Pikmin - The Movie

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Kirby is where babies become boys and Pikmin is where boys become men [Music] they said Pikmin is that actually wait no they did not say Pikmin wait a minute wait they said meet me I Heard It In The Deep Galactic space there was nothing and then suddenly God willed Pikmin and then God said Frick this guy my life support systems can function only 30 days dark hello there yes player for seeds of friendship so that I could feel a lot less lonely it resembles a vegetable on my home planet that we call an onion does Omar eat Pikmin please tell me he doesn't actually eat Pikmin okay okay I can pluck him just like in smashing Bros whoa smashing Bros smashy bros Pikmin neutral beef I cannot help but think it is calling to me it is calling telling me please pick me Min I tried you know I I try to make it work don't flip I must research this fascinating creature I shall try to grab it and throw it with a and I will call it to my side with B I will utilize my newest friend for warlike tactics and combat Beyond this player has never seen the little guy yeah why why are you pale pluck this flower oh he's doing it yes get him all of these I can plant more Pikmin infinite friend generator attack attack attack kill attack oh they're so smart they're making a little platform for us you know I was wrong they can think after all what is this strange Contraption amazing we're not mistaking it my ship's engine rests before my very eyes but how will I get it back to the dolphin how many little guys do I need how many people does it take to change an engine 20 of them apparently but many different seeds sprout at once I find it very tedious to pluck them from the ground eventually my wife always told me I was no good at repeat that I miss my wife Pikmin right so if I hold L ride that commands a group slide to the left so I did it right [Music] hip hip hooray that's not what I would say that's what the people would say okay I'm not that weird okay with the help of these Pikmin I've taken a huge step back towards home my sim can once again lift up the glimmer of hope is beginning to burn more brightly but what has become of the remaining parts that search starts until tomorrow yeah it's a literal friendship oh I get it sorry it's a not a friendship a friend John friend tear it all down I say tear it all down the power of teamwork it is so beautiful maybe we can be peaceful with these things this is this is wait wait don't don't be mean hey hey hey don't be mean there we go we've won our first battle and he had a soul damn that's unfortunate look how their bodies just stay there that's wait you can carry them oh wait you can make more paper out of your enemies oh God that's a horrifying sight it's like it's like a dead fish oh god what the what are they doing why no way what you can convert your enemies into friends all right yeah yeah with oh oh no our first casualty wait oh no we're fine oh wait is there a new ship parts it has to be I didn't even realize it 40. all hands on deck maybe when I play all the markets test why is the Eternal fuel Dynamo charge yes go mine then go honor obliteration there was one wait wait we missed one what do you mean there isn't see they're all here don't worry guys we're all here best friends come on come on buddy come on buddies oh Addy soldiers that is I was just frightened us all hey I'll go to sleep I had a nice looking arm at the beginning of this day I got a sex oh whatever ship part sorry sorry bad landing wait oh that's not a part that's another onion a new flavor of friendship we must carry this one to its proper home you're going the wrong way Soldier look at the little guy in the big ears I guess well that's not gonna work because it's wood Stone it's Stone you know what they say man big things coming small packages okay okay uh here we go you see this time these guys are smarter everyone a moment of silence for the Fallen he's gone oh oh I did not see him run back to me wait you're right yeah I have a third I have a third yellow he's alive he's made it hey do I have any um oh that's cool oh you can actually divide them by color the x button is for racism awesome thanks Pikmin it's my Whimsical radar I like how it's also it's not just like an adjective it's literally called the Whimsical radar please tell yours okay wait no no what the hell I lost one that is gonna stain my mentality for the rest of my life tomorrow can't handle the bosses but the boss is what the bot what do you mean I'm I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm mentally not prepared oh big big golf fun you guys we'll see you in a bit George George kill kill kill kill kill any more bombs ah I see oh no no evil evil okay uh will they immediately goat it I'm not thinking am I oh I never ship part excellent we shall pillage the land for all of its technology this bolts bolt holds the bolt of bolt that only a bolt connoisseur can bolt I have recovered five out of 30. increasing for dolphins capabilities my search can Now cover a wider bolt oh my ship is evolving hooray ah we meet again giant thing chilly yeah poke his eyes oh nectar drink my brother's drink so that you can come back people stronger They're All Dead what do you mean wait what do you mean that everyone's died whistle wait what I thought they deserved a little treat before going to sleep tonight I didn't think area last time they go to sleep tonight 47. oh no I should have two dollars crazy DK they did go to sleep forever you suck I I reject that no no I I retract my thank you the forest Naval the toxic planet's belly button we've found it the force of Hope asterisk it dies here The Man Behind the pigment Slaughter no wait can we just oh wait no no no why why why no and the I'm not doing this right oh wait don't scare me like that don't scare me like that could have sworn took it out more than what what are you doing well I didn't do that I didn't do no no no I I did not do that I'm coming my Bros I'm coming oh oh there was one for a swim that's all that's all it is they were just stop swimming no out of a pool out of the pool kids kids please you can't be sick what is that wait no no no no fight fight my man fight fight dammit fight wait we're gonna do it damage oh God no no okay ow ow we're leaving we're leaving we're going home we still trip it's canceled it's over we are not coming back stop what the stop going in the water why don't you okay tomorrow let's take a look where's this shipper