Quest 3’s Tracking Just Got WAY BETTER & PSVR2 is coming to SteamVR!

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[Music] hello and welcome to Saturday news day your number one resource for the entire week's worth of VR news and oh man does it feel good to finally have a news day and we've got a lot to catch up on quite a bit of surprising and unexpected things have happened in the world of VR in just this past week like Quest is finally getting a few things I've been wanting for a very long time better hand tracking multimodal mode and a complete uiux overhaul and I've got a lot to say on all of those especially when you consider meta's recent announcement on their upcoming brain computer interface but that's not it Sony has officially announced that PC VR support is coming to Playstation VR 2 and on top of that a few new VR headsets have been revealed and the valve prism we got all that and so much more but first a word from this video sponsor side quest so you've probably heard of side Quest before I mean they're only one of the largest VR game fronts out there with thousands of VR games and apps available for download and of course sideloading but you may not have heard that side quest has its own social VR platform banter and to put it simply it's a true Wild West VR social application with full physics Integrations it's kind of like if VR chat met bonew works and it's pretty cool and side quest is actually giving away a quest 3 to this community within banter and all you got to do is be online either on a quest on Steam VR or even just in desktop and you might just be picked details are in the description in their Discord so check it out and if you haven't already definitely check out side quest there are hundreds of VR titles that you probably have never heard of before and they're ready for you to explore all right but we have a lot to cover so let's just get right into the news and I figured we'd start this one off with a technology that always just rustles my jimmies the intersection of brain computer interfaces and virtual reality so I've actually covered a lot of BCI and VR crossover stuff in the past but a lot has been happening in this space recently from being able to control various parts of a VR chat Avatar like ears entirely with your mind with a little piece of Hardware which definitely deserves a video on its own to open bci's own Hardware leading to all sorts of published research ranging from robotic brain control to emotion recognition to neuralink making its way into a human for the very first time in general the space is moving really fast but in terms of this technology reaching a consumer level and specifically for VR purposes there's been one device that I've had my eyes on for a few years and that's the control Labs bracelet actually stemming from an old meta acquisition from 2019 it's basically a wrist device that allows for neural input for usage in VR and meta has actually shown off this bracelet a few times now the first showcase being all the way back 3 or 4 years ago when the company was first acquired but it's always been a long way away until recently meta just showed off how the bracelet can enable full typing finger tracking where there's no fingers visible to cameras High Fidelity scrolling input and a lot more really this this Tech just unlocks an entirely new control method while making existing ones like eye hand and even controller tracking significantly better it's quite literally Bridging the Gap between the mind and technology and while there's no product that I can specifically talk about yet it is exciting to see that this is now finally trickling down to Consumer device as meta recently announced that this sort of wristband will be a shipped product within the next few years which is way better than any estimate that we had before and I want you to think about this device and BCI technology as a whole as we talk about the next few updates that have come to Quest over just the past few weeks and I think it's pretty obvious to see where all of this is going and it's really exciting so just this past week meta introduced something called wide motion mode it's a hand tracking mode that expands on the hand tracking volume to be quite a bit wider than what was previously possible on Quest and if you've ever used hand tracking on quests you'll know that your tracking space or volume is pretty limited especially compared to controllers and this WI mode solves a lot of that but I think the more interesting thing here is how this wide motion mode is actually accomplished it really goes to show how all of meta's recent updates are coming together in a way that makes hand tracking significantly better and a viable control method so right now if the quest cameras can't see your hands then well it's not tracked which makes total sense this new wide motion mode however uses the previously implemented Inside Out upper body tracking to recreate your upper body as a virtual skeleton that information is then combined with track hands making it so that even though the headset may not be able to see where your hand actually is it can see where your shoulder and arm and forearm are meaning it can pretty accurately estimate where your hand should be now this also means that you're not going to get finger data from those hands while in wide motion mode outside of the tracking volume since the cameras can't see your fingers but even being able to estimate hand location while way outside of the tracking volume is better than losing tracking and this all comes together with another system that I'm really excited about and that's multimodal mode unfortunately at the time of this video you can't use multimodal and wide tracking mode at the same time I think that's eventually where we're headed maybe in hands 3.0 but still each have some powerful benefits that we haven't really seen before especially considering multimodal was just screen lit this week to be shipped in apps on the official app store but back on multimodal it's probably the biggest thing that I've been directly looking forward to on Quest it allows hand tracking and controllers to be used in conjunction with each others so essentially at least on Quest 3 and pro again you now have a fully tracked upper body with Inside Out upper body tracking a wider tracking volume for hand tracking and controllers that are now tracked entirely separately from your hands opening up a ton of possibilities from using controllers to track objects to strapping controllers to places like legs for Possible full body tracking and I think most realistically being able to use and build applications that use both controllers and hands at the same time there are just things that controllers are good at and there are things that hands are good at now you can take advantage of the strengths of both simultaneously and who knows maybe it won't be long before we're all walking around with controller holsters and really I just find this so exciting because this specific combination of hardware and body input is something that no other platform right now takes advantage of and it's really powerful when actually used of course it's up to developers to actually Implement these features but they're there and it's awesome but that's not it there's one more thing that I've been wanting for a very PR long time now and it's a refresh to the quest UI and ux and I think on the surface level this is the more important thing for the quest in the immediate future and we're finally getting it so as I've been spending a lot of time with the Vision Pro for the past few weeks alongside my quest 3 I'd say the biggest takeaway from my