Bishop GE Patterson "The Breath of the Lord"

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well praise the lord hallelujah jesus lives i would tonight that took just a moment if everyone would stand with us and extend your hand to the persons beside you as we petition the throne of god in prayer i never like to embark upon the task of bringing the word of god without first of all asking the lord to anoint his word and to anoint his servant recognizing that we have come from far and near and we're here tonight in this holy convocation but we need a word from the lord so lord we just ask if you would anoint these lips of clay allow us to speak as an oracle of christ and not just as a man but hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood that no flesh will glory in your sight oh god tonight let your people be blessed in a wonderful way give us a move of god tonight that sinners might be convicted and converted that believers might be filled with the holy ghost that the sick might be healed lord let your people tonight even be of the wise men who went to see the infant jesus being warned in a dream that they should not return by way of herod they went back to their own country another way send us home another way let the discourage go home in courage let the weak go home strengthen the pound that the oppressed go home delivered and set free hey we thank you now for your presence that is in the room thank you lord knowing you like we do we thank you in advance for what you are about to do in this place lord that this service is totally released into your hand you will accomplish whatever the spirit has designed and when you do it we'll take no credit for anything you do but we'll give you the praise and the glory thank you lord come on and lift those hands and tell him thank you hallelujah glory glory glory glory bless your holy name thank you lord jesus i smile upon your people tonight and we give you praise through christ our lord amen and amen give the lord a hand of breathe and you may be seated for the power of the lord is still the same so you won't leave him [Music] like you came in jesus name for the power of the lord is still the same i believe that so you won't believe him like you came [Music] so just tell somebody that you won't leave it like you can in the jesus name [Music] bound oppressed afflicted [Music] y'all would go back to your seat we're worshiping of the lord is still the same so just tell somebody you [Applause] won't believe him [Music] like [Music] just reach over and embrace somebody tell em hallelujah oh thank you lord hallelujah praise the name of jesus praise your name hallelujah let me give honor respect to your jurisdictional prevent my friend and fellow member of the college of bishops bishop alvin galbraith great leader in this uh jurisdiction of this jurisdiction [Applause] and to the first lady of the jurisdiction since carolyn galbraith he banned to all of my fellow bishops bishop wells and bishop williams bishop johnson uh these administrative assistants superintendents pastors to the supervisor for the department of women mother hunt and a man all of her executive women mother johnson and just all of these great women of god i'm so happy for the first time actually to be a guest not in this auditorium i've been here before but i've never been to the northern california first jurisdiction before [Music] and we're so happy to be here with you uh happy to see our longtime friend sister uh virginia design uh from detroit the sister of our late general board member bishop uh ceo anderson jr you know when we come into the house of worship and i i praise god for all things in christ i thank him for the fact that after trial and error 10 years ago the lord placed us on national television and for that reason we have an opportunity to minister to a lot of people internationally speaking but i don't ever want anyone to think that i feel that way and i don't want you all to treat me that way i'm just a preacher that god has placed on television and i'm i'm not a tv star i'm not somebody that's so i don't i don't the that's why i had to say i saw one person taking a picture then i saw another one lining up and uh that kind of thing disrupts the atmosphere of worship and um we want a move of god tonight amen i sense in my spirit that god wants to move in his people tonight i don't believe that our coming and being here on this night is by accident but i believe that it is in the will of god timed by him because of something that he wants to do in somebody here tonight it may not be but one soul that will come to christ but in the eyes of the lord one soul is above even the riches of this world jesus said what is a man profited if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul i want to see somebody come to jesus tonight i want to see some believer filled with the holy ghost tonight [Applause] and then i certainly want to see the people of god strengthened and encouraged on tonight my message is not an entertaining message but as i recognize the fact that this coming sunday is pentecost sunday when you go back in the old testament and read up on uh the lord instituting the passover and because jesus is our passover lamb who was sacrificed for us and he died at passover and the lord commanded them that from the sabbath day in passover to number seven sabbaths now seven times seven is 49 and when you get to the day after he