The Power of the Spirit and Grace - Ps Steven Francis

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[Music] now this morning Angela and I we were in prayer so I want to tell you first couple of things what the Lord said and what we can do about it okay how many of you know our God is a God who speaks to us you know that right that means God is not static God speaks to us and we serve a God who is a life we serve a God who has desires opinions about us I want you to know that that means he's just not a God who bring a plate of offering you put it in front of the altar ask him for mumbo jumbo and he does that for you see a lot of us if you come from a non-christian background all of us have in some stage in our live isn't it we we come from different traditions we forget that when we come to the Living God at times we are bringing the same traditions I bring a platter of offering I put my money there I worship Him and I put my wish list on the table and say God do this we are forgetting that he is a living God that means he has his desire he can share his view he can tell his opinion if you are close enough to God he will tell his opinion what he thinks about it he will show you his will in the scripture what he thinks about it and if you are close enough to ask God what do you think I like - what do you think I could wear today he will show his opinion hello hello so I wanted to know that we are we are we have to train our self to relate to a living God who loves us enough to tell us something amen because I don't believe in a in a love which doesn't tell because the Bible says when God loves someone he speaks to them he corrects them he shares his will and his desire upon their lives amen because true love means you will see you won't hide and people who are frightened oh if I say they'll get offended my side don't say that is really obligatory love not true love true love opens out and says it amen yeah we are risking offense we are risking the person getting sad but getting said is okay it is not a big deal because human are human they get said they'll get happy after a while hello tell your neighbor remember you are a human have you said that some neighbors did not say so let's try that exercise again only robots don't respond humans they do respond tell your neighbor you are human okay fantastic but then there are some humans who said it without emotion you are a human so let's try that again you really are a human can we do that let's do it you are a human oh yeah now there is a lot of cheer okay fantastic it is working it is working now this morning last night I receive an email from a pastor friend from Korea and later we are going to pray for Korea it's supposed to have a meeting a conference in South Korea prophetic conference of what Allah is saying so I just follow up on this email and she said the whole country right now is on a very intense moment preparing for war she said please pray for us the whole country's in tents so I I said okay which was last night and this morning I wrote and reply and this morning I decided okay we should pray and we pray together Angelina and I not only for South Korea but also for North Korea because we forget that is a country called not charisma and we channel our prayer like Israel we pray so much for Israel before good for about Iran we forget about Iraq we forget about the Egypt we forget about Middle East we forget about Lebanon we forget about Libya we think all these are the enemies no they are not the enemies they are souls whom Jesus died for hello and many of them are victims of tyranny governments who are dying because of certain government settings therefore as much as we pray for people we should also generously pray for every country so I was convicted in my heart so then I prayed for North Korea and later when by the Barnabus when he comes he's gonna let us in to pray for South and North Korea that God will touch this nations with the power of gospel amen now there are millions of people in North Korea who are suffocating themselves inside therefore we want to pray let's pray God's will on what is happening okay the Lord showed me in a vision that I saw in a vision meaning to say it was written when I prayed about this President Trump that he's like King Cyrus King Cyrus not necessarily is an angel but he did what was right so sometimes God has to appoint people who are tough and rough but they will do what is right are you with me because we want people to be very politically right and some people are so politically right they don't do anything in their lifetime they are so careful to keep their position but not interested to move forward and that kind of politically right spirit sometimes affect the church as well we want to be so politically right we don't convict sin we are afraid that if we conviction people may not come to church but the issue is not coming to church is coming to Jesus hello and God Jesus Christ it's not a wishy-washy God the Bible says I am God and I'm a holy God therefore he who comes to him must be holy the Bible says that to us amen it's not my personal opinion it's a opinion on what God said which is written in our Bible therefore when we approach him there is a demand on how we should present ourselves before God amen in prayer this morning the Lord showed me about our service then he said going address this to the peoples I spoke to the worship team and I want to tell you as well when we are worshiping God are we worshiping to a God who's up there and so I channeled my worship up words Oh am i singing and worshiping a god who's right in the midst of us the King of Kings he said when two or three are gathered I will be then the midst of you in it so am i worshipping to the king who I can't see yet he's in the midst of us or my singing to someone is up there now we being human when someone is here sitting there immediately somehow our performance is always good because we are human isn't it our consciously better do it right because you know visitors are here and someone important is sitting here isn't God more important