Image To Image To Leonardo Ai Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome to a new video in today's video I'm going to be doing a imageo image guide using Leonardo AI so if you want to learn how to create better imageo image Generations using AI this is the perfect video for you a little uh kind of just message that I want to go ahead and state before we begin the video is that for the people who are just simply looking at Leonardo type stuff the reason why I make stuff like this is so I can use it to make money so I encourage you to look at some of my other videos and the way I make money doing this is I'll create different images post them on different products for sale and then I'll make money off of those products for sale so as an example there's a website called Society 6 I'll create different image Generations that will go great on products for Society 6 and then those products people will find them and they'll buy them I'm giving you guys like the 30 second base summary there's a lot more to it uh but that's just a perfect example of how I make or or essentially what I do with these images all right so today like I said you guys clicked on this video you want to watch a imageo image guide I'm going to show you how that's done so what I like to do is obviously I have to first have my actual image so I'm going to be using and hopefully you guys can see this I'm using a tool here a Chrome extension tool um called the unlimited images plus Analytics tool this tool is from Bots and so I'll just pull it up here I am an affiliate I'll leave my affiliate Link in the description box down below uh this is the tool okay um I made an update about this tool update video uh if you want to see that update video I'll leave that link in the description box down below if you're one of my consistent YouTube Watchers uh but yeah I'll leave the link in the description if you want to check out this tool but basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to first find an example of an image to use all right so let's say I'm in the mood to make a pattern I guess you could say a CH cherry pattern let's actually search for Cherry here and um as I do hold on I'm going to turn this um for just a little for warning guys I'm turning the search volume off for now because I don't really need it for this tutorial and I'm going to search for Cherry here and let's see what we get here let's see we have all kinds of different photos um I think this is actually pretty cool cherry blossoms right this is like the the uh flower behind the Cherry so I'm going to Let's enlarge that a little bit later and then let's download a few more images so here we have uh more pictures here this is actually good this is good I'll take these and remember that the the imageo image conversion is you're utilizing different elements of that image and we'll show you what those elements are let's go ahead and think of another keyword let's use the word um let's use the word Thanksgiving I know we uh did Thanksgiving just passed let's go ahead and search for it as well right so Thanksgiving here we have leaves that's actually a good example um and then we have we have a bunch of people partying maybe these pumpkins are good as well we'll take that why not so now we have a few images we have pictures of pumpkins we have pictures of cherry blossoms we got all kinds of stuff now it's time to go in and start configuring our AI image generator in this case Leonardo to go ahead and do this for us so I'm going to click AI image generation here and I'm going to just clear whatever it says here right and by the way guys the settings that I like to use is first I'm going to be using the fine-tuned model of Leonardo diffusion now the reason why I'm doing this is because there's a lot of people who have the free account of Leonardo AI who might be watching this and the cool thing about this is that it takes in as low amount of credits as possible with no other features enabled so if you look here I don't have Alchemy on I don't have prompt Magic on I don't have any of that stuff on so we're we're doing the bare minimum right now and then here we have this button that says image guidance and basically what I can do is I can take that image and I can upload it to Leonardo so I could turn this on right and I could remove the previous image that I used and I could just drag and drop whatever image I'm using so let me go ahead and pause this real quick and actually drag and drop an image for the start of this video okay so as you guys can see this is an image of like I said these cherry blossom that are pink type color uh like the flowers on the tree right the the the flower petals whatever you want to call it looks really nice right I'm going to take this image and this is a let's see here it says selected aspect ratio doesn't match the dimensions of the image match your output aspect ratio for the best results so what they're saying is this image aspect ratio is a 2x3 right that's really what they're saying and for my image Dimensions right here to get the best results possible should be close to a 2x3 if you look here my current aspect ratio is 584 pixels x 512 which is kind of like a almost like a 4 to a 3 and 1/2 like kind of like that's how it would look so this is a basic 1:1 ratio and I'm just going to go over here to aspect ratio and click 2x3 so now it's a 2x3 so now I don't have that warning right here okay and right now image image guidance is currently on and if you notice here if I go to my generation history we have this box over here that says image guidance number one and it shows here in image guidance