Debunking the Mystery of Speaking in Tongues

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now I'm going to talk about tongues and before you turn this off before you go oh my gosh I'm scared I want you to really listen to me because the Bible speaks about tongues so let's address this in a very healthy [Music] way welcome to another lesson in hearing God I love this course because I just see in my heart that God is just going to open up a whole world of communication between you and him he's the one that's wanted to speak he's the one that is speaking we just need to know how to listen how to hear and so I'm going to talk about something very important and I can't emphasize very enough and that is we're calling this lesson Heaven's language now I'm going to talk about tongues and before you turn this off before you go oh my gosh I'm scared I want you to really listen to me because the Bible speaks about tongues so let's address this in a very healthy way way all right tongues is something that God has given to us that is so powerful that I believe the enemy has fought it tooth and nail because he doesn't want people speaking in tongues so the first thing I want to say is why would the Apostle Paul who was so filled with the wisdom of God had heard so much from heaven received so much from Heaven say I pray in tongues more than you all so we have to look into this first of all let me read from 1 Corinthians 14 verse two this is out of the Amplified Bible for one who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to people does not speak to people but to God for no one understands him or catches his meaning but by the spirit he speaks Mysteries secret truths hidden things now before we go any further and I I want to read it from the message because it brings out even better if you praise him in the private language of tongues God understand understands you but no one else does for you are sharing intimacies just between you and him now right now I I want to I want to I want to speak kindly and lovingly because I do deeply care about you brothers and sisters that people have told you hey tongues passed away when the Bible came because when the perfect came that was the Bible no because if you read that carefully the perfect is when we see him and know him as he knows us okay so it can't be the Bible cuz I don't know anybody that knows him the way he knows us so he's talking about when we actually are in his presence that's when tongues will cease prophecies will fail okay now here's the thing people will always come to me with this but the Bible says do all speak in tongues the answer is no okay so there's your there's your case not everybody gets that gift I was one of those people that didn't get that gift no that's not true Jesus said these F signs will follow them who believe they will speak in new tongues okay so where's all this confusion coming from okay it comes from the fact that people don't understand that there are four different types of tongues in the New Testament okay and they're very very different two are public two are private the first one is tongues as a sign to unbelievers Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:22 therefore tongues are for a sign not to those who believe but to those who are unbelievers okay what is that tongue that tongue is the day of Pentecost okay now I'm not saying it's that day I'm saying that type of tongue occurred on the day of Pentecost because there were unbelievers from every country and there were the apostles speaking the wonderful works of God in their different languages now whoa whoa whoa let's go back and read this again for one who speaks an unknown tongue does not speak to people well wait a minute they were speaking in tongues to those people the wonderful works of God in their own languages so you see the difference that's two different Ty types of tongues this tongue right here is not the the tongue that was spoken on the day of Pentecost because there were people that understood what they were saying okay you see that okay the second one is tongues and I've I've had experiences on that first one and I'd love to tell you about it but that's not what this course is about all right second one is tongues for interpretation okay that's the one that people bring up do all speak in tongues no because this tongue is a gift the the Holy Spirit puts on a person to speak to the church and that tongue is a Heavenly language is not known on the earth and it has to be interpreted to another different kinds of tongues and to another interpretation of tongues okay they didn't have to interpret the tongue that was being spoken on the day of Pentecost all those guys from those different countries heard exactly what they were saying this one's got to be interpreted because it's a Heavenly language that is not known on the earth those are the two public tongues now the third one is the tongue for intercession that is when Paul says hey we don't know how to pray as I ought I don't know what's going with my mom right now in Florida but the Holy Spirit knows what's going on on and if she needs something he can prompt me and I can pray for her effectively because he'll give me the words that's tongues for intercession but the one we're talking about here is tongues for personal prayer and this is what Paul says for if I pray in tongues my spirit is praying but I don't understand what I'm saying because I'm not speaking in English right well then what shall I do I will pray in the spirit that's praying in tongues and I will also pray in words I understand that's for me is English okay I will sing in the spirit I will sing in my heavenly language and I will also sing in words I understand that's English words okay so let's talk about this world war two in the Pacific Japanese were really clever the Japanese were able to figure out what we