Leonardo AI Masterclass 2024: Basic to Advance Prompting Tutorial

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the art world is changing folks and at the Forefront of this revolution stands Leonardo doai that is an AI image generator that's not just cool but it's really really powerful so hey everyone welcome back to skill cve very post daily videos on new cutting Technologies so in this video we'll explore the technology behind leonard. a its capabilities and advancements as well and also we're going to see how it can be used by everybody you know from artists and designers to marketers and entrepreneurs as well so this video will basically break down its basic delve into Advanced Techniques and answer your burning question about this game chaining tool all right so bu it up and let's unlock the potential of AI art Creation with leonard. a all right so first of all if we talk about leon. a so it is a sophisticated AI art generator and design platform that basically enables the creation of complex AI generated art Tri sending simple design so it basically you know offers a wide range of AI art models each with its own unique style you know allowing users to realize their artistic dreams and explore Limitless creative possibility so the main headlight about this tool is it basically excels in generating realistic 3D images facilitated by expertly designed prompts covering a variety of styles and themes you know from portraits and mythical creatures to futuristic Landscapes as well okay you know by uh adjusting these proms with targeted keywords and choose an R Styles preferred lighting and other criteria you can basically find two in your Creations to align with your artistic Vision like in no time all right okay so first of all let's just get the overview of leonard. a so you need to go to your any browser and type in leonard. Ai and this will basically direct you to its homepage where it say Unleash Your creativity with the power of Leonardo AI so after that you need to go ahead and click on create an account okay and uh first of all it will ask you to sign up with apple Google or Microsoft so you can go ahead and sign up with any one of them if you want so I'm just going to go ahead and sign up real quickly okay and then it will ask you to pick your username so I'm just going to go ahead and pick any of the username over here all right so you need to confirm that hit next uh but before you need to also select any of your interest I'm just going to go ahead and do that real quickly all right and here you go so this is basically the homepage of leonard. a so over here you can see we have lots of sample recent Creations that people have created and uploaded over here so uh you can go ahead and do that as well if you want if you want to create any of your Creations so you can see we have high quality image of a girl then we have a few paintings of an ego and take a look at these images right these look absolutely beautiful and Majestic like how realistic it is check out this one then we have a portrait of a girl like check this out how realistic this image looks so it also shows the prom details like what were the prom details also the parameter input resolution everything uh that you need to know about uh the particular image okay so these are quite beautiful images of basically all categories we have the animated one we have the animes uh we have the paintings black and white uh realistic like of every single category that you've been looking for right all right so before we jump into the features of leonard. let's just quickly go ahead and look uh at the pricing of this amazing AI generated tool so first of all you can get the free version in you can get 150 daily tokens uh you can reset once per day so uh you can go ahead and use the basic one uh like quite efficiently if you want then we have uh the $12 or $10 per month if you're going to go for yearly so in that you can get 8500 monthy tokens uh and you can go ahead and get access to lots of these features then we have $24 and $48 per month which has basically everything that you need in this amazing AI tool all right so this video I'll basically we go ahead and using the free version so that you know all of you guys can use and get most of this amazing AI generated tool all right okay so this is basically the homepage of this amazing AI tool leonard. a so first of all we have home then we have Community Feed personal feed training and data sets then we have user tools in which we have all the features and you can see that over here as well we have image generation we have real time canvas which is transform your sketches into art in real time then we have canvas editor so you can edit refine add details uh remove unwed elements modifi Styles and more and then we have motion so you can watch your ideas come to live in moments with generative video okay okay so first of all uh let's talk about these three features then we're going to go ahead and come to our main thing that we are here for which is image Generation all right so the first feature that we're going to talk about is Real Time canvas so real time canvas is basically the implementation of latest Innovations in image to image transformation technology so this feature is basically designed to convert drawings into stunning artworks nearly instantaneously revolutionizing like how users interact with AI for image generation so it basically offers an immersive intuative creative process that feels natural like painting on a digital canvas okay so how you can use real time canvas first of all uh you know go to the main page click on Real Time canvas in the left side bar then select the brush tool pick any color and start drying or you can upload an existing image to start with as well and after that into a prompt if you are looking for something specific watch as a realtime canas magically updates the output as you go okay then you can after that adjust the guidance in the advanced setting menus you can go and sty PR it and creativity strength if needed and as a paid user enable the high quality option if prefer so these settings affect the output in