We Are Called to Build | James Diamante

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shall we all pray lord we thank you for your goodness god we thank you lord jesus that your presence is in the midst of us god lord we thank you that we can always trust you we thank you lord god you're the god of order though you sinned your fire yet it is so in order father lord we thank you for an open heart that you've given us this morning thank you lord jesus for the spirit of god that is present today lord father we ask and pray as your word is being preached god open up our hearts even more so that our hearts will be changed by you so that we will be transformed by you o god that your word lord jesus will draw us nearer to you we love you we give you praise o god in jesus name amen amen this morning i'm so excited to share the word of god today and i want to thank our senior pastor for allowing me to share the word of god and i'm so glad that all of us are here today how many of us are glad to be in the house of god amen so it's very very very crucial that we are here because we love jesus amen pastor stephen has been sharing about the living church he's been sharing about how as a church should we live how is a church a living church and how is a church as a devoted church so today when i was waiting on god and and praying and seeking the lord the lord told me one word i asked the lord lord i want to share something that is in line to what we have been talking about and god spoke to me james speak about that the living church must be a building church you know church yes we are a living church but are we builders or are we just attendees or are we just people who warms the seat because at the end of the day all of us are called to build all of us are called not just to sit but we're called to build his house amen so i want to ask all of us this morning how much is your passion for the house of god how much is our passion to give him all of our heart because jesus commanded us remember the first commandment the lord said love the lord your god with all your with all your with all your with all your and i want to ask all of us do we love god entirely do we love god with the whole being that we have because sometimes church we can worship god but our heart is not there sometimes we can worship god but our emotions are not there or sometimes we can say our heart is worshiping but our action is not speaking of what we say so today i want all of us to review ourselves to have an accountability how much do we love the church because if jesus died for the church then as we the people of god must love what he loves amen so i'm just so amazed today because pastor um when he was he came out here and praying and god is measuring us up and all of that and that is part of the message god has said to me so i was i was just amazed by how god can flow things together amen are we ready to hear the word of god this morning amen so i want to ask another question i'll be asking a lot a question this morning because the more we ask questions the more we will ask god for answers amen so the word of god is the word of answers hallelujah so i want to ask all of us is god worthy for us to build him a house amen in isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 can we turn our bibles there isaiah 66 verse 1. thus says the lord heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool what is the house that you would build for me and what is the place of my rest church i want all of us to understand this morning that though god has everything yet he requires us to build him a resting place that's why in the bible when we study the bible from genesis to revelation does always have something to do with building him a resting place you know what god told moses moses tell pharaoh let my people go so that they can serve me in the wilderness and here we are as a church sometimes when we go through wilderness we're crying god how long will i be in the wilderness oh god how long am i gonna suffer for you oh god how long am i gonna be broken for you and we are forgetting that brokenness is the classroom of the holy spirit all of us have to remember church that brokenness is our partner brokenness helps us to be broken before the lord because the bible says in psalms that the the the sacrifices of the lord is of a broken spirit and a broken and a contrite heart god will never despise and you know what kovit did to the church today to the people of god today kovid somehow managed to destroy churches even where we are right now we knew a lot of churches closed down even where we are right now in this nation we knew pastors gave up because of kovid no more support and all of that but you know you know what god is gathering his remnants hallelujah how many of us in this place are remnants of the lord we are the people of god you know church we should not give up the title sometimes brokenness becomes a very conduit or a source that we want to give up oh because i'm broken therefore i want to give up because i am hurt i want to give up because i'm this i want to give up forgetting that hurt did not die for you jesus did so all i want all of us today to have that passion for the house of god as much as he did remember church jesus is not coming back for a finger jesus is not coming back for a toenail jesus is not coming back for an eyeball he is coming back for a complete bride beautiful spotless hallelujah so as a church we have a responsibility and what is it to build him a house a living church must be able to build the lord a resting place you know it always always amazes me and it always blows me away every time time i meditate on this every time the lord will ask me james would you build me a place where people can worship will you build me a place where people can sing praises to me and i will ask the lord lord you sitting on the throne having the perfect angel singing for you day and night night and day who knows probably thousands of instruments are asking us to sing for you why and you know the more we go deeper the more we will understand the love of god yesterday in our king's college of prophets pastor stephen was teaching about the life of christ and he played a video of when when jesus was scourged when he was whipped every time i see it i don't want to look at