Discerning Between The Holy And The Phony

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] over here my cry give heed to my okay open your I got this this morning this was kind of a fun way to introduce this message and Psalms 14 to the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand in some translations it says have discernment and seek God so I was looking this up this morning in the Hebrew the Hebrew was always spoke with pictures they would have pictures and the picture of discernment is actually about eating from the palm of an open hand and you think about an animal if you go somewhere and not just any animal is going to come up and eat out of the palm of your hand they have to know that you're there that they are you're not going to hurt them they have to trust you so this is a sign of discernment now the the spirit that we want to talk about today has a lot to do with we have to discern between the holy and the phony and the people that walk by the spirit they have discernment the people that walk in the flesh don't this that we we talked last week about the sons of Eli that was the sons that were walking in disobedience and rebellion and because of that the the anointing lifted off of them they no longer we're going to be priests unto the Lord but they were still priests and this is what we have to know there's still the mixture today so it's up to us to discern who's got the anointing who doesn't if you read false doctrine and you follow false teachers do you know it's poison to you we have just like our food if it's filtered with GMOs and all this other stuff it'll affect you it might not affect us right away but it's it's intended to cause a spiritual death false doctrine false teaching so what we listen to is very very important in who we listen to and this hour is very very important so here this discerning in the Hebrew is the action displayed of trust God is looking for a people who will trust him and are waiting to eat from his open palm they need to trust the Shepherd to come to eat and to be filled the true Shepherd's feed the sheep the false shepherds fleece the Sheep the true shepherds lay their life down for the Sheep the false shepherds see what they can get out of the Sheep and as soon as there's trouble and you have problems they don't really care about you you're just a number you're just a giving unit you might be whatever not so in the kingdom with God people are precious people are more important than things you can always tell when ministries get off the equipment or their building is more important than the people Jesus died for people these buildings are all going to go up in flame one day not that we don't take care and honor things but you know I'm saying the focus of a true minister is like this I want you to be able to come and eat freely you know in the kids to the God says Jesus says let the kids don't forbid him let them come kids are smarter than you think they know how to manipulate you don't forget it they know they're smarter than they look if they can't manipulate mom they'll go after dad mom dad said this what do you think I mean you all were there you know what I mean so God knows these kids are smart they can handle meat they can handle things spiritually so they can grow up but to discern is a clear knowledge of good and evil understanding to see and know to judge or form an opinion by weighing of evidence and testing now this is one thing that our movement has really lost is the testing and discerning of spirits to see if a teaching is right if a minister's right we have been all you got to be positive you got to think positive and that was by design to keep everyone deceived because if you if you take off the mask of a wolf and you let them know that's not the Bible you are not free they don't like that and usually if a person is walking in the spirit that challenge is something and I'm not talking in a bad way but in humble way you're a threat you become the problem in other words when the presence of God shows up it sets the devil's kingdom all away he doesn't like his plans interrupted because the Eloi sons of Eli the reason why they lost the anointing is through sin and rebellion and the the Lord said that they're going to continue so we have to separate and discern we have to pray for discernment and God will teach us he's going to teach us this teachings right this might be because the false and the truth go in the same vein false preachers preach truth that's the deception they preach truth but just enough poison 1% poison in in rat poisoning 99% poison it's that 1% so if you have the Holy Spirit what living in you're in communion and your lamps are full and you're walking with Him we are not to practice his presence we're supposed to live in it so I call this church living in his presence we're called to live there it's not just visit but we're called to abide so when you're abiding with him and all of a sudden that poison comes the Holy Spirit lets you know that's not me maybe you take that but don't swallow this it's same what that's what's happened with discernment in the body of Christ at fault oh don't touch the anointed that's totally out of context to not say you can't judge a person's teaching whatever I teach you better discern it it's up to you and it's your responsibility forgot check to see if these things are so like the Bereans did you look in the Bible and say is this right everybody can miss it some people are at different levels but it's up before our walk with God and God will teach us he's going to teach us how do we learn through trial and error we've all missed it we've all blown it and that's the good news is that you know as I was studying this listen could thank God for Samson he repented because he was in the wrong camp he had a gift but he leaned on the gift he didn't lean on the Lord he got into all this