Ranking EVERY Enemy from the Pikmin Series (ALL Main Series Titles)

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so I finished the main story of Pikmin 4 and I gotta say it was really good I do have some minor complaints about the game but none which affect my overall experience the only thing I hated was the auto lock-on cursor I found it really annoying especially in a swarm of enemies when it would just lock onto a corpse rather than the enemies trying to kill me I really wish I could turn it off and just have manual aim like the other games but now that I finished the game I can finally make a full Pikmin enemy tier list I thought about making one before the game came out but it would have been dated pretty quickly and with the new and improved piclopedia and four getting footage will be much easier the tier list only contains enemies from the main four Pikmin games so no hey Pikmin because I never played it and I don't care I also ranked each enemy in specific tiers rather than how I feel about them overall like I did for my Dead Rising video each enemy is ranked accordingly in their own respective tiers so the first enemy I mentioned is the worst in that category you could say also some enemies might get mentioned multiple times because there are variants of the same enemy or they were severely nerfed in future titles with that out of the way let's get started foreign [Music] harmless tier is for enemies that don't really fight back if they do fight back it usually amounts to absolutely nothing or if they do affect something like Gathering materials it's a minor setback at most white spectral Lids out of all the spectral Lids this one provides nothing you kill it and that's it you can Harvest it for one Pikmin if you're desperate but it's not worth your time in Pikmin 4 it has the chance to drop a single raw material but they're annoying to hit so just forget about them the skidder Leaf first appearing in Pikmin 2 the skidder Leaf is disguised as a normal Leaf until you walk by it and that's really it the only thing that it can do is knock down captains and the flower Pikmin but pretty much every enemy is capable of doing that while being more of a threat they die instantly if you throw a Pikmin directly on top of it they're not worth your time fighting or harvesting because they provide a staggering one Pikmin if the Pikmin would automatically Chase after it like the Flint Beetle it probably would have been more annoying wogpoles baby wallywags so you know these sinks have to be eradicated from this world kill them while they're young that's what Mom always said wogpoles are usually found in the shallow water and swim away when you get close they're pretty fast and hard to kill because of it the only time you're ever going to fight these guys is when you encounter blue Pikmin in the second game for the first time I ranked them higher because I find them to be more iconic than the skidder Leaf also in the shower room dungeon in Pikmin too they use them as ceiling traps which is hilarious because they do absolutely nothing although they have some weird Collision if they fall on top of treasure they can actually send it flying at least it's better than bomb rocks female sheer grubs so the female sheer grubs don't really do anything if you can guess by now they're easy to beat and harvesting them only provides you guessed it one Pikmin so in most instances I just ignore them the only thing they can do is eat bridges that you've built much like the other sheer grubs sure it's annoying if you built the bridge and left the area for a while to only then come back and see these bastards eating it but again it's really not hard to fix and it's not that annoying in fact in Pikmin 3 and 4 there are no Bridges they can eat so in those games they just exist I don't know why they're still around or do anything else different they're just there Medusa slurker oh these guys yeah I honestly forgot about them because I thought they were just a redesign of the jelly floats from Pikmin 2. they're kind of similar they can suck up Pikmin and keep them trapped until they eventually die from Sunset yeah the slurker can't actually kill Pikmin like the jelly floats they only die if the day ends and they still have Pikmin inside of them for me that just never happens and I killed them when I see them because I don't want them stealing my pigment away they're my babies there's also like two in the entire game and the first one has rock Pikmin and the second one has a treasure so why wouldn't you kill them waddle puss it blows bubbles trapping both Pikmin and captains inside I could see them being kind of annoying if you suck at killing them but I never found them to be that intrusive especially in Pikmin 4 because they lose the ability to capture captains and are in spots where getting stuck in a bubble isn't that annoying you could make an argument for Pikmin 3 where they're near enemies like the blenos who can take advantage of the stuck Pikmin but overall they're harmless ravenous whisker pillar you know how many times I was short on a spray all because these guys kept eating them too many times to count with sprays appearing in every game after Pikmin 2 I'm surprised these guys never came back farming berries just isn't the same without these guys eating all of them they're not hard to kill and don't respawn so you're free from their Berry snack and graph until the next day I suppose also they're kind of creepy because you like kill them but they're still alive but they're not like ball Bears where they come back to life they're still squirming when you put them in the onion it's very creepy grub chucker well this dude looks pretty menacing and he's quite the bulky fella don't be fooled by his appearance though because this dude is practically harmless now we can snatch up Pikmin and eat them but he'll only fully digest them if you're not fighting him and if you knock him to the ground he just spits them back out yeah if a pigment is snatched up and for some reason you just leave it alone then they'll die it's like the Medusa slurker in this regard I'll give him points for the ability to actually kill Pikmin just not as effective as most other enemies and he also looks pretty cool too so I gotta give him points for that swarming sheer grub another harmless sheer grub that makes up for it by being annoying it can weigh down things you're trying to collect it can suck up nectar making them bigger which in turn makes them heavier and weighs down things even more I guess they can be a nuisance but through my time in Pikmin 3 I don't remember them being that bad to deal with once I figured out what they did I just killed them and moved on you tried your best I guess they also only appear in one area in the whole game and after that they kind of just walk around and do nothing I guess they can steal your berries and maybe some nectar but why would you want to go back to an area where there's nothing to collect unless you somehow go back 10 years later and record footage of these things for a video you're going to make which I did [Music] The Helpful tier should be self-explanatory enemies that provide major benefits after attacking them usually in the realm of nectar sprays pellets or something even cooler nectarus dandel fly only appearing in Pikmin 3 the dandel fly is useful in getting a ton of nectar but that's really it it only drops nectar which in my opinion is a downgrade from the honeywisp which provides more and this thing replaces it in this game to be honest I just ignored attacking it most of the time because it was hard to reach without winged or yellow Pikmin and you don't come across it that often most of the time is also above water which didn't help out much either ujadani this is a strange enemy only appearing in Pikmin 2 in the wistful wild starting on day 31 and every 30 days after that point the ujadani are these small yellow bugs that are poisonous so white pic and are the best in dealing with them killing them provides a crap ton of nectar and sprays so it's definitely worth killing them however I rank them low in this tier because your average playthrough of Pikmin 2 probably won't even reach 31 days so most people will never encounter these guys I will say if you're playing a Pikmin 2 mod like Kaizo or lands of torture they're great in that regard spectral Lids butterflies that have the chance to drop nectar or sprays that aren't the white ones and I need to emphasize chance because it's not guaranteed you'll get something from them at least in Pikmin 2 later games that include these guys usually have a guaranteed nectar or spray drop when you beat them they're kind of hard to hit so I never care enough to fight them when I see them I at least try when I see a red or purple one in Pikmin 2 because sprays are super useful honeywisp these guys always look so peaceful when they appear and then you ruin their life by chucking a Pikmin at them and steal their egg which can provide nectar and in rare cases phrase they're much easier to hunt down in comparison to the spectralids so it's worth fighting them although I haven't seen it myself honey wisps have the chance to drop a third thing matites you don't want to be in a room full of Hazards if these things just so happen to come out of the honey wisp so many lost Pikmin I can see it now Bermuda originally an optional fight in Pikmin the Bermuda is a harmless beam that only attacks when provoked when he attacks he slams Pikmin into the ground which flowers them it's useful for sure but it can get annoying after a while if you run low on Pikmin and he attacks pretty often they can also be harmful to captains because they can get stun locked and easily die as a result in Pikmin 2 they become a normal enemy and act B seem except they don't need to be provoked to have them attack sadly they did not come back in Pikmin 3 but after a long Hiatus they make a return in Pikmin 4 and he's just a precious little man now he just sits on the ground and sings a little song without a care in the world it makes me not want to kill these guys this but some psycho over at Nintendo decided that the two Bermudas that appear in this game each have a treasure inside of them so you have to kill them for a hundred percent why would you do this iridescent Flint Beetle the first of three Beetles the Flint Beetle up until Pikmin 4 would provide pellets and nectar when you attack it the only way it'll drop this stuff is if you throw a Pikmin directly on top of it attacking from the side does nothing after hitting it three times it'll dig back into the ground and will appear another day in Pikmin 4 they can also drop raw materials which is a nice addition out of all these beetles this one provides the least useful stuff in my opinion but it isn't completely worthless iridescent glint Beetle the gold standard of the normal Flint Beetle unlike the Flint Beetle the Pikmin will actually get attracted to the shiny body of the glint Beetle which could lead them into possible danger hitting this Beetle provides five pellets on land and nectar if you're underground the third hit provides two drops of spicy spray or four if you do the Pikmin 2 exploit I think in Pikmin 4 they only drop spicy sprays so that's pretty useful too speaking of which in Pikmin two most of the time you find these guys underground and they tend to have treasure which is cool but they immediately disappear after you get it so no nectar sprays for you boltman the final enemy in the helpful tier baldmen are actually pretty annoying enemies they can eat Pikmin very quickly and patrol around dungeons similar to a ball bear they aren't as dangerous as those guys but if you're not careful you can lose a bunch of Pikmin killing them causes the smaller boltman following it to scatter whistling them causes them to follow you and you can get one of the coolest Pikmin types in the series boltman the best thing about them is that they are immune to every Elemental Hazard which is great if you don't have enough of a certain type of Pikmin while they are neat they have drawbacks for one you can't get baldman if you have a full Squad of Pikmin with you and they are dungeon exclusives so if you leave they stay behind which is why they're also great with Candy Pop buds too convert them to purple Pikmin and they'll be with you forever thank you [Music] [Music] foreign