it because it will break my heart it breaks my heart every time i see my lord dying for me so that you see church i want all of us to understand nothing is stopping us not even the devil what stops you and i ourself that's why jesus gave gave us the safety measures i i love this love the lord your god with all your heart when you love him with all your heart who can be against your heart are we following love him with your with all your soul with all your emotion which means whatever people tell us emotionally we will not be affected because why my love using my emotions is secured amen loving the lord with all my mind means everything that i think about i consider the lord god means i'm protected here because i'm loving him love the lord your god with all your strength means i'm using my body means i'm protecting my body from the attacks of the enemy you see how god by loving him everything is covered are we listening sometimes we wonder how come i'm not passionate for the lord maybe we have to review is your mind loving god is your emotion loving god is your body loving god are we saying something that we're not doing church we've got to re-evaluate our love for the lord if some of you in this place you've lost your love for the house of god this is the time to repent and ask god lord bring it back to me one more time because if the church is not important jesus will not die for the church if the church is not important the early saints will not die for the church if the church is not important martyrs will not die do you know how martyrs died if if you want to know how martis that buy the book [Music] fox's books of martyrs it's it's this thick i read all that and cried and cried and cried when i was 23 and reading that book i told myself am i will i be able to do this oh lord will i be able to hold fast of your love of your heart because if i am your son give me that strength if ever the time comes because jesus said in his word you'd rather have me than to lose your soul amen so i want all of us today to as you listen to your word ask the holy spirit holy spirit open up my heart because sometimes we we cannot come close to god because of our personality oh i'm shy i'm just not like this thank god jesus didn't say the same thing i'm a god i don't need to die i'm holy why would i need to suffer yet jesus did anyway so i want all of us to break through our personality break through our belief system and break through our idea of church some of us even in singapore you know people will tell us we don't want to come to jmk because you guys preach so hard you guys preach so tough he always offends us you know that one of the greatest [Laughter] yes dr jess bless you you know one of one of the greatest men of our times is billy graham he said this statement before he said the statement when he was 91 years old i will never forget he said this the cross is offensive because it does not suggest a lifestyle it demands a godly lifestyle and we say you know the bible is not holy suggestions the bible is not suggestion it's a command that's why when god says what is the first commandment love the lord your god second commandment is love your neighbor as yourself and i want all of us to understand this we will understand the love of god or rather we will understand the love for others when we know how much god loves us first the the the problem with us sometimes we stick so much in the basics we stick so much in god loving me loving me loving me loving me and a lot of songs nowadays worship songs it's all about me i'm hurt i'm going through a storm god be my strength gone were the days where you deserve the glory and the honor you know those songs for you are great in the 90s in the late 80s the songs were all glory to god paul wilbur and all of these people and nowadays a lot more personal songs why because we miss the point do you do we know that the more we love others the more we can worship the lord why because we understand his love for others that's why we have to ask god lord i want to know you more you know you know what god will say love your neighbor forgive them open up your house bless them amen so today i'm just so excited because god will transform us to be a builder we are not just seat warmer but we are a builder can we tell our neighbor today you are a builder and tell the neighbor beside you i am a builder remember peter in second peter chapter two let's turn our bibles to second peter chapter two ii peter chapter 2 verse 3 and in their greed they will exploit and with false words their condemnation from long ago is not idol no not second peter hold on let me check give me a second this is not the one all right here we go ii peter 2 verse 4 as you come to him a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of god chosen and precious verse 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood okay let's stop there you know church understand when god says priesthood it does not mean one person are we listening priesthood does not mean an individual priesthood means a group of people amen so we are being built together as a living stone not to be alone but to be a priesthood means a group of people who knows how to serve god if some of us are sitting in this place and if we do not know how to serve god means you are not a living stone yet are we following because the word of god has to convict us church if some of us here are not burning in passion to build him a house it's time to ask the lord lord here i am lord use me god in whatever way you can some of us are full of wisdom in this house and i know some of you that when i'm discouraged when i need wisdom i'll just sit with some of you and i'll be encouraged and you know that is a form of ministry always looking out for people to encourage not to destroy them but to build them up because the more we build up the more the house is established you know i told the worship team this morning i told them you know i always encourage all of us to be at least good in what we do you know why because when we are good in what we do somehow in our level we become an instructor in our level that we know and become when we become an instructor means we can share more we can teach more the more we teach the more the team will grow the more the team will grow you will be released to do whatever