oh it's over water kill me I guess I gotta wait for it to get water picked in oh who's Zach oh do I have to go oh I just pushed him off I'm sorry oh okay I found the blue onion but the aqua hydrophilic Pikmin have been discovered blue hey guys I'm blue pick B yeah yeah oh I'm sorry ah okay as far as I keep happening yeah blue blue like if I were to do the swarm with blue Pikmin next to the water would they be safe oh no oh no it's all good it's all good you're good you're good you're good these dudes oh my these Blues these Blues so silly a little too silly Dad's too silly I don't like the look of those guys I really I really don't want to interact with those things ooh ah you know he initiated he started it he started it's all on him oh my God oh that's a lot of buddies excellent okay some casualties very sad but we have won the greater bet weight kill kill kill kill freaking get that oh now you're running nice nice nice it's working it's working so shift part is down here okay it's down here wait it's up oh frick me we're going home we're going home field Trip's canceled we're going home freaking friend oh God stop taking my food stop taking my food okay I always have a lot more Blues now that's good oh what's this what the what is this my space float where'd you guys find this the flow is an absolute necessity for any pilot who lacks skill it's gonna take forever to drink what what am I say I said come down for them what am I doing okay no big deal uh rippo though okay we're moving we're moving we get out of here okay good day today's been a good day all right now hopefully they'll be smart and go straight on to the part yeah yeah gameplay gameplay let's go I'm so proud of my sons and daughters let's go yeah all right gaming all right you know what I'm nice I'm nice I'll save you this time I'll save you I'll save you I feel like after watching all of your friends drown you you you should not follow their example I found a gravity Jumper by manipulating the forces of gravity this key component gives me the final boost I need to make the jump into super light speed good thing I found it oh I found bombs hooray terrorism two parts of one day yeah three yeah I'm crazy I'm kind of crazy bro no no sure sure we could use some more food oh no the Frog Retreat retreat no why no no no no wait wait there are more days than ports remaining I'd say we're doing good we are winning right now we're winning just ignore the photographs ignore the graph just don't look at it what's this contraption I found my Sagittarius it brings to mind visions of my son back home oh it's a Memento all right here's a good family man oh I love this guy man now you're making me sympathize with Omar and smash this is some families I hate this guy it's the shock absorber this apparatus contracts the shaking and swaying that normally occurs during flight it's smooth sailing with this in place usually I know I should use Reds but I basically can't get my Reds up here Master Pro oh oh wait wait wait big idea big great idea stay in position until I give you the signal my lease my Army of friends defeat the enemy Reds go for the shock absorber Blues go for the corpse of our enemies tear it down tear it all down yeah as long as they're with me it's fine it's fine right okay okay so you know oh that's a big guy oh God good thing you know what Burgers here for another time no casualties today it's all good good work gentlemen wait no do not drink the nectar do not do not turn the piss do not drink the piss no play as freaking safe as humanly possible wait what are you doing no no no no no no okay that's it that's it ah the plant's falling apart oh I'm gonna hit now oh my God bro what the fudge give me my Red Army hurry hurry before the enemy consumes us all yeah they're doing great you're doing great I am trying to make this boss fight as climactic as I can make it I like it could you oh ouch okay okay Commander down Commander down no no uh Steve no come on yes he has been defeated his neck rings out it's the geiger counter yeah bomb squad go wait no oh man oh God I have no idea what awaits me on the other side of this wall but I made it too far to not find out oh I don't know what you are but something tells me you're not friendly what oh rocks okay all right go go go wait whoa oh wait no we shoved it in exposed this weak point tactical engineering we just destroyed him in one one go no way we're so talented oh my God that was somehow even easier than the birds how at last my radiation cannot can up okay I see Place the little bastards aren't you go go go go go no oh no go go go go go yeah we did it well puss puss pause almost half the ship parts with only 20 days remaining I say I did a pretty good job my first ever Pikmin Expedition this is my happy game this is my new Happy game remember y'all telling me that distance spring is apparently not easy so where should I go next okay I'm seeing Forest to the forest arrives my Army of onions arise today that's not nice hopefully no of them I want my little guys to do well in life I want them to get the greatest education available to all Pikmin kinds figure out where exactly am I supposed to go oh the bastards fights fights by comrades fight I'm sure it's fine to leave him unattended wait oh no no no no that's why I get for leaving survivors a cold harsh reality of this game the only kind of good enemy is a dead enemy boys boys boys I hate this guy I hate these guys okay here I'm an idea I'm gonna I'm gonna freaking split up the gang taking my best soldiers and fight is if it's going great it's actually going amazing oh no her flowers are being plucked let me clear the path for my for my Army members oh God damn it please come on you guys swim swim for your lives no hey just I don't know I'm voting to that guy but okay we're in the clear okay okay okay okay okay send them out send them out send the boys out now I guess you gotta get my other dudes and we'll be right back okay Pixma Nation assemble ignore the corpses of our enemies it just displays victory yeah yeah yeah okay let me see here I don't know if there's any bombs in that area oh hello hello there what are you doing what do you use what are these dudes what are these dudes he's like how am I supposed to like carry the yellow oh wait okay I see I see the issue here I see the issue okay all right we're gonna start building that up all right well then you're almost done with it anyways you're almost done Terry down tear it down tear it down okay gonna take my Reds