kinds of sin but he had enough sense to repent in such a turnaround that he ended up in the Hebrews Hall of Fame so Wow so I don't care where you're at especially that are listening all over the place it doesn't matter where you've come from it's where you're going repent turn around and say god I want to be in your endtime Church I want to let go of whatever it is that's this addiction or this problem or whatever it is nothing is worth it in this hour I'm telling you we the day is short it's a lot shorter than people realize there's a lot of stuff going on but the Bible says judgment begins in the house of God so he's judging things he's removing his candlestick he is he's removing it and the problem is most people don't know the difference they can't tell they don't know what the real glory is so when it when things are lifted they're just like I guess this is just as usual the the church that anything goes that's what we're in now the church that anything goes so we have to discern and then the phony is something that's not genuine or it's not real it's intended to deceive or mislead it's dishonest it's making a false show and I think of how many times we go someplace and it's supposed to be worshipping God and it's turned into a show and the problem is he didn't show up and in first Kings 8:10 let's look there that'll be our first Scripture we really all look together here and I want you to see some important things this is Solomon the whole the whole trail of the Ark is another whole message we won't go there but the Ark of the Covenant represents the anointing the presence of God the Word of God that was the most important thing on the face of the earth and now the Holy Spirit lives in us so we're the temple but we need the Old Testament because it teaches us so many things that are still here that we that we can implement in our lives now now we're all called to be sons and daughters and priests and kings but back in the Old Testament they just had separate ones and they had to go to them to get their sins forgiven and all that now Jesus has paid the ultimate price but these lessons are still valuable to us because we see that in the Lord there's always a separation the sheep from the goats the the ten virgins five had oil five didn't we wanted to have oil in our lamps there's people around you that might not be hungry they don't really care you've got to make sure that your walk with God is first place in your life because you've got to have oil in your lamps right this is very important so here it says in solomon in verse 1 that they might bring up the ark of the covenant to the lord in zion now underline zion because we're gonna come back to zion zion represents the city of a living god whose builder and maker is God we are part of that like you know Abraham came out he said he was looking for the city that was builder and a maker was God that this there's really not a place in the natural that we can say is a city of God it's in the spirit realm and so Zion represents the Bride of Christ it resembles that are fallen away that are backslidden that are rebellious like elias's house Eli's house his two sons represent the backslidden priesthood so always keep that in mind so Zion represents the city the living God whose builder and maker is God and vs. Babylon which we're going to end with Babylon the false church systems so you know the difference verse 8 I guess its first 10 that anyway they all get together I just don't have time to go into all this but always read before and read after even though we don't have time to today verse 10 it came to pass when the priests were come out of the holy place now there's that holy place where the presence of God is now not everybody can go into that place the the the sons of Eli were cursed now they can't go in they can't minister to the Lord they can only want minister to the people they can have funerals they can take care of stuff they can do this and that but as far as coming to church sitting at the feet you know you're not going to hear much about the real Spirit of God you're not going to hear about the deep things of God why they don't know them they don't know them they don't understand them why they're not connected you've got to be connected you've got a got to live in the spirits you got to know him so here they were in this holy place you have to know there's an outer court that's why he's telling you earlier a lot of people like praise but they don't want to get past the pretty and I like praise - you got there's times you need praise to break off things but you don't want to stay in the outer court you want to go in you know so you want to worship Him that's where all the good stuff happens is in that holy place so here they're coming out of the holy place from and the cloud the filled the house of the Lord this represents his presence this represents that God showed up in the house so that the priest could not stand a minister because of the cloud for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord in these end times we're gonna have to discern between the true glory and the false glory because there's definitely a counterfeit whatever God does the devil tries to counterfeit it so God wants his people to know the true the real and the genuine now Ichabod meant that the glory of the Lord has departed it's the end of the Lord filling the temple with his presence it left through disobedience and sin it represents a church system that operates outside of the presence of God it's normal when people love God and they're all in one heart one might forgot to show up we cannot be satisfied without God showing up that's what the world is were the people of God we want him it's so hard to find him these days because he's lifted his presence he's grieved he's starting to judge the churches that that we used to find him in why they've displeased