The Power of Your Words

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[Music] did you know that when you speak the words that you speak carry the weight of divine authority you have power in your words you are like your father your father God speaks with authority your father God speaks with creativity your father God speaks with power and when you speak when you make a declaration there is power in your words now this message is going to be a message for those of you who want to move into the deeper things of God and I want you as you listen to this word to prepare your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to help give you understanding because I know that when you come to understand these simple truths I want to minister to you that you're going to walk in a greater level of authority a greater level of power than ever before there is power in your words that's what I'm talking about here on this edition of spirit church on the Encounter TV network but first Steven Moctezuma is here with me as usual he's gonna lead you in some very anointed worship prepare your heart and then we're gonna get right into this message here is Steven Moctezuma into your hands I commit again with all I for you though you hold my word in the palm of your head in for [Music] Jesus I believe in you Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that I live the reason that I see with all [Music] into your hands I commit again with all night for you though you hold my world in the palm of your head and I have yours forever [Music] Jesus I believe Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that I the reason that I see Jesus I believe [Music] Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that I live the reason that I see [Music] we worship I will worship we were we're [Music] we were [Applause] [Music] we worship you Jesus I believe in you Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that I live the reason that I see with or [Music] now there have been some abuses to this biblical truth that I'm going to minister to you some have taken the idea the biblical idea that there is power in your words a little too far even bordering on superstition and I'm going to talk about that in this message but before I even get into that I want to lay the foundation for helping you to understand the power behind the words that you speak you see the authority and the power behind the words that you declare come from your heavenly Father now we have to understand how God speaks how God makes declarations before we can understand where we fit in the line of authority in the chain of command so first of all I want to show you about the Word of God the scripture teaches us very clearly that number one God's Word is creative Genesis chapter one verses one through three say in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters verse three then God said let there be light and there was light here we see that God spoke to the darkness God spoke to the vast nothingness and by the sheer command of his word by the sound of his voice he called into existence all that we know as our reality the scripture tells us in Hebrews chapter 11 verse number three by faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen in other words faith gives us the understanding that God spoke all things into existence everything that you observe everything that you experience everything that you can touch and sense was spoken into existence by the Word of God the origin of all things finds itself in the declaration of the Father the scripture says in psalms chapter 33 verse number 6 the Lord merely spoke and the heavens were created he breathed the word and all the stars were born now this is incredible power from nothing God brought about everything from nothing God brought about all that you see and know everything that can be known about our universe everything that is known about our world was brought into existence by the Word of God he merely spoke he simply wheeled it into existence made a declaration and caused all things to be his will is so powerful that reality bends to it without question his word is so potent that reality obeys it without question so that's number one God's Word is creative number two God's Word is sustaining not only did God create all things by his word but he sustains all things by his word the scripture says in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets and now in these final days he has spoken to us through his son God promised everything to the son as an inheritance and through the son he created the universe remember the son is the word verse number 3 the son or the word radiates God's own glory and expresses the very character of God and he the son the word sustains everything by the mighty power of his command when he had cleansed us from our sins he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven this shows that the son or the word is far greater than the Angels just as the name God gave him is greater than their names did you know that in physics there is this theory called string theory and I'm going to give you a very oversimplified explanation I don't fully understand it but what I do know is that string theory is one of the models that cosmologists use to try to describe the universe as a whole and string theory says that everything ultimately is held together by tiny strings vibrating in other words everything the theory goes can be said to be held together by sound it was the voice of God that spoke all things into existence and it is the vibrations of his eternal command that holds everything together his word holds you together his word holds all of the laws together think about it it holds the spiritual laws together it holds the physical laws together it holds the moral laws together his word holds the universe together all matter all space and time are held together they are threaded together and kept stable by the command of God so God's Word is creative God's Word is sustaining and number three God's Word is powerful Hebrews chapter four verse 12 says for the word of God is alive and powerful it is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between soul and spirit between joint and marrow it exposes our innermost thoughts and desires Isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 says it is the same with my word I send it out and it always produces fruit it will accomplish all I want it to and it will prosper everywhere I send it God's Word always accomplishes the goal that he intended it to accomplish God's Word never returns void once god has spoken something it cannot be undone it could be said this way God's Word is the code of all reality God's Word like a computer code written out tells everything how it should act tells everything how it should respond to its surroundings it tells everything how it should function and move and exist God's Word is the code that reality is built upon it supersedes all laws it is outside of time and cannot be constrained by it this is why the Lord declares several times I am that is a name of God the I am