Developing Your Faith To Operate In The Dominion Anointing | Apostle Leroy Thompson Sr.

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when the last time you heard god was worried when the last time you heard god was in fear so when you in fear when you were when you think you're not gonna make it when you listen to all the other outside voices you have left the real question who you are and you've got in a traffic that's taking you in the flesh that's what says they want to do with you say they'll know who you are but do you know who you are your head your senses it runs just like everybody else you have to go in your spirit in order to function as god designed you to function calm down right now i want y'all to calm down with all this mess going on and know who you are and get ready to use your faith to dominate everything around you you might not could help everybody else but you got to know who you are so if you're worried you're out order if you're fearful you're out of order if you think you're going to lose you got older you think some sickness disease gonna kill you you're out order you're back in the natural you thinking like every other natural man like you never was born again like you never the spirit of god never came on the inside of you stop living a bloodless life jesus said tell you he died for you for you to be strong at all times no matter what come i got you covered i'm covered through the death barrier and resurrection of the lord jesus christ jesus is my lord [Music] may be seated praise god i said praise god now we're going to talk about a subject we're still dealing with faith because i know i have to build your faith during these times because fate is uh remember last week the the apostles act of lord increases their faith in luke 17 but he told them you increase your faith by using it and then we had the man who said uh lord i believe but help my unbelief and so unbelief can be in your head but faith can be in your heart and your heart will whip your head every time now this subject must be written down because it's not it's not a normal subject it's it's dealing with faith but it's developing your faith to operate in the dominion anointing i never heard that before developing your faith to operate in the dominion anointing now i had my granddaughter and my grandson they take care of me in the office when i come in dominion you need to get this down before i show you the scripture dominion mean the sovereignty of sovereignty of control or sovereignty or control the student sovereignty or control the territory of a solvent or government sovereign control or solvent of government now solvent is a word not used in the church much but sovereignty means supreme power authority write that down supreme power he whom i serve have supreme power and supreme authority matter of fact i need to say supreme power now next time you're getting feeling worried about something i want you to say that you're here supreme power and supreme authority now another word you're gonna have to have is the word subdue subdue because your fate designed to bring you in that territory subdue mean to overcome quiet i mean you're quiet or bring under control and then another word was starting school this morning over the word over o-v-e-r you're going to see it five times in my text it means extending directly upward from going over a higher level they got uh a layer then so it's been being above in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 developing your faith to operate in the dominion anointing in other words your faith can dominate everything if you're not a not a functioning property you hear what i say when you're operating in faith faith is designed for you to dominate subdue go over anything that happened nothing more powerful than faith all right now in genesis 1 26 i like the way the voice start over that'd mean a lot to me how this voice start all and god say that's good enough for me who said it and god said let's see what he's saying then god said let us make man in our [Music] after our lagness so the two things i want you to get uh understanding your faith is image and you design to act just like god just like jesus image lackness and there's a word you can use to define your character i am see i am you have an i am uh dna in you uh i am whatever god say i am i am see nobody can stop that no problem no sickness no no attack uh your i am-ness is you're in his image you're in his likeness and you have the divine rights to function in his authority his dominion and his power we have to know that and you have to know fate take care of all that authority your faith so he said and god said let us make man in our image after our lagging now what far why make about our limit what image why make man after our lightning what for what what you want us to do god why you made us like you see why you made us like you he said and let them have what underline that in your bible dominion you don't want a circuit if you want over the fish of the sea or the father of the air now listen listen i think over isn't that five times over over over over over so anything you attack with you remember you over that yes you understand that and he put you over he said he said let them have dominion all the fish of the sea and over the father there and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepers up on earth you see that huh so god created man his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them and god blessed him and god said to them be fruitful and multiply be fruitful and multiply you'll be going on on and replenish the earth and subdue it and have what dominion over the