him it's a whole it's a I mean we have to get the fear of God back to do things his way amen the flesh loves religion organ is organized religion and it creates an Ishmael what's an Ishmael again it's that presence of God is no longer there twisted substitute or compromise it's the flesh it's man bill his own name his own reputation and just concerned about himself people that are walking in the flesh or nicob otter and pride it's all about them it's all about their ministry it's all about who they are the more you walk with God the more you're gonna know it's not about men God gets all the glory no flesh I wrote a book no flesh no glory it wasn't a very popular book in the faith message people didn't want to hear about they wanted to build God wants to build his church he doesn't want us to do it God wants to connect people and these end times he wants to build his church and it's not going to be anything like what we thought it was supposed to look like because he's doing it he's not doing it according to men he's doing it according to his spirit so the false church will have Nick elations Nick elation ISM and also I'm saying it right but it's the clergy over the people they rule they dominate they intimidate they they don't let the people of God come forth with their with their gifts they control them they that's God said in Revelations he hated the Nikoli he hates that system because in him were all kings and priests you're we're all sons and daughter there's no great big one and now we honor people that have gifts but we all have gifts and ministers are only signposts they just direct you they're not to be worshipped God is not into cult personality this last generation we have lifted up men and it's grieved God we've made idols out of preachers love some and despised others usually the ones that are despised are the ones that God's with people don't know the difference because they're calling them to repentance they're calling to live right they're calling them into holiness you can't separate the presence of God from holiness that's who he is and righteous living holiness and righteousness go with God people that don't want to live that way won't like you if that's your message why they're gonna take in twists scriptures God's accepts everyone God's everything now is about you know all all come together God's not in that message and it will fail anything that God's not in its gonna be shaken right now it's getting built but it will be shaken and it will fall so the sons of Eli hophni and Phinehas they kept their duties but they couldn't hear from God the organized church business as usual the result of the Eli system is humanism I can do it this is what happens when you teach a truth and you're not walking in the Lord they can teach it truth about confessing the word and now you can confess the word apart from God you don't need God you know what to say so no it's all about YOU isn't it you know how arrogant that is his church just blabbing things not under there not under the direction of the Holy Spirit not being controlled by him not being led by him doing things in his name for our own glory it's like little children that have never grown up playing Church why they know not the Lord half truths are preached Ichabod is a name for religious people who have lost their true source of light and power when God was in the temple the presence was there more things can happen when we get in his presence he changes us we can't change ourselves we can get into these self-help teachings and we're trying all this since but you put God first and he changes you from glory to glory we are being changed in his presence just by him being in our midst just like they were being changed when they stood in the presence of the holy place they couldn't even stand the and there is a true not being able to stand in his presence but there's a fake of pushing people down and making you feel like you got the anointing so tired of that Ichabod is the result of a flesh oriented religions it's a flesh oriented religion now the devil's not against religion in fact he invents them there's so many religions out there but there's only one way Jesus is the way the truth and the life right but I want to just share a little bit about this ichabod how it was born this spirit of Ichabod and these people that can minister on the outer courts that are that are in our ministry they have in ministries they have filthy robes on if you could see in the spirit the Lord says they're filthy they haven't changed their clothes you know when you change your clothes in your dirty you you have to take shower you have to get right well in the presence of God we need to have a spiritual clothes on I can't go into all that right now but you there's just everything about it is honoring the Lord and he said if you honor me I'm gonna honor you well Eli and his sons didn't honor God and they got dishonored right so our whole goal and our hardest to honor the Lord and everything we do not just on Sundays but whatever we do whatever you're doing when you're working it's not a secular you're doing it in the spirit is under the Lord wherever you are kids wherever you are whatever you're doing we're doing it in the spirit we're living in the spirit every second of every day our mind is focused on it's a supernatural thing or hunger for him and he just draws us in we're like a magnet we're just walking around with him it becomes a biting how people are saying well you got to have fruit you got have look apart from him we can't do it so as you abide in him and you're you're focusing on him and you're just wanting to be with him then all of a sudden you start having good fruits because it's his faith it's not us working ourselves up into a great old faith message to have faith you're abiding with him and actually when he wants you to do something he'll even