were doing and we would show up and they would know we were going to show up because they had English-speaking Japanese that were deciphering what we were saying and figuring it out and they were breaking our code so easily so there was a man and I can't remember his name but he had an idea he went to the the the to the government the the the the defense and he said let's teach our men how to speak Navajo I have a bunch of navajos who understand English who can teach your men how to speak it and do you know what they did they started speaking and the Japanese had no idea what they were saying and it changed it turned the tide of the war now think about this God says you got an enemy it's called Satan is demons the you know there's there's more spirits of Darkness out there than there are people on the Earth I'm just telling you okay and so if one man in the Bible's got 2,000 of them I mean there's plenty to go around you understand what I'm saying so God says there's an Army of Darkness out there and then I've got Heaven's Army and we're part of Heaven's Army Army so I'm going to give my people a language that they can pray and there can be like surprise bombs coming into the enemy's camp that he didn't even know was coming don't you love that but here's the very best aspect of it okay the person who PR who prays in an unknown tongue he's he's sharing intimacies just between God and him say intimacies with me Ines all right guys here's where it gets best you ready for this okay I I want you to picture this let's say the president of the United States invited me to come to his Oval Office let's say tomorrow and I go to the Oval Office I'm so excited but now listen to me am I able to speak to the president on his level of understanding no I mean he knows stuff about the United States things that are top secret I don't even have a clue to so basically he's got to come down to my level right okay Lisa just bought a dog I really like this dog okay I didn't at first cuz she was really being a puppy and really making messes but now I really like this dog and you know what it's so frustrating to me I can't talk to her the only way I can communicate to her is on her level she understands no she understands Lexi come she understands Lexi sit she understands my facial expressions but that's about the extent of the fellowship I get with her can you imagine if I had children like that like my dog when we walk into to the king of the universe's throne room if we don't if if when we go in there if all we can do is pray in English he's got to come down to our level of understanding but God has given us way he said hey hey hey I want to talk to my kids on my level of understanding he says I'm going to give them a language and I'm going to teach them how to speak that's going to bring them up to where we can have intimate Fellowship that's why Paul said that is why he said I speak in tongues more than you all because I have learned in experience after years and years you know I was a Christian for four months without being having the ability to speak in tongues but then when the fullness of the Spirit came and I began to speak in other tongues the Bible opened up fellowship with God opened up and can I say this there are people that are so frustrated said I've been asking and asking and I'm going to say this one of two things either you're not forgiving somebody or you're not asking in faith but when I ask for God to to fill me with his spirit and give me the ability to communicate to him in other tongues in the Heavenly language I was so desperate for it and believed it so much because I had been reading in my Bible and I had people telling me that passed away it passed away with the apostles I just knew it I'm reading the Bible and I'm going no it's all over the place it's all over the New Testament and I was believing and that's why I receive so many people don't receive because they just don't have faith they just don't believe they've allowed all the other voices to come in and kind of Muddy you got 100% believe when you ask God for something or else you're not going to get it you don't have because you don't ask because why you're double-minded James says let the man that is double-minded he's not going to receive anything from God so that's why it's so important to go to the word find out what the word says not what do so and so says or the this Theologian says or what this Seminary says go to the word and find out what the word of God says because the word of God is the same yesterday today and forever more it's unchanging right so if the word of God says that God has given me the ability to speak into me just just between me and him through a Heavenly language I want it because I want to experience that intimacy with him are you seeing what I'm saying so what is the benefit of tongues well first of all there are so many and I'm going to cover one really really quick okay and that's found in the book of Isaiah God says for with stammering lips and another tongue he will speak to his people I love that that's how God speaks to us one of the ways God speaks to us right so many times God has spoken to me in praying in tongues I'll give you examples in a second to whom he said this is the rest which you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing two things he says he says you get rest and refreshing When you pray in tongues okay why don't people hear from God because they're so busy I hear from God when my soul gets quieted do you know what the biggest thing I fight when I pray in the spirit is because my mind's not engaged I'm not praying in the understanding my mind can wander easily right because why my mind's not at rest but if I continue to pray and continue to pray in the spirit in tongues all of a sudden now my mind gets quieted down now let me tell you a mistake I made because the Bible says