god wants you to do amen because we are not here church to maintain the ministry we are here to build build means it has to grow amen so so peter said that we are a living stone being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood church take note that being part of a priesthood means you have a responsibility people in the bible in the in the in the book of leviticus in the book of numbers where the priest will come and do the work the priest's job is very bloody they don't sing the whole day levites biblical levites and priests is not a beautiful job you know when when when people just imagine this when people bring their their lamb the ox whatever offering that they have you know they'll have departments the cutting department the cleaning department the wiping of the blood department the dissecting department the the smoke department the firefighter department because they got to put out the fire and then the next fire right so so if we think about the word priesthood sometimes we we underestimate that word it doesn't just mean that you're connecting to god but it means that you know the responsibility as the priest in the new covenant priest means you just know how to carry the burden of the lord you know you know why burden because the the the priests they will carry the lamb they will carry the ox and it's and there's a burden right there's a weight so they carry the burden as if they are the intercessors of that time are we following so when these priests come and bring all the lamb and all the offering they they are the mediator and they offer sacrifices to the lord in the new covenant how do we carry the burden of god it's not just your burden priest means you carry other people's burden are we following as a priest now i'm part of the priesthood now on part i am i am as a living stone of god means whoever in this place has a burden come to the lord let's pray together hallelujah that is our ministry right now to be an intercessor i feel strongly in my spirit that the call of an intercessor is not just for one group of people it's all of our responsibility because peter didn't say living stone are just for prophets peter didn't say that that the living stone are just for apostles prophets teachers preachers and and apostles and all of that he said all of us remember the word that we are arroyo anna holy nation means what one person nation means people so don't forget church god will not manifest his glory to an individual he may in some cases but the fullness of his glory i have not seen in the bible that god manifested any time without the people of god gathering together for his sake even in the time of moses when we read when moses fast for 40 days he went up to the mount god said i am gonna manifest in your mids it's it's it's not in the midst of moses that's why the people of israel said we don't want god to speak to us we are scared are we following they were scared because they heard they felt they saw the glory of god and god loves to manifest on his people not just one person please don't think that god anoints only one no he anoints us you know all of you are looking at me today when i was a teenager i was like one of you sitting down there and asking god lord one day i want to be used by you in the king's college of prophets i was lecturing yesterday morning i'm just thanking the lord because i remember 21 years old sitting as one of the students watching pastor steven teach i told the lord god one day i want to be like this man sharing your word honoring you worshiping you and what i respect about our dear pastor is big crowd small crowd individual he preached the same i can vouch for that knowing him for 13 years and that is something that all of us must imitate as paul said imitate me as i imitate christ amen so building the house of god church is not just the pastor's responsibility it's not just the worship leaders responsibility it's not just the usher's responsibility it's not just the evangelic evangelism team is our responsibility church and then in ephesians 2 20 to 22 it says here build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets christ jesus himself being the cornerstone in whom the whole structure being built together grows into a holy temple in the lord verse 22 in him you also being built together into a dwelling place of god by the spirit amen so isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 god is looking for a place to stay to dwell and where is it here so church do not neglect building the house of god do not second guess building the house of god because the pleasure of god is upon us amen so i want to read this scripture and i want to anchor in this book today in the book of hagai can we turn our bible to the book of haggai chapter 2. and pastor stephen earlier he was saying that god is measuring us up and when i was preparing and reading through god told me the same thing in haggai chapter 2 verse 15. now then consider from this day onward before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the lord how did you fare i want to ask all of us when god commanded us to build this place church you know i'm not sharing this for us to be discouraged i'm not sharing the word today for us to be fearful i'm sharing this word today so that all of us will be encouraged and to know that all of us has a responsibility let me continue to read when one came to a heap of 20 measures there were but ten when one came to the wine vet to draw fifty measures there were but twenty understand this church sometimes when god calls us to do something he tells us can you give five and you know what you do we give two sometimes god asks us can you give ten you know what we do we give five you see here how did you fare when one came to a hip of 20 measures there were but ten when one came to a wine vets to draw 50 measure there were about 20. we got to review ourselves church are we giving our very best to god that's why i i as as a musician as a singer in the worship team in the media team i will always tell the young guys and the young girls be good in what you do because if your potential is such if god has given you 10 better give god 10. because that is your potential what is stopping us from doing that church do you know what there's a scripture in the bible that i wanna in in uh that i want