The Power of the Word

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[Music] it is my prayer and as you hear this revelation today that a hunger for the word of God is stirred within your heart we need the Word of God but the sad reality is that most believers don't know the Bible they are not in the word the scripture tells us that the people of God are destroyed not for a lack of love not for a lack of power not for a lack of enthusiasm the Bible tells us that the people of God are destroyed for a lack of knowledge we need the Word of God it is the substance of our spiritual lives it is our strength it is our source of truth so I want to talk to you today about the power of knowing the word of obeying the word of getting in the word and again it's my prayer that as you listen to this message that a hunger is cultivated in you for the word of God stiva Moctezuma is here he's going to lead you in some worship and then we're gonna get right into this lesson here is stephen Moctezuma you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see beauty that made this heart adore you hope of a life spent with you light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see [Music] you that made this heart you hope of a lot spend with you Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my god you're altogether lovely altogether worthy altogether wonderful to me so here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my god you're altogether altogether worthy altogether for to me [Music] so wonderful to me [Music] and don't ever know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon the cross in time ever know how much it cost to see my sin upon the cross and died there ever know how much it cost to see my sin upon that girl so here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my god you're all together altogether worthy altogether wonderful to me here i am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my god you're altogether [Music] me altogether worthy altogether for to me [Music] [Music] if I were to ask most believers if they had a prayer life most believers would reply saying that they indeed do have a prayer life but it's not to the point where they want it to be however if I were to ask most believers about their devotion to the Word of God most of them would tell me that they don't read the word often very few in fact read it every single day substance is found in the Word of God true spiritual substance and that substance nowadays is so rare even a lot of the way we consume the Word of God is in short little snippets on Facebook or short little scriptures posted on Instagram that we read but never find out the full context of or never see the real power of it manifested in our lives because we're not digging into the word the word of God is filled with treasures of Revelation that are given to those who handle well or steward well the truth they are given I'm going to show you that in a moment but this substance is rare even the preaching we hear today there is not a lot of depth to it it's all positive and I'm not trying to criticize the church my question is simple where is the substance where is the real depth of the Word of God we need to be people who are rooted deeply in the Word of God in the truth now people come to me all the time with their issues and they want me to pray a quick prayer or give them some advice that they could use that same day and go and find their breakthrough and while for many situations certain actions can bring about instantaneous breakthrough there is still this truth that we have to learn a stable spiritual life filled with power and strength is founded upon the Word of God so those people who come to me I will first assess by asking them how is your prayer life and let's say why don't I have a prayer life it's okay then I'll ask how often are you in the word and without fail the ones whose lives are falling apart the ones who are spiritually drained the ones who are spiritually weak they always tell me the same thing they say I don't read the word of God you say you would be amazed at how many of your issues would cease to be issues if you were simply in the word you would be amazed at how much peace you would have if you were simply in the word how much of the chaos in your life would be turned to peace if you were simply in the word if you're tired of starting and stopping if you're tired of falling away from the faith and coming back and falling away if you're tired of not being able to finish something that you begin in the ministry and you need to get into the word the Word of God will bring stability to your life the Word of God will bring substance the Word of God is your foundation now I want to read you some scripture here found in Matthew chapter 13 beginning at verse number 1 this is Jesus telling of a parable and in this parable he's talking about the Word of God so this is what the scripture says beginning at number worse number 1 later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake a large crowd soon gathered around him so he got into a boat then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore he told many stories in the form of a parables such as this one listen a farmer went out to plant some seeds as he scattered them across his field some seeds fell on a footpath and the birds came and ate them other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock the seed sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow but the plant soon wilted under the hot Sun and since they didn't have deep roots they died other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants still other seeds fell on fertile soil and they produced a crop that was thirty sixty and even a hundred times as much as had been planted anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand his disciples came and asked him why do you use parables when you talk to the people here this is key you are permitted to understand the secrets of the kingdom of heaven others are not to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given now let's stop there for a second Jesus is telling us that if we listen to his teaching more understanding will be given to us so if we are faithful with the