than that isn't God worthy of all our worship worthy of all our performance now the word performance itself is not off the flesh please don't say oh cannot use the word performance because that is flesh no God give you a flesh remember do you remember that right tell your neighbor I can see your flesh sometimes we don't believe because this Christian there are some fanatic Christian will be all in the spirit no I don't want spirit hanging here in the church I want the flesh as well okay so there is a flesh component to our worship before God you know when God created just outside my notes for a while when God created the animals he gave them also a soul animal service all soul remembers it has a memory bang it has emotions now God gave human a soul same component but the only difference is god-breathed of his nature his spirit into human being and gave humans the features of responding to God that means you can cry you can lift up your hand you can bow you can fall flat on your face before God you can kneel you can roll you can love in response to what God is doing he gave you features which animals cannot do also much so that you will respond to God out of your own life features which correspond to your emotions inside amen have you ever thought about it how powerful human design when God did he gave you the same emotion for example when God has to reach out to you it's an action and that whole component is given to a human being so that you and I are the ambassadors of God on earth amen the features which animals don't know because animal doesn't know how to respond it's like babies line or whether they cry when they cry they can be crying because to call you they are hungry they go toilet they want attention they wanted to carry the only language they know cry only the parent will know how to define and dig creep it's an encrypted language they got to decode the system why they crying until they know how to speak then they express accordingly are you following and so every Sunday as we come together keep in mind prepare your heart before you come to service a few moments and some of you are taking a meteo or taking the bus you have some extra moments to prepare your heart if you have to leave your home or Italy and when he come into the service and for those of us in the ministry in leadership moments and serving on Sunday take a few moments when he come into the house of God to prepare your hands now the only side effect of our small space is that this musics of training is going on so we really don't have a quiet space but we forget we have a fantastic roof upstairs go up and pray and just be quiet before the presence of God for a few moments to know that God my worship is accepted before the throne amen because the Bible says don't rush in into the presence of God and speak hastily to God you know because he's God Almighty amen the casualness must be there but you can't be too casual and forget he's a holy God that you are speaking to amen thank you for the very loud amen it was so deafening Zechariah chapter 4 I want to build up on last month we spoke about the Lord is getting the church to move forward tell your neighbor move forward now we are taking the pace which God sets for us that means we are not trying to grow and outgrow the work of the Holy Spirit we are not running ahead of God where we are so desperate that we have to build a big church within a shorter period of time to show that we are a successful church or the Holy Spirit is with us or we have to prove others that we are right we don't we are not there to please men amen it's a good place for you to say Amen by yourself amen but however we are there to please God right but God is not a dead God that means he doesn't gave 10 people their right to the end 10 people stay there no that's not God God is a growing guy he's a dynamic when God is doing more in our life more is given up look at this testimonies you gave he doesn't matter what people have to say about us wherever God has place I will share the testimony even though they may be laughing at me that's what happened to the Apostle Paul he was in prison but he was telling everybody else you are free in Christ and people loving brother you are in prison but then you are telling everybody else free so sometimes the challenges we grow or go through becomes the very testimony other people's our touch amen it's all a matter of the challenge we go through because we think that we have to be absolutely perfect for people to listen to us listen even you're too perfect you know what people will say how will you understand me you are ready to perfect when you go through problem how will you understand me you already got problem see people will say life andr whatever they want to put you down and so you climb up with that challenge what God has for you amen so in Zechariah chapter 4 remember the Holy Spirit encourages and and that was exactly about a couple of days earlier last month July 16th we spoke on Jack Araya zechariah chapter 4 and then it is time for us to move forward not by might not by power but by the Spirit of the Lord amen and then we had pastor Paul from Australia he came and he he gave a word again in church and the Lord is giving us this word not by mind and not by power but by the Spirit of the Lord and when God gives us such words we are supposed to remind ourself of our responsibilities that God has made us recipients of God's goodness that out of this heart we can do something to touch people's life amen now this is the challenge okay so I want to bring you back into this challenge this morning where if you can put up the scriptures in Zechariah chapter 4 let me read from verse six onwards right up to eight six seven eight okay Oh get ready everybody look up at the screen let's all read together one two three go then he said to me this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel not by might nor by power but by my spirit says a lot of hosts who I who are you all great mountain before saruba velak um and he shall bring forward the top stone emits shouts of hey