Change Your Words | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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isaiah 57 and verse 19. i gotta teach this i didn't want to preach this or teach this today i had another whole sermon ready and the lord said just teach it just teach it and it brings me joy when i think about it that's how that's how i know what god's will is a lot of times when i'm preaching like like i'll be caught between messages the only thing worse than not having nothing to preach is having too much to preach and and and what i do is i what what i get excited about that's the one i go toward and that's what i feel right now about this message because it can change your life this is an amazing verse verse 19 isaiah 57. i'll back up to verse 18. i have seen his ways and will heal him i will also lead him and restore comforts to him and to his mourners listen to this i create the fruit of the lips peace peace to him who's far off and to him who is near says the lord i will heal him i create god said i create the fruit of your lips i create the fruit of your lips he is in separately and separately linked man to his creative power through our words our tongue our lips whatever you dare to utter i create the fruit of your lips the word create means to prepare to form to fashion god said when you start speaking what my word says and praising what my word says and pray what my word says i start creating forming and fashioning it fashioning it in your future i create god said the fruit whatever you're speaking i create i form my fashion when it's in line with my word whatever you dare to utter with your lips i form i prepare man is the only creation that god made that can talk in that way we are like god out of all creation more like god than any other creation in that we can speak we can believe in our heart and speak something from our mouth man has the power to speak man has the power to talk and confess god took speech away from the serpent you remember satan came in he possessed the body of a serpent and he spoke to eve but god took the ability for animals to speak but you and i can speak just like god who said in the beginning and god said let there be and there was just like jesus when he showed up john the book of john said that and the word notice the definition of who jesus the word became flesh that's how powerful words are to god and and i say to you today the greatest one of the greatest lessons that god ever taught me some 30-plus years ago was when i make you promises open your mouth and speak what i tell you because i create the fruit i form i fashion i prepare the fruit of your lips you right now are the composite of what you've been saying your life right now is the composite of what you've been saying if you want to become different you must change what you say change your words and you will change your life because the bible said he creates the fruit of our lips he gave you two ears two eyes but only one mouth he wants you to do twice as much listening and looking and reading as you do speaking i create blessing or trouble with my words i create harmony or discord with my words if my words can fill my home with hell my words can fill my home with heaven i have death in life according to proverbs 18 in the power of my tongue what do you need this morning what do you desire this is not a game this is not pie in the sky hype just feel good something another this is the word of god what do you need what do you desire what do you seek do you need healing do you need family harmony do you need a financial miracle do you need peace do you need deliverance from from some terrible thing that's destroying your life words change the atmosphere of your life for good or for bad words are like seeds and if you throw out flower seeds flowers start springing up if you keep speaking words that are in line with god then those things begin to blossom in your life now listen to this very carefully hebrews 13 5 if isaiah in the old covenant said god creates forms and fashions the the utterance of our lips listen to what hebrews 13 5 said by him speaking of jesus therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually everybody shout continually let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually here's the rest of it that is the fruit of our lips that is the fruit of our lips he just told you what the fruit of whatever you continually praise god for he creates and he forms i create i create the fruit of your lips and hebrews 13 and 5 defines what the fruit of the lips are it's whatever we praise and pray for continually before god out of his word the fruit of our lips is called praise if the fruit of our lips is praised based on the scripture i just read you whatever we continually praise god for will begin to manifest in our lives it's true in mark chapter 11 in verse 23 it said you can move a mountain with your words for he said in mark 11 verily i say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain isn't that something not pray say talk to the mountain whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed cast into the sea catch it and shall not doubt in his heart what he says he shall have whatsoever thing he saith which is not say sayeth means continues to say speak to the mountain jesus said jesus taught that lesson speak speak to it joel 3 and verse 10 said let the weak say i am strong in other words the very opposite of your feelings the very opposite of your emotions the very opposite of your reality let the weak say i am strong i'm gonna make it i've been down but i'm getting up the moment you say that like seeds you begin god begins to form and fashion your comeback the moment you speak it you can't even get saved without believing in your