into the tiers where the enemies start to become a bit more vicious this tier contains enemies that I find to be not that hard to deal with these guys usually work better in larger groups or with tougher enemies they can be dangerous but only if you're careless phosphat scraping the bottom of the minor thread tier we have the fast bats they usually come in hordes of like 10 which seem scary at first but they die quickly and if you walk over a glow cap they get scared and run around losing Health if they do grab a Pikmin their speed in which they die is also very slow they spawn out of pods which is a little annoying but again easy to take down you'll only lose a Pikmin if it's stranded somewhere near them Sun squish one of the many mimic enemies in Pikmin and it took them long enough to make a nectar one I like the idea behind this guy but he definitely isn't something dangerous he's able to kill Pikmin if he stretches his body out and they happen to stick to him he can only be harmed by hitting his yoke which isn't hard to pull off they could be found inside of eggs but it was only ever in the early game dungeons these guys would have benefited if they were in later dungeons or even fell out of honey wisps snoot whacker there are two variants which act pretty much identical to each other the miniature one is more common it has a thick hide so the only way to damage it is to have Ochi charge into it and flip it over if you do this while riding him the Pikmin will latch onto it killing it almost instantly it has the ability to crush Pikmin with its trunk but most of the time it swats them away it can be annoying sometimes because they can get knocked into hazards or off of Ledges as for the bigger one the mammoth snoot whacker it appears once in the main story and takes two charges to bring it down besides that it has a bigger range when it attacks I've still yet to lose pigment to it though calcified Crush black I don't remember this dude maybe because he appears once in the main story of Pikmin 3 this guy is normally coated in a glass shell but for some reason he didn't spawn with one when I played again with that shell he can crush and kill Pikmin when he jumps don't worry though because they're a rock candy pop buds nearby to convert your Blues into rocks to break it if you don't want to do that bring a bomb rock into the fight to break it instantly after the shell is gone he's completely harmless he can't even squash the blue Pikmin they just get replanted the only threat are the plenums in the water the crushplat could kick them into the water where they can get eaten it's an interesting enemy too bad you never see it lesser spotted jelly float I always like these guys they sing a song when you're near them and adds to the dungeon music and Pikmin 2 in Pikmin 2 they were not hard to beat you can easily weigh them down before they have a chance to suck a Pikmin it takes a while for the Pikmin to die so you can save them before their demise they were only Annoying if they were behind a gate and they suck up Pikmin from the opposite side they were buffed in Pikmin 4 because they can't get weighed down at least from normal Pikmin and they try to fly out of range to avoid damage using ice Pikmin makes him a complete joke though because when they freeze they crash into the floor and break instantly Scudder Chuck they pick up rocks and Chuck them into the air to crush Pikmin Rock Pikmin make quick work of them so they're not too bad it can be annoying if you're carrying things back and they just so happen to be there and kill a few Pikmin in Pikmin 4 they can lift up other objects like bombs which is way more dangerous than a rock it's not the only enemy that can Chuck bombs now yeah we'll get to the other ones soon Scorch cake time for the three cake enemies first off is The Scorch cake which has a Fireside the cake enemies flip over on their Elemental side when attack and the only way to harm them is with the Pikmin immune to that type or beat it to flip over again to the non-burnt shocking or frozen side since they're Elemental they can actually crush and kill Rock Pikmin I put the Scorch cake as the worst one because fire tends to scatter Pikmin away from the creature shock cake same as The Scorch cake but with electricity electricity is worse because they'll get stunned in place and crushed a lot easier as a result Freeze cake the same issue with the shock cake Frozen enemies are stuck in place so it's easier for them to die I forgot if a Scorch cake dies while it's attacking it can still crush and kill Pikmin and then it dies it's like the OG wallywags aristocrab Offspring cute little baby versions of the normal Aristocrat most of the time they'll be close by an adult one or buried under the sand for a surprise attack it can blow bubbles like the adult one and can snatch Pikmin from those bubbles to eat them it can only grab one Pikmin at a time and they're pretty easy to beat so they're not all that annoying like the bigger ones Mama sheer grub I can't believe it they made a female sheer grub in actual enemy now Mama sheer grubs are the thick sheer grubs with the ability to crush Pikmin with their massive body they hop often but they don't go very far so it's easy to avoid them also again Rock Pikmin make them no issue unless they're on a hard surface or something moldy salooch a poisonous variant of the pyroclasmic salooch these guys are essentially just a reskin with a different Elemental type the poison sacks on their backs can be hit to deal extra damage but they also let out a gas cloud so nearby Pikmin could get hit although you really can't fight these guys with any other Pikmin besides white ones so pyroclasmic slouch the more annoying slouch but still not that threatening this version just appears more often and sometimes I don't have Red Pikmin to fight him they also leave behind a trail of fire which lingers for much longer than you might think the molding one does too but it feels like it disappears quicker I've lost my fair share of Pikmin to these guys I hate to admit it but at least they die quickly Downy snagrit my favorite out of all the snackers because it's just a little guy who hops around for my time in Pikmin 4 they didn't attack that often but when they did they can grab up to two Pikmin before eating them much like dwarf ballboards they're not hard to take down but usually come in groups of two or three also they can be hatched out of eggs much like the sun squish so surprise snowball board it's that time time to talk about the dwarf bullborps and their many variations starting with the weakest one the Snow Bowl board only found in Pikmin 2 inside of dungeons in comparison to the normal Red Dwarf bulb orb it has less Health overall they still act the same and are usually found in groups of three with a larger Bowl board right beside them they're annoying only if they attack alongside larger enemies this goes for every dwarf ballpark to keep the next ones brief dwarf bullworb the most iconic of the dwarves mainly because it's usually the first enemy you kill in each Pikmin game much like the snowball orbs they're easy to beat throwing a pigment directly on top of of a dwarf ball Wars back kills it instantly it's a good thing to keep in mind for whenever you see these guys it works for pretty much every dwarf at least until now dwarf orange bowlboard more alert than the red ones but identical in every other way that was until Pikmin 4 came out now it takes two direct Pikmin tosses to kill a dwarf Orange Bowl board and that's it they're just slightly tougher to deal with moldy dwarf bulborb a dwarf bullboard that emits poison when hit from above if you swarm your Pikmin around it the poison never comes out and they've just become a regular old dwarf full board if you have white paper with you go for a drug shot because they die in one hit dwarf Frosty bulb orb this will be the last dwarf bull board for now and the most dangerous out of this lot you can't fight these guys with normal Pikmin they will instantly freeze and the ballboard will just grab them and eat them immediately ice Pikmin are the best way in dealing with them unless you want Little Pikmin ice pops to feed Ochi gulix a hidden boss at the impact site just like the Bermuda gulix is a giant water blob that will drown any Pikmin besides blue Pikmin if it touches them it's an interesting enemy but once you figure out you need blue Pikmin to kill it he's really easy for your trouble he drops four or five pellets not a great reward considering the Pearly clam clams or after this guy and give 50 Pikmin with each Pearl sadly gulix was the only enemy in the original game to never make another appearance at least his legacy lives on with the next entry foolix a boss I thought was really neat foolix much like gulix can trap Pikmin inside of its body to kill them although fulix kills them slower than gulix he can trap every type of Pikmin the only way to hurt fulix is to hit his core you do this by ganking on his tail to have his body burst leaving the core exposed after a while he'll reform so you can do it again it's cool enemy which sadly only appears in the cave you encounter him he disguises his nectar when you first fight him so much like the sun squish he could have been used more often wallywags from Pikmin 2 and 3. wallywags are probably the most infamous enemies in the whole series they were also infamously nerfed to hell and back after Pikmin 2. with the introduction option of rock Pikmin in the third game Wally logs had a hard time killing anything it also doesn't help that there was a limit added to crushing attacks in Pikmin 3 so at most the wallywag could kill like five Pikmin not even the gray Wally log appeared in that game Pikmin 4 they're a little bit tougher the crush limit was removed so it can kill as many Pikmin as it wants now but they jump less often are easily weighed down much like Pikmin 3. it only takes like seven Pikmin to prevent them from jumping as opposed to like the 20 you needed in the first two games at least the great wallywags returned they jump a bit higher and have more Health but they rarely appear chiliwogs I know it's chili hop they renamed the wallywags into Wally hops for some reason it was their name in the UK version but I'm still calling them wogs because it sounds funnier the chiliwog has these same Nerf properties as the normal Wally logs but this time they are isofied that's a word I made up whenever they slam the ground nearby Pikmin that just avoided death get Frozen in place that Frozen Pikmin will die if crushed again including Rock Pikmin it can be annoying but they appear in one cave the whole game so it's not too bad I see blow hog an icy version of the puffy blog instead of pushing Pikmin awake it freezes them in place still can't kill Pikmin but it can leave them as an easy bait for other enemies it feels like it attacks faster and recovers from falling much faster to the original one but much like the chiliwog it appears in one dungeon with barely any enemies nearby to take advantage of the Frozen Pikmin there's potential for sure with this guy in DLC missions armored Cannon Beetle the first appearance of the cannon Beale species he's scary at first but once you fling a Pikmin into its blowhole it's game over for him the original Cannon Beetle died very quickly in the game he appeared twice so at least he had a shot at Redemption technically Pikmin 4's horn Cannon beetle is a different enemy but it's so similar that I'm just gonna group them together the horn version attacks slightly slower but has bigger boulders to comp compensate it also can't be killed in one cycle this time making it the tougher version he's still very easy to take down regardless Tony blister first appearing in Pikmin 2 it made little impact only because there was just one in the main story at the perplexing pool it does however appear in challenge mode for a single Mission it later appeared in Pikmin 3 or can now shoot ink when you hit its tail poisoning Pikmin it can't shake them off anymore it's more noticeable in Pikmin 4 where if a Pikmin is latched onto the very tip of the blister's tail it can't do anything about it until it eventually dies a set end to the blister it can eat Pikmin a lot of them actually but they move so slow that you're unlikely to lose any armored mod ad as first bosses go it's not that hard like a lot of enemies in Pikmin 3 Rock Pikmin is the way to go and really the only way to effectively damage this guy throw rocks and break his shell to then actually harm him as for attacks he'll charge into you and try to catch Pikmin in dismandibles it's easier to avoid but there will be the straggler that gets stuck like a and dies as a first boss in Pikmin it was better than the first encounter with Empress ball blacks and Pikmin 2. joust might this enemy replaces the cloaking borrow net from the second game and it still remains as a replacement to this day in my opinion it's a downgrade the joust Mite is much easier to hit and isn't as out of nowhere in comparison to the borrow net instead of being vulnerable in the front the back side of the joust mine is the weak spot which juts out more than the bone its face did the Joss mic can snag three Pikmin at once unlike the baron it's one Pikmin so I guess that's a point for him pearly clam clamp a Pikmin went exclusive for a while until Pikmin 4. they first appeared at the impact site holding both the ship part and Pearls which can give you 50 Pikmin each attacking the item in its mouth causes the clan to pull back before chomping down the window to call back your Pikmin is pretty wide so you won't lose a ton of Pikmin to this guy after you knock the item out be careful because it can still attack in Pikmin 4 it's pretty much the same enemy it no longer drops pearls but it can now be killed and brought back to the onion personally I prefer the 50 Pikmin puffy blow hog honestly I never found the puffy blowhog to be that annoying the only game I found him slightly agitating was in Pikmin 2 because you could blow Pikmin off the side into a bottomless pit or blow Pikmin away from Gates other than that he was just there I like him Pikmin 3 where they gave him a corpse upon defeat and just flops to the ground like a deflated balloon it was funny when I saw it the first time 10 years ago man it's been 10 years I feel so old Gilda manwi a salamander with a piece of gold affixed to its back knocking the gold piece off exposes the mander's weak spot and you can kill him from there I will say they can be annoying I found purple Pikmin to not be that effective when knocking off his gold because they slide off and potentially eaten Pikmin are attracted to the gold that drops and can be eaten if the Mander picks the gold back up and the gold actually affects the treasure gauge which is annoying if you're trying to complete a floor it's a really solid enemy overall in my opinion anode Beetle an enemy that can easily wipe out your Pikmin but attacks so infrequent that it isn't a huge issue anode beetles attacked by chaining together with another anode Beetle creating a string of electricity that zaps anything that walks through it in Pikmin 2 it's instant death while later games give you the chance to save them much like the glint beetles you need to flip them over in order to hurt them the Pikmin 4 variants are nerfed and they are much easier to kill but they weren't hard to deal with in the first place so it's not really that much of an issue wait until I talk about the snitch bugs then I can complain it's also pretty funny but kind of mean to just leave one Beetle alive it can't do anything if it doesn't have another Beetle to connect to please put an F in the chat for the many lone anode beetles still out there struggling inside of caves to this day foreign move on to the next tier I actually completely forgot to put in the bearded amp rat I noticed this when I was editing the fifth tier so to talk about it now this thing has the ability to rub its fur and conduct electricity zapping Pikmin around or on top of it any shocked Pikmin can easily be eaten by the amp rat this is an enemy that catches you off guard the first time but every time afterwards he's not that big of a deal would you look at this thing and think it's capable of zapping your Pikmin probably not I would rank this guy lower than the puffy blowhog the puffy blow hog was more of a nuisance than this guy ever was [Music] oh [Music] another aptly named tier this tier consists of enemies that I just find annoying to deal with or have the potential to be a pain in the ass sometimes when I play I like to show off or over exert myself which ends up being stupid because a bunch of Pikmin died because of it and I like to blame these guys for it definitely not myself flighty joust might this one just made it to this tier thanks to its flying prowess I know I've mentioned flying enemies before but those were either harmless or a non-issue every time I see a flying enemy it just annoys me because I think of things like snitch bugs which are a pain to hit but much like the normal joust might it's not that hard to hit because he has a fat ass which is easy to hit also Pikmin 4's dumb Auto lock-on makes him much easier please add a toggle for this Nintendo I don't like the auto lock on if he didn't have those wings he would have been tossed out a tear greater spotted jelly float I was prepared to pair this guy with the Lesser jelly flip because they are identical the only difference is that the greater version has more Health can suck up more Pikmin and Captain but with the buff they got in Pikmin 4 they were kind of annoying to take down I know ice Pikmin makes them a joke but I tried not to implement cheese tactics in my rating it feels like they kill Pikmin much quicker and avoid you much better than the Lesser variant also I don't think they can suck up captains anymore like they could in Pikmin 2. I tried it just didn't work albino dwarf bulborb originally planned to be ranked near the other dwarves but they're just a bit more annoying to me mainly thanks to the nighttime Explorations where they appeared quite often in the beginning areas they also just walk around much like the baldmen and caves so going for an ambush is a bit harder to pull off they could be on the same level as dwarf ball bears but thankfully they don't appear that often trusted rum pup cool enemy but the name is kind of stupid when you look at a creature like this you expected to have a more terrifying name crusted rumpup sounds like a dog who wipes his ass on the carpet anyway this guy may not attack very far or very very fast but the impact is devastating if you're slow to react or if you have Leaf Pikmin they can get knocked over by the sky and rush into his mouth if you don't whistle them to you I could see myself thinking I'm a god tier player to then mess up somehow and lose a bunch of my little dudes thankfully that never happens because I'm just so good at this game the desiccated skitter Leaf it's the normal skitter Leaf but now it has the ability to eat Pikmin I actually find these guys really annoying because of how many are grouped together at once they're pretty fast and eat Pikmin quickly much like the skitter Leaf they aren't hard to kill but damn these guys annoyed me at points bug-eyed crawmad more annoying in Pikmin 3 the bug-eyed croman is a giant version of The Hermit chromed instead of baiting out his attack rather you throw Pikmin at his eyes until they retract back into his head he'll then flip over giving you the chance to attack his belly much like the rum pup it can snack up a bunch of Pikmin at once it eats them one at a time so you better knock his eyes out before he eats more I would Place him higher but he's not a very kind I'm an enemy snowflake flutter tail the name of this enemy sounds like a really crappy My Little Pony OC besides that this enemy is pretty cool it can only be damaged by Ice Pikmin or by throwing the fire starters at its body to remove the icy coat which prevents other Pikmin from freezing it flaps its wings to freeze Pikmin in place and then whips them up into its mouth genuinely can be annoying if you're not paying attention or you don't have freeze protection and get caught in the gust of wind it's a shame you fight only one in the whole game there was a lot of potential with this guy vehement Foss bat an enemy that punishes if you stand idle and lack proper dandori skills the Behemoth phosphat is an annoying piece of work that follows you around his cave while you try to light up to actually attack him he's immune to any damage until you light up the cave all the while he can give you the suck and eat a bunch of Pikmin at once I've lost several Pigmen trying to build a bridge and this big dude just comes by and eats like 10 of them at once it's annoying but at least I get the chance to swarm him once I light the whole cave up ranging blister funny how the boss variant of the Toady blister appears more than the normal enemy the arranging blister is interesting but easily exploitable the blister goes after your active captain and if you just Spam switching between captains he can't really attack you so why'd I put him this High because the second encounter is surrounded by Cannon beetles which makes it far more annoying than it needs to be more so the fault of The Beatles but that blister can suck up a ton a Pikmin at once the ranging blister never made another appearance after Pikmin 2 but he's not forgotten Bloom cap blister this is the improved and objectively better version of the ranging blister fighting the bloom cap is all about being stealthy once it sees you it's on site it will not stop following you until you kill it while it's following you it can suck up Pikmin and kill them almost instantly just as fast as the ballpark larva can kill a Pikmin once you attack the bulb its cap will flip up and you can attack its body it's better to bait out the balloon cap with Ochi and then sneak attack them with your captain prickle puff enemy where if it sneaks up on you and attacks a lot of Pikmin could die because this thing stabs him right through the heart and kills them instantly impalement is not something I'm too fond of so seeing my penguin gets stabbed is really heart piercing I usually like to test what each enemy does before I kill it testing with this guy caused six Pikmin deaths if there happens to be DLC or mods for Pikmin 4 I can see these guys being used effectively next to wattleplus or clam clamps wattle cloth what a bizarre looking enemy it looks like a walnut with the mouth of Pingu what this thing does is suck a Pikmin and eats them it can also suck up your captain and spit them back out like those scary shrub enemies from spiral one it can also suck up treasures and pellets so along with being a weirdo he's a thief he's also surprisingly bulky and I think he gets even tankier when he sucks up more objects hitting him will cause him to spit stuff back out but he'll try to suck it back up quickly weird and annoying my favorite pork Willian another strange looking creature that can be completely cheesed with rock Pikmin but let's say you don't have any rocks with you this dude can be a bit annoying much like the prickle puff this thing can impale Pikmin by shooting its quills at you if any of your Pikmin get trapped they're as good as dead I find them annoying because the quills can be unpredictable due to them being shot at your Pikmin rather than solely the captain any small group of Pikmin that were shaken off and left without a whistle probably dead if they ever decide to buff some enemies they should make it so when the parkrillion gets its spines back any pikminster latched onto him gets impaled yeah it's kind of messed up but the whole series is kind of violent cloaking Burl net now this guy should have been brought back I like this guy much more than the joust Mite much like the joust Mite the baronet hides in the ground until you get close and will stab and eat any pigment that gets caught only grabbing one at a time instead of three so why would I consider this dude more annoying first off I find the Burl net much harder to hit whenever I swarm this guy I can never hit him and he always snags one Pikmin in later dungeons of Pikmin 2 this guy can activate when you're finding something else and sneakily kill a random Pikmin I've never seen the joust might do that they can also eat away Bridges much like the sheer grubs but you'll rarely see them do it hopefully they come back in the future hermit crawmad for similar reasons like the baronet The Hermit chromata is a sneaky guy and can snatch up a Pikmin when you're not expecting it Pikmin 2 they were the worst because trying to bait