fish of the seed over the father there and over every living thing that moves over upon earth you see how much dominion you're supposed to have and so he wants to develop now go to hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 he wants to develop you in faith to operate in the dominion anointing say dominion anointing it's an authority that you have a divine right go to hebrews chapter 11 amen hallelujah praise his holy name tell somebody i'm gonna get something today hallelujah hallelujah glory to god yeah praise his holy name hebrews chapter 11 now now look be real mindful to listen at this verse verse 3 hebrew 11 and 3. notice what it says there through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god now the holy spirit is telling me to to tell you right now i think this is a good statement the word of god and faith are synonymous whatever the word of god says or whatever the word of god can do faith can also do see see the word the word of god so faith come by hearing hearing by the word of god the word of god put god faith god's ability god authority and god dominion in you thank you so much thank you very calling the word of god put god's ability god's authority god's anointing god's dominion god's sovereignty we spell supernatural although all those things i say they spell supernatural image his image and his likeness he meant to tell you you're supernatural faith provokes the supernaturalness in you when you're really operating in faith the supernatural comes out of you see dominion write this down dominion takes you out of man's opinion you're not designed to operate in reason opinion of what people are saying no you put to know that you operate in dominion image and lackness you are designed to call things that be not as though they were because they are and you have a creative force in your mouth all right so he said not this verse i love this verse verse three through faith we understand what i see lord all right you remember in ephesians chapter one when paul prayed that prayer for the church at ephesus he wanted them to understand by the power of the resurrection they over everything all principality power they're over everything when you know that you know things that seem like it's dominating you they are only temporary it's why your senses and your intellect can't catch up with who you are it's where your senses and your intellect can't catch up with who you are so that's why uh he said be still and know him god the traffic is there's so much traffic going on it'll make you think you're normal but you're powerful are you following me and so if you're getting you're getting the reasoning and the opinion traffic and what man's saying what signs saying and what intellect saying and what psychology is saying you're in your head you're not in your heart sir so therefore they want you to function with them but you got to stop pause salah be still meditate and let the real you come up and take over the rest of you you know every time you're worried about something you wasn't in your real image what all right all right since you look at me like that when the last time you heard god was worried when the last time you heard god was in fear so when you in fear when you worry when you think you're not gonna make it when you're listening to all the other outside voices you have left you you have left the real person who you are and you've got in a traffic that's taking you in the flesh that's what says they want to do with you say they'll know who you are but do you know who you are and so your head your senses it runs just like everybody else but you have to you have to go in your spirit in order to function as god designed you to function calm down right now all of you are here i want y'all to calm down with all this mess going on and know who you are and get ready to use your faith to dominate everything around you you might not can help everybody else but you got to know who you are if you think you're gonna lose you got order you think some sickness disease gonna kill you you're out of order you're back in the natural you're thinking like every other natural man like you never was born again like you never the spirit of god never came on the inside of you [Applause] stop living a bloodless life jesus said tell you he died for you for you to be strong at all times no matter what come i got you covered [Applause] you understand that wave your hand at me if you understand that he got in the cover so he got me covered [Applause] i'm covered through the death burial and resurrection of the lord jesus christ jesus is my lord now i'm talking to me so i don't know what you're feeling so i'm not going to be stupid no more as if i'm not gonna make it as if satan can come to my house and do what he won't do and god said he got me covered [Music] i believe it all right now look at this word look at this word through faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen was not made of things which do appear that chapter is talking about faith now operating in faith is an assignment and opportunity from god because two words are strong it's an assignment but it's also an opportunity for you to operate by faith for you to frame your world i have a book on it by faith you know what it says in hebrews 11 and 6 without faith it's impossible please god he that comes to god but believe what that he is and he's a rewarder he's not a robber he's he's not a reason in god no he said he's a rewarder of them that didn't seek him you seek him we have seen him so you're supposed to receive the reward don't let your head tell you nothing else listen with the sovereignty of god backing you