How to Increase Your Faith

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hello David Igor Hernandez here and welcome to spirit church today I want to talk to you about how to increase your faith maybe you're someone who in your walk with God right now you are experiencing a dwindling a shrinking a weakening of your faith and you're asking the Lord to help you to increase it so that you can believe for greater things or perhaps you're someone who is perfectly fine right now in your walk with God things are going great but you're saying within your heart Lord I want to increase my faith so that I can go to greater levels either way no matter where you are in life I believe that experienced and new converts alike can benefit from increasing faith so we're going to be talking about that today how to increase your faith stiva Moctezuma is here with us as usual he's going to be leading you in the beautiful song we exalt thee here Steven father we thank you wherever you're at just begin the praising fakin father we worship You together God rather where you are we worship thank you God should be gonna say thank you God for this day thank you God for what you're doing father without you were nothing God just take this time to sing with me okay oh haha Xavier thou art exalted far above Oh Oh God all we see again for now oh haha above all the earth I love all the air now arching so far above just sing together we exalt for we eggs oooo weee Oh Oh Oh we see again for them blow hard the earth love all the art exalted far above Oh oh come on we see you with a heart for them ha ha above all the thou art exalted far above and we just seeking eyes up high high eggs Oh oh hi Oh the Oh one more time sing eyes up high the god hi all of the yes I truly believe that as we worship the Lord that there is tremendous breakthrough that takes place in our lives and as you are joining Steven montezuma in that worship song one of my all-time favorite worship songs really because it puts the focus back on Jesus the person of Christ instead of our situations ourselves and as you worship I believe that something is happening in the spiritual realm something is taking place whether or not you and I can see it or are even completely aware of the things that are happening in the spiritual realm when you worship God everything changes and so I pray that you fill that release you sense the burdens lifted that now you can focus on the Word of God as we go to the scripture to find out how we can increase our faith you know the promises of God are many you look all throughout the scripture you'll find I mean I can go on naming several maybe there's there's promises of healing there's promises of salvation for your household there's promises of blessing promises of peace promises of prosperity promises of promotion promises of understanding promises of closeness with God I mean I could go on and on we we are so rich spiritually and there are so many things that the Word of God declares to us concerning what God has for us but you know as many as the promises of God are as many promises that are in the word and as great as they are if we don't have faith they're of no use you see everything that God has promised in his word everything that God has offered to us everything that God desires for you to have everything for which Christ died cannot be received without faith so these promises of God these blessings of God these heavenly benefits that are ours they're are yours on a daily basis they cannot be obtained and they cannot be experienced without faith the scripture says that without faith it is impossible to please God but the good news is that according to Romans chapter 12 verse 3 that each of us are a measure of faith and of courting a first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 some of us are given the gift of faith and then in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 we see the scripture referencing our walk of faith or our story or our life in God's hands so there's the gift of faith there is the measure of faith there is the life of faith everyone who's come to God everyone who belongs to Jesus whether you feel like you do or not you have faith God has given to you the ability to receive all that he wants to give you faith is the means by which we export heavenly goods and import them into our lives faith is the means by which we receive all that God offers faith is the means by which we become all that God desires us to become faith is how you receive from God and you've been given a measure of faith you've been dealt a measure and the key is not to count your faith and say well Lord that person got more faith than I did or that person seems to have more faith than I do the key is to use your faith to grow your faith to be a good steward of your faith and as your faith grows God can trust you with more the scripture says that we go from glory to glory when it comes to our walk with Christ and some of us in seasons of our lives especially for someone who relies heavily upon feelings and emotions sometimes it may feel as though your faith is dwindling sometimes it may seem that your faith is weakening or that you're backtracking maybe old habits are starting to return maybe old behaviors are starting to return maybe you're becoming frustrated maybe you're becoming angry maybe you're losing peace and becoming fearful maybe you're losing understanding and becoming confused maybe you're losing joy and becoming depressed and in those times where our faith is challenged in those times where we are not accessing our faith in those times we are not exercising our faith it may seem as though that our faith is dwindling that our faith is shrinking you may be in such a place right now you may be in such a place right now to where you're looking at your circumstance you're looking at possibly a mess maybe you've got yourself into through decisions you should not have made maybe you're looking at your situation through the eyes of someone else through comparison whatever the case may be it's possible that you're watching