number one a strength for that specific image so I can use a higher strength I can use a lower strength and I'm going to actually show you guys the differences between the two so you guys can fully see what it is but with that being said I what I want you guys to do is I want you to look at the actual image and describe to the AI what the actual image is so I'm going to go over here and I'm going to write in cherry blossom right and that's that's simply because that's what it is cherry blossoms and flowers something like this right I could write petals here here and let me go ahead and right click here let's see pedals and let's just put a comma there and what I'm going to do is I'm going to let's just say I want this to be a pattern I'm going to go over here and I'm going to turn tiling on do you guys see this setting here I'm going to turn tiling on and what tiling is is if you want to create some sort of pattern that is seamless within uh uh Leonardo diffusion uh excuse me Leonardo AI it will create an AI image that is pattern typed right and so I could take this image and I can create a generation now before I do I want you guys to understand what you're seeing here you're seeing a strength of 28 so essentially we have a top of 090 we have a bottom of 0.10 and basically the more strength there is the more your output will look closer to whatever this is if I move this up all the way it's going to be very very very similar the whatever output to the image I personally don't want it to be that strong let's just say I move it down to 20 right or TW let's say 25 because we definitely want some some color to it we want some you know some settings to it now it's time for me to add details to my prompt so let's now that I've described what the actual image is I can now go into it and describe more of my own details because that's what the the AI is going to take into consideration so let's say I type in the word ornate let's say I actually hop into my AI tool here and I pull up some details right so here we have like for example uh we have the word lost in a galaxy background t-shirt design Street Wear I'm just thinking of random words so we have handdrawn illustration we'll take that right and I'll add that here and then let me go ahead and separate this and let's just look up for something again let's look for something else Dynamic action scene featuring superhero minimalist illustration um detailed illustration of a rose with a focal point intricate patterns okay let's type that intricate pattern of petals and leaves let's add this right so notice what I'm adding here so I'm adding different things we have illustration intricate patterns of uh P petals and leaves um now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go into my color tool and I'm going to generate some random colors that I like so let's see here this Pink is pretty cool let's use this pink color this E2 B8 whatever color that is I'm going to go ahead and use type in color and add this and then I'm going to do it one more time uh but I want something dark in this case let's go with something like this color right so I want to see elements of that okay and let's go ahead and hit generate so now what we did was we generated two generations for the cost of two coins and for a lot of people who are struggling with the amount of coins that they have you could definitely do pretty well with this so if you look at this pattern this does not look too bad it doesn't look too terrible first of all it was a fast generation these look drastically different without making any changes very quickly I'm going to set this to eight and I want to see what it can do for eight Generations right and we'll just see what happens and now after these eight come out we'll get a a better understanding as to what kind of Creations can it actually be capable of creating and you could see here in every aspect of my prompt here is alive right so we have handdrawn effect right we have intricate patterns of petals and leaves we have all of that we have that colors those different colors that we requested we have all that and they incorporate them in different ways and they are tiled right because we asked it to be tiled what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you guys some Chang that you can make that will alter things so for example without me touching the strength here I can change my guidance scale so let's say I want this to be at a higher guidance scale let's say something like a nine I'm going to hit generate before it wasn't a nine now why does this matter what is the guidance scale actually do the guidance scale just means that I am telling the AI right that I wanted to understand what I'm saying more and apply what I'm saying more to the image so if you look at this now it's applying more of the color concepts right now it's applying more of the art right and you could see when I wrote the word ornate it's starting to come out just a little bit more in terms of the vibe of the design right what if I remove the word actually let's not even get into removals right now before we get into removals let me increase the strength now that you guys have an understanding of what can come out once I increase the guidance scale so you guys see these are the results with a guidance scale of 25 let's increase it by 10 points and let's hit generate let's see what can come out out of it now remember what we said about guidance scales when you have a guidance scale and you increase the strength it makes the images more similar to that of the original so let's see let's see here boom so you could see now little more details