not not the yellows no no no no no not the piss babies I don't trust any of my picnic even though red ones even interact with this area I have no chance no shot is gonna go well okay I'm terrified for them uh you see build a br ah I see oh whatever part oh I got the blues gonna get my blue oh Jesus Christ This is a trial of literal fire I'm terrified okay no it's gonna watch after the flame geyser stops pooping there we go all right go go go go go go man roll out go go go my finger fine I finger fine no damn it I couldn't wait wait I I should have called him back because I could have freaking uh that's unfortunate oh yeah there's enough to carry back this doohickey at the very least yeah my analog computer this computer conveys the kind of vague data that falls outside the range of ones and zeros actually to be honest it's a little bit too vague so it isn't very helpful YouTube algorithm moments me when I log into my YouTube Studio see a 10 out of 10 video and the other Studio says is make a better video it's not annoyed with these flowers do by the way I have no idea oh really it's wait wait that's actually hilarious oh wait wait a minute wait what ah I don't think they can well I mean actually this is perfectly fine I'll use my Reds to carry this sucker home I am so ready for something to kill me I'm so scared oh wait damn it I should have kept a couple blues with me so I see a geyser in there all right all right good job Brothers good job we probably have time for one piece anyway so it's fine to do wait oh there's a spout oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I see yippee yeah yeah teamwork baby yeah let's go Army Let's Go Army I suppose I can't yeah I can't climb okay I'm sure my Reds are gonna do just fine oh how is a red pigment over there you already know I'm obsessed with little little miracle [Applause] wait ah you so dumb buddy buddy please now where my yellows at did not leave my nails behind I probably did oh they joined them oh they're so smart oh I need my blue right okay okay I see so here's what I'm gonna do here's what I'm gonna do it'd be super clutch about it right yeah they're gonna keep carrying it they'll be fun they'll be fine so in the meantime I'm gonna require my blue dudes let me just don't check where it is okay so there so yeah we gotta go that long route I don't know if I can make it in time okay this feels like I'm pushing my luck a lot here but I am genuinely curious and also are they still pushing it oh we're just about to set it up okay awesome now I can watch my favorite YouTube channels in my awesome spaceship this strengthens the outward emotions of the Dolphin's computer well it does make the computer smart it also makes it quite quick to anger yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh neat are they gonna rise up with me oh I need a Fro I'm not very smart okay okay again like lagging was smart right at the moment okay okay wait is that even is it even possible wait what yeah wait so how am I supposed to oh oh I I am so okay this is why you you color uh yellow was supposed to finish the job and I just simply did not realize it until it was too late all right it'll be here tomorrow it's fine all right time we're done swimming guys we have had our fun at the at the water park that was good always good good good good that was indeed a successful Voyage I'm so close to seeing my wife and children again oh oh no I told you we're done swimming no hope has begun to well up within me for the Dolphins repair and my own chances for a reunion with my dear family tomorrow I shall go forth with a new attitude and get to you my exploration in a different region I love two behind Okay I don't know is that many in battle dang I need my yellows me when I'm granted existence yippee oh dude 30 of these and a couple of these oh in fact yeah I would never do this makes it a lot easier for me to travel one day I will inevitably have to make a Pikmin tier list there are just so many of these little guys how could I not rate them okay so I just need a yellow for right now uh careful careful careful careful everyone to hold hands have a line buddy and follow me hello piano oh wait the spring oh good thing I brought a blue oh my God you dummy it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my God bro wait save him nobody please please please okay oh my gosh get out of the water please this dude okay no no you save him I don't want to deal with him this dude you are blocking our freaking work please what why are you doing that why don't you dare don't you don't give me don't do not do not I'm not saving you again okay oh my God that was needlessly stressful okay now how many of them oh my God good little guys good little guys okay 15. baby that's easy I found my Libra my daughter gave this to me it's named after her astral Astro epic fail I like how them falling off a cliff does not deter bump and finishing the job they keep trucking they keep pushing here's where it gets a little scary because they can die and I would be oh wait wait no no even better even better hold on hold on I'm gonna use my brain and it's gonna go crazy when I do to prevent as much needle as death as possible to ensure my Army of instinct survives just a little bit longer I shall only acquire the Reds I got some good leadership skills keeping them alive keeping my foot not keeping myself alive but keeping them alive at least okay everyone's here yippee amazing now uh what else can you do what else can we do right that I can only bring my Blues my bluebies hey hey do not squish me it's the anti-deox this fits over the Rockets exhausted ports and filters out all disease-causing Agents from the ship's exhaust that means I'll be able to move around without polluting but play its atmosphere love knowing about castle Omar cares about the environment what a good guy what a nice guy 40. oh Christ I need so many more then okay I'm out of here I'm out of here okay I bring back a whole Army of Blues oh yeah then I can actually go to play a new area now I have now recovered 69 30 parts oh 13 more okay my bad 13. we are far off from moving on Twitter area okay my favorite thing about this game from uh from a streaming experience is just seeing people's reactions and knowing that alobar has a family if Omar can make it in life and you can too always keep trying believe in yourselves there's a direct quote from Captain Olimar if you don't like taking too many it's gonna be a bad idea so we'll bring 50 51. okay these these