them to come out of their hole was really annoying sometimes you're too far away and you try to rock back and forth to get them to come out and he just doesn't when he finally does he grabs a Pikmin and it's just harder to hit as a result and it just sucks there were also larger versions only in Pikmin 2 which could grab up to three Pikmin at once the larger ones were probably replaced with the bug-eyed crawman so they never came back they're much easier to bait out now in newer games but they still bug me master only if the normal Wally wogs acted like this guy the master is an attempt in trying to relive The Glory Days of the more obnoxious wallywags from the first two games it tries but it gets like a c plus for a decent attempt this guy actually tricked me up a few times and killed a good amount of my Pikmin because he can jump multiple times in a row they're also found in spots where you can't really use Rock Pikmin to cheese them making them a harder fight but honestly I say screw the rock Pikmin because fighting them normally is much more fun fun and challenging I gotta make some things tough you know I can't just charge into them all the time that's too easy sand belching mirrorslug this boss is more annoying than actually hard the only dangerous move it has is diving into the ground and sucking up the Pikmin like that sand butthole that ate Boba Fett during this attack you can throw a bomb rock into his mouth and blow him out of the sand giving you the chance to attack then you do it all over again he does have another attack where he spits out rocks where you think this would kill Pikmin nope it just replants them into the ground the ground suck attack gets more deadly as the fight progresses but unless you have bad reflexes with Leaf Pikmin this guy isn't too awful puckering blino these guys casually swim by you and before you can react they snatch up a Pikmin and swim away luckily saving them is not a huge issue but you got to be mindful of the other like five fish swimming around you doing the same thing the Blue Notes were more annoying in Pikmin 3 and aren't too bad in Pikmin 4 thanks to my favorite the Auto lock-on please remove the auto lock-on sheerfully another enemy that appears in large groups the sheer fleas jump on top of you and catching Pikmin in their little mouth thingy they can also jump onto Ochi or your captains slowing you down and damaging you kind of like the Mushroom Pikmin from the first game when you pair these guys up with many bosses or have them spawn out of the fungus traps they could be irritating to deal with if there weren't so many attacking at once they'd be much lower Arctic Cannon larva it shoots snowballs which doesn't hurt Pikmin but traps them and sends them all the way back down to where you started you can bet that this is annoying that's why he's in this tier still not as bad as the normal Canon larvas at least this dude can't kill my Pikmin bog swallow this guy pairs great with the next enemy on this list the bog swallow acts like the quattlecuff in that it tries to suck in Pikmin to eat them what makes this guy worse is that he's located in mud pools which none of your Pikmin can swim in even the blues can't do anything about it freezing the mud helps out a little little bit but I didn't use ice Pikmin as much as others might have used ice Pikmin so fighting these guys kind of sucked what makes them worse is their little buddy mucker skate a mode spitting version of the skeeter skate if a Pikmin gets hit with mud they get replanted into the ground if hit over the mud they go straight down into or inside of the mouth of a bog swallow considering you find these guys only mirror bog swallows I decided to group them together on their own they aren't the worst thing to fight tusked blowhog a new type of blowhog which is pretty neat to see this guy will charge into you knocking Pikmin aside and eat Pikmin that are directly in front of him as I will soon mention for the fiery blowhog the most dangerous thing about them are their throwing range the bullhogs are able to fling Pikmin pretty far into hazards or off of cliffs a Tusk Bull Hog managed to Ram 15 of my blue Pikmin off a cliff inside of a dungeon I even knew that this guy had strong knock back yet my head was too far at my own ass to realize that scornet Maestro I'll take you back to 2013 where it took me almost a full day just to try and beat this guy in order to win you just need to kill the Maestro while younger me thought I had to weed out a bunch of these smaller skornets in order to actually hurt him those little guys had to die anyway because they snatched up a bunch of my Pikmin and fed it to this freak nowadays I realized that if you just dodge the scorness you're free to launch an attack on the Maestro and bring him down winged Pikmin really helped during this fight because they can destroy the smaller scornets no problem they have more use in the single boss fight than the entirety of Pikmin 4. that may or may not be true Skeeter skate this guy is deceptive you would think it's just another random water enemy just to mess with Pikmin on land by spinning at them but no they're much worse than that more so in Pikmin 3. if you try to collect things like Bridge Parts these guys are fully capable of sniping any Pikmin and dragging them down into the water below this is what I get for ignoring them because of my lack of blue Pikmin at the time not making that mistake again generally an annoying enemy overall what I like his design arachnode another enemy I always forget to kill when I'm transporting stuff I feel like the whole purpose of this enemy is just to screw over winged Pikmin because most of the time the other Pikmin can just walk underneath the web it laid out unless you have large Treasure of course again they were more annoying in Pikmin 3 because their placement was more in the way than in the fourth games snowy Bull Hog the newest blowhog type and he's okay an enemy that works better with other enemies nearby because freezing Pikmin can't kill them only keeping them blocked in place until you whistle them like I said before the main threat of these blow Hogs are how far they can toss Pikmin off of their backs it was nerfed in Pikmin 3 and 4 but it still kind of exists with the larger variant the blizzarding blow hog it attacks more often and can toss Pikmin very far like the blow Hogs of old cool enemies but not as dangerous as the other ones because of how infrequent they show up watery blow hog it's like the fiery blow hog except now it spits water yeah it's the same enemy as before but the water is more of a hazard when you're just soloing them and set of the ice I always felt the bullhogs were most effective at third partying while you're fighting other enemies they could just creep up behind you and shoot a stream of whatever and Scatter your Pikmin Pikmin 1 and 2 really like doing this on occasion while the water version didn't exist in Pikmin 1 but this next guy did fiery blowhog the man the myth the legend the fiery blowhog first appearing in Pikmin 1 and every game since that point mechanically the fiery blowhog hasn't been changed that much since the first game they were easy to take down with Red Pikmin but keep in mind the throw range was much further in the earlier games so Pikmin could get thrown into water right by the wallywags and for only Pikmin 1 fire was much more deadly Pikmin would burn up in like two seconds instead of the larger six second window we got after this point so be careful when attacking them with yellow or blue Pikmin the fiery bullhog got a larger variant in Pikmin 4. the Titan blow hog which is similar to the blizzarding blowhog except that it shoots fire but appears only once I can't imagine a Pikmin game without these guys to be honest spottlefish when I went back to get some footage for some Pikmin 3 enemies I saw this guy and completely forgot he was an enemy fighting him again I forgot how annoying they could be the thing you need to know about the sputtlefish is that it's very fast and can grab Pikmin with ease attacking it causes it to retreat spitting out ink while it's fleeing you really just gotta gang up on it with a decent group of Pikmin when I play these later Pikmin games I tried to avoid using the charge feature to give myself an extra challenge sputtlefish do not deserve a fair fight they suck male sheer grub I might be the only one that finds sheer grubs more annoying than your standard dwarf bullboard the male sheer grubs can actually eat Pikmin unlike the female counterpart they're not hard to kill per se but they come in large numbers which could get a couple Pikmin killed if you're not careful in Pikmin 1 they were the worst if any Pikmin was caught by one of them they're dead even if you try to kill the sheer grub while they're eating a Pikmin they will still die they are immune to death while killing a Pikmin later games don't have this issue but they're still a nuisance much like the Burl net being stealthy's where the sheer rub shine if you're distracted by a bigger enemy they can steal the Pikmin away from you and they can also eat Bridges if you leave an area for a while I hate these things Shear wig every annoying thing the male sheer grub has except now it can fly great going below half health will cause the sheer wig to take flight and restore itself hitting it in the air will cause it to die instantly water is also deadly because it can't swim like other sheer grubs epiquin Vore variants are always flying in dive bomb Pikmin to eat them it's pretty neat except the auto lock-on makes them a joke and easy to kill please let me turn off the auto lock-on Nintendo do this for me and I'll start buying more of your games again moss moss is one of the more unique enemies in the game they took the antenna Beetle and mixed it with the patrolling nature of the bed bugs Moss doesn't attack Pikmin rather she whistles them to her side and takes control of them so so if you left your Pikmin to work on something far away there's a chance Moss can take them and leave the only way to get your Pikmin back is by dealing enough damage so she can shake them off you can't kill her and she'll recharge her health when she reaches zero she's only found in Hero's Hideaway and after you save Olimar she flees the area if she was more present throughout the game I'd say she would be ranked in one of the higher tiers I made water dumple these guys are just fish versions of the typical dwarf ballboard but much more annoying most of the time they're in the water so going for a cheap kill with a purple Pikmin doesn't usually work out they can't die in one hit by tossing a Pikmin onto their back and they can eat up to three Pikmin at once and they're always in like groups of three and trying to avoid death is tricky sometimes they don't feel as hard to deal with in Pikmin 4 however the earlier games are where they were the worst to fight bread bug cute little guys aren't they they're also annoying because they can steal items from you and bring them back to their home the only way to harm a bread bug is with a direct shot to its back or by having Pikmin carry whatever the bread bug is holding and have it Bonk its head on the onion it's easier to have them Bonk their head on the onion because throwing a single pigment at a time takes a while if Pikmin are stuck to a treasure the bread bug is holding it could die by being dragged back into its hole it's very capable of killing your Pikmin but highly unlikely if you're observant and after 20 years because they weren't in Pikmin 3 the bread bugs made a return they're a little bit different they can actually shake off Pikmin of the item they're holding if you don't have more than 10 carrying it and instead of dragging items into a hole they just bury them in dirt which I'm not a huge fan of it doesn't kill Pikmin anymore and the little home was just more interesting also I'll throw a new giant bread book too it's pretty much the same just hard to kill and a bit tougher to drag into your onion careening dariji bug I can't believe this guy hasn't made another appearance since Pikmin 2 because it's a cool enemy the dariji bug is a strange creature that uses air sex to fly which looks like balloons he's able to create bomb rocks and plop them onto the ground and try and kill you if you attack while it's holding one the balloons will pop