The Signature of God's Grace | Steven Francis

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praise god amen i'm excited for what god is doing i'm excited for the testimonies mr banks has been here for one year first time he walked in the front and he shared what god is doing in his life and i want to thank the lord how many times how how many of you know that god takes turn for doing different things in everybody's lives keep that in mind sometimes you say god why you're not doing things in my life your turn will come you keep lining up for your turn god does things some people wonder why is that this person have testimony every day because they are praying god give me a testimony this week and god will do something ask god for a testimony amen some people no matter what god does they'll be just be quiet now why must god give you one paul david said give me testimonies i can sing of your praises and so we want to thank the lord for what god is doing and for those who are watching online welcome to jesus my king church and i know listen i want to tell those who are watching online some of you write to me one line and say i need a word from god i don't do that i just want to tell you straight forward i don't do that you are in our conference i'll pray for you you from there you line you write one line i don't do that i'll teach you how to pray i'll teach you how to hear god's voice but i'm not a substitute for god a prophet is not a substitute for god a prophet is his servant amen so don't find shortcuts i know you can be desperate but i will not take that spot and there are times when god gives me a word i will still not take that spot i'll give in and i'll be just quiet okay that's me other prophets may do that that's them i don't do it okay so don't be disappointed if i don't respond and some of you you want to move to north carolina you want to move to shelby and you're asking me ask god whether can i move or not you ask god your move for my move i already asked god he did your move you go and ask god is that fair a prophet is to confirm what god has already spoke to you i remember one lady came and asked me during our last conference she wanted to move she was ready to move and when i prayed in the room the lord said no and she was very uptight she was very upset she didn't come for the service i'm sorry don't ask to be prayed if you're not willing to follow don't ask for god's direction if you're not ready to hear his answer the holiness of the people are wow very obedient asking god obedience is sealed by your action not the fact that you're asking everybody asks but the ones who follow is the one that is sealing that obedience amen and so i wanted to realize that what we preach is what we live by you see we live by things the same challenge that god gives to all of us but this morning i love this subject i love because i it gives me the bragging rights to talk about jesus more and more and that's what i love about the word of god it gives me the bragging rights to speak about god amen first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 10. last week we shared about the seasons of god's grace which we all will have through in our lives we must learn how to navigate the different seasons of the grace of god just like how there are winters and spring and summer and you are so blessed in america you have four seasons in singapore we have three seasons hot hotter hottest and then we come back to hot and so we get used to that season and uh in in the atmosphere that when we live for jesus there are seasons when we serve god there are seasons seasons when there are winter and you don't feel like doing anything but you're still pushing through one of the dynamics of winter and you want to keep yourself warm is not to sit there and cry and wish that you'll be warm is to be active and do some work your body generates the heat isn't that simple common sense or survival techniques so whenever you feel cold god why is my spirit cold why is my faith getting cold don't sit there and wonder why go and serve god go and help someone in jesus name go and find someone to encourage find someone to pray the moment you release faith out of you that warmness and the power and the presence of god comes in amen because we want everything for ourselves i don't want to do anything but i want to feel the whole anointing like everybody else i want to hear the voice of god i want to feel the power no sorry brothers and sisters it's not for sale it is only come as you give everything about god first corinthians chapter 15 it's a very interesting chapter it's about paul and what made paul many times we pay attention to our prayer we pay attention to the fasting we pay attention to the sacrifice a man of god has paid and all of that the highlight is about their life but there is a uh that there is a highlight about god that is behind the veil and paul reveals it to us in verse 8 of 1st corinthians chapter 15 last of all as to one untimely bond now that paul is talking about himself please don't think that he has very low self-esteem it is a humility which we will not understand it is a way of saying things i'm not supposed to be born in this time i'm not worthy of what god showed me he was untimely born because he doesn't or did not have the privilege like the apostles when jesus was alive and when jesus was doing his ministry paul was another location he never got to meet for jesus personally even though he has heard about jesus isn't that how would you feel one day you become the disciple all this time he was just there and i didn't go can you feel so you see this untimely bone it's like something that he could probably never forgive himself so every time there is a statement that he's making i'm untimely born but he appeared also to me that made him an apostle in other words it was god's decision not to give paul a personal audience with jesus it was god's decision you're not supposed to see me in person but i'm gonna teach you everything in the spirit so no matter how you can cry about the facts it was god's decision not to bring you over because if it was god no matter which part of the world you were you would have come you understand i'm saying okay so that is a part of it and then he said for i am the least of the apostles unworthy to be called an apostle because i persecuted the church of god look at how his past is so entwined with what he's doing in the present times and then he's saying but by the grace of god wow can we all read together verse 10 loud and clear one two three go but by the grace of god i am and his grace toward me was not on the contrary i worked harder than any of them though it was not i but the grace of god that is with me look at that who is the any of them the apostles in the context of the story now is it here this guy is saying i'm the least i'm unworthy but they saying i work harder than them contrary but he was telling the truth i work harder than them not because i'm that hardwork guy or i had that level of energy priding themselves against them but it was god's grace that wanted me to work harder than them because this task which is the hard work task was given to me now that was at the time of this writing please don't think the disciples did not work any harder at all at the time of this writing because all