The Powerpuff Girls Movie - Nostalgia Critic

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It does show that he didn't grow up with this and is not so invested.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kyrtuck 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to the Powerpuff Girls well I can't say I grew up with the show I think I was entering college at the time I can say I'm quite familiar with it because well it was everywhere my first introduction to it was a Space Coast cartoon showing pilots for there's a new channel Cartoon Network well it looked a little different that does now it was still unlike anything I've ever seen it was like a mix between Ren and Stimpy and anime it was uniquely bizarre and adequately funny the popularity grew so much that Warner Brothers eventually gave them their own Powerpuff Girl movie the Powerpuff Girl movie being the first theatrical release from Cartoon Network this superhero beat'em up got an astounding okay response from critics and received an amazingly adequate box office and the response from viewers was a phenomenal school nobody really talks about this movie too much and on some level I can see why kind of just shows up does this job and then leaves your consciousness kind of like fish but is there more to analyze about this movie is there something to recognize beyond just distracting you for an hour and a half let's hope not or else the Madea movies will have nothing to survive on so slap on your white socks and act like having no fingers or toes is part of being a kindergartner I'm glad somebody else have that childhood this is the Powerpuff Girls movie ah back when Warner Brothers the pan and scan would be the future I miss you I soars in the city of Townsville crime is on the rise as well as narrators talking about how crime is on the rise for there is a man who looks back to a sweeter time everything was nice when women's eyes weren't black and white cookies the world has changed this man the narrator simply calls the professor tell me there's a fan theory connecting these two goes home to conduct an experiment while his lab monkey starts wreaking havoc hey hey it's how some fans react to the new Powerpuff Girls cartoon with a weird name like that he won't go anywhere the monkey spills chemical X into the mix and well using the opening don't look at them too long I think the ring video is in their eyes yeah like many of us say their look can be a little night terror ask but they're cute personalities do shine through the more he interacts with them I can't believe it I wanted to make some kids that liked it each good and bad right and wrong and in turn maybe they do some good for this terrible town and now I can it's nice knowing the motivation after he did the motivational thing he quickly finds out that they have superpowers thank God for this slow pan over to Chemical X or else we never would have found out what did it except for the other times you focused on it and the fact that's repeated over and over and the show's opening credits I think kids can connect the dots what the stupid was affected to and abandons them for the time being the girls help the professor do everyday things like paint their room bring in toys and even put in some windows I could see some windows I'll call a contractor tomorrow it didn't know Satan sonam at everything nice you will also see does Cookie Crisp before bedtime the dog is cute it looks like they're laser eyes make the windows and all this oddness tires them out so they're put to bed while the professor comes across a picture they drew okay the peachy promised me non-stop frenetic animated action which sounds more like a critic quote than a warning but you come through what my parental guidance is required the next day he takes them to school and they're introduced to their teacher miski why does every kid's eyes look like buffalo bill should be staring down them do you think they'll be okay because they're really special I mean really special don't worry we take all kinds of kids but that one the corner for example hasn't blinked in days it still haunts my soul the kids seem to fit in fine until they play a game of tag what's going on here wait puppets testicles dropped at an early age the kids show the girls how to play and they take it well a little too seriously Popples recovers and the girls use their superpowers to play the game destroying chunks of the neighborhood well the video games designed what other merchandise do we have to make so okay well this is a cute idea it goes a little long like a lot a little long the whole tag sequence from beginning to end is nine minutes nine minutes it's like imagining one of those pointless fight scenes in the Matrix Reloaded except to make it even more pointless they're just playing tag you're Garrett you're here and you're it you're it gara gara gara well to point toward Yuri Jada granted the action is kind of creative but there's no conflict outside that people just want them to stop playing tag that's a superhero movie even for kids that's not especially exciting this makes me laugh though you know I've got a nice guy I'll just assume by that like I'm screaming both people are dead [Music] the fine thing is man a steel fan somehow interpret this as saving the city the mayor of Townsville sees the destruction and in an