many different ways and after that you can press on the upscale limit button to save the result to your personal feed and generate great and refined larger version of the result and just like that you can go ahead and use the realtime canvas like a breeze okay so if I go ahead and tell you guys an in-depth example of this amazing feature which is real time canvas so I click on Real Time canvas and over here uh uh we have a star drawing ear and from here you can go ahead and select brushes so first of all let's just say I go ahead and select a green brush and for the brush size I go ahead and do it a bit small and I create something over here so as you guys can see it's already creating something as an output and if I can go ahead and increase the brush size all the way to the maximum and I just put a Green Dot over here so as you guys can see it's creating something which is totally not visible but hang on a moment I'm just going to go ahead and fill this up like an oval so it's still not recognizing like what I am looking for and now let's just say if I want to create some kind of alien so um I have to complete that I'm just going to go ahead and select my brush paint now as black and make it a bit small and now I'm just going to go ahead and create eyes of an alien let's just do that okay so now it's recognizing a little bit like that what I'm looking for but no worries now I can type in a prompt that what I exactly I'm looking for and I can say green alien and now it basically knows exactly that what I want to create with the real time canvas okay but you know um this image is not completed we still want some kind of background we still want something so how I can go ahead and change the background of this image it's really really simple I can go ahead and select brush once again change the color now and you can see we have a brush and then beside this we have a background option here as well okay so I can select any color and change the background and as you guys can see now we do have some kind of a visible background in our image so this is how you can go ahead and create real time canvas with just paint brushing Strokes all right all right so now let's just go ahead and test test out one more feature of.ai which is canvas editor so it says you can edit refine add details remove unmod elements modify Styles and more okay so now uh with this amazing image to image AI uh generation tool you can go ahead and modify your images and make them even more and more broad now with canas edor okay so this is a really really cool feature so for that let's just go ahead and select any image that we want to make broad within a Leonardo AI Gallery so let's just say I'm very much liking uh this photo so I can go ahead and save this image with me all right and now I can go ahead and jump to my canvas editor okay so this is going to be the interface of the canvas editor so I'm just going to go ahead and delete the canvas history and now uh we can see we have different options over which has pain hacky space then we have select and have draw mask raas all the other option that I'm I'm going to be showing you guys in a minute so now let's just go ahead and upload my image that I just saved with me here is that image and now you can see we have an outline over here that I can put anywhere to you know make this image more and more broader and more and more like detailed so now let's just say I want to enlarge this image by AI so I'm just going to go ahead and put this uh outline over here and I want this portion to be completed by this amazing AI editor ao. a canvas editor okay so over here I'm just going to go ahead and write in my prompt which is going to be create a photo realistic and high quality Masterpiece with a focus on Space Harmony love and happiness imagine a scene we a couple of space Travelers and all the detail that I want in uh this IM you know in order to enlarge it and more make it more and more outsourced okay so I'm just going to go ahead and select this and click on generate all right so as you guys can see leonado AI is generating the image by itself and it will complete this image like as much as I want with this outline okay so let's just wait for this one now all right so as you guys can see it gave me like four variations so it is completing with the mountains so this look absolutely perfect I'm very much liking uh the first image right over here is completing the mountains we have the space exact background over here so I can go ahead and accept and I can do the same uh for this one as well I'm just going to go ahead and click generate and yeah with these tools as well you can go ahead and uh in paint strand you can increase and decrease that as well for me I have taken that as increase then you can go ahead and select image Dimension number of images and all the basic features uh that you need to do and for that I think this looks absolutely good and I'm just going to go ahead and do the same for uh this part as well all right and here you go guys uh so this is our final image so as you guys can see this was our image before which was just uh you know in just a simple portrait aspect ratio and now with the help of the canvas editor We have basically maximized our image put in more and more information more and more details into that just with the help of AI with the help of a simple prompt okay so this is how the amazing feature of Leonardo canvas editor helps you in order to maximize your images with a charm okay all right so now let's jump into the main part of why we are here which is image generation so as you guys can see over here say generate art illustration Landscapes and more all in a variety of creative stats so if I can go ahead and click on this so this will direct me to the AI image generation homepage as you guys can see so we have lots of tools we have sidebar and we have the main bar over here so first of all uh you can see it's asking me to type a prompt over here so over here we can write our prompt and click on this generate so it will generate the image for me right away and then if you look we have lots of other options as well so we