How Healing Comes To You | Healing School | Gloria Copeland

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you might be seated thank you Jesus whoo y'all are ready my goodness you ready I never saw such a ready group I don't even remember such a ready group hallelujah maybe maybe there has been one but I'll tell you we're on the day Jesus that was a great service last night our faith we don't have any trouble all we need is faith in God that's what brother schambach says and I believe it bless the Lord okay let's see Jesus help us get started in this healing school I'm going to start today by reading some scriptures to you I'm just gonna read your chapter in my little New Living Translation that I use every day for my personal study because I like it that was reading the other day about Jesus and I thought I'm just gonna read that in healing school but that just shows you how easy Jesus is to receive from so if you don't have a New Living Translation let me read it to you this is chapter 8 and Matthew want to read this most of this chapter at least large crowds now Jesus is what he's the same yesterday today and forever he's as full as compassion today as he was as he walked these shores right here and in the I believe this was in Capernaum he's just as full of compassion he's just as powerful he is the lord of the universe the son of god the healer he's not any different and he wants you to be well he'll be as easy I want you to see as I read this how easy Jesus was to receive from it says the large crowds followed Jesus as he came down from the mountainside suddenly a man from a man with leprosy approached Jesus Jesus was just coming down from the mountaintop and here came a man with leprosy he knelt before him and worship him saying Lord the man said if you want to you can make me well again Jesus touched him I want to he said be healed not isn't that just like Jesus that's the way he is today about your healing I want to he said be healed and instantly the leprosy this appeared let's get an agreement today for instant things instant healings instant deliverance instantly Jesus is the healer he's the one that's doing the work so actually we're just going under the same rules right here this is the way he does things instantly the leprosy disappeared then jesus said to him go right over to the priest and let him examine you don't talk to anyone along the way take along the offering required in the law of moses for those who have been healed of leprosy so everyone will have proof of your healing when Jesus arrived in Capernaum he's still on his way somewhere now I guess he was going to Capernaum Jesus arrived in Capernaum a Roman officer came and pleaded with him Lord my young servant lies in bed paralyzed and wracked with pain Jesus said I will come and heal him now Jesus was on his way somewhere he wasn't just floating through life but people were coming to him for healing in his his attitude was I'll do it and I'll do it right now I will come and heal him then the officer said Lord I'm not worthy to have you come into my home just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed I know because I am under Authority and my superior officers and I have authority over my soldiers I only need to say go and they go or come and they come and if I say to my slaves do this or do that they do it when Jesus heard this he was amazed and turning to the crowd he said I tell you the truth I have not seen like this in all the land of Israel he just believed he could do it and he could do it right now and he can do it from any place they men I'm not seeing so seems faith like this and all the Land of Israel and I'll tell you this that many Gentiles will come from all over the world and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven but many Israelites those for whom the kingdom was prepared will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth jesus said to the Roman officer go on home what you have believed has happened as you have believed it's been done unto you and the young servant was healed that same hour when Jesus arrived at Peter's house everywhere he went people needed to be healed in thee when Jesus arrived at Peter's house Peters mother-in-law was in bed with a high fever but when Jesus touched her hand the fever left her and she got up and prepared a meal for him he just went about and the Bible says this about Jesus he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil and he is the wot same yesterday today and forever that evening many demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus all the spirits fled when he commanded them to leave he healed all the sick Laurie to God over and over in the scripture this says jesus healed all the sick this fulfilled the word of the Lord through Isaiah who said he took our sicknesses and removed our diseases this morning we're going to look to Jesus to take sickness and disease out of our midst in Jesus name out of our families out of our bodies when Jesus noticed how hard the crowd was gathering he instructed his disciples to cross to the other side of the lake then one of the teachers of the religious law said to him teacher I'll follow you no matter but jesus said foxes have dens to live in birds have nests but i the son of man have no home to call my own not even a place to lay my head another of the disciples said Lord first let me return home and bury my father but Jesus told him follow me now let those who are spiritually dead care for their own dead and then in this scripture the storm came up the disciples were afraid he said why are you afraid you have so little faith and then he stood up and he rebuked the wind and the waves and suddenly all was calm the disciples just sat there in awe who is this they asked themselves that even the wind and the waves obey Him when Jesus arrived on the other side of the lake in the land of the gadarenes two men who were possessed with demons met him he just had a healing party a delivering party everywhere he went people came to him just like you've come this morning to be healed doesn't matter if it's mental torment demon possession sickness disease weakness Jesus is the answer and he's easy to receive from so these two men they lived in us they were pretty bad off probably none of you are this crazy today they lived in a cemetery they were they were possessed with demons they lived in a cemetery they were so dangerous that no one could go through that area and they began screaming in him why are you bothering us son of God you have no right to torture us before the appointed time a large herd of pigs was speeding in the distance so the demons begged if you cast us out send us into that herd of pigs now we know that demons don't have much taste and they don't have much they just don't have they're just really low level you know you've heard of low level devils well this is what they were just to let us live in the pigs no ambition huh all right go Jesus commanded them so the demons came out of them in and entered the pigs and the whole herd the pigs couldn't even stand the demons they plunge down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned into the water the herdsmen fled the nearby city telling everyone what happened to the demon-possessed men the entire town came out to meet Jesus but they begged him to to go away and leave them alone now isn't that a strange thing people had been healed demon-possessed people had been delivered but it scared them I guess they must have been full of demons too was they didn't want him there but then that verse note chapter 9 starts out jesus healed a paralyzed man the inn in chapter 9 there's a heading in this new living testament jesus heals in response to faith everywhere he went when people would receive him now in that place one place they didn't want him there but when people would receive him they could get healed he was easy and is easy to receive from that was just a day in the life of Jesus just going from one place to another sick people demon-possessed people hunting him out getting healed getting delivered Jesus is no different today he wants you're healed now today in our generation in our time we know that Jesus has already which hadn't happened at this point in this we were reading today has already taken your sickness my sickness our diseases our pains in his own body on the tree when he was crucified he bore all the sickness and pain he bore all the sin he bore everything that Adam lost in the fall Jesus bore it in Redemption so that we could be back in the garden before sin came hallelujah healed bless redeemed from the curse of poverty the whole thing glory to God it's all yours and mine in Christ Jesus and if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life today before the service is over we want to pray and and lead you in that prayer but you could just say right now in Jesus let's just all say Jesus I receive you as the Lord of my life take my life and do something take my mind take my body and make them whole in Jesus name hallelujah Jesus will be Lord of your life that means he'll take you in you'll be born again you'll be delivered from sin sickness disease fear oh the whole curse of the law the scripture says Jesus bore the curse and everything bad is listed under that curse and Deuteronomy 28 so that the blessing come upon us hallelujah we're blessed I don't know about you but you know I've heard just about every sermon that brother Copeland's preached on the blessing in the last however long it's been a good long while he's been preaching on the blessing now things are look not looking too good out there in the natural realm and in financial things and different things and then there's always sickness disease and plagues I'm so glad I blessed I'm so glad I'm not normal a lot of people think I'm not normal and they're right last I'm not going I'm here I'm prosperous I'm not broke glory to God hallelujah preached myself happy let's talk about so we see in Matthew 8 how