up at all time when you're operating by faith when you're operating by faith the sovereignty of god must back you up that's why the hebrew boys came out the fire that's how david took goliath out that's how daniel came out the line then that's why the jericho wall failed that's why the red sea opened up because the sovereignty of god by faith was backing those men and women up sam god see see god god do it god got the same power and the same strength and god had the same love for you he designed you to be a winner yeah god designed me to be a winner now some religions don't want to say that you know you want to talk about your heart the heart what you got to go through i know some things will come up but i'm designed to be a winner that's just that's just a living fact so when you keep that concept that's what your faith is saying you see oh listen to this this is god's original plan what i said for the life of faith now in a few moments you're going to get the spirit's going to get stronger in here all right i feel it coming on now and i'm about to make a statement and i want you to know i don't need you up here with your head this morning because not only instruction is coming but impartation [Music] so it's not it's not only instruction something's going to get in you and on you today when you leave here you're gonna be more bolder than you ever been in your life all right now listen to this so because everybody imparts up to you now faith i'm declining this on you faith dominion begins in your life today shall i receive [Music] it i'm releasing it faith i'm i'm releasing faith dominion in your life today you're going to operate in faith like you never have done before because you're going to operate in the dominion anointing which is wrath you heard me i said it's wrath very few christians know how to operate in the dominion anointing now you today you will know how to let your faith flow in dominion [Music] to let your faith flow in dominion now that's not a teaching that's a declaration that's an impartation i'm important to you the next time you have the shift you're going to shift in dominion dominion can't worry you can't be in dominion you can't dominate and have fear because you know i can handle this wait what do you say in luke 10 19 behold i give you power to trade upon cyprus and scorpion and the power enemy what do you know how you ready sit down because you want to write some of this you got a shower clothes on i'm about to shout by myself you are designed to live in a supernatural position at all times in every situation [Applause] you are you are designed back to our text in genesis 1 26 you are designed to live in a supernatural position at all times in every situation i need that today we need to hear that today right that's a word from god right you tell me i'm designed today with all this mess going on i still live in a supernatural position where this stuff can't touch me stop me huh i got power over everything that comes that's what you're telling me you're telling me when i know how to use my faith properly that i'm i'm operating the supernatural i'm operating in dominion i'm operating authority over everything everybody everything that try to stop me demon power was taking himself you mean tell me i'm like god whenever i bring me in my faith pray that powerful [Applause] i'm hearing this i'm not waiting on jesus jesus is already here i'm not waiting on heaven heaven is already here [Applause] that's your opinion but i'm living in dominion don't be trying to put your opinion on me i don't know i don't need no opinion i need to walk in my dominion everybody say dominion three times [Applause] [Applause] you're designed to live in a supernatural position at all times in every situation and i want you to go back to genesis 1 26 and i want you to underline these words notice the word over is used five times in one voice over over over over over we used to sing how i got over you remember y'all remember the old song how i got over well when you get over you're over get over covey get over here [Applause] they're gonna name one after you larry get over larry i know they're gonna [Music] you know turn the fresh chronicle you got your shower closure right yes hallelujah first chronicle chapter 29 verse 10. i'm going to make a statement i'm going to back it up with scripture yeah let's make a statement back it up with scripture hallelujah we can go home now you know glory to god i'm ready to dominate how am i who ready to dominate [Applause] now you really the next time you get worried you need to slap yourself [Applause] i just want to say something y'all pray for power just slap the hell out yourself because that's the enemy that the enemy got you worried you know i've slapped myself before you know yeah yeah sometimes you slap yourself because you're physical man trying to take over and you tell your physical man you listening you supposed to be working for me [Applause] anybody heard that yeah you support you tell your body you supposed to be working for me i'm not working for you you're gonna do you're gonna live like you're gonna be well and you're gonna be strong no no no that pain can't come here i block that in the name of jesus [Music] never agree with your body when they start acting stupid you know all our bodies sometimes act stupid don't agree with it they don't know what to do tell it what to do oh my goodness oh my goodness i gotta get in there oh my goodness where's chronicle 29 oh yeah hallelujah thank god for some of y'all who got some life in you [Applause] i was worried about my daughter on she she's online now she jumping out of but they had i didn't