When You Have The Fear of God

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want to share the word today and then we are going to pray many people are asking a lot of times how do you get the fire of god and i have a secret today of how to walk in the fire of god it's to walk in the fear of god if you want to have the fire of god don't focus on the fire of god focus on walking in the fear of the lord and the fear of the lord is going to produce the fire of god and somebody say amen you know i know that this may come a little bit as a shock the bible teaches us to fear god because for some people they're like well i thought that we just love god why do we have to fear someone that we're called to love isn't perfect love casts out fear yes i understand it kind of contradicts itself but it stopped country it stops contradicting itself when you get married and the person that you love you also fear and all the husbands said all right all the men know you love this woman and at the same time deeply deeply scared of her and terrified of her do this please her because uh if you uh if you crossed her my lord have mercy so it's possible to love someone and to be fearful of them now of course the fear of god is not the same as being terrified of god or being scared of god the fear of god is having a deep reverence and respect for him that causes you to change your speech your attitude your behavior and how you live for example existence of god doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to change your life but when you live with the awareness that god is watching you that god is present it changes how you live how many of you when you were driving and many of us in here we drive by grace by grace means we look at the rules and we know they apply to everyone except me because i am in a hurry i'm driving right now and i have important things and god understands my heart and the fact that i'm speeding not stopping fully he knows my situation until you see a police officer and then everything changes you're no longer driving by grace you're driving by the law you quickly buckle up you watch your speed you put down your phone and you tell everybody behind who are sitting your three children to start praying in tongues everything changes not because a police officer is on the road it's because you saw the police officer on the road he probably has been there for a long time but when you are aware of the police officer a fear of god comes on you your heart starts beating faster and then you stop praying you start making promises to god lord i will never do this if he doesn't pull me over i promise you i'm gonna i'm gonna start tithing i know pastor has been saying that but i will promise next time they will start tiding i will increase it to 20 we start bargaining with god why because the presence awareness of the police officer brings a sense of awe a sense of fear and a healthy fear and that causes us to change how we drive it causes us to change how we're looking at our phone when we're driving and even causes us to pray god is not a police officer he's not looking out to arrest you he doesn't just pull you over to tell you what you broke the law god is our father but god is also holy god is also just and god is also righteous and god is also ever present and he is watching us and god wants us to live with a healthy dose of fear every single day of our life knowing he is watching and he is with us and he wants the best for us but at the same time his big god number one having the feud of the lord is not the same thing as being scared of god being scared of god is not having the fear of god the bible says that adam when he heard god's voice he said i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself many people are afraid of the fear of god because they think having the fear of god is having a feeling of being scared of someone terrified adam was scared of god that's not the same as the fear of the lord why because the fear of the lord causes you to go to god being scared of god causes you to run from him i want to show you another verse in exodus chapter 20 verse 18 it says now all people witnessed thunderings lightning flashes and the sound of a trumpet and the mountain smoking and when people saw it they trembled and stood afar off then they said to moses you speak with us and we will hear but don't let god speak with us lest we die and moses said to people look at this verse do not be afraid god has come down to test you that his fear may be before you and that you may not sin they fear dying moses came and he says god came down so that the fear of death can be replaced with the fear of god because the fear of death caused people to say we don't want to hear god mo go up the mountain and tell us what god tells you but when you have a fear of god which is greater than the fear of death like moses verse 21 it says this as people stood off moses drew near into the thick cloud man who fears death will always walk away from god full pull away fear of death should not direct your life fear of death is the biggest fear that we have in the world every other fear is a servant to the fear of death and that's what israel said you go up to god why because we're afraid we're going to die if you can have a fear of death replaced by the fear of god you will be unstoppable you will be able to go into his presence instead of being drawn out of his presence i like what john bevere said he says fear of god is not being afraid of god it's being afraid of being away from god the one who is afraid of god stays at a distance the one who fears