give you the gift of faith it means I I'm supposed to do this another man I have faith to do this or I have faith to give this away I mean why it's it's really God sharing his life with us it's his love it's not your love that you have to muster up to love some guy you hate as you walk with him you all of a sudden start you see it I mean it's the abiding and then the fruit comes because you're abiding in him so Ichabod is the birth from a sad Union now you think about the sons of Eli were committing fornication outside the temple people could see it Eli even heard about it and he's like what's this I hear so it was common knowledge so think about this poor wife of this dude she's pregnant now and she she was in a compromised position she knew he was sleeping with other women and she's pregnant with the Sun and when she finds out that the Ark is taken she dies in childbirth and she says we're gonna call this child Ichabod means the presence of God has left this is what Ichabod is in our churches it's a compromised situation everything's compromised his words being watered down his words being altered added to or taken away the fear of God is in Revelation we don't touch his we declare what he says we don't add to it we don't take away from we don't take it and say there is no hell everybody's saved now all these things are adding to diluting the emergent church the ecumenical church all that stuff is adding on and we're losing a lot of people that don't understand because they're being taught wrong but I believe if they'll listen to the Holy Ghost she's going to tell them because you have the Holy Spirit inside of you if you listen and you have to study outside of a lot of times what you're hearing so it Chabad is the birth from a sad unit of the compromise and the compromisers and here's this this priestly husband who wouldn't repent but also think about the the woman Eli's sons were rebellious they didn't receive correction but also that wife she didn't speak up against the system so a lot of people that just get buried in that Eli system and they don't dare speak up they just stay and I want to say why do you stay where God has left it's time for people to start leaving those ichabod places where do we go only God knows God will lead us but we have to come out from a part of B we have to come out from among us among them Eli sons were rebellious they didn't receive correction they get mad and offended if you're part of the remnant when you get rebuked it doesn't feel good for anyone's flesh but you receive the chastening of the Lord whom the Lord loves he rebukes and he chastens you a good old SWOT and the spirit doesn't hurt anybody means God loves you you're going the wrong way and if you're smart you'll listen Eli's sons didn't receive correction the people of the world this people the spirit you try to warn them you try to tell them to come out from oh now you tell them that Yoga isn't holy there is no such as as Christian yoga all these oh don't don't touch my yoga don't touch my this don't touch my that that's another sermon I don't touch my Harry Potter that's another sermon all this witchcraft stuff that's come into churches being it's Ichabod it's a compromised Church people that even would say that that's godly God can't work in the rebellious until that heart has changed in repentance so it's so important that no matter where people are at that they know they can repent now when the Spirit of God is calling you to repent you need to repent you think of David David missed it he blew it but he had a heart that wanted to do right so what do we do you say I'll have just missed it God can't use it that's not true repent turn around receive your lesson and receive your correction and then go on it's time to go on otherwise you're going to be brokenhearted you're going to be condemned and full of shame and guilt and God wants there's people there's things that need to be done we got to get up and move on amen it's not bad to get rejected and hurt but it's a sin to stay there when we can get healed and get fellowship and get over it we just got to get over it it's the time we just got to get over it but don't stay hopeless thinking oh I just blew it everybody has it's how you deal with with that issue amen I want to make sure I didn't I'm I had so many okay yeah that's what it was so here's Ichabod Eve's child that was born out of lust and a mother too obedient to the system to not speak out Ichabod's born of lust when you're walking with the Lord it's very important that it's his he's the quarterback it's his plan we get in lust and we want stuff ministers want a new building they want a new addition they want this they want that out of the direction of the Lord we get in trouble because now we're building our own kingdoms and God's not he if he didn't order it he doesn't have to pay for it so that means that means that ministers got to raise money to pay for it it's got to put all the pressure on the sheep now you know that's against God's will God does not want those kind of systems putting pressure on his sheep some of those people can't even pay their bills and they're bringing in their you know and then they're getting oh we can't we can't support the pastor's vision no it's it's ichabod everyone say Ichabod the system first samuel 2:35 he says I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind so the Zadok priests Zadok was the one that followed God and that's the type of what Scott's saying now in the in the New Testament he wants the priesthood we're called to be kings and priests every one of us doesn't matter what your ages what your nationality we're called to be sons and priests to him to minister to him and he wants us to stand before him and obey Him he says I'm going to raise him up who will do according to that which is in my heart in my mind so those that stand between