all of us to to review in proverbs 16. let's go to proverbs 16 and it's very very interesting how the word has crafted this proverb 16 verse all right verse 27. a worthless man plots evil and his speech is like a scorching fire you know the living bible translation is it's very interesting idol hence is the workshop of the devil you know sometimes what what makes us unfruitful church is not discouragement it is not um it's not people hurting us sometimes how we become fruitless is idle hands i'm waiting on god oh by the name of jesus but what are you doing in the waiting are you growing in the waiting i remember years ago when i was 18 to about 21 years old before um we started a church in singapore i was in this big church in singapore and we are we were ministering to filipino domestic helpers so we have about 20 30 people always because they will come to singapore and then they'll go back to philippines so that's our main ministry and i do worship ministry in the main church before so i was playing piano and and singing and small ministry you know it's it's not a bombastic ministry the power of god will come it's just being faithful and i remember complaining to god lord when will this end you i know you've given me so much but what am i why what am i doing this and the lord told me just be faithful and there and then i remember i was 18 years old i told the lord god because i didn't like the reflection of my heart of of the complaints and all of that so i brought it to the lord in prayer and i told the lord god from this day on every time i'll worship you i will take it as a privilege i will take it as an honor no matter who's with me no matter one person two people three people five people i will worship you the same so i did for four years the presence of god came his power came some people were slain while worshiping and all of that and i should say that those four years were my developing stage i developed the the ability to play piano and sing i developed an ability to minister while playing piano i developed the ability to release the word of god while singing i'm still developing that time but but you see if i was in a place of i'm just waiting and just doing five instead of ten god will not bring me to places i've been is it about me it's not about me but god has given us opportunity to grow don't miss it when god gives us the boat right now take the boat because one day when revival comes please do not be the people who will cry i wish i prayed more i wish i read the bible more i wish i was faithful because church to whether you like it or not people on fire remnants of god will come to this place if you're not ready your place might be taken by somebody we don't want to do that as a church but when god's work is moving we got to move amen when god's work is running we gotta run but this is the place church where god is establishing us so i want to for all of us to to know that we are in a safe place amen i always tell the worship team you can make mistakes it's okay in between you can make mistakes as long as you give your best to god we are not looking for people of perfection but we're looking for vessels who are broken before the lord amen so i i pray that all of us as we listen to this word that god will convict us because god in in haggai chapter 2 god is measuring us so in verse 17 of chapter 2 it says here i shrug you and all the products of your toil will be light and with mildew and with hail yet you did not turn to me declares the lord the problem is that sometimes we work so much we work work work and work but sometimes we are not content because prosperity is not about just having blessing prosperity is having contentment some of us may be rich some people might be extremely rich but their hearts are empty so what do we want church do we want an empty life or we want to have a full life for jesus amen amen how many of us are listening to the word of god this morning so that that's just my introduction praise the lord so today i want to anchor in haggai chapter 1 verse 7. thus says the lord of hosts consider your ways go up to the hill and bring wood and build the house that i may take pleasure in it and that i may be glorified says the lord so today i want to give a little bit of background of the book of haggai book of haggai was written 70 years after exile so means after babylon they came back to israel and they were building their own houses and hagan was wondering why and the lord spoke he said why are you building can we go to verse 2 please of chapter 1 thank you thus says the lord of hosts these people said the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the lord verse 3 then the word of the lord came by the hand of haggai the prophet verse 4 is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while this house lies in ruins church i want all of us to hear this word this morning ha guy when the word of the lord came to him god told him is it the time for you to build your house 70 years have already passed remember 70 years it's almost three generations and they're still building their paneled houses yet the house of the lord is still in ruins and i want to encourage all of us church if that burden in your heart is not there to build him a resting place ask the lord this morning god i want your burden and i want to ask all of us this morning as well how many of us are willing to be a builder for the lord because a builder church wherever you go you will build i praise and thank the lord that god has blessed me with parents who are builders wherever they go they'll build a house for the lord and i'm very honored and blessed to have a spiritual father who is a builder because that that legacy will be carried through when we are builders of the house of god amen so god is asking us to consider your ways are the ways that we have right now considered leaning towards god or our ways considered leaning towards towards our ways you know it boggles me that a lot of people in this time in this age take god as an uncle it's like uncle jesus if uncle comes it's fun if uncle comes it's good if uncle doesn't come it's all right i'm not gonna call uncle a lot of us takes jesus like a like an uncle where we we don't mind we just text him every now and then we'll call him every now and then if we don't need him we