this video right now and you're looking at yourself and you're sing Lord I don't think I'm a good example of faith God it doesn't seem that I have faith but I want to encourage you and let you know that the scripture is filled with men and women who were anointed of God filled with faith and empowered by the Holy Spirit yet they still found moments of weakness and so as we explore the scripture today I want you to think of faith I think of where faith has brought you where your faith in God has brought you really I like to describe it like this it's as if God has set aside a heavenly bank account in our name and in this account is an abundance of blessing and resource and everything that we need to accomplish what God has called us to accomplish in this account rests everything we need to become what God desires us to become and some of you you may feel like you've lost the account in your name but really I look at it like this it's not that you've lost the account and that the blessing is gone it's that you've lost the debit card or your access to the account and it's about regaining rebuilding reshaping and growing that faith so we know where we are in life that there's always more that God has for so whether you're someone who is struggling right now in your faith or maybe you're someone right now who you feel like you're just you're doing really good in the spiritual race maybe you're someone who right now you feel God I've never been at this plateau god I've never been in this level of promotion god I've never walked in this level of power god I've never walked this closely to you and things are going really good my caution to you there is at that point that is when it's easiest to become comfortable at the moment you become comfortable it no longer requires faith comfort does not require faith and if it does not by our faith it does not require you to act in faith and if it does not require you to act in faith then it cannot possibly grow your faith the danger of walking spiritually high in high places and doing well the danger of doing well is becoming complacent is settling is not reaching for all that God has for you it's staying in that place thing will I like it here and so whether you're that person who was struggling in your faith or that person who is doing really well right now I want to tell you you need to grow your faith you need to go further you need to climb higher you need to reach for more in our walk with God we must always remain thankful but never satisfied we can always reach for more yet remain grateful the scripture says that let your let your let your requests be made known unto God thanking him so it's possible to be both thankful and also wanting more and so maybe you're that person right now you're one of those two you're either struggling or you're doing really well I don't think ok brother David tell me how I can increase my faith well the first key to increasing your faith and again on this lesson I'd like to keep it very practical very simple I want to give you things that you can immediately apply right now that as soon as you're done watching this video you can go and apply these things right away and see the difference that they make in your life so number one it's very simple it's the word you need to get in the word I'll never forget when I was maybe about 15 years old this is when I have been just a couple years in the ministry as many of you know I started preaching when I was 13 and I had seen some miracles I had seen some deaf people healed I'd seen some tumors disappear and it was really exciting to me and I was sitting with an evangelist by the name of Harry Hill's in fact I have an interview with him on this channel he's one of the one of the men who inspired me to go into the healing ministry God used Harry Hill's to cause me to see and be inspired and identify with the Destiny that was on his life to reveal the Destiny that laid on mine and I remember I was 11 years old when I first saw Harry Hill's preach and I saw this guy preaching and he would call people out this guy was giving specific words of knowledge you know sometimes I get a little frustrated when I see people who prophesy or give words knowledge and it's very vague or general you know they'll call someone out and say you're going through a rough time God's gonna bring you through it and though I'm all for encouragement I wouldn't quite identify that with being the gift of the word of knowledge which has to do with spiritual a keen insight that leads to specific information but anyway all that aside when I saw hairy heels in action when I saw him prophesy I mean he would tell some he told whether you have a problem there's a there's an ulcer in your stomach and you have this issue and she started crying he was exactly right on then he called another person I said lady there's a problem inside the dental work was messed up you have a problem inside of your jaw she she was she started crying cuz he she couldn't believe that he knew this information and she got healed so this was the first time I witnessed the word of knowledge and the gift of healing working together as one and I watched Harry Hills ministering the word I said oh my goodness Lord I want to do that so it's a couple years later now I watched him first when I was 11 then at 13 I went to the ministry at 15 I'll never forget I was actually able to go to lunch with with Harry Hills and I was so excited I said Lord I'm gonna I'm gonna ask all the questions like a possibly think to ask him and I'll never forget I asked him how do I see greater miracles and in fact many of you message me in my email INBOX that's the question I probably get put to me every day how do I see greater miracles how do I walk in the in the greater displays of God's Holy Spirit's power and he said this to me he said well what I want you to do is I want you to read something out of the book of Acts every single day and so I started reading in the book of Acts every single day and I'm telling you it was like the Holy Spirit when you read a story in the Bible I