know what happened i was preaching two tonight and i kept looking at her and said what doesn't happen to this girl you used to be backing up you to be praising god but then my son told me that the uh screen had been stuck i said gee jesus said [Applause] these verses are too powerful we're about to read now for you ever to be sick or broke or worried about anything because uh i'm not calling to mean but some other things gonna come up uh that the world system is getting their bottom whip and nothing in the lab can handle it there's nothing in the intellect and hamlet and god said that in his word only i'm going to be to handle this for you so y'all god told y'all ahead of time why y'all act like y'all don't know what's going on and act like you you go you all scared and shut up and hiding and and crying and stuff god told you this was coming he told you they have disrespected me long enough so i'm going to let them know who god is i'm going to let them know who i am they're going to have to straighten up and fly right do you understand these things are not after you don't accept them it's not for you you love god right all right now watch this i'm gonna make a statement and i'm gonna back it up with a scripture what do the statement mean operating in the sovereignty of god what do that mean sovereignty means supreme power authority right a self-governing state what do it mean to operate in the sovereignty of god and then you're in first chronicles 29 verse 10. you with me you're there i want you to see this 120 first chronicler 29 verse 10. now he's going to tell you some things about god but in the 26th verse of genesis 1 26 it says you made in his image and his lightning so whatever is said in these verses about god it means you got the same thing on the inside of you are you are you following me so i want you i want you to relate i want to go back to genesis 1 26 and i want you to flip-flop and look at them genesis 1 26 of what i'm about to read uh i want to give you the statement oh what do the statement mean operating in the sovereignty of god your faith is designed your faith is designed to operate in the sovereignty of god that's what you're reading about the 11th chapter hebrews all those things that happened and transpired those people's faith was operating in this image in his lackness in his sovereignty in his anointing in his authority in his ability you are designed to operate in god's ability your your faith is packing god's ability write that down my faith whoa my god my faith is packing god's ability when i use my faith properly i'll operate in god's sovereignty god's authority god's dominion huh come on here no you just like me you flesh and blood no i'm operating in trade baby my pastor my apostle taught me the truth i'm not just flesh i'm spirit [Applause] i got a trans soul i got glory on the inside of me heaven is on the inside of me [Applause] see you can't be a regular christian anymore a church going christian praying you're tired no you got to have power you got to speak words that you believe you got to speak the mountain you got to speak to the wind uh let me give you this you you got to have the fire glowing the rain point the oil flowing what the other one is the wind blowing the wind blowing that's all the holy ghost the fire glowing huh the wind blowing all this the holy ghost glory to god the rain points glory to god now now sham on your word life we about to read something about god if this don't i don't care how many time you've read it but on this stage and what we're dealing with now is developing your faith to operate in a dominion dominion anointing developing my faith say to operate wait a minute to operate one more time to operate not just to listen then but to operate i'm leaving here this morning operating in the dominion of oranges by faith that mean uh listen oh i'm saying the lord said that mean the spirit don't have to move you to do this that means you move the spirit with this you know you don't understand you understand it see your faith see faith faith activates the supernatural yeah she she see she if you learn how to operate your feet you don't have to wait on a word of wisdom you don't have to wait on the gifts of the spirit if you're not operating in faith oh this is what i'm hearing faith is just as powerful as all nine gifts of the spirit faith is as powerful as a word of wisdom when faith is operated right it activates everything else the word of wisdom will have no choice when fate is operating it got to operate at the spirit wheel so we're going after all of these other spiritual avenues and left faith behind but faith is to activate of them all amen i might not have a prophecy but i got faith and some of these prophecies you're better off without them [Applause] now what we're about to read about god we can't read this reasoning we can't read this mentally because it's so powerful these things come out of revelation these these insight comes out of revelation and so if you try to receive it by reasoning in your head just want a good sound that's not good enough we need to leave here with some evidence that it's all right in my house that if something come to mind ring my door bell i can answer it with power and say no you can't come in here the lord lived here [Music] fear can't stop you this morning truth truth chokes fear truth put another eff in your life free now we're reading this text we're about to read now we're reading it for this reason to show you what it means to operate in the sovereignty of god you're going to give us some attributes about god but those same attributes are in you remember romans 8 11 says romans chapter 