guys are hostile we gotta take care of them before they take care of me all right how far can they jump okay pretty far pretty far kill kill kill kill kill kill oh dodged we're crazy follow the loop follow the loop ah I know what I've got squished again please finish the job oh God damn it you just had to take us out like that I know you can attack with Omar you know I'm thinking maybe I can have distract him enough damn everyone Retreats entries we must unleash all the bluebies every last one of them shall be conscripted to the cause I'm bringing an army Arise My Blue prevalent arise no can't trust him kill thank you for your sacrifice my blue Reverend we will carry on in your stead he embodiment of that that one that one dream can I catch them riding dirty huzzah Okay carry him home baby oh please do not take your no no way no no no no no no yeah yeah you want me go my ride go go hey guys unfortunately this was the moment where the same ass story that hit Omar's ship conveniently hit my PC as I was playing so parts of the audio might sound a bit echoey from here just try to use your imagination to think there's double the pigment on the screen at all times which of course means double the tears I cried when I accidentally leave one of them behind this game isn't nice man I got you I got you persevere persevere distract the enemy what you're a hater uh oh he's dead it's me you want it's me you want to sit on all right good no no no no no no no no stop stop stop no no glitch ruins damn it no bastard on fire oh God there's only half of you left compared to when we started the level oh man I'm leaving more of them behind than I even realize it is very strange yeah you're telling me the sooner of his Planet which I once got hostile uh now something strikes me as surprisingly Serene perhaps the Pikmin I've opened my heart to the beauty of his world friend was plucked from the earth just to drown I called him a little miracle he was set up for failure God did not like this man we I'm assuming the part I was trying to move but you know was brutally interrupted gets reset right I'm just gonna assume that oh it doesn't reset awesome yeah yeah this time now that it's out of the water faced in my blue Brethren sacrifice I could now utilize my Red Army to instill fear into my foes as we carry the ship part back to home base oh man it's annoying I gotta get some yellows oh oh wait wait okay so if I put a red in there okay so let's take a little let's take a look oh is he okay he seems fine I don't want to sacrifice wait oh oh wait it moved wait a minute I don't want to know that bastard Hazard make him go extinct to avenge my blue comrades yeah yeah put it in the word put in the hours they take four hours yeah all right I just keep getting where I can put the yellows from Orange in the flower okay okay what do I have the most of right now blue so I should convert some where is the out over there okay oh look yellows they've been reborn Pikmin estrogen they've converted I'm glad they can feel comfortable on their own color the laws of deep space require All Ships to a loaded all pollutants all right 17. yay okay I thought I could find some freaking Bombs all right yeah let me just deposit my Reds actually yeah keep three out just in case I can find some bombs oh a whole Army oh goodness gracious maybe I shouldn't bring this money out actually wait I'm nervous I'm nervous oh I hate these freaking frogs oh oh bastard oh frick me everyone ignore ignore ignore jump in my menu jump in my soldiers oh there's no water here oh there's no water here wait what I thought there was water in here oh my God okay so I feel like this was a really bad idea oh it's running oh is it scared what you doing spores oh wait wait I think maybe you have to use yellows to hit the eyes definitely Lush out of something wait wait oh no oh no what the oh they're fighting back what the stop convert my pigment to the enemy guys no no no no no no no no oh what the fudge I'm building this Army for him I'm gonna leave now reaching my strategy a bit this is this is truly messed up oh they're blooming great job guys can you guys like enjoy your puberty Sports outside of enemy blinds please okay this was uh not very good at all okay at least now I know what to do oh my bad guys right right I didn't realize I had to use the cert like the 80th different way of from a Pikmin an enemy to defeat it my apologies I think I'm doing my best you know just sweep the legs just don't get brainwashed forehead well I have my Reds with me I'm just gonna go fight some some enemies get mad away for next time oh actually I can start tearing this wall down too oh yeah very very sworn okay I can see the useless of sworn are they really still counting them as my Pikmin is it possible to see them pretty sure one spare of mushrooms it's GG right no my forever in my friends oh God I miss them already okay so day 14 or 15. you guys go now because it's day 14 right now there are now only 13 Parts I still need to retrieve a lot of people to return recover the remaining part 17 more days surely there are some parts that are not absolutely necessary if my ship is not complete by day 30 the way I will find out is to try the liftoff thanks for calling the day I took my son for a ride in his spaceship he was so happy I shall tell him of his journey when I return and I shall return I must I can already see the look of Wonder on his precious face and I describe my adventures with big big can Omar adopt me I love this guy can you doubt me bro please should I go just to distance spring now because that boss thing you can tell me about or should I go to Forest Naval to finish the job first excuse me Smash okay that's a little far A little far-reaching I guess it much I don't know about that one everyone is just begging for me to go to distant spring but let's get messed up we gotta find the ship parts ooh Out of Water the ocean oh my gosh whoa there's a lot oh goodness gracious okay the map is already very scary what is that who are you what are this what are these what what what why is he following me bro what do you want it's just something that is gonna happen the moment I bring out my friends isn't it apparently if it's super duper secret extraordinary amazing spectacular boss it's in the water it's a bus we must Traverse spoosy splashy splashy ooh oh egg leg oh uh good morning oh I don't know what it who are you I'm afraid of this Trail he's leaving behind I don't know about that bro where is he going who's gotta