Jesus was easy to receive from he just be trying to get from one place to the other that lock that be like you going to the airport to catch an airplane and every time you went there as people lined up wanting to be healed but you know what Jesus had time he took time he was interested in getting people healed glory to God so let's talk a little bit about just let's talk about some scriptures in let's look at proverbs let's look at Psalm 145 and let's just look at some scriptures about our healing from the Old Testament and will from the first covenant I like to say it's still good it's not old and worn out Psalm 145 tells us about the father how good it is a lot of people don't know this about God Psalm 145 says and starting in verse 5 well let's look at verse let's look at verse 1 I will extol the Oh Lord this is a praise to God I will extol the old God o king I will bless thy name forever and ever every day will I bless thee if you want a blessing every day get up every morning blessing the Lord telling him and how much appreciate him thanking him for being so good to you for healing your sicknesses for giving you prosperity for giving you wisdom every day you should be blessing the Lord I will blend will I blessed him I will praise your name forever and great is the Lord greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts the more you talk good about the Lord to him the more your faith rises the more your faith is in the goodness of the Lord I'll speak of the glorious honor of your majesty and of your wonderful works and men shall speak of the might and thy terrible acts are thy great acts and I will declare thy greatness and they shall abundantly men shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing at thy righteousness that's what we're doing this morning we're remembering how good god is we've been singing about him and his righteousness verse 8 says the Lord is gracious this is one of the greatest scriptures in the Bible the Lord is gracious that means disposed to show favours the Lord is disposed to show favors glory to God hallelujah I've known a few people in my life like that my grandfather was like that he was disposed to show favors he whatever we grandchildren asked for and I was oldest so I got to have him all to myself for a while whatever we asked for he would let us have it he you know where he lived in a little country town now my my my grandmother was not as disposed but pop was disposed in all of us who were alive when Pop was alive we all remember him with such fondness my little brothers used to cry when they had to leave we lived in another town we'd go spend the summer with them and when we had to leave he they'd cry Oh pop pop would crying my brother Doug would cry he was the only one around right then and and he was so good and you know he he let me take his truck to the movies in another little Tim when I didn't even have a driver's license or anything I mean he was just good and then I married a man who's disposed to show favors Ken is a good man he's disposed to show favors I was going shopping the other day and he said were you gonna find something you really want and I knew he meant big things I really wanted but I didn't see anything that day but boy it blessed me to have that man say that to me so the Lord is good he's disposed to show favors he tells us every day go go do something you really want to do happy blessed today be increased today hallelujah have wisdom today be healed today the Lord is gracious and full of compassion now this morning you may think nobody in the world cares about you you may be feeling like you're so alone and all that you are never alone you're never without love God the Lord is full of compassion slow to anger aren't we glad and a great mercy now listen to this scripture the Lord is good to all how many of you would be in all who is not included in all let me see your hand the Lord is good to all and fall of compassion mercy glory to God you don't even have to come to healing service to get healed you can wake up in the morning and have the slightest symptom and the compassion of God is present to heal you every day from every situation the Lord is gracious that means he's disposed to show favors full of compassion slow to anger of great mercy God's not holding anything against you today you've got things in your life that are not right or things she's thought I wish I hadn't have done that so I could get healed today know just repent of it get it just plea the blood of Jesus and say I repent of that Lord forgive me of it I'm going free right now yeah but glory it was pretty serious hey Jesus died on the cross for our sins that's pretty serious it's already been dealt with just let it go and forgive yourself and receive your healing this morning he's full of compassion he's a great mercy the Lord is good to all that's me and you and his tender mercies are over all his work hallelujah the Lord is good to all bless the Lord hallelujah so we have we have the spirit of faith the scripture says we're going to talk about that in a minute let's look at Psalm 103 the Lord is not our problem he's always good He loves us he's given his all even his son for us the father's given the son Jesus himself came for us so that we can be blessed born again free heal prosperous don't redeem from the curse this says in Psalm 1 through 103 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name you should never be grumbling I should never be grumbling we should always be blessing the Lord and that is a way to stay in the attitude of faith bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits now here are some of the benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities what a benefit glory to we can receive our healing today as so sin had never been because we've been forgiven who healeth all thy diseases not just some of them you don't have to pick one today just whatever is wrong with you believe God and receive and step out and faith take it in the name of Jesus he he heals all thy diseases say the Lord heals all my diseases I have no diseases for the Lord has healed me another benefit of the Lord is he redeems our life from destruction we have safety and protection we don't have to live in fear the world lives in fear of accidents of storms of recession depression lack of money but we don't have to live in fear the Lord redeems our life from destruction he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies you're wearing a crown this morning if you're in the Lord Jesus Christ it's called tender mercies loving kindness of the Lord hallelujah bless the Lord I have found Jesus to be absolutely faithful in the father every place I've ever given the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in my life they filled it up when I when I came for salvation I got saved and born again when I began to believe for healing I got healed when I began to believe for God to bless our finances and for prosperity prosperity filled our lives Healing filled our lives forgiveness and redemption filled our lives glory to God forgot that's the way God is he crowns us he redeems our life from destruction he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies crownless he satisfies thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles that's what Ken and I are working on now our youth being renewed like the Eagles Laurie to God hallelujah that's a wonderful Scripture the older you get the better it gets I'm 66 Ken's 71 he'll always be older than me neither one of us are on any prescription drugs oh well we're not on any kind of drugs I should say that you might think well no we're not on any kind of drugs we're healed we're well we're we're living on this stuff that I'm reaching you today and we have been walking that way for about 40-something years and we began to learn that way back when our children were young and course they're now grown mature adults with families when our children were little and God's been faithful all those years and then we found out that he had helped us financially we've been helped financially we're not in debt we've preached been out of debt I bet a lot of you wish you to listen but we won't hold that against you Jesus won't hold it against you either just start believing God to get out of debt now now you've got more incentive all right out there in the natural realm but God's merciful he's full of compassion he'll help you get out right now Lori to God so go for it I'm telling you we didn't even know you know like kids says we were so poor we couldn't pay attention almost but we did pay attention we heard we got on faith and we begin to believe God and we took the word literally and we saw word where it said oh no man anything but to love him well that's dad I think that's dad I mean you can't get around this so we decided okay we're going to quit boring money we didn't decide that after we had a good in a good house and they're good everything else we decided it when we saw it in the word in 1967 at the same time we begin to learn that Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases now if you can find it in the word you can have it in your life I'm here to tell you you can have it in your life God is faithful you cannot believe his ability to perform you think yeah yeah but I got a lot of debt well you got a lot of God and he'll help you and he'll put you over in the supernatural your little Oh Debbi you could all 100 million dollars today and that would not be any problem for the father I mean God owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills he owns the gold it's all his he could call for it he could sew it into your life but you know what there's just one thing it's the same way with money that it is with healing you have to have faith what is faith faith is not hard it's not something that's unattainable faith is believing what you read in this Bible the very things that I'm telling you today if you receive it when in your healing for your