said the moral after the seventh sabbath should be unto you and holy convocation that day the 50th day was the day when the holy ghost descended in the upper room and it came on day 50 and the word pentecost means 50th and consequently those of us who receive the holy ghost experience with signs of speaking with other tongues they call us pentecostal that really does not categorize us because we are not a 50-day people but we do embrace what happened on the 50th day and this year pentecost sunday is this coming sunday therefore my mind is set in that direction and you that have your bibles if you would uh open them with me to john chapter 20. i want to just read a passage here and i trust that we will all tonight get ready for a move of god if you have that john chapter 20 we're going to begin with verse 19. then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you and when he had so said he showed unto them his hands and his side then were the disciples glad when they saw the lord then said jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father had sent me even so send i you and when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive thee the holy ghost i want to talk to you tonight about the breath of the lord the breath of the lord that particular phrase has been in my mind i suppose most of my life uh bishop galbraith you might would remember my father the late bishop w a patterson when i was just a lad back in the 40s he had a radio broadcast every thursday night in memphis and the theme of that broadcast they would come on singing let it breathe on me let the breath of the lord now breathe on me i knew the words of the song i heard the song but for some reason the idea of the lord breathing on me didn't make sense as i matured and was even called into the ministry and would read this passage of scripture i found it hard to understand why jesus didn't just say to them go to the upper room and get the holy ghost but he breathed on them and said receive ye the holy ghost now the one interesting thing that you will notice is simply this that the night before our lord was crucified that which was uttermost and uppermost in his mind was that his disciples his apostles and uh i i'd like to make sure that i say that right because jesus as he began to perform miracles multitude followed him many curiosity seekers but out of the multitude there were those who became believers and followers those were called his disciples out of the believers and followers he hand-picked 12 whom he named apostles now those apostles they traveled with him and not only did they travel with him you read the eighth chapter of the gospel of luke and you'll find that as he went from city to city not only did he have the apostles but the bible said and the women there were women who constantly traveled with jesus now when the lord was approaching the passover knowing he was the passover lamb that would be put to death he says to his disciples i want you to go where to raise meat and you'll find a man bowing a picture of water ask him where is the guest chamber where the master would prepare to observe the passover with his disciples he said that man is going to show you a large upper room and i want you to go there and prepare the passover so when jesus and his disciples get into the upper room he comes in and instead of him being the lord and master uh and sitting down to be served he comes in with a towel and starts washing their feet and after he washed their feet and peter said no no no don't wash mine jesus said if i wash you not you'll have no pod with me he was trying to teach them humility that you never get too big to serve being brought up in the church and and the church of god in christ i've seen some young fellas soon as they get their minister's license they too big to serve others wait till they get ordained and then they're too big to serve but the lord doesn't ever want us to get too big to serve so he washed their feet and then they ate the passover and he started talking and when you read john chapters 13 14 15 and 16 the great concern that he brings to them is the fact that i'm getting ready to go away but i want you to know according to john 14 and 16 that i will pray the father he will give you another comforter and the word comforter from the greek word paraclete meaning helper you cannot live this life without help critics always used to say i don't i don't believe in that sanctified church they talk about living free from sin can't nobody live like that they're right we can't live like that in ourself we got to have some help but when you get the holy ghost don't want to get ahead of myself he tells them that i'm going away but i want you to receive the comforter and then he goes don't get so physically emotional i've seen folk they just grip their lips real tight and they just stonking no he wants to talk but he won't talk by himself what he hears is what he speaks that's why he wants you to stop stomping and stand there and open your mouth and give him the fruit of your lips because he's not going to say anything other than what you are saying you begin to praise the name of jesus and glorify god and you go off into another language it's nothing but the holy ghost saying what you were saying he's just saying it in another language so he gives you to speak with new tongues if any man be in christ he is what a new creature he gives you to speak in other