the Lord and His people must be channels and not barriers hypocrites put up barriers the hypocrites put up walls they made it so hard to serve God remember Sampson he left hairless blind but he repented again don't be encouraged don't be discouraged if you've fallen get back up because I believe there's a lot of people on this hour they have missed it they have blown it but they're going to be refined God's going to use them God didn't send those messes but he'll use it a lot of things aren't god-sent but they can be God used Jesus and his Brides holy uncompromising unspotted will have glorious children you have a really true Shepherd that the people are healthy they're full of vitality and nutrition and they're hungry people that are under these bad systems they come with fire and there's something in the atmosphere and they leave discouraged they just leave grieved Ichabod is always the result of the Eloi system the anything-goes church anything that can bring people in but remember anything that can bring people in also drives a spirit of God out and you have to decide what you want talking to some preachers out there let me give you a little bit about what the sons of Zadok are like the Holy priesthood what God wants us to be in Ephesians 2 21 and whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord and who you are also built together for at what a habitation of God we're we're here today just to be with God we want to learn about him some people didn't like learning about the New World Order and the new world religion but you got to know that too why because it's here in our myths we have to know what's in our culture we have to know what we're fighting against we have to know that we have to stand against it and God has to have people that'll speak to it that it becomes judgment do you know the sons of Zadok are the ones that judge God gives him authority in the earth so if we're afraid and don't want to know truth and don't speak out things don't happen in the spirit realm the way they're supposed to happen God is depending on his remnant to obey Him amen so they're built together for a habitation of God through the spirit we live in the temple with him it's death to pride the first things got to go if you're all about you it's not about you it's not about us there comes the stripping when you start walking with God he's like you don't need that you don't why do you we were taught before if you had faith you had all this stuff God's not interested in so much the stuff he's interested in your heart he's interested are you gonna obey me are you gonna do what I've asked you to do I always say assignments he gives you assignments and when he tells you there's just something we have to obey it fully and when you obey Him with that assignment he'll give you another one amen so it's death to pride so we want to walk be and be humble and obedient sons of Eli were disobedient and they were rebellious its death to personal agendas now it's a it's a matter of I want what the Lord wants what does the Lord want me to do they don't practice the presence of God they live in it and that's for every child of God to live in his presence it's not just for the deluxe view it's to walk in the spirit walk in the spirit that's the exciting life that they live in it they hear they can hear from the Lord people that are walking right can hear people that aren't they pretend they're religious even the false prophets they prophesy stuff that's so often wrong they just prophesy to hear them self-talk and they want to be somebody or they want to put pride in someone they're prophesying over that's such childhood games we don't have time for that but the two sons they hear they listen and they see the religious system is simply lip service the sons of Eli were rebellious they didn't receive correction they get mad and offended we have to guard our heart we have to live in a day that we are have unoffending hearts what does that mean because the Bible says in the end times many shall be offended and they shall betray no matter what kind of a word God gives us if it's from him it might be a hard word to our flesh we have to receive it why it adjusts us and it prepares us for what's coming it gets us oil in our lamps so if you miss what God was saying you know for the last five years you know you thank God you can catch up sometimes but he wants to prepare his people he wants to get a people that's prepared we can't be wimpy in this hour there's so many people that don't I don't want to hear that I don't want to see that God wants us to hear see and know he wants us to know what's coming he wants to prepare a bride that knows what's coming God can't work in the rebellious until they have their their change of heart did I go over this okay when the the Eli system is at work it does not matter if a prophet arrives if God speaks the main thing that Eli system is concerned is that the program goes on as usual the to Heather show must go on the true sons of God want to hear the Lord if God's not in it they're really not interested because they've got to know what God is saying it's just the way you are so if you're that way be thankful you don't fit in with a lot of other people because they don't have oil in their lamps and they're not going to be prepared they're not going to be ready in ezekiel 9:4 and I shared this last week but even in Ezekiel I believe this is true today it's a mark upon the foreheads of the man that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that are in the midst of it God marked him judgment didn't come on those people and I believe God we're safe from the judgment of God when we obey Him when we're grieved when we do what he tells us to do when we point out the true sons of Zadok have to preach between the profane and the holy the clean the unclean it's something they have to do because you have