Understanding Kingdom Law and Righteousness Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message I want to begin with the kingdom being God's priority God's plan was simple he wanted to colonize earth with heaven so that it can be filled with the culture of heaven and the kingdom of God is a country it's a nation and nations are established on law and the Ministry of Jesus Christ therefore had to be law based the Bahamas and every other country is only a nation because they have laws Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 he said the kingdom of God is here and then he says in Matthew 4:23 he went throughout all Galilee preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and then healing the sick in the book of Matthew chapter 16 is the verse I think you want to turn to this is where we get the heart of our theme for this year jesus told his disciples I will give you the keys of the kingdom and the word keys not as the word is plural keys there is no key to the kingdom of God there are keys of the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is a country it's an invisible country and when he said that I will give you the keys of the kingdom the word keys in the Hebrew language actually means laws and principles or precepts to live in the Bahamas an America or Jamaica or Canada or China or ever if you become a system those countries the first thing the government requires you to do is to learn the Constitution do you know why because to live in that country you must know the constitutional laws that govern that country so the first thing you must learn to live in a country is the country's laws and for you to stay in that country as a legitimate citizen you must obey those laws so notice what Jesus says here he says I will give you I will give you the keys of the kingdom the laws of the kingdom now what do laws do laws open doors or closed doors laws open opportunities or they shut down opportunities in other words laws are given by the government or the Constitution I should say obedience is given by the citizens I will repeat this listen carefully laws are established by the Constitution the citizen decides to obey them or not I'm gonna say it again because it's important notice what he says I will give you the keys I will give you the laws by which my country functions but whether the laws work for you or against you is up to you we got people in jail today because they lived under the same laws you and I lived but they decided to disobey the law and we lock them up if you obey the law the country stays open to you so he says I will give you the keys of the kingdom now whatever you lock up haven't got a lock it up you disobey God's laws heaven can't help you if you obey them you open them up then heaven will make sure you get everything the Constitution promises so whatever you locked up on earth will be locked up by heaven whatever you open on earth by these keys heaven will open it I mean you got access to heaven or you can lock heaven up why what'd you do with the keys you know keys are powerful instruments you got a key to your car perhaps right now out there in the parking lot and no matter how many other people get keys only your key works in that car in other words specific keys have access to specific blocks he said I will give you keys that will give you many laws by which you are a function in my kingdom whatever you do determines what happens to you whether it locks up the country or opens the country so the access to the kingdom then has to do with learning the laws and principles of the kingdom this therefore is critical now all nations are built on law please write this list down very quickly nations depend on law to keep national order true you build a house no one should steal from it you park your car no one should take it you open a business no one should break into your building you put your money in the bank the bank shouldn't steal it hopefully in other words we depend on law for order when you buy a product from the store you give them your money you take the product you believe that that product is what it says it is you gotta have faith in that company that when they say that product is is what it is in other words the law that's why you get what they call consumer laws because the consumer law has to do with protecting the customer in the country to make sure they get what the country says that store or that company is giving them laws bring order national law this is important here laws guarantee these seven things number one laws guarantee national safety we are only as safe as the laws people keep secondly laws guarantee national security thirdly laws guarantee national prosperity if our citizens don't obey the laws the tourists will so stop coming a few weeks ago I was in a rubra I was sitting with the Prime Minister in the chamber of the government all the members of cabinet were with me we were having a seminar in the government building with the Prime Minister sitting next to me and at the end of the session I asked him I said what has been your most challenging experience as the Prime Minister he said when that young lady was do you remember the story I said why isn't that your most Chinese says my our tourism dropped by 45% in one day one act of breaking the law attacked the prosperity of the country he said we are still trying to rebuild our reputation one person murdered one person shut down tourism in a country when you obey law you protect your national prosperity I say to everyone watching the TV program and some of you men in this country young men watching this program listen I beg you stop breaking the law you're gonna cause your mother to lose her job we never tie law-breaking to our own prosperity Laura also provides national development if the tourists stopped coming because there's so much crime in the country which is result of breaking the law then the income of government Falls which means the government can't employ you anymore therefore the government cannot develop the country anymore it ain't got no money from taxes so national development can be stopped by breaking laws National Development also leads the national pride when you keep law you