Meta Quest 3 vs. Apple Vision Pro in 2024

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It's 2024, and now that Apple Vision Pro is out  and I've gotten to spend a few weeks with it,   I want to answer the question a  lot of people have on their minds:   How does it compare to the Meta Quest 3? The number one advantage of the Quest 3 over  the Vision Pro, to me, is weight and comfort.   The Quest 3 weighs 515 g, whereas the Apple  Vision Pro weighs anywhere from 600 to 650 g,   depending on the light seal and headband  configuration. And while that doesn't   actually sound like much, when I wear  both of these headsets for more than,   let's say, 20 minutes or so, I definitely  notice a difference. The longer I wear   these headsets, the worse the Vision  Pro feels compared to the Quest 3. The Quest 3's facial interface design is also less  complicated than the Vision Pro's. Apple designed,   like, 20 plus light seals for the Apple Vision  Pro, compared to the Quest 3 just having one   standard one. Now, in theory, Apple's approach  would actually be better because you have a light   seal that conforms to your unique face shape.  The problem with this approach is the way Apple   is measuring people's faces to fit the correct  light seal. That doesn't seem to be working for   everyone. With a Vision Pro, you need to scan  your face with a device that has Face ID to get   the correct size, but myself and other users I've  seen on Reddit seem to agree Apple's fit process   doesn't seem to be as accurate after people get a  chance to try out different light seals in-store. Coming in at the number two advantage of the  Quest 3 is controllers. The Quest 3 controllers   come with the headset and allow you to play all  types of immersive games. Plus, it's a much more   precise input mechanism than using the hand  tracking on the Quest. With the Vision Pro,   Apple uses eye tracking for selection, which  takes some getting used to. I do like the idea   Meta has of hand tracking not always forcing you  to have to look at everything you want to select,   though I found theirs is not as accurate as the  Apple Vision Pro's hand tracking. Now, for gaming,   the Apple Vision Pro does support wireless  controllers like the PS5 controller, but you can't   necessarily play all the games you'd want to with  that controller. You can't really play big title   console games yet without some sort of third-party  workaround or doing cloud gaming via Safari. Moving on to the number three advantage of the  Quest 3: immersive gaming. Because Quest as a   platform has been out way longer than Apple's  Vision Pro, it has a larger gaming library and   even more mixed reality games so far. But I'd  argue the bigger advantage for the Quest 3 in   gaming is how games are actually designed for  it. The games are generally just more immersive.   They're not just normal 2D games being shown  to you on a giant virtual screen and sometimes   with virtual things built around it, like a lot  of Vision Pro games are today. Meta Quest games   make you feel like you're inside the video game,  which is what VR gaming typically has been all   about and why you would want to strap on one of  these headsets versus just play a game on a PC or   console. Now, Vision Pro does have some spatial  games like "What the Golf" and "Fruit Ninja"   that take advantage of its spatial computing  capabilities and make things more immersive,   but you are still limited to using your eyes and  the hand tracking for playing these games. Now,   the Vision Pro can bring a virtual Mac window into  your environment so you could run a game on your   Mac and bring it into a giant virtual display  while wearing the Vision Pro, but given its   ergonomic constraints, this isn't something you'd  necessarily want to do for a long gaming session. And this brings me to the number  four advantage of the Quest 3,   which is its more open operating system.  You can download software onto your Quest   outside of Meta's App Store, unlike with the  Vision Pro and Apple's App Store. With Quest 3,   you can sideload apps onto it using  software like SideQuest and download   apps onto it like PlayStation Remote  Play and Microsoft Remote Desktop. The number five advantage of the Quest is its  better field of view (FOV) and less reflective   lenses compared to Apple Vision Pro. And  this was a bit of a surprise to me. When   watching content on a dark screen in the Vision  Pro, you'll likely notice reflections and glare   at the bottom half of the lenses. Now, that's  not to say the Quest 3's lenses don't have any   reflections or glare; it's just not nearly  as pronounced as it is with the Vision Pro. The sixth advantage of the Quest 3: you can wear  your glasses with it. Just press the button on   each side of the facial interface device to  slide it back so you can accommodate wearing   glasses. Apple Vision Pro requires you to buy  optical inserts from Zeiss with your specific   prescription, which costs around an extra $100  to $200 depending on the prescription needed. The seventh advantage of the Quest 3 over the  Vision Pro is multiple profiles. You can actually   add up to three additional Meta accounts  to the device, unlike with a Vision Pro,   whose design doesn't allow for multi-user  support right now. And even if the OS did,   you'd still need to get different light seals for  different users, and each light seal costs $200. The Quest 3 is also just easier to give  to someone to try out. They can just   put it on and adjust the lens distance.  They don't have to set up eye tracking   like you need to do on the Vision Pro,  which takes more time. Though I do like   how Apple Vision Pro automatically adjusts  its lens spacing for each individual user. The eighth advantage Quest 3 has over Apple  Vision Pro is the battery is integrated   into the headset itself, making it less  cumbersome to do VR gaming and moving around. Alright, and the last advantage the Quest 3  has over Apple Vision Pro is, of course, price.   