and The Rock will go flying sometimes it lands far away or directly next to you so you can't fall up on hitting the deriji bug the bomb rocks can really halt progress or kill a stray Pikmin if you're not careful it's happened to me oh so many times Doodlebug originally I was going to pair this guy up with the other beetles but that poison can really be a game changer so just like the Flint Beetle attacking it will cause it to drop bitter sprays in Pikmin 2 and various items like bomb rocks and Pikmin 4. with the main danger he holds is the ability to fart I'm a little upset that you remove the funny fart sound effects in Pikmin 4 but that gas cloud is brutal sometimes especially because the doodle bug can just appear on top of you and just scatter your Pikmin it happened to me in Pikmin 2 where a Doodlebug poisoned most of my Pikmin in a hairy ballboard we came by and ate a bunch of them at least the Pikmin aren't attracted to him that would be much worse the evils I grouped the dweevils together because all of them are exactly the same with just a different Elemental attack and there's like six of them diesels aren't aggressive towards you but much like bread bugs they like to steal items away no matter how many Pikmin are carrying it sometimes you get rooms full of dweevils so you're gonna have to kill a bunch of them to bring stuff back attacking them will cause them to charge up and unleash a close range explosion which will either burn shock freeze poison or water your Pikmin to death the only diesel I found to be the most dangerous was the Anno dweevil from Pikmin 2 because the electricity won shots in that game matites nothing good ever happens when these guys spawn in Pikmin 2 they only came out of eggs and Scattered your Pikmin you can only kill them with purples because they aren't phased by them I mentioned earlier the honey lisp can also drop these dudes so I hope you're not in an area with hazards Galore they somehow made them more annoying in Pikmin 4 including eggs my tights can just appear whenever they feel like it usually by treasure or under fungal patches where they can scare Pikmin into other enemies like the puff stool or the sheer fleas at least they were nice enough to drop nectar upon being killed dwarf Ball Bear these little will never not be the most annoying enemy to deal with in any Pikmin game in Pikmin 1 they were the only other dwarf enemy in that game they were more alert and had more health and it took two direct shots to kill one it's a little bit annoying but nothing compared to the sheer Terror of the Pikmin 2 variants the Pikmin 2 versions can die in one direct shot now but they made up for that by grouping a bunch together giving them 500 health instead of 200 like the normal dwarf bullborg and they follow the normal ball Bears around caves swarming these guys sucks because of the extra health and the mama Ball Bear isn't gonna let her babies die that easily they only made one brief appearance in Pikmin 3 and they weren't the worst thing they show up more often than Pikmin 4 though not as tanky as it once was but now they can eat a Pikmin faster and take three direct shots to take down they simultaneously Nerf and buff these guys Nintendo why do you hate us foreign [Music] this is where the enemies start becoming really dangerous to fight these guys are both hard to kill and fully capable of solving your entire Army of Pikmin in most cases I have to find a way to finesse these guys or I'm going to lose a bunch of Pikmin Arctic Cannon Beetle everything I once knew about the normal Cannon Beetle has been shafted imagine my face when the beetle sucked up a bunch of my Pikmin rather than getting clogged like the normal one yes this Beetle can only be harmed after it's done attacking it shoots out snowballs instead of Boulders but these snowballs are huge and cause icicles to crash down it's a pretty good flip on the standard Cannon Beetle one made them this high was its appearance in Cavern for a king that one Beetle positioned at the top of the ramp was a nightmare to deal with my pick and were knocked off the side and the added dwarf Orange Bowl orbs didn't help either and the spot you kill him is a nice small circle surrounded by mushrooms it's pretty tough to manage the first time around Harry bulborb finally made our way to large bulb orbs every adult bulb orb can be pretty tough to handle because of how fast and how many Pikmin can be killed by them the hairy bulborb is the lowest ranked out of all them due to it being a bit slower and having less Health overall you would think that hair on its back would give it some extra defense against something but it doesn't it looks pretty stylish though I gotta give him points for that Harry bulldorbs only appeared in Pikmin 2 and haven't made a return like the aforementioned snowball orbs DLC snow areas for Pikmin 4. I'm calling it now and these guys will be a part of it whip tongue bulborb animals get freaked out by the sky I think it's just the way he looks at you when he's about to engage in combat the whip tongue's most notable difference between a standard bulb orb is its anteater-like tongue it gives the bulborb a larger range and trying to flee is a bit tougher to do it's also not ranked super high because it's a bit slower eating Pikmin compared to other bulb orbs Gill demander you want to talk about a beefy boy look no further than this big lump this guy is one tanky bastard because his weak spots are covered in Gold much like these smaller variants knocking pieces off will cause the Pikmin to rush towards that piece the Mander will try to pick back up and any Pikmin stuck to it will die this guy has no limit on how many Pikmin he can devour even Emperor bold blacks can eat like 15 at once this guy says that's dumb and eat your whole Squad this guy was rough to take down and even worse and Cavern for a king and only now I learned that Ochi can knock the pieces off in one shot why didn't I try that before startle Spore gotta give credit words to this guy actually startled me the first time I was already on edge in the engulfed castle and this guy didn't help this guy is nothing more than a reskin of the creeping chrysanthemum except now the tongue can leave down a pool of poison surprisingly this can be very annoying because the pools it leaves behind stay there for a long time the best strategy always with these guys is to attack before it can attack if the startle Spore misses an attack it slaps itself in the face and is stunned for a bit wait until you add other enemies into The Fray then it becomes even rougher creeping chrysanthemum this has to be one of my favorite enemies in Pikmin he's not as deadly as the startle Spore but my love for him ranks him higher I always like the estranged bulb design with a weird mouth sticking out from above he was redesigned in Pikmin 4 which I don't hate but it's not as good as the original I thought it was a different enemy when it was first revealed but yeah much like the startle Spore it disguises itself as flowers until you walk over it catching you off guard the sound this guy makes when he misses a Pikmin is hilarious and I always find them just to hear it purple Pikmin shred this guy but if you tried playing Pikmin 2 without purples they are hard to bring down Pikmin 4 they sprout out of the ground much quicker and they have that froggy tongue giving them extra range they also get a little Stinger sound when they spot you Frosty bullborb this guy sucks to fight because you can't really use anything else but ice Pikmin to kill him the ice Pikmin are pretty weak overall but the freeze makes up for it well you can't freeze these guys as the name implies you can melt the ice off its back with a fire starter but that's in like one dungeon and it can regrow the ice back if you don't follow up never found much enjoyment fighting these specific type of bulb orb they were just a pain to deal with peckish aristocrab man this guy sucks when you don't have Rock pectin to break its claw away this thing is fast and catching and eating Pikmin and can blow bubbles to trap them inside this guy can be a serious threat if you don't come prepared luckily if you do have Rock Pikmin and break the claw it's pretty defenseless and can't really kill Pikmin in Pikmin 4 the ability to break the claw is not possible to do with each type of Pikmin Rock Pikmin break it much quicker though well at least he's not as hard to deal with in Pikmin 4 thankfully but God damn he can still destroy your squad spotty bullborb the classic super tough Pikmin enemy how could you have a Pikmin game without the spotty Bowl orbs these guys were and still can be a major detriment to your team in Pikmin 1 the best way to kill them was to swarm them from behind since thoring was much slower it was the best way to take them out with as few casualties as possible the throwing is faster in Pikmin 2 and if you have purples it's way more effective swarming doesn't work as well in my experience so throwing is a better option unless I suck Pikmin 3 added the eyeball mechanic where if you Chuck Pikmin and a bowl board's eyes it gets stunned making them much easier to kill and then we go to Pikmin 4 where they're also not as hard as they once were but can still be dangerous much like a few other enemies the bullborg got a larger variant in the game the jumbo Bowl orb mainly appearing at night or in caves the jumbo Bowl orb is hard to take down and can shovel Pikmin into its mouth eating up to 15 instead of the normal 5 a regular Bull Bar can eat alright since I forgot to mention it before in Pikmin 1A Bowl borb can be woken up if a dwarf bullworb screams while you're fighting it it's pretty scary when that happens talkstool I'll mention the puff stool after this guy but other than appearance in the way it attacks it's the same you attack its feet to knock it over and then you hit its butt when it's in the air once it flips over it will spray out of poison gas which will hurt everything except white Pikmin the behavior of this enemy is weird it's more focused on growing mushrooms around it and Reviving poisonous enemies nearby like these sloaches and The Moldy dwarf bullboards in that regard it can be annoying to fight because you need to keep killing over and over again if you don't bring them back to the ship it also doesn't help that the mushrooms surrounding the enemies prevent you from picking them up and bringing them back he was the first thing you fought in the cavern for a king a good start to a great dungeon I gotta say puff stool an enemy I thought I would never see again but I'm happy he came back the puff stool was first introduced in Pikmin 1 at the forest Naval just walking around until you realize it's holding a ship part you knock it over to hit its butt to kill him but you need to make sure you run away when it flips over because it will spray out a gas that turns your Pikmin into Mushroom Pikmin or puffman as people like to call them puffman will follow the puff stool and attack olomar if he gets close they can revert back to normal if you fend them off but your other non-infected Pikmin will try and kill the puffman a unique and pretty scary enemy overall the puff stool returned in Pikmin 4 but sadly no longer turns Pikmin into puffman instead it takes control of them the same way groovy longlegs does the only way to save them is to beat the puff stool the Pikmin 1 version will still be my worst nightmare while the Pikmin 4 version can stay a bad dream at most Emperor bull blacks from Pikmin 2 and 4 everyone who has played Pikmin 2 knows how extremely neutered the emperor ball black Scott with an exploit of spamming purple Pikmin between its eyes before it comes out of the ground the emperor dies almost instantly yeah that's not looking so great hypothetically what if you didn't know that these guys can still be pretty dangerous to take on if you don't know what to do they can eat a bunch of Pikmin at one second stop Pikmin into mush they also have the ability to Roar which will wake up any surrounding Emperors giving them a More Level Playing Field it was a bit much when that happened especially when there was like three of them in that one dungeon I think was the whole of Heroes if I remember from Pikmin 2. in Pikmin 4 Nintendo actually buffed these guys they still have these same attacks but now the roar can scatter Pikmin and the