wait oh girl dead oh oh God how do you fight this guy I don't like him I don't like him I don't like it I don't know when he dies what is this supposed to mean well he's just camping out my Reds what you just what look me in the eyes you bastard oh oh yeah we're doing it yeah there are definitely some casualties this planet has hardened me to understand that it's just simply a natural thing to occur it's all part of a pigment's plan I can't stop it from happening okay so let me look at my Reds out wait was he actually eating my Reds wait I had no idea wait wait a minute I didn't know they were actually how are we supposed to get there was no indication oh oh bro I thought you guys met he was eating my Pikmin who are already in their onions he just uproots them okay okay so there were no there was no one planted you know so I didn't lose any red picnic go go go go go go go go damn it I'm trying to aim for the right area all right now okay it's working oh no way it's totally working okay okay come back come back come back more Reds more Reds I repeat we need backup let's go wait for the elf wait for the screech okay go die go time there's gotta be it yeah okay the evil has been defeated oh seed gives you a hundred Pikmin wow seems like I need a lot of Reds I have been blessed by the nuts the Reds played a pivotal part in this battle and bus face shall claim the trophy of our slain enemies based on the nuts of our enemies consume them to your will Mass produce even more friends oh that's a lot of friends wow actually there's no treasure from that though looks like it's an easy one over there wait what do you have a hundred no I don't oh oh the planted ones okay I got you oh we're gonna be here for a bit I didn't I didn't know do you love me geez look my first instinct wasn't after defeating this giant enemy to pluck a hundred Pikmin at the same time you just fought the most secretest boss at all picking one your reward you're gonna play a farming simulator oh oh it is big ass lips okay well it looks like I can just kind of maneuver around I mean they're sleeping they shouldn't be a problem you know so mean for no reason so mean bro okay okay I feel like I'm gonna have to take this guy out get from behind from behind from behind this guy's such a hater oh my God he's just eating everyone oh my God because he didn't stop blowing on me go get on him I I can't believe what I want to see right now I actually can't believe it I guys want to race the whole day now I should have never never tried it I should have never freaking tried it he's eating once God damn it okay you know what you know what I'm just gonna try and figure out where the hell this stupid part is in the first place it's up there I need a yellow God damn it okay fine oh I'm gonna reset I'm gonna reset I'm getting outgamed out knowledge to everything it's all going to crap my friends are dead and I can't handle the Guild of it all okay this time I'm prepared for Smokey Prague I'm Gonna Leave My commanding red officers lying in weight for the enemies approach wake up wake up wake up this time I got up this time I got it round two Smokey nah that you think you're gonna get to my home base before I can no sir Blues Retreat Reds activate hold the line hold the line all right go time go go go I have no words oh my God hey yo Ayo Smokey look pretty lights bright lights is that intrigued okay oh oh come on come on keep fighting keep fighting my soldiers keep fighting the plan will work poke him in the eyes Pokemon in the eyes revocacy privileges go go go go go I missed okay it's fine almost there one more cycle I can feel it hey he's been defeated yet again that was a lot more well rehearsed oh you know maybe I should have waited to plant the seed I should have waited and I think about it okay okay now I know the part there I'm just gonna return my Reds we still lost soldiers on this fine battle but it was a much well improved version compared to the previews aftermath look look look I just be and stuff almost Fair there's so many of them oh my God I'm doing this part today and just worry about the enemies later good night my newly grown Reverend take your rest you have earned it I think I've earned myself a part my massage machine we need relaxation we need some good R and R after that guys guys why are you carrying it that way pigment that are carry our spoils seem to be Milling around about one place with her loads it appears that they're bad back there I needed block and faced with what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle they have lost their focus this is uh acceptable I'll have to determine what it's blocking give her away to the bridge to the bridge in the meantime then I'm gonna get my Reds ready we're gonna fix the ecosystem a little bit I should do it okay nice Bridge has been made I'm just scared he's gonna wake him up please don't wake him up please don't wake up the bloodboard please please be careful please be careful okay okay around the back excellent choice incredible strategy I've been doing that I will serve as a diversion got him for the cause for my family all my photos all right they made it a diverge shut up I've been walking so much lately I'm looking forward to using this say it here man save here okay question is what do I do now and I'll just do my Blues then into that water area I don't know if I can reach from up there I don't know if I can throw them high enough nice how many I need is it 20 20. easy easy peasy it's like a wind-up key I found the repair type bolts this roll back Marvel can fix just about anything in the ship what what are you what whoa hell no come back come back here get it done my friends what is your problem this bastard's swooping on my dudes what an eventful first day on distant planets 14 days since the impact there appears to be a large cluster of Parts here and that calculations are correct but I should be able to recover virtually all of my missing ship parts but not quite all of them unfortunately there are still seems to some pieces that remain unaccounted for I must find 10 more parts okay I feel like I should just finish first enable nabel navel yeah okay let me double check okay so there's two left he's two left in this area that guy and that guy I'm gonna assume I need some kind of bomb for that so I gotta find bombs and bombs are over here now I remember the Bombs over there considering we'll be fine in the in the mushroom territory bring out the whole Squad up take a sippy everyone drink the