have number of images so from here you can go ahead and select like how many images you want for your proms so either you can select 1 2 3 four so you can select up to four for your free version then you have photo real so this is Al Leon's latest Innovation it is a powerful pipeline designed to generate hyper realistic photos and life like portrait so let's just say if you're dealing with something very realistic like close to reality so make sure to click on this photo real option and this will basically go ahead and increase the depth of field or raw mode you can click you can go ahead and you know make this raw mode on as well and this will basically you know go ahead and produce some of the most realistic images that you have never seen before okay then we have alkemy so this is another very cool option to increase the output resolution of your image so so you can go ahead and select this open as then we have public images then we have input Dimensions so you can go ahead and change the aspect ratios of your images if you want then we have some of the advanced controls and then we have guidance scills so yeah this is something that you can uh play with as well then we have timing so basically lots of other options uh that you can uh play with while dealing with leonard. but you know all the magic lies in creating or crafting a perfect prompt so for that let's just go ahead and discuss the perfect prom formula for crafting most effective promps okay so as you guys know like you know effective promp should be uh you can say clear concise details as a general guideline so promps can Encompass various elements such as camera angles types Styles and lighting so you know the skill is how is in the choice and arrangement of verse so what is the best prompt formula to create the most stunning and amazing images out of Leonardo AI so the pr formula is first of all you need to describe the description of the subject then you need to provide the typee of image then we have image style camera Viewpoint and additional rendering details so let's just say I want to create uh some kind of a surreal ccape and for that you know keeping in mind the prompt formula which was description of the subject type of image image style camera Viewpoint additional Runing details so I type in my prompt here which is a lone moss covered Lighthouse rises from a churing sea of emerald and and Amethyst is Beacon piercing a twilight sky of swirling lavender and apricot photo realistic Style with dreamlike elements low angle Viewpoint emphasize the Towering height and isolation of the lighthouse okay so as you guys can see this is basically uh the description of the subject then we have the type of image which is this as you guys can see then we have the camera Viewpoint so we have the low angle Viewpoint and then we have the additional rendering details which are this as you guys can see okay so it basically contains everything that we need in our prompt formula okay so let's just go ahead and hit generate uh to see like what kind of output is going to create for that then I'll be discuss few more parameters with you guys all right so take a look at these images these images look absolutely perfect and check how realistic these look right so based on you know everything that we provide through a promt formula which was description of the subject type of image uh camera Viewpoint image style and all the additional details so like take a look at this you know these images just look absolutely perfect according to the promt that we input which was a long most covered Lighthouse rises from maturing CF ML and amethyst and as you guys can see I provided uh the image style to be photo realistic right so just like that it created very very realistic images to us like you know I can barely see like this is not a real image this looks just exactly like a real image yeah right so okay if I can go ahead and open this image you can see we have lots of other options so you can either go and delete this variation or delete this image or you can go ahead and download the image then we have the copy to clipboard so you can copy the image and directly uh paste it right away and then we have the unzoom image which is this will got five tokens then we have you know remove background so if it is any portrait or any kind of that so you can remove the background from that very very instantly okay all right so now let's take one more example by following our promt formula so this time uh let's just say I want to create a human portrait of uh young woman uh which is a dream Beaver or something like that so I'll just go ahead and type in my prompt here that a young woman with eyes like star that sits suspended in the midair her fingers waving shimmering threads of gold and blue that form Fantastical Landscapes around her this is the whole description then we have photo realistic Style with a touch of magical realism okay closeup Viewpoint this is the Viewpoint then we have focus on the expression of Wonder and creative power so I know this prom contains all the details from our prom form okay so now comes the fun part so then you can see we have more options of uh cinematic add elements and as you guys can see we clicked the photo real so this option right over here helps a lot if you are creating like portraits human portraits okay so I'll make sure I have both of this option uh on so I'm just going to go ahead and save this and now I'm just going to go ahead and click on cinematic so I want some cinematic effect in my photo as well so yeah this looks absolutely perfect and now let's just go ahead and click generate to see the output of this amazing prompt okay all right so just take a look at these images these are absolutely beautiful and very very close to reality like I'm it's very hard for me to tell like this is not a actual or real image uh check out this variation as well then we have next one so this looks as realistic as it guess and we do have lot of cinematic effect to that as well that we just you know clicked in our one of the options so yeah this was a young woman with eyes like start a stch like suspending in