the disciples died as matters in christian history and they will have their own story but you know what the epistles of what they went through was never revealed to us it's written in the heavens books of life and that's the price you have to pay to be the 12 disciples of jesus that you will not be known only him to be known and not many can take that road you see not many can live that life because today how hard we have to work you know the thin line is to make our ministry known to make our church known to to let people know that we are here or to let christ be known it's a thin line it's a thin line that god i want to do my best but christ be seen through me that's a thin line and we need to keep confirm configurating ourselves just like how our microphone systems are you know we paid thousands of dollars but every sunday we have to keep calibrating them because the conditions are different the weather patterns are different somehow it is there is an interference because this building is not perfect sound proof building there are interferences that are coming in because when a building is built with all this in place the engineers the audio engineers will factor everything what kind of covering there should be what kind of sound proving that should be so that unnecessary inter electrical interferences will not appear and that is why you go to church buildings it is perfect because it was built from ground up so is our life we can only keep things perfect as much as you can but our life is an interfered life isn't it 90 of things that happens to you are things that you never planned and then you cannot keep freaking out oh god you know learn to manage the 90 that is going to come against you and that is the power of god but as much as god's grace is at work there is hard work involved in that grace if you don't put on the hard work then you are taking the grace of god in vain are you with me and so we're going to explore what is hard work why god's grace how much of god's grace will it come on a person's life can you say to your neighbor the sky is the limit that means there is no end to how much god can use you the only question is how much will you are you willing to let god use you there's no limit to what god can do how much you want to do is your question lord use me according to your will nice words are you ready that's your challenge and so this is where we stand because god has already given the provisions of his grace to all of us i remember i asked a doctor friend of mine years ago and some of these guys that i've got i don't know why all of them like to talk in parables they don't give you a straight answer i ask him i'm eating the food you know i'm eating properly but i'm not putting on weight i'm eating properly that i feel weak because i was traveling almost very regularly sometimes i live on my backs i come in i pack a wash back go and uh the doctor told me stephen i have a parable for you i said look you are a doctor i'm the preacher i got parables you have facts no you say you are a pastor how to speak to embarrass yeah okay man whatever everybody is sitting in a class and studying in the same classroom out of that sum one guy became the prime minister of the country can you imagine your your classmate was the prime minister of the country and some are ministers of the cabinet some are ceos and top corporation executives and some just as nobody but same classroom same teachers same lecturers same environment but what you become out of that matters not who taught you are you with me all of us have got the same privilege of the blood of the lamb the same power of the holy spirit but we all cannot respond the same way to god like i have because the call of god is resting on me for you is a different call that is resting on you mine is a full-time call resting on me so i will be running a little bit more hate to what you are doing but all of us are called to push through the lines with jesus as what he has called amen none of us are exempted from hard work all of us are given the opportunity to serve god and people do say lord i will serve god when i'm retired okay now many are retired what is the percentage of you you are serving god you can define it in any way you like people say well i'm still in church when i'm at home why don't you tell to your boss i'm still working when i'm at home tell to your boss that see whether your salary comes to you that month you see when it comes to the world you know how to conform yourself to requirements and when it comes to god you come up with your own psycho stories and you think god is deaf and blind but that god is the idols who don't hear what he's saying our god is a living god he feels and he has a heart and he knows how to get back please don't try your best to cycle yourself he has shown his word what he wants you to do and there are expectations in the house of god amen are you with me and let people talk remember the bible we talked about this many times psalm 55 i'm not a man like you you think i will be like you i am not i am the living god amen here paul did not take advantage of who god was in his life the grace was given to what why grace was so important to paul because paul was a pharisee if you want to talk about being legal man he's top of the game he said if you want to talk like a pharisee i'm top of the game if you talk about being educated by the law i am the best in my class i executed everything according to the book of the law no one can actually beat me but when the grace of god came in it humbled him and he threw himself to that grace he never knew there was this grace that could freely come to him you see sometimes my brothers unless you are brothers and sisters unless you are depth into hell you will never appreciate the mercies and the grace of god jesus said to whom much has been forgiven much he will love it doesn't mean that you have to sin so much to know god's love but you have to enter into the depths of god and to understand the mysteries of that i wanted to tell you the truth please don't think or you need to go to prison in order to understand god's forgiveness please don't think you need to have cancer to understand god's healing please don't think that you must be a destitute to understand god's provision please don't think that you need to be in the depths of being a murderer to understand what forgiveness is all about some of the guys that i know men they are clean fellows yet they are burning like a firebrand for jesus i had to talk to my own brother see i'm the rascal in the house i've done the whole gig to qualify to be a sinner but on the other hand my brother is the angel of the house the nice guy doesn't talk vulgarities he doesn't drink doesn't smoke and no other girlfriends i think he's watching me online i mean he is the cream you know the good guy one day i said what the heck do you accepted jesus for man you must have a reason to accept jesus right you have you have to have some level of sin to be so into god today right but he he he was he was a hindu priest but the good one the righteous one then the one that never do did anything wrong you know i am the flip side anything that go wrong that's me in the house then by looking at his life i learned you don't have to do bad things to love jesus but you must know the depth of what