8 verse 11 remember what he said look at it look at it look at it look at it then john while you're going there john made a recording john says as he is so are we i like it though in this world somebody find that scripture find that scripture from leroy or somebody those two scriptures because when i read that in romans 11 but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead the world in you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that the world is in you same thing in other words you've got the same power and then in first john what that scripture is for what for what 17. first john 4 17. look at that before i go any further because i'm building you up for this script the scripture is so pregnant we read sometimes read these scriptures and have no babies [Music] we got to have some revelation babies in here this morning some birthing say birthing yeah i want you to break oh i want to scream i want you to because i know i know you're going to be protected the next time someone's trying to hit you i want yeah hallelujah i i want i want i want the word to break some things in you this morning some spiritual things are being break be irritated with it birth in you this morning see we've got to take our time let let the spirit let the spirit breathe breathe some things in you not not just not just noise not just sound but but leave here impregnated with victory with authority with anointing [Applause] with the supernatural what happened when god certainty and the supernatural start holding hand in your life when solving the sovereignty of god and the supernaturalness he put in you start holding hands to protect you in agreement what happened when the sovereignty of god and the supernaturalness of god become in agreement in your life in your mouth in your mind in what you say you speaking sovereignty and supernatural together what happened you get authority to know it will be as i said going to be i i'm sure what following my brother be strong in the lord and in the power of his might [Applause] we're not going to need this later we need it right now you need to walk in your authority and power right now we ain't talking my bible in the street by and by no the sweden now [Applause] i'm authorized to dominate [Applause] in jesus name by the power of jesus blood [Applause] and i hear the spirit of god say a flood of grace is coming a front you know what i mean a flood of favor you child you shouldn't have come here this morning you just stepped into a flood of travel i heard this video gone say a flood of grace is coming in every aspect of your life [Applause] [Music] matter of fact he said my goodness is about to run you down i heard it my goodness you heard me i'm hearing this my goodness is about to run you down for in these days i'm gonna use you as a sign [Applause] those who have trusted in me doing these times will shine like a star because i need somebody to show that i'm who i say i am will you let me use you will you let me use you [Applause] if you let me use you the devil i'll never abuse you another day because you're gonna know who you are [Applause] you leaving here this morning one step gonna be in the sovereignty the next step gonna be in this supernaturally [Applause] [Music] who getting this thing who getting this you walking every step you take not gonna be a solving this step and a supernatural step and then two agreed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh y'all don't believe me [Applause] [Music] shout hallelujah glory to god tell somebody next to you i love you glory to god glory to god tell them i expect great things for you [Applause] you're not by yourself i'm praying for you [Applause] [Music] shhh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's read this now [Applause] ah [Applause] if you ain't getting it now pray lord save me save me please don't have mercy you ought to be getting something now [Applause] something should be happening to you right now [Applause] if not you're in your head you're not in your heart something should be happening to you right now for the lord is in the house [Applause] worry and fear you must pack your bag out of my life right now i don't care what come up i know i'm covered [Applause] let the redeem of the lord say so i'm blessed coming in and going out [Applause] once i read like i'm stuck here once i read this you will never have a complaint no more 10th verse wherefore david blessed the lord before all the congregation and david said blessed be thou lord god of israel our father for how long and ever so it never changed right i remember you in this image enlighten me i heard a man say uh jesus is the line of the tribe of judah right huh yeah uh-huh so he said and i agree you got a line in you [Applause] on the most powerful lesson i heard on faith he taught that fate uh uh having violence faith i got my secretary she tightened it out i might preach a word for wood violin you got a line on the inside of you and the line drank wine the lion drank the new wine and when the lion get intoxicated [Applause] he get vulnerable you ain't talking to me i know you're not talking to me you're not telling me i'm going down i ain't going down every now and then you gotta get a little drunk you know you gotta get intoxicated [Music] [Applause] oh i see none of y'all never been drunk before but i've been drunk in the world but in the spirit you can get intoxicated drinking that new wine you turn up [Applause] here if a line your noise why i do that nobody can't handle it he said what you doing [Music] watch watch it do you know who i am that's the way we're supposed to be hounding y'all just not drunk enough