you need to shout because it says one in the midst of shouts okay let's do that again in the midst of shouts of what happens that the grace becomes the top capstone of what God is building are you following are you following it says not by might not by power but again men we are serving God we need our mind isn't it we need our power but the emphasis of what we are serving it's not on your strength and your ability but what God can do through you amen the question can I ask each one of us how have you made your life available that God can do something through you ask yourself the question if not you'll become static if not you will think well there's enough group in this church leadership therefore I don't have to do anything no please don't die empty when I go before heaven each one will give a record of what you have done for Jesus hello Hey tellin Ava don't lie to yourself each one of us now if you really believe the Bible says the Bible says each one of us will give an account to God what you have done on earth while you are alive therefore each one of us must do something it requires your mind it requires your time it requires your money it requires your energy what you have done for Jesus while you're alive on earth so for you to think I don't have time don't cuss your own time God gave you time for you to plan your time but what you have done is to occupy all your time for your own personal pursuits it come on telling Eva it's time to be truthful you read the book of Haggai the book of Haggai God says the same thing everybody is saying there is no time and so you know sometimes God allows people to freeze their time you know what happens you know what it means when God freezes your time your body becomes sick and it'll be at home for a while everything you want to do you can do your time is frozen then it'll be thinking good what did I do you should have asked when you know ok right what you're asking when your time is frozen and some people lose their job why it's only when they lose their job the thing which is becoming an idol in their life when God losses that they loses that and then they start praying and breaking down hello it's very good now all the idols are stirring up at the moment get ready for manifestation are you following you see God gave you time so that he will honor that the time back to God you know we tithe our money don't you think we need to theis our time as well because time is given to you isn't it you are not in a rush you're not going to die tomorrow time is given to you fine a lot of people in the a dying bed in the hospital then they dedicate God if I will come back alive I will serve you why can't you say it while your life now why are you waiting for dying moment because you think that's a bargaining chip you can say that and God will be so merciful because he can see the sincerity of your life rather than your words hello tell your neighbor it's time to be truthful am i preaching the truth if it's the truth then respond to it time is given to us now I'm not saying seven days a week do something for God in the church I'm not saying you need to do things like with the way we are doing we are in full-time ministry called by God now that's a different measurement for whatever time that you have if you have given some time to serve God to read a book so that you can be good in what God wants you to do if you're in worship that how I can do something but if you are in work which you have contact point of a lot of people and some people may be down and you're encouraging them like the testimony we heard from your brother noodles mango you keep on changing your names all the time Raja naam become noodle upgraded God places you at different places to have contact point isn't it but some of your job doesn't have contact point with people it's more computer related all like any all the time prophesy to plants she loves a gardening work now you need to find some contact time so you can touch people slide if not your testimony will die inside you helpful for no one amen are you listening God has given us this time my brothers and sisters God has given us this time look at the nations which are at the brink of war and they are fearing what will happen to the very lives that they have built and in today's newspaper you can read and it says how they are a buying goal bar and food for emergency supply in America there is many companies that sells emergency they call the end time Preppers you know they have six-month supply it's all packed up Singaporean no one will buy all this kind of thing you know who will buy the gum food we want fresh cook the the steam us you know that kind of food you eat this way will die is equal to dying isn't it you must see the steam coming up the hot water going in you know and and red then you feel the food is good the whole world is so frightened and we think nothing can touch us you know what the Bible says whatever they can be shaken will be shaken we are thankful to God for the stability God has given to us we are thankful but we can't be thankful to point that nothing can happen because God said anything can happen to us isn't it in our moments of stability what can you do for others one in need that's a challenge that I'm asking you today my brothers and sisters the Bible tells us that God wants to build what God wants to do through the church look at the word can you say these two words with me grace grace just a great stand-up like grace is their lives I just want to let me see whether she's responding now the word grace in the Old Testament many times you don't see the word grace I'm just wanted touch point a little bit geologically usually in the Old Testament the word mercy of favor will come in you don't really hear the word grace in the Old Testament very much its mercy or favor but then today is a New Testament believer when you look at the word grace appearing in the Old Testament it has a different meaning to you you because you are not the Old Testament Hebrew people looking at the statement you are looking from a New Testament person now