bring pride to your country and number six law guarantees national wealth I think that's obvious I went to visit San Salvador last two weeks ago I am still shocked over that Island it's a beautiful island the most beautiful ad in the Bahamas system Salvador until I come to yours but that's my conviction I've never seen more beautiful beaches in my life I'm some Salvador and I was talking to one of the men there who owns a lot of property and I said what is the what is the the key that is item remaining so pristine he says where we are very tight here on people keeping the law I said these streets are clean the most beautiful and I said this is a different kind of atmosphere he says oh you'd be very strict up here our people keep the law and then he says every week five hundred tourists fly direct from France to Salvador that even come to Nassau 500 every week direct big jet constraint there I said what he said yep they come and they stay here then they go back he said because they feel safe lor produces wealth Jamaica was wonderful beautiful islands in the Bahamas I mean in the Caribbean Kingston Jamaica was known for its powerful tourism product when I went to Kingston a few years ago I was afraid to walk the streets matter of fact they warned me after 5 p.m. stay in your hotel Rock now tourism in Kingston used to be a 1 do you know what destroyed it people breaking law so now only Montego Bay gets tourists now and they beginning to concede some negative things in Montego Bay now in other words you can destroy a country's wealth by disobeying law the power of law keeps the country in order and if it does it for our country how much more doesn't do it for God's country finally law guarantees national culture do you know that if enough people break the law you could have a culture of corruption those of you here today know from Nigeria where I'm headed in a few hours Nigeria has a very challenging problem because so many people pray the laws in the country concerning integrity and honesty that there is almost a culture of corruption running through the country night those who watches around the world you know it's true when I first went to Nigeria the customs officer asked me for money the immigration guy says I'll stomp it if you give me something that's how bad it was when I first went there and I was like I can't give you the money to stop my passport he said then you ain't coming in I said I want to see your boss the boss came I said sir this officer wants me to give him money to stop my passport he says how much you give him then I knew I'm in trouble I mean the boss was on the takings I want 10% I'm telling you could this happen to me the whole corruptions culture but thank God the president came in after that and he began to clean things up but when I went back to the second time no one asked me for nothing the airport was clean he had uniforms and everybody was honest and I said someone took leadership here they fired all those folks who were there that year before in other words someone gotta bring the law down everybody bring the law down the way you fix the Bahamas is don't discuss ball you gotta bring the law down you got to start apply it in the law and I'm begging up our leaders in our country stop sitting down appeasing people and new leadership stop messing up the country why are you breaking the law too do you know why I'm going to Nigeria today do you know why in November in December others in Nigeria and we met with the Minister of Communications private session with her and she said we read your stuff we heard you we want you to come back and consult with our government and we want you to help us with a new program we want to rebrand Nigeria I said three who they said we want to rebrand Nigeria and what she's saying is we have to create a new reputation for the whole country so I said there and in three minutes I gave her two suggestions she says you are hired so I'm going back there to meet at top levels to try and give them a program to represent three present their nation with a new face well first I gotta meet with the whole government and talk about character and integrity honestly destroying corruption why if those who's supposed to be guardians of the law break the law then there's no hope for anybody in other words nothing is worse for a country than a corrupt policeman they are supposed to protect the law guard the law if they break the law we're in trouble law creates culture by the way that is why whenever you want to change the social structure of a country you must get to the law for example if I want to marry a male me wanna marry a male and I want to be accepted I don't come to the church why y'all don't make law I need a culture that accepts that arrangement so I must work on the Constitution that means I got to get some people in there who influenced the country should move that my perspective Sullivan it's time to vote I got the cardstock with me you can pray all you want and fasten speaking dogs I'm working on something deeper I gotta get the Lord to make this a culture this is why people who want to change your culture goes after law they tamper with the law for example if I want the gamble I go in there for a second again I gotta get the law changed and make it a culture it doesn't matter how many people doing I'm not doing it that's not the issue if I want to do it and I want to do it illegally I gotta get to the law I gotta make sure that the law is changed so I can have a culture of chance it's called chance once it becomes a culture cuz people will sell their houses from under their own families to pay a gambling debt go on the internet type in gambling / Australia and have a horror experience our government need to go visit Australia when I rent this trailer I met with the government leader and he sat with me he says look the Bahamas is a nice place I understand your that casillases yes we got casinos sir he said there please advise your people not to nationalize it he said because in the key in Australia we are trying to repeal the law now because it's destroying the fabric of our society can I advise our prime minister go call the Prime Minister's of the other countries and check