heart according to romans 10 believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth hosea 14 and 2 change my life take with you words and turn to the lord well god i don't know what to say no no take with you words powerful promises from god and turn to the lord as for me in my house we will serve the lord believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house you said it and you told me to turn and take with me words and turn to the lord you are my healer but you were wounded for my transgressions bruce from my iniquities chastisement peace was upon me by your stripes i am healed you know what i'm doing i'm coming in alignment with god's word and god begins to form fashion and prepare the victory that's coming in your life let me keep going say amen somebody three examples mark chapter five the woman who had gone to every doctor she could go to to get healed and couldn't get better but she said within herself you read right over there and miss it the key to it she said within herself if i can but touch the hem of his garment she said something and when she said something something changed the atmosphere of her life changed because she said something when david fought goliath we forget that goliath every morning and every evening would walk out and he would say send me a champion and trash god the god of abraham isaac and jacob and trash the people of god he did it in the morning he did it in the evening he did it for 40 days every morning the first thing they heard was terrifying fearful words because the enemy knows that words create an atmosphere and so goliath would walk out every morning the first thing they heard waking up was a voice of fear the last thing they heard going to bed was a voice of fear and for 40 days he did it until a young boy named david showed up and he said who is this uncircumcised philistine that meant he's not in covenant with god like i've got a covenant with god and then he said this day the lord will deliver him into my hand and god did it it looked impossible but god did it he he looked small and the giant looked big but when he said something it created an atmosphere that god could form fashion and create the fruit of his lips the syrophoenician woman in mark chapter 7 you'll read right through this story and miss the biggest part of it she had a demon-possessed daughter who could not get free from demonic powers a satan worshiper she was bound and possessed by demons and in all kinds of evil wicked stuff and she comes to jesus and says set my daughter free and jesus said it's not right for me to give the children's bread to dogs in other words you're syrophenician you're not jewish and i haven't gone to the cross yet and i haven't done away with with with all of the blessing of abraham is contained only for the jewish chosen people and and and she starts arguing with jesus and she says but even the dogs get the crumbs that are under the table and jesus marveled at her faith and then it says this in verse 29 for this because of this saying the devil has left your daughter this very hour because of this saying she said something she taught faith instead of disaster and fear and failure when you begin to speak what god says it changes things the devil had to leave there are three voices that want to talk to you the voice from the pit it cries disease it cries cancer it cries divorce it cries every day that you'll let it it's it's like goliath it comes it says trouble it says humiliation it says loneliness it says there's no hope it says give up that's the voice from the pit that's satan and then there's the voice of god and his voice always brings hope his voice whispers healing health it says peace it says joy it says forgiveness it says acceptance it says salvation it says success which voice are you going to believe because there's the voice from the pit and there's the voice of god but it's your voice that has the the the the the majority vote in proverbs 18 death and life are in the power of the tongue and that's so powerful that death and life are in the power of the tongue therefore when i say things like well you know that guy didn't have enough money in this thing but when i say i know my steps are ordered of the lord god forms and fashions when i say i know that god is not a man that he cannot lie god forms and god fashions i'm gonna preach a few more minutes kenna in first kings chapter four second kings chapter four a woman had a problem in her family her son had died in the field and she took him to the prophet and while she was approaching the prophet the prophet sent his servant out to ask the woman is it whale i love those words and her answer was a classic she said it is well because he asked first is it well with you she said it is well and she's in the and the servant said is is it well with your husband and she said it is well and then she said he said is it well with your child and that's when we would have fallen apart but she didn't she said it is well you know what you need to do when your family's going through a hard terrible situation open your mouth and proclaim it as well oh preacher you believe that's that simple i believe it's the beginning i believe it's the beginning and whatever i continually and i've got the pattern of the bible in other words there comes times when you have to get the bad news out and bring the good news in and say it is well it is well i could sit around moping and talking about all the problems or i can get up and say i believe in a supernatural god and he's got a contract and a covenant with me about my family everybody shout it is well shout it again it is well matthew 16 jesus said i must suffer and be crucified and in three days i'll be raised and peter interrupted him and said lord this shall not