god stays close having fear of god is very important it's a rare commodity today in the church among christians and this is why we as christians have a relationship with god it guarantees peace it gives us eternal home holy spirit lives in us but it doesn't bring wisdom overcoming sin and it doesn't bring god's blessing why because those things come not when you have relationship but when you have reverence for god and believers today my friend especially in the western countries have a relationship with god but lack reverence for god how do i know that because when a doctor calls you and says you have covet positive you don't have another thought whether that's true or not you know that is true that's it it's true when god says you're healed you say i don't think so yeah this week i heard a person who went to get tested i signed his name but the lion was too long so he left he got three days later a call saying you got covered he's like i didn't even get tested he's like we don't care you got covered so when a doctor says something when the governor says something when someone else says something that is a fact when god's word says something it's questionable why because whatever you revere that's who you fear and the bible says my people he says i want them to tremble before my word meaning you take god's word seriously now the doctors make mistakes i just quoted you and i mentioned a lot of people are experiencing this where they get misdiagnosed people even die because they get misdiagnosed but most of us have a healthy respect for the doctors we won't question we will second-guess it why because we have a healthy respect for the doctors and i'm not saying to question the doctor what i'm saying is to stop questioning god what i'm saying is to develop a reverence as a christian where god's work is not something well john georgina got away when the veil really comes man red sea they drowned in a red sea come on man that's not serious and see that's the thing and then we claim we have a relationship with god we do do we have a reverence for god that's a different story my friend god wants to raise the church not only those who have a relationship but also who have a reverence for the lord can somebody say man number two that i want to mention is that the fear of god overcomes all other fears why am i speaking about the fear of god is because we live today in a time where fear is everywhere and if you don't have any go on social media for 15 minutes go on facebook and then switch from facebook to instagram and from instagram to linkedin and go to other places and you will see people are there is fear everywhere there are problems for sure but the fear is even bigger than the problem and then if you're done with social media go on youtube and listen to some prophets you will really get fear with god's name on it and the bible says prophets prophesy according to their faith that means if a prophet has no faith guess what they prophesy fear they see fear and you listen to that you're like oh my goodness we really have three months left to live we really have six months left to live and the whole world is going to end and so next thing that happens is that people live in fear of the future they live in the fear of losing their job they live in the fear of being alone all their life they live in the fear that they'll never come out of this financial situation that they have and all of these fears my friends are inferior they are real but they are inferior god does not want to remove fear he wants to replace it god does not want to deliver you from fear he wants to replace fear so you will have a good fear healthy fear legitimate fear and fear that doesn't paralyze you fear that doesn't you fear that doesn't give you nightmares fear that doesn't give you a political spirit a fear that gives you wisdom fear that gives you hate towards sin and fear that gives god's blessing into your life somebody say amen [Applause] jesus says in matthew 28 and do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and the body my friend it's time to put fear in its place to fear god and not men but midwives fear god and did not do as the king of egypt commanded them but saved male children alive exodus chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says the feudal man brings a snare but whoever trusts in the lord shall be saved proverbs 29 25 the best way to overcome fear is not to remove it but to replace it with a bigger more legitimate healthier and more authentic fear the fear of the lord whatever you fear you will revere i fear that many of us have a relationship with god but we only have reverence before men we only have reverence before our ex our boss our spouse our children getting a bad report our governor the doctor's report the pandemic where we walk in fear this is supposed to be land of the brave home of the free if you're not brave you're not free freedom exists when we don't have a fear of men but your heart is designed to fear and therefore you have an option i have a choice i either going to live with the fear of the lord or i'm going to have an inferior fear possessing and crippling my heart and jesus is saying don't be afraid but fear don't be afraid of those who kill the body but fear god so jesus is not saying live reckless fearless life he's saying live life that's radical but it's fear-filled fear of the lord filled we fear men so much because we fear god so little william gornell said that you know people one of the biggest differences between those who fear god and those who don't fear god is in how they treat their sin