looking at Old Testament text of a word which are very Emelia we've what is grace grace is God in abling you . can you follow that okay don't don't say more than what you need and some people the moment you say you know god's grace oh you are this hyper grace group is the main straightaway they use the word hyper and they brand-new no don't bring the word grace it's a Bible word isn't it now if you want to spirit spirit spirit then you also can become the hyper spirit people everything also spirit why did you eat too much no long the spirit make me doing for hunting the spirit now why why why you didn't wake up on time no no the spirit uh make me sleeper I can't wake up lie everything blames some kind of spirit now again you are hyper every time you overdo something you are becoming hyper so let's do it in the proper balance grace simply means the Holy Spirit comes inside you help you to do more than what you are doing with the power of the Holy Spirit that's what grace efficients - it says grace is a free gift given to you by God at the same time as it's a free give it's like a deposit given to you what you do with that deposit how you invest that grace into you and take advantage of God's presence going in and teaching and grading yourself praying and asking God's favor growing in the scriptures learning to pray because when heaven opens the door no man can shut it isn't it but what we are trying to do trying to open the world's door when heaven's door is very small over you you know if you know your lessons very well before you stretch the world's door open or forcing it to open or getting people's help to open asking for recommendation to open go up to heavens to offers open heavens window wider in your life because when heaven's window opens everything on earth opens up amen now you are I love God we are living in a different dynamic our system is different we worship God and we ask God's favor to come on earth upon our lives and when God commands the blessing everything on you opens up amen that means you don't run to people frantically asking for help you go to God when he commands the help right connections fall into place and we heard the testimony from mango today when God sends someone the right person to you the job is done I think we all have experience in Israel we try to sugarcoat people that you know you know a llama better tell them you know and they can't get the job done but when you God sends the right people over your life it is done in seconds and you know what God does for you he will save your time by getting the right people to get the job done so that your time is spent doing other things that is why in this days as we are living we need the network of connection people who walk in the spirit that when we touch God's heart God moves other people's heart I mean I wanted to know it is only God who moves the heart of people not us and God uses the word grace grace in other words you and I must become grace enabled people the church must remember what fantastic leadership we have all my pastors anointed all that is fantastic but we have the grace of God on our church the favor of God is resting on us amen therefore as much as we can say we have strong leadership we got some money to do this or they are so good in that yes but God is saying not by might hey hello why no power let's try that again not by mind but by and we shall shout and when we honor the grace of God it will become the top cap of our life the top cap of our church and God will enable us to build him a sanctuary are you following listen my brothers into society I don't want to know what how others are doing it that's not my job fantastic I learned how people are doing things good but God is taking over and he has always been he be like hey Jesus my king belongs to him by the way hello do you remember well not you remember many of you may not we're not there but when when I asked the Lord what is the name of the church that we gonna start who am I in your life he asked me I said you're my king so call the church Jesus my king who stopped every time you declared the name of the church you are declaring his kingship over your life amen now I can't tell that to others what their name is that's not my job but he wanted to name us in this way and he tells us what to do and how to do it when he said trained leaders we have to train them when they are supposed to be convicted we convict them everything that we do we try to do it right for God but it's not to become glamorous but it has become more of a servant being faithful in the stewardship given to us amen people's life must change people must come in and be they must see the reality of the power of God being he'll being delivered being set free in their right mind disciple and growing closer to God is the goal of every church not just one change amen are you following if not what we become is very cosmetic lease urgent surgical church cosmetically we look very nice very glamorous very gaius statement you know what is guy a very show off statement yeah brother very Christian words but when they look at our lives is full of holes lacks integrity legs prayer life legs holiness legs the effective City as a disciple of Christ we are just a show-off Christian and we don't want to become a hollow Christian amen brothers and sisters our testimony speaks louder than our words isn't it are you are you following do you realize that we as we sit together here you and I have a responsibility of a certain percentage to model Christ's likeness to others around us certain level you can't be perfect models at least to a certain level that our youths and our children are watching us how we worship God sometimes as elders and parents as you sit here please don't think no one is watching they are watching just that you don't know they are watching I stand behind I can see there is a part of modelling and our faith is tested when we go through trying times not gonna be a happy when sickness knocks upon our door when disease knocks upon our door it's time to open your door and show who you are in Christ amen when demons straighten your family it's time to fast and pray because food is no longer you are no longer slave to food food becomes your slave and you come on in Jesus name the enemy must flee amen when there is no money as God provided for you enough are you sure but you can't see it in the bank how you don't have to see what is it in the spirit the Bible says call those things which are not as though they are you have faced and you command it to happen somehow God's favor will come on your life some miracles will take place amen but how I don't have to know how because if you know it is no longer a miracle when you say it's a miracle you don't have to know how God will do it for you amen but listen if you are a person and built your lifestyle on giving in lifestyle of trusting God then that lifestyle of faith will always come back to you as young as you are have a lifestyle of Jannah raza t learn to respond to people not just in our tights and love for Frick no to anybody who's in need keep your culture that we had in our Asian culture you know what when you see your friends you buy something for them isn't it it says it's a culture of generosity tell your neighbor generous but the new culture is different the Western culture is different you buy for yourself that and they don't even ask but we are not like that we fight who is going to pay for the bill is name but then after a while your minder if you keep doing it you end up being a Papa but how will a generous person be ever a Papa no God commands blessing to be generously put into your bosom as you give it shall be given unto you it's a principle of the kingdom amen and God's kingdom will never lie I'm not telling you today just because I've got something I've been telling you from what God taught me when I was 15 when is basically nothing in the house nothing in bank account nothing in your hand how do you have Bank is amazing yet God said I will provide I will provide I will provide well today do I have anything in the bank account still nothing like but the fear is not in me ah the fear is not in me God will provide I am being set apart by God not to accumulate wealth in my bank account but to accumulate wealth in the treasure box in heaven I can be so rich in my bang and so poor in the kingdom I have chosen to be so rich in the kingdom I don't worry about the world because God commands the world to become your slave my brothers and sisters if today you and I will rise up to be what God wants us to be in the kingdom he will command the wealth of the world to fall into you now like what makes you say ah if you are really so rich then why you're living in HDB don't get back into h-2b talk okay if you get the lender property talk you know what will end up happening are you with me it is not about where you stay about how rich you are in your heart whether you've got generosity whether you are a person flowing with what God wants you to you can be happy and be fulfilled in what God wants you to be because you can be so rich living in a penthouse yet you're emotionally so poor crying for someone to help you are you listening day 90 of wondering why your money stock up and down your emotional soul like yo-yo every time up every time down you God today wants to give you peace doesn't neighbor peace the Lord is saying it's time for us to move forward listen to what grace are you ready for a shocking statement are you ready as your neighbor are you ready all good now what grace is apostolic say the word apostolic now what is an apostolic church episodic simply means that you're not thinking about ourselves we are thinking about the laws that's what apostolic means you're thinking what can be done to someone what can we do in a new way we do things that has never been done before that's becoming apostolic when you go to places that people don't like to go that is apostolic apostolic is not a show-off statement it is a working statement are you with me the word apostle means is a person who can go and venture into places to plant the body of Christ to build the kingdom of God that means his hard work are you with me so when we say an apostolic church because grace sends you out so when God says I'm gonna build the church grace upon grace now he's saying it's time for us to become Epis tonic are you with me more invitation from churches that and now I really can't go is coming people from Calgary Canada Sweden lenta Alaska universe what is Alaska right South Korea and not Korean Ola Myanmar Cambodia Vietnam Laos all are calling Thailand we have already done so this I'm going to do for a fact-finding mission to Myanmar to an interior part which is not just in Yangon much more interior to go into effect finding how we can do something for the churches out there what is our mission money no we never focus on what we have you know in what God can provide I mean I mean because people are looking for someone who can do something not just talk so there are people who who are out there who are well-to-do they will give when you are doing something they don't want the money to be parked inside your bank account when you are doing action work people support because they want to feel the blessings as well for their family amen amen I pray every member in this church has been to some kind of mission field hello have you been well you don't talk about cockroach liars so frightened no clue what to do so you spray everything around you we are not talking about cockroach whether they are mosquitoes or some people ask me this question mission feel gone mosquito I know there's no mosquitoes they all did on planet Earth but the huge they only asked only one question what is the question go Wi-Fi means I combustor they don't mind anything else it's longer Wi-Fi I'm coming what a joy it will be for have a church listen recently just few days ago the Lord showed me I think I shared with you he said son do you want the church I mean few months ago he asked this statement few days ago he magnified this statement the Lord asks do you want this church to be a cruise ship or to be a