almost minute and a half filled up to a joke I like to play the long game in this he gets a pickle instead of responding to the violence back when a politician doing that almost sounded silly [Music] that classic mayor slowly putting pickle closer to his mouth while sweet girls destroying the city quickly rushed towards you I don't care how long you take to film it the routine is timeless the girls eventually crashed into him and the professor runs into the girls finally taking them home three little girls had a very busy day today well I'm glad you had so much fun because tomorrow will be a busy day too we're going to explain to truthers why what you did wasn't planned by the government it's your super powers I don't think you should use them in public anymore just give Townsville a little time to understand your specialness we're gonna try and eat frozen to this but the earworm we have is a literal earworm people often get scared or angry when they don't understand something special or unique that's silly well I think so too oh and you blue up kind of a legit reason to get mad the news spreads through town and the next day the kids are not greeted with much warmth well that PG rating did not include Yosemite Sam language the professor is brought in for questioning leaving the girls alone after school maybe he hates us and here I thought ed Helmes was the worst thing to happen to tag has more news spreads about them shocking even mini ron jeremy the girls feel like outcasts don't worry the invention of social media will balance everything out there is something I like about them not using their powers to go home realizing what it's like to be a normal person living through their destruction things get even more intense when they're stopped by a local gang you know just because the guy new member doesn't mean the guerillas need to do crossovers but they're saved by you know and they follow him to a box he lives it have been lashed by heart that's disgusting because you are he says his name is Jojo and like them he's an outcast heads up this is my favorite shot in the movie and if you just give people time they'll start to understand your specialness yeah you just gotta believe in yourself mmm that's entailing a bottom Carter as a monkey look so creepy so funny enough the movie goes from a snail's pace to suddenly pretty damn fast when Jojo reveals his ideas and how the girls can help John then take this device I built into the volcano losing my ideas are your powers we will build to help the town to make it a better place machine Jesus the micro machine guy took over his editor they agreed to help Jojo with his plan to repair the town even though they don't understand what the machine they're making does as a reward he takes him to the zoo but he seems to have other plans than just sightsee it's funny because butts always wanted to go to commercial on that line [Applause] [Music] hi guys I'm chaplain Doug's new kitty have you heard about this Mouse on a string god I love this Mouse on a string until I get bored by it a little bored by the mouse on the street now I'm back to it Mouse's on strings are great and did you know that you can see Doug and the rest of the gang at Grand Rapids comic-con it's November 9th to the 11th it'll be my owner Doug what a great guy his brother Rob what a great guy Malcolm ray great guy Tamra chambers great guy and Jim Jay Roth coincidentally also a great guy there's a lot of other great guests there so we hope you check them out me I'm gonna go ruin Doug's couch what a great couch oh that wasn't supposed to happen isn't that great I'm just gonna snip this for a while I love sniffing this for a while up that one fell too if I'm just gonna keep sniffing this one for a while I'm a really weird cat so go to this site to figure out how you can get tickets to Grand Rapids Comic Con in Michigan and smelt scratching posts on couches you don't know what you're missing this is great [Applause] so after putting darts and all the monkeys at the zoo bubbles notices a baby dropped his toy I thought the zoo kept all the animals in cages damn I'll have any other jokes it's just damn Stephan yourselves do their heartless words and now it's time to play dude that's totally got another meaning they are unaware that your actions will have helped change their world forever dude that's totally got another meaning surprised oh yeah dude that's totally got another meaning still be mad at us for playing tag no dude that's totally got another meaning yes okay well that's more just not telling the truth I am gonna play that with this clip would I lie to you [Music] the cops drop the professor back home as Jojo starts his evil plan transporting all the monkeys from the zoo to his lair [Music] Green nothing good in the lair is evergreen [Music] thank you again for that movie do you want to talk about something their brains all seem to grow as the next morning both the kids and children will prepare for their big day the girls things are gonna help the town but they accidentally caused the apocalypse oops Jojo think it's the best introduction to a new name since the artist formerly known as Prince the hobo formerly known as Jojo is no more from this day forward I shall be known as that's so funny I totally glanced over that there's two weird focuses on butts in that shot again