sin is all about a revelation of sin a revelation of hell a revelation of what salvation means to you that revelation will bring you in the depths of worship will bring you in the depths to come closer to god amen so please don't discount yourself well i don't have a testimony like he has have you heard people that they have given testimony like i was a murderer i was in the prison and jesus spoke to me and you're god i didn't even kill a mouse what kind of testimony who will listen to me people are brought close to you not through what you have been but who you are today they have to see the signature of jesus in your life today that will draw them towards jesus you may not have a history on your path but you will have a history in your present and your future with jesus are you with me but if you are too lame and you don't have a story to say then of course you got nothing to say who are you and god has given to you that level of grace paul said i am what i am by the grace of god that has been working through me everything that you do if you can find the signatures of god's grace in your life without an explanation without a reason then god is at work i sing our story jesus my king here in shall be every turn we make there is a signature of jesus i did it somebody said amen the very first time i was brought up to whitslow mountain in canada uh vancouver my friend a friend of mine stays there and he said come let's go have you seen snow i said no let's go up we went and men ride to the top the beautiful mountains of canada all that i went up i said just leave me alone for a while i walked there and tears was running down and then my friend came and said why are you crying man this is the time to take photos and no i said everywhere i see i see the signature of jesus bro there are perfections of human architecture but there are architecture only god can do only god can create mount everest only god can create snow-capped mountains only god can create the beauty of the nature of life only god and everywhere you turn you'll find his signature there i did it in every facet of your life when people turn your books who will they see what will they read it's an area that we need to strive for let people see the signature of jesus in my life of god that this was done by god well it is easy to do everything yourself and give a lip service to jesus and actually god did it ya sure or god does it the whole time paul had this challenge i want to share with you what is the grace of god i really have not in all these 35 36 years have not really given my full testimony anywhere and sometimes when i tell people are you sure you did all this or your fabricating story if they ask this question that means god's grace is at work they can't believe you are totally a turnaround that means it must be god's grace but if they can't believe your present testimony then you have really not changed much are you sure no wonder you look the same right are you with me which part of you that people will say they can see a signature of jesus in your life which part of you is shining out for jesus that people can see christ in you the hope of glory we all have to strive that what is the grace of god number one we all know john 1 16 the grace of god is a free gift it is of his fullness we all have received grace for grace or grace upon grace do you know please do not think the word upon has got no meaning in greek grace upon grace means is stacked one after another because there are different layers of grace that you can grow into today is not our subject on that but one day we we will keep talking about it there are different levels of grace that will open different levels of doors of favor into our lives grace is given for free favor is not i heard a lot of people give the same matching answers but it is not in greek and hebrew they are different grace is given because of what jesus did favor comes upon you because of what you will obey what god tells you to do the bible says your favor is upon me for a lifetime why because this guy is obeying god god releases the favor grace is given to you when you have not done anything favor only comes when you obey what god tells you to do are you with me before favor can be released grace is released first but of course you don't have to worry about how we talk about it when people say you know god's favor was upon me praise god give the testimony to god but don't get into technicalities i'm teaching you technicalities because we are studying a subject you will see how god is working through each one of our lives what is grace very simple definition it is the divine influence of god on the heart of a man a divine influence you are no longer about yourself when you want to hate god tells you to forgive when you want to give up the holy spirit is nudging you to push in when you are having hatred god says let it go when he says i will not do it the lord pushes you and says son go and do it there is a divine influence all the time that is tugging you there you know when children wake up in the morning no matter where you are in the house they will make sure you know that isn't it there is no way to hide from your child i tell you they are better than smelling dogs and snooping dogs they will come they have already please don't think our children are not mature they are baby they know how to have gps they will make sure the whole world wakes up when they wake up grace of god is like that when it's active there is always a tug every moment of your life the holy spirit will be influencing every a distinction of your life grace is the ability in you to do what you cannot do on your own but what if a person is very multi-talented they are good in doing whatever they are doing that which part of grace is at work i have to ask them which part you are allowing god to work and which part you are stopping you got to ask grace takes over when the human energy stops some people don't have energy for anything so grace starts from zero some people have an energy for fifty percent and grace starts from fifty percent but is that i mean i have to push harder no if you live a life of influence with the grace of god it starts with you at zero as well how much are you willing to do so if grace becomes in you if you're obeying what the word tells you all the time then grace is involved from life zero are you with me life zero is not talking about life on earth life on in your spiritual life with god you can be 55 years old and yet in your spirit life you're only five years old and so this too must match my response to god my obedience to god must match with the level of grace god is releasing upon me are you with me so what happens now grace upon grace is added upon grace is added upon grace why you are crossing the level of grace you are growing up so god releases another batch god releases another batch and so paul was transforming to a point that god paul knew people and god has to call paul's personality to go into areas where they were challenged no other gentile can no other jew can go but paul had this grace to press through gentile and jew he knew how to speak that language he had the tenacity and the ruggedness to go that was guy was a small guy man he was able to hold stephen and drag him out from the house and throw him to the street can you imagine