warship do you remember I said that do you and what we did we choose worship worship everybody will be doing what everybody be worried not everybody warring doesn't mean he's a Watchi you would think everybody has a prepared mind to fight when the war comes right they are not the crew Shiva you know what cruise ship people will do when there is a fire they will push everybody down they trying to save themselves but worship is different they will save every crew member first they will know what their objective is they are not there to look and enjoy the ocean they are there with a mission and when the mission comes to them they are ready for the challenge they are waiting for the challenge Amen listen when you are growing in God you are waiting for the devil to show up when the enemy comes to you the weapons of warfare much more stronger oh okay good good good timing yeah we should work on it are you remembering that or not the weapons I have is much more powerful than what the enemy can do to me you know sometimes you don't have to pray you just have to love and forgive your friend you are done you're worn the game because he wants to stir you up to anger he wants to stir you up to have hatred he wants to stir up the old stories under the carpet so that you'll have enough hatred to be rejected in the presence of God all that I gotta do is to keep your heart and mind that I'm not myself anymore the healer is in me is greater a men you warn the victory and when the devil comes into gmk it's a wrong Church to come to because here we are not a cruise ship it's a warship we will pack the devil and throw it outside somebody say I hope everybody means it huh next week he comes he must know the challenge because in that church our feathers are ruffled up in that church the enemy will try to stir dissensions this strife envy jealousy he will try to bomb us every the easiest weapon is jealousy look at her look like look at him what kind of statement you know who you think are nothing don't built upon suggestions the enemy is giving to you stamp it off and throw it out you mean you never look I never and sometimes wife get very upset when they ask this question because you may never see no don't , and continue that statement because then we are ending up in the flesh isn't it hello every time the devil wants to do something in your life it always starts with a suggestion telling him a suggestion the other neighbour tell your neighbor keep it to yourself what do you think about either never tell the other neighbor who cares you don't have to have an opinion because when the command is given to us to fight you don't have to have an opinion and listen spiritual warfare freaks listen to me when you want to fight the devil and when you're supposed to fight the devil and set someone free don't be a hysterical boring person to go into research let me see what brought the devil to your house face your job is to set the captives free not to do research set them free first then later we ask the question how is that huh a person's making sense they'll tell me but you know when you ask to pit historical question you are legitimizing why the devil must come against you why are you giving points for the devil for one yes I've done a mistake yes I've done this to someone yes my father did this years we used to worship devil but that doesn't give the devil any right to come into the house of a child of God because all my past is buried into the mercy and the love of Jesus Christ amen now if you got any problem about that devil you're going to talk to the owner first go and talk to Jesus tell your neighbor Jesus no no say the way I say Jesus I'm teaching in a very cute way how to say because sometimes you are too complicated amen my brothers and sisters we are ready to be what God wants us to do when you want to become Epis taluk the enemy will try to stop you and every time there is a fight our muscles are growing every time that is a fight our prayer life is growing every time you are challenged your faith in God is growing every time there is a reason for depending upon God your faith in God is growing you know when we are broken our worship is growing when you feel you are alone you are coming closer to God your abiding in God is growing when no one else can help you you open your Bible Thank You devil my faith is growing up my brother senses it's time for you to stop behaving like a tourist in the house of God and keep in mind that you are the child which God has given birth to that's about the cruise ship or the warship the couple of just this morning when I was praying again this picture came up the cruise ship when he talked about a warship you know it's very fast it's mineral they can turn any way they want their speed is much more higher they can command the Seas they've got all the weapons covered anywhere to give warning shots at the different level of war and God says look as much as you can go and do it fast you also have wisdom when to use your weapon and when not to engage you are under the Lord's command so you can't be wasting your bullets every time and that's the problem with us you know you know when you are a praying person God will tell you to go to sleep you know but if you're a sleeping dog all the time go until you wake up and breathe wake up wake up because you're sleeping too much you know we're praying you know so God is to wake you he has to give you the balance of Prayer and balance of rest are you following I was in our house years ago when the end demonic spirits came to our house towards the room and so long testimony and I woke myself awake myself from the sleep and say this is my house get out from here I just really sleepy 'la he's like the Spirit of the Lord came upon me I come under the spirit and then I was telling this testimony in one church do you mean you sleeper you mean II didn't break through I said he already buddy what what is that debris because the more I pray they will come back again or the fellows engaging no I command is free to go they should go and I should be sleeping amen because