don't call him and some of us will say i don't have time to pray five minutes i don't have time to to spend a little time with the lord i don't have time because i'm too busy didn't we also consider jesus not giving us time have we ever considered god can decide okay i think i don't feel like giving you air today i feel like i i i don't want to give you um blood today i feel like taking away my hand of protection upon you but thank god a man jesus is not like that but i want all of us to consider as as what hag i said here consider your ways and and the lord said to haggai this build me a house that i might take pleasure in amen so can we can we return back to the verse seven please uh verse eight uh verse seven sorry thus says the lord of hosts consider your ways verse eight go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house that i may take pleasure you know we enjoy the presence of god how many of us enjoy the presence of god how many of us enjoy when he comes strongly you know church sometimes the limitation is not the worship leader sometimes the limitation is you because you're so dry because you're so empty i remember pastor stephen said one of the prayer meetings don't limit me because you see a prophet will release much word from the lord if all of us are hungry remember jesus said if if a town don't receive you just go you can just shake your sandals and leave right so that's why church i want to encourage all of us in worship likewise don't limit me if i can say if i can say it very politely because church if if i could say it this way that god can come more strongly in this place god can come stronger but it's just sometimes when the people are not ready to receive why would god release a treasure remember in the book of proverbs it says there that the glory of god is to hide things and the glory of kings is to find things out you know why god hides things because when we find it it's precious when kings listen to this when kings find a treasure do you know what they do they'll frame it they'll put guards around it because it's precious that's why it says in the book of proverbs in the glory of kings is to search it out means as a king as us part of the kingly people of god the royal priesthood of god god hides the things the anointing the power because when we find it we should treasure it not put it under the bed not put it under the table because the light of god's supposed to be on a hill like a city on a hill amen so why do we need to establish the house of god number one it is the passion of jesus remember church that the passion of the lord is to build him a house amen number two jesus died for it number three we are called to be one body we are not called to be a stand alone are we listening jesus is not calling yes the lord calls us by name but we must transition from that to a corporate level amen number four the fullness of god will not manifest when the church is not one always remember let's read this together in haggai chapter 2 verse 3. who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory who do you see it now is it not as nothing in your eyes verse 4 yet now be strong zerubbabel declares the lord be strong or joshua son of jehosha deck the high priest be strong all you people of the land declares the lord work for i am with you declares the lord of hosts according to the covenant that i made with you when you came out of egypt my spirit remains in your midst fear not church the covenant of god is effective when we are working listen to this in verse 5 according to no in verse i'm sorry in verse 4 be strong all you people of the land declares the lord work for i am with you declares the lord amen so god's glory manifests in in at the same time in 2nd chronicles chapter 7 if you study 2nd chronicles from chapter 5 to chapter 7 you'll see how solomon prepared everything and build everything and the priests and the building are done and blah blah blah blah finished and the manifested glory of god came like never before that the priest couldn't stand they were face down because of the glory of god how many of us want to see the glory of god if you want to see the glory of god give the lord a smile all of us are so serious church remember that the fullness of god will not just come when two people are praying the glory of god will come and all of us are agreeing together lord have your way maranatha jesus the spirit on the bride say come amen that should be the heart cry of the church that should be the heart cry of every pulpit that should be the heart cry of every worship leader that should be the heart cry of every intercessor that should be the heart cry of every sons of god and daughters of god lord jesus come lord jesus come if you don't come lord we will not go remember moses in exodus chapter 33 and chapter 34 he said there lord if you will judge them judge me first god because moses knew god will not come if the people of god are not united he knew god will not manifest if the people of god are not together he knew church and a lot of us want to be a minister but can we pray like moses lord if you kill them kill me first what a man of boldness and you know what moses did god told him because you said this i will do i will forgive them and moses asked the lord lord if if you don't go with us we will not go anywhere and god said because you ask i will go with you and people will know that you are a peculiar people amen and moses was not contented you know what moses asked after that lord if you found favor in me show me your glory and you know a lot of us are skipping all these intercession intercessors intercession prayers we skip from having the burden of god to showing to asking god for the glory we we don't realize you see moses carried the burden of god first are we listening a lot of us want to skip the burden we want the glory we want the excitement we want the jumping we want the fire but why would god trust us with the fire if we don't have his burden why would god trust us with healing if we don't love people who are sick why would god trust us with salvation if we don't love the lost why would god trust us with anointing if we don't love him are we listening so that's why church we gotta come back to lord what is your burden you see in the book of haggai god gave the word to this man because