healing you'll be healed today if you get it in the scripture and you find out what it says about finances and the blessing the blessing will come on you glory to God the blessing of finances will come on you the blessing of healing will come on you because part of that curse was sickness and disease and part of the blessing was that every sickness and every disease would be gone from you hallelujah Jesus did what he bore the curse for me poverty was under the curse lack doubt dread fear every kind of torment every kind of bad thing was under that curse and I'm gonna read your scripture before we're through that Jesus himself took that curse for us and and when we found that out we we got busy believing God hallelujah and it'll work for you and it'll work for you this morning let's look at that scripture in well let's see if we got through and he redeems our life 103 for from destruction he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies he satisfies our mouth with Goods so that our youth is renewed thats where i was hallelujah yes yes yes our youth is renewed like the Eagles and he executes righteousness and just a righteousness and judgment for all then let's look over here at every sickness we know that every sickness and every disease is under the curse it says so let's look at where we are today are we under the curse not if we're in Christ Jesus the Galatians 3 let's look where I'm going to start look let's look at verse 11 oh it's awesome good he look at five he therefore that ministers to you the spirit and works miracles among among you does he it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith what's the right answer to that by the hearing of faith and what is the hearing of faith the hearing of faith is when the word is preached faith comes amen the hearing of faith receiving it believing the Word of God and even as abraham believed God this is Galatians three six even as abraham believed God it was accounted to him for righteousness faith makes away hallelujah no you therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before in the the gospel and Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed and the things we're talking about today abundance debt being debt-free living in abundance instead of lack being healed instead of sick that's all the blessing so then verse nine they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham so all the great blessing that you can find in Deuteronomy is received by believing the word of God is really it's received by faith what is faith faith is just believing that God's not a liar anybody ought to be able to handle that faith is believing that whatever we read in this word that is the truth that is the gospel that is the good news amen hallelujah you want to if if I had one thing to tell you to do I tell you to get busy growing faith and if I'd had another thing tell you do I'd say stay busy that way all your life how do you grow faith keeping your eyes and your ears in the Word of God obeying the word saying the word living the word there's a lot of people that are actually born again but they don't follow the Word of God so the blessing it's not in them or on them now in the scripture the blessing required obedience and if you're here today anything well that shot me down well God's merciful all you have to do is repent get it straight get in your heart then I'm gonna go for God and I'm gonna put being disobedient see God's easy you know he'll forgive you over and over and over and over and over and over his compassion fails not the scripture says so they burst on which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham for as many as ur are the works of the law are under the kurz for it's written cursed is every one that continueth not in in all things which are written in the book of the wall but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident far the just shall live by faith if you've got trouble today the answer to it is get in the Bible find out what it says about your situation and begin to live by faith in every area of your life in the health of your body in your marriage and your finances in every way and your relationships begin to live by the Word of God and things will turn around for good I mean I know we live in a difficult time and it may get more difficult yet but for those of us who know what the Bible says we know this the law is not a faith but the man that doeth them shall live by them now listen to this one Christ the Lord Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us how did he redeem us from sin he took the curse of sin in his own in his own body in his own spirit in his own mind he took he paid the price you and I'd have to pay if we didn't have a savior oh thank you Jesus Jesus himself bore our sins our sicknesses the whole curse of the law everything Bad's under the curse and then it says in well in verse 11 it says no man is justified by the law on the side of God it is evident in other words you can't be good enough to get justified by keeping the law for the just shall live by faith and the laws not of faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law the Lord Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith that is a prosperity scripture every part of poverty is under the curse and it is a healing scripture it says every sickness list saw many sicknesses and diseases but it says every sickness and every disease that's not listed here is under the curse you know they're always coming up with new diseases but they cannot come up with one that's not listed under that's not under the curse because the the Spirit of God made provision for that so whatever sickness and disease you have today God didn't put it on you and it had you have been redeemed from it if you're in Christ Jesus the blessing belongs to you and that includes your healing hallelujah glory to God aren't we blessed that includes prosperity that's why we can go through it life in faith regardless of what's happening we have a covenant that the world knows nothing about most of the politicians don't know anything about it most of the world doesn't know anything about it really and truly most of the Christians don't know anything about it you got to go to the Bible study it out and find out that you've been redeemed from the curse a sickness disease poverty fear everything bad glory to God and when you realize that and you begin to stand in faith for your deliverance the curse begins to fall off of you poverty will begin to fall off of you lakal begin to fall off of you sickness will begin to fall off of you fear will fall off of you glory to God but you've got to become a student of the Word of God when you got born again you didn't automatically know the word you have to go after and I'll tell you one thing about it you got to live by you know if you want to you can't stay strong I mean can I've been doing this for a lot of years but if we quit feeding our spirit on the Bible and our just daily lives our faith was soon it would just become weaker and weaker and weaker it would be like if we quit eating food the word is spirit food if we quit eating physical food we could be Christians we could be spirit fill we could know that we've been redeemed but if we quit eating we'll starve ultimately our body would die if we could eating physical food well when you quit eating spiritual food your spirit man gets weaker and weaker and weaker he won't die but he won't be working for you you know that spirit won't end you won't be quicken in your mortal flesh and and living by faith why because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and you can't store it up I mean you can learn it but you have to keep feeding it's like that's why proverbs says the meds word is his medicine God's Word or quicken your faith your faith or equipment the the will move the spirit the spirit all quicken your mortal body and bring you healing so God's got it all put together for us everything it takes to live whole and well and prosperous it's in the Word of God the blessing coming on us the Spirit of God quickening our mortal flesh if we'll just learn to live with him and give him place if you're not happy with where you are today either in the natural or in the in the spiritual get in the Word of God find out how to live and how to walk and talk maintain a lifestyle of the Word of God and just get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and when you get in the word what happens faith comes now we've been redeemed from every curse we found it right there from every sickness every disease that the blessing verse 4 he says that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith so we've been redeemed from the curse if we're in Christ Jesus and the blessing belongs to us now what do we do well we we spend time in the word and we keep our faith strong we keep our mind thinking right by agreeing with God in the word we keep our words right because that's where faith operates out of this mouth you know faith is not released because you have faith in your heart it's released because words come out your mouth and every word the Bible says will be justified by every word are condemned by every word every day this is true if your whatever problem you've got today I can just about promise you that you've been talking the problem well it's just a natural thing to do you know if you're you've got money problems you talk money problems if you got physical problems you talk about it you won't tell everybody I'm sick you knew I was sick then you you knew I got you knew I got sick didn't you you heard that didn't you may did you hear that I got sick yes everybody's heard it over and over and over over and every time you say it you just dig that's sickness in a little deeper you don't don't ever talk sickness don't ever talk poverty let's just look at mark 11 here we're just having a sweater barrel sermon today but I guess that's okay mark 11 you know this scripture this is the healing scripture