the strength he would have had and god has to use that rough personality to stand against all kinds of intimidation people were throwing stones are you done yeah we are tired of throwing okay let's go next time hello you're supposed to die but he didn't die god did not allow him to die and somebody say amen you see when you're on roll with god nothing can kill you down don't waste your time thinking you're gonna die in a car crash when you are walking with god nothing is going to stop you till the job is done and when god calls you home nothing on earth can keep you alive do you know the scientists try to do that they did an experiment it came out in the newspapers years ago they tried to capture a human soul and so what they did is just before seconds to die with the permission of the family if this is recording live recording scientist physics and uh everybody was there professors that they're trying to capture the soul so they put this guy in the last dying moments of his life into a glass coffin to capture the soul from living the body okay when he stopped breathing the glass broke that's how powerful the force is and they measured the force what was the force of the soul of a man and then therefore even those who are atheistic in their thinking those who are scientists believe there is a god and it returns back amen that is the power of the power of the human soul and god wants this power to be translated by the mercies of god now look at ephesians chapter 3 are we learning something this morning ephesians chapter 3 it's an important chapter let's go to verse 6. this mystery that the gentiles are fellow hairs this is a mystery you know because to a jew you cannot sit with a gentile at all now i will show you something and you'll be very surprised how why paul is talking this way see whether it's uh uh is it bright or not okay um but you need to go to verse one for this reason i paul a prisoner for christ jesus on behalf of you gentiles assuming that you have heard of the stewardships of god's grace that was given to me for you did you see the word okay one person say yes the other person you saw the word stewardship meaning to say when god's grace is given to you you must know how to stay with it don't just sit involved praise god i'm saved i'm going to church sure what do you do with the grace that is given to you you got to be a steward because that grace is held accountable are you with me i am a steward the stewardship of god's grace that was given to me for you and how the mystery was made known to what who he didn't use us to me by revelation as i have written briefly oh my goodness all the writings of paul he says i'm only writing briefly that's funny when you read this you can perceive my insight into the mysteries of christ [Music] which was not made known to the son of sons of man in other generations as it's now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit and who is this guy him was he prideful no he's stating a fact i mean god choose to teach me what can i do i'm supposed to write but some people don't you see the moment you say something i don't see it that way you're blind i don't think so i've never seen that in my commentaries and years of service so what i mean you talk about wi-fi internet that's like ancient story man today if you say i'm in facebook you know the youths will laugh at you facebook is for old people you ask the youths you you know what my children tell me faith we are sure that's for you your generation what it is still new man i still don't know what to do because now they are into instagram already they are way past the effort they are into their one minute fame if you are still posting photos while you eat you are dinosaur michael take note [Laughter] i don't know that guy he's a way of making everybody envy what he's eating paul is saying this revelation he had was not revealed to anybody but to me and what is the revelation is this revelation now he's saying it is so powerful nobody knows he's going to burst the balloon man the balloon is this god revealed to him this mystery that the gentiles our fellow heirs and members of the same body partakers of the promise in christ jesus to the gospel god has to burst the balloon the jews are not greater than the greeks you and i man is a mystery you and i are the same group what we on the same level no way you know i'm a holy jew yeah sure whatever but that was the mystery hey this may not mean much to you but in india where they have high cars low cars it means a lot to them i mean i can be a high cars i'm jesus some people still won't sit together the same group of guys who are from a different cast you can't share the utensils you know it's still different wow well well oh my goodness it happens in africa do you know high cast low cast that is there also wherever the caste system are there tribal behaviors are there there are certain patterns of thought so it is in jew even today the levites these fellows don't share with things people they follow a different setting but paul said that's the mystery that was shown to me tell your neighbor i can have what paul had paul had this mystery paul is telling you you can have what i had and then verse 7 of this gospel i was what i was what i was what sorry this is a powerful english word probably many of you don't know let me explain to you i was what you know i've read this i've studied the book of ephesians in greek as much mean not really in greek language but studying dissecting it in greek and i've thought about it many times i never paid attention to this word made until today when i was just meditating what i was made a minister according to what the word oh so can you buy god's grace why it's a and that's the problem when it's a gift you better take care of it well sometimes when you buy things you will be a little bit more callous it's your money you bought it i gotta answer nobody but it's a gift from heaven given to you which was given to me by the working of his power so in greek let me give you some words for you to just entice your appetite a little bit of the gospel i was made in the greek word it's called genomic according to the gift of god's grace which was given me by the ana gas of the dunamis that is working in my life that that's how the greek word comes holy spirit working in me like a pistons of a car engine it is pumping the energy in which i'm serving god so when the pump the energy is very weak then the movement and the momentum is slow so when people are serving god in a very slow fashion not because they are slow because very little is pumping in they are not giving in for the holy spirit to work in their lives but the point being of this gospel i was made a minister the word made in greek comes from the word no my in other words to become but that i was not surprised of that word okay good become i was very surprised with the other greek word that was attached to this ginorma means arise that means the more i arise the gift of god is in action the more i sit and hide than the grace that is given to me will not have the opportunity to make me the more i don't choose to respond to serve god the more i say no let everybody else do you know there are people who say let everybody do first if nobody else is there call me why why can you be god's first choice why do you