midair her fingers waving shimmering threads of fold and blue from the Fantastical so uh it kept all those details and provided me the perfect output that I wished I ever could get okay all right so this was uh the AI image generation through our perfect prom formula now let's just go ahead and explore one more amazing feature which is negative text prompt okay so let's just say if I go to uh my sidebar and if I turn off this option which is photo real so now you can see we have the option of add negative prompts so what is negative prompt okay so let's just say if your images aren't turning out as expected like had to the negative promt feature for grade control so now you can basically list the elements you dislike you know whether certain colors or specific features you don't want in your images so this will basically guarantee results that match your preferences okay so the negative fromom basically what it does it excludes all those things that you don't want in your image okay so let's just say if you don't want any like crossed eyes like plastic look or grainy look in your image so you can type those things in your negative prompt button so if I can go ahead and enable that so you say type but you don't want to see in the image a negative prompt so you can go ahead and add those in your negative prompts and uh this amazing AI generated tool Le a. a will make sure you don't find that in your image okay so let's just go ahead and test this out with a negative prompt so let's just say I provide in my prompt here like an elder here like spun Moonlight sits under a Garn tree their eyes crinkling as they weave Tales of Forgotten myths and whispered Legends traditional painting style with EMP B tones and soft lighting close a Viewpoint portray the wisdom and Legacy pass down to Generations so let's just say for that I don't want certain things in my image okay so I say no more clothing so this is one thing I don't want uh in my image so I'll say this is my first negative prompt and let's just say I say overly clean okay so I don't want my image to be overly clean and I say stiff so I don't want any stiffness in my image as well like broad smile so I don't want my image or my you know portray to like have a broad smile and I say sharpness and I don't want like my image to have more sharp or let's just say go for over sharpness okay this looks good then we have distracting background okay this is another another cool thing to have so I don't want any distracting background in my image and one more thing cold colors I don't want cold colors artificial lighting I don't want artificial lighting as well okay so you know these look absolutely good so let's just go ahead and click generate to see uh what kind of output now is going to give me this and this time let's just say I go ahead and click um cinematic okay let's just go for that all right so now take a look at these images wow like these are absolutely perfect I'm literally amazed with how beautifully and how well it performed with their images so these look absolutely perfect right and keeping in mind our negative proms it gives us the exact thing that we needed so we want early and Elder here like spun Moonlight is under gal tree their eyes are crinkling as they V tails of foret and mids and in a negative from no modern clothing so we have no mod clothing here uh overly clean stiff broad smile so we can't see any broad smile in the image uh we have over sharpness so there's no over sharpness distracting background so background is really really clean cold colors we don't have any cold colors and artificial lighting so there's no such artificial Lighting in that such uh you can see we have Sunset directly coming to the face of this uh old woman right so yeah this is how uh the negative prompts these are very very useful okay so let's just say uh if you want to add it more and more into that so this is one of the best parameter you can use in your prompts generate like beautiful these kind of images okay okay so now let's talk about you know a few more features in AI image generation so as you guys can see right over here if I go to uh this dice option just beside the prompt one so we have uh new random prompt then we have improve prompt okay so if I can go go ahead and click on this new random prompt so what it's going to do is basically going to generate a beautiful prompt out of its own okay so you can say uh it uses basically the AI to create a perfect perfect promt for you so this is just a sample prompt okay so this is a very cool feature in ronado AI if you are having troubles with your prompts so you can ask uh the AI image generating tool itself to create a prom for you so let's just say if I can go ahead and generate this so let's see what it's all about all right so this is basically a dreamy AAL photograph from SLE odd ball Kraken floats gracefully M of background swirling colors thenly capture showcase the vibrate h of deep C cre Fe so yeah these images are absolutely perfect for what we prompted and take a look at this man I mean I'm literally literally Amazed by how good it performs uh with the realistic images okay so yeah this looks absolutely perfect seems like I'm just watching a real image not some AI generated one all right okay and uh one more cool feature we have is this option so now if you want to create or if you're looking for any of the options so let's say if you're into anime cinematics creative Dynamic environment General illustration photography 3D render sketch so you can go ahead and select from here uh to get the perfect output for your specific use that you've been looking for okay all right guys so now let's jump on into a fun part so I'll be discussing you guys all of the use cases uh that you can use in order to create the exciting images from leonard. so in this section we'll be using uh these parameters like these settings into our images as well and if you go to this section so you can see we have all the categories of anime cinematics creative Dynamic environment General illustration and all the other categories as well so you know uh in this section we'll basically be go ahead