war happens every time Pikmin are thrown off yeah they really pulled a 180 on us good job guys armored Canon larva originally in Pikmin 2 there were two versions one that most of you are familiar with the grounded one and the one only found in Pikmin 2 the walking one I missed the walking one but the grounded version was definitely more annoying to fight because it couldn't be stunned by purple Pikmin the Canon larva shoots out rocks directly in front of them and their range for noticing who is pretty far Pikmin can easily be squashed if your timing on each Boulder is bad the best way to deal with the Canon larva is to fight them last The Boulders can kill any nearby enemies so using them is great for clearing out caves and much like the fiery blow hog they can flank Pikmin far away decorated Cannon Beetle another one of my favorite enemies too bad he never came back the decorated Cannon beetle is virtually the same as the normal Cannon Beetle but now the boulders track your captains I love that they do this because baiting rocks into other enemies or itself is much easier and really fun to do so many bull borbs I didn't have to fight thank thanks to these guys as much as I love them that Boulder can be unpredictable at points especially on slopes and can careen off to the side into Pikmin you might have nearby raging long legs the first of many giant enemy spider bosses raging long legs is the worst in my opinion compared to your standard BD long legs raging moves slower has bigger feet and a bigger body after enough damage the Raging long legs will freak out and stop around much quicker than normal it can be bad if you have a bunch of Pikmin with you but if you know the rules of fighting Beatty you'll only have a small group of Pikmin with you it'll catch you off guard the first time but the quick stops aren't that bad raging never made another appearance after Pikmin 2 but much like most forgotten enemies he lives on in someone else baldy long legs so this is the version of The Shaggy Long Legs after you knock off all of its hair it's the second form of an existing boss that they made a normal boss in Pikmin 4 instead of using Beady long legs for some reason I honestly this thing is annoying to fight because of the Dom Auto lock-on the main way to hurt these Shaggy Long Legs in Pikmin 3 was to throw Pikmin at its legs and have him climb up and knock the hair off that still applies to Baldi just without the hair there were points where I just wanted to throw yellows at the body but it kept locking onto the leg and crushing my Pikmin I've said it many times but please add a toggle for the auto lock-on please Nintendo regardless it's still a decent fight but it's not better than BD Shaggy Long likes hey look I just mentioned this guy Shaggy Long Legs is one of my favorite giant spider bosses just look at him dude's rocking that hairstyle invite the hairy ballboard over and we can start partying but like I said before Shaggy is covered in hair and can't be damaged until you remove the hair off of its body this fight takes place in this double circle Arena and it's a bit annoying how he crosses over to each Arena so you have to keep running back and forth just to fight him or just have two captains with their own respected squads why didn't I do that before after knocking off the hair he becomes baldy long legs and you know how the fight works from there thankfully there's no Auto lock-on to get in the way fiery ball blacks would you believe me if I told you the fiery Beau blacks had more Health than the emperor in Pikmin 2. it's strange right the fiery bull blacks is always a tough enemy to fight because you can only really fight him with Red Pikmin unless you got guide him into water or he could just say screw it and Chuck like 50 purples at him because the ground pound still hurts them but ignore that one bull burps are already pretty tricky to handle on their own but with the added health and fire they are brutal for some reason this is the only ball blacks that I keep accidentally waking up no matter what game I play I think it's a curse Sovereign ball blacks well they did it kind of they brought back the OG Emperor ball blacks from the original Pikmin so much like the normal mini boss variants these Sovereign ball blacks is identical the range of the tongue and the roar is much larger due to his much larger size if you couldn't deduce that yourself but we've got a brand new attack or an older attack depending on how you see it these Sovereign ball blacks can actually jump high into the air and squash Pikmin like the original one could and if he's in a cave rocks can fall from the ceiling adding an extra bit of challenge he's not as hard as the original but I like to blame the new additions making the fight easier and also he has like like twenty thousand less Health it's not a bad thing of course but I don't think we'll ever get to see a true recapture of the emperor ball blacks The Sovereign is a great attempt though BD long legs the original arachnobe to think that beedy's last appearance was in Pikmin 2. for something so iconic it's weird to see that this guy was a pain in the ass in Pikmin one didn't help that this dude jump scared you in any Pikmin nearby would get squashed instantly much like other spiders he Stomps around a crushed Pikmin it's hard to tell where each stomp will land because the Shadows are in an angle and the legs move in such weird ways the best way to fight BTS to use yellows if you don't want to you can have Pikmin grab onto one of his legs to weigh him down and cause his body to droop down just a little bit it's the same fight in Pikmin 2 except when he drops from the ceiling no Pikmin will die and he also has way less health I know later games have different versions of Beady but I want to see the OG arachnobe appear in HD please groovy long legs if you want to know what happened to the Raging long legs this is him now groovy long legs is such a sick boss and something I was not expecting this guy has his own Boss music coming from his body which is metal as starts off attacking slow but will speed up after being damaged instead of shaking Pikmin off he sprays them with gas which causes the Pikmin to forcefully dance Underneath Him you cannot retrieve your Pikmin when this happens so you either watch them get crushed or you kill groovy before that happens groovy can be really fast during his red-eyed phase the dancing Pikmin will even spread out more to get more easily crushed too pretty brutal boss and can really screw over a run if you're not careful a fantastic enemy but sadly you only fight him once at least you can keep fighting him in the picklepedia and you get to hear that music destiny plasm wraith the final boss of Pikmin 3 and my least favorite out of every final boss not that he's a bad fight just not as good as the others in my opinion the blossom wraith attacks by using its arms to stab any Pikmin the only way to harm The Wraith is to have him launch pieces of his body onto the floor which you then have to destroy it's easy at first but then he starts to implement more dangerous attacks like turning parts of his body into separate weapons like a pool of fire a giant glass box which can Crush Pikmin or a big electric bubble it's in your best interest to destroy them because the amount of plasma goo it leaves behind is Big which helps Whittle down the sky even more later on in the fight he'll actually start to fly which is pretty annoying and you can catch Pikmin much faster the scariest part about this thing is that you don't even fully kill it it Retreats back into the formidable Oak when it's too small to fight it's still out there somewhere waiting for its return quaggled mire clops wow this guy was a real pain to deal with the first time I played the Meyer klops is probably my favorite boss in Pikmin 3. it's a giant piece of land with a spiky strawberry for a head the Meyer clubs attacks by just walking around each step causes the mud to sink creating puddles which will drown Pikmin he can also just plop himself on the ground just to crush Pikmin his weak spot is his head and the only way to reach it is to attack his feet until he falls over then use Rock Pikmin to break the crystal surrounding the head with the head exposed the mire clubs can now wipe his tongue around his head to capture Pikmin this attack caused so many Pikmin deaths and it gets even worse as the fight goes on the mayor claps will start becoming more aggressive with its Stomps and the double tongue Spin Attack was unpredictable the first time it was a hard fight but it was very rewarding well if you count Louie as a good reward I guess Emperor ball blacks this is the Emperor ball blacks nothing will ever top this dude in being the Emperor of all grub dogs Emperor bull blacks was the final boss of the first Pikmin game and he was a monster to fight this dude has a staggering 30 000 health and took a lot of effort to bring down but since I spoke about the emperor twice before you should know how he works by now one thing I didn't mention though is that the emperor has a weakness to bomb rocks once the emperor eats a bomb it will become stunned for a few seconds giving you the chance to attack without worry don't stand too close though because the explosion inside of its mouth can actually hurt your captain and kill some Pikmin it's more noticeable in Pikmin too though make sure you call them back because that tongue and that stomp are even more deadly in this game when he reaches low Health he can jump in the air which is hard to avoid if you don't see it coming it's hard to tell me he'll do it too unlike The Sovereign version which is much slower if you want a real challenge try to fight him without bomb rocks it's the equivalent of finding yorm from Dark Souls with the storm ruler it's longer but much more epic oh and how could I forget that sick ass organ that plays during the fight foreign [Music] okay here we are the go away tier this tier consists of enemies that are just beyond annoying every time I see these guys pop up I just never want to deal with them their abilities make them some of the most obnoxious enemies in the entire series withering blowhog the normal puffy blowhog I didn't find to be that bad so what makes this guy even worse instead of flinging your Pikmin all over the place and instead deflowers them reverting them back into leaves I find this to be really annoying because I hate dealing with the speed of leaf Pikmin in the later half of Pikmin 2. there were countless times I would get my whole Squad flowered up and then this thing floats by and completely erases my work I'm looking at use submerged Castle blowhog the worst part of it all he laughs after each attack in Pikmin 4 it's not as bad as it once was it still can be incredibly annoying because when it shakes off Pikmin it blows itself into the air and any Pikmin below gets deflowered The only positive I can say is that it has much less self than a standard puffy blowhog antenna Beetle remember when I spoke about moss and how she shares similar properties to this guy well screw that because this guy is way worse Mauston actively tried to put my Pikmin in danger like this guy you know you're dealing with the Nintendo Beetle when the treasure gauge at the bottom starts freaking out you need to kill it in order to restore it back to normal there might be multiple beetles on the floor which is always fun to deal with the antenna wheel just drops from the ceiling unexpectedly and sound off a whistle that lures pigment to them the beetle can then walk up to something and get those Pikmin killed by other enemies or by other hazards like water it's really hard to kill because there would be times when it just drops in and then immediately hop away and spawn somewhere else I hate it when I'm fighting something else and then it drops in behind you taking half of your squad with it and those Pikmin end up dying to like a wallywag or something it's I hate it volatile dweevil so there was one other diesel I didn't talk about earlier the volatile dwivele instead of passively walking around waiting for the chance to steal treasure it instead follows you and starts a countdown for when it's about to explode it's a walking bomb Rock and it spawns at the worst of times when it spawns in you just gotta drop everything you're doing and run away because it