he is waiting for the lord lord what do you want us to do if nobody in this place will have that burden god will never share his burden to us and you know what god showed moses when he said lord show me your glory when the lord passed him by in the middle of the big rocks and moses saw the goodness of the lord written on his back i will be merciful to whom i will be merciful i will be gracious to whom i will be gracious isn't god beautiful you see the revelation comes stronger when we carry the burden of god amen the fullness of god manifests when the church is one number five jesus is coming for his bride jesus is coming for his bride as i said earlier god is not just coming for one hand he's not just coming for a toenail he's not coming for a strand of hair please do not think because you're anointed you're more special no you're just one part of the body of christ amen no matter how good we sing no matter how good we prophesy no matter how well we preach no matter how anointed we think we are we are just a part of the body of christ we are precious even though as anointed as we are but you know what jesus sees you as a finger but a complete bride is not complete without a finger so i want all of us to remember when the spirit and the bride remember the bride and and it's it's very powerful because the bride has to agree with the spirit of god spirit and the bride say come so that's why church a bride must be filled with the spirit of god if we're not filled with the spirit of god church god will not come that's why we have to ask the lord lord fill us god so that we may know you amen number six we are called as a royal priesthood and a holy nation as i mentioned that earlier all of us are called as a people as a group of people as a priesthood as a team not a stand alone always remember number seven god's new heaven and earth will be filled with his people god's new heaven and earth will be filled with with his people not with one person remember whether you like your neighbor or not you will see him or her in heaven amen whether you dislike somebody but that somebody loves the lord you will see that person in heaven better reconcile now what if the lord purposely made him or her your neighbor what are you gonna do i know full of love is there but you got to settle your accounts amen it's it's beautiful it's as if god is not suggesting unity he's commanding unity though the lord does not really say i i urge you i i i decree that all of you must be united god does not speak like that but when we study the bible it's as if it's a given responsibility to sons and daughters of god amen how many of us are enjoying the word of god this morning so what are the areas that are re-lacking why are we not having much passion that we should be number one area is idle hands as i have shared earlier about proverbs chapter 16 verse 27 and i want to warn all of us we have seen this during kovid let me just share just a little bit you know during kovid in singapore i think in america as well everybody we're at home locked down you cannot go anywhere you cannot go here and you cannot go there and in singapore many people has gone crazy just just the mind didn't work in a way that they should and a lot of people um we we have cases where somebody lost his mind because it's just nothing to do you know you know when you have nothing to do it will cause you to be crazy it will cause you to be mad so that's why we are meant to work amen yes waiting on god is good but your body has muscles your body has bones and the bloodstream is working it means you have to work nobody is meant to just stay at home nobody is just meant to do nothing if you're doing nothing right now may the lord come up convict you because all of us are meant to do something for the lord amen especially young people if if some of you young people even those are listening online if you're not doing something better do something now and don't regret after 20 years amen do most of the job that's why our media team we have a lot of young people i always ask them to run right david [Laughter] they're the ones that we will tell them run here run there because they're fast they can do things but sometimes they run too fast you're still trying to say something and they didn't listen to the last instruction and they come back you know i'm not done yet oh i'm sorry okay run again [Laughter] but we love them we love our young people really they are our future and we they are the the people that we need to invest a lot amen that's why for those who are more matured amusing more mature to be polite we need to be a good example we need to show the calling of god we need to show the anointing of god it's not something just to be messed with we are taking things seriously because god is worthy to be taken seriously we don't worship god you know a lot of charismatic people will worship god like a crazy person judge you know there's there's a time to be filled and there is a time to be quiet and there is a time to just honor him for who he is amen because because a lot of times because of the pentecostal movement it changed the way god must be honored sometimes we are too casual in the presence of god some of us are worshiping god on bed lying down oh we worship you holy god wow so we need to consider our ways this morning amen so how do we how does the self take over us you see self leads to destruction because yourself you're desiring so much of yourself you know you know what's the result of that let's go to romans chapter 1 verse 18 to 24. romans chapter 1 verse 18 to 24 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth amen the truth of god is holistic it's complete so if some of us are suppressing the truth of god means we are sliding to unrighteousness amen some of us may say oh god does not speak anymore oh god does not heal anymore god does not do this anymore oh god does not do this anymore says who when we read the bible the bible did not say god stopped doing science wonders and miracles the bible did not say he does not speak anymore even the still small voice that we always refer in the in the life of elijah god speaks in the still small voice but that scripture is only mentioned one time are we listening are we listening why do we make god so small church let's consider our our processing now