or he's not the healing scriptures of faith Scripture glory to God this changed our lives when we changed we could have read this and we could have heard it thousands of people heard this and didn't do it but somehow little had helped us to do it Jesus is talking to them about faith and this is what you need to get a grip on in your life every day this is how faith works verse 22 says read it like you never have read it before now Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God we're going to be this is the spirit of faith in operation Jesus said have faith in God for verily or I'm telling you the truth I say unto you that whosoever now does that mean whosoever is important whosoever is well-known whosoever is educated whosoever is dumb whoso no it just means whosoever whosoever in every category we can be a whosoever and that good news that whosoever shall say unto this mountain our problem our sickness be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass now let's look at that a minute he's not doubting in his heart he says it he says to the mountain he speaks to the problem he rebukes the problem he he doesn't doubt in his heart but he believes that those things he believes his words those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said this is the operation of faith therefore I say unto you so now the Lord's going Jesus is saying something to them that's going to come to pass I say unto you what things plural so ever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them so it says to us here we can have this change our lives when we first begin to learn faith this was a portion that you have to have to operate in faith and we learned it from brother Hagin and one day I was listening to tape those old reel-to-reel tapes by myself I was taking notes and I got a grip on this you it says whosoever Jesus said whosoever shall have whatsoever he says and those things he he shall believe those things which he says shall come to pass and I heard a word I believe to be from the Lord that day I was pretty new I was pretty green but I heard this inconsistency lies the power what we continually say all the time in our lives is what's coming to pass if you're continually saying you're sick you hurt you're in pain I'm sick I'm sick how you doing today well I'm sick and somebody else calls you how you doing day well I don't feel very good I'm sick well what are you doing you're saying something now what the Lord told me that day was that in the consistent not just what we say when we pray or not just what you say this morning and maybe when we repeat a prayer or something like that it's not just what you say one time but in the consistency the things plural you say all the time is what comes to pass in your life so if you go to church you could even go to a faith church and you could get all excited and you could say good things in there maybe the pastor lead June you know could confessions and so on and then you feel good and then you go home and then you have to think about bills I have these bills I need to pay these bills or you think about the debt and you think we're in debt we're in debt we're in debt and you begin to talk the problem and and you've been in church just a little bit but now you're already talking unbelief what do you have to do to change that you have to change your words you have to believe you receive when you pray now today when we pray you believe you receive your healing and you leave this place saying I have been healed by the stripes of Jesus I am healed I am the healed I am the hill okay denied somebody calls you and says well how are you doing well I kind of got this pain going down the side of my leg well we thought you were healed well I I thought it was 2:00 this morning but now I got this pain going down the side of my legs no you got to get on healing and stay on it if it's finances you got to get on the blessing and increase and stay on it when the bills come you got to say thank God every bill is paid I'm not moved by this I believe I received my healing I believe I received my prosperity I believe I receive out of debt and if you can't pay the whole bill pay something on it pay something on it just let them know you're alive and you're believing God hallelujah do you can't pay ten dollars pay one dollar amen and start saying I'm out of debt I'm out of death I'm not moved by this I'm not moved by this I'm not moved by these bills my faith is on this fact that I'm out of debt I'm not moved by this pain my faith is on the fact that Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by His stripes I was healed pain I rebuke you off my leg in Jesus name you don't belong to me and call things that be not as though they were I'm healed my kidneys are healed my kidneys are functioning normal in the name of Jesus kidneys you where in Jesus name I'm putting the Word of God on you kidneys Jesus bore my weaknesses and my sicknesses and carried my diseases and my kidneys are healed now you function you function right Angie heart straighten up straighten up heart straighten up you're healed in the name of Jesus I mean get tough you can get tough get tough with sickness and disease and lack and refused to bow your knee to it you can ask somebody to agree with you you can ask your husband to pray for you you can say pray for me I am making a stand I believe I am healed my sicknesses and diseases are on the work we're placed on Jesus and I am the healed you don't have to beg for somebody I believe with you try to get sympathy just make a stance I agree with me on this I'm standing I'm standing my kidneys are healed my kidneys are normal I call you kidney I call you normal you work in the name of Jesus feet you work in the name of Jesus legs you work in the name of Jesus I mean just be it is so much fun to be a fanatic just be a fanatic glory to God hallelujah and don't put up with any of it because right here it says Jesus himself has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us and it says in the in in the book of Deuteronomy that every sickness and every disease even those that aren't listed in this curse or under that curse that would include lack poverty is a curse that would include being delivered from lack and we are blessed verse 9 says we are blessed with a faith those who are a faith or blessed those who are unbelief or not blessed but you're furthering the curse but those who are faith who are those who are faith they believe what's in the Word of God they believe the Word of God we believe the Word of God say I believe the Word of God I am a person of faith I am moved by what the word says I'm not moved by pain Malak I am NOT moved by symptoms I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet Jesus has healed me he himself bore my sicknesses carried my diseases and by the stripes that he bore I was healed if I was healed I am healed in Jesus [Applause] thank you lord so the same is true of your finances poverty's under the curse the the blessing belongs to me hallelujah the blessing belongs to you now you can stay strong like this yourself you can just be a regular fanatic yourself if you'll stay in the word and just begin to say the word and and and you know whatever thing you're believing for just read those scriptures every day act on them say them talk to them talk healing talk prosperity talk blessing and it will come to pass in your life and you'll be a blessing to others others will say I want to know how you do this I want to know how you do this so we found out that God is good we found out that Jesus bore the curse glory to God so we've been redeemed every every sickness is under the curse Jesus himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases now proverbs 4 is how you stay healed this is the way you stay healed this brings healing and it keeps you healed you know this scripture but we're gonna look at it again it's not what you know that gets you results it's what you actually do so proverbs 4 20 says my son attend to my words give attention to my words in other words pay attention to what I'm saying have you read your mother like that pay attention boy get this this is what Jesus is saying pay attention to my words the lord of the word of the Lord says incline have an ear incline to the Word of God be more inclined to the Word of God then you are the news if you watch the news I watch the news but I don't let it move me I watch it I talked to it I pray I say no you don't but incline your ear to the word that's the this word this is the first thing everything you hear that could affect you judge it in the light of what the word says if you hear on the television the recession the news the high taxes the this that you know the lack or then you can't borrow money or there's all this trouble in the land just just don't let that go in your ear you're not in any trouble all you need is faith in God now what brother schambach says so we tweet us if we listen to the news we can't receive that into our hearts and into our minds and just let it take us over oh my word I'm gonna lose my house what's gonna happen to me I'll be out in the street you're already out in the street you just now heard it on the news are there's an epidemic going around spruce season oh you know we always get the flu well don't take the flu you're taking it right now say no I never get the flu I'll never have the flu we took a flu shot you know back there when they first came out I think this was a Asian flu the first flu I remember you know the big flu deal Asian flu there's a hog flu the bird flu I don't know I'm not taking any of that stuff off of a hog so we kids were little maybe five years old six seven you know we got him in there and we Ken says we're gonna take our flu shot well nobody was too excited about that but he began to preach the word to the little kids and say we're taking our flu shot we're not going to have the flu we've been redeemed from the curse of flu whatever all he said that day we took