Best Free AI Image Generator in 2024 - Playground AI (Midjourney Alternative)

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I'll show you the best free AI image generator in 2024 it's called playground Ai and it is still the best free mid Journey alternative playground AI was the best fully featured AI image generator free for the second half of 2023 and it is still 100% free and includes many of the features that the other paid AI image generators have as well as many of its own unique tools let's take a look at playground AI the best free AI image generator in 2024 okay to get to playground AI just go to Google and type in playground AI come up to the first result and here we are on the homepage let's check out the pricing right away and you can see there is a full free option here where you can create 500 images per day even if you're quite a heavy user this is going to be plenty and you can use the images commercially of course you have the pro and turbo versions if you want to have more images per day plus a few extra features but you really don't need that remember to check out the AI video maker course in the description and pin comment below you'll learn cool ways to make money with AI videos and you can try it out for just $1 back on the homepage we can browse through here real quick and see all the different features that playground AI offers requests like changing colors mixed image editing edit images by giving descriptions of areas you want to change make large scale changes like this expand the extent of your images like this or erase things from your images select images to swap its location entirely and use your imagination to add things in like this and there's much more check it out to get started you can just log in with your Google account and there's no need to put put in your credit card details there's a really great tutorial that you can do inside playground AI which I recommend you do to access that come up to the top left and click here we're going to learn to use What's called the playground AI canvas and in this area here you can start a new canvas file or import a canvas file or in this case start the tutorial the tutorial then runs you through how to do such things as remove background or generate multiple images all at once erase unwanted objects from your image simply just like this this create image variations using image to image so using that initial image as the inspiration for further images where you can add in additional prompts to change the image overall and we learn to extend images beyond their edges and for more great tutorials there is a dedicated playground AI YouTube channel where you can run through different playlists and all the different things you can do in playground AI right we'll close that tutorial and the next thing we'll do is create a new canvas file we'll give this canvas a name and call it snow Panda next running through the left hand side here we've got image to image which we'll see in a moment we've got filters this is where you choose the style of the image that we're creating and you can experiment with that as you go we can use AI to expand the detail of the prompt which can sometimes make it better or we can choose to exclude some things from the image and we've got some pre-filled prompts here that work quite well on the right hand side we can choose between the different models I recommend stable diffusion XL can change the image Dimensions which for the free version is limited to this size we can change the prompt guidance which controls how much the AI Works to create these images probably seven is a good amount to start with I recommend setting the quality and details to 50 and then we can choose the number of images per iteration let's select four for now for this example we're going to generate an image of a panda riding a snowboard on fresh powder snow through trees we'll click generate we'll speed this up for the purposes of this video this greatly depends on your internet speed but in 45 seconds here we can see we've generated four Images all of them are reasonably quite good pretty much what I was picturing probably the first one here is the most believable though I could go ahead and generate another four if I like but in this case I'm going to delete these three to get them off of my canvas and for future iterations I just want to choose one image next I'm going to use the image to image feature which you can select by clicking this button here I'll just move this generation frame over here for now and then I don't need to change the prompt I'll just generate again and we'll run that through quickly and here's our next image Based On A variation of that first image it's probably not quite as good as the first one so I'll just stick with the original one in this instance and now we'll try extending the image otherwise known as out painting in playground AI so again I don't need to change the prompt I'll overlap this box here which tells the AI which part we're actually wanting to sample and extend from here's what we come up with uh it probably doesn't look that believable so I might just change this uh I might get it to use a smaller frame to see if we can get something a little bit more accurate there we go that's a little bit better our Panda number one now has a little in the top right here doing his own thing let's try extending on the other side now at this point it can be a good idea to copy and paste your images so that you have your original image with the extended part unstacked and now we'll use the Stacked image as our new inspiration image so again I'll just take this small sample area and out paint this to extend the image here we go we've extended out this side and we can see we've got another Panda snowboarding out over there it doesn't look that believable so what I'm actually going to do here is just raise this third p Panda Al together so I'll select the erase button up the top here choose object eraser and paint around this third Panda which I want to get rid of and then just go ahead and click AR raay okay that's finished and it's actually done a pretty good job I was probably not quite accurate with my paintbrush so you can see just a little bit of the snowboard there still but for the purposes of this video I'm happy with that before now saving this image what I want to do is upscale it so I'll click here and then choose upscale by 4X it'll go ahead and do that and I can go ahead and download like so play around with different filters with your test prompt and see what you can come up with playground AI really is a fully featured free mid Journey alternative that is definitely the best free AI generator in 2024 check out this video next to see the four other best free AI image generators also subscribe to the channel so you can get more AI updates as they happen thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Tim Harris Video AI
Views: 46,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney alternative, free midjourney alternative, ai art generator, ai art, better than midjourney, free ai art generator, best free ai art generator, best ai art generator, best free ai image generator, free ai image generator, ai image generator free, best midjourney alternative, free ai art tool, free ai tools, ai art generator free, playground ai, playground ai tutorial, how to use playground ai, free ai art, best ai art generator 2024, ai art generator 2024
Id: i26WnckdEOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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