why do we always think god speaks in a still small voice you see elijah heard that because he needs that it doesn't mean god speaks like that all the time but but he does but what i'm trying to say when we read the bible god speaks as clear as the thunder as clear as the water's gushing he speaks as clear as your neighbor amen i know this is not the topic but we i want to challenge all of us our understanding of who god is amen because you see it's interesting for the wrath of god is re revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth of god sometimes we suppress the truth you know why because it's convenient i don't need to go to church all the time because i am the church wow it's so convenient i don't need to serve god all the time because i'm serving i am the church wow how convenient i don't need to do anything i don't need to do what because god is coming soon how convenient you mean sometimes we don't do things because we hear god sometimes we do things because it's convenient for you and i are we listening are we listening how many of us are convicted this morning are you happy that i'm preaching today i don't know why but it's it's it's just pumping and just the lord has been stirring in my heart call the builders of jesus my king church call the builders of jesus my king church awake awake builders of jmk if we are not going to build why are we here for god has called our church to be a builder amen we are not called to do nothing amen so i want to encourage all of us today as i want to continue reading this because it's very important verse 19 of romans chapter 1 for what can be known about god is plain to them because god has shown it to them listen oh where are we first no no no verse 19. yes so fast for what can be known about god is plain to them because god has shown it to them paul is not talking about new believers paul is talking about christians who knew god is plain to them because god has shown it to them let's continue verse 20 for his invisible attributes namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so they are without excuse are we paying attention paul is not talking about people who don't know christ people who don't know god is talking about you and i means i can be ungodly even though i'm a christian means i can be unrighteous even though i'm a christian and let's continue reading in verse 21 for although they knew god listen to this they did not honor him as god or give thanks to him but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened you see you see church that what what the world the world's philosophy are trying to do right now and the in the popular theology has done to church right now it's given us a lot of fear god does not speak god does not do this god does not do that oh why are you listening to this they are heretics they are waco people they don't preach the word people from jmk if you're a member of this church you know we preach the word of god we we we don't mince the word we we don't try to turn the word upside down we preach the word we believe in the word we are strong in the word because we study the word of god i can vouch for our pastors here they study the word of god so be you know those of you are in this church thank god that our pastors are bible students they study the word amen so when we when we follow this paul is saying to people who know god that there is no excuse and he is saying that what happened to them they became futile in their thinking and foolish hearts were darkened in verse 22 claiming to be wise they became fools and a lot of christians sometimes we speak a lot of foolish things thinking that we are wise let's continue verse 23 and exchange the glory of the immortal god for image resembling mortal men and birds and animals and creeping things this was relevant before but now how do we make the image of men now you're trying to look good it's not wrong to look good but if you're looking better in your eyes better than the beauty of the lord jesus christ something is wrong if the things that we possess looks better than our image of god something is wrong church are we hearing if what we do outside from the area and the majesty of god looks better than the majesty of heaven in our mind something is wrong means whatever we're doing outside of god has become an idol are we paying attention verse 24 therefore this is the hard word are we ready can we ask our neighbor beside us are you ready for the hard word verse 24 it says here therefore god gave them up in the lust of their hearts to impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves verse 25 because they exchange the truth about god for a lie and worship and serve the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever i know it's hard but i didn't say it apostle paul said it thank you lord it's hard to receive but it is the word of god but some of us may say no but my god is a loving god but my god is a forgiving god yes he is but he is a just god especially in this time and in this season where god is doing a shaking that whatever strong and whatever belongs to god will remain and the things that does not belong to him will crumble you know it breaks my heart every time i think about that because we have friends we have families we have loved ones and we're praying lord let them be strong god you know you know you know when we do that intercession will automatically fill our hearts amen praying for them because we know god will do this so that's why church there's no excuse for us not to intercede for our loved ones especially the people close to our hearts and we know they are going to be damned in hell so that's why church we gotta buckle up we gotta buckle up church amen so this is a warning from the lord this morning that a little bit of compromise a little bit of of of changing the truth of god a little bit of of procrastinating a little bit of sliding can lead to ungodliness i was so surprised while reading this and just meditating on this word because it it goes together in in the book of haggai chapter 2 where god says and where haggai said in verse 15 now then consider from this day forward before stone okay i'm gonna skip this in verse 16 how did you fear when one came to a hip of 20 measures there were but 10 but one came to the wine vet to draw 50 measures there were