our flu shot now that's been a lot of years ago our children are grown past grown they've got grown children none of us have ever had the flu not the next generation or the next generation have had the Oh Rita God and here's another side to that story we're not taking the flu [Applause] and that a terrible thing to say unisys and how the devil works on you he tells you that what does he put in our in our talk and our slang in earth you know how you doing well I think I'm taking the flu well for goodness sakes don't take it don't take it let it go we let it go years and years and years ago 40 years ago I don't even know how long ago long time ago we never have taken it and there's another little secret to that we're not going to ever take it we're not taking the flu in Jesus name why because we know we've been redeemed from the curse we know that Jesus himself bore the curse for us when he bore our sins and we don't have to bear it now we can take it if we want it we don't want it colors I'm telling you got to be a fanatic to really have fun with faith and a lot of people think we qualify for that and I think they're right but don't bother us who are happy fanatics we're blessed we're prosperous we're healed all as well with us glory to God that's pretty fanatical in it oh man you'll like it just the more fanatical you get about the Word of God the freer you get hallelujah let's bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord my son forget not my law let thine heart keep my Commandments for length of days and long life and peace Shalom that includes freedom from every bad thing sickness disease peace nothing missing nothing broken shall the words the commandments add to you the more we walk with God the more we trust God in verse 5 it says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding but if this is proverbs 3 but in all your ways acknowledge him and he direct thy paths glory to God be not wise in your own eyes fear the Lord depart from evil whoops I lost my place be not be not wise in your own us fear the Lord depart from evil it shall be health health glory to God health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones health and the Hebrew if you look in your cross-reference their health is medicine the departing from evil doing what the Lord says trusting in the Lord leaning not to your understanding but trusting him acknowledging him in all your ways doing what he says praying about situations that's the way you acknowledging Lord anew you want me to do this do you want me to do that you want me to quit this what do you want and he shall direct your paths and it shall be says fear the Lord and get rid of evil don't do the things you know are wrong but if you want to live in divine health and divine prosperity do what God says quit doing what he says don't do and start doing what he says do it's not enough to just quit you've got it all so do what he says if you want to live in the blessing the blessing is for the obedient God has given us the word the blessing and every other instruction in here so that you and I can be free and now what Jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free when you find out the truth and the word of God about sickness and disease and it's a curse that you've been relieved that every sickness every disease is a curse and you've been redeemed from every sickness and every disease and all of the curse poverty's a curse and you begin to obey God and to lay hold of your blessing the blessing will begin to manifest in your life how many of you just how many of you have been in this long enough to know that the Word of God changes your life from cursing into blessing see y'all are all y'all got it you've already been there and what's more we're going to keep it aren't we we're gonna walk in the will of God and obey God and walk free how many have you ever been supernaturally healed you even just by yourself how many of you have experienced the healing power of God how many of you have were taking testimonies too how many of you have seen your finances changed for the better and increase on the Word of God great hey I'm preaching to the choir this morning this is great glory to God isn't it good but how many of you know you have to keep hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing in order to stay blessed because if you don't you let things slip and that's why you used to spend time in the word every day you can't go from even Sunday to Sunday from Church day to church day or you got to get in that word every day glory to God hallelujah praise God but God is the answer to our situation so proverbs 421 time in the word we put the word in our eyes and our ears it's life and health to our flash my son attend to my words it's the way you live every day get your ears into your into my sayings keep them in front of your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart the word gets into your heart to your eyes and your ears and so you have to keep it going in your ears keep it going in your eyes all the time let them not depart from their nas keep them in the midst of their heart of your son heart for they the words of God are life to those that find them and medicine our health to all your flesh keep your heart now this is a charge of the word it's a charge of the Lord to you today this is how you stay well keep you keep your heart with all diligence and effort diligence means intense effort it doesn't mean you just do it when you have after you get the house cleaned up after you get all the bills paid after you go to the soccer game after you do this after you do that no no no this is the most important thing you do this and you'll feel like going to the soccer game keep keep your heart with all diligence for out of this heart now how do you I've already said it once we're going to say to you and how do you put how do you deposit in your heart through your eyes and your ears you deposit the Word of God and be diligent about that you will find if you will be diligent if you'll get into the to the word enough to learn what belongs to you you've been redeemed from the curse that poverty is under the curse sickness is under the curse every kind of bad things under the curse and you get in the word enough and you know that then if you'll just maintain time in the word going in your eyes in your ears your body will stay healed if you'll act on the word it's not just word I mean you gotta take the word and do it you got to actually do it and then sickness and disease tries to come I hardly ever even have a symptom of sickness and disease but when I do I jump on it I jump on and I say oh no you're not coming here you're not coming here I rebuke you in Jesus name you get off our sometimes I'll ask him to agree with me just say I've had I'm having symptoms of this or that or the other you agree with me and help me and so we'll pray we'll agree and we'll stand it works Church it works and you say well I don't have time to do that you know I'm not a preacher you know somebody has to work for a living well I've got news for you we work for a livin and a giving but you've got you don't have time not to you got time to be sick don't you you have time to be sick and if you'll just get on the word you'll have more time because now you won't have to spend all that time how many of you know it really takes a long time to see a doctor these days oh man listen are ya takes a long time to see a doctor you could be reading the word you could have been reading the word and you wouldn't be down there trying to get into the doctor's office oh my goodness you have to have insurance you have to do this you have to do that fill out papers nothing simple except the Word of God just a lifestyle of having God's Word saves you so much time you think you might say well I just don't have time to read the word I have to go to work well you have time to get the flu you have time to get sick you have time to have a stomachache you have time to be sad and dreary because you don't have faith working where your money is concerned because you haven't spent time in the Word of God it's a choice you making if you'll make the right choice at the beginning glory to God it'll be good life is good if life's not good you're not doing it right that's all I got to say about that so God wants us healed he's given us his word we're supposed to keep them in front of our eyes in our heart because their life and healing to all of our flesh it's important that you spend time in the word every day I enjoy you know I've read the King James the Amplified Bible for years and and I like to read good translations I enjoy this New Living Translation I've been using it in my personal devotion for a while and then I look at all up in different things I just feed on the word see I believe this is God speaking to me I've got the words of God written down in this book that will bring faith and life and healing and blessing into my life if I'll just spend time in the Word of God my faith will stay strong because that's where faith comes from my body will stay well and so will yours so I'm encouraging you today in this too to make time for the Word of God make time for the Word of God plant the Word of God in your heart read healing scriptures if whatever it is that's a the problem in your life have scriptures that you go over every day concerning that thing until you get on top of it and then you don't forget those scriptures you keep keep going over I mean keep going over I used to go over that list every day and and I feed on the word every day and I expect the Holy Spirit to feed me from the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so we have to grow up we have to come to a place where we can feed ourselves we've got to get off pablum and get off the bottle and get on the word hallelujah the spiritual food in Jesus name now let's see what other scriptures on healing we want to talk about let's look at what we're hearing proverbs 3 let's see let's read