it to 59 so it's way nicer to line it up and  then they also included distance adjusters mainly   if you're going to be wearing glasses you can  adjust the distance so your lenses don't scratch   the VR lenses but you can also use that to your  advantage to bring the lenses closer to your eyes   as long as the eyelashes aren't touching on there  but that will help with the clarity but play with   it some people's eyes do better when it's a little  bit further out but at least you can adjust it   now now with the quest 3 The lenses are way more  forgivable than the Quest 2 if your PD or line is   off a little bit you don't notice it that much at  least not as much as what was in The Quest 2 and   so it is a little bit more forgivable sometimes  they don't notice that it's off a little bit and   so that's just really nice now you can manually  measure your PD I actually go over that in this   video I'll put the link in the description but  more often these days I recommend using an app   to measure your PD the main app I recommend is  glasses on I've actually tested on me my friends   my family and compared to what we can do in the  clinic actually measuring it with a pupilometer   and it was pretty close it's actually surprisingly  accurate another great one if you have an iPhone   or iPad is IM measure also works really well  now the main reason why this is so important is   because you're trying to line up your pupil with  the optical center of the lens the optical center   is where the light rays pass through the lens and  don't need to be focused or bent or refracted and   it has the clearest image going straight through  the lens and that's what you're trying to line   up your pupil with if your PD is off you can  definitely experience blur strain headaches   and something called the Prismatic effect if  you're not looking through the optical center   then you're looking through light rays that  are being refracted or shifted a little bit   and that can shift the image over and then your  eye muscles have to compensate for that shift and   that can definitely lead to eye strain sometimes  blur and all this really does become crucial if   you use VR Pres description lens inserts which  we'll talk about later number three is something   commonly known in the VR world and it's still an  issue in the quest 3 and that's something called   The Virgin accommodation conflict and this is a  visual phenomenon that happens when the brain is   receiving mismatching cues between your virgin and  your accommodation your vergence is the Inward and   outward motion of your eyes or your eye muscles  to keep an image single not double and then your   accommodation is your focus in eye muscles to  keep that image clear and usually in the real   world these systems are linked if you look far  away your eye muscles will diverge your focusing   muscles will relax and you'll have a single clear  image and when you look at something close up   you'll converge and focus your eye muscles to make  it a single and clear image now what stinks is in   VR it's not like that the focal distance where  your eyes need to flex and focus is at one set   plane it doesn't move in VR meaning you're not  actually relaxing your focusing muscles to see   clear or flexing your focusing muscles to see  clear your muscles should be set at one point   and that's usually about 1.2 1.3 M or 4T out in  the distance now where they have the conflict is   your eyes do need to change their vergence ranges  meaning when they're looking at something a far   in VR they'll diverge and converge when they're  looking at something up close now because in the   real world these systems are linked in VR are  they have a conflict because your eye muscles   want to point in and then automatically trigger  your focusing muscles to flex but when you flex   your vision may get blurry you may see double  vision and so then you'll have this conflict   and your eyes will fight each other and a lot  of times that's where cyber sickness and that   nauseating feeling comes from when you're playing  VR and you can get double vision and blurry vision   and just won't be a fun experience now the tips  are kind of tricky here because this is kind of a   limitation to the VR device but I do think it is  helpful to do a few things one would be to know   what it actually feels like when you are focusing  and flexing your eye muscles and converging and   diverging your eye muscles and one way you can do  this in the real world if you look at something   very far away maybe pick a tree outside focus on  that and then switch your focus to your finger   right in front of your eyes you'll notice that  your eyes will have to converge your focusing   muscles will have to flex to make your thumb clear  and then switch the focus to far away to that   tree again and back and forth and you'll see the  transition happen in real time and you'll notice   that feeling that's happening in your eyes and  sometimes that can help when you know what that   feeling is when you're playing VR you can kind of  control it and know what your eyes need to do in   order to clear up the image another tip is that  you can close one eye so if you're getting that   blurry vision double vision you can close one eye  and it'll eliminate that conflict so you'll just   have one eye that's doing the focusing and moving  and so your eyes won't fight each other as much   now the exciting thing they are working on this in  VR devices they're coming up with