with them before we make a move when you make something a law you create a culture I was brought up in Bay in town you know when I was born you remember but in Bristol there's a place called hobby horse races you remember Harvey Lawrence yeah you were there you know I live right next to each other in McRae Street yeah I need you tell him I see egging those guys taste the ride the horses listen right across from our house i ah listen to me was the place owned by the government called the government industry it was the place ready stand do all the governor carpentry work and need to keep the government plans and everything and a lot of behaviour just to work there and believe me friends as soon as they get paid at 4:30 on Friday they didn't take it to their wives or their children they went to the horses and it became so bad that that's why killing and starving someplace in Beantown people owed so much money oh how soon can they forget No creates a culture one of the first acts of the PLP when they came into power was to shut that thing down because the the Prime Minister realized that the folks were taking their money instead of building their families they were spending on the horses some of y'all don't remember this the government had to shut it down the couple said wait a minute if we got to build a new bahamian and the new mentality we gotta stop them from gambling now I'm not gonna be discussing now listen if you can't have any new ideas to make money say so but don't appeal to your base nature that erodes the work ethic that impacts domestic peace that violates the children's bread because you can't come to new ideas to raise money to pay for the road don't destroy our country by trying to build it I am confused I am confused and I don't know who sit in this room today but let me tell you in the name of Jesus Christ if you are involved in that gaming business I pronounced over you addressing Jesus because if you are perpetuating the ethic of work being eroded by your act of a chance you are destroying with God till the first things are told Adam worked and God works six days rested one that's his priority for work not for chance it's not a game you know you call it gaming this ain't no game do you know who it hurts the most it's not the rich guy gets messed up in the gambling it's you the guy who try to pay his rent you know back up gambling the rich guy i prophesy that if our government is financed by gambling money may the lord destroy the fabric of that connection may the Lord cause there be a collapse you see when a man give you money you can't criticize it be careful you take money from otherwise you cannot give law to people my age I am 55 you can use that way the Lord condemned you in Jesus name I'm undergoing now be careful what you receive it law creates culture you don't want to catch of corruption 300,000 people 72% of them under the age of 35 we got our countryman kids imagine you all people making the law you can die and leave us with all this mess these kids they like fall for anything stopping I'm talking to you stop it or we will read about you we don't want this culture do you know what it means if it means the government don't work the government don't want to take the time to use their brains to come up with new creative ideas innovation to generate funds they want free easy money from your little bit of dollars that government should be fired I am so glad I'm going away so it's unfinished in the name of Jesus Egorov the culture that we create bigger living and our children's children will Christmas God created even they do it God made us to live by laws being created by God to literally obey God Jesus says when you pray he pray pray for the father to send the kingdom of God on earth the country of God the culture of God in otherwise the fall of man was a disobedience to the law of God and Christ came to restore that Kingdom back to us which is a nation built on laws and that is why grace was provided to restore law not to keep us free from it we have used grace to disobey God's law made grace more important than law that's why we are seeing corruption in the church that summer sin in the church because there's no fair of gods lower the church Oh Peters to law brings fear and that fear is the beginning of wisdom what keeps me clean is I'm afraid of breaking God's law that keeps me clean Myles Munroe is kept clean by fear I am afraid to disappoint God I don't want to violate God's law Bibles how can a young man keep his way pure by keeping the words and the law of God can I put it to you before we close here John 1:15 Jesus said this way he says the law was given through Moses but grace and peace came through Jesus Christ my hill that made grace means ability law means original truth God used Moses to deliver to us his laws and he sent Jesus Christ that give us the power to obey it grace doesn't cancel law grace gives you the ability to keep it oh don't miss next week it's gonna be awesome matter of fact me show you this before I go Matthew 5 read me the love Jesus was ridden do not think he says that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets I have not come to abolish the law Jesus says but to fulfill them I came to enforce them look at Jesus he didn't come to destroy law he knew that the kingdom is built on law and he said I came to make sure that they are kept look at the next statement I tell you the truth and tell heaven and earth pass away not one on the least stroke of the pen will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished he goes on to say a word that blew my mind he says it will be fulfilled it means to enforce to explain to restore it actually means to have the power to put meaning back in the law every lawyer here knows that there's a written law and the Spirit of the Lord split along means the meaning of it Christ came to put the meaning back in the law not to remove the law it's matter of fact if you read this chapter the next the next two chapters and that's in that book of Matthew that's reached that same day he talks funny you know because later on nobody sits like he said for example these are for example you said in your law that if a man takes a gun if you