can wipe out your whole Squad it gets more dickish leaky because they spawn in large groups of enemies or when you start carrying back treasure or multiple them spawn at one time with other traps like rocks the only good thing about these guys is that you can manipulate them to explode to other enemies never get the chance to do that sadly Orange Bowl orb unlike other versions of the adult bulborb the Orange Bowl borb is a plague amongst them all what ranks them higher than other ones you might ask it can wake up so much easier see a normal Bowl board wakes up when you attack it or when you physically touch it with a captain the orange ones though you only need to be the distance of a fully stretched out cursor to wake these bastards up meaning trying to get the jump on these guys is way harder to do and you're guaranteed to lose some Pikmin if you try to attack it from the front and if you fight them without purple Pikmin good luck because they have more Health than a regular bulb orb even with ball boards being nerfed in Pikmin 3 and 4 the orange ones are still a pain in the ass to fight swooping snitch bug this dude these swooping snitch bug flies around and grabs two of your Pikmin when you get close it sounds annoying but not the worst thing to deal with right well there's just something about the swooping snitch bug where something inside of you act activates and he becomes the main target to kill you could be surrounded by other more deadly things but this thing has to die you'll be spamming the hell out of your Pikmin trying to hit him because this dude is fast hard to hit and never stops moving only making a brief stop before he throws your pick into the ground reverting them back into leaves in Pikmin 1 if he grabbed a Pikmin holding a bomb Rock that Rock would fall to the ground and immediately explode hasn't happened to me but damn I hate to see that for myself Pikmin 2 they suck because they're hanging around the bumbling snitch bugs and hovering around ball borbs anode beetles boneless pits you name it in Pikmin 3 they gained the ability to hold on to bomb rocks and are also able to pick up your captains although the ability to grab captains isn't super common in Pikmin 3 and 4 at least for me it wasn't Pikmin 4 they are a shell of their former self only because of the auto lock-on making them 10 times easier to hit to compensate for that they made it so they can throw down stuff much quicker than usual I guess that's a good change but God that auto lock on just I get rid of it bumbling snitch bug you don't realize how annoying this is until you group him with a bunch of other annoying hazards only ever appearing in Pikmin 2 the bumbling snitch bug grabbed captains instead of Pikmin and any time your active captain is grabbed every Pikmin in your party gets disbanded and left vulnerable this is awful because I've lost so many Pikmin to this because it would automatically go attack something like an electrical Hazard and die or get blown up by a deridji bugs bomb rock or something Pikmin 2 modders love using these guys because they can literally throw your captain into a bottomless pit if used correctly if you haven't played Pikmin 2 you won't truly understand the absolute pain these can put you through burrowing snagrit speaking of the burrowing snaggerate in Pikmin 1 they only spawned in the garden of Hope there were three of them all bunched together so fighting them sucked granted you only had to kill one but the first time around you might not know that the snaggered attacks by bursting out of the ground and pecking at any nearby Pikmin the only effective way in killing a snacker is to attack its head because hitting the body does next to nothing thankfully there's a chance for the snagger can get stuck giving you an easier opportunity to attack the head in Pikmin 2 they appear a grand total of eight times throughout the main story and there's a whole cave about them too isn't that wonderful they're pretty much identical to the original ones just with less Health still annoying as hell though these snaggart only appeared once in Pikmin 3 and in Pikmin 4 they appeared a few times in the story mode and olomore's Side Story they're a bit slower when coming from the ground but don't get stuck they do get stuck when they use this new beak dive attack and Miss overall easier in later games but once they appear in groups it's all over Pileated snagrit so if the normal snaggards didn't annoy enough already how about we make them bigger harder to hit give them more health and have the ability to follow you around what what's that you don't like the sound of that well too bad because they made it anyway in the form of the Pileated snaggrid I hate these things I don't think anybody really likes fighting these guys probably why they never showed up in any game after give credit to the normal snackers at least they can't follow you around the Pileated one will just not stop following you and trying to hit it is really hard to do you pretty much have to wait until it gets stuck in the ground or else you're losing Pikmin and if you think using bitter sprays helps at all he'll just tank right through it unlike other enemies Frozen in stone it may only appear three times in the game but each time was just an awful experience while I'm glad I never have to fight him again I do kind of miss him in Pikmin 4 and he probably could have been used again we need more bosses Gatling groinck another Pikmin 2 exclusive enemy I hate seeing but I'm kind of sad that he never appeared again the Gatling groin is another enemy that patrols around each area until it spots you once it sees you it fires mortars that explode on impact it shoots three of them but only one of them can kill Pikmin instantly the other two send your Pikmin flying and it really sucks when you're in area with Bottomless Pits the grink has a face shield so only hit it from behind this is also dangerous because the grit can shake off Pikmin so far and so fast that I've lost many of dudes just trying to kill him but that's not all after you beat him a timer pops up the grunk much like the ball bear can come back to life if you don't bring it back to the onion in time I don't know why you leave something this deadly just lying there for its inevitable rebirth but whatever I would have ranked the drink in my final tier but the Grinch can be exploded to heat himself off a cliff in a few instances and he has only found late games so it makes sense for him to be as obnoxious as he is [Music] thank you well here we are the final tier left for the most unruly of enemies the enemies that you encounter and are fully capable of Exterminating every single one of your Pikmin without remorse you shouldn't take these guys lightly and you will lose a large sum of Pikmin your first time fighting these guys segmented cropster a really cool boss only found within Pikmin 2 in one dungeon the segmented cropster is a massive crab that attacks by rolling up into a ball and crushing your Pikmin and if your Pikmin gets squashed say goodbye the only way to hurt the cropster is by having him roll into a wall where he'll flip over exposing his glowing belly which you need to attack but after he hits a wall rocks will start to fall right near active captain so be prepared to dodge the rocks can really be bad because besides instant Pikmin death they can stall for time giving the cropster the chance to flip back over if you get unlucky with that it really sucks because this guy regenerates Health insanely quick another issue with the boulders is the chance to drop eggs which can contain nectar sprays and matights matites are bad but even something as simple like nectar can be a problem because if the crop starts rolling and your Pikmin start drinking the nectar they're guaranteed to die really tough fight but man it's so much sadly there was no other iteration of the segmented cropster in future titles I would love to see him again man at legs holy crap the man at legs was a force to be reckoned with in Pikmin 2. at first you think it's just another giant spider boss but then you realize something's off he's almost completely mechanical and those thin legs couldn't possibly Crush Pikmin you start doing some chip damage until he shakes off Pikmin and from that moment on true fear is shown the men at legs pulls from his body a machine gun which will track and kill any Pikmin in one shot there's no chance of saving them they are as good as dead if you're fast enough you can hide behind one of the many small walls surrounding the arena but be warned any Leaf Pikmin are totally screwed so make sure to use spicy sprays to keep them with you then you find them a second time water yeah who knew something as minimalistic as a round pool of water can make the Manet legs even harder the minute legs returned in Pikmin 4 he's now sporting even more health and his gun shoots wicked fast unfortunately he's not as hard as he once was the gun doesn't track as well as it used to and if you ride Ochi you can pretty much evade every shot thrown at you if you don't use Ochi then he can be pretty tough but the Arenas are designed with Ochi in mine as there's not a ton of cover to hide behind at least once that don't break instantly Empress ball blocks and bulb orb larva you know how I said earlier with the wogpoles to kill them while they're young well now it's time to do it again with the empress so Empress bowlblacks first appeared in Pikmin 2 for a grand total of three encounters a first time was easy just throw Pikmin at her face until she shakes them off because she'll roll into them and kill them it's not too bad but then the second encounter happens it follows the same rules but now she consistently gives birth to these little ingrates the bulb orb larva The bulborb larva die in one hit and you can easily plow through them with a captain but these things are birthed with Bloodshed on the mine because they will track you down and devour any Pikmin nearby any Pikmin attacked by a larva will die instantly you cannot save them like you could with a dwarf bulb orb so that means if you have no idea how these guys work and you swarm your Pikmin into them that second number will drop so fast even the nectar they drop is dangerous to 2 much like the krobster if Pikmin stopped to drink it it leaves them open to getting eaten the best way in dealing with the empress is to have one Captain Camp her butthole and kill any baby that pops out the third time you face her is also obnoxious as hell because you spawn right next to her butt and have to deal with the larva head on and if that's not bad enough rocks will now fall from the ceiling when the emperor swirls around what a pain you might think in Pikmin 4 they're much easier not really the bulwar larva are separate enemies from the empress now and can be fought during nighttime Expeditions they don't immediately follow you when you're within 20 miles of them but they still murder Pikmin instantly and the empress still a especially that fight with her with those two geysers where you have to ride them to not lose your entire Squad it was a fun fight but man it was rough when you messed up ancient sire Hound what a sick final boss and honestly probably the best one in the whole series yet The Sire Hound is a great Challenge and not a complete pushover much like Pikmin 2 and 3's Final Bosses The Sire Hound uses multiple Elemental attacks during the fight the first phase involves the dog going full wallywag to try and Crush you this attack also causes stalactites to fall from the ceiling you're then supposed to lure the dog into ramming his head into one of the stalactites to Daze him you then throw Pikmin to his tail to have him fall over so you can attack his Underside you keep doing this until phase two Phase 2 is ice themed The Sire hand will spawn snowballs which you can get stuck in and he shoots out ice breath with full freeze Pikmin and give the sire Hound the chance to eat them it's pretty annoying but not too bad phase three Jesus Christ phase three okay so uh phase three involves electricity which is probably the toughest phase if you don't have yellow Pikmin the dog spawns these electric balls which shoot out beams of electricity which rotate around you need to jump over it to avoid it or else your Pikmin gets shocked and fall into the mouth of the siren constantly following