tongues on the day of pentecost they begin to speak in all of the languages of earth but according to paul he'll let you speak in an unknown tongue now the unknown tongue is not a language of earth paul said though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels so when you began the in unknown tongues you're speaking in a heavenly language but all of this is not as you were taught in the back room but as the spirit gives a trance [Applause] see we got a lot of folk who learn how to talk in tongues and they'll speak in tongues in church and cuss you out on the parking lot [Applause] but when you really receive the holy ghost he changes your language and you no longer have that filthy communication amen some of y'all not gonna like me tonight but this is what the lord told me to give you jesus talked about the holy ghost and that same night he goes out into the garden of gethsemane and there he is betrayed by a blistering kiss the deceitful kiss of judas they carry him to pilate first the caiaphas the high priest from caiaphas to pilate pilot sends him to herod herod sends him back to pilate he's kept up all night and early that morning the ninth hour actually nine o'clock in the morning the third hour he's nailed to the cross the sixth hour straight up twelve noon the sun blacks out three o'clock in the afternoon the ninth hour he says father in the thine hands i command my spirit and he dies in the evening that had to happen because the 12th chapter of exodus where the lord said select the lamb on the 10th day of the month keep him to the 14th and kill him in the evening they selected him on the 10th day when he rolled in and they were shouting hosanna and on the 14th day they put him to death they hung him in the morning but he couldn't die until in the evening because the passover lamb had to die in the evening [Applause] joseph of amitaya nicodemus the pilot for his body put it in joseph's new tomb joseph didn't have to worry about him being buried in his tomb because when joseph died he knew the tomb would be empty jesus didn't need it forever he just wanted to borrow it for the weekend but early that morning he comes out with all power in his hands the women come they see that the tomb is empty and one of them thinks she's talking to the gardener and she's talking to jesus and the women began to tell the disciples he's alive they did not want to believe that he was alive and as we began reading the night in verse 19 of chapter 20 it says then the same day same day that he came out of the grave in the evening he goes to the room where they are hiding behind closed doors for fear and he walks in without anybody opening the door and says to them peace be unto you showed them his hands and his side then were the disciples glad when they saw the lord and again he said peace be unto you and then he breathed on them and said receive ye the holy ghost i wondered about the breath why did he have to do that and one day i was spiritually just in tune with god and praying and meditating and i said lord you got to open this up to me and the lord said that was symbolic like so much in christianity it's symbolic when you are baptized it's symbolic it's symbolic of the fact that you are dead crucified with christ that that old man no longer lives and because the old man is dead anything dead has to be buried so we are buried in a watery grave but because we believe in the resurrection that like jesus came up one day we are coming up not only are we buried in the water but we come back up hallelujah to walk in the newness of life tell somebody it's symbolic when we approach the communion table it's symbolic i know that roman catholicism and some other uh sect of the christian faith will tell you that that unleavened bread actually becomes the body of christ we know that is not his actual body but it represents his body yes back to fruit of the vine in our church we use welch's or some other unfermented grape juice i don't know what you all use in your church i think you all use the same thing and when we drink that we know it is not the actual blood of jesus but it represents his blood hallelujah tell somebody it's symbolic so when the lord was talking to them about receiving the holy ghost the baptismal measure of the holy ghost had never been poured out before so they didn't know what to expect yes it is true that john the baptist came into this world full of the holy ghost from his mother's womb because he was about six months conceived six months earlier than jesus and when mary was told by the angel that she was going to conceive in her womb and bring forth our lord she headed to the hill country to visit elizabeth and when elizabeth saw her coming and mary cried out hello the voice of her salutation rang in the ears of elizabeth and the contact with the unborn jesus in mary and the unborn john in elizabeth caused john to leap in his mother's womb and elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost but the baptismal measure was not yet given john chapter 7 jesus there in the great feast in jerusalem when the priest was walking up those steps pouring out the water quoting from isaiah hallelujah talking about that forward joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation jesus standing on a distant hill cried out if any man thirst let him come to me and drink hallelujah and the bible says this speak he of the spirit which they that believed on him