want always to be the last choice why do you want to be a substitute when god is choosing you hello get off the human thinking track stop thinking like the world because if you speak like the world then the grace of god is not effective in you this is what i think when are you going to get off this ice story man paul said this is what i thought but that was a mystery don't get stuck to your eye philosophy because what you didn't even die for your philosophy jesus did don't get stuck to areas of training and thought god has this power to rewrite the whole story and that is why we had the old new testament god used paul to rewrite the concept of redemption and salvation through the blood of jesus so paul has to rewrite many things by different puzzles and pieces of thought and the bigger parcel of his letter was the book of hebrews hebrews is not an easy book to understand the book of romans is not an easy book to understand the book of galatians is not an easy book to understand the book of colossians is not easy book to understand those are deep because he's arguing with deep philosophies and many of us have built fortresses in our mind some are not yours it was given to you by your college professors they dumped into their atheistic believing and their false presumptions about god and without you knowing it those thoughts have parked itself in your memory bank hello i need to dump it don't investigate it don't waste time proving it you don't have to have a proof god is there god is there you don't need a proof for that somebody say amen the only need the only proof you need is that you are on earth you have your id right see god doesn't need to prove anything he's there all the way what proof do you have i don't have to have man one man god is there hallelujah so now he's saying i was made a minister so the word mate means god formed you and and and and made you a minister of christ now he was willing to arise and shine for the glory of god has risen upon you he is willing to say god use me for your glory and the moment opportunities were given he presented himself because grace was given to him i prayed today in the name of jesus if you have been praying for shall be 25 years you've been praying for revival for 25 years or all through your living life if god has now turned the spotlight on this town don't sit back anymore you need to be rushing in like my chickens outside the coop to the prayer meeting we shouldn't be announcing to you that please come for prairie you should be rushing till there is no place for praying meeting because you have been waiting for this all your life you are no longer the one voice in a quiet church screaming out to a point you decided to give up you better be quiet man but you are in a church with the screamers [Laughter] you are in a church with the shouters you are in a church with the worshippers you are in charge of the dancers you are in a church where people speak in strange language after all you are not strange you are speaking god's language are you with me so why are you holding back there's something wrong the bible says i was made a minister i mean i have to rise up the moment i rise up the turbo power in you kicks in [Music] oh you can fancy yourself i've got a turbo car and you never dare to step on it hey i've seen a lot of people i've got four wheel drive really red bring it to the mud oh no it will be dirty hey didn't you buy four wheel drive for that reason and he liked the works yeah sure dare to use it bro but you know pasta after that i got a watch yeah that's part of the story you don't like to be dirty you don't want your gifts to be dirty you don't want to be used by god in a dirty way oh what people have controversy that is why you must know the word of god sound doctrine paul said it because if this arise is not going to come then the grace of god the energy the dunamis power what is the name the power the dynamite of the holy spirit nothing will work in you you will be like a museum that people will admire you bro but you are the help to nobody we have to mummify you and say 3000 years ago this guy existed are you with me and uh whoa the moment i discovered it then the more i'm gonna allow the grace of god to work through me the bible says the grace of god is given as the initial deposit initial deposit you know look at what paul said 500 people came and received jesus at that time 500 people 120 people appeared they received the holy spirit's baptism i don't know we don't know what all happened to the under 20 fellows but you know what jesus also appeared to me you know what listen listen are you ready to listen what paul did is what we are reading today because he did much more than every person he didn't wait for anything he jumped into the gun let me tell you a visitation okay i was praying i was taken in the spirit to [Music] a desert place i don't know why suddenly i'm in the wilderness there was this man was coming on a horse back riding out passing by me and i'm standing there but he can't see me see because it's a visitation but i'm transported to the location when it happened i was wondering why am i i said god who who is this man this is the apostle paul what and right when he passed me he fell off from the horse remember in acts chapter 9 he said the light of christ came and he was hit and said this i said god but why are you showing me he said i'm showing you because on the end days many jews and rabbis are going to be touched by the power of the holy spirit in a moment in a flick of a moment they will become my disciples you see for some people god give god the glory come on amen for some people they are so deep in the world and when the holy spirit touches them for them to convert to become a powerful disciple is not a problem because their foundations are already there right many of you came from a baptist tradition the foundations of the word is there and when the holy spirit touches you you'll be burning much more than an average person so why are you not ah as well we are people of the world show it man then show your obedience that they are people of the world the word says obey because if we don't the bible says the pharisees the prostitutes the pharisees and the rights the sadducees who come after you will run ahead of you and you know what jesus said are you ready for what jesus said don't let their righteousness exceed yours that means god is going to measure your walk and your run you can't take it isn't it it says that don't tell me you can speak in hebrew yeah whatever show it that you're running after that messiah put me to shame i'm a gentile put me to shame so but but that's what jesus said that those who come after you will run ahead of you and this is the challenge not because it's you and me because of how much the grace of god is active in our lives amen i wanted to understand the power the way paul is burning through because of what he said no wonder when timothy was so discouraged in 2nd timothy chapter 2 verse 1 paul has nothing else to say except for the fact be strong in the grace of our lord jesus christ are you ready second timothy chapter two verse one you then my child be strengthened undunamo by the grace that is in that is where that is where inside christ jesus that means every time you feel weak go inside into the bang of christ jesus