recent review of The Vision Pro was that meta just needs to take a second look at how they handle the user interface on Quest a lot of the systems there it's just hard to navigate and again it seems like this is actually happening meta just announced they are quot quot reworking some of the core UI infrastructure end quote now what this exactly means is still unknown as the CTO of meta also said these changes are some ways away but regardless just hearing that any changes are coming is some of the best news I've heard in a long time and I think this is the more exciting part of vision Pro's arrival it's a super expensive device that I don't think even Apple wants you to truly buy yet but the pressure of Apple entering the space results in things like this meta taking a look at their own systems seeing what they can improve on and then doing it and I'm actually working on an entire Deep dive video into VR UI and user experience including making my own dream UI for the quest so stay on the lookout for that it should be out soon but I think we should move on from meta there's a lot of other stuff that happened and I think this pressure from Apple and Samsung and Google is affecting more than just meta as what seemed like the impossible just a few months ago has just been officially announced Sony recently made a statement that they are bringing official PC VR support to the PlayStation VR2 and this is something that I've been asking from Sony since before psvr2 even launched but it's coming and hopefully sometime this year now we don't have a lot of concrete information on this yet there's a few different paths it could go down best case scenario is that psvr2 just plugs right into a PC maybe with an adapter and will have full functionality of the headset within Steam VR no PS5 required but I think more than likely this is going to be a steamlink style steam VR streaming mode that uses a PS5 connection to a PC either wired or Wireless which is a little less than ideal but still I got to say this is a huge step in the right direction the PSV 2 while not perfect has a lot of great features like OLED displays to face haptics to eye tracking it's a good headset and I think it will make a great PC headset and I will also say that the psvr2 has shown potential to be connected to a PC through thirdparty software but that required prohibitively expensive and hardly available additional Hardware to make that happen so Sony's change of heart really turned turned an impossibility into a possibility and at the end of the day it's just good news for everyone and of course I'll keep you guys updated as we get more information on it oh and I couldn't forget speaking of pcvr some of you guys may have seen this announcement valves new headset we've been waiting 5 years for this but it's finally here this is the valve prism featuring some incredible specs with ey tracking face tracking 4K microa displays even onboard compute allowing you to play PC VI games all without a PC at all yeah unfortunately this is a meme break that's not real this was a prank that started at a Furry Convention a few months ago and eventually evolved into this almost legit looking website and fake announcement I I think the funnier thing is that a lot of people really took the bait and I mean it looks like a valve website it even looks like a valve product resembling the little VR icon that steam VR shows but if you look into the details you'll notice that valve is spelt with an uppercase i instead of an L which ironically makes it Vive either way you know what prank or not it was kind of funny if not just a little depressing realizing that the index launched almost 5 years ago yeah honestly valve if you could just make this and ship it I think everyone would be pretty happy but back to the news a couple new headsets have popped up that look really interesting each for their own reason and I'll start with the Huawei Vision yeah they weren't very original with that name but at half the price of Apple's vision the Huawei Vision supposedly has the same near 4K Sony micro OLED panels as Apple's headset while being significantly lighter reportedly this headset is also using an in-house Huawei design chipset that is said to be built as a direct competitor to Apple's own M2 and R1 chip now I'm not sure about any of those claims as the headset hasn't been out in the wild but hey I guess this is what competition is all about right I just would have thought or I don't know maybe hoped that Huawei could have thought of literally any other name than Vision like there's a lot of words out there in the dictionary but I don't know maybe that's asking too much on the flip side of things a longtime VR developer 6 has recently announced they are entering the hardware game with their own headset and a set of gloves now you may not know of six but you probably indirectly know of them in some way as the founder of live the original mixed reality capture tool that is still being used by content creators today and you're a fitness Tracker app that was promptly copied graphic for graphic by meta six and his team recently made public that they are working on their own Hardware that is specifically designed for VR Fitness right now their main demo showcases their in-house gloves as the main control method of the headset nicknamed v short for virtual eye and these gloves are pretty interesting to tie together their previous Fitness tracking attempts the gloves can sense how much weight is being lifted how fast the movements are and ultimately track just quite a bit more accurately how much energy is being expended while being in a virtual setting the gloves are also said to be compatible with other devices so I guess you're not locked down to their own headset and for now I will say everything thing is really early for V and six but in a world where there are a lot of headsets and seemingly every one of them has their own strengths and weaknesses it's an interesting take to see a fitness focused piece of hardware and I guess we'll just have to see where it goes from here so far we're only at renders in Concepts but it's interesting and it's from a guy that's been in the space for a long time so I'm keeping my eye on the virtual eye oh man so what do you think quest updates are looking pretty awesome bcis are cool as they've taken a step closer to being on our hands and I guess in our brains PC support coming to psvr 2 new hardware it's a pretty refreshing time to be interested in VR and actually as I'm working on this Quest UI ux video I'm curious what are some things that you love or hate about the quest UI or I guess VR user interfaces in general your feedback and comments will actually really help me in the video that I'm working on so definitely let me know but of course I wanted to say thank you so much to my patreon supporters for making this video possible there's no way I could do any of this without your support and as always don't forget to like this video if you loved it subscribe if you want more of this and hit that freaking Bell if you just can't live without it much love thrill [Music] out
Channel: ThrillSeeker
Views: 210,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, VR, virtual reality, quest 3, Meta quest 3, Quest 2, Quest 3 review, Quest 3 headset, Quest 2 review, VR review, Thrillseeker, Tuesday Newsday, Best VR, Valve INdex, VRchat, beatsaber, Gorilla Tag, Quest, Meta Quest, Oculus Quest, Oculus Quest 3, Haptic, Gloves, GTA6, Quest 3 Update, V60, Quest Pro, VR news, V62, V63, Hand tracking, Vision Pro, PSVR2
Id: YglA08bgQtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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