revelation that God has given to us his word then God will pour out upon us an anointing for even more revelation found in his word picking up again at verse 12 to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge but for those who are not listening even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them those who are not in the word those who don't steward well the truths that they know and understand begin to become deceived you see a believer can learn a truth in church and if they don't steward that well by being faithful in tending to the Word of God they eventually will fall into deception despite the fact that they know some truth it is important that we continue to grow in truth otherwise we will eventually find ourselves in deception if you are not growing in truth you are growing in deception that's just a fact now go down to verse number 16 of the same context of Scripture or the same chapter but blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear I tell you the truth many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but they didn't see it so many of us have received the revelation of Christ that those in times past longed to see but we've been given that revelation and they longed to hear what you hear but they didn't hear it now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds the seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the king and don't understand it then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts the seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy but since they don't have deep roots they don't last long they fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God's Word the seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's words but all too quickly the message is crowded out by worries of this life and the lure of wealth so no fruit is produced the seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God's Word and produce a harvest of 30 60 or even a hundred times as much as had been planted now the scripture is talking about allowing the Word of God to take deep roots in your heart but in order for the Word of God to be rooted in your heart you must be rooted in the study of God's Word now we don't study just for the sake of knowledge because knowledge alone will not produce spiritual results information does not affect the spirit but revelation affects the spirit information informs revelation transforms the Holy Spirit takes what we learned from the Word of God and helps us to learn the revelations of heaven through the word now the word attracts people the word gives substance the word is the foundation of your spiritual life there was a preacher who I look up to a hero in the faith who made me promise him and when he when he asked me to promise him he was very sincere I'll never forget it there was a moment we were on camera together we were taping a TV program together and he reaches across from where he was sitting he says David grab my hand and I grabbed his hand and he looked right at me and I could see that what he was saying meant something to him because there was passion coming out of him there was concern coming out of him when he told me this he said David promise me that you'll tell your generation to read the Word of God to know the Word of God he said like really know it and I promised him that I would you see that man who had been ministry for decades he understands the Word of God is the key see people who come and go they go because they were not rooted in the word don't be someone who just comes and goes be someone who becomes rooted in the word you see people were attracted to Jesus because of the word that was on his life think about this not only does it benefit your personal life to another word but it also benefits your ministry which in turn benefits everyone around you Luke chapter 5 verse 15 says but despite Jesus's instructions the report of his power spread even faster and vast crowds came why to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases there are two things that will attract people to your ministry that's the power of God and the knowledge of his word if you are shallow in the word you're not going to draw people in fact this ministry has been built on the Word of God I remember when I first started for example the YouTube channel the YouTube channel only consisted of the miracles that we showed and it was powerful people were touched and if you know this ministry you know that I'm not just someone who tolerates miracles I believe in them with all my heart and I search for those moments where miracles happen so if you know this ministry you know I believe in the power of God the power of the Holy Spirit healing and all of that but I learned that miracles alone could not build a ministry it wasn't until I started teaching the word regularly along with the miracles that the ministry began to grow the word attracts people I'm giving you a little key here for those new in ministry the word is the key to building ministry but you need the Word of God and the power of God that's how powerful award is that substance people are hungry for it they will come people come to our services from all over the world there are people who will take a 14-hour flight in to sit in one of our services and right after the service is done turn around and take a 14 hour flight back to their country why because the Word of God is substance they're hungry for it and if you will be one who is dedicated to the word don't look it I'm just gonna be real with you don't be lazy don't be apathetic don't be lukewarm get into the word if you get into the word and it begins to pour out of you it will attract people from all over and people will come in by the thousands just to hear the word why because it's so rare in our days so I'm giving you a great ministry tip right now if you want to grow the ministry that God has given to you get in the word I'm not talking about reading a couple verses a day I'm talking about get in the word deeply-rooted understand it know it memorize it let it be your lifeline be hungry for the word of God so the Word of God will help your ministry the word of God will help you to understand God's voice in his nature the more you understand the