and draw out the strength and that strength can only come out through the grace and how will the grace come through your arising whenever you are in christ jesus what people do when they are so down where they'll watch a movie they'll go to eat something no rules they break open eat everything eat garbage and all you'll be nice for the day man it'll be bloated for the day you feel like floating on water but there will not be strength because those are earthly stuff you want spiritual stuff you want spiritual strength then do the spiritual things are you with me when i want to be happy i just find happy people i'm seriously telling because god remember i told you that god allowed me to walk through three years of wilderness moment and that's the time you pray 10 hours in the furnace of fire man and then you talk to boring people in church let us pray oh no i don't want to pray anymore i just came up from 10 hours i want funny people in church find the funny people to laugh with and they keep your heart so cheerful and happy they keep your heart so merry and light and after laughing with them in the night my 4 a.m prayer starts again you understand three years i didn't want boring people i want happy people and i have a list of happy people in my phone whenever you need a joke call this guy some people are they have a gift to keep your heart strong do you want to say i'm not putting anybody down man some people have the gift to cheer others up you call them immediately they'll just talk to you think about it and god places such people into your pathway but the bible says strength is in christ jesus you cannot get it by begging for it you cannot say god please god please no come inside my house what are you pleased about no please shut up and come in please but look at my tears and the angels will come take the tissue wipe get inside sorry because you are no longer a stranger for the lord to come out you are his son and you are his daughter he's asking you to come in somebody say amen you see the strengths and the grace of god you are no longer gentile don't behave like a gentile don't act like a gentile don't stalk like an idiot okay i wanted to think that you are a child of god you are no longer an average joe you are the apple of god's eye you got to stop talking like a stranger and start speaking like a child of god amen oh but god will not will not will not yeah okay just do that and keep going in [Laughter] so funny [Laughter] have you done that the children will say what daddy i'm so afraid i'm sorry i keep pushing them and they are into the water already when you are teaching them how to swim the grace of god this level of strength that comes through the grace of god that only comes through in christ jesus it doesn't come through a conference it doesn't come through a prophet you don't have to pay 500 for it but it comes through christ jesus if you will take time to pray be with the lord you know what we have done is that we have uh we we look at praying people and say something's really wrong that's why they are praying something is really wrong with larry he's fasting all the time something must be strange if rebecca she is crying all the time we have forgotten that it's normal to pray we've forgotten it's normal too far we have forgotten it's normal to be so passionate with jesus what's wrong with i think they must have a very great testimony look at the way they are shining for jesus shame on you are you listening so we are so afraid to say you know people are afraid to say they are fasting and they won't say they're fasting no i gotta go back home they won't even say i gotta go back and pray now i got things to do at home you know excuse me why are you excused no i got things i'm fasting and praying you are not robbing a bang why are you whispering why don't you say i'm seeking god it's my prayer time why are you whispering your time with god because your word is going to spark a fire on someone's heart yes have you ever fell oh god i'm not praying like them because their conviction burns you in in it ah paul was a man like that the grace of god was in action my today i said i'll finish by 12 there is no clock anymore thank you god you are at work it is not working ben don't go now [Laughter] be strong in the grace of our lord jesus christ that is only in christ jesus second timothy chapter 2 verse 1. remember this very hard the word in has a greek word to it that is why those who are in christ jesus will not have any condemnation those who are in christ jesus they are a new creation everything is in christ jesus don't extract yourself out you know who i am nobody cares who you are inside everybody wants to know amen that is why remember i told you this before don't build your life on your past story build your life on the present what jesus has done don't build a ministry out of your past and make everybody cry there must be some broken people everywhere everybody is broken in church that's why they're in church you don't even need to give you just say it in the flesh everybody will come we have learned how to respond to the flesh but have not learned how to respond to the spirit and so the grace of god the only way this church can rise up the only way people can be touched is when they see the grace of god in action imagine this kyle one day suddenly start preaching and everybody gets to see him in facebook man they're gonna probably the appliance out there will be on fire for jesus bro something is going on it is not through the eloquence of speech it's not true the understanding of the bible but it is through the power of the grace of jesus that is at work amen what is the evidence of change let me give you some stuff for us to then we pray together when the holy spirit is at work in someone's life there will be evidence of change you cannot say but god is at work brother no one can say yes no one can that's the problem whenever the holy spirit does something in you there will be an evidence of change and he got to fertile the soil till the fruit comes out until there is an evidence number one there will be a mark of change in acts chapter 4 verse 13 the bible says when these apostles started to preach these people were very surprised they said these are all ordinary guys we all know them but they are so different today you know why oh they had been with jesus we see the same strengths that we saw in jesus we see the same authority that we saw in jesus we see the same rebellion that we saw in jesus these guys must be from jesus amen my brothers and sisters can people say and we come from the same lord jesus christ that we carry the same dna these guys must have been praying if not no way they have this level of strength these guys must have heard from god no way they can push through this much there is only way because of god amen so there are measured methods while god is working through your life number two uh acts chapter 12 uh 12 and verse 1. sorry romans chapter 12 and verse 1 be transformed by the renewing of your mind romans chapter 12 was one now they know the same person is different the language is different we all are interested to know which bible college event everybody is interested in which bible college you went why are we so interested in a bible college event we have to know how much you are transformed by