Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (1999) - Nostalgia Critic

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Nostalgic Critic didn't say the iconic line? Strange, isn't it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MasterVidxad58 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure how this will be received, given the Channel Awesome controversy, but I figured if anyone was interested then here you go. I recall his AoSTH/SatAM video being pretty good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sonicgamer42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Apparently, years ago he said he didnt want to talk about the OVA, either that was a "no plans at the moment" or a definitive nope, showing that he is currently getting out of ideas, its up to debate.

First, the introduction was awful. Its your typical "Sonic has not being doing well recently" and the only games he really talked about were Sonic 06 and Unleashed.

He hinting that he was in the fan live action Sonic film was kinda funny, I'll give him that.

He was not that positive on the movie itself, but to be fair, the movie was basically a pilot of a series that couldnt be made, so as a last-minute stand alone movie, it was very messy in terms of writing but it tried it best to be fun and charming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sunstart2y πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Classic attitude towards Unleashed. He didn't actually watch all the cutscenes, just the one with the Werehog transformation and assumed the whole story sucked. Actually, no. If he had seen the whole intro, he might have actually had second thoughts regarding the quality of storytelling. So I guess he just HEARD about the werehog bit and used the clip without watching the whole prologue.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThePreciseClimber πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doug is irrelevant. NC hasn't been good for a while. I still like some of his real thoughts videos where he and Rob just talk about a show, but the Nostalgia Critic reviews? Nah fam