golden piss the liquid Vigor yeah oh my God they're all blooming I'm hosting a whole garden right now yeah tear it down tear it down it seems that my previous mushroom converted forever know are gone now makes me want to destroy that mushroom bastard even more for what he did to my children let's finish what we started charge swarm sweep the legs sweep the legs oh oh do a handstand stand on him I can't stand you like you can't even stand the Omega stabilizer I absolutely must have this piece if my battered ship is ever to fly straight again it has steered me through countless deep space storm That and it looks rap cool Ingenuity never heard of her looks cool hell yeah so now that I have this part I'm basically guaranteed able to go home awesome very cool a safeguard can I take the mushroom home yes I can oh font I was I should have distracted him I should have thought this over more with this freaking stupid frog at first always Bloodshed there's always soldiers that get left behind In the Heat of battle every time every freaking time I have just enough bunnies left to carry my parts home man okay they're making it just fine good for them nice and easy nice and easy way where you guys going okay he's going up there it's fine okay I'll go now you're going up here now okay but pick an option man guys up here and then there you go there you go you got it okay we're in the clear okay we are making progress listen but Dolphins spin it's a little beating up but it should still function 20 out of 30 bucks oh we're getting so close yeah teamwork let's go now I and I remember where to get the bombs bombs to go over there right so let me go get some yellows and we will be able to get some bombs let me see so right down there yeah okay there it is whoop there it is let me just leave you guys here real quick wait oh no no he's dead God damn it I overshot it bro I overshot it oh my God I don't know why he decided to stay there I feel like if you're a demolition expert you should know that they demolish things and you shouldn't be in the crossfire of it I was like don't know enough freaking die I'm gonna fall I need two more yeah we're not gonna be able to break the wall at this point I have to remember seeing some kind of bomb yep like down here okay okay I see no no I'm gonna use these couple just so I can start building it yeah yeah the blue ones they can swim but they can't grab bombs we gotta remember that sorry had the Reds with me you know oh Mark Sir okay these guys are fine yeah oh I couldn't save them damn it fifteen we're just skipping the freaking end cut scene and everything now you know what I'm glad I don't have to watch my brethren who I accidentally left behind get devoured in front of my very eyes thank you for sparing me from the constant freaking PTSD flashbacks I had to go through every single level we're getting that last part we're doing this we're doing this we got this why is that bomb shaking Pikmin investigate okay it's fine okay careful buddy careful okay you guys wait there okay now that we're finally here we got what we need oh yeah okay the final bomb Azad go charge storm the enemy whatever it is this looks empty what's going on he's just stepping on my dudes it's almost over keep pushing keep pushing oh oh it's over what a freaking jump scare big legs big legs bro it's like five eleven versus six foot but go on satellite deep space is filled with dangerous like those giant freaking spiders right it was automated satellite does its part to help guard both me and my spaceship I'll sleep better at night once this little satellite is back on my duty oh actually actually let me just make sure only Reds are taking this all right well that one yellow is going to be fine oh no oh oh cool I didn't know I can actually notified of burning through whistleblowing this has protected me from space pirates many many times we are uh oh I didn't know those guys were still there oh uh I guess I'm gonna get them back then right no idea these guys are still here so many flowers pretty pretty flowers I also love how you actually see each ship part get added on to Omar's ship after each day that's a neat little touch when I see a pikminating engaged in Fierce Battle of the other creatures of this world I have to grow and easy wondering why they never attack me could it be they actually view me as a parental figure my two kids you're gonna have so many new brothers and sisters we're gonna be the biggest happiest family in the whole galaxy oh man that really means I can only get more ship parts from this horrible area God damn it it looks like that one's kind of easy because it's just right there at the water oh yeah I forgot I can get bombs there for for yellows oh this dude all right bro I'm about to blow you away yeah yeah drink my water drown in it oh he's gonna actually massive pushovers I never would have guessed get deflated I found my Interstellar radio not only does it admit a constant SOS signal it also broadcasts voices from space that will brighten up my moments of boredom is that a famicon okay I don't know about those guys but I'm sure it'll be fine right it'll look hostile so everything just seems like a threat in this game oh nice and smooth yeah so move with it this part will send out a daily SOS signal I have so little time remaining though I have no option but they can see you might search right waiting for a rescue party ah Bridge construction oh yeah oh but I want to take out the Frog first oh oh God I didn't realize you can get out of the water it's about knowing when to throw them and when to not throw them the art of Pikmin tactics nice okay ooh scary that's scary no actually I can play it even safer maybe because there's a lot less there's a lot less bull bears in this area with a sleeping one yeah over here yeah now this is where it's at come on guys explore the skulls will be free as Wildlife for some epic boss all right wow a whole demolition site y'all give us like a bajillion ideas oh okay that wasn't the bomb that was not a bomb one so it's fine he can be recovered uh I think he got eaten oh I just need one more bomb dang oh my Blues go oh here there they are okay swarm swarm swarm now what's this Park Golden Drive using the cork binding metaphysical properties of gluons the device we're amazing we're talented we're the strongest army in the entirety of this abandoned planet do I know know what that we're doing amazing right now and that we are going to prosper and build our spaceship from nothing to