The Pom Wraith AU | Pikmin Comic Dub

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[Music] yeah took a nasty hit in battle after kicking some Beast ass where's my ship realizing what's going on P are are you okay we lost video feed of you after that attack bleeding out right y get her on the Beagle I'm fine I was lucky didn't take any damage no examination necessary there's no way I mean I saw you you were hurt right Yanni we must have been seeing things what let's head back for now Yan yeah I'm ready to go now wait but but but dingo did Shepherd let you out here of course I'm absolutely equipped to be out here really yeah I just need some rest then I'll be good she is a wraith same species as these guys hi this is our human disguise she starred Life as a speck of organic material on an asteroid grew up on an undisclosed Planet karut as is on her ID is made up or fake she drifted into the rescue Corp it's strange that you're the only one who didn't crash land on this planet I was lucky they're quite fond of you new blood we have some of the most advanced Medical Technology on board to support our rescue mission is this safe I take great pride in monitoring the health of my crew mates I know everything about my crew mates it's my job as a doctor huh what hey dingo Bernard told me to tell you not to drink the Smoothie he left on the kitchen counter what Yan why would I I wonder why dingo uses a nickname for Yanni is that how you express that you're friends should I be doing this too but what do I say I don't think I can use the same one as dingo H Yanni Yanni pilion oh I got it hi papy don't call me that hi Dick hi what what oh are we not on a first name basis first first name yeah dick isn't dingo short for your full name dick Ringo dick Ringle congratulations on your work so far rookie you've done some great work we're so lucky to have you as an officer I hadn't seen such impressive fieldwork in ages thank you h i see the rookie is already being acknowledged by our captain good for her in his mind That Should Be Me dingo actually out on the field to help pal it's his first time h M I see I see stop smiling already knows the solution shei and I go back a bit I met her when she was still on a captain in training when I joined the core I was undefeated in everything but she absolutely crushed me in martial arts and cross country she's so cool it really made me respect her martial arts is that fighting thing right so shepher punching him made him respect her is that normal respect is a good thing right should I be trying to get the crew to respect me and that it was why now he respects me too enjoyed that more than she probably should [Music] have oh newbie curious what I'm doing I'm maintaining my knife a tool like this can become a Ranger's best friend at any moment it's important you keep all your tools up to Snuff this thing isn't a toy though you got to handle it with respect got it Rookie of course someone with my level of experience doesn't need to be worried I've handled this thing for ages once you get to my point as a ranger you never have the fear of your tools I uh don't want to see any blood uh don't worry I don't have any oops oh quit pushing me rookie exposure therapy can you not pom has to get some blood to pass a crew wide medical examination tomorrow dingo do you have any spare blood I can borrow no do all girls talk like this later that very same evening there something smells nice giving a morning lecture not paying attention shoot I think the jar of Dingle blood broke how should I get more explaining soap taste like unbelievably jealous of her built Kebab are you sure about about this yeah all right oh my God I'm going to die alone Lou Palm tastes sweet and has a rich consistency slight floral aftertaste inedible can you turn people into race theoretically yeah can you no I'm not turning you into a wraith so you have builtin Kebab ate all his food and most of Pals immediately now just talking about AR proud member of the alar fan club proud member of the alar fan club I am so sick of these damn stabbing bugs hold on Lucky are you okay that was a big hole Don't Panic Don't Panic it's okay I'll get you to yawn right away I'm okay dingo if dingo knows she's a wraith uh I don't think anyone else saw are you like bleeding out I know you don't have blood but that's it looks like and it looks pretty painful if thingo doesn't now oh wow I didn't know girls look like this on the inside thank God he's [Music] stupid is that something they learn a new officer training does she do that with her bare hands irresistible old man charm versus whatever the Palm has going on whatever the alar has going on versus cute girl [Music] charm I know you didn't didn't mean to hurt anyone the base camp was under attack you were trying to protect us we got in the way the wound you inflicted was accidental but they saw a monster I thought there's no way a face like that belongs to a monster but still it was an emergency we had to go and we left you behind I couldn't bear it I wanted to return for you but they wouldn't so I decided to do it myself I might get fired for this one but who cares I realized a little too late while you were the only one who didn't crash but it's okay I'm here to rescue you there was an SOS signal it must have been from your pad it was weak too weak to be picked up off Planet but it was something to follow and I did find something I sent my SOS signal I've never had to be rescued before so I can only hope I've done this correctly I do remember the first survival rule though I shouldn't wander away I'll stay here I'll wait surely they're coming back they have to I need to say sorry you must have started writing logs while waiting I guess you didn't have anything else to do I help they're hurrying I took a hit trying to defend everyone it hurts and I know I need to eat to repair myself but I can't leave they might be here any moment I wouldn't want to miss them even if it takes them a while to get here maybe someone passing will see my SOS signal and pick me up I think the signal is strong enough I wasn't always paying attention when would talk about how the SOS system worked I hope he's okay I need to apologize to him I don't know what to write about I don't remember this planet being so cold I don't think anyone is coming for me you left the video um hi I don't know why I'm recording this no one will see it I guess it'll be nice to say some things regardless uh hi this is for the officers at the rescue car I wanted to say that I'm sorry I didn't want to lie and uh I didn't mean to hurt anyone so sorry it was nice being part of you guys I wasn't there for long but your kind is really something else huh you're all so vibrant and fun I didn't always understand but it was nice I know one I wasn't a real officer or a real friend to you all but even just pretending was really nice at least I save some people that makes it all worthwhile right is this you pal isn't there anything left to save I'm an experienced Ranger I found myself in countless dire situations but this is definitely a unique one it doesn't matter though I'm getting off the stupid hunk of rock and I'm taking the rookie back with me I bet she'd be doing just fine on a solo Mission like this she had some real talent I wonder if that's just because she wasn't really human no that's not right I saw her the skill was legitimate no matter what she was she worked really hard for us she didn't really have a reason to but she put her life on the line to save folk she was a pretty good rescue officer it's a fist and then copy that she was definitely weird but honestly so are all the other officers here you're doing it Go rookie go remember your senior is rookie she would have fit right in you caught a wake up already rookie we got some apologizing to do to you now was not a good [Music] time you really failed you you didn't deserve this you were our best officer a better Ranger than me and we turned our backs on you I'm sorry P what what you came back for me pal you you're back oh my God I thought you were dead I didn't want to believe it but ow ow oh shoot are you okay you uh look kind of kind of goopy but that might just be normal and if so sorry for calling you goopy I'm okay I was just sleeping because I got a little hurt I just need to eat oh well I have rations with me or uh you're not human so you probably need something else right it's all right I'll help you I can just just give me the word are you crying what no no I'm not some dut just gotten my helmet I've experienced my fair share of luck to get where I am as a ranger but I think today's the luckiest day in my life I was given a chance to save palm and I'm not resting until she's safe and back home with [Music] us wraith powers activate [Music] [Music] what [Music] d
Channel: Brohive
Views: 57,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brohive
Id: mD7tLWTEydw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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