counsel in the heart of a man is as deep Waters but the man or woman of understanding draws it out that's Proverbs 20:5 counsel what is counsel it's advice wisdom Direction purpose right in the heart of a man or woman is like deep Waters but the man or woman of understanding will draw it out now listen to this carefully Jesus said in John 7 anyone who believes in me may come and drink for the scripture declares rivers of Living Water will flow from his heart counts in the heart of man as as living what as rivers of water right right when he said Living Water he was speaking of the Holy Spirit who would be given to everyone believing in him so that language that the holy spirit gives us to be able to pray in the spirit pray in tongues we are releasing counsel and wisdom will you say well I don't I don't really get much from it don't look for it at the time you're praying often I have prayed 30 minutes in the spirit and then all of a sudden I'm driving that day and this Revelation hits me this oh that's what I need to do this counsel hits me that's what I should do oh I need to call that person these are all the results of what I was praying in the spirit because God was able to pray the greatest needs or the greatest desires he had Through Me By Me yielding to him he knew what my day consisted of I remember the first time when he really made this really clear to me I shared with a a sorority girl in my college said to her about it and she she got filled with the Holy Spirit she was raised in a denomination that taught them that passed away and I sat there with my Bible and I showed it to her and she got filled with the Holy Spirit and the next morning she came running over to my fraternity and and I was like what she said I just got woke up at five and I just felt to pray in the spirit so I just prayed in the spirit and she said my mind was already quiet because I just Wok up she said because this is what I'm about to say but I I'll tell you in a minute she said and I felt like I was praying for an old man his life was in danger' and she said at 6:00 a.m. my roommates got a call their father had had a massive heart attack and they had been able to save him on the table and she said the holy spirit said that's who I was having you pray for she never would have known to do do that if she just prayed in English do you see how important that is but but with me you know I I remember you know God had really spoken to my heart to give books to pastors overseas and to this date we've been able to give millions of resources to pastors and leaders in 97 nations in 108 language it's so miraculous how it's happened and yet I'm sitting there going God to give all these books and resources away is going to be millions and millions and millions of dollars and I I said Lord I I just don't know how to do this how do I let people know and I was down in my basement just walking around the pingpong table praying in tongues and praying in tongues and praying in tongues and praying in tongues now what I was going to say to you earlier was this first when I go and pray my mind's kind of wandering so a lot of times what I'm may do is go into English for a while then go back into tongues and it's a labor to enter into that rest I eventually get into that rest and then I start having thoughts don't get rid of those thoughts those are probably the Holy Spirit giving you the interpretation of what you're praying about so I'd already got by all the distractions you know like hey man I I should grocery shop with Lisa today I should do this with this son today I should really get this accomplished and pay my bills I got by all that I was in that rest and I'm walking around the ping pong table I've been praying in the spirit for a long time and all of a sudden this little thought comes up it it percolates up it's it's like but like scuba divers down there you know and all of a sudden their bubbles come up to the surface this thought just comes bubbling up you're known for golf see isn't it funny God gave me golf back and now God's going to use it this is what's hilarious I said in another lesson about golf so anyway um the Lord said you're known for golf run a golf you've got the Broadmore where the US Senior Open and the US Women's Open is held it's one of the most sought out hotels in the in in the country down the road you're known for golf run a golf tournament and let people come in and support this work to give the the resources to these pastors and I thought whoa and this was January and I remember going to my team and said I want to do a golf tournament and I I I want to do it this June at the Broadmore and they're like what that's like five month four four months away five months away what what and and I was like yeah we're going to do it and you know what that golf tournament I think this year we had our eth annual in that Golf Tournament this year I think the total complete Revenue that came in was 3.1 million and it's all goes to the books for overseas I mean it doesn't you know pay our light bills and all that stuff and and and and literally every year for the past several years we watched at least $2 million come in and so that one idea came praying in the spirit around my pingpong table I could tell you story after story after Story I remember being out walking on the on the on the on the the the the the the golf cart path at the golf course in in in near where I live and that's my favorite place to pray when it's dark outside because you're not going to trip over anything and all that but anyway it's like 5:30 in the morning I'm praying in the spirit praying in the spirit and praying in the spirit and I hear this inside of me I want you to write a book on the Judgment seats and I remember I stopped praying in spirit said what judgment seats I I've maybe preached 20 minutes all my life on the Judgment seats and that's all