that I don't even know if I read this or not but it talks about long life we should have long and strong life verse 1 says my son of chapter 3 of Proverbs forget not in my law but let your heart keep my Commandments your heart it's not just a thing of your head but your heart length of days and long life and peace shall they add to you or that is saying a lot length of days when your heart keeps the commandments now for your heart to keep it that means it's got to go in your eyes in your ears because that's how it gets in your heart for length of days a long life I want to live a long life I want to see my children and my grandchildren grow up I want to live a long life should Jesus Terry that if he would come that would be better but I'll still be alive glory to God when he comes after he comes I'm gonna live forever and I'm gonna live with him forever Gloria I wouldn't dare say that we just cuz you don't know what the Bible says I made it I make my I make a choice you make a choice God leaves it up to us we call that a decision Billy Graham taught us about decisions for Christ hallelujah we make a decision that's my decision I'm gonna live with the Lord forever hallelujah I'm gonna obey Him I'm gonna follow him and I'm gonna live with him forever length of days I like the God God's got a long life for us don't let your life be cut short because of sin or bad habits I won't go into those you know what they huh but length of days and long life and peace it's one thing to live a long time and it's another thing to live a long time in the peace of God man that is worthwhile shall day the words are keeping the commandments add to us bless the Lord we trust in the Lord with all of our heart we lean not to our own understanding verse 5 in verse 6 in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct our paths he shall direct your paths and all your ways acknowledge him he shall direct your path be not wise in your own eyes fear the Lord depart from evil it shall depart fearing the Lord departing from evil trusting in the Lord it shall be health or medicine to thy navel to an marrow to thy bones in other words obeying the Lord trusting in the Lord leaning on the Lord having faith in the Lord and acknowledging him letting him direct your path it's health medicine that's that cross-references medicine to our flesh so when we take God's medicine you don't even need any other kind of medicine when you take actually take it now that doesn't mean I just okay I tell you God's medicine so I'm going to leave this medicine over here on the side and then you go watch TV 14 hours a day and you hardly ever get into the Word of God that's not what it said no this word will replace medicine but if you got to take it if you quit taking your medicine on schedule what happens nothing well if you quit taking the Word of God on schedule what happens not much glory to God so you know it's just how we live we can live heal we can live well and this morning the Lord wants to heal you of every sickness and every disease get you off to a fresh start glory to God and we can stay healed on the Word of God healing the word is healing and life to our flesh glory to God are you ready to be healed this morning hallelujah glory to God let's look again at let's just act on let's look at I'm gonna read it in the amplified isaiah 53 about jesus what he did for us now i'm gonna read this version of it right now and we're gonna can do you have anything you want to stick in here do you have anything you want to add to what i'm saying today i'm gonna i'm gonna give you this scripture and we'll read an amplified this time verse 4 surely about say he has he has he has already has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pains yet we did we us ignorantly considered him stricken smitten of God and afflicted by God as if with leprosy but he Jesus was wounded for our sins our transgressions he was bruised for our guilt and iniquity the chastisement of our peace was upon him our peace and well-being the amplified says and with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole when you got born again you understood that Jesus bore your sins I'm telling you that when he bore your sins he bore Isaiah's telling you the Spirit of God has telling you when he bore your sins he bore your sicknesses and diseases and the whole curse of the law which would include poverty glory to God I was thinking about when you said we took our flu shot yeah and that was 35 years ago pretty good job yeah yeah but you have to take boosters all the time oh yeah that's right that's right that's a good way and you the first step of that is the decision decision is what governs your will I will I have decided I will you decided to receive Jesus as your Lord see but then you come along and say well he can heal me if he wants to know you you haven't made any connection he's wanted to he wouldn't have gone to the cross boy your sickness because we have a part in this our part is make the decision receive it mm-hmm and then walk in it now what are you talking about that flu shot and I've seen about all the years that we had opportunities but we passed them by we didn't take it we fought it we stood on the word of God but we didn't and I had to learn this the hard way you don't wait till the symptoms come and then decide oh yeah I need to do something well you can do that and you get healed quicker than other people but that isn't good enough you practice it all the time yeah all of it it's a whole lot easier to believe you're healed when you're well it is a way to after some symptom has attempted to attach itself to your body now you've got to go to word of God and kill that virus and and go and you can do that and God will get in there with you but he was there all the time and that what stirred that up in me was when when glory said it again in consistency lies the power amen now we made the decision jesus said if you abide in me my words abide in you ask what you will and it will be done so can you see where you will is involved there if the words abiding in you then your will is lined up and your will is what motivates you once you've made that decision I will do such-and-such and I will it and I say it and I do it I'll put this word in my heart I'll put this word in my mind I will make a study hall out of my car going to work every morning cut that steak radio off and start listening to the CDs praise God and begin to build in the word build in the word we went during that time we went from 1967 68 69 70 71 72 73 before we ever turned a television back on if you remember and there was a couple right after that we were we were too busy in the Word of God we didn't have time for that foolishness we were too busy in the word and so there was our television was broken and we didn't bother to have it fixed that picture shrunk down to about that tall it went all the way across the screen but it shrunk down like this except we didn't bother to have the thing fixing it was sitting in the living room well this company this this couple came in and they were having a hard time and they stayed with us for a few days and and and they were getting back on their feet and we were ministering to them and so forth well one day while we were gone he took that television down and had it fixed well I came in that that afternoon of that evening and there was the full picture on the tummy and he's sitting there on the couch watching it now he's the one in trouble he's the one that's broke he's the one that can't find a job and all that but he's sitting there watching telly well I didn't think about it I haven't I just walked through that front room he's sitting over here and that television it and you know everyone on it about that big and it's sitting there on the on the little table and I just walked through the room I said ah shut up and the picture with whoop [Applause] and when I walk that's it ah shut up and it just went right back like it was well of course it irritated him I don't care he's not my healer he's a guest in my house amen now of course we we have fun television sets in our help but they are not there to take up our time and take place of the Word of God you can get the word on television now back there then you could not it wasn't there you might get something on a Sunday morning but Matthew I mean you can feed on God's Word that service now I said our lap I said all that to to really get across to you this because it's so important today is your day of decision yeah the book of Philippians there and the third chapter who your stuff's on the wrong side of the page it's not only on the wrong so the page brothers right you could just preach from any of those notes yeah all right in the 13th verse 313 brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind now I want you to notice something there look very carefully you remember in the original text there are no punctuation marks and there are no capital letters those had to be put in there at the will of the translators and in the King James Version when you find words in italics that means they were added by the translators well they they put them in there you can take them out amen you have as much right to do that as they had to put it in there and read it and and check it out check them out get your concordance check them out and notice this let's read this then without those italicized words brethren I count not myself to have a parent apprehended but one thing forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press he said I don't consider myself to have apprehended thing forget the stuff that's behind and press towards Jesus mark of the anointing hallelujah the high prize keep pushing keep pressure yesterday ah there's one old country song that I sure like one letter yesterday dead end gone press home brother praise God yesterday is completely evaporated you know we could say today for Kris we can say I put pressure on this thing yes yes yes I put pressure on forgetting those