be jesus turned and said get behind me satan listen to this you speak not the things of god you why did he call him satan you speak not the things of god i'm telling you that can be said over a lot of christians because when we get in situations we only go by what we feel or what we believe or what we see and we're not speaking the things of god now i want to quickly give you this in the book of james chapter 3. he gives four examples of the power of your words and your tongues and he gives four illustrations one time when i was younger and crazier in order i preached a whole sermon on james chapter 3 and i rode in on a horse into the sanctuary a big old horse i rode in from the side into the horse and the horse started acting a little crazy and i just jumped off of it and he could have just killed people and you know you don't think when you're young like that lawsuit but i was so impressed with this james chapter 3 that i thought i'll do an illustrated sermon and and i had the horse and i i had i walked him up and down the alder area and when i tried to turn that's when the issue came but but of course i had two ushers on both sides amen they were ready to shoot him if they had to i don't know what they would have done just joking i'll get bad letters on that i love horses but here's the point that james makes he says the tongue is like a bridle that you put on the powerful horse sixteen hundred pounds muscle he could out power you anytime he wants to but if you can control his mouth you can control the direction that you want him to go in even if it's stronger than you are once you control the mouth you control that powerful powerful animal and he said the tongue is exactly the same way if you're going in the wrong direction if you get control of your mouth you change your words and things start changing the second illustration he gives in james 3 and verse 4 and he said it's like it's like the rudder on a boat in the middle of a storm can you imagine getting in a terrible storm in a tiny little boat that has a rudder you know what a rudder is it's that part that goes into the water of a boat that determines what direction the boat goes can you imagine somebody getting in a terrible storm the winds are are blowing and the and the ocean is splashing and and it looks bad and then just let go of the rudder and let the rudder just go with the wind and go with the storm that's exactly what people do when they get in storms they let their tongue go loose and they say all kinds of things they say all kinds of things to one another they say all kinds of things to their children they say all kinds of things about their frustrations and their anger and all of that and what you're doing is it would be as crazy according to james as letting go of the rudder in the middle of a storm if you want to get through the storm james says grab hold of the rudder and speak where god said you're going not where you are and how bad the storm is and he said if you can control the rudder you'll get to the other side you'll get out of that storm then he gives another illustration he said the tongue is a fire it sparks it sends four sparks and and sets on fire the whole forest your tongue can burn down your house your tongue can burn down your business your tongue can burn down your future and your family even smokey the bear knows only you can prevent a forest fire what are you burning down by the words that you're speaking i'm telling you the bible is very practical book you just keep well i didn't have a father and because i didn't have a father all of that is true and life is hard so what do you do about it you understand that god creates the fruit of my lips so i'm going to speak what god says and what god has promised me and i'm going to and if i can't say nothing the bible said if you think evil put your hand over your mouth he's saying don't speak it because if you speak it it's birth and i'm not talking about legalism i'm not i i'm like everybody else i have aggravating days and i have days where i just get frustrated with situations but ultimately i've had to come back to this lesson over and over and over in every aspect of my life and realize that if my life is getting off track and things aren't going right and i'm not seeing the favor and the goodness and the blessings of god in my life it's somewhere i've gotten off track with this right here boy if you ever get that it will change your life i'm not up here playing games i'm telling you one of the greatest secrets that you could ever hear about the kingdom of god if you're saved through the blood of jesus christ you're going to heaven if you've confessed believed in your heart confess but that doesn't mean that you're going to see all that god wants you to have here on earth it's not until you line up with kingdom principles and one of them is i create the world you're in right now is the one you've been speaking that's hard but it's true don't shout me down when i'm preaching good one more one more one more he said the tongue is full of deadly poison i was hunting one time in a field and i heard a rattle down at my feet i had a shotgun we were hunting pheasant we had some dogs and and were walking through high bushes and i heard a rattle and it sounds just like at the movies it was a rattlesnake and i looked down and that thing was just reared back and ready to ready to go and at that moment i felt supernatural faith just come over me and i said in the name of jesus and i picked him up that didn't happen none of that happened what happened is that's what happened and it was over but he compared the tongue to a rudder of a ship the bridle on a horse a fire that can with one spark can burn a house down into deadly fangs of poison you can poison your marriage you