get drunk praying tongue praising run around in your bathroom [Applause] run around in your pajamas you're slipping and praying early in the morning [Applause] you got a line on the inside of you [Applause] i don't know why in the world maybe why it's so hot up in here [Music] somebody else ain't hot i'm gonna be hiding the hole it goes but i might be got a fire up here boy see i got a line on the inside of me now roll [Applause] i don't care what they say about us i'm getting you ready baby [Applause] you know next time something mess with you the devil know you got a line on the inside of you it's time for you to know you got a line on the inside of you king of the beast [Applause] [Music] [Applause] line don't worry about no market y'all got all these little monkeys swinging around getting worried about them you're a lion roar that monkey gonna take off what you think about a mocking hood or a lion roaring do you think that walking tomorrow i'm going over there and talk to him no swing to another tree [Music] if you're not too holy every night then growl roll even on all right shut up let me read this i got a clue i feel like dancing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i got it i got it she she was developing your faith to operate in the dominion anointing that's authority too the dominion anointing see the dominion anointing now you got to operate in the anointing so you got to be in the spirit because if you go in your senses you're not going to operate there you you follow me it's a spiritual anointing but your faith has to activate it nothing work in the spirit world without faith so a lot of times people say let's go on to greater subjects and no greater subject no the faith fit run all other subjects [Music] you follow me yes yeah i've been trying to hold off to make sure you catch this in verse 11. amen donald trump is the greatness now don't get scared when i say this if he the greatness i have the divine right to live in this greatness you understand yes sir god's greatness is with me how can you say that and be low god's greatness is in me i'm made in his image and his lackness and his greatness oh my and the power and the glory and the victory are you telling me apostle always in me absolutely absolutely and the majesty for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is done what down is the kingdom o lord and thou are exalted as head above all [Music] both riches and honor come of thee i receive it and thou ran this over something over a few things over a small thing all things and in that hand is power oh hallelujah and mike and in dot hang he got the whole world in his hands and in that hand is to make great [Music] and to give strength unto all how they can somebody say hallelujah now i want you in closing i want you to take a look i got seven minutes here turn with me into hebrews again and we're going to look at some undeniable facts for a few moments that are going to set your soul on fire hebrew go to hebrew hebrews chapter 11. and uh lord just give me some kind of introduction to say about this before i start reading it so they'll really be tuned into this thing because it's so powerful may that lie be changed forever what the lord said at this point he wants to take a close look at the faith dominion anointing now in my almost 50 years i never heard it faint dominion anointed he gave that to me in prayer take a close look write it down i want you to take a close look at the faith dominion anointing say faith dominion anointing say it again one more time you shall not go down another day in your life because that's that's drawn in your spirit you recognize that i operate under the faith dominion anointing now we're going to look at a few people who operated under that faith dominion onion i want anointing i want you to look in hebrews 11 32. this is a whole faith chapter and the holy spirit get down to this 32nd verse that says then what shall i most say for the time would would fail me to tell of gideon and a barack and of samson of jefferson and of david also and samuel and of the prophet now why 33. he with me who through faith subdued kingdom wrought what righteousness obtained stopped the mouth of not one of line quench the violin of fire that's the hebrew boy you remember quenching the volume of fire escape the edge of the soul out of weakness was made strong wax diligent in flight trying to flight the armies of the alien women oh my god women received their dead raised to life again when jesus went to martha in mary house the brother had been in the grave i think for four days and one of them girls were talking to jesus and jesus said if you believe you see something huh so even if a situation seemed dead in your life [Applause] [Music] are you following me see see see we've got to stop reading the bible i'm about to close but stop reading the bible as a history book but on the same by the same token your faith has to lead you into the mystery because if you don't if the if the mystery don't be unfold to you in the bible it's a history book uh let's see let me see something can i find it uh first somebody helped me find the scripture about the mystery of faith mystery faith no i said because i don't have it's not the first time you're not dead not the first i thought it was look up look up the mystery mystery of faith it's intimidating we're not leaving me until we find it y'all just want great look for it timothy 3 9. because if if not i think a large uh a large aspect of the church has been reading the bible as a history book and in the sweet by and by but i need some sweet now now how about you god told me some sweet now now i'm gonna