sinful appetites temptations because those who fear god the bible says in proverbs 16 7 in mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity and by fear of the lord one departs from evil over emphasis on the love of god and the grace of god without understanding who god is can produce greasy grace greasy grace is the one that uses god and his grace as an excuse to flirt with sin i believe in the grace of god by which we receive salvation and the grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and teaches us to walk soberly in this world titus says that god's grace is not an excuse to do whatever i want the fear of the lord causes a man to depart from sin the fear of the lord doesn't give him an excuse to flirt with sin but this is how we flirt with sin instead of asking how can i overcome we ask how close can i get to this sin without going to hell it's kind of like if a husband will come to his wife and say i know adultery adultery is sin i want to know how close can i go with this girl without committing adultery and without you giving me a divorce papers like he's holding hands will kissing like french kissing or just like on the cheek kissing going out on a date is it till nine o'clock cause that would be okay because after nine probably that could lead us to some sinful things hey babe what do you think how close can i go with this person with whom i am emotionally involved before we can call it an adultery now if your wife is half decent your face will be broken you will be picked up by emergency services afterwards there's going to be consequences i mean brother the the bible says you know with the one left you will get hit you know with the left cheek and then the right cheek you're going to get physically probably beaten because an average woman when she hears that she doesn't say oh yeah of course as long as you don't commit adultery but the woman is going to be upset a man is gonna be upset if you present it to him because they said they will say that's confusing you should be asking a question of how close can we get instead of asking how far you can get from me and still not lose me you're missing the whole point of relationship and intimacy see people who don't have a reverence of god they see god only as a ticket to escape hell they don't see god as a lord and somebody to revere somebody to worship and someone to please and therefore they're always looking at how far people always ask especially young people hey how far can we go in dating without committing sin and i challenge them is this is how far how close can you go to god in dating so you don't even ask that question because god doesn't want us to flirt with sin god wants us to flee sin when joseph was tempted and he was in the portion first house the bible says the woman was asking him to sleep with him now that changes the temptation come on man for just a second i'm going to talk to you it's one thing when a man is asking a woman to sleep with him like most of the christian men who struggle with purity they're trying to get the girl to sleep with him this is a different story the woman is asking a man to sleep with him and joseph is handsome joseph has a reason emotionally because his brothers rejected him he had a mental illness if you can say because right now anytime a guy commits sin that says it was a mental health issue joseph had every reason mentally to go into sin and to say i'm emotionally broken i just feel really lonely i just need somebody to comfort me my dad has a death certificate at home my brother sold me instead of killing me my life has been very difficult i have an emotional reason to engage into sexual sin and to feed this appetite joseph had no bible study had no pastor had no holy spirit living in him to convict him of sin he had no blood of jesus to remind him that god is a holy god joseph had no life group joseph had no bible joseph had no youtube videos nothing a single good-looking guy and the woman is asking him to sleep with him no ten commandments and that culture sleeping with another person was the same thing as drinking water and joseph runs from her why if you're a normal guy you're looking into joseph why not flirt at least i mean of course committing sin is wrong but you can talk to the girl lay hands on each other pray for each other lead her into the pastures and still waters my god jesus joseph this soul of this woman is broken she needs healing she never had a father she needs you to hug and embrace her the bible says joseph ran and i'm looking at joseph and i said we have guys who go through one purity class to another one have every kind of software went through every kind of encounter and they still flirt and hear god no ten commandments no power of the holy spirit what made him no dad to watch him there's no laws and commandments what made this guy not flirt with sin one word i'm gonna have joseph explain himself to you and to me when jo then joseph said on the third day to his brothers do this and live for i fear god pharaoh saw in joseph a wise man joseph was a very very smart man but the reason why joseph did not sin and the reason why he didn't commit suicide in jail and the reason why when he saw his brothers who made his life living hell he didn't commit and convict them and execute them but he forgave him the reason that joseph gives an inventory of his heart he says i fear god i don't have a bible but i know god i don't have ten commandments but i fear god oh no i'm not scared of god but i have a reverence for god i see many of us today we flirt with with sin we would go to a club on friday