and seeing different use cases like if you want to create realistic images or portraits or such as anime characters ctoons 3D renders Landscapes all these use cases I'll be telling you guys the perfect proms for all of those use cases that you can go ahead and create images with Leonardo de AI without any problem all right okay so first of all all let's jump into the realistic images okay and for that as you guys can see we do have the option of number images so I'll keep it like that then we have the photo real so this option for the real estate images is really really important okay so I suggest you guys to enable this option if you want to create realistic so this will basically do this will uh you know cancel our negative proms so I think it's really worth it to click on this options rather than the negative prom because uh this will go ahead and enable our depth of field and raw let me just go ahead and open uh you know this as well okay then we have Alchemy will click that as well public images and mass control will go ahead and go for uh default settings on that okay so for the first problem let's just say I want to create a realistic human image for the RT s and for that I'll type in my prompt that a weathered wood carver sits hunched over their workbench sunlight streaming through a Dusty window Illuminating the intricate details of their latest creation just check out the details then we have have the style which will be photo realistic with emphasis on light Shadow closeup Viewpoint showcasing the skill and focus in their eyes Okay so for that I'm just going to go ahead and hit cinematic because I want uh the Cinematic option in this realistic image okay so now let's just go ahead and generate this image and check out the output for this one all right guys so take a look at these images right these are absolutely perfect so the mat is sitting on a workbench sunlight simming through a Dusty window as you guys can see and then we have the intricate details of the latest chisan photo realistic style so if I can go ahead and open this so this gets absolutely terrific right so this is as realistic as it guess so we have an old man who is uh riding something on a bench and sunlight is coming from a rusty window and yeah for that I think these images are absolutely perfect and check out like the realism and check out how much realistic this looks right okay now let's uh move to one more example for our real estate image category and in this one I'll be go ahead and uh taking an example of a ballerina so I'll type in a prom a ballerina in midair her flowing dress swirling the paddles in the hurricane as she catches the light in a stunning arsc photo realistic St with emphasis on one an Elegance slow angle Viewpoint highlighting the grace and strength of the human form okay so again we have the photo your option open cinematic we want okay let's generate this image and see the output all right guys so take a look at these realistic images there we have a ballerina so she is dancing and check out the details check out each and every in this image right this is absolutely perfect so we provided in mid here a flowing dress swirling like pedals in the hurricane as you guys can see the light in a stunning AR skew photo realistic St is on movement and elegance low angle Viewpoint as you guys can see we have a low angle Viewpoint over here so the strength of the human form okay so for that these images are absolutely perfect so that is how the Leonardo AI beautifully captures photo realistic images or you can say the realistic human images like a breeze okay okay now let's jump to another category which is a human portrait so if you want to create human portrait so Leonardo absolutely a that category with is beautiful a photo real style okay and for the portrait as well again I'm going to suggest you guys to click on the photo real option make sure you have dep of field as low and raw mode on we have the Alchemy on public images and the resolutions and every other things are going to be the same okay and the Cinematic option again enable for the port okay so all right for the first example example I'm going to type in my prompt that a young woman with a wind swep hair and eyes full of galaxies gazes out Horizon painted with swirling Noble a photo realistic start with a touch of serialism capturing the boundless imagination and launching for the unknown okay let's just go ahead and generate this image now all right guys so take a look at these portraits right so these are absolutely perfect just according to what we needed and you know basically uses the prone very efficiently and provided us the portraits just the way we're looking right so uh young woman with a wind here and eyes full of galaxies gazes out a horizon painting with a swirling Noble a so according to that this is absolutely terrific foro realistic uh Style with a touch of serialism capturing the boundless imagination and launching for the unknown right so yeah we got the perfect outputs for our promp okay all right let's take one more uh example for human portrait and for that this time I'll be going for a child or a person of a very young age so I'll provide a cous child bathed in Golden Sun reaches out to touch a butterfly fitting through a vibrant metal photo realistic J with the soft impress touch celebrating the Innocence wonder and boundless potential of Youth okay let's just create this image now all right guys so check out this oh my God I'm literally amazed uh with the detail and the performance of this amazing prompt right so this is absolutely beautiful we have a butterfly we have a young child uh who is Roaming In some field so we had a curba in Golden sunlight so it is he's building gold sunlight reaches out to touch a butterfly fitting through a vibrant mow as you guys can see photo realistic sty with a soft impressionistic touch celebrating the Innocence wonder and boundless potential of Youth so for that check out these images right beautiful okay so now let's jump on into the next category let's just say if you want to create some anime characters or cartoons uh how you can do that and for