Apple Vision Pro starts at a staggering $3,500 US,  whereas the Meta Quest 3 starts at $499. And Quest   3 can be configured up to 512 GB, whereas the  Vision Pro tops out at 1 TB of storage for $3,899. So, that's the Meta Quest 3 and its advantages.  Now, let's take a look at Apple Vision Pro,   right after a quick word from this  video's sponsor, Pocket Casts. I've relied on Pocket Casts for the past several  years as my top podcast player, and I can't live   without it. Pocket Casts comes with an array of  powerful features like cross-platform syncing,   where you can seamlessly switch between devices  and keep your place in a podcast. And because   Pocket Casts is available on almost every  platform, it's perfect for somebody like me who   has a lot of tech devices in different ecosystems.  They also have features that can save you time,   like customizable skip buttons and trim silence,  which automatically skips the silent parts of a   podcast. And not only can you download podcast  episodes, but you can customize certain podcasts   to download new episodes automatically and be  placed in your queue. Pocket Casts makes it easy   to organize podcasts with filters. For example,  I have a tech and business filter and another for   news and politics. Plus, I love how much control  you get for not only what episodes show up in your   Up Next queue and in what order, but the app  also features a changeable appearance with a   variety of themes and customizable buttons at the  bottom of the player. You can even change the app   icon to a different design, like Pocket Cats,  my personal favorite. With its robust features,   customizations, and wide availability, Pocket  Casts truly elevates your podcast listening   experience. So, what are you waiting for?  Download Pocket Casts today for free by using   the link in the description below. And thanks  to Pocket Casts for sponsoring this video. Alright, the number one advantage Vision Pro has  to be its excellent high-resolution micro-LED   displays. They're the size of a postage stamp and  contain almost as many pixels as a 4K television.   The displays are key for so many things that make  using the Vision Pro nicer than using the Quest 3,   like overall graphics. Everything looks sharp  and crisp on the Vision Pro. It's like the   Quest 3 is at 720 resolution and the Vision Pro  is 4K. You definitely notice the difference,   especially for movies and immersive videos. Now,  while yes, you can technically watch movies and   immersive videos on Quest, because of its screen  door effect where you can see the pixels of the   Quest display, that experience just doesn't  feel better than watching something on my 4K   TV. And the depth effect and camera angles  Meta is using for their immersive videos,   it just doesn't sell the illusion that you're  actually there watching whatever the immersive   video is about in the way that Apple's does. I  could totally see somebody actually wanting and   being able to watch a movie on this thing  that will be comparable to watching it in   a theater or on your television, though the  ergonomics are a bit of a downside with that   experience and some people will not be able  to tolerate it. I still haven't been able   to get accustomed to the weight for long  use and get a light seal that fits well,   though I do have another one on order. These  displays also make other experiences like the   virtual environments feel so real and make all  of the panoramas you took really come to life,   and it gives you a similar perspective to what  it looked like when you took the panorama. Also,   the performance overall on the Vision Pro is much  better and more stable. I run into no stuttering,   whereas with the Quest 3, sometimes apps do that  and it can make you a bit queasy and motion sick   if you're not careful. So Apple definitely  gets a point in the category of performance. The second advantage Vision Pro has over the  Quest 3 is the Apple ecosystem and the Vision   OS operating system. Your iCloud photos just show  up on the headset, your iMessages are all there,   things like that. It's easier to bring a Mac  window into the headset versus the Quest,   which can actually do multiple Mac windows, though  it's a more involved process and it's been a bit   more glitchy in my experience. And because  of Apple's better screens, text looks crisp,   and I could actually use this Mac window to work  on if I wanted to, though I do need to say at no   point have I found myself actually wanting to  strap either of these two devices to my face in   order to get productivity tasks done, outside  of just the general novelty of being able to   do so. Sure, it looks cool being able to drag  multiple windows around in the videos you've   likely seen on social about these headsets, but  practically, because you're strapping something   that weighs at least 500 g to your face,  unless there's a specific application you   need to use it for that can take advantage of  its 3D and spatial abilities like 3D modeling,   I think most people will stick with the computers  and displays they already have. Other Apple   ecosystem advantages with this headset are things  like AirDrop, so it's easy to move files back and   forth to the Vision Pro without having to go  through a specific app like on Quest. Plus,   you have regular access to tons of regular  2D iPad apps, you can have continuity for   things like the keyboard and mouse paired with  your Mac, and apps can run in the background,   which isn't really something you can do on the  Quest 3. Often, if you have an app open or want   to launch a game or something, you'll need to  close the app you have opened before proceeding. Coming in at the number three advantage of  Apple Vision Pro is hand tracking. While yes,   the Quest can do similar hand tracking  to what you can do with the Vision Pro,   Apple's is much better and more precise.  