would receive because at this time the holy ghost was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified so since the holy ghost was not generally given they didn't know what to expect all that they did was went to the upper room and waited hallelujah since they didn't know anything else better to do they held an election so now lord we understand from the prophet david that one had to fall a son of perdition so now show us between justice and matthias who it is that you have selected to be that 12th apostle they voted in matthias and we don't hear anything else from him and god one day on the damascus road say i've ordained somebody else and he picks up and anoints the apostle paul saul of tarsus and puts him into that place god yet directs the affairs of his church hallelujah so after they had an election finally the day of pentecost came and early in the morning winds start blowing and they heard and somebody start speaking in another tongue that's what the bible said when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all together in one place and with one accord when suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and they appeared unto them clothing tongues like the fire and sat upon each of them and they were filled with the holy ghost they wouldn't have even known what was happening had they not remembered jesus said holy ghost and when they heard the wind they said this is it he was giving us to know what he was talking about and it was not until the wind began to blow that they understood what was happening with them in the upper room well look at it without the breath of the lord the church can do nothing we are just another dead institution without the breath of the lord go with me for a moment to the book of genesis god has created in five days now everything that is in existence the heavens the earth the sea the things that are therein and on the sixth day he reaches down and scoops up through forms it in his own image and here's adam standing like a department store mannequin everything is in shape the head the arms the legs the torso everything is standing there beautiful but there is no life until the lord into his nostrils the breath of life and then he becomes a living soul if that's not enough go with me to the book of ezekiel two great armies had collided in battle and something happened that caused both armies to withdraw all of a sudden not even taking the time to bury their and wild dead corpses are lying out in the valley after a while the vultures the the brothers from heaven began to fly in and pick the flesh off of the bone the jackals began to walk through when the wolves and they picked off whatever they could pick and finally when every bit of flesh is gone and the sun begins to bleach those bones in the sun and while the jackals and bubbles are still moving bones become disjointed and disconnected and god called it zekel and said go down and look in the valley and ezekiel first of all he took a close look he walked around the valley and looked then he drew close and walked and looked and when he saw all of this devastation skeletons everywhere broken and disconnected god called him out of heaven and said son of man can these bones live he said i don't know lord but you know and the lord said i'll tell you what if they're going to live prophesy preach to the bones and say oh ye dry bones and hear the word of the lord and john brother ezekiel took a text and stopped preaching preaching the dead bones and after a while bones began to get in place here you had the little finger bone up by the skull trying to be the head but he preached until bones got in that place and the toe bones connected to the foot bone and the foot bone to the ankle bone and the ankle bone to the leg bone and leg bone to the knee bone and the knee bone to the thigh bone and dive on to the hip bone and hip bone to the spine bone and the spine bone up to the neck bone and neck bone to the head bone and then the shoulder bone connected to the spine bone and the arms and the hands and fingers and everything got in place and here the bones are standing in the valley and after a while sinew skin comes on the bones and here they are standing up like a mighty army but they are still dead and ezekiel want to know lord how can i bring them the life he said keep on preaching but now preach to the wind and he turned to the north wind and told the north wind to blow turned to the south wind and told the south wind to blow turned to the east and took the east wind to blow and then he tore the west wind to blow and after a while all you could hear in the valley was the wind began to blow and when the wind began to blow there was a shaking in the valley i don't care what you said our churches can be as well organized as anything you want to see ushers are in their uniform marching on time choir in their uniforms singing melodious music preachers in that clerical of time ready to deliver the word but we will still be dead until the wind begins to blow and that's why i tell the lord every once in a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody in here tonight you need to experience a fresh wind from heaven you ought to be tired of going to church sitting and nothing happened but what happened last week and the week before that and the week before that you ought to be tired of trying to get up enough energy to go forth in a dance you ought to be tired of trying