don't know if I'm being too spiritual but sometimes it feels as though the Holy Spirit takes you to a moment that has been frozen in God's spiritual calendar for all to experience so it's like when I read the word I feel as though I'm experiencing the moment I know some of you may know what I'm when I mean when I say that but the point is that the scripture says in Romans chapter 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God faith comes by hearing I want to get this in your head and hearing by say it the Word of God so Faye is grown as you get into the word your faith becomes stronger as you study what the scripture says your faith is strengthened when it finds itself alive in the words of God when you read of Jesus healing or the Apostles healing or the Kings and the prophets being visited of God in spectacular displays of God's glory something happens within you and your faith begins to grow you know the enemy when he wants to take someone out this is how powerful the word is for your faith when the enemy wants to take you out when the enemy wants to destroy your life and ruin everything that God has for you he'll come first to remove the Word of God from your life this is the first thing to go before your spirituality starts to dwindle the Word of God is the first line of defense that we have against the enemy why because the enemy works almost exclusively on deception and deception is defeated primarily by truth and truth is received primarily through the word so it's no wonder it's no surprise that the enemy when he seeks to take us out when he seeks to destroy our faith when he seeks to weaken our faith that he will first come for the word jesus said that when it when the word comes in to a heart that sometimes the foul will come and pick up the word they'll snatch up the seeds before they can take root inside of the good ground and he liken those birds that pick up the seed as the enemy because the enemy will do all he can to take the seeds of God's Word that have been planted in your heart he'll do everything he can to keep them from growing because when the Word of God is planted seeds of the word are sown and trees of faith grow wherever the seeds of the Word of God are sown trees of faith grow the scripture says that he'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water those who delight in his law those who are connected to the word we grow strong we grow large we grow fruitful and we become of use to God you know we need to have a daily hunger for the word the scripture describes Jesus and Chapter six as the bread of heaven who came down and he references the children of Israel and the children of Israel were given daily manna from heaven ever given daily bread from heaven and what I find interesting about that story is that when the children of Israel were given this manna they weren't allowed to store any of it for the next day in other words God wanted them to eat the man of fresh daily some of us will read a scripture or two and we'll go throughout our week and and and we react as if that should sustain us I mean I understand the Word of God is powerful but it works like your daily bread yesterday's revelation cannot defeat today's enemies yesterday's bread cannot be strength for today's journey you need to get into the Word of God if you're going to strengthen your spirit this is the food of your spirit this is the food of faith faith feeds on the word faith is strengthened by the word faith grows by the word faith increases by the word everything that God has spoken is what sustains your faith it's what sustains the very core essence of your spirituality which is faith for without faith it is impossible to please God and without the word is impossible to grow your faith so we need to have this hunger and we need to stop lacking in the word I mean see here's how clever the enemy is you may think that you're just a little tired that you're just a little hungry that you're just a little distracted but isn't it amazing how difficult it is to find time to read the word I mean if for no other reason that I believe in the supernatural if for no other reason that I believe in the demonic it's because every time I read the word there's always some nuisance that arises to try to keep me from the from diving into the word because the enemy knows that if I get in the word the word will get into me that if I commit myself to the word the word will commit itself to me and when I read the word I'm growing my spirit the enemy does not want you to be strong this is why that first line of defense is so difficult to find because it takes discipline to sit down it takes deciding to sit down and read the word you have to be stubbornly devoted to the word of God if you want to grow your faith and so the issue is that we start to lack and maybe you're sitting in a church service maybe you're you're sitting down and you're watching a preacher preach and all you can say is I've heard this before yeah I've seen this before and the problem is we become familiar with the Word of God and therefore we don't let it touch our lives we cannot become so familiar with the Word of God that we no longer respect when it is being read and we no longer pay attention to when it is being heard you know you may think that you're just becoming a little complacent in church but that's an attack of the enemy he wants to take you're hungry he wants to take a desire for the word he wants to get you out of the word and into the world the scripture says that that I will hide my word in my heart that I might not sin against thee so the word is what keeps you from sin the word is what keeps you from becoming corrupt the word is what keeps you from becoming a weak Christian if you're not in the word let me tell you something I get people who message me all the time help me I'm weak help me any faith pray that I make they ask me to pray that they make good decisions pray that I stop sinning I'm saying why would I pray that that's your decision I'll pray that God would give you grace to do so but I can't pray that you make a