to teach people discernment so they know you can partake of that it's okay don't eat of that you're not oh you're just critical you're judgmental you're a heretic no you're a seeker of truth and truth needs to be separated it needs to be rightly divided you have to discern this is okay to eat you know your hand is out openly you can partake of that nope that's bad for your spiritual health that'll cause you trouble if you swallow that Hosea 4 9 says and there shall be like the people like the priests I will nice them for their ways and reward their doings there is judgment coming but if you're high if your heads marked with the presence of God that you're walking in his ways he's not going to judge you because you know why you've judged yourself if you judge yourself you won't be judged isn't that awesome so you don't have to be afraid we're walking with a with the Lord that we love that we have communion with we have fellowship with the sons of Eli think he's mean so they stay distant from him they don't want to approach him they don't want to worship Him they stay far away you tell us what God's saying they're very content with someone else to go get the word for God for them and to spoon-feed them I don't want to get too close not true with the remnant the closer the better why you're not afraid of him you love him just like you love your mom and your dad you know if you've done something wrong you might have to repent and get back in their presence again same thing with the Lord so we have to repent sometimes but we're not afraid of them because we have his mark on us now the new world religion will keep the Eli systems going but they will seek to crush the sons of Zadok they will try to destroy the two sons of God this is what the war of the Saints is in the end times in the Book of Revelations that's why I believe there is an underground church coming why because the new world order religion new world religion is ecumenical ISM we're all joined everybody's accepted except for Jesus is the only way you have to know this is the fight that we're in this is the the life that we're living now in this age Daniel had his fight Noah had his fight we have our fight we have to know Noah screamed and you know there's a flood coming they laughed at him didn't they only mist came from the ground there was no flood there was no water coming from the sky why they'd never heard of it well we're in a day where we're seeing an experience and things that have never happened before but God has his Watchmen but we've got to listen and we've got to be obedient we got to stay connected so we know what God's doing because he will show his people he always has and he always will but he said as far as the bad priests if the priests are bad and the people follow him guess what the people are gonna be just like them if the priests have unholy garments and it's okay to do this and that guess what the people will be just like them the sons of Zadok they died to bribes you can't bribe a tomb in a true man or a woman of God well I'll give you money if you do this or that and you can oh if you get rid of the anointing if you I'll give you this I'll pay you under the table you can't do that look at the Old Testament some of those guys some of their assistants went and went back and got the bribes didn't they and they got leprosy but the true man of God wouldn't money money is not his guide as he's God he's died - letting money rule his life and that's what we all have to do we can't go somewhere just because it's a better job if God told you not to go there and you lose your family you can't serve money it's our tool to serve Him amen the ranks are not large but they're growing in spiritual power the difference is that the masses are usually wrong look at the Old Testament the masses are always wrong they're going after the bread the loaves of fishes but the the two sons of God have the authority spiritual authority and there are always prayer lawyers they know how to pray and change things in the spirit they're not doing it for recognition and it's hard to recognize the son of Zadok except for another one when you meet one you know one because you're known each other by the spirit people that are the flesh they don't get you they don't understand your giftings they don't understand what you see you know you can't expect them to they're living on the outer court so they're easily recognized only by other like-minded spirits their hardest to please God no other plan will do there is simply no place for the sons of Zadok in the Eloi system God might have you there first season to be alight but eventually there will be no place why because you don't go the way they want to go their presence brings judgment they have to discernment and they uncover and expose since sometimes it's a very minister since they don't want you around call for repentance they all call for repentance and they live a crucified life if you've if you've got parents like this the kids are always having to live right and be right it's just the way they are their parents are living in the presence of God they want their kids to live in the presence of God too they carry the presence of God it's not just for ministers because you're all ministers we're all to be carrying the Ark and the presence of God wherever your arena of influence is then they're usually rejected as being negative and not fitting in with the way things are supposed to be done sons obey the voice of the Lord no matter the tasks assigned he must obey it to the letter with which he's charged God asks you to do something and you know it's God we need to do it even when it's hard calling us away from certain things that were normal it's easy while this seems hard this seems different we have to obey Him there's a reason and there's a purpose for everything he asks us to do the courts of heaven have