meaning he is ever-present eternal not someone who is going to act in the future not someone who only was relevant to the past but someone who is living in the now who existed a now forever and is constantly moving in power he has no time he has no boundaries his word accomplishes its goal his word accomplishes its purpose I want to read this to you some thought that I had concerning this topic once the word of God has been spoken concerning a matter there is no force no will no action no opposition that can stop or even slow the fulfillment of the word what God declares will happen when he Destin's it to happen according to how he desires it to happen where he wants it to happen and to who he wills it to happen God's Word is final and Jesus carried this same power you see that creative that's sustaining that powerful word became the Express image of the Father because Jesus is the word now God's will and his word are inseparable his word accomplishes his will and his will is reflective of his word that's why Jesus fulfilled the will of God unto perfection because he was the will or the word or the intention or the idea of God in action in the earth in full perfection the scripture says in John chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 14 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us that's so powerful we have seen his glory the glory of the one and only son who came from the father full of grace and truth so Jesus is the word he's the will of God in action in the earth and this is something I want you to recognize that there was a difference between the way Jesus spoke and the way the Father spoke they both spoke the same things but they spoke them from different positions I'm going to tell you more about that in just a moment but first I want to look at the power that Jesus had in his words with his word Jesus delivered the captives Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 says that evening many demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus he cast out the evil spirits with the simple command and He healed all the sick with his word Jesus influenced the physical world Matthew chapter 21 verses eighteen and nineteen say in the morning as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem he was hungry and he noticed a fig tree beside the road he went over to see if there were any FIGS but there were only leaves then he said to it may you never bear fruit again and immediately the fig tree withered up in mark chapter 4 verses 39 through 41 the scripture says when Jesus woke up he rebuked the wind and said to the waves silence be still suddenly the wind stopped and there was a great calm then he asked them why are you afraid do you still have no faith the disciples were absolutely terrified who is this man they asked each other even the wind and waves obeyed him or obey him with his word Jesus had authority over angelic beings the scripture says in Matthew chapter 26 verse 53 don't you realize that I could ask my father for thousands of angels to protect us and he would send them instantly with his word Jesus raised the dead and healed the sick in Mark chapter 5 verses 38 through 42 we see Jesus raising a little girl from the dead in Luke chapter 7 verses 6 through 10 we see Jesus merely speaking a word and healing the servant of a Centurion this is the power that Jesus carried with his word he brought deliverance with his word he brought healing with his word he commanded the forces of nature and even the physical laws that govern the universe bowed to the authority of Jesus's word this is the power he carried now as I said they spoke from different positions you have to realize that when Jesus came to earth he stripped himself of certain abilities certain divine qualities this didn't make him any less God Jesus was fully man and fully God I should say truly man and truly God Jesus chose in humility to strip himself of certain divine powers now this means that the way Jesus spoke the word was different from the way that God the Father spoke the word and in seeing how Jesus spoke the word we see a revelation of truth we see the power that you and I have when we speak this is what I want to show you I want you to notice the difference between the way the father and the son used their words you see when the father speaks he creates when the son speaks he shapes God created men so the son healed and delivered God created the physical laws but the son spoke and was able to command those physical walls so Jesus most certainly could have done as his father did but he chose to model something for you and I he chose instead to be an example for you and I of how we should exercise our divine authority John chapter 5 verse 19 says so Jesus explained I tell you the truth the son can do nothing by himself he does only what he sees the father doing whatever the father does the son also does now look again at the context where Jesus cursed the fig tree look at what he says after this Matthew chapter 21 verses 20 through 22 the scripture says the disciples were amazed when they saw this and asked how did the Figtree with us so quickly in other words Jesus just spoke the fig tree withered and the disciple said how did that happen then Jesus told them watch this I tell you the truth if you have faith and don't doubt you can do things like this and much more you can even say to this mountain may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea and it will happen you can pray for anything and if you have faith you will receive it there's power when you speak to John chapter 14 verse number 12 says I tell you the truth anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done and even greater works because I'm going to be with the father now Jesus has given us his authority the scripture says in Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 19 and Jesus came to them and said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit you see Adam lost his authority through sin Christ regained that authority through four men through his obedience and perfection and he has passed that authority on to us now when I speak according to God's Word according to God's will there is power in my words 1st John chapter 5 verse 14 says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will that's the key to here with us so we have to avoid superstition often you'll hear libero believer say something like oh I'm not feeling well or oh I'm probably gonna lose my job or oh I hope I don't get in a car accident and another believer will instantly chime in don't speak that there's power in your words don't speak that life and death are in the power of the tongue and well I understand what they are saying I understand the caution that they have you have to realize that there are limitations to what you and I speak so God the Father creates God the Sun shapes we are to live like Jesus the authority passed on to us wasn't that necessarily of the father to create or call things into existence if that were the case we'd be in a lot of trouble we'd be calling in some very unusual and unnecessary