the same bible you are using because we want to see who stands out but paul said we are all partakers of the same grace that is why the world's bible college somehow along the way it is the compass is changing a little bit more we are supposed to produce the same disciples of christ not the other way not to find distinction but to create marks of humility not to find a point why am i better than you i can say why we are should be the same are you listening my brothers and sisters we are using the same english bible it cannot be different there's nothing different it is the same words that is written there we have to be by the mercies of god present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your spiritual act of worship then verse 2 says be transformed by the renewing of your mind we do not be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewal of your mind by testing you may discern what is the will of god so you know the will of god is only shown to the mind that is transformed yes yes or no so when your mind is not transformed when you are still in the flesh conforming yourself to this world and you still want to know what god is saying sorry bro come inside the room he will tell you but i can't be in the room because i'm doing all these things then give up and come no these things are too nice then be there for a while you cannot have both the world and god at the same time the will of god is shown to those who are transformed the first will to come out from egypt you're not even listening but you want to know everything else are you with me look at that well god prosper me come to the room he'll tell you that is in christ jesus there are many times i've said god i need a word i need a word because i'm preparing for conferences right i'm of you know okay go and pray i am praying one oh no early morning prayer you're gonna wake up early yeah yeah right i'll be i'll speak to you there can you speak to me now i'll teach you after speaking to you there so i've stopped wondering about how much i should speak when you go there everything is stocked up god will never put you to shame when you seek him early the only problem with us is our flesh is just that strong never drags you inside you see when you deal with your excuses the fire will burn isn't it you know why i cannot wake up sure why please tell me but my body you know my bed is so nice this is an expensive five thousand dollars bait it's not worth waking up early whoa i the type of things people tell me when i do research and study why they don't wake up my bait sucks me in like a mother's womb wow once i'm in i can't come out okay number one you have been with jesus number two you have been transformed that is the mark of change there will be another work in your life the active work of the holy spirit mark chapter 16 verse 20 the disciples went out and preached everywhere that the lord worked with them confirming with signs and wonders accompanying it are you ready for a challenge james said yes and the other people behind you not sounds like you're not interested you want to know a challenge show me mark chapter 16. come on come on very nice scripture i'll show you mark chapter 16 look at verse 15. and he said okay right and he said go into all the world proclaim the gospel to the world creation whoever believes and is baptized will be saved whoever does not believe will be condemned look at verse 17 and these signs will accompany those who what yes so you don't have to be an extra einstein you just have to believe and god says when you pray these signs will accompany you in my name they will cast out demons and they will speak in new songs and they will pick up serpents with their hands and with their and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover all these signs will follow those who what believe and then verse 20 is different and they went out preach everywhere while the lord worked with them and the bible says it was the disciples a general promise was given to everybody go into all the world and if you believe all these signs will follow but the verse 19 and 20 says and the lord followed his disciples and one of the encounters i had with jesus in the year 2000 he asked me a question do you want signs to accompany you or do you want me to follow you i only follow my disciples but signs will accompany anybody who believes do you see what i'm saying it is possible to perform signs and wonders without following jesus you got to walk right with god if you want him to follow you science and wonders following is not a sign of discipleship it is a mark of a believer who believes if you want the lord to follow you i i gave this up too long ago i want you to follow me i didn't come after signs and wonders how many times in this one year have you heard me giving you testimonies or people being healed when i prayed for them not much they have been healed but i don't talk about them much i want to talk about my lord jesus christ who died for me who's living with me because the person who got healed they are somewhere else the one who's always with me is my lord jesus christ i'm not building a ministry based on the testimonies of healing i'm building a ministry based on what jesus is talking to me are you with me because if you want money you want to keep saying oh god heals the sick is jesus here today brother i just what i want to know don't tell me what he did 10 years ago tell me what he's doing today that is the mark of the grace of god in action it is very difficult to get people to get saved if they come to church and they don't see the mark of discipleship in all of our lives we feel the process if they don't see the mark of discipleship and they see you in lows when they see you in walmart when people are lining up when they see you at a traffic jam when you are lining up when they see when everybody is angry and they see you and how you react that's the mark of jesus there are you with me i was hilariously telling a testimony the other day to james i was there preaching in singapore and i was very very late traffic jams and accidents it was a big church and i had to be on time i was rushing and speeding everywhere and the church was there this car was so slow i can't wait to overtake bang on the right turn on the lap boom on the driveway park in a rush inside i was ready to see it it was a close to 800 people church i was sitting in the front and there was a brother who came to give testimony i'm so thankful that i was not mad into an accident today i was coming to church and that was this car that came left and right and left and turned i didn't want to say it's me how much more i need to be a testimony it's okay to be late and not freak out someone else do you understand sometimes what our actions do i'm not saying be an angel all the time we all do have limits but don't cross the limit the first time make sure there is endurance in your life the grace of god angeline knows i'm the king of endurance because she knows i have a shorts you know it's a short plug the first evidence of change is transformation the second evidence of change is jesus following you and there is a third evidence of change when the grace of god is at work first john chapter 4 verse 12. no one has seen god no one has ever seen god now i find it difficult to even digest this