have my sweet nine now it doesn't matter what the condition of the environment is i'm an atmosphere changer you heard me you heard me i said come on let's come up i'm an atmosphere change in other words in other words everything around me can be acting crazy but i create another atmosphere by faith when everybody say everything going down i say i'm growing up i'm blessed going in coming out i don't need no holiday to be blessed i'm blessed every day because of what jesus did for me talk to me up in here you you set up here with your sad self you ain't you blessed i don't care what you look like you blessed nor even knowing i'm here to tell you that you're blessed and you just were grand get blessed glad to receive your blessing right now cause you are blessed because jesus lives on the inside of you so don't act like you're not blessed just because you got a few problems the problem don't decide whether you're blessed or not you bless because god sent you blessed and if you act like you're blessed you're gonna walk off in your blessing stop acting like you feel stop acting like how you feel stop acting like i have somebody else saying you are no you're blessed the clown blessed the clown blessed going in and i'm blessed coming out declared ahead and the lord is on me [Applause] don't let the news determine how you are well you got a lot of bad reports coming jd a lot of bad reports coming but don't let that determine who you are you hear me murder don't let it determine who you are you're a child of the living god [Applause] don't let how your body feel to your body get crazy don't let it make you feel like you're losing no tell no i ain't accepting none of that i'm blessed don't let sorrow come and sadness come to you some of you women have got marriage that you all said don't be sad about it thank god he protected you from that knucklehead who wasn't going to do you no good he can god got somebody else for you [Applause] god got you covered stop saying the more sad words no i'm talking about god god i don't know what i'm gonna do now shut up [Applause] say i'm blessed so what if you got 45 dollars don't worry about the 45 dollars say i'm blessed enjoy the four hours you've got my god i'll read this one verse now close come on son who take him who take it take it take it over after this first chimney uh three and nine see it say it again what'd you say [Applause] holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience you see that oh my goodness see the see faith unfolds the mystery when you're seeing one thing and saying something else that's a mystery but you know now fate is the substance of things how far and everything's a thing not seen so if you see a situation not like you want it you don't look at it you look at the mystery turnaround 9-9 is it roman 9-9 i think it is might be the right voice no that's not it uh oh roman 9 1. let's try that that's it jeremy said that's it that's it i say the truth and christ i lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy ghost i think like the holy ghost thing [Applause] you see what i'm saying see if you think natural now boy you're in trouble right if you think normally a normal pattern of thinking of what being said now you in major trouble but i i command every member of this church and every partner that connected with this ministry to thank the thoughts of god i had not seen he had not heard these events in the heart of man to think that god had prepared for them that love him but but but go go go go to that voice go to the first go go to uh first convention 210. let's get out of verse 9 let's go to verse 10. first corinthians 2 10. real quick i'm trying to close but god has what revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searching all things yeah the deep veins of god sometimes you have to say god i'm not gonna move until you reveal a mystery [Applause] see see see when you move in the scripture oh haha say that lord thank you when you when you're moving into scripture you can't move in history you got to move with a revelation of the mystery see see you design the image and likeness of god you're designed to live out the mysteries of god you understand understand now you don't let a worldly mystery mess you up satan got mysteries to to tell you you're not to make it so you take you take the divine mystery of the scriptures and see the steps of a good man a good woman is ordered by the lord says the lord is my shepherd i should not he'd le way do he leadeth me in the you're going to posh pastor doesn't mean that not your pastor he leads me in you're in a passage and not producing nothing that's not god he leads me in the green pasture so so you stop taking your head direction and take your heart direction see we got we got to we got to be right and divided hebrews 4 12. we got to be writing is the word that's right that divide us what who leading me now what am i thinking about now who gave me that thought my conscious bad witness with the holy ghost my mind that wouldn't it with the holy ghost so everybody here has our clothes this morning let me talk to you you're a winner [Music] we've been on the defense too long he told you above all taking the shield of faith that credits all the fire adopt right so if you got that up the fire dodge can't get you right right so go on offense uh somebody you helped me uh the defense never make a touchdown is the defense who make the touchdown yo huh what [Music] when they take the ball they become the offense right so you all just stop trying to defend you're right take it run with the ball you got the big direct you can't make a touchdown just satan don't put your hand