written word of God the easier it becomes for you to hear the fresh word of God being spoken to your heart and it brings power on your life when you get into the word there is a fresh anointing a fresh power that comes upon your life and when you're in the word daily the anointing on you is fresh daily you don't have to preach sermons from years ago because you can't come up with anything new when you're in the word daily there's substance there's life there's growth there's refreshing you become someone who can rightly divide and give that to God's people so that they too can grow so here are some powerful benefits to getting into the word number one you'll walk free from sin psalm 119:11 says i have hidden your word in my heart why that I might not sin against you a powerful preacher I don't know the source but I know it was a preacher who said either the Word of God will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the Word of God now when you walk free from sin you also can walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord second Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 say all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so that's number one you walk free from sin and you'll please the Lord number two you'll prosper in all you do Joshua chapter one verse 8 says study this book of instruction continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do get into the Word of God when you try to do ministry without having a devotion to the Word of God you're trying to do it on your own you need a prayer life and you need a devotion to the Word of God and that will act as your foundation and you will prosper in everything you do for the Lord number three you'll walk in truth you'll walk free from two types of deception James chapter 1 verse 22 says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves so you'll be free from self-deception and you'll be free from demonic deception first Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 says now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons so you'll walk free from all deception you will walk in truth the Oh walk free of self-deception those things you tell yourself that are okay that the Word of God does not say okay those things you believe that the Word of God does not teach those things that you embrace that the Word of God condemns you'll be free from that type of deception why because you're in the word and you know it you'll also be free from demonic deception now why is it that in the last days that many are being swept away by demonic doctrines I'll tell you why it's because people don't know the word they'll hear something and they'll say that sounds good that sounds reasonable yeah that sounds like it makes sense and they follow that doctrine not realizing it's demonic they think it's godly why because they didn't know the word and had they only read the word they would have known no that's demonic that's not the truth so number one you'll walk free from sin number two you'll prosper in all you do number three you'll walk in truth number four you'll walk in faith Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says so faith comes from hearing that is hearing the good news about Christ or hearing the Word of God Christ is the word john 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1:14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us we beheld his glory full of grace and truth get into the word it will stir your faith number five you'll walk in wisdom psalm 119 130 says the teaching of your word gives light so even the simple can understand number six you'll walk in peace great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so those who love the Word of God walk in a peace they walk in a calm things don't easily upset them they can face the trials of today without being tossed all over emotionally they're stable they're confident they're bold they're centered why because they have the peace of God that comes from the Word of God number seven you'll walk in strength psalm 119 28 says my soul melteth for heaviness strengthen thou me according unto thy word the Word of God brings strength to you when you feel weak when you feel like giving up when you feel like you can't continue the Word of God will bring strength to your spirit and finally number 8 and there are many more but these are just the ones that are giving you in this lesson number 8 I love this one you'll walk in vulnerability toward God Hebrews 4:12 says for the Word of God is alive and powerful it is sharper and the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between soul and spirit between joints and marrow it exposes our innermost thoughts and desires think about that I love the way the psalmist put it he said search me O God the Word of God when you read it opens your spirit it opens your soul it opens you to the Lord and it's you getting into the word saying okay Lord I'm making myself vulnerable to you why because the Word of God pierces it gets down to the heart to the intents to the motives you see some of us are not doing wrong things what we're doing right things with the wrong motives could it be that God wants to bless you but he's changing he's waiting for you to change the way you think about a situation that he's waiting for you to change your motives that comes from the word from being vulnerable from being real from being open and that is your devotion to God so I'm gonna recap real quick number one you'll walk free from sin number two you'll prosper in all you do number three you'll walk in truth number four you'll walk in faith five you'll walk in wisdom six you'll walk in peace seven you'll walk in strength and eight you'll walk in vulnerability toward God I want to pray with you now and I pray that God would stir in you a hunger for the word I pray you know what actually I'm gonna pray for you and then we're gonna make a commitment to God right now but don't make a vow to God that you don't plan on keeping so I'm gonna pray for you and then I'm gonna lead you in a prayer and you're gonna make a vow to God to get him to his word let's do it father in Jesus name I pray for that one receiving this prayer now and I ask Lord that you would stir a hunger for the