show up at the church on sunday we will smoke drink get high do all of this to come that can come and we say i love god that's the problem it's time to move from relationship to reverence you got a bible my friend but the holy spirit wants to put inside of your heart the fear of the lord you can memorize the bible listen you can speak in tongues you can know all there is to know and your non-christian friends even when you're there you're telling them all this about god but my friend if you're doing what you are doing with them while they're doing i gotta remind you you might love god but you don't fear him because fear of the lord causes a man to struggle with sin to run from sin i'm not saying you'll be perfect i'm not saying that i will be sinless but there will be a wrestling why because i fear god may that be your portion may that be my portion we fear god mama's not watching daddy is now watching nobody will find out you're on a vacation whatever that you are at your wife is in the other room and you are on your phone there's a fear of god that grips your heart my friend and that's what guides you and leads you the secret of wisdom and the fourth thing that i'm going to share is the lack of the fear of god brings a lot of foolishness proverbs 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despite wisdom and instruction being wise and being smart are not the same thing wisdom comes from the fear of god knowledge comes from learning from your mistakes and simply living life by watching youtube knowledge is different than wisdom knowledge we get in a university wisdom we get in the fear of the lord there is a lot of smart idiots phd people who will have phd masters degree and in any way i'm going to insult i just want to show the difference when a person can run a company and can run their family they have intellect but no wisdom when a person can do a surgery and replace things in your body so intricate so smart but they can't put their finances together it's knowledge but not wisdom when a person can build something really well but they have four relationships already and none of their kids want to talk to them it's knowledge but it's not wisdom the fear of god doesn't make you smart it makes you wise college will make you smart watching youtube videos will make you smart learning from your mistakes will make you smart being quick on your feet being street smart will make you smart but none of that will make you wise because smart people learn from others and their mistakes wise people they learn from god and they trust what he says works [Applause] when you're young teenagers young adults listen to me very carefully the scripture says in proverbs if you read proverbs and you do half of what it says you will be wise if you don't get a degree you will still be more prosperous why because in proverbs we have a bible study group on wednesday morning with men and we're reading proverbs and i found this common thing in proverbs it always says this if you commit sexual immorality you will be poor so let's just say you don't have education you're working just a normal job but if you keep it in your pants just that alone can save you so much on child support divorce lawyers sexual transmitted disease getting fired from a job because you come late and you leave early and you always on your phone instead of doing what you're supposed to do that alone keeping it in your pants can make you prosperous without a degree and on the top of that but proverbs says almost every proverb says son listen to your mom i know you're stupid but listen to her what she says put it on your hand put it on your neck put it on the front of your eyes son listen so when you adjust that alone keep it in your pants and listen to your mom and dad imagine how much foolishness you will avoid now but this is why we don't do it because the culture is built on building smart people and you can't be smart if you don't make mistakes to learn from god is not making smart people he's making wise people and god says trust me when your mama and your daddy says don't hang out with him don't spend time there that's not a right relationship you have to be home at nine o'clock why are you buying that cheeseburger when i made taco in the house do you need another pair of nikes no you need to pay for your car insurance why is your room not clean if your room is not clean your life will never be clean just listening to your mom and dad come on without a degree 10 years give you 10 years you will have more money in your account you will drive a paid off car and the best part about it there will be no drugs in your system that you have to fight there will be so much protection of god but see the problem with us is that we all want to be smart and therefore we keep breaking our our our knees we keep breaking our heads we keep breaking our hearts and by the time we get smart we're 40 000 in debt because mama told you get your aaa from cbc why in the world do you need to move to las vegas to get your aaa and pay four times more for your a.a degree when you can live in your mama's basement eat tacos every tuesday she will wash your clothes and she will be so proud of her son because he is going to college and once in a while she slips stuff under your pillow called cash because she's so proud of you but there you are no all of my friends my mama says don't listen to your friends and see and that's why you're not wise because you're trying to be smart because your friends make fun of wise people and the reason why is because their mistakes have not caught up to them yet because when