can poison your family you can poison your children you can poison your relationships the first thing that isaiah felt as they come to the keyboard the first thing that isaiah felt in isaiah 6 and verse 5 is he said when he got in the presence of a holy god i woe is me i am a man listen out of all the things he could have said he said woe is me i'm a man of unclean lips which tells me when we get in god's presence probably the first area that we feel conviction about when we see him face to face one day will be all the things that we should have said that we didn't say and the things we said that we shouldn't have said i want to i want you to hear this verse hebrews 3 and verse 1. consider jesus the high priest of our confession consider jesus listen to who jesus is the high priest of what what we confess jesus another another way of looking at it is he is our attorney he stands between us and god and satan is the prosecuting attorney he's the accuser of the brother and jesus is the high priest of our confession and he says you say you say it and i'm the high priest of your confession and i represent that before the father when you ever get this revelation it'll change your life and let me let me prove it with one last illustration right out of the scripture in luke chapter 1 this this this changed my life one day i don't know any other way to say it it's really something when you understand the power of your words god is about to bring a messiah a redeemer the savior of the world jesus christ into the earth for the first time in history of course but before it happened the prophecy had to be fulfilled that john the baptist his messenger would go before him and so the angel gabriel in luke chapter 1 appears to zachariah an old man he was a priest in the temple and he was old and his wife was very old and the angel said you zachariah have been chosen and your wife and your wife is going to have a son and you shall name his name john and he will be he will be the forerunner of messiah and the bible said that zachariah started saying all the reasons why that could not happen and god did something instantly to him that is interesting the bible said that the angel shut his mouth and made him go mute for six for i'm sorry for nine months nine months he could not speak god said what i'm trying to form fashion in the in in the in the womb of mary the virgin which will be the messiah i'm forming fashioning and creating a messiah and i don't need you to hinder the process by not allowing john the baptist to come and be ready to announce him so i'm going to have to close your mouth supernaturally for nine months you will not be able to speak and for nine months god shut his mouth because death and life are in the pot but but but watch this nine months later [Music] john the baptist is born and then six months later jesus is born but when john the baptist is born the family the bible tells a story the family is arguing over what the child's name will be called and john the baptist came and zechariah can't say anything he can't talk he hadn't talked in nine months but the bible said they brought him a tablet and something to write on and they asked him what shall we call his name and he wrote john they thought he should have said zechariah jr but no the angel said nine months ago i believe now john and the moment that he did that your bible said and the string on his tongue was loosed and he began to magnify and praise god the point is this what if you think what have you been praising god for what what if god gives you what if god says to you today i have linked my promises in your life to what you're saying i create i form and i fashion the fruit of your lips you need to go deep this morning you need to say like i think it's psalms 134 creating me a clean heart and a right spirit let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight wow the words of my mouth the words of my mouth matter that's why i don't think christians ought to be driving around listening to blankety blank blank blankety blank blank blank playing and mouthing it and singing it while you're blanking blinking then pull up roll up and throw your hands up and try to get a blessing and think i'm crazy cause i'm up here shouting a few minutes ago but but if that's what you listen to death destruction filth and garbage then that's what's down in your heart oh you didn't see that one coming did you but boy when you when you roll up and you're listening to some praise and worship it just makes a difference it just makes a difference so i want you to stand to your feet all over this campus all of you on the outskirts i love it all the way out in the parking lot what do you want god to do for you what do you need god to do for your family he creates the fruit of your lips so i'm gonna i'm gonna be very very plain in our closing moments but if you're here today and you would say pastor franklin i need a change in my life i need a directional change and it all begins with the mouth that's why romans is so important the way to salvation believe in your heart confess with your mouth you know what you're doing you're grabbing hold of the rudder instead of your life just going like this all over the place it's that powerful thing that controls that mighty horse but he says the first place and by the way when the holy spirit was poured out in acts chapter 2 the first thing it affected was tongues of fire they begin to get a new language the holy spirit understands the out of all the things the holy spirit said we need to control that tongue because it's life or death it's heaven or hell here and in the life to come and if you're here and you don't know every head bowed every eye closed if you're here and you don't know where you stand with god and you