Leonardo AI ALCHEMY 2.0 - How to use it & is it any good?

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Leonardo ai's Alchemy has just had a big update with Alchemy version 2.0 the way you access it is if you're creating your prompts and you have Alchemy turned on you head over to your fune model and you have these three new Alchemy version 2 models that you can experiment with So today we're going to go into some of the old images we created and we're going to compare them from the original Alchemy model to some of these new Alchemy models to see what the difference is and Leonardo diffusion XL described as a next phase of core leonado model so it's basically their core model updated to match sdxl 0.9 is very versatile model you can see you get a lot of different types of images here uh few photo realistic ones but Al overall this a very flexible and versatile model to play with when you move on to Vision XL it's more about realism and photography and if you scroll down even though you get some images which aren't photo realism there's some truly stunning images in here that look like legitimate photos so you can see how each of these models has its own strengths and weaknesses that are worth having a look at the albo base is more of a CG and artistic output so even though once again we've got some more 2D designs here there's a lot of CG looking designs here with that 3D animated look or that animation look if you scroll through you can see some pretty cool images in here that are a little bit more sort of Fantastical and a little less more photography and real world based so a very cool model to experiment but let's take a look at what we can make happen with these models now last time I covered Alchemy when it was first released we started off comparing this image here which is a non- Alchemy created image to another image of the same prompt which was this image right here it was made with Alchemy and using the general preset so what we're going to do is we're going to remix this image we're going to use all the same settings and even keep the same seat but one difference is since things have been updated for one there's prompt magic version 3 but we're also going to switch to Leonardo diffusion Xcel and then create one in Vision XL and an ALB base XL so I've chosen that I'm going to hit generate and we're also going to generate with these other two models now check out these results if we start down the bottom which is the Leonardo diffusion XL we get some really stunning imagery this looks like a photo looks absolutely incredible we go over to the one next to it another stunning looking image even the way that it's created say the nose the nose is a bit thicker than what You' normally see it looks like this actually has a bit of character and personality to it and has a really unique style I zoom right in it's just incredible looks just like a photo we go up to Leonardo Vision XL and the crispness it looks like you're really up close to their face it's really they're really stepping it up with leonado AI and now these images are just incredible this one also if you look into the pupils of the eyes you can see just the detail it puts into the energy of the glow but even just the refined little hairs of of the eyebrow they've really done a great job at stepping up Alchemy and their entire image module image pipeline I should say to create something that's next level moving up to albo Bas XL and this one a little less lifelike but it still looks like a real object just a little more like a like a wax sculpture but still amazing like just the detail on the hair the cleanliness of the image the pores of the skin it just looks absolutely incredible and the second image a little bit more of a glow on the hood it looks this one's a little bit more striking but overall again just an incredible image that looks like completely Next Level and the other images were also next level to before Alchemy was in there so they keep on stepping this up every time and I'm really excited to see what else they come up with but let's move on and check out some other images to see what results we get next one we're going to look at is this 1950s hot rod parked inside a diner now I did this one without without Alchemy uh in the last video and then with Alchemy we got something that looks like a legitimate photo and was really a step up and I really think that uh this one worked out really well but using those same settings I've kept the same seed and this is Leonardo Vision XL and again it looks even more like a photo it even has removed the number plate which was actually uh not really an issue but it's just removed some of the confusion of lettering on there there's a little bit in the background but overall this looks absolutely incredible this image also it actually does have the number plate it's got the same color but again I would say it's probably a little bit neater than the other but not a huge step up being that it's a car there's probably not a lot to actually improve upon compared to a human face which we're better at picking the bits this one was with it diffusion XL again looking pretty pretty good pretty sharp and the other with the fusion XL and it looks pretty looks pretty sharp again another great Step Up in image quality moving up to albo base we got this one which again another step up looking pretty good and this one again with the back of the car still another great image uh overall the tiles are a little bit funky here not a huge difference with this particular subject matter but still looking really incredible and this time I have an image of Scorpion which I used in a remix video recently I actually remixed someone else's prompt for this there's a whole bunch of stuff in here I normally wouldn't use but uh it's a stunning image so let's see what results we get when we actually do that with alamy 2.0 Leonardo diffusion XL has actually changed the look quite dramatically however still great image looks a bit more like a painting and this is again the same model moving on to Vision XL and we've got a bit of a combination between photo realism here bit of a drawn outline and the face looks real it's kind of like a blend of art styles in this particular image Vision Xcel again