they're done with aaa and come back with sixty thousand dollar loan and forty thousand dollar credit card mixed up because las vegas is expensive and they have three children from three different continents and they come back to st tri-cities the only problem is degree they have nobody's hiring so guess what happens who they go to they ask you so where did you get your job and next thing you know now they need to get any job why because they're going on collections all they have to do is listen to their mom but why we don't do that no fear of god when you have a fear of god you trust god and god says trust your parents when i was a teenager i'm not the smartest kid on the block i have a high school diploma nothing more i was offered two years free of college i went there it was a bible college and i sat with the students not to make fun of any people but people were trying to figure out their life i already was in ministry and i was like that's not going to work for me i just have smart people around me and that's going to be enough at the young age my mom and my dad would tell me things to do my pastor would tell me things to do honestly teenage nature rebuilt at 16 i wanted to get married i was convinced it was my time my pastor looked at me he says are you high i'm like no but i love her you got a car no but we're gonna get married he's like he's glad step out and i was like what do you mean he doesn't understand and see but i trusted something i didn't understand i trusted my pastor i trusted my parents and the reason why i did that because i trust what god says was it easy oh of course not it was a tornado of feelings here you're a fool everybody else is doing it and they're the smart kids they're the popular kids and everything but see one thing is that you listen to that you trust and at first it doesn't make sense and then when you hit 20 and you realize you're still a virgin and people may make fun of that but at the same time you're not broke and when you're time to get married you realize girls are looking for hot guys who are broke they're looking for guys who don't just look good but somebody could have something here and something right here six cars is more better than six cars six cars is better than six pack meaning girls are not looking for somebody who goes in and lifts they're looking also for somebody whose brain is working and whose life has a meaning and a purpose and who is established and who does not play boy they will flirt with the play but they'll just never want to marry him and if they do they'll be the first one within six months calling me saying deliver him pushing him to pray and stand the money go go your time wisdom don't try to be smart that's all your friends are doing be wise and to be wise you have to have fear of god when parents tell you to stay when parents tell you you live with them and then when you move out the things you learn from them you won't see the fruit in the beginning i remember when you know when i would be in high school and my parents kind of you know challenged me say hey don't focus on trying to drive a nice car focus on being good living your grades and don't get into trouble at first but it's not fun life fun has an expiration date when you're in high school expires really really fast and i drove a minivan i was made fun of i was called a family man in high school because i didn't look super great i never had to buy expensive clothes to try to win people's approval because i already lost it so i lost all of the approval at once so i'm like why if bother trying to get an approval but i don't even there's no way i'm going to win it so i wore the same clothes i didn't care about how i looked physically to try to please people and i did not care what i drove but the good thing was that minivan was paid for and it was not my mom's it was mine because they drove beamers it was their parents beamers yeah it wasn't fun yes it wasn't great for a little bit but see when you walk in the fear of god it's not because you're smart it's because you realize you're not that smart you're like god i need you and i'm gonna listen to my mom and dad i'm gonna see if this works because the bible says it works and he works also for america he says you will see good days and you will live a long life you know and then i remember at the age of 20 when one of those cool kids in class who made fun of me he was always coming in every weekend and bragging about who he slept with and which sexual acts they did and i was like people do that and he would ask me hey who did you sleep with i was like i'm a virgin planning to with my wife the only person i'm gonna sleep instead of a thousand women i'm gonna sleep thousand different ways with one woman that was my always my comeback and he would look at me he said bro how can you guess somehow can you get a cow without tasting the milk i was like i never thought women's were cows he says well you have to experiment i said do you experiment with super glue to see before it works sex is super glue it glues you to another person whether you realize it or not and at the age of 20 i remember when i had a rental property why did i have the rental property i was getting paid a church under minimum wage but because you don't do that other stupid stuff because you listen to your parents you save money and parents see that you save money you show up on time guess what happens they constantly keep slipping stuff to you good money something little little blessings there and there you start to accumulate that and i remember that guy came to rent one of my properties he's