things that are behind I'm pressing I put pressure on that Jesus name I don't let the devil pressure me no my pressure is growing in this room that's right I got the name of Jesus well today is your day of decision I'm healed I'm well I'll make the decision today I become consistent today now over the years I had to learn get ahead of that flu season and I I began to ask God for his wisdom why do people get the flu in the first place if there's something that that I'm doing this that's connecting me to that I want to stop it well there were things and you'll notice the flu season and the cold season come right at a time when you eat more sugar than you've ever eaten many life heat mode Chokin you ever have eaten in your life it ought to be called the Thanksgiving malady for not giving thanks and being a pig all day that and when you look at it I began to realize it coincided with it and I thought well no I'm doing something to aggravate this thing and a lot of years a lot of study and so forth but the big thing was to make the decision the flu is not in my life anymore I'm not having this so we learn to get ahead of it now my chief of Aviation Dwayne Flanagan and I went to recurrent training on the citation ten here a few weeks ago which means you're in classrooms a lot of other people and then you're in a simulator which a flight simulator was just literally a little box it's a small room that's it's it's is an actual cockpit of a citation ten so you know how small it is it's it's not a wide place so you're exposed in in confined areas and all that kind of thing oh I still hope I don't get the flu that ain't gonna cut it you start thinking like that you're set up for it because you've started generating fear and fear will accept it fear will connect with it that's what fear does and without fear Satan can't make a connection with you so I confess the Word of God in my heating everyday and that I'm stronger today than it was yesterday I believe God today and and but I saw some of these other guys that were confidence and blow it around you know no though well I think I get me a booster shot here praise God got all my scripters down down out back there in my hotel room and I got all my scriptures down and laid them all out there in front of me and specifically put my as on this same scripture that I've been looking at for 35 years I'm not gonna wait till let's until all that coughing and going on gets on me and then try to get rid of it no no no I'm gonna stand on the 91st psalm this says a thousand at one side and ten thousand at the other side but it ain't coming nigh me and it's not coming down my toilet I went through all of my stuff well I know I know what kind of supplements to take I know but the supplements won't do it by themselves don't get that idea there's no healing in food the healing is in the world nourishment is in food now if you put the nourishment and the word together viruses die when they get in your vicinity instead of you trying to die when they get in your vicinity you become well well well I am a well hard to make a well man sit well it's not just feeling better well is when your whole body your whole mind and lower especially your whole spirit is strong and well and functioning in God like it's supposed to function my spirits fed well my mind is fed well and my body is fed well I exercise my spirit I actor sighs my mind I exercise my body and some little bug you can't see and gonna take me down but I didn't get there in ten minutes but in it take me ten minutes to get started hey listen to me know we made the decision laid down the laws of life and continued to walk in them and you get stronger and that word the scripture says gets brighter and brighter the light of our pathway the master plan gets shinier and brighter and brighter and more you know the more you learn the more you learn the more you know the stronger you get but it all began with a decision and today is the day of your decision and God will step in one thing that God will do own the credit he'll heal you own the credit he would take your word for it hear you now and say come on now let's go towards wellness brave we go the whole a man hallelujah if your daddy taught you how to ride a bicycle he didn't get mad when you fell over he kind of lad might have made you mad but he said no now get up now get up come on get up and get you back on here I can't and he's laughing at you you know he gets back up on your bicycle now you're gonna be glad you did and you kept on careful but then when you begin to ride the thing you so look at me daddy look at me turn me loose I can do it by myself [Laughter] well the scripture talks about us as spiritual babies and we're on the grow were on the gun today is the day of decision mr. su it was the same price that was paid for your healing it's paid to get you born again and getting sin out of your life absolutely hallelujah are you ready when we pray will you release your faith all right we're gonna release our faith with you just stand up everybody stand up you want to lead him in prayer go ahead thank you Father thank you Lord Lord we just thank you Jesus we all come into your courts with praise and thanksgiving we worship you thank you Jesus that you more our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by your stripes we were healed Lord we're going to make a step of faith right now and we're going to receive our healing and deliverance from every sickness every disease every malfunction we pray for every person right now before we lead them in prayer we pray for you to be healed we ask you Lord to heal every person fix every leg fix every arm fix every eye every heart ever liver every kidney every part of us our every mind Lord every brain anybody that has any damages of any kind today any weaknesses in their physical body we ask you Lord to heal them when we pray now you say this after me Lord Jesus Marty I receive you as my Lord and Savior I'll make you lord over mala take my life and do something with it and right now I receive you as my healer I speak to my body body you may healed in Jesus name put your hand on it right now wherever it is body you are strong everything missing is back in my body I renewed sickness disease Jesus has healed me put your hands on top of your head and I command myself to be healed the soles of my feet I receive it he was healed stripes of Jesus and is manifest now [Music] in Jesus name to him be all the board [Applause] [Applause] thank you lord now say this say this with all your heart today is the day of salvation today is the day of my decision from this day forward I'm strong in the Lord whatever I see in his word I will change my lifestyle to fit that word I will not change the word to fit my lifestyle [Applause] today the word is my lion I receive it yesterday you are dead and gone you are through forever my salvation is not based on the past [Applause] my salvation is based on Jesus on his word and he is high priest forever I press toward him but I pried his anointing his life his way his Street is my his help his mind his spirit is mine I receive it today is the beginning of the rest of my life [Applause] now shout about it pray [Applause] [Applause] those of you watching on the internet for healing power goddess present where you are you do what we're doing and you received the Lord and you'll be healed in Jesus name glory to God and you you let us know your testimony alright there's somebody sitting at your desk in front of your computer right now the word of the Lord has come to you and his healing power is on you now specifically in your lower back and pain in your legs thank you Lord for healing push yourself away from that desk and get up and walk around the room praising God your healing is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is healing bats sciatic nerve ruptured discs yes all kinds of degenerative joint disease in this place and all over that internet everywhere you are watching now you are receiving your healing right now [Applause] Oh hallelujah [Applause] well yes sir yes sir I will I received instructions I got this from the Lord returns but I though he just continues to press me for this and I said I laid out my scriptures and so forth when I took my booster shot as told me but I didn't tell you what it what it was and Jesus made this statement but you can understand it thank you here right here right here my mind's marked up as much as yours is but I recognize my marks Idaho amen Oh hallelujah praise You Lord we receive thank you [Music] we will we will step through this because this is the the scripture foundation of the of what I just told you and this is from the 13th chapter of the book of Matthew now he said in verse 14 in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which said by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their ears they have closed eyes they get closed but I mean their eyes they have closed but verse 11 says it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God yes yes open that's right and today we made a decision to open our eyes open our ears so that that qualifies us for what he says here last at any time now when I did this the other day I checked my watch I wrote down the time I said this is any time right now is any time I'm not on but yesterday I'm talking about this moment in any time any time they should see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their heart and should be converted I should heal them when anytime now when you look down here in the nineteenth verse when anyone hears the word of the kingdom now just draw your three little lines up there from hearing the word of the kingdom lest at any time they should see the word of the kingdom with their eyes and should hear the word of the kingdom with their ears and should understand the word of the kingdom with their heart and should allow the word of the kingdom to convert or change their thinking change their speaking change their environment