decision that's ultimately your choice and I'll ask usually someone who's struggling in their faith I'll say well how's your prayer life go so it's good it's good and by that they mean they say a little something to God every morning so how is it in the word all every sought the answer is always the same they say oh oh every so often I get in the word not as much as I should and I'm thinking why even I mean it's like they're going to get diagnosed when it's so simple it's like you go to the doctor you know I just I'm getting very weak I have no energy and the doctor just asks you what have you been eating say no but I can't quite figure out why I'm so weak and sometimes I think that is that obvious in the spiritual realm and I want to I hope you're being awakened to the fact that it's very obvious it should be very obvious that when you're growing weak you should ask yourself have I been eating have I been getting into the board have I been praying haven't been doing the basics if you're not doing the basics the very fundamentals of this and let me tell you this especially applies to those of us who've grown in the faith or consider ourselves mature believers because it is the very mature believer who often become comfortable in their situation and their status in their title and whatever it is they have will have a ministry I have a title I have a leadership position therefore I'm spiritual and whatever I do is spiritual and I don't really require the word as much as I used to and they call it religion when really it's discipline in the spiritual act and so I can go on all day about that but the point is be careful let it be obvious be very aware of the intake of the word in fact get around people who are in the word 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 refers to us as living epistles did you know that getting around certain people will increase your faith and getting around certain other people will decrease it I think of the 10 spies who were bad and gave a bad report and then as opposed to 2 spies who gave a good report the 10 spies discouraged everyone let me ask you the people you're around are they living epistles the people you surround yourself with are they growing your faith are they inspiring you to do more for God or do they cause you to get caught up and concerned with the cares of this world I'm not saying that we should never be around people to evangelize them to love them to reach out to them to help others grow I mean it would be almost a catch-22 right if we were all told don't ever hang out with anybody that's not as spiritual as you then none of us would have any one hand because someone's always more spiritual and someone's always less spiritual rather God wants us to come together but the question is are you being influenced or are you the influencer around the people you're with do they infuse faith and you are they living epistles or today help sow the seeds of fear so number one is the word meditate on the word know the word discipline in the word don't let the enemy take your first line of defense number two is right-thinking now I'm going to take you somewhere Psalm chapter 77 and this is a psalm of Asaph who helped King David write some of the Book of Psalms and this this is such a powerful Scripture because I want you to watch this here's here's this writer this is ASAP he's writing he's writing because he's very discouraged because he's feel he feels like God has left him behind so he's expressing this then he has a realization and that realization causes him to turn from fear and fretting to faith so watch this Psalm 77 let's start at verse one read this this is powerful the scripture says and again this is a CF I cry out to God yes I shout oh that God would listen to me when I was in deep trouble I searched for the Lord all night long I prayed with hands lifted toward heaven some of you that might be you maybe you're someone who who you're praying and and your hands are lifted to God and your sing Lord help me and you're in your bed at night you can't sleep because you're lifting prayers that's where he is he's in a desperate place all night long I pray with hands lifted toward heaven but my soul was not comforted I think of God and I moan overwhelmed with longing for his help you don't let me sleep I am too distressed to even pray I've been there if I'm being honest verse 5 I think of the good old days long since ended when my nights were filled with joyful songs I searched my soul and pondered the difference now has the Lord rejected me forever will he never again be kind to me this is unfailing love gone forever have his promises permanently failed has God forgotten to be gracious has he slammed the door on his compassion so Asaph is feeling rejected he's feeling weak he's filling in despair and I said this is my fate the Most High has turned his hand against me and then we see verses 1 to 10 just a very discouraged man very a very sad man man a man in a weakened state and he's just thinking he's asking all these questions has God forgotten me as he no longer great kisses you know they not care is he slammed the door and his compassion if you were being honest you have asked very similar questions and you felt just as alone just as abandoned and often it's very easy to play and play to to our feelings and and obey and listen to our feelings and trust our feelings rather than trusting our faith see your feelings will go up and down your faith is consistent because it's based on a consistent standard which is the Word of God so here Asaph is he's feeling rejected he's feeling let down he's feeling distressed verse 11 I love this he takes a turn now but then I recall that you have done Oh Lord I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago he starts to stink now about what God has done for him in the past he starts to think now about all the amazing things that God has even done for others he says they are constantly in my thoughts I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works Oh God your ways are holy is there any God as mighty as