things but we instead are given the authority of the son in other words we like the son are to shape our reality so I remember I was praying for the sick in this prayer line and this this woman comes up to me and she says I want you to pray for my eye when I said okay what's wrong with it so he said nothing just pray for my eye I said is there anything wrong with your eye she says no there's nothing wrong with my eye just pray for it I was so confused that conversation went on for I kid you not about ten minutes in the middle of a prayer line I have other people behind her and I said fine I said ma'am what is going on what are you trying to say to me it turns out she didn't want to say that she was blind in her eye because she didn't want to confess it or didn't want to call it into existence I said man listen you're in a healing line the very fact that you're standing here is an acknowledgment that your eye is blind you're not going to prevent your healing by acknowledging the sickness in fact you can't even receive a healing until you acknowledge that you need a healing so we have to avoid that sort of superstition so man has been given the ability to tend to and shape the creation our words do not create they shape according to the will of God you see God gave to Adam in the garden the raw materials of the creation I'll give you an analogy it's like a police officer a police officer can enforce the law but a police officer cannot himself violate the law well enforcing that law otherwise he gets in trouble ideally so if a police officer comes to your home with this gun drawn and Kicks down your door and says give me all of your finances give me everything in your house I'm taking it he can't do that why because he's moving outside of the law he's moving outside of the authority that he has been given it's the same thing with you and I yes there is power in our words but only when we repeat what the father has said God has spoken the laws into existence the laws being the spiritual laws of the word and those always overcome the natural laws and we are to use those raw materials we are to align ourselves with that word and speak it we are most powerful when we sound like our father so we have the power to speak and declare and claim whatever God has spoken we don't have the ability to contradict God or make him that may give him ultimatums or make him do things that he hasn't promised to do we don't call things into existence we call things into order we don't call creation into existence we don't call laws into existence we don't call people necessarily into existence we call things into order we shape we tend to we oversee we steward the creation but we do not cause the creation so faith is not my influencing of the will of God faith is my alignment with the will of God so this helps to bring balance to some superstitious thinking you can't just call things into existence and then they happen they have to be aligned with the Word of God remember he said that if you ask according to my will I will hear you so there is power in our words but we have to recognize that it comes when we repeat the father now there are some other verses I want to read to you here's a verse and this is when the children of Israel were complaining against God this is where you see the negativity of the power of our words numbers chapter 14 verse 28 says now tell them this yes surely as I live declares the Lord I will do to you the very things I heard you say proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 the tongue can bring life or death those who love the talk will reap the consequences Matthew chapter 21 verse 21 says then Jesus told them I tell you the truth if you have faith and don't doubt you can do light things like this and much more you can even say to this mountain may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea and it will happen mark 11:24 therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours words transform your thinking words transform your surroundings words transform your circumstances words transform the people around you you can speak life or death there is power in your words there is Authority in your declaration you can declare healing you can declare that sickness leave you can declare prosperity you can declare deliverance you can declare salvation you can declare expansions of ministries you can declare depression to be broken you can declare anxiety to be broken you have been given this authority now again the balance is this is not just you wielding your own will this is you aligning by faith yourself with God's will faith is the key to activating the power of your words faith doesn't obligate God it aligns you so where is your faith is it in what God has spoken because there's power in that alignment well that's it for that lesson I want to pray with you now I want to ask God to stir your faith to believe that there is power in your words and that the Holy Spirit would help you in those times in life where you just want to say things I want the Holy Spirit to help you to remember to speak live to people to situations to your surroundings speak life father in Jesus name I pray for that one receiving this now I ask you Lord to stir their faith to believe that their words possess the authority of heaven your word declares father as you are so are we in this world where your children help us to align our lives and obedience to your word help us to align to your will that we might have power remind us the power is not in us it's in your word it's in you help us father to not try to bend you to not try to obligate you the lord help us to surrender to your will and your word remind us constantly to speak live Holy Spirit in Jesus name we pray I want you to say it because you agree say Amen well that's it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you we're praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you like information on how you can join the spirit family use the information at the bottom of the screen you'll get an email every week with a fresh teaching from me a new Sun worship song from Stephen Moctezuma and you get to reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff when you join the spirit family you're joining a group of over 4,000 believers from all around the world I want to get to your comments now by the way if you want me to possibly read your comment on next week's edition of Spirit Church then go ahead and leave the comment now here are the comments from last week's teaching don't stifle the Holy Spirit Carmela writes I am blessed with how God used you in this ministry and encounter TV it helped me a lot in my walk to know God more deeply and seriously to perfect my faith daily my husband and I agreed to be a part of your ministry all glory belongs to God mail from Philippines Champa my rights thank you David I'm from India I always come back from my work and listen to you the good news is God sent you to me and he saved me I can't thank you enough well thank you for watching encounter TV this is the Holy Spirit's Channel I'm glad that you're