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Icystorm9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought he did this years ago. I'm probably thinking of Sage's review.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anonttt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrBohobe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doug is getting desperate....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LylatInvader πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh. I legit enjoy the NC videos but after all the shit came out about how everyone involved is a terrible human being I just can’t bring myself to watch them. But damn if the Sonic OVA isn’t something I’d like to see him review.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to let's talk about Sonic the Hedgehog I'm required to say before devianart the iconic Sega Genesis character not only has several hit games in the 90s but also two successful TV shows both on at the same time heels I can't think Batman the Animated Series and Batman the 60s show both on simultaneously it was strange but kind of cool as the years went on though sonic gradually slipped making clumsy games with clumsy storylines what you didn't want to see Sonic turn into a werewolf or make out with Final Fantasy foldouts Oh some of you did I'm most required again to say there is no devianart in this video why do I simply have ten emails of inflated Sonic's despite this or maybe in light of this Sonic has grown a very large fanbase online his reputation is odd to say the least just because I don't understand something doesn't mean it's bad and I'm gonna take a wild guess and say there's stranger things online well I should like Google car from The Jungle Book I see no reason why not Oh God okay we're getting on topic my point is people have been asking me to review Sonic media for years but all I've gotten up to is the Sonic SatAM show I'm really seeing any of the new shows or play many of the new games after that but then somebody brought up that there's a sonic movie no not that one not that one neither though here the force gun soldier is very good in that I'm talking about the anime OVA [Music] primary in Japan in 1996 this got a video release in America around 1999 so not even an hour long all the advertisements clearly label it as the Sonic the Hedgehog movie so I guess it counts does it lure newcomers into the mix does it please diehard loyalists is there room for my fan character in a sonic Critic wouldn't roll let's take a look at the Sonic the Hedgehog ova movie oh come on they don't even have the singers going say that's the credits roll we see Metal Sonic seems to have been built by dr. wily i me Robotnik I mean Eggman I mean you know what dr. wily this is all just a furry version of Megaman think about it small blue hero stuffs big moustache scientist who takes over robots has a dog a girl and a ton of sequels people hate you laughs I ponder we cut to Sonic who resides in an area of activity where tails his psychic slash child slash adult slash fiction is off to use his surfboard you let it try it out no right now thanks tails is just like a little kid with his new toy I bet a lot of you thought he was a little kid let me unconvince by explaining nothing oh and I mean nothing there are no intros for anyone we're just supposed to already know who everyone is and what their characteristics are I mean all scientists and rocket ships clearly explain themselves the very least you could throw in some Looney Tunes introductions even something as little as this could help [Music] Wow even shorter than I thought no Sonic saves the both of them as the owl scientist let sonic know that he's needed business all right it's a real emergency you see the president do I feel like they came up with the elves voice the same day they recorded your recording the owl scientists go I thought I was just delivering blow you're a voice actor now go you've done this before question my life choices yes he wants us to come to the Verizon and chill house right away you know it might have been easier if you just called to tell us that I mean do we have phones we don't seem to have clothes that cover our genitalia I would just really advanced nudists but either a drunk Teddy Roosevelt as president or Robotnik has taken over hi everybody hi Robotnik please accept a small token of my gratitude but for the sake of my daughter and everyone else listen to him it seems Robotnik has the president and his daughter captured which is usually the third act of a movie and not usually the first couple minutes now Sonic I've got the upper hand this is about the entire planet of freedom so you better do as I say Oh so kidnapping the president was just an attention getter Sonic must be a real actually I'm not too far off Robotnik says he actually needs help because a robotic version of him took over his lair and a generator of energy has to be stopped before it blows up the world our of a hero could care less Oh get about it why should I have to go around sleeping up you're fine don't blame me when this happens I thought it was nice that they keep those dyslexic Batman sound effects a home sonic please dude we find out quickly though that everyone's kind of a taint in this universe sonic I don't care what happens to rebonding or daddy but please just do this for the two of us Wow first thing second thing are you two an item now they try that in another game the results were ue nice I'm working through things dark thing Sonic agrees for whatever disturb relationship he has with Sara Ella botany gives Tails a watch to get him to his lair using this don't thank me just blow your nose you sound like a constipated Simpson child tails do you actually trust that ridiculous little gadget that Robotnik built for you that's not a robotic is the only person who knows where metropolis is so we have to use navigator bells they work Wow that was probably the most anime line delivery the movies had yet I'm just going to say words until I run out of words and that these words are going to stop me in Words Words i guess so confusingly back with the president the video game characters are playing video game characters just give up we've played a hundred times I'll stop being your hostage alright started again okay one of us is an idiot we then come back to tails and sonic thank God we did that back to video games apparently one of Robotnik's pods drops in and both Sara and Robotnik hop in I just want to make sure we are high right now right Sonic and Tails come across some tough wins and end up crashing - lambic Thanks never throw all the traps laid out for them and free the animals inside the robots like in the game or just disembowel them we'll just assume they used to be bad they get to robotropolis after crossing some ancient relics indicating that Sonic the Hedgehog takes place in our currency futures finally the adventure time crossover we never knew we wanted and will wish stay that way we should hurry it tails always act like a kid when there's lightning but apparently he isn't I don't know but metal Robotnik appears to try and stop I'm gonna do it again that's literally all you do does sonic play Sonic games he grows a rocket pack and wings and tries to hunt them down don't think you're safe yet I'm well aware that neither one of you can swim or maybe you can you just play really anxiety-provoking music whatever you're about to drop my bottle still crunches every time I do that you didn't think I'd fall fresh stupid trick like that did you okay am i seeing that wrong or is he shooting bullets on them that must be some devilish Taco Bell you had earlier Metamucil you'll be shooting bullets for a week keep fires missiles as well to totally eradicate Sonic easily the end of a cure didn't have explosion that big they were calling the Blue Boar because that's what he would look like just standing there sonic does survive for reasons and knuckled Isle Dundee comes in to help out sonic behold robotnik and Sarah arrived though as Robotnik claims sonic will have more to worry about he'll have to fight something far more evil than metal you better keep your hands off my Sonic or I'll never forgive you okay does my sonic mean hedgehog or hedge cuz either way I'm very disturbed [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] so Sonic Tails and Knuckles get to Robo trap Alice where they come across okay even by sonic designs that's lazy it's being a wish to us but bother get to incorporate his face into everything seriously what make in the way of the function after a while I want my face on that machine we can paint it on no my mustache has to be the gears and my eyes the measuring rods that compromises the efficiency