you you notice that Asaph now went from thinking about his troubles and being discouraged to changing the focus to what God has done then to how great God is look at that he's but then I recall go back to verse 11 but then I recall all that you have done alone I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago they are constantly in my thoughts I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works so he's talking about his works and then verse 13 oh god your ways are holy is there any God as mighty as you I think of that scripture where it says the children of Israel knew God's actions but Moses knew his ways so Asaph goes from being discouraged in considering his circumstance then he starts to consider the wonderful works of God then he starts to consider the wonderful ways or the nature of God and then he starts to consider how wonderful God Himself is and he asked is there any God as mighty as you and now this is where things take a turn he says you are the god of great wonders you demonstrate your awesome power among the nation's he starts to worship now by your strong arm you redeemed your people the descendants of Jacob and Joseph when the Red Sea saw you oh god its waters looked and trembled the seaquake to it's very depths the clouds poured down rain the thunder rumbled in the sky your arrows of lightning flashed your thunder roared from the whirlwind the Lightning lit up the world the earth trembled and shook your Road led through the sea your pathway through the mighty waters a pathway no one else knew was there you led your people along that road like a flock of sheep with Moses and Aaron as their Shepherd's number two is right-thinking number one to grow your faith to strengthen your faith to increase your faith get in the word number two to do the same have right-thinking Asaph was discouraged and he was fearful and fear is the opposite of faith he was fearful then he considered God's works then he considered God's nature then he considered God and he went from thinking about his circumstance and being filled with fear to thinking about God and being filled with faith you cannot ponder the greatness of God and be filled with doubt you cannot ponder the marvelous grandeur that is the divine and not be filled with faith when you consider God even just his handiwork the stars even just the universe even just how fearfully and wonderfully we are made when you consider God your faith comes alive right thinking lets over things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are noble whatsoever things are a good rapport the scripture says in Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 I believe it tells us to think on these things right thinking 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 says that actually I want to read it 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 I was just going to use it as a reference but I want to read this verse because obviously the Bible puts it better than I can second gradients chapter 10 verse number 5 says this we destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God we captured a rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ the King James puts it bring the thinking into the subjection of Christ we cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God so in other words this is what I call a faith filter when the enemy tells you you're all alone you say no he said I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee when the enemy tells you that you're the remember that the doctor gives you a bad report the enemy tells you that sickness is your your inheritance you say no he forgives all my sins and heals all of my diseases when the enemy tells you you cannot be forgiven you say no first John chapter 1 verse 9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins when the enemy tells you that you can't make it you can't do it that you're going to quit you say no I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me when the enemy gives you a lie you introduce that lie to the truth and when you introduce a lie to the truth it disintegrates in the light of that truth the brilliance of truth dissolves all of the darkness of deception when you introduce a lie to the truth it shatters at that line I'm telling you it's like turning on a light all darkness has to go God's truth is like an ocean wave and the lies of the enemy are like weak sand formations on the shore when the ocean comes in it just completely dissolves disintegrates and ruins and utterly destroys the attacks and the lies of the enemy when you get a thought that comes to mind when you get a belief that comes to your mind that is against what the Word of God says you pick up the word and you say no I'm going to think according to what the Word of God tells me anything and I reject that thought I cast it down I subject it to the authority of Christ and I choose to rather believe the truth this is what it is to have right thinking number one the word number two right thinking number three exercise or action James I'm going to go to James now James chapter one and this is a this is this is actually one of the fruit one of the first books of the Bible I read when I first got saved the book of James and James chapter 1 verse 2 or says this dear brothers and sisters when troubles come your way not if when when troubles come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy for you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow so let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete needing nothing you see we're not given the choice of whether or not we will face hardship the world in which we live guarantees that we will face hardship that we will face challenge but the scripture says that when you do it is an opportunity for joy why is tragedy why is a trial why is a test opportunity for great joy because it's an opportunity to grow your faith and therefore draw closer to God when the world comes at you when circumstance comes against you when people speak evil of you when family dynamics are in disarray when the enemy is