scripture because john has seen jesus and they have heard that god jesus has appeared to many people but when he said no one has seen god he's saying god the father not jesus no one has ever seen god but if we love one another god abides in us and his love is perfected in ours in other words no one has seen god before but they should see god in you so the third evidence of change is the love of god is changing us something about us is changing that is a little bit of god's love i want to give you fourth one the last one and then we go okay and probably we will continue the following week and mindful uh month of may is the spiritual emphasis week for now is that okay spiritual end for this month the the fourth point that i want to give you and we were going to close in our prayer psalms chapter 92 verse 13 psalms chapter 92 verse 13 tell me what it says let's all read one two three go they are planted in the house of god and they look at that they are planted in the house of god the fourth key of the grace of god in action is that you are planted in god's house you are not a stranger growing up in the wilderness anymore birds and anybody along the way will eat your fruit you are planted in the nursery of god and you will flourish where you are planted you see paul said remember he said some of your guys come on when you talk about greek paul said be be rooted in the love of god do you remember that you see if you are not rooted you will not give fruit so paul is measuring not that you're attending church but you're rooted in christ if you're not rooted you're not growing if you're not planted you are not fruitful but i'm there we don't want shadows bro we want real fruits oh you know but i've been coming to judge 25 years what really where when why why are you not doing anything much because we are thought to not to do anything you give your sights to the church team church will serve for you but that's not the intention of christ the intention of christ that we all will be equipped to do the ministry of our lord jesus christ that we all are recipients of god's grace that we all will serve according to the grace that is given to us somebody say that's the purpose of god not the ten percent we are planted look at psalms 26 verse 8 oh this is my favorite scripture psalms chapter 26 verse 8 and then the last one i want to show you is psalms 23. oh lord i love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells look at that how can you say i love jesus but i hate the church something seriously wrong with you man david said i love the habitation of your house and the place your glory dwells he didn't say i love the people who are coming to church but he said i cannot deny this is where you are then i'll be there hey listen i have told you this before some of you guys would have forgotten i'll tell you again while we were conducting our revival meetings which i told you for 13 years every month one lady very seriously pastor god told me to go to a church where the glory of god manifests every sunday where the pastor will preach like moses and the members will be like angels wow i said do you know big church i said yes you want to take the address i said okay she took our pen and a paper uh which church is this i said please write the address first don't worry about the name because in singapore that we have more than two thousand churches okay that is only the registered churches not including parrot church organization all that easily could be three thousand in a small given country number seven holy jerusalem new jerusalem street and she's writing if a singaporean you know there is no such street in our country but holy city oh but how do i go there i say you have to die first what do you mean this is in heaven it tells me you're not even reading a bible in the book of revelation i got a diaper to go there is the problem you see you want people to be angel you got to die for it you want preaching like moses you also die first no one can endure during moses preaching earth opens up a life and swallows everybody in serpents come and gives you a nice snack you die there and what does come in drowns people there that's moses preaching imagine every sunday i take the road thou shall live or die oh man are you following oh it's easy to say i follow miracles are you able to pay the price whatever we are going through is the mercies of god in action there is this mug that you are planted in the house of god don't let the enemy uproot you don't let the enemy pluck you out why the bible says jesus died that you are part of his body and people also get tends to think we are part of the universal church wow why are you going back to your little home if you all belong we are belong to the universal church but god placed you in a local place god have your facts right gotta have your understanding i don't believe in tights anymore that's because you don't want to give that's why you want to give to yourself you want to keep the money you want to steal and rob the house of god so you come up with a new theory i don't believe in that that's the old testament really then don't get the blessings of the old testament then where it says you shall be the hate and not the tale are you with me come on man straighten up don't talk garbage you're reading the bible don't talk garbage straighten yourself up the bible says this to us now so psalms chapter 23 this then we'll finish this verse verse 5 are we learning something today you see people learn a lot more things when the cloudiness is removed it's not that you can't discern the cloud is there i wanna i'm preparing some messages now and one of the uh deliverance that we need to have is the deliverances of false opinions this false psychology that is going to come and steal your faith from the present time you got to build your face in the lord jesus christ and not in opinions of others oh but that book says is that book the bible if it's not then probably it's five percent truth because the bible is 100 amen you prepared table before me in the presence of my enemies verse 8 you anoint my head with all my cup what surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life thank you god but if you want to sustain that grace i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever you see that when you dwell in the house of god you know where to contain the blessings that god has given to you the grace that is god gives giving to you when the cup is overflowing you will know what to do with this overflow of god because when you are not educated you can have a million dollars and spend on worthless things you know one thing about god in the book of jeremiah it says when you observe worthless things and run after them you will become worthless oh you will become worthless when you run after worthless things so therefore god wants you to run with things which are worthy things that is eternal value in your life things that will change you and touch you somebody say amen i pray that the grace of god is in action today we sang about the grace of god in the last song can we all arise together
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,859
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 5sec (4685 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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