blessed by it Gabriela David right I am so happy to hear about the building god is really working through this ministry I am so happy to be a new member of this church this message was so powerful I just know it was for me and at the right time to all glory be to Jesus well you know often the words of knowledge flow through this ministry but more often the Holy Spirit just instructs me on what to speak and eat every single time each time people respond by saying this was perfect timing it was just for me so I know that God is speaking to his people Margaret grant rights hi David and Steven I am so excited you have found the right building I have been with you from the very beginning you never change David I am praising my God for his goodness for you and for your steadfast faithfulness amen and it's Margaret from the you cable Margaret we certainly do know you and we love you and we appreciate you thank you for being a faithful supporter of this ministry we honor you for it Kyle bacalao writes praise God rejoicing in the Lord for the new facility thank you Jesus for your faithfulness I will continue to stand and lift you in prayer may the Lord bless this ministry with more partners as this has helped spread the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the hope of the world to many people worthy is the lamb to receive all honor glory power and Dominion forever amen well if you're wondering what they're talking about our ministry finally found the facility we're in it now we got the lease we're good to go we're actually doing the second half of that campaign which is to raise the funds for the renovations you want information on that you can go to David Hernandez slash project ETV but here on Spirit Church I just raised regular support to help with all of the other operations that are going on for the ministry you know this ministry really is expanding look at our events look at our broadcast reach souls are being saved believers are coming to greater depths of Revelation in the word they're they're learning to activate their gifts and perhaps you're one of those believers listen I need your help the scripture tells us in Proverbs to not withhold a good thing when it is in width when it is within your power to give it in other words if you're able to do something do it don't withhold now I'm talking to everyone who's watching me now you stuck around for the lesson you you stuck around at this point don't turn me off I want to I want you to hear this at least hear this and then take it to the Lord and see what he has you do we need monthly support to help keep all of this going and we are doing much more than ever before we're doing even more events than ever before if you go to our website every month we're adding new events and all of this is because of monthly supporters and one-time donors now what I'm about to say I want you to know I'm I took it to the Lord and I'm not trying to be manipulative or anything but there are people watching who who have been longing to given to this ministry look people so sizable amounts to this ministry all the time but I'm talking to three people and one of you is in Orange County California one of you is in Texas I don't know which department I heard Texas and one of you is in Singapore there are wealthy people watching me from those areas and God has laid it on your heart to invest a hundred thousand dollars into this ministry I don't know if that's from your business or from something I just know God told me you're wealthy and you've been praying about here's how you notice you you've been you've been praying about supporting this ministry and that's a capability in your hand this isn't for everyone this is something that the Lord has led me to speak about I want to challenge you to let go of the wealth to let go of what's in your hand and release it for the gospel everyone else I want to talk to you about giving a normal gift and what we deem is normal those are extravagant gifts I'm talking about everyone else now some of you can do a gift a one-time gift of a thousand somebody could do a one-time gift of five hundred somebody could do a one-time gift of $100 but if you'll partner with me that is become a monthly ministry supporter for $30 or more a month I will send you either carriers of the glory 25 truths about demons and spirits warfare or encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible if you sign up to become a $30 a month supporter or more you're gonna be able to choose one of those books it's my initiation gift to you I'll sign it I'll send it over so whatever got places on your heart whether it's a one-time gift or whether it's signing up to become a monthly supporter do it now listen souls are hanging in the balance I make no apologies for raising funds for the gospel III will not apologize for it I will not back down form from it I know with the Word of God teaches this is the our foundation some will say always preach in prosperity gospel look you know me I don't believe in that I believe that we so to see soul saved we give that others might live we give to expand the kingdom that's it yes God will bless you the Bible teaches that but that's not that's not the focus the focus is we have a job to do and we need to do it and it's urgent every single day over 150,000 people pass into eternity many of them without Christ what is this all worth to you it's worth my life look I've given my life to this thing I pour my time I pour my finances I pour my heart my soul my emotion I sacrifice so that I can do this and I challenge you to do the same step out in faith we partner with me and let's win the world for Jesus let's win souls you'd like to become a partner or give a one-time gift either or it helps guys you may say mine is too small or maybe you might be saying that's too big the Lord is challenging me whatever it is just obey God just do what God told you to do that's all I'm asking all I'm asking is for you to do what God told you to do if you'd like to support you can use the information at the bottom of the screen if you're watching this on youtube you can wait until the very end of the video and a red button will appear where you can give if you're watching this on our app just wait for the video to end and you'll see a button up here that says partner with David but everyone else again used the information at the bottom of the screen go and do it now this is urgent we need to win souls we need to expand the kingdom let's do this for Jesus well that is it for this edition of Spirit church until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 73,649
Rating: 4.9056263 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, healing ministry, encounter tv, holy spirit explained, power of god miracles, the anointing of the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, healing evangelist, holy spirit sermons, jesus christ, healing power of god, the anointing, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit
Id: F6lmNzcQRdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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