eye tracking and   very focal lenses to kind of help with that virgin  accommodation conflict and so in the future maybe   in a few years we might not even deal with this  issue this actually leads to number four of the   possible causes for blurry vision and that is dry  eyes or specifically something called keratitis   now it has been studied and proven when we look  at screens TVs computer screens phones iPads we   blink a lot less 60% less and the less we blink  the less tears we have to protect the surface   of our eyes and if our eyes are exposed to the  air too long you can actually get inflammation   and something called keratitis little dry patches  that form over the surface of the cornea right on   the front of your eye and dry eyes can actually  be a pretty big issue I don't want you to brush   this one off because it really can cause blurry  vision eye redness inflammation and just overall   irritation while you're playing VR when you  don't have a lot of Tears the surface of your   eyes can get hazy blurry when you get keratitis  you'll get those blotches right over the front of   your eye blurry and I go over more in detail in  this video right here I definitely recommend it   check out the link in the description I go over  exactly how dry eyes can cause blurry vision   something that a lot of people don't realize and  if anything I would say this is probably one of   the top reason reasons why I recommend taking  breaks every 20 minutes 30 minutes when you're   playing VR I know that's really difficult but  if you can take a break every 20 to 30 minutes   maybe put in some artificial tears make sure that  you're blinking and recoating the surface of your   eyes not only will your eyes be more healthy but  your vision will be clearer especially when you're   playing VR now before we get to number five do I  think it's worth the upgrade to the quest 3 from   The Quest 2 now I am biased being an eye doctor I  kind of notice Optics and Clarity and improvements   that way and I look out in the periphery and the  fringes of things and the quest 3 is definitely   Leaps and Bounds clearer than the Quest 2 in  my eyes so if you're someone that's continually   annoyed maybe by the god Rays the small Sweet  Spot blurry vision maybe the PDS don't match your   PD then I would upgrade in a heartbeat number  five and this might be one of those that might   seem obvious but you may need to be wearing  your glasses now like I said before the focal   distance in VR in the quest 3 is in the distance  and this might be a little bit confusing because   a lot of times we're thinking hey the lenses are  an inch from my eyes and so my eyes need to focus   on something that close but the lenses in VR  actually push the focal distance out farther   away and so you're actually focusing on something  out in the distance and not up close so here is a   general rule at 1.2 1.3 M or 4 ft out if you wear  glasses in real life to make that clearer more   comfortable then you will want to wear glasses  in VR now if you actually want to be serious and   test this out I'll put a downloadable eye chart  in the description that's calibrated for 5T so   pretty close to that 4T Mark you can print it out  hang it on your wall take your glasses contacts   off and see if it's blurry around that 2020 line  if it's blurry then likely your VR is going to be   be blurry and you'll want to wear your glasses and  contact lenses and if you don't know if you need   to wear glasses you definitely want to get your  eyes checked it's definitely time but yeah you   can download this put it up 5 ft away and just  see if it's blurry if it's looking blurry that   might be a good indication that it's time to go to  the eye doctor now wearing glasses in the quest 3   is nicer because it has that spacer less chance  of actually scratching the lenses I still like   wearing contact lenses so you don't have to deal  with the glasses in there but if your eyes are   more dry then VR prescription lens inserts is also  an option and very nice as long as you get the PD   correctly now I actually have reached out to meta  asking hey what's your focal distance in the quest   3 and they told me it's not public information  at least not yet once I find it out I'll put it   in the description below but I'm assuming it's  really close to the Quest 2 which was that 1.2   1.3 M 4et out and in my testing it seems to be  about right and if you're wondering do I wear my   distance prescription or my reading prescription  where your distance prescription meta recommends   using your distance prescription so distance  glasses or if you're ordering VR prescription   lens inserts use your distance prescription  speaking of VR prescription lens inserts I have   a lineup that I'm testing out right now and I'll  do a comparison review video and I'll put it right   here when it's ready in the meantime check out  my VR playlist right here I go over VR and eyes   blurry vision is it bad for your eyes I'm Dr Neal  Guymon, Dr. EyeGuy join me in VR and stay focused
Channel: Dr. EyeGuy
Views: 231,378
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Keywords: quest 3 blurry, meta quest 3 blurry, meta quest 3, quest 3 tips, quest 3 tips and tricks, quest 3, meta quest 3 tips, meta quest 3 tips and tricks, quest 3 hacks, quest 3 beginner's guide, meta quest 3 features, quest 3 features, quest 3 clarity
Id: R3kr8FM2-HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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