word by your Holy Spirit I pray father that you would cause us to search through the depths for the riches of Revelation reveal to us your word Lord take us deeper into the word take us to higher places in the spirit I pray father that we would be devoted to the word stubbornly devoted to the word in the name of Jesus and I want you to say this say Lord I commit to your word daily said again say Lord I commit to your word daily lord I pray you seal that now by your spirit give them the strength to keep that which they have promised you in the name of Jesus we pray I want you to say it because you agree say a man well that is it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you'd like to join the Spirit family and use the information at the bottom of the screen when you join Spirit Church it's absolutely free you'll get a brand-new fresh teaching from the Word of God every single Sunday in your email inbox and if you need prayer support you just have to reply to that email and someone from our ministry team will pray with you well I want to get now to the comments and these are the comments from last week's video breakthrough faith again these are some of the comments don't forget to leave a comment here on this video and I may read it next week so here are some of the comments from last week's teaching on breakthrough faith which was actually the first teaching of the new year so Clinton Graham writes man I so needed this I literally just prayed for breakthrough and read Luke 18 minutes before watching this video which is why I knew I needed to watch this god bless you immensely for encouraging me in my time of weakness thank you Jesus yes and to Jesus and Jesus alone belongs all the glory Jack Edwards writes amen I trust that through my trial and testing my persistence in faith will grant my breakthrough in Jesus's name Renee's son writes thank you so much David God has spoken to me during and towards the end of the video my parents were divorced and the enemy has attacked me maliciously throughout my life since I was young I trust that God will heal me completely may God release more anointing in you and bless you a thousandfold in this new year amen well I believe I gave a word of knowledge and I think that's what this person is responding to piano diana writes beautiful worship and message and yes that worship is amazing if you haven't had a chance guys go and check out Stephen moctezuma's worship playlist here on encounter TV that's just a side note my favorite worship leader you got a look at his stuff continuing to comment now this message came through at just the right time just when I was losing patience God's promises through this video gave me the faith to press on praise You Lord may God's blessings for your ministry be upon you each and every day and to Jesus belongs the glory angel 2 7 1 3 rights thank you Pastor David the message of God truly touched me it's very timely since I'm in a pressuring situation with both my family in school I'm totally blessed and enjoy may God bless you and your ministry as always I am inspired and have made it a goal to win souls for God just as you have been doing I thank the Lord Jesus for using you well god bless you and yes that's what this ministry is all about winning souls everything that we do winning souls how do we do it the preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit it's that simple and we spread that gospel message through media like you're watching now and we also have a podcast we have blogs we have lots of other types of videos that we put out and we do it through events that's where I speak at churches or we do miracle services put on by the ministry so it's a very simple vision a very simple mandate a very simple goal we want to win souls through events and media and this is where I need your help if this ministry has been a blessing to you I want to encourage you to now partner with us to help us take the gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world it is time that the world sees the power of God on display it is time that the world hears the gospel of Jesus Christ help us take the gospel to the nations of the world through media and events I'd like you if you can to become a monthly ministry supporter it would mean so much to me and I know that we spend time with each other probably this is every week now for the past year some of you just started watching this channel and you feel a connection you know there's something here listen God God you're not watching this by accident God has a plan and it would mean so much to me to know I have your support in winning souls so do it today sign up help me win the lost become a $30 a month supporter and I will send you a copy of either carriers of the glory or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare it'll be signed it'll be my initiation gift to you so that book is available for those who partner at $30 or more a month if you're unable to do that maybe you can give a one-time gift so something do something for this ministry today so that we continue to do what we do for the gospel sake and for the sake of souls well that is it for the lesson oh by the way if you are giving and you're watching this on youtube you can actually wait until the end of the YouTube video there'll be a link that appears at the very end of this video it's a red button you click it it'll take you right into the giving forum and if you're watching this on the app just wait for the video to finish it will finish and you'll see a place to give if you're watching this anywhere else simply use the information at the bottom of the screen but do that today help me win souls now that is it for this edition of spirit church until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 36,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, healing ministry, encounter tv, holy spirit explained, power of god miracles, the anointing of the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, healing evangelist, holy spirit sermons, jesus christ, healing power of god, the anointing, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit
Id: 9x1oii7y8JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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