what did we do we just got through putting the first word first place in the lot whatever the word says that's what I am whatever it says I can do I can do it with God's help and whatever it says I am I not what I feel like I am and then Jesus you said it if I would do this any time any time well when I started this that was a while ago whoa this is any time right now as any time say now now say it again say it again every time you said it it upgraded itself is this scripture yeah God did that he said I am when is he am anytime he never I was or never I'm gonna be now there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus today is the day of salvation rejoice and be glad in it why yesterday and gone bless God I've had people say Copeland amen you must wake up in a different world ever morning today yes I do the scripture said it is new yes Marcy knew everyone and this is any time would you like to do that with me all right just say this I open my eyes to the word of the kingdom I opened my ears to the word of the kingdom I opened my heart to understand the word of the kingdom whatever your word says changes me I never attempt to change the word Jesus you should will heal me any time right now is my time now you don't believe it yet shake anytime is my time right now here right now [Applause] [Music] this one this is an international testimony but it says I just want to tell you about an act of healing for me about five years ago when I went to Kenneth and glorious meeting in Frankfort I was suffering from macular degeneration at the time and very worried about eventually losing most of my sight as I sat in the audience Gloria Copeland seemed to be looking at me a lot while she was speaking but I told myself that's my imagination and at the end of her preaching Oh sister glory listen to this she said there's a woman in this hall tonight with a serious eye disease I command this disease to leave this woman immediately to my utter delight my macular degeneration left at that moment that has never returned that's a great testimony I've never heard that here's another one international testimony from Canada it says I was watching Gloria teach on healing but she prayed for the people to be healed I put my hand on the television and prayed along with her I was healed of leukemia she said I went to my doctor and they have confirmed I no longer have leukemia [Applause] I can go on and on but Jesus is healing people just like that right here it's their time tremendous we'll make sure you get things glory to God hallelujah bless the Lord in that good those was he out there watching on the satellite the internet be healed take it do something with it Gloria this is Kathleen from Richmond Virginia and Kathleen was a ballet dancer then she looked like what this does and she had broken her foot years back in a ballet jump and it's not been right since and it brought on in our threaded condition right and she came in in pain and what happened well it's gone I can choke I'm also injured by me and that's gone - [Applause] pastor - hi Gloria this is Lily Jones in the minute she walked in here today she experienced a healing the anointing was so strong well I had plantar fasciitis which is like the connective tissue on the bottom of the heel was coming off the bone so my foot was throbbing and just I couldn't I was like kind of like a foaming yo like this I couldn't put my foot down and it just left like before we even started praying or anything I just miss Gloria this is Pastor Derek Krieger from Riverdale Riverdale Maryland he's been a partner for 28 years with Kenneth Copeland ministries been helping out for a long time was here catching a couple years ago and actually injured his thumbs and pastor why don't you just tell us real quick what happened tore my thumbs got up with it the cert decided when I came today I'll not leave with it sitting back there writing notes furiously listening to you again and that's all gone praise God you got injured in the healing meeting is this way yes that's not that's not right but to get healed is right bless the Lord miles all over the place here what's going on already this is Valerie Winfred from Chesapeake Virginia and she's had back pain for several years but today she said that God heals her the pain started leaving from her left and then the enemy tried to bring the pain back in through the right but she said no and she's healed today hello and smiles all over the place again hi Gloria this is sienta from Maryland she's had chronic ear problems sinus problems she said she was filled with congestion and pain and when you prayed for ears to be healed and ears to be open she said the pain left the the congestion left her sinuses she's totally pain-free and heal Gloria this is Kristen Webb from Pennsylvania she has been a partner with Kenneth Copeland ministries for 30 years hallelujah she works with the homeless and moves them from the homeless shelter into regular homes and in February she heard her back moving furniture she's been under a doctor's care she came today in excruciating pain unable to move and she is pain-free [Music] [Applause] I do appreciate the work you do to help people we appreciate the work you do thank you well and I do think the devil is a partner well thank you praise God I'm a Texan so I had to do that but but to be able to we're just transplanted in Pennsylvania but to be able to assist those that are impacted by poverty I have to have my physical pit that's how I lost it the devil was Gloria this is Phyllis from right here in DC hey Phyllis and she fell off a truck two years ago she's been in constant pain ever since she's been here assuring anyway but something happened this morning right well I told not to take the painkiller chronic and we preach and we kind of came out here [Applause] and they told me where they were gonna place my knee you're not replacing anything lest the Lord bless the Lord in another he'll brother praise God very how are you what's going on here well this is Robert McKinney Gloria from Edinburgh Virginia and he's been having a lot of lower back pain since May it's gone down into his legs and then he was having a problem where the knee would not even Bend but he's got some good news for us yes ever since I've come here on Thursday night was our first night and I could feel even on the way down I could feel the anointing of God beginning to touch and every night it began getting better and better and as we laid hold of the foundation of the word which says you know he heals you know his love heals and I just today I can bend my leg and there's no pain there's no [Applause] the healing Word of God Gloria this is our partner Lynnae from Maryland and Lynnae I want you to tell them okay God had already healed me from lupus and colon cancer but I had some residual problems with my spine because the bones had gotten damaged because of the steroid use and that type of thing so I had a bulging disc in the l1 and l2 and something really bad sciatic nerve pain so I couldn't sit long I can't walk I couldn't walk along but when Kenneth Copeland called out healing of the sciatic nerve it just all left absolutely this is Ethel Bird she's from Berlin Connecticut and when she got here yesterday she could hardly move and they wanted to put her in the handicapped section because of the way she was moving but then the Lord healed her knee and I want her to tell it God is good amen I thank God today that I'm healed from some kind of bone disease I don't even know what it is but yesterday they wanted to put me in the handicapped space I said no I'm healed my stripes in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] in life we have choices we can choose what we want for lunch or how we want to spend our day or month we can also choose the quality of life we have as a child of God you have the authority to live a happy healthy and whole life learn how to operate in divine healing with the live healed package and understand the steps of taking hold of your healing and then how to keep it the Word of God is seed and your heart is the ground by building yourself up in the word your growing your faith for healing this package includes live healed a mini book by Gloria Copeland that covers how you can continually live in divine health all your life in God wants you well a two CD series Gloria explains how healing was given to you it is yours to receive and Gloria Copeland's book God's will for your healing you'll learn how to combat sickness with the Word of God recognize your authority in the name of Jesus and know how to stop any attack of the devil against you and your family healing belongs to you request the live healed package yours free from Kenneth Copeland ministries visit our website at KCMG org slash BVO via an offer or call eight seven seven six one five four two six seven take hold of the truth of God's Word in these books and CDs and learn how to receive by faith your healing in every circumstance order your free package today offer good for 60 days we are here for you so calls for prayer at any time or visit our website to check out all the great resources we offer to help you grow in your faith remember God wants you well and Jesus is your healer [Music]
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 186,563
Rating: 4.744339 out of 5
Keywords: How Healing Comes To You | Healing School | Gloria Copeland, how healing comes to me, how healing comes to you, how healing works, how healing frequencies work, show healing scriptures, healing show, how does healing work, healing prayer, healing music, healing hands, healing, healing anxiety, healing anointing, a healing prayer, a healing place, a healing hand, a healing gift to humanity, healing begins, healing bible scriptures, healing bible verses, healing broken heart
Id: sBwZwZAy-DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 27sec (7047 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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