attacking your mind I mean I can go on and on and on but you know what trial you're facing you know the thing that discourages you that weakens you that that causes you to fret that very same is the opportunity to grow your faith the testing of our faith it is the trying of our faith it is that great pressure that causes us to become strong I mean we know the cliches right it's like working out a muscle that needs to be resistance for it to grow it's like making a diamond it takes great pressure to make a diamond I mean we can go on and on it takes a hot fire to purify gold but the cliches work and they hold true that your trial your situation your circumstance is an opportunity to increase your faith often we look at the things around us and and the things we're facing that are difficult we look at them as something that weakens our face when they should be something that strengthens them or strengthens our faith I should rather say that inner conflict whatever it may be is an opportunity to grow God wants us to sometimes be discomforted I mean in in James chapter 2 verse 14 through 17 the scripture tells us that faith without works is dead if you want your faith to be alive there has to be some working of the faith let me ask you something if your story were in the Bible would it be a story of great faith or would it be a cautionary tale your faith will take you to great places I'm going to finish with this thought you know many preachers we get on Peters case and you know I'm one for pointing out cliches I mean as I just did a few minutes ago I mean often preachers attacked Peter for for taking his eyes off Jesus he stepped out on the water he comes up to Jesus he starts looking at the waves and he starts to sink right easy target and then there's some preachers who say well at least he got out of the boat so there's cliches on both sides but it's true I mean both observations are true Peter we can identify with Peter because he wasn't perfect but at the same time he had the audacity to step out of that boat onto the water and into faith I guarantee you that every step that he took on top of water was a step of faith I mean that that the laws of physics could be momentarily suspended in response to the beckoning of Christ is an amazing idea you can't make this stuff up this is God visited earth and this is the sort of thing that happened that that this man was able to step out of the boat place his feet on water and and he was able to be held by that water every step on that water was a step of faith let me tell you something God wants to take you to impossible places you you look at yourself and you say I'm this or I'm that you made this qualify yourself discourage yourself and maybe you feel inadequate to accomplish whatever it is that God has called you to accomplish but I'm here to tell you that faith is what it takes to get to where God wants you to go every step of faith needs to be a risk otherwise it doesn't require faith every step you take in the in your steps toward destiny has to be a step of faith Peter room was stepping on an impossible place and then he took his eyes off Jesus only God can take you to where you are right now only God can bring you to such a place and only God can keep you there it's the walk of faith so maybe you want to grow your faith or maybe you you you're looking at your life you saying where I'm at right now doesn't really require much faith it's time to step out of the boat if you're not uncertain about your steps maybe it's time to start walking in faith if there is no risk there is no faith if there is no challenge there is no growth I want to pray with you now let me pray that God would strengthen your faith and that God that you would meet these opportunities to grow so Lord we bless your name right now and I pray for that one watching the Lord I pray for his or her faith to be strengthened Lord give us opportunity to grow help us not to neglect the word give us a hunger for your word father father help us to keep right thinking and precious Holy Spirit remind us in the midst of adversity that you are at work and that we are clay in the Potters hand we thank you for it father and we love you the Holy Spirit visit your people in a fresh and new way I pray for those who are believing for healing in their body lord I rebuke all sickness right now in Jesus name but that one who is believing for miracle experience your heavenly touch in the precious name of Jesus we pray everyone said amen well before I go as usual you know I do have to mention our ministry is supported by viewers like you you're a member of spirituous you're part of the Spirit family now is the time to do your tithes and offering go to the link at the bottom or if you're connected to PayPal I don't think this this will show if you're watching this from the app you won't get that that that link above but you can visit the link down on the screen but if you're watching this to any other means besides our ministry app you should be able to click on a it's a circle and an eye in the corner of this video and it actually has a way you can donate to this ministry and that's through PayPal but maybe you're someone who's watching this you love encounter TV you love the encounter services and you love Spirit Church as I always say the world needs the gospel and it needs the gospel uncompromised no compromise we don't we don't compromise the gospel here we're 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Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 128,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, god, healing ministry, healing, miracle, miracles, miraculous, faith, supernatural, revival, anointing, power, youth, prophet, prophecy, prophetic, encounter tv, fire of god, evangelist, evangelism, power of god miracles, healing miracles in jesus name, miracle healing caught on tape, healing power of jesus, healing evangelist, glory of god, jesus christ, steven moctezuma
Id: v_CvE52PVHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2015
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