Plus, Vision OS does give you more flexibility   where you can drag windows and how many  windows you have open in your environment. Coming in at number four is sound. Now,  while the Quest 3 sound isn't terrible,   the Vision Pro's is noticeably better,  especially with its spatial surround sound. The number five Apple Vision Pro advantage is  better pass-through. Now, when Apple Vision   Pro first came out and people got to put it on  and see what things looked like in low light,   they were like, "Wait, this doesn't look  like real life. I can see camera sensor   noise." But to anyone else who's  seen what pass-through looks like   on the Quest 3 or even the Quest  2, the Vision Pro blows them away. Alright, number six: spatial photos and videos.  Apple Vision Pro isn't just a spatial computer you   can look at stuff in; it also doubles as probably  the first true 3D camera Apple's ever put out   there. Now, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max can also  take spatial videos, but so far in my testing,   I found the perspective and depth effect to be  slightly better with the footage taken on the   Vision Pro. The only downside, of course, with  taking photos and videos with the Vision Pro   being you have to wear it while doing that, which  may look unsettling to some. Like, do you really   want to be the person at the Holiday Gathering  wearing one of these things? I don't know. Now,   while the Quest 3 can't take spatial photos  and videos, if you have an iPhone that can,   Meta did announce support for Apple's format,  so you'll be able to view spatial videos on your   Quest. Though I found the depth effect to be even  more underwhelming when viewing them on the Quest. The number seven advantage of the Vision Pro  is Optic ID. This technology allows Apple to   actually scan your iris in your eye, which  is unique to every person, and this unlocking   tech is just as convenient as Face ID is on an  iPhone or iPad. The Quest uses passcode unlock,   but compared to Vision Pro, it's pretty  inconvenient. Every time I put on my Quest,   so much so that I've just turned it off on the  Quest, since I'm the only one who uses it anyways. And coming in at the number eight advantage  for Apple Vision Pro is improved aesthetics   and build quality. Even diehard Quest fans are  going to have a hard time arguing the Quest 3   looks better than Apple Vision Pro. Apple's  industrial design team did a good job making the   Vision Pro look futuristic with its metal, glass,  and fabric materials. The Quest 3, in comparison,   looks a bit more like a toy, and the three  camera cutouts on the front make it look a   bit alien. Though to be fair, you're not really  going to look good wearing either one. Also,   the build quality of the Quest 3, while I  appreciate its better weight compared to   the Vision Pro, it's a bit more finicky for  things like adjusting the facial interface   to make room for glasses or removing the  facial interface from the device altogether   compared to the Vision Pro's light seal, which  magnetically attaches and is easier to take off. So, those are the advantages I found so far  with Apple Vision Pro. But is it truly better   than the Meta Quest 3, and should I even be  comparing these two headsets to begin with,   given the cost difference between them is so much?  And I know some of you are going to say no, you   absolutely shouldn't be. But even Mark Zuckerberg,  CEO of Meta, is comparing these two products,   and of course, he found the Vision Pro was better.  Now, of course, I'm kidding. He said the Quest 3   was better. He argues the Quest 3 isn't just a  better value, but it's the better product. Does   he have a point? He might actually. Now, before  you rage-cancel me in the comments, Apple fans,   let me explain why. Because you're strapping  these devices to your face and they weigh a bit,   you're only going to want to do that for  things you can't do on other devices you   own. While Vision Pro's graphics and displays are  better, minus the limited spatial experiences and   immersive videos, everything else with it -  the Mac window, watching TV shows and movies,   using iPad apps, and having multiple windows open  - I can already do all of that on an Apple device   I already own. Now, for the things that I would  actually need one of these headset devices for,   like immersive gaming and fitness experiences,  even though, yes, the Apple Vision Pro is   technologically superior and their immersive  videos are better, the immersive videos are   just too limited right now for this to even be a  draw to it over the Quest 3 for immersive gaming   and fitness. That's where the Quest 3 really  outshines the Vision Pro, and why for most people,   I think the Quest 3 is the better product right  now. And I plan to do an update of this video   as time goes on and Apple and Meta further develop  their ecosystems and those ecosystems mature. Now,   if you want to see more content I've already  done on the Quest 3 and the Vision Pro, you   can see those videos here. And if you want to see  my full 6 months later reviews of each of these   two headsets, plus my upcoming review of the Meta  smart glasses, which I think are super interesting   and a form factor people could definitely get  used to easier over either of these two headsets,   make sure you subscribe to the channel. For 6  months later, I'm Josh Teder. Thanks for watching.
Channel: 6 Months Later
Views: 37,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Vision Pro, Meta, Quest 3, Comparision, Vs., Which is Better?, Passthrough, Graphics, Gaming, Fittness, Operating System, Displays, FOV, field of view, Battery, design, weight, comfort, cost, hand tracking, eye tracking, price, controllers, 6 Months Later, Josh Teder
Id: SHpHZifqUng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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