wish they were you killed he's now you said in your own country your law says that if a man is caught with a woman in sexual relationships out of marriage that's adultery he said in my country where I met was that if you just look at him and desire them in your heart you've already done it are you waiting for another opportunity country he said in your country you said that thou shalt not steal he said but in my country what I meant was that if someone asked him something you could give it to him didn't give it to them you stole from them can you keep the law of my country we I think we gotta listen to Jesus our nation is only as good as the laws we keep and that's why verse 19 blessed me he says anyone who breaks one of the least of these Commandments or laws and teaches others to do the same will be called what least in the kingdom of him who's he talking to let me take what he means by that if you are a politician and you are about to agree with a law that violates God's law God considers you least in this country you ain't nothing notice what he says yeah you break them and you teach others to break them if you are encouraging the violation of natural law and spiritual law you are condemned in God's country but what's that what's amazing to me it's been do the same thing in our countries if someone there's a bit of law we condemned them it's for putting them in jail the guards the same way Casas look you violate my law and teach others to violate my law I am gonna consider you non effect I'm gonna Nava Phi you can you leave here today and tell everybody this week just don't steal don't lie don't bear false witness don't commit adultery don't phone a cake don't disobey your parents can you tell people that he said you can't do those things what's the next verse it says it says but whoever practices and teaches others to what to keep these laws will be called great in who the kingdom of heaven in other words the country of God will call you clean it will promote you and elevate you if you teach and keep the laws my advancement in my life is not luck it's obedience when you obey law you are promoted and I know sometimes doesn't seem that way young people said well you know this guy selling drugs and he got a figure 5 car husband and I host up east by the water on him take something he gonna solve another house don't go behind these guys you think they got away they didn't get away the house they don't get is 7 feet by 10 feet on a bucket that's the house I remember he was in Jamaica the other day I was in Montego Bay man we went to Terada Heights beautiful earrings Jamaica and mean houses four to five million dollars and my wife when I driving down the hill and 10 of them empty I'm finished he said all around used to be drug dealers I said where are they in jail they have ten bedroom houses empty and they got one cell and a bucket you break the law you will be judged if you keep the law you'll be called great in the kingdom of God he would promote you he would preserve you and I know it takes a while you know I say yes sister Michelle said this morning the Sun down boy your dream take it along you know like hey buddy passing you hey buddy plateau you don't know what they doing you know let them pass you you don't know how they selling themselves they don't pass you when your time come you want to be ashamed of your history [Applause] everybody said keep the laws of God and be great lord give us wish worthy grace he said look where's 20 miss moving indeed with next time he says for I tell you unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the religious people did you get that are you sure you're reading her carefully he says you're right she's got exceed religious people you cannot enter the kingdom lifestyle Kingdom living righteousness gotta exceed religious righteousness righteousness means to be in right-standing with law that's what it means it doesn't mean long dress and robe and stuff it means to be in right position under the law to be in obedience to the law right standing righteousness it means to be right standing that means you ain't breaking the law that's righteousness he says you're righteous got exceed the religious people's righteousness let me say what he means you got people in church right now today in the Bahamas who are messing up but still singing in the choir that's religious righteousness you got pastors who got the sweetheart sitting in the building in the meeting and the wife sitting here and both them Nonie sweetheart and he said preach attack that's religious righteousness he said you gotta go beyond that you got people fornicating I'm testifying in church we acquired now because I'm looking now let's see the look in other words you could fake it thank you religious people hypocrites masters he said but you will never experience Kingdom living you'll always be begging scrap him trying to make ends meet broken poor you always be at the bottom I'm still singing in the choir know what you do he know everything but you secretly see what you're doing every Friday night and they enjoy on Sunday morning preaching and singing in Hawaiian with me i'ma keep you broke he said if you obey my lawn will practice it and you teach others to do it I will make you great constitution study the laws of God and begin one by one no one teaches me how to live every minute according to your law that's what he wants he didn't want you learn the whole bout this one at a time Lord just show me how do I treat my wife how do I treat my parents how do I treat my colleagues at work do I touch this money do I steal this paper clip not on this you know their story something you drive past some of them building people build beautiful building and they use the money who didn't have you gave them your last penny they drive it around a nice car are you riding the bicycle you still ain't got it they are abusing youth to make themselves rich the Bible says that that is it [Music] thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.noventri.com you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 32,696
Rating: 4.8573389 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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