to make up a tongue you need to say lord let the wind blow again [Music] i need you to breathe on me [Music] hallelujah gonna have to quit but i want you to know right now god is ready to move in his church like he haven't moved in a long time we are on my god right at the border of a new century i know a lot of folks that we already in the new millennium but when you count it a hundred years is a century and a new century does not begin at the end of year 99 and the beginning of the year 100 but a century does not end until you get to midnight of the first 100 years so the new millennium doesn't really start until we get to the end of this year we're getting ready to step into a new millennium ready to step into a new century and god is saying i will do a new thing i'll do a new thing in you what i did on azusa street nearly a hundred years ago i hear the lord say i'm ready to do it again but if you want it you got to seek the lord time is out for two minutes of praise time is out for repeating all prayers god wants us to seek him as never before i hear the prophet said come let us return to the lord for he has smitten and he will heal us after three days he'll revive us after two days he'll revive us and the third day we'll live in his sight somebody in here that want god to do a new thing in you he wants you to start seeking him like you never saw him before i'm not looking for a new cadillac i'm not looking for a new house but i want god to breathe on me like he did when i first got saved lord touch me again [Music] stand on your feet hallelujah glory to god is there anybody in here that really wants god to breathe on you again what does he say in his word if any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything you can ask what you will and it shall be done i want everybody in here to turn to one somebody and catch them by both of their hands if they're the third person near you let that third person be included in your circle of prayer i don't want you to ask god to do anything for you but i want you to pray for that person are those persons whom you're holding by the hand [Music] thank you lord jesus [Music] [Music] pray for those persons whose hands are holy tell god to give them a new anointing i cursed the work of satan in your home i cursed the work of satan on your job i curse the work of satan even in your church shock order not about savior i command the blessings of god into your life she opened up the wind that's blowing again hey hallelujah god sent the new anointing sunday hey another touch of your power here [Music] hey hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah even while you're praying pray health into the life of that person you're praying for cursed sickness and disease illness and infirmity because you need a well body for god to use you to his glory god heal you now god deliver you now god revive you now in the name of jesus shared a little sunday hallelujah hallelujah woman the lord heal you god cast the devil out man god set you free right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on now and begin to praise him come on and begin to praise it hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you lord jesus is in the room the holy ghost is in the room yeah yeah yeah [Music] glory to god thank you lord now i want you to turn to somebody and tell them the holy ghost is here [Music] and in the name of jesus i command you to be healed be delivered and be set free come on and give him praise in here hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] are you ready for your miracle are you ready for your second touch my god my god listen i'm gonna count the seven and on the count of seven i want you now to just begin to praise god with everything in you you may start off a little heavy but i'm here to tell you you're gonna praise your way into the presence of god for in his presence you can have whatever you need tonight hallelujah on the count of seven i want everybody in here to shout hallelujah to the top of your voice and after you shout hallelujah i want you to just start praising him with everything that's in you one two three four five six seven come on and praise him [Music] glory [Music] come on and praise it call it praise it call it praising [Music] hallelujah [Music] all right come on and praise it [Music] glory [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and praise his name open your mouth give him the fruit of your lips hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yet standing and i don't want another soul to walk out of this building the lord spoke to me back in 1997 after having so many letters to come across my desk and phone calls from people all over this country saying bishop patterson you know i have a husband i have a brother i have a son that won't go to church but they listen religiously to your television ministry and the lord spoke to me and said as you go across the country many of those people will come out simply because their television preacher is in town [Music] but the lord said that's your time to bring them to me hallelujah there are souls in here tonight [Music] that if you don't come to jesus tonight you may never again have the opportunity everybody should be standing on your feet now nobody is on their way out the door in just a few moments i'm going to ask everybody to be seated in a few moments but you who know that you don't have jesus in your life