but 20. so we need to consider our ways are we giving something to the lord because he is worthy or are we giving something to the lord because he deserves a spare time we need to consider our ways church god is not our uncle god is not our auntie god is not our best friend yes he is sometimes but he is god do not forget who he is amen so the question again that i want to ask all of us are we building the house of god or are we building our own house are we part of god's remnant you see part the the remnant of god is this in chapter 1 of verse 12 of the book of haggai then jeruba bill the son of shalt and joshua the son of jehosha deck the high priest with all the remnants of the people obeyed the voice of the lord their god and the words of haggai the prophet as the lord their god had sent him and the people feared the lord number one quality of a remnant church is they obey the voice of god and the second quality of a remnant is they know how to work out what is given to them do not be a remnant who just know the revelation who knows the word do not be a remnant to just know what the word is saying what's the latest revelation what's the latest news what's the latest conspiracy theory but be a person who knows how to work how to toil how to labor in these times amen because the time is short are we part of the remnant so what did the remnant do right they worked and i want to encourage all of us as we work it says here in the book of james chapter 2 verse 17 faith without words is is so faith needs to work and in hebrews 11 chapter 6 we all know this scripture let's go to hebrews 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 and without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists so church faith and works must come hand in hand because when you some some of us may be working but the faith is not working and some of us have faith but we are not working our faith so how do we fully remember in romans chapter 12 verse 1 offer yourselves as a living sacrifice living means alive living means moving breathing working and doing what you must if you're living and not working that's wrong and a lot of us sometimes will quote this listen oh we are not a human doing but we are a human being you know it's such a i do respect that statement but sometimes we claim it so much that it sounds so pathetic why does it sound pathetic because a human being must work what is the purpose of a bird to fly what is the purpose of a of an ox to work to walk to eat what is the purpose of a crocodile to be in the river what is the purpose of a fish to swim and the human being what's the purpose of a human being work are we following i know i'm trying to pinch us today with a knife but we have to consider our ways church amen we have to consider our ways that's the call of god this morning god is awakening our hearts today if we are not awake in church when the lord comes we will regret it the rest of our lives amen lord help us father help us father so today as as i conclude today's message i want all of us to come before the lord with a humble heart to ask the lord lord give me your burden give me your desire give me your heart o lord that i will do what i say and i will do what i feel to do for you and lord teach me your ways god when i feel your move i will move god let me be above even my feelings o lord that i might seek you with all my heart amen and and here this church before i end i just want to read this to all of us in verse 4 of chapter 2 of the same book yet now be strong o zerubbabel declares the lord be strong o joshua son of jehoshadek the high priest be strong all you people of the land declares the lord work for i am with you declares the lord of hosts i want to encourage all of us today to be strong be strong in the lord and in the power of his can we declare that today be strong in the lord and in the power of his might may all of us be strong today church as we heard the word of the lord because without the strength of god it is impossible to do what we are doing and what we are about to do church before the revival comes we have to see it first before the revival in the move of god comes we have to perceive it first amen because you see before the storm comes like what jesus said before a storm comes you will see the cloud can you perceive it can you hear it can you smell it so let's ask the lord open up my perception open up my discernment so when you come god i am ready that i can sing with the saints god come lord jesus come amen so the remnants of the lord will work and in verse three let's let's move on my spirit remains all right and in verse 5 according to the covenant that i made with you when you came out of egypt my spirit remains in your midst fear not for thus says the lord of hosts yet once more in a little while i will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land i will shake all nations so that the treasures of all nations shall come in and i will fill this house with glory says the lord of hosts the silver is mine the gold is mine declares the lord of hosts the latter can we declare this altogether verse 9 the latter glory of the house shall be greater than the former says the lord of hosts in this place i will give peace declares the lord of hosts hallelujah hallelujah but church before the glory comes all of us need to work together if some of you are called to serve god full time then give yourself to that if some of you are watching online if god has called you full time give yourself to that because if if you're worrying about money about blessing you know the people here who are serving we've been there we've cried lord wears the provision but you know what god will always say just do and i will provide for you amen so i want to encourage all of us today that as we work together the promise of god is i will be in the midst of you amen and the glory and a lot of us right claim this word the latter house will be greater than the former house but before all these things will take place all of us must work together you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 547
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Id: 6tH7XVQtrq4
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Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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