some people like the fantastic testimony you know I didn't sleep one the morning I came I tell you I didn't want to have this attention huh because they want to tell everybody their warfare prey all right the other fella drink opiate listening oh you poor thing tell your neighbor be wise we are talking about being a warship for Jesus amen and you know I don't means my words when we say we are warship we do the work which God wants us to do we do the missions work you know and you know pastor Melvin how he does his mission works is very very challenging places he goes and he gets the job done you know he was telling me this place this time when he went to India there are so many much of mosquitos the living conditions were very bad but he was willing to overlook everything because God made sure he has a personal cook to cook for him so the food make him too happy God has his sense of blessing in our life listen it's time for us to break forth in Jesus name Amen it's time for us to step forward in our calling and that's what the Lord said this morning you need to be wise in what you're doing this is the church which I have called and then I saw Jesus standing amongst us every service he said I am there you need to honor me you need to pray you need to serve as though you know that I am there not out there inviting him down but he is in the midst of us whenever we have a relaxing time it is time for us to gather was strength I another big job that is coming amen I don't want to be in a church where the missionary group will go out there die and forever y'all are singing praises to God no no we want to do let's do it each person have time to serve something in missions amen please don't come in telepaths I got more no more leaf save your leaf for some mission trip ah Kenna you sure I can know who don't come he was known then I will call you Myanmar trip is coming I mean that one I'm going alone first we'll see what happens we fact-finding first and then we get the job done people are calling us can you please come I don't want to be become like yeah we are there no we go when God tells us to go every youth every child every person have an opportunity to serve God to pray to preach to prophesy set the captives free demons manifesting you have an opportunity to see how God can use you amen amen another person asked me what if the demon is so big and I'm so small a bigger angel will be saying don't worry tellin Ava don't worry God knows how to defend you MA oh really I was 17 years old when a very big demon came in one of the estates in Malaysia I was preaching I was very thankful to God I prayed for seven hours and this demon came I don't mentioned the name and I said one of the hierarchies of that place that was controlling that that that plantation in thrombin and the demon came to warn me sorry not slamming in Ipoh area not to come and preach in that estate because I am the controlling Asian of that area that spirit Kim's brought such a fear into me that I could not even take a shower probably no because when I closed the spirit just standing from me how do bathe you sing mean a Quran from the cleaner from the bathroom because there's no more wall can see me I went to the UH to the room to quickly get dressed up and the spirit is now standing from the window still watching such a perverted spirit you know quickly bless up I quickly run out to the hall the uncle was there he was very surprised why because every day I pray for seven hours I will only come outside when the meeting is about this time then they will come pick me up but this time for the day I'm already sitting outside yes we are anything new today I know why you sitting outside and I have a cup of tea how long you will bring the tea after that you say that while you're sitting here one more tea please mom what he came after were you sitting no I just want some Ella but what they don't know is the fear that came encrypt me which I cannot explain I was praying and praying and praying and praying this time you know what I was praying that a guy will come to bring me to the place will cancel the meeting because this fear is already in me now I know I don't know what to do just bring Lord somehow phone call come luck and so and the guy came on time the whole week he didn't come on time you know that day he came on time and asked the meeting is in the plantation finished that's what already told me I'm coming from the plantation don't come up so now the fella in a small motorcycle up for one and a half hours in a plantation road which is basically off-road bong-bong-bong so it's not my fault if I'm riding motorbike now it's all started there okay we went there in this house when I saw the temple when I was going up that's the spirit that came to stop me you know can you imagine her I'm such a small boy seventeen years old that spirit is a ancient spirit II that spirit have to travel two hours to come interact and a small boy isn't it stupid now if you are that powerful why are you so frightened the 17 year old boy 'la what can he do to you he doesn't know how to breach he's still very young he spray also not so sharp were you so frightened if you have that strong hole you should just laugh at him when he comes for crime hey are you listening the spirit after saying all this I went there to the room to the hall and there was only four people I said thank you lord only four no one else is coming so the fellows worship leader praying and then five six seven eight all started to come and the worship was going on this is a living court Reza when you sing everybody will start coming in there by the time you have 40 people sitting inside people are standing outside the window listening remember fear still in me right so I'll spring God you can't do this to me you know I came here to preach and I don't know what to bridge by the way and here am i standing there and this spirit is coming and then the Lord Jesus came stood beside me he said read Isaiah 61 the first three verses seven times I said can you stop lengthening this process why must I say seven times you