you you can destroy the orbs with yellow Pikmin but that was after I lost 80 Pikmin to this phase he does also have a really fast charging attack which is the only way to flip him over he also summons these small poles of electricity so mixed with the electric orbs if you don't have yellow Pikmin is very annoying to dodge phase 4 involves fire he'll spawn orbs which will shoot out a ring of fire when destroyed or when the dog creates his own waves or Fireballs this phase is not nearly as hard but can still be bad if you screw up the Final Phase involves Gloom what's Gloom instant death the siren can fly now and you need to avoid these small pools of gloom and the line attacks of Gloom coming from The Sire Hound's mouth you need to get behind him to attack his tail but it's hard to do because you won't get any clear openings half the time because he's just hovering over the Gloom One Missed shot and that's dead Pikmin and that's the whole fight you beat him and the dog runs away until you see him again at the end credits a fantastic boss fight and something I look forward to fighting again in the future tightened Weevil while The Sire Hound may be the best final boss in the series I still think the Titan Weeble has a beat in terms of being the master of killing Pikmin the Titan Weevil attacks with four different weapons strapped to its body let's go over each one first up we have the flame Cannon the least dangerous one but still very brutal the flame Cannon shoots fire in a 180 degree spread the more you damage this weapon the more range it can cover yeah one of the main gimmicks of the Titan dweaver is that its weapons can malfunction if hit too much causing them to become more unpredictable and deadly next up is the shock therapist which will launch out electrical nodes that will connect streams of electricity with one another think of it like a chain link of anode beetles once damaged enough the nodes will start to bounce around and become tougher to dodge take this one out first because it will insta kill any Pikmin except yellows next up the monster pump this will shoot out water bubbles that can hit anywhere in the arena this includes any Pikmin you may have on the side so hopefully you can switch to your other Captain before your Pikmin die the damaged pump will shoot out even faster and I've lost countless Pikmin to this attack last up is the comedy bomb which will spread out a poisonous gas this gas can actually hurt captains so try your best to avoid it or you'll get knocked down and the more Pikmin you'll lose the more damage it takes the more sporadic the gas becomes and harder to avoid and that's every attack after enough damage to a single part the piece will fall off after every piece Falls the Titan dweevel is harmless and can't do anything except SWAT Pikmin away now all that's left to do is save it from Louie by killing it damn it Louie you know what's weird the titaned Weevil is the only final boss you actually kill every other boss just ran away from you poor dweeble spotty Bowl bear you want to talk about one of the most deadly Pikmin enemies in the series look no further than the spotty Bowl bear originally in Pikmin 1 they were nothing more than a spotty bulbar reskin they were just tougher to take down sometimes there will be dwarf ball Bears hanging around super close to them making them even harder to take on it all gets worse though once we enter Pikmin 2. the bull bear now patrols around caves and much like the bulb or larva once you're within 30 miles of it it will hunt you down to no end while it moves slower than a regular bulb orb it's much harder to take down it doesn't shake Pikmin off quite as much as the normal Bowl board and they will eat their way through your entire team don't forget about the dwarf ball Wars that follow the adult around 2 because those guys equally suck once you kill the ball bear bring it back to the ship because it will get back up once its Health Regens yes it comes back to life I love how the Pikmin 2 ball bear goes against your natural Pikmin instincts of thinking about a plan to tackle things the ball bear is just like nah that fight me now they honestly peaked in Pikmin too Pikmin 3 they showed up once and in Pikmin 4 they're annoying the fight but don't hunt you down to the ends of the Earth this time and can't come back to life there's still a pain to deal with no matter what wallywags from Pikmin one and two you want to talk about the enemy that caused the most deaths in my Pikmin 1 runs look at the Wally logs because for some unknown reason they are the most brutal enemy in the game so like I said before the wallywag jumps in the air and slams the ground to kill Pikmin I also said the Pikmin 3 and 4 versions were heavily nerfed so they don't hop as often and get weighed down much easier well if you want to experience the unnerfed here you go finding the Wally wogs in Pikmin 1 was the absolute worst since every command like throwing and whistling Pikmin back were slower falling victim to the wallywags attack was easier to do throwing Pikmin is the safest way to kill wallywag but even then if you miss a throw or they get knocked off they're dead the wallywags hitbox is really large in the Pikmin 1 so you can expect more Pikmin to die off the best way to kill a wallywag is to swarm it which is the the only way to stagger it you better hope you can kill it in one cycle because once that thing recovers and knocks down your Pikmin it's doomsday for all of them they will die the yellow wallywag is in this game as well it has way more health and is even harder to fight the wogs mostly hang around in water too so you can't even use Reds to kill them quicker it's honestly a crap shoot every time you fight them in Pikmin 2 they still suck now their hitbox isn't as large and with faster recovering time with throwing and calling back Pikmin they're easier to kill but they can still mess you up it's more common to find lollywogs around other enemies and behind walls where they can jump scare you and trash your Pikmin it's a pain in the ass no matter what the wallywags will remain the most destructive enemy in the first two Pikmin games at least as a common enemy water Wraith speaking of jump scares the water wraith sends his greetings you want to talk about impending doom the water wraith is the poster child for that first appearing in Pikmin 2 as most of the evil enemies in the series tend to do it appears only in the submerged Castle a place where you can only bring blue Pikmin every kind of Hazard is here and thankfully you can get baldman on the second floor but everything just feels off and that's thanks to the music that plays foreign [Music] could you even call it music it sounds unfinished but let's keep going for now you're finding your way through and collecting treasure at a reasonable Pace but what if you start lagging behind go a bit slower than usual well this happens what's up the water Reef spawns from now on if you take too long on each floor the water wraith will drop from the ceiling and hunt you down this guy is fast and will instantly kill Pikmin if its rollers touch them even just touching the sides will kill them the broken music turns into frantic Chase music and it's horrifying you'll be crammed into Corners just trying to save yourself and your Pikmin from Death there will be some unlucky ones left behind and killed you can't hurt the water wraith at all the most you can do is freeze it in place with better sprays in my opinion it's a waste of a spray because it doesn't accomplish much only for dire circumstances I guess for the first four floors you'll be stocked to no end but then floor five comes up purple candy pop buds are here and look who's the boss the water wraith turns out he's terrified of purple Pikmin and becomes vulnerable to their attacks after how much you put me through you bet this is satisfying look at him run away like a scared little baby in Pikmin 4 he made his return and yes he's still a major pain to deal with now he's not as fast and doesn't track Olimar or the Pikmin as much as before but he's still a major nuisance especially now since they are used more often in this game kind of ruins the charm in my opinion but dealing with this guy can turn anybody into a Tandoori God especially when you need to get that purple onion yeah trying to get that purple onion took several tries thanks to this guy Smokey Prague now for the final enemy on this list we have the Smokey Prague first appearing in Pikmin 1 the Smokey Prague was an optional fight in the distant spring he's located inside of an egg which only appears for the first 15 days if you choose to take on the Prague get ready for a really hard fight once hatched the Prague doesn't fight you directly instead it makes a B-Line to your base so any Pikmin standing around are screwed because touching this thing results in instant death it will Camp your base until you kill it it will follow Pikmin carrying things close by and will let out a roar which will uproot any buried Pikmin the only way you can harm It Is by attacking its face it it's pretty tough to do because it will keep walking towards you and so many Pikmin will be eaten Away by the poisonous cast Left Behind the fight is tough and you will lose several Pikmin but the reward is pretty good the prog will drop a golden Pearl which will give 100 Pikmin that's nice because I lost like over half of my Pikmin just trying to fight him in Pikmin 4 he came back which surprised the hell out of me I was just doing another nighttime Mission when I cut scene played showing this moldy egg that creates this creep prog acts identical to the original making a b line towards the luminal but now the roar ability can scatter Pikmin away and it can now shoot a projectile which will explode in a small radius killing anything instantly I have lost a whole Squad of glow Pikmin thanks to this attack the prog is much easier to take down thanks to the op charge attack blunt one wrong move could spell out your death and the missions where you have to fight to it once those are a nightmare [Music] yeah well that concludes my Pikmin tier list remember this is how I feel about each enemy and where they stand in terms of difficulty I want to end this video on some changes I would like to see in Pikmin 4 at least in a future update that intro was recorded much earlier than this outro so I have some more things to say so first off as you can probably guess a toggle for the auto lock-on would be great I hate it I hate locking on the things I don't want to lock onto the Tandoori battles are much harder to do because of the lock-on fighting giant groups of enemies is hard to do because of the lock gun I want it turned off second I want enemies to be tougher to beat and have them respawn for some reason enemies don't respawn after a few days like in previous games they're dead forever making the worlds feel Barren after a few trips it also removes how certain enemies will spawn on like later days like in Pikmin 2 I think in the perplexing pool BD long legs can actually League spawn after day 20 which is pretty cool but you'll never see that in Pikmin 4. the enemies in the caves respawn after you 100 the cave so why can't the Overworld ones spawn too maybe at a hard mode like they did for Pikmin 3 Deluxe where all this stuff can be applied I also want to see a Nerf on Ochi I like Ochi he's fun to play around with but man he is op he can easily solo most enemies if you get a majority of his upgrades you don't even need Pikmin he's so strong I also want to see the mission mode and make return I know we have dandori battles which are similar to those but a full-fledged mission mode would be great also make the dandori battles online that'd be great too I have other little problems with the game but this video isn't about what I want to fix for Pikmin 4. hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Brain
Views: 368,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin, pikmin 4, pikmin 2, pikmin 3, pikmin enemies, wollywog, seepee, brain, ranking, tier list, video games, nintendo, bulborb, groovy long legs, cheese in paris, series, gaming, game, switch, meme, louie, olimar
Id: pnxcd_ORvc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 37sec (5737 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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