this one looks like a 3D render I think this one actually looks really cool again a drastic change in style but still a lot of fun albo bass XL has created this image which again is kind of like a mixture between say photo and 3D more of a 3D render style and this one here a little more artistic but with more photo realistic shading uh a different style all together but still pretty interesting but why we try something else this is another remix I did of Darth Vader as a eqa painting so why don't we remix that with the same seed to see what results we can get with the new Alchemy Leonardo diffusion has produced this which still has the same style but added a bit more shading and remove that flatness to it so it's kind of like a hybrid between a different art style with Uka this second one with the same model is a little bit closer to that style um but yeah just a little bit of a Different Twist on the style and over still a pretty cool image Vision XL however a lot more traditional styling even down to the color of the paper I really like the direction is gone with this instead of trying to enhance it and make it look like it's more realistic or something like that it's actually gone more traditional so it's always a good idea to experiment with different models to see what direction it goes in here's the other image again looking more traditional that brown paper color I really like what it's done with this image this time around with this particular model ALB Bas XL has made this a a little bit more of a dynamic layout similar style but it's kind of kind of like it's stepping outside of that like the still got some elements there but then there's a room around it uh with an actual sword in one hand and sort like a red scabard in the other so yeah pretty cool and another the other Alberto Bas XL another cool pose similar styling but again a bit more detail a little bit more dynamic in this look not quite true to the styling but still a really cool upgrade in the overall look of the image so it's cool it does enhance images quite well but in some instances you may be better off not using these if you're looking for a very particular style now this image here of a samurai warrior anime style in front of Mount Fuji this was done with straight Leonardo no Alchemy uh but still got quite a good result using the absolute reality setting so let's see how we go if we skip over Alchemy let's remix this image and see what results we can get upgrading to Alchemy version 2.0 again we'll copy that seed diffusion XL has created something very different this is more of a painting or an artistic style same with the other we've got that same seed but uh just more of a of a painting with some of the detail not 100% there but overall still a cool image Vision XL looking more like traditional artwork I do really like this the thing to remember is I did put anime style in that prompt so it is actually probably adhering to that a little bit more but still leaning more towards that Uka style which I think is really cool and again with this one here a bit more of an anime style drawing but still has a Uka sort of feel to it albo bass has the best faces here a real stern look and stare on this particular Warrior I love the stitching on the sword the way it's added that detail in there looking like a piece of art going to the second image similar layout uh still very cool a little bit missing from the face however we haven't actually upscaled any of these so if I take this image we'll run it and a few of the others through the Alchemy refiner to see what results we get when we upscale coming back to this first image I have refined all one from each of these areas so I've got the original the refiner and it looks like a whole different image and I did put this on high to refine the max out of it I thought that would be a pretty cool effect and it's turned out really good now again our original image with before we've refined it we add the Alchemy refiner which is set to high and a lot more lines and detail and if I look at the armor here we switch back the armor has also been refined a fair bit this is a refined version a little bit more artistic a little bit more detail here is our original image again for the last one the albo XL and you can see how we're missing a bit of detail around the face and it looks a little bit smooth switch to the refer and you get a much smoother look something very cool and we are going to do a video comparing the refiner as well so keep an eye out for that that should be coming out pretty soon now there is something else I want to touch on before we wrap up and that is something else I wanted to try upgrading but I go into my personal feed and I open up this image now this is a pretty pretty good looking image already and I wanted to try this with the new Alchemy however it is made with photo real so when I go to remix you notice I can't change the model because as long as photo re is turned on that model is under the control of the photo real model so at the same time we can't actually move photo real into these new X L models that are under Alchemy but photo is actually pretty impressive on its own and you don't really necessarily need it so I hope that's giving you some insight on how the Alchemy version 2 Works remember they are just different models as well even though they are a step up in many ways sometimes they might be a step sideways depending on what you're after so if anything this is an expansion on Alchemy not necessarily a massive step forward although it is a big step forward in a lot of ways so you have more options now to create stunning images when working with Leonardo AI especially if you have a premium plant so that's the video for today guys I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please consider giving the video a like otherwise hope to see you again soon have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 5,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai alchemy, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai alchemy, ai art alchemy, leonardoai, leonardo ai art, leonardo ia, leonardo ai how to use
Id: g09WlbBXaLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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