well what if we go up all the way to 0. five right or actually let's let's throw a Hail Mary here let's go to 60 let's hit generate let's see how similar it will be to the actual uh image right the photo that we downloaded and you could see here all kinds of different stuff and I also want to put things into consideration of how effective this could be in very particular situations but look at this look at how amazing this is you're getting a whole different type of result in the beginning it looked something and I I hate to say this but almost like like a like a pencil drawing right and I'm not trying to degrade it in any way but look look how we developed over time time look at what it was capable of seems like 60 makes the image almost look alive in real life what if we took this and we moved it down to just like 0.5 right maybe that's a better answer let's see and remember we're creating so many generations the nice thing about this is that the cost of the tokens is so low that you can create as much as you like you know um so there's a lot of opportunities here so look at this look at this art it almost looks like somewhat real life in a way let me go ahead and take this and decrease it even more let's go to 04 right or 39 whatever the case may be right so we're looking at this and we have all kinds of all kinds of different art of different calibers like this image looks odd to me compared to this image and once again you can use these images for patterns you know if you're a seller and you watch some of my videos in the other platforms you can do this uh so you got a lot of different stuff here so now that that's taken care of let's try to now kind of change some things up so let's just say I don't like this handrawn effect what if I remove the word handdrawn and I just write watercolor okay watercolor illustration something like this if I do this right and I hit generate remember we're still at the 0. five for what was here how is it going to significantly change or manipulate the output of the image there's a lot of things that could potentially change right so look at this now we have some may argue better results and this is part of the game with the AI guys is it's all about experimenting and sometimes you need to have the coins and the resources to do so which is why I took the energy today to try to figure out a strategy for you guys that can potentially cost you as low amount of coins as possible or resources as possible so now that that's kind of taken care of and and we kind of see what's going on here let's do things where we test different you know images and we see what the outputs are so what I'm going to do is head over to the uh the image guidance and delete the image and then just upload a new one so let me go ahead and do that real quick okay so what I did was I uploaded this image of the pumpkins right and this image of the pumpkins is telling me that it needs a ratio aspect ratio of a three2 right so I'm going to go over here and I'm going to select 32 just like that notice how that warning symbol went away okay so now that that's taken care of I can also now and I'm going to teach you guys a little bit more advanced how to select different selectors for your image input so here we have an a simple image to image selection and we can make future videos on this but we have image to image we have Edge to image we have Edge to image alt or alternatively we have a normal map we have pose to image sketch to image text image input all of these have different functions okay and they're usable for different videos I'll make different videos on them in the future but with that being said image to image is what you're going to want to use in the beginning as a beginner there's different functions that do different things like I'll give you an example POs to image is imagine if you have a character who's standing a certain way like in a pose a certain way and you want to create your car your idea of a certain character in the same pose but you don't want it to use the same details of that image then you use simply pose to image instead of an image to image remember that image to image is going to use all the details in your image so here what I'm going to write and this is just a pile of pumpkins right I can go over here delete all of this and I could just simply list what it is so pile of pumpkins right and that's simply what it is so pile of pumpkins in various colors of orange or various shades of orange that's probably better okay and then what we're going to do is now we tell it the details that we want it to have so first I'm going to write pattern that's what I'm going to write and I'm going to write green Vines actually instead of Green Let's be more specific to it with a certain color code that we like so generate palette I like this green I can use this green so I'm going to write color uh vines on pumpkins all right just like this okay and what we could do is we could type in Halloween Vibe or actually not even Halloween Vibe let's just type in Fall season Vibe right and then what we could do is go to this generation history and just see what comes out of it so I'm going to go here into A3 strength then I'm going to hit submit then after that I'm going to hit submit on a 0.5 then I'm going to do it at a 7 right and we're going to see what comes out of it so remember I'm keeping my tiling here on you don't have to keep it on just simply what I'm going to do and then what I'm going to do here actually let me add something to this I'm going to type in watercolor painting right watercolor painting that's what I'm going to add and I'm going to set it to four so I'll hit generate four and remember this is going to create for me four generation AT3 I'm going to boost it up now to 050 so let's go ahead and do that real quick so50 I'm not going to talk about what it came out with immediately we'll go we'll get into that in a minute so 0. 