should just tell me be delivered it should be done but the Lord said say out seven times so I quickly friend you what is the scripture the Spirit of the Lord final mother when I know what it's not something new you see every time you are in fear you think there is a magic scripture but God speaks to you from the same words he has spoken to you all the time amen there is not a new weapon gift to you given to you it's the same weapon it will work every time say your neighbour every day you don't have to wonder whether the word will work no the word is lifeless when it's there but when it's in your hand it becomes a weapon of God if you don't use it it will remain as a book the moment you touch it it becomes the weapon which God has given to you amen you can't say whether God works he works all the time your faith energizes the weapon of God so I said it quickly as fast as I could the Spirit of the Lord is upon me amen when I say Amen the fear left me an anointing like a blanket from heaven came on me and I was preaching like thunder I don't know what I was saying like really all was coming I tell you what happened a lady who has backbone she was healed someone is a crooked moon she was healed all kinds of things was popping up people were crying demons ran from some people without me saying anything you know because the glory was manifesting out of how many years old boy I saw from an early age what God can do if you trust him some people advice Steve and you're 17 years old should not find go for trouble some troubles are good it teaches you and matures you what lesson did you learn I learn how to keep going for God there's nothing bad in this lesson even your stupidity will become a glory of God or you are a show of law 17 why not praise God I want to show off for God hello neighbors show off before I finish in fact I'm still in point number one you know shall I go on or finish because I'm oh cool say please pastor now I feel it man Angelina and I we were having a drink in a restaurant a couple of days ago a cousin of mine came he his friend left and he he just came a can I sit down he just said he's a story for what is the buddies sorry for crashing into your body that's a nice word crashing into your party and he kept on soaring for 10 minutes after that he kept crashing and then we talking then he left I came home that night I was thinking I think it's a good message title I want to crash into the party of the devil how's that hey listen sometimes we are not called to be gatekeepers alone you know we are supposed to crash the works of the enemy say the word crash please don't tell this bastard shower don't say that either because I'm commanding a warship not a cruise ship God has called us to demonstrate the works of God not to statically worship and feel like a victim all the time and the devil shows up start crying good and if you are there why me tell your neighbor why not you because everybody all the time ask the same question no when they go to trouble why me hey you are selected be proud of it are you following at all God has chosen you it's your time to stand up for what God you believe in and God will always show up don't be frightened of your weapons fast pray sing to the Lord and if you really go through struggle come to church get a few of guys prayed together and see the rich what God has doing in our life amen let me wrap up this this morning God wants us to remember it is the grace of God helps us to do what we are doing fantastic leadership racecar we have a fantastic worship team I thank God I can't thank God enough but I do keep tanging God for the worship team because worship is a very important component in the church isn't it retain God for leadership retain God for all of you who have got a generous heart beat thank God for everyone but God is reminding my grace is your capstone remember that it is the grace of God that helps us to be what God wants us to become grace of God listen when we ask you to do something so fast I can't do it but I say I will try then the grace of God will come inside you it will start shaping you so to all the young people here young executives here let me tell you listen don't let the world block out your time if you let the world block out your time you'll never have time for anything only time heals time is the only component given to build a marriage children spend time with people time is the only thing you have to pray and spend time with God isn't it you think about the average married life today husband wife come home about eight o'clock you hit you eat hurriedly then you need mango to do magic bloom param come out all these are unnecessary for last 25 years I've been telling to my Chinese brothers and sisters eat slowly please listen amen okay Indians no need to tell us they are very slow anything so they will eat slow nice munch and after that it will finish okay listen you come home about 8:00 8:30 you sleep about 11:00 the actual commune time you have with your husband and wife it's only about two and a half hours every night you multiply that by seven days multiply that one month you divide it by 24 you only have like three full days you spend with each other you know and by the time you actually know one another you will take couple of years are you understanding this calculation time are you are you following why one of the reasons we are having more breakups and more flirtations today because the husband and wife is spending more time the working colleague than the actual family true or false so you got to do what angling does to me every 9:30 exactly I go what are you doing I can o'clock what did you I love you boom and if she doesn't call me a nothing you do at least I'm talking to her more let's serve the Lord with joy sometimes you'll be very tough when we're serving together because we are right on the brain [Music] you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,361
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nPJbb8e_euE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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