looked at me i came on a brand new car because the rental property paid for the car and he said hey are you also here to get rent i said no i own this place and why not and that's your car because he came as something really beaten up he was like i had to like pass it over because i was like this is horrible not judging cars but he was he drove a beamer in high school and i said what happened and then he's overweight i was like what happened to you what happened to your car he said bro man the the child support the all this stuff and i pulled his record his credit and i was like bro i can't i can't let you live in my place i said bro you you're a mess he's like man we're bros like we're not pros i was like i can't let you rent and i'm sorry he said but you're a pastor i was like i'm a landlord in this case not a pastor and i'm 21 years of age and i'm looking already i was like ha god's way wasn't bad it's not about materialistic things but i can tell you one thing if god is not real if all of this is fake only thing i lost is headache heartbreak a lot of poor decisions a lot of broken relationships and all of my peace it's still worth to serve god but the problem with many of us is we only use god to have a relationship we're afraid to have reverence for him because we don't trust that he actually means good for us and obeying your mom your dad staying in town instead of going wasting money living pure all of these things my friends please understand it gives you wisdom and wisdom always leads to wealth prosperity protection now generally it's true there are extreme cases where sometimes you can walk with the lord and something can happen but generally speaking it will always lead to that in the conclusion i want to remind you where this message was birthed from is i looked at my parents and i helped my mom to buy her tesla my mom has tesla she's not technologically a person one time she drove that tesla and stopped in the middle of the road she didn't know what to do and i was like mom that's my dream one day to have this kind of a car and my mom you know she assembles wheelchairs she works in a simple job my dad he delivers mail they finish building a house for cash a really nice half a million dollar house they don't have a business and they're the top donors at hungry gen i can't explain it i look at their life it's been 34 years i'm observing them from a distance my dad is not a loud talker he's not a clever like super clever guy he never went to college english is not their first language they have a difficult time carrying a conversation we came to united states as immigrants and i look at them and i see their marriage being solid i don't see them fighting or having a divorce i see all five children from the same parents and this is not to put anybody down i'm just using as an example and i'm looking at them i'm saying what is the secret of stability what is the secret even the financial like i can't explain why they can have this and still give to church so much when there's a need in church dad would be the first one to show up here while he had other projects to do and he would never bring an invoice to church when we tried to pay my dad he always declined and says i'll never take a dollar from it and for 15 years he would fix things in church and run the money in the church and sometimes into late hours after working at his job and trying to fix his home and he will always give his time and i would see that and i said they are they have blessing but they don't have education but they don't have a high paying job what is the secret and honestly i really think i know the secret it's the fear of god if you get to know my parents one thing you you'll see that they're not super loud but they're committed to god and because of that they have what they have but it's not about what they have it's about the family that they raise and it's the example that they set for us and my prayer i turned 34 last week i think was last week or the week before one of those weeks i turned 34 and this has been my prayer god i fear not to fear you and i want to give you that prayer today please understand in america you're smart a lot of you guys here today you're very clever and that's my problem is that i have things that my parents didn't have i speak english i have opportunities i can build a website i can do this i can do this and i wrote a book releasing a third work and so i on the outside i have a lot more than they had but my fear if i miss what they had on the inside everything that i have on the outside everything that you have on the outside my friend it has an expiration clock and i want to challenge you right now to understand don't seek to be smart nothing wrong with finishing your degree please nothing wrong with having a high paying job nothing wrong with doing great things having a business nothing wrong with having influence nothing wrong with having titles in position nothing wrong with that but if that's all you got you're a poor broke person as a christian you have an advantage over the world is you can have wisdom what only thing that they seek is to be smart and that wisdom husband will keep you away from the secretary and that wisdom wife will keep you away from your boss and that wisdom will keep you away from cheating on your taxes that wisdom will keep you away from lying cheating and cutting corners that wisdom will keep you away from looking at images that you are not supposed to be looking that wisdom will cause you to tithe that wisdom will cause you to bring your family to church and bring him in upbringing in the