no room for the fearful and the unbelieving he wants us to obey Him and it's in its it when you're connected to him he gives you the strength and the power to do it why there is one builder the Lord there's one set of plants his plants there's one to church now I want to close with this Hebrews 11:10 the difference between Mount Zion the city of the Living God and Babylon we need to know the difference because we are going to see a lot I believe in this next year I believe this is a year of revealing a lot of the compromising churches that you thought were bad are going to get worse there's going to be things introduced in some of these churches God's warning us now don't be shocked you know but I'm gonna read this just parts of some of this if you aren't ready for this teaching you're gonna be offended if you're if you're not part of the Spirit and what God's already been doing refining you and separate these things are offensive to you because they don't seem possible but when you're living in the spirit and the glory it's just normal does that make sense you with me okay so Zion is is where Jesus is Lord it's call it the City of God the bride whatever we're God's taking these people Babylon is the harlot Church of the sons of Eli the people that won't pay the price it's the world it's the flesh itself Zion refers to the true body the bride Babylon refers to the false church system of men's traditions and religions Zion is a people the people of God Babylon is a thing it's a church institution and systems people get addicted to the thing we're we're supposed to be connected to him people get they start worshiping their churches it becomes the thing we'll just call it the thing Babylon is characterized by organizations institutions and systems God does not flow in the plans of man we either get his plan we worship him in the holy place we come with clean hands and clean hearts he shows up if we don't do it his way guess what he doesn't show up we're left with hype we're left with entertainment we're left with social programs another program to entertain us men are really good at organizing those Zion consists of people who've been born into it Babylon consists of people who have joined it or been voted into it Zion is the people who are called by the name of Jesus Babylon is a people who are called by many different names that represent divisions within the Babylonian church system all these different Methodist Presbyterian pentacle all of them it's just all these different titles Zion is Jesus entered Babylon is self-centered I don't like preachers that all they preach about itself yourself it's better it's a oh it's like a carrot it's always a carrot it's just always one more thing you got to do and then you're gonna get this when you're living with crud in Christ it's all his you you just get connected to him it's simple its childlike Zion is Jesus entered Babylon it's all about you self centered Zion is living by the spirit Babylon is living after the flesh can you handle it just a few more minutes of this Zion is heavenly Babylon is earthly Zion is Grace Babylon is law Zion is life Babylon is death Zion is being remember was talking about abiding just being with him Babylon is doing its another work you got to do it's just one more thing that you got to do Zion is rest Babylon is works Zion is light Babylon is darkness Zion is humility Babylon is full of pride arrogance and haughtiness Zion is the kingdom of God Babylon is the kingdom of men but I add on that then come Satan along because then Jezebel comes to intimidate manipulate control in the Babylon Church jazz syan has Jesus Christ as her head Babylon has elected or appointed men as their heads Zion is spirit led people Babylon has led by rules and regulations of man's old making Zion is spirit sensitive Babylon is men pleasing Ziya and his obedience to the Holy Spirit Babylon is busy Church work Zion has accomplished Zion accomplishes things in the Holy Spirit's power Zechariah 4/5 it's not by might not by power but it's by a spirit Babylon tries to accomplish things in the strength of the flesh well you have to do it in the strength of flesh because God's not there you got to force people to give you got to make them give you got to make them feel condemned you got to have our long offerings to put condemnation on people to make them give spirit offerings can take a minute God told you to give to do whatever he says Amen hallelujah the flesh Labor's I don't think I made him feel guilty enough I'm really feeling guilty now God doesn't operate through guilt isn't that free you get convicted you'll get convicted but you don't feel guilty Zion has its authority in the Word of God Bob Babylon places its authority in man-made doctrines we are seeing more man-made doctrines now oh my goodness this doctrine that doctrine Zion preaches Christ and him crucified Babylon proclaims denominations doctrines traditions Creed's personal views and opinions we don't really care about your opinion preacher we want God's opinions think about it you guys this life's gonna be over one day we're gonna stand before him what's he gonna ask us to do did you do what I ask you to do when you were on the earth it's too late then and our works will be judged wood hay and stubble but when you're obedient nothing will burn up because God told you to do it and you did it and sometimes you don't get rewarded down here people don't thank you they don't appreciate what you've done he does everything you've ever done for him is recorded in a book every prayer you've prayed everything you've done for him he's seen it you might not get rewarded down here like you're promised by a lot of preachers you might not get rewards here but you will get them sometimes it is here sometimes you have to give up your father your mother your brother and your sister you have to give him up