don't you dare sit but be a man be a woman doesn't take an effort to run in a gang wolves and dogs run in packs cowards run in gangs young man you're not demonstrating your manhood by running with the game but you can demonstrate that you're a real man if you'll stand tonight when everybody else sits and give your life to jesus christ not only sinners who have never given your life to jesus but there are people here in a backslidden condition you used to be on fire for god you were in the church but something happened that turned you off the lord told me to remind you that that usher that choir member that preacher that church mother that whoever it was deacon that turned you off they didn't die for your sins i just wish nobody else would walk unless you're coming down here come and give your life to jesus if you know you're yet in sin if you know you're a backslider don't you dare sit while the rest of you may be seated but if you know you need jesus don't you dare sit and step to the nearest aisle and come here right now don't worry about what other folk are doing you step to the nearest aisle come here now you are under divine orders the holy ghost commands you to come right now all across the front spread across the front here come on saint you ought to be praising god you ought to be praising god the holy ghost is at work [Music] shonda that hallelujah come on give your life to jesus glory to god thanks come on and give god some praise in here heaven is already rejoicing glory to jesus [Music] come on come on come on christ to you oh my brother we are for christ to you oh my sister [Music] he will give you a brand new life he'll give you life abundantly come on come on hallelujah that's right preachers lay hands on them god is delivering you from that 12th condition god is delivering you right now lift up your hands and give him praise come on lift him up as surrenderance god touch you now from the ground of your head to the very soul you feel open your mouth and begin to tell him yes lord yes lord i give you my life i give you my everything yes lord hallelujah come on and keep praising him come on and keep praising him [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] to you my sister will give you a brand new life come on [Music] there's a move of god going on at this altar but while these are breaking through for their soul salvation if you all over this audience would just keep opening your mouth and giving god praise he's out there ready to heal you he's ready to put your house your home back together hallelujah glory to jesus come on and praise him with everything in you praise him from the depths of your spirit praise him [Music] oh praise the lord to cry hallelujah i don't know who the chief soul when he [Music] department is somebody needs to take them to another room [Music] washington where are you hallelujah [Music] listen i want to say this and i still said don't nobody else leave god's not through with you yet [Music] elf washington is on his way out there where you are dr maynard that's right elder washington as soon as you can [Music] now listen listen you workers [Music] elder washington is right here in the middle eye i want every one of you who answered the invitation to go down that aisle and follow him he's going to talk to you just a little bit more follow him nobody else should be walking except these people following elder washington hallelujah that's right workers [Music] these who are yet under the anointing you catch them and lead them on out carry them let them follow washington [Music] [Music] do you all see these souls do you know what heaven is doing do you know what heaven is doing my bible says just one sinner may kevin rejoice now we ought to be praising god with every fiber of our being right now come on and praise him somebody [Music] hey [Music] come on come on many of you all know the presence of the lord is here [Music] is so arise from your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in your embrace [Music] [Music] this listen while the glory of the lord's presence is yet so evident in this room i want you to allow god now to bless your finance i want every person in this room with the exception of seven people that the lord will speak to to give 100 and 25 people that the lord will speak to to give twenty dollars i want everybody in here that has ten dollars in your possession i want you to get it in your hand and we're not going to even do as the usher so beautifully directed the marching but we're going to do like the people did in bible days we're gonna press our way to this table and we're gonna praise god while we come and we're gonna lay that gift on the altar we're gonna give it to the lord as a gift of thanksgiving i'm not gonna call you out and call your name for giving the hundred dollars you're gonna slip it in because your blessing is coming from the lord i'm not gonna separate you that's giving the 20 you're going to slip it in and everybody else is going to give 10 and right now lord i know that this is fertile soil and the ground is productive and every seed that is sown that you are going to bless it in a powerful way
Channel: Kyoung83
Views: 12,955
Rating: 4.8239999 out of 5
Keywords: northern california first jurisdiction, ncfjcogic, bishop ge patterson, cogic convocation
Id: gF1e1Gma5V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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