fear of the lord and that wisdom my friend is going to change the way you spend your saturday nights instead of dancing into the night you are going to be spending time with your family and then you're gonna have one marriage instead of seven you're gonna have that blessing that other people will look and say man i wish i would have that and it's not because you were better it's because you feared god and the fear of god brings wisdom of god and the wisdom of god but is the blessing of god amen i want you to place your hand upon your heart right now i want us to pray then we're going to give a call for salvation as you have your hand on your heart i'm gonna read to you just three four verses for as heavens as high as above the earth so great is his mercy toward those who fear him psalm 103 verse 11 he will bless those who fear the lord both small and great psalm 115-13 he will fulfill the desires of those who fear him he will also hear their cry and save them psalm 145 19 the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers him psalm 34 verse 7 ask the lord right now say lord give me your fear not to be scared but god help me to have reverence i don't want to screw up my life i don't want to make decisions god that i will regret i don't want to live with regret looking at my past i've done it some of you you've done it already but say god for the future next 40 years next 50 years next 100 years next 20 years god i want to live without foolishness but i'm not capable i'm not that smart my degree is not enough for that god i need your help give me the heart to fear you give me the heart to revere you god give me the heart to trample before your word god god i don't want to just be the person who loves you i want to be like joseph who will say but i fear god the way i do with my finances the way i do with my mouth with my mouth the way i do it my morality god i want to fear you lord in college i want to fear you god when i am alone in my room on the computer i want to walk in your fear god when i'm alone on the business trip god i want to walk in your fear god nobody can see it nobody can know it god but i want to know that you are watching me every day i want to know you like that god as joseph did nobody knew where he was at god but he feared you you poured such a wisdom such a prosperity such a blessing on him god i want that i want that come on just open up your lips right now for the next 30 seconds begin to just ask god for that begin to just make it your request where you are sitting right now say god give me your fear give me your fear i want to change the destiny of my future i want to live in reverse i want to listen to my mentors and my parents i want to listen to your word god i don't want to be a stubborn person who always does it my way because i want to be smart god i don't want to be smart i want to be wise i want to be wise i want to be prosperous i want to be significant but i want to be successful in your eyes god i don't want to make dumb financial decisions i don't want to make dumb decisions in relationships i don't want to make foolish decisions but god i don't have enough iq to see everything i trust you give me your feel right now baptize me in the spirit of your fear in jesus mighty name in jesus name i want us to rise to our feet every head bound every eye closed [Music] if you're in this room right now and you have not given your life to jesus christ i would like to give you an opportunity right now to do so if you're saying glad i'm not right with god i walked away from the lord maybe you used to know him as a as a child perhaps you grew up in a religious circle or maybe you even went to church but college happened some things happened maybe abuse happened your heart got broken maybe you got betrayed by church people perhaps something happened in your family and you turned your back on god but today you realize that there is a hole in my soul there is eternity jesus did die on the cross and your sins somebody will need to pay for them it's not going to be jesus it's not going to be jesus it's going to have to be you and you recognize that i got to surrender to god i got to come back to god if you don't know jesus as your lord and savior or if you walked away from jesus as your lord and savior when i count to three i'm going to ask you to raise your hand to say hey i need that prayer today i need jesus to come into my heart one two three let's raise the hand high thank you thank you thank you see your hand anybody else because i would like to get saved today i would like to surrender my life to the lord serving jesus is not only gives you eternity but if you commit to walking in the field of god he will give you abundant life let's pray this prayer church together if you're with me i want you to say this out loud say lord jesus i am a sinner please forgive me of all my sin and wash me with your precious blood i surrender my whole life to you from this day forward i want to follow you give me your fear and your love forgive my sin wipe my past clean give me new future fill me with your spirit in jesus name amen
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 48,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fear of god, the fear of the lord, what is the fear of god, king of my heart, what is the fear of the lord, the fear of the lord sermon, messages by pastor vlad, pastor vlad hungrygen, pastor vladimir savchuk, pastor vlad savchuk, pastor vlad sermons, bfeak free book by pastor vlad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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