Greatness we're building we're building we're building constructing right when he said earlier damn okay all good I'll get it 50. oh oh we move enough okay I came prepared let's make sure you can carry it as far as they can oh I see even issue here okay why you guys getting so close okay all right so now I know we definitely have to bomb them I'd say today was pretty eventful high five yeah high five please don't tell me wait oh no it's fine I had to leave anyone behind amazing oh is that my wife my kids dog question mark I wonder if I shall ever be able to escape from this world how much suffering must I eat there before I can finally see my family back home again day 16. I am glimmering with hope day 17. why are we still here just to suffer [Music] suffer it grows too heavy I take comfort in my own efforts I will get home or I'll expire trying for the blues escorts that peace we need to ensure we can make it there in one piece do this through nuclear warfare oh yeah you might die in this battle this little heated exchange so you can take a sip of piss go out in a blaze of glory Drinking Your Favorite Beverages no wrong guys wrong guys no no oh geez all right casualty War by Brothers swarm oh yeah The Woolly walks so much worse than the old Bears don't get me started with The Blob blooms those guys are horrifying I have no idea how this works I have no idea how this works oh goodness gracious okay so the hard part let's figure out how to get my boys in here I can bring the blues there at least okay of course I brought every single piggy besides the one I can use oh wait no I can get them all a stick yeah he's wide open swarm he's thieving out of embarrassment I discovered the bow spurt with this piece installed my ship should regain some of its Sleek shape now I can Traverse the Skies of space in swag put your backs into it let's go come on come on swing try me where's that guy what is that guy doing he's crazy he's insane what the oh my oh oh wait wait he's doing it what the I don't know how he did it I I have no idea how he got through all that but you know what good for him pop the balloon pop the balloon oh no no recorder no no oh that's so mean hey oh listen guys I had to think that I'm not the worst new time Pikmin player ever you know I feel like I've made a little silly mistakes but most of the time I'm doing pretty good will this inspire me to play all Mars bad I'll give him a shot I will give him a genuine chance and that is all of course you're freaking me Gunner Maine is popping off over hearing that about Omar gameplay me players when they see Omar Gameplay at the function nope okay wait no nope nope nope do not do not disengage disengage if you want to Aid because even further just stay down oh my god oh come on find it [Music] ah what the hell yeah you mother shucker God damn it oh we're resetting that oh my God we are freaking resetting that one of our Pikmin was a traitor wait oh that that's why okay unintelligent you know Circle of Life he's a really small circle you know nice nice job oh expert Marksmanship that last Bob's gonna do it it's gonna do it for sure do it to him it missed okay damn it he's like where where my kids are dead where cry about it cry about it cry about it cry about it okay this is only a lot better than I expected in honesty this is going great hit it for the back yeah nice job and now we can finally get this ship part there you go okay nice gaming I used every form of Pikmin in extravagant ways today it's amazing carry the gross my enemies why Mr Blue no go up to sleeves go back to sleep don't freaking open your eyes though the creatures of this planet breathe a deadly poisonous gas oxygen no wonder Humanity's so toxic oh it's up I'm so oblivious bad families yeah I'm well aware who do you think built the families why do you think they have families why do you think they even exist I've done everything I can for them I can't help it if I need to make sacrifices there it is get them in I found my UV lamp this handy light is great for tanning but it doesn't seem to have any relationship or dumb and flicking abilities oh yeah try to act like you have some kind of humility with your croaking sound effect buddy natural selection we have to accept it my remorse can only go so far guys please back away you stupid it's my zirconium rotor stock this is a new one this has been a magical journey so far full of emotion I've experienced at least like 20 of them oh there's an apart right there oh wow I didn't even notice it it's a donut my Pilots see once I get this installed my cockpit will finally be back in order soon my ship will be starting to look more and more like the dolphin of old ah the memories I keep missing a blue somehow I don't know how to say man I don't know I've been blending with the water too much I really have no idea how I keep missing on Blue it was a child [Music] I mean I never would have guessed that Pikmin would be the game where someone would ask me if I'm transsexual better yeah it's just like hey streamer I'm Delhi Pikmin four also what's your sexuality it is that that combination it's just very funny to me you know after we get through all of the first day shenanigans on distant planet it's actually becoming quite an easy level oh my God I can just get both these parts in right now wow the progress I'm making it's Immaculate oh wait a minute okay I'm petting him off guys keep going keep going yeah you're doing it you're doing it Captain armor of a fighter hold on who said he can't fight up close guess these hands hold on oh no way yo all our solos he's crazy he's built for this I can't believe he can do that I never thought he could actually do it on his own look at him look at what I can do look what I can accomplish hey op this is the last thing you see before you die my second you know me I'm jet just bring out the entire Squadron of blue babies who goes to an auto technician she's an engine and think yeah my wife's gonna love this one here we go the final piece we can finish the job we get to see our family again [Music] oh there it is there's the geyser I see now you have all been reborn to an even greater color okay hopefully that's enough I mean it better be enough we ran out of estrogen it's just that simple it's just that simple oh my goodness it's just that simple that's the last part we did it the Chronos reactor using strange new technology this machine is able to work but space-time Continuum and turn it into energy come on guys we have one last part to shift