movie you want to talk about something I don't know who to believe I thought you were good e to profess a but Mojo Jojo finds out his minions want to be in charge instead of his my name is and here is my speed I don't remember getting high but I'm clearly high I think it was brave to have the makers of Dexter's Lab do the pink elephant scene in Tim Burton's Dumbo sprite can be better than what we've really yet meanwhile on Planet artsy cut away your Powerpuff Girls that tree of life the girls seem to sit on a I'll just say it I have no idea what maybe it's the debris of the town flowing into space maybe it's where Marvin the Martian lives maybe it's all the sets to the Superman sequels that are never gonna make but whatever it is they try to figure out what to do what is this a Swedish expressionist belches punch yet but they hear the professor cry in pain despite he's kind of the reason they were up there to begin with and they rushed back to Salem on the way they find they can save other people too that's my cat's favorite scene you should see the look on his face that's the face he makes but Buttercup punch is one of them and they get an idea that's what'll save the day we had to do so many PSAs to balance this out wait that's not a thing when this was made oh good just blow up to blow up I'll just say it it's really weird but really awesome to see this much animated violence in a kid's film again I don't think I've seen this much hand-drawn explosion punching for children since GI Joe the movie but gotta say the professor from Mojo Jojo but he turns himself into a giant because Giants are cool well somebody's found a new beer label the girls of course trying to stop him leading to even more fun action ones who hated you the ones who are clearly artists and writers trying to get their faces in the picture I haven't looked it up or anything but look at them that's clearly drawn by people eleven sense of humor about how they look well that's a shock I really thought they were gonna join if do you think these are Mission Impossible twist they defeat him just as the professor comes up with an antidote to shrink him down the girls even have a chance to take away their powers but the town wants them to keep thank you oh my god you can talk so the town loves them now and lets them fight evil wherever it works Powerpuff Girls hey that's a good name for them I like that I wonder if they will I wanna try it I mean I was gonna go with creepy sperm dolls but I guess that works too the Powerpuff Girls movie has a strange problem of taking itself too seriously which is fine if you want to try something new but it needed a more complex story with twists and emotions when the action the comedy does get going though it is kind of fun it's not as fast or creative as the show but the up to production value does make it nicer to look at especially for a time period when this kind of style just wasn't seen in movies nowadays this kind of simplistic style with fast action is all over the place but back then this was pretty rare so I guess you could argue on a technical level it was a little ahead of its time as a movie though that's all right I would have liked if it was a bit more clever in its writing but it still felt big enough to be more than just an extended episode fly on in and check it out for yourself I mean it's got to be better than next week's movie what are your thoughts on that Chaplin I think that face says it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out in this week we are doing the Gary Sinise foundation they serve our nation by honoring our defenders veterans first responders their families and those in need they do this by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain educate inspire strengthen and build communities the experiences of War leave an indelible impact on our defenders when they return to civilian life the physical emotional and psychological challenges they face are often difficult as citizens we benefit from the freedom and security they fight to protect so supporting our heroes is a responsibility we all should share each of the foundation programs originated from Gary Sinise's personal relationships with our nation's service community and a wide range of nonprofits he has supported for decades with the creation of this foundation his crusade now supports all those who sacrifice on our behalf active-duty veterans first responders and their loved ones if you look at their site on their youtube channel you can see all the brave people who risk their lives as well as the families who supported them and through your donations you can support them too click on the link and share your gratitude for the people who gave so much so that we could have so much you you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,006,832
Rating: 4.8412848 out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, doug walker, nostalgia critic, movie, film, the powerpuff girls, the powerpuff girls movie, powerpuff girls, the powerpuff girls movie review, powerpuff girls movie review, powerpuff girls movie, movie review, film review, animated movies, kids movies, cartoon network, cartoon network movies, the powerpuff girls 2002, cartoons, cartoon movies
Id: jw5oud8hTS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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