of blue hedgehog could easily destroy it okay you're the face of the company copies my face if they come across metal sonic who now has Sonic's abilities which were copied while he was in that machine metal sonic element to look at him is actually kind of intimidating a little granted he's designed like an even Gillian Marvin the Martian your planet's blocking of Venus result in termination isn't that lovely Nick and Sarah rhyme on the scene that part was rewound so what about this blue lock Robotnik way to keep it classy Robotnik you came all the way here and now your guy here I'm going to use metal to destroy the real sonic until I can completely destroy the land of the sky so I'm not sure why he made this fake mission to defeat Sonic when he already had him and the president in perfect executable positions but now level sonic is after him he has the power to turn into eighties music videos watch it here take on me again the robot do the robot that's mecha meta I'm not a scientist I can't understand that technical jargon looks like that's it whoa does robotic have a Muppets Satan setting sonic will never again be a pain in my eggs wait am I called Eggman yet oh who cares the parents kind of get it Metal Sonic also has plans for Sonic's friends back home sonic I question expect you back so soon wait what are you doing not even the howling survived some Robotnik starts is um second attack on the president's home could this be the work of metal Robotnik well worth three fours in might as well have an inner monologue with a character so secondary you could calm core Denari but it looks like Metal Sonic didn't destroy the owl and instead turn him into a painful reminder of when this was made he forced me to put on these clothes and I suddenly want to extreme capri-sun skydive good burger anyone else and since there's no better time we'll be the only ones left then we can get married Kara's the reason I gave you that dress is because it's an anime where did the third act we need obscured options I'll give credit that's the most imaginative way I've seen that done you're a perfect target for me now box enemy fighters coming at you fire ok even the smoke debris has his face here I'm gonna kill Sonic with the Hedgehog seeking missile years ago but couldn't find a way to work his ugly mug onto it knuckles and Tails save Serah but big shock things get sexually awkward tails get off I never thought you'd stoop that low Wow well can't act like I'm shocked I have to play this there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable that's no good I was like a cowboy with a gun holster with that clip but Sonic and Metal Sonic continue to fight would you try for me brave man would you do it for a Sarah snack right yes ma'am how come we're not freezing to death everybody tries to help Sonic out and she is sitting on his face what the hell Japan you were giving kids no chance to have a normal sex life Wow they knock out Metal Sonic but then the president comes in to make things more complicated the president's timing couldn't be worse I think that's what presidents specialize in tails tries to get the president out while Metal Sonic gets back up and continues to fight Oh a thumbs down in Japan that's like a thumbs down they get the president out and Sonic ends up roasting the metal headache you are the chosen one grab ahold of my hand I didn't realize that I loved him confused well we didn't learn jack what so now we're finally even Sonic because that's what it's all about repressed sexual aggression like to hear you make an argument for anything else yeah I wouldn't announce that so proudly I'd be more like sobbing because brother this was weird the animation is nice as well as the backgrounds but this is an overly complicated story with either too little character or too much presumption that we already know what these people are like I guess I can't be too angry at it as it plays exactly like what it is a giant commercial it's not obnoxiously annoying and there's nothing offensive dish but it just feels empty and pointless I can see some kids having fun with it but for the fastest hedgehog alive this could have been a lot more interesting and a lot more cool get on your running shoes and dash away from this as fast as possible or a sonic SEZ would say first yes say no then you get out of it I've noticed I sure could a guy remember so you don't have to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out and this week we are doing the Alliance for the Great Lakes and once again this ties in to our newest show we're doing called what you can do that shows how you can volunteer at different organizations and charities and that's when we're doing this week so we're just gonna show a little snippet of it if you'd like to donate to it the link is right there or if you like to volunteer you know great links is a very it's very very big so definitely look into it and see if you want to volunteer here's a little snippet of some of the great work that they do my name is Tyrone Dobson and I'm the volunteer manager for the Alliance for the Great Lakes and what are you guys doing out here today we're doing a beach cleanup today so we do our adoptive each program is one of our longest running programs we serve as 15,000 volunteers each year and those volunteers last year picked up 36,000 pounds of trash and so they're doing work all over the Great Lakes so in all eight states that border the Great Lakes we have volunteers cleaning up all year long it kind of gives you a sense of pride because you see your city coming together to really make good work we were sitting here we're like oh man if the weather is so crappy it's kind of rainy and then out of nowhere 20 people showed up and it was almost like I blinked and then there they were so it gives me a lot of pride in my position to know that I'm helping people come out and do this type of work and they're doing a lot not only to help the actual city so that the beach gets cleaned up but we're also doing bright work for the things that can't advocate for themselves like the wildlife in the area or even the small children that come out with their families to recreative the Beach Discovery Channel Shark Week what are you doing here we're here hoping to clean up some beaches and you know spread a little bit of awareness Ocean Conservancy is a huge part of Sharpie every year obviously we really care about conserving the world's oceans and you know giving back to the community and shark weeks an awesome fun program and it's our 30th anniversary this year this is definitely a huge part of what Shark Week is meant to do is to kind of bring awareness about what's going on in the world in terms of the ocean you know we were saying before a lot of people don't always see this is like an urgent matter but again when this stuff builds up and people don't don't come together and don't do what you're doing here today it can be urgent it can have a really bad impact on me I talked to a volunteer once before when I first started at the Alliance I said why do you do what you do and the person said well if you see a wildfire and you know that something bad is happening because the ground is black and it's charred the lakes don't necessarily have the same type of effect so it always looks kind of good but unbeknownst to the naked eye there are things that are going on they're not necessarily always great that are happening things like invasive species or tiny pieces of trash that are floating in the water that you can't see or the fact that cigarette butts are kind of the same color as sand it might not look like it's dirty but I guarantee you today will pick up over a hundred pounds of debris off the beach today we're hoping to make a healthy Great Lakes for today tomorrow and forever I want you to look at that camera there I want you to tell the people if they want to donate volunteer or just check out we guys are about where can you go online you can go online to wwx org to be connected with the Alliance for the Great Lakes hope to see you soon awesome thank you so much man thank you for what you're doing hey no problem [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,214,365
Rating: 4.7951455 out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, sonic the hedgehog movie, sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog movie review, movie review, film review, review, video games, video game movies, sonic, sonic the hedgehog review, sonic the hedgehog movie 1999, animation, animated movies, sonic the hedgehog ova, tails, dr. robotnik, sonic video games, sonic movies, 90s movies
Id: l7vrL_qoyMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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