on me it's time for you to make a touchdown who ready for the ball it's time to make a touchdown it's time time to stop worrying about all satan saying to you and all that stuff catch the dog on ball you can't make no touchdown without the but you can't win no game he'll want us to be fighting demon we don't have to fight no demon you got you got to set a demon in ephesians 6 and you've got to set a demon in ephesians 1. the set of demons you see in ephesians 6 already been whipped in ephesians 1. [Applause] you're far above all principality power take the dog on balls run and make a touchdown most our prayers lord him no lord cry i'm going across here lord let this rip i'm about to go across this river something on the other side of this river i need i'm about to go through this red sea i'm about to knock this wall down so i want you to leave here with this on your mind progressiveness progression not just holding the fold god wants you shine god wants you flying god wants you announcing god did this yes god did this god did it who she sure believe in our god yes i got evidence god did this go forward in the name of jesus go on and enjoy your life go on and testify get people saved tell them how good god been to you you might have a few things going in your life god's gonna take care of that go go go forward now and don't just stand and say nobody ah buying you're saying you say satan i'm walking on you i'm about to go somewhere else you can't go i'm about to go in the praise lift your hand lift your hand i'm about to worship god you i'm going somewhere you can't go now you can't come in this environment i give god the glory i praise him god you the most high god i love you you my father glory glory glory glory i'm going somewhere you can't go hallelujah praise his name praise his name the lord is good isn't he i'm blessed say i'm blessed glory to god glory to everything that's not right under my feet right now glory to god you're online you're online help me praise him glory glory glory god y'all glory to god god is the good god come on god is a good god i'm blessed i'm blessed sickness disease cannot stay on my body i'm blessed light cannot stay nowhere around me limitation can't stand the way around me they've got peace in my home i'm blessed i'm the peace i'm gonna bring peace in my home glory glory glory glory glory i can't hear you glory glory hallelujah hallelujah now listen now listen you got the bone satan can't tackle you he's not strong enough go on and make the touchdown yeah see see she said don't keep us on the defense i like what my tree i say one to god catch the ball but leroy shifted see if he catch it he's no longer on defense he on off your offense when you got the ball you're on offense you got the ball know what a boy you got jesus he's already won the game he just wants you to make some schools you ready god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you come also hallelujah come on hallelujah [Applause] you got the ball look at somebody tell them you got the ball you got the ball don't fall so you got when you get the ball you can't be falling you got to you got to run then you how many ready to run you got to run i mean y'all should leave your running you never make a touchdown stand on defense this church wouldn't be in this church it wouldn't be if i stayed on defense i just walked out i'm not running with the ball that's why we're here today that's what i'm here to teach you about that you can make many touchdowns you want why because your enemy can't stop you jesus rolls from the grave how's the touchdown they tried to head rocks and all that trying to hold him but defend himself your defense no good when you know who you are huh david david made a touchdown when he took goliath now that was a touchdown oh yeah yeah yeah all the rest i was scared and wife and husband i want to tell you your wife not your enemy and your husband not your enemy we're just different so so so so accept each other different and and then you know i checked myself stop trying to rule one another make them do everything you want done shut your mouth up go set your tail down that's what you said shut up cause you you you caught in the problem you know you love one another and you're arguing about a little penny in this stuff y'all know all y'all mad so know what i'm talking alright don't look up here and no i act like you don't know what i'm talking about y'all know exactly what i'm talking about that's that's the devil don't even do that sit down alone think about it just shut up sometimes you need to just shut up men and women just need to shut your mouth just get say man i was going good and we had the ball and we were running the ball then he come all of a sudden he just turned and got it shut up my house got out of my business yeah that's the holy ghost man helping somebody hallelujah enjoy one another love you love i mean it's gonna be something different i know y'all singing people let me talk to them a minute now i'm talking to me too enjoy yourself right you see what i'm saying you want everything to go just like you wanted everything [Applause] y'all somebody getting help have y'all received that [Applause] huh every little move you you you won't do something about it no people different just let them make a little move don't try to rule me somebody trying to rule you i'm trying to get me a sandwich [Applause] y'all know what i'm talking about go ahead [Music] [Music] you
Views: 6,154
Rating: 4.972414 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: HYahHnLTbbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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