what does God say I'm gonna give you a spiritual family some of us first had I had to forsake my dad he didn't want me to be a minister but he ended up getting saved hallelujah but I had a lot of other spiritual mothers and fathers God sent me through the years why it's a kingdom blessing just a little more we finish this list Zion is the priesthood of all believers Babylon is the clergy system the clergy are those who want to make a difference between themselves and others we put the clergy so far above we've idolized them we can't touch them they're so holy that I used to mend my old church they's to put us around me all the time because I did have some guy tried to kill me on a Wednesday night yes he came down and he this long story I didn't know about it but the next thing I knew that I was everywhere I went ahead an usher drove me nuts and they wouldn't let me talk to people and then the people thought she's just too good to have people talk talk to her you know they didn't understand that I had a death threat on me I didn't either they didn't want to tell me it would have freaked me out but I said I have the Holy Ghost I don't need all these uh sure's around me but then it became like a pattern of like oh let's a sure in the man of God let's that's just baloney I'm sorry but I love people and we supposed to be around each other we weren't supposed to be ushered off and we have our own security here that's a joke okay let me maybe I won't get to all this I encounter cost babylon counts the money i thought you'd like that wine Sian counts the cost Babylon counts the money it's all about the money let me tell you right now the the ministers that are all about money are not walking in the sons of Zadok don't be deceived and don't think it's just you know it's the Holy Ghost in you that's been grieved all these years never was God never was Dyanne lays down its light Babylon preserves and protects itself Zion waits upon God to raise up with God wants in his timing Babylon schemes organized promotes to excute it executes it in its own plan in its own way and time when God wants us to do something we have to wait sometimes I wish we wouldn't have to wait but sometimes he makes you wait and there's a testing and a waiting he's testing our heart he's testing but in Babylon they make things happen we're gonna send out these letters and we're gonna we're gonna have tithe challenge Rick and if God doesn't give all I know I wasn't planning on saying and if God doesn't give you what you expect we'll give it back don't even go there oh yeah it's very popular right now with man I wonder how God feels about that you're giving us between you and God period Zion waits upon God to raise up what God wants in his timing they scheme Zion seeks the Lord with the whole heart to be possessed by him Zion go Babylon goes after those things and people to possess them you ever felt like you were devoured it's gonna get worse in the end folks Zion is the City of God Babylon seeks to build up a city a tower and a name for itself just like in Genesis 11:14 tsiyon longs to be gathered unto Jesus Babylon passionately seeks to gather people unto men we have to decide which kingdom we want to be off I know that was a little long but just to know the difference between Zion what's of God and what's not of God the ministers in this hour you're gonna have to decide and as far as you and your house and what you're gonna do what are you going to be are you gonna be a son of God are you gonna follow men because this is a day I believe God is shaking and he is going to start judging more and more people are going to start leaving these churches like by droves because God's not there what we need to pray as the people of God is God what do you want to do this has been the system that we've all been under and it's shaking God said everything that can be shaken is going to be shaken we're seeing this in our day it's never happened before like it's going to happen now we don't want people to backslide because most people have to find God on their own now they go to church and they're there they have little flames and their flames get put out their fires are getting put out by these rebellious all I can keep saying is they have dirty garments on they have dirty garments on in the presence of God we want to be holy amen let's pray father we know this is an hour you're shaking everything that can be shaken you're shaking the government you're shaking institutions you're shaking religious systems you said you would this all has to happen but you said you are also preparing a bride in the midst of it you are preparing a bride you are preparing a people that will be on fire for you they might be small a number but they're going to grow an authority grow in power because the more they seek you and find you the more you're going to entrust them with things things and this this this time to do to do in the spirit to do in the natural and father we just thank you for where all this youtubes goes to all these different countries there's remnant people all over the place that feel alone they feel isolated I just prayed that this would encourage them to know the difference between the holy and the profane and not to be weary in well-doing that you're doing the shaking and that they need to come out of these systems and show them all where to go and what to do in Jesus name and we promise to give you alone all the praise and all the glory and father our eyes are on you we thank you for the anointing on each and every one of us that we go about and do what you've asked us to do and everyone said amen you guys okay [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 13,310
Rating: 4.8833818 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: 3ZAf0eOZQB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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