51 that's good enough and then let's go over here to 064 and hit generate and now let's take a look at some of these results so we have this we have this we have this you guys can see the difference of what's going on here here we have clearly what seems to be like a painting or or not even a painting just like a like a handdrawn type art type design here we have something similar this is actually a little bit more usable than something like this this is not really usable in my opinion um this is okay but though if you really want to use this actually I take it back this is not okay this does not look good if you want to use this you have to use the AI image editor that I've showed in a different video which if you want to see I'll leave a link in the description and you can see here with this higher power Type image you could see now that it's just um this is just with more strength of the image it's it's clearly making it look disfigured to say the least and then here it almost looks a little bit better right uh but then again it's still not viable in my opinion so I think the best output for what we were looking for was this original so you just saw a situation where you know it it's not always good to increase this the strength sometimes you saw here like it was kind of a good idea and then other situations it's not so let's go down to that 30 again let's actually go to like Point let's go to like 2 22 that's good enough and what we're going to do is I'm going to increase my guidance scale here to an 11 so remember the guidance scale gives more emphasis to what's written as opposed to what's on the image and the image is giving guidance to what's the excuse me the image guidance is giving more guidance to obviously the image so let's go ahead and view these things here so now we got all kinds of different results and and this is not bad I could see an image like this for like a children's illustration book or something like that this looks almost like a photography Type image um this image looks good as well I would once again clean certain things up with the AI image generator image editor excuse me and once again the AI image generator I've made a editor I made videos on it on how i' erase certain things and how to remove certain things and fix certain things things like this in the image would not exist if it was up to me and uh you know that I would you know if you want to see that video I'll just leave it in the description box down below this image is actually really good this image is really good um I like this image the most though I I could use this for uh desk mats I could use this for aprons I could use this for t-shirts even I could use this for so many different things I could even use it for Zazzle believe it or not greeting cards you know invitation type cards a lot of different things I could use this for so um different opportunities for that but that's good you know this is good all right so let's go ahead and now take a a uh let's just say an experimental shot here and let's try to move this guidance scale up even more let's go to a 14 and let let's see what comes out of it now once again guys the reason why I'm doing these extremes is to show you guys what's possible with these outcomes and it's pretty cool you know to see what what would happen but um interesting interesting so remember we have the keyword fall fall season so it took that fall Vibe and added some pictures of leaves that's interesting we have another pumpkin image here we have another one here this one's actually really good um and this one is decently good uh once again certain situations this would work for um but you know overall it's not too bad I definitely would clean certain parts up of the image but that comes with the territory let's go ahead and now switch because I you know when we mentioned the fall leaves I'm going to switch this pattern to my leaf pattern uh or the leaf image so we can do something here okay so now here I've uploaded these this this photograph of what seems to be just like a pile of leaf leaves and this pile of leaves is pretty much all the same color and what I'm going to do is I'm going to leave it at a strength of30 okay and this is actually let's start at 025 24 why not 024 and what I'm going to do is I'm going to start working at this so I'm going to type in pile of leaves fall season just like this and I'm going to type in variety of fall colors and I'm I'm going to indicate what those colors are we have orange green actually green is not really a fall color orange red yellow brown okay um I'm actually not going to mention Brown because there's enough Brown in the original image already and what I'm going to do is I'm going to type in watercolor painting once again but this time let's draw some emphasis to it and let's set it up at an interval of 1.6 which is pretty drastic uh and let's yeah let's see what comes of it so just set that up now uh I have to set up the image size what's the image size is this 2x3 so let's go over here and let's sit 2x3 and let me just for the sake of this video turn off the tiling here and let's hit generate and let's see what comes with it and uh once that's created I I definitely do want to see because guys like I said you're not going to get it perfect the first time every time it's all about experimentation testing different