don't want to leave it to happen chance but you want to know that your life is moving in the right direction this morning you want to know that god is forming and fashioning and creating a new you the moment you confess him as lord he begins to form and fashion and create a brand new creation the old things pass away and behold all things become new but he never comes where he's not invited that's why this is so important i feel the weight of eternity right now pastor pray for me i'm not right with god i'm not going in the right direction my life is off track and i need a change in my life and i know it begins every knee bowels every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord he stands ready today to call you his child if you will acknowledge your need of him pastor pray for me i want that kind of relationship i need that change in my direction i'm ready to confess jesus as my lord i want to embarrass you i'm going to pray for you but if that's you boldly raise your hand right where you're standing right now just keep it high just keep it high raise it high and unashamed doesn't matter what anybody thinks it doesn't matter what anybody says you feel something right now that you haven't felt in a long time and you know i've told you the truth it's time for change and it begins with confessing jesus is lord just keep your hand high anyone else raise them high all over this place all over this campus wherever you are that's beautiful that's fantastic just keep your hand high [Music] every one of you now with your hand raised and everybody around them say these words with me now lord jesus i know that i have power when i speak your name and i ask you to wash me to cleanse me and to forgive me and now empower me fill me with the holy spirit and teach me how to talk and teach me how to walk and teach me how to live like you want me to live i give you my life i give you my everything i confess you jesus as my savior i am forgiven i am free i am delivered say it i am free i am delivered from hell from destruction i am saved and i have a future with jesus christ now clap your hands and praise the lord now i ask him to sing this song in closing because you can hear a sermon but there's something now that ought to happen as you look at these words and you confess these words they're going to make a difference over your family in your life and i want you to ask the lord to make you very sensitive to how you speak to one another in your home and in your family and even about frustrating circumstances in your life that feel so out of control grab hold of the rudder in the middle of the storm especially grab hold of the rudder say oh no i believe god all right don't raise your hands high one more time open your mouth now and fill the whole atmosphere and campus with praise that's that's the fruit of your lips which is what you pray so get a praise phrase hallelujah glory to god lord i know your faith lord i know you've got a plan you're ordering my steps somebody needs to tell them that you're ordering my steps i there's no doubt in my mind you got you got peace connections ahead you've got divine encounters you have you're my miracles you're my healer you're my healer somebody needs to claim in faith [Music] his words [Music] is [Music] and what we need to say as we leave the service today in just a few moments [Music] to keep your promises [Music] to be [Music] oh [Music] here you are [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] come on can we lift up a shadow praise come on can we lift him up [Music] it says in ephesians chapter four that worship is the most effective thing you can do with your time so when we keep worshiping we keep praising we're actually making the most effective use of our time because we're lifting our god up today we believe there's freedom we believe there's restoration and worship can we lift our hands just one more time church can we just bless you this morning may the lord bless you may he keep you may his face shine upon you may lift his countenance towards you and may he give you peace church we love you we want to tell you about some stuff that we're doing easter is coming up it says it says this in genesis chapter 45 joseph said god sent me before you to preserve your life this is what i want to challenge you whose life is being preserved by the invitation that you're going to invite them to let's invite somebody to church let's invite somebody to easter we're preserving life and destiny we want you to get connected today make sure you go get into a small group speak words of blessing over one another while you leave take some time bless somebody tell them how much you love them tell them how awesome they are if you want to give those giving stations we want to thank you for your generosity every single week we could not do this without you we love you church be blessed as you go out bless somebody tell them how much you love them take some time to talk about what god did in your life and have a great week we'll see you next week 9 and 11 be blessed [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel OC
Views: 5,661
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: inspirational stories about jesus christ, inspirational stories about jesus, stories about the holy Spirit, stories of hearing God's voice, inspirational stories about following jesus, people who have heard God speak, Live every day for God, Live a life of significance, voice of the Holy Spirit, how to hear God's voice, free chapel orange county live stream, free chapel orange county, free chapel in orange county, Free chapel oc live stream, free chapel, jentezen franklin
Id: SCxC_cAqo-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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