I heard and do you know I wrote that book called driven by ET you know to this day it's still of all 20 books I've written it's still the longest book I've ever written because why I just start praying in the spirit meditating in the word and all of a sudden God started downloading things and this is something that I do there have been times when I'm writing and all of a sudden I feel like I hit like a wall and I'm like it the flow is not there right so I just get up in my hotel room and I start walking around just pacing around praying in the spirit and all of a sudden this idea comes one little idea and it's always like the edge of a the end of a thread and I'll go run into the computer and I'll start typing that and then all of a sudden more comes and more comes and more comes and I'm like whoa there's another whole chapter you see what I'm saying and so and and and so often often if I'm in that place where I'm kind of like I don't know what to do I'm kind of at a standstill I'll just start praying I'll go find a place and get along just start praying in the spirit I was in Mexico one time and this Authority said you can't preach and and if you preach you're going to get arrested because they have this little law in Mexico it's very fine nobody really enforces it except for the people that don't want guys preaching from overseas and this guy enforced it and I was like oh God he said he said to me he said he the only thing you can do is speak to these people about tourist related activities and he walked off he had two armed Soldiers with him and I'm like oh yeah yeah so I go out and I'm praying in tongues in the middle of the street in Mexico I figure hey people think I'm just a Frenchman that's crazy so I'm just praying in tongues because there was no place to go if I would have found a private room I don't advise praying in tongues in public please but here's the deal there was no room there was no space this is Mexico baby there are a lot of people in Mexico right in these big cities so I'm praying in the spirit and all of a sudden God says put your Bible away and tell them about the greatest tourist that ever come to Mexico Jesus Christ I went that's it went in preached so many people got saved so what would have happened had I not had the ability to draw that counsel from the heart of God right and so I just want to encourage you that rest is where God speaks and that rest that real rest comes as we pray in the spirit the heavenly language that speaks intimacies between us and God so here's the deal you're sitting there right now and you may be a couple of people in the group and you're sitting in the group and you're going but I don't speak in tongues or you may be watching this at home by yourself but I don't speak in tongues let me tell you something Jesus said if you ask the father for the Holy Spirit he's not going to give you a snake he's not going to give you a scorpion he's going to give you a good gift you know so many people are afraid what if I get a weird weird Spirit you're not going to get a weird Spirit if you ask your heavenly father he's not going to give you a weird Spirit he gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask him so the first thing you got to do is you got to ask second thing you got to do is you got to ask in faith you can't sit there and hope you're going to get the Holy Spirit okay the the ability to to pray in that Heavenly language you have to ask in faith and the third thing you can't speak English and tongues at the same time nobody can speak two languages out of their mouth at the same time it is impossible so don't speak English speak and it will be like almost like the beginning of a river you'll see one syllable two or something and all of a sudden if you step out in faith and start speaking out it will come and that's what's going to happen now the one big blocker that I've seen through experience is people that refuse to forgive if there's anyone that you're have refuse to forgive your father your mother your uncle an ex you know a you know a former friend a former Pastor you need to forgive the way Jesus forgave you Jesus forgave you before you ever said you were sorry you need to forgive this person before they come to you and say you're sorry and once you do that let's let me lead you in that prayer and then I'm going to lead you in a prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit and when you do I want you to begin to speak out whatever syllable comes and Watch What Happens rivers of Living Water will start flowing from your being so pray this with me Father in heaven I'm so sorry for holding unforgiveness against this person name them out or that person or a few people father I forgive them the way Jesus forgave me and now father I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I have repented of serving myself and I am following him I now ask you fill me with your spirit now let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus right now wherever that person is fill them with your presence fill them with the spirit of Jesus Christ and I command for your wells to open up and for that prayer language to come forth in Jesus mighty [Music] name
Channel: John Bevere
Views: 536,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john bevere, mistreated, forgiveness, john bevere sermons, john bevere holy spirit, john bevere bait of satan, unforgiveness, john bevere god where are you, the bait of satan, purpose, how to forgive, prayer, christianity, honor's reward, john bevere 2023, how to serve, servanthood sermon, servant leadership, john bevere honor's reward, john bevere honor, john bevere sermon, pursuing holiness, preaching, faith, hearing god's voice, john bevere study, john bevere curriculum
Id: 10f6RauOlJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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