come on guys don't be sad because it's over be happy that it happened better yet don't be seconds over be happy that I can actually live and see my family again without dying of oxygen poisoning and there it goes there it is that's the last part it's getting zoomed into this chip I didn't even realize that was I didn't realize what the animation looked like until now it's always a blue it's always a straggling little blue swimming for way too long at last but a single part remains to the recover 29 of the missing parts the Dolphin's power is near capacity clearly this is my final trial my life support fails in nine days Courage the final trial I don't know what awaits me in this region but we're gonna find out I wonder what the final part of him looks like as well must be something pretty pretty extravagant it'll also be cool if Omar himself can get a little upgrades here and there like increasing his run speed Health even though hell doesn't really matter that much there's a little extra things I'm sure they improved upon this formula I was thinking like first time playing Pikmin I would love to see stuff like that in future installments which I'm sure I was already there you know we are strapped up oh my God and look at that the Reds go there oh my gosh it's amazing everyone's pulling in work every single Pikmin is working in beautiful matrimony in harmony my red brothers and sisters follow me yeah no no I'm sorry bro no that's not you guys that's on you guys I'm not gonna say I told them jump off a cliff but actually I am because I did not tell him to jump off a cliff bad one shot it's called not drowning oh oh that sound cool I guess we just go in yeah it's right there let's do it I don't like how it's in a ring formation like I'm gonna go into a sinkhole or something but they give me plenty of bomb somewhere with this is the final battle the final trial I can take my sweet time with it I got eight more days on this bastardized planet okay let's do this oh whoa what are you yeah I think I'm Gonna Wanna oh oh no oh I found my bomb nice yo eat up bro eat up thank you for your sacrifice and a cause we're almost halfway and we are almost out of time that's not good one more cycle that's all we need wait what oh okay maybe two cycles maybe two cycles okay Retreat Retreat tomorrow's a new day a tree you win this day you bastard but tomorrow Victory will be ours why is it always blue why I really don't mean for this to happen I don't mean to only leave behind Blues it just happens I don't want this to happen I call forth the power of my friends one last time let us finally conquer the final trial go go go go go go go smack em up I am matching like a freaking Mario Party mini game we can do this we're so close legalize nuclear bombs oh yeah we love not dying one more cycle that's all it takes I believe for my family for my Pikmin for my spaceship for all of our we will finally Escape enjoy your last meal you come here oh he's done my piggy bank I missed you at long last I found the final part my secret safe and it's as full as ever how good I am that I persisted in my search without losing hope now I can leave this planet without any regrets maybe I'll even stop and pick up some souvenirs for my wife and kids back on planet hokotate yeah we're gonna get our family the world more than enough allies remain they carry my safe back home yeah we did it yeah yeah we did now yeah yeah we start at the bottom of the food chain and we Rose above it with every single new ship port discovered Pikmin sweep we rule this ecosystem now this is our planet our domain our territory every ship part has been acquired now I can return home to hokotate ah what a magnificent Journey this was Captain Oliver I salute you I have newfound respect for you oh they're ultimate I don't want to leave them behind no yeah I mean what do you think goodbye with their leaves I love this game I love them now don't feel sad hold on I don't feel bad that'll be plenty of more Pikmin Pikmin 2 and Pikmin three and Pikmin four and hey look Pikmin and probably not that game it hurts really bad but man I love this franchise now goodbye guys thanks for everything wait oh oh yeah take your claim apex predators let them know I taught him so well I'm so proud of the army of friends I built all the onions are coming with me oh my gosh wait oh that's a lot of different that's a lot of onions wait a minute those are new colors and now Omar gets to see his wife again okay I don't know this is the worst thing ever I don't know if it's the best thing ever but my for my first time I'm accomplished I'm proud 623 Pikmin though ouch that that sunk a little bit ouchy I got every ship part let's go it seems like the blue ones are the optional ones I don't know what they mean though a massage machine is very imperative for proper space flight goodbye planet that trying to kill me in several different ways I'll miss you too is all about grief oh God I didn't lose too much of that in this game alone pain sorrow Agony sadness regret remorse put in turn I've experienced Triumph success accomplish me and friendship so you know a good trade-off of emotions the throwing Candy Pop dwarfed bold dwarf bold the original ones Emperor bull fiery blow honey iridescent Flint puff oh what who is this guy swooping snitch that one definitely works the end happy the end yay they look so happy look at their happy happy Expressions they're so happy oh ah look at jump scare get that gooey Center claim the prize that's inside how are you not distracted by the hunter little blue men beating your balls to death okay that was the boss fight of all time look at this silly guy wow he likes flowers kill him oh oh damn he's plenty of them oh my gosh he's just freaking deal both of them that's unforgivable oh wait I you're right he did power of him up oh oh oh I'm sure the flowers planted on his Tombstone are going to look very pretty I don't know if saying that made it any less sad final thoughts play Pikmin it is actually amazing I'm a bloody everyone once so look out for pets thank you
Channel: Vernias
Views: 484,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vernias, pikmin, pikmin 1, pikmin gameplay, vernias pikmin, pikmin playthrough, pikmin 1 gameplay, pikmin walkthrough, pikmin 1 walkthrough, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, olimar, pikmin endings, pikmin good ending, pikmin 1 endings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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