things and see what can come of it so you see here here we have uh all kinds of different leaves this one is probably the best one based on the way they came out um this one's okay let's test here by taking the image strength and moving it down to like a 0.14 let's see if that does anything whatsoever and I think it will I think it will but but uh we'll see right so let's give that a second and there you go this one is a little bit better okay view this this one's okay right um instead of fall leaves I I do want to fix something I'm going to type in Maple Leaves just like that Maple Leaves because I think the photos in there are from Maple trees but we'll see um you guys know the maple leaf right it's like it kind of looks like that Canadian flag type Leaf something like that so let's see here so there we go so this is looking a little bit better right so we have the yellows we have all that kind of stuff um I can do an emphasis I can create an emphasis for yellow and let's let's go ahead and do this let's type in one point uh 1.4 and then we'll go in with red and do the same so let's do that 1.4 and format properly okay let's hit generate there and we'll see what happens now mind you at that moment the only thing we changed was really The Prompt we didn't really change any of the other details um not bad not bad this is definitely a little bit more of a change and once again this is a hard image to work with because it's just all one one color pretty much so I want to see what happens when we increase the guidance scale from 14 to 18 and notice how there's this like warning symbol and it says note that a high/low guidance scale can produce unwanted image results uh it creates image degradation we recommend using a guidance scale at around seven so if I use if I brought it down to whatever they say which is seven and I hit generate uh we could see what happens but this stuff doesn't look bad they could all be usable in certain scenarios very very specific scenarios um if you were doing or you trying different things what you literally could do is just upload random images I know not everybody's into that but uh you could see there's different things that you can do here uh for the fun of this video This is actually a nice one I like this one for the fun of this video what I want to do is I want to test a different diff uh model um it might cost more tokens um depending on the situation but let's test it let's hit generate so this is dream shaper V7 okay and before that let's go to diffusion again but let's turn look at that same same uh same same excuse me uh same cost on the tokens different model uh but I'm pretty sure not all of these models are open to everybody uh I think you have to have a Premium plan I could be wrong about that I have a Premium plan so I'm not sure but these look great this looks phenomenal if you guys are able to use something like this I highly recommend you use it in fact I'm going to upscale it because I will use it um and uh that's pretty cool let's for the fun of it try Alchemy let's see what Alchemy can do and notice how the cost immediately Rises to 20 um something that I hate about alchemy is every single time I turn it on it switches the sizing and it completely uh just like I completely forget and so that kind of happens a lot um so let me switch this back to 2 three create another generation of it and then what I'll do is I'll turn Alchemy off turn prompt Magic on and turn it into a let's just say a 0.5 let's hit save let's hit generate so prompt magic is a little bit more expensive than the regular and then Alchemy is the more expensive than even promp the magic so it's more expensive than them all and uh we could see here it actually did a great job you know it's not it's you know it looks it looks pretty good um even even in the uh with the the um the horizontal structure the vertical looks a little bit better it looks more realistic um for sure and of course you can make different things in your prompt that will give it the indication of a little bit more like handmade type stuff and look at this so this is with prompt magic and promp Magic didn't didn't really do as good of a job in my opinion it could but you can you work this for certain situations like I can see this on a Zazzle product or even on a red bubble apron or something like that especially you're going to make a customization but yeah guys this this is a lot of cool stuff going on here um so if you want to see more videos like this let me know uh but this is image to image with Leonardo AI I'll leave a link in the description like I said to learn how to edit some of these images with AI um like the AI will edit it for you uh like I said like certain things that you can erase from images edit certain things if you want those uh videos I'll leave a link in the description check them out and of course if you have any video suggestions or videos that you want to see let me know as well I'll talk to you guys later thank you guys for watching hopefully enjoyed peace out bye
Channel: Autopilot Passive Income
Views: 16,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: image to image leonardo, image to image leonardo ai, image to image leonardo ai tutorial, image to image leonardo ai free, leonardo ai image to image prompt, leonardo ai image to image vs image prompt, leonardo ai image to image problem, image to image prompt leonardo ai, leonardo ai image to image not showing, leonardo ai image to image vector, leonardo ai image to image kaise banaye
Id: A3C5_Xi0lI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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