that I'm going to suggest you guys to disable this photo real option right over here and go to this option and select anime from here and now you can create very effective enime so for the first example let's just say I want to create an anime uh Celestial being with flowing Stardust here and I shivering like distant galaxies struming a liar that emanates Cosmic Melodies enemy sty with an emphasis on etal beauty and over woly Elegance okay and now I can go ahead and add my negative prompt here as well okay so I'm going to add like negative prompt I can say is avoid stiff rigid postures and then I I can say skip uh realistic ir and then I can say cartoonish appearance and I can say like bright solid colors and after that I can say Shar outlines and uh let's add one more which will be detail clothing okay so all these things I don't want in my uh anime character anime image that I want from this prompt okay so yeah uh negative prompt this will basically enhance our image more and make our image just way we want which is the eneme style AAL being with a flowering Stardust here okay let's just go ahead and generate this and take a look at that all right so check out these enime right these are absolutely perfect and with the help of our negative prom it created the exact enime that we wanted from our prom description right so these are absolutely terrific beautiful images right okay so next example let's is say if we want to create uh the cartoon characters as well in neon ao. a so how you can do that it's really really simple so for that I provide in my prom that a Zen sinus with mismatch socks and hair of Defying Gravity surrounded by bubbling concussions and Fantastical Contraption accidentally launches themel into a sky filled with giant gumdrops so this will be cartoon style Loney tones mes willly Wonka okay so yeah for that uh let's just go ahead and make our negative prom the same and for the category I'm going to be selecting let's just say let's just go ahead and select General okay so now let's just go ahead and create and see the output like how it's going to perform now all right so take a look at these cartoon correctors right these are absolutely perfect just the way we needed so we providing in our prompt like a Zan sinus with mismatch socks we have mismatch socks over here as you guys can see then we have here define gravity surrounded by bubbling conation Fantastical Contraption acally launches them into Sky fill with giant gumdrops so yeah for that now you can create as creative cartoon correctors as you want now with leonard. a without any problem okay okay okay so next up let's jump to 3D renders so 3D renders are also very important now in AI art generation so let's just see how you can perform or create 3D renders now with leonard. a and first of all for that I'm just going to go ahead and select my style as 3D render and for that I'm going to type in my prom that a Sleek spaceship navigates a maze of covering translucent Crystal skyscrappers their holographic projection creating vibrant neon Trace against a story backdrop emphasize reflective surfaces intrig geometry and a sense of our inspiring scale okay and for that uh let's just go ahead and provide some of the negative prompts first of all I'm going to say solid colors then I'll say uh sharp outlines then I can say like uh you know overly smooth surfaces and I can say as we like regular geometric shape static holographic projection Earthly uh architecture and the last uh no negative problem that I can put is flat lighting okay so this is really good all right so now uh we are all set so now let's just go ahead and generate and see the result or output for this amazing prompt of 3D render all right so check out this this is absolutely beautiful check out the 3D renders every 3D image this has so this is Cinematic as well so now we have a s disguise Scrapper with everything and you know for that I think the prompt we provided this images is absolutely perfect so we have a spaceship navigates ma of towering transp Crystal skyscrappers they holograph projection creating vibrant neon Trails okay yeah so for that I think we have neon Trails as well and a Skyrocket uh like urban area in the background so yeah leon. a basically a when it comes to 3D renders okay all right so now let's jump to our last category of Landscapes and for that first of all I'm going to type in my prompt that Sky Bridges weave between crumbling overgrown Towers piercing the clouds remnant of A Lost Civilization swallowed by the heavens emphasize overgo architecture it's real lighting and a sense of melancholic Wonder okay so for that I'm going to go ahead and provide some of the negative prompts as well let's go ahead and select Dynamic and generate this once again all right guys so take a look at these Landscapes right these are absolutely beautiful like very very realistic and you know a lot hypothetical just the way we wanted so we brought in from like Sky Bridges wave between crumbling overgrown Towers piercing the clouds so yeah this is good remnant of LW civilization swallowed by heavens so yeah for that I think uh these images can get are the best for the result that we wanted so yeah if you want to create now landcapes leonard. a has got you back in those cases as well and there you have it guys an exploration of leonard. a so I hope you're excited as I'm about the power and possibilities of this amazing AI image generation so yeah I hope you like this detailed overview of leon. a and I hope to see you guys in some other one until then take care bye-bye
Channel: SkillCurb
Views: 4,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, how to use leonardo, leonardo 2024, leonardo ai 2024, leonardo ai tutorial 2024, how to use leonardo 2024, how to use leonardo ai 2024, leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai canvas, how to, tutorial, Youtube, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai image prompt, prompt engineering, leonardo ai art, ai-generated art, ai image generator, text to image ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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