The police plane couldn't keep up with my McLaren

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slow down slow down there's a plane over you so even though I run my own rallies I still go on one of my favorite ones it's called goldrush Rallye and were a sponsor from Chicago Motor Cars so every year I kind of look forward to going meet our friends we go with and meeting all the people that we've met over the years so I'm like all right it's gonna be fun so the first half its from Miami to Chicago and Chicago to Texas and there's obviously a bunch of cities in between I Drive with paren and perform on Tay that was wrapped in like a dark whitish grey color and kind of gold bronze look like rust car looked beautiful if you knew what you were looking at but for most people if he saw it kind of didn't pay too much attention because it was kind of just a bland looking rat going to Chicago we didn't it pulled over once and I'm like okay this is a good start mmm one thing on rallies that you want to remember is your goal is to get from city to city no ticket knocking arrested don't damage your car and just be safe you know and get to where you need to go so I'm like oh wait this is off to a good start we're having fun we're with our friends you know we're enjoying each city finally you know a couple days goes by we get to Chicago and now it's my turn if I continue to go on the next leg at Gold Rush I would had to drive one of my cars so I was like you know what I'm gonna drive my mclaren 570s got a full horse diner body kit on there it's got a custom set a hood on there just a bunch of cool stuff that you would see on a McLaren one thing is I didn't wrap my car and it mantis green which is a bright lime green and it's not my favorite color but you know it is what the car is I don't think we got out of Illinois before I got pulled over the first time and I was like okay this is a lot like all these other cars are around us and I'm looking and I'm like man everybody's cars are like stealth wrap their matte greys matte black sand they have these camouflaged wraps on there where you can't really tell what kind of car it is and I mean they stand out because we know what we're looking at but or maybe other people they don't notice it as much so we're just driving from city to city and I think I was getting pulled over every few hours and I was like what the heck's going on here every officer pulled me over and said the same thing they're like hey we got a phone call that a bright green Lamborghini was speeding by a Michael this is not a Lamborghini and you know they said this is what those we got the call so I'm alright no problem so we're driving city to city and at this point I probably got pulled over four or five times within the first two or three days and I haven't gotten any tickets yet so much this is good all right like you know it's the one thing they have interaction with the law but it's another thing to have good interaction where they let you go and most officers are pretty nice when they pull you over they just they want you to be safe and he said just get out of our city or get out of our state and so we're kind of going through and we're going through Iowa next you know we have our radios with us so we're talking our like a two-way radio but they only work from a mile or so away so if you lose connection with some people like your cell phones don't work in these areas right so we're driving along and we're on these back roads because we're staying off the main highway because we're already getting calls that on the police scanners that there was roadblocks that had officers waiting because there's a hundred plus cars driving through here it doesn't take long before the local authorities get tipped off so I'm driving on this small two-lane highway and we come into this small town so it dropped from 55 down to 25 and this officer just happened to have his radar on him sitting right on the side of the road in a gas station just waiting for us to go right over that hill that he would have we were never seen him at and on the first lead car like I usually am so I get pulled over I pull over onto the road I have no cell phone service none at all everybody passes me kind of waves takes pictures of me just cuz you know it's our fun thing that we do when somebody gets pulled over you kind of make fun of them later so I'm sitting at the officer on a set of roadies they asked me what kind of car this is I don't have any logos on my car they're all removed to say you are are on it and he's like what is this I'm trying to explain to him and he's like spell McLaren you know and I'm trying to explain that and twenty thirty minutes goes by so I'm and a pretty good distance away from my guys in front of me all right then we're in a little pack and we stay with our ten guys he goes hey you know what you're free to go be safe and just kind of slow down but catchup safely to her front little did he know that my friends were 20-30 minutes ahead of me and I'm like there's no way to catch up safely so I'm I'm driving along we're going at a safe speed and I don't have any cell phone service or radio service so I can't talk to anybody and I'm looking around like this is almost too quiet it's a little suspicious so how quiet this road was so we're going we're going and all of a sudden I finally get cell phone service and my phone's ringing and and passenger I add her her phone was ringing and I'm like what the hell's going on and all I hear is slow down slow down there's a plane over you I'm like what do you mean there's a plane over me and I'm so I'm trying to look around and you know in a sports car you don't really have a much visibility you have the windshield you have your side windows and you can't really see out the back so I finally looked to my right and I see a plane level with us just falling along with us and I'm like all right what do I do and I'm on the phone with him and he's like there on the scanner do you think I'm gonna arrest you you were going so fast that they couldn't catch up to you or their plane couldn't keep up with you I said oh maybe there's something wrong with their plane if it just can't go that fast and you know finally I just pull over right away I'm like all right I already knew the officers were coming I'll wait for them so I pull over I see an officer coming my way turned around turned his lights on he thanks me for stopping and him not having to chase me and I'm like I would have never ran from the police you ever see have an airplane so I couldn't go anywhere so we kind of joke around he kind of says to me hey that airplane said that their plane stops at 150 miles an hour and they couldn't keep up with you I don't know about that is that doesn't even make sense I don't know if I could my car even goes 150 miles an hour and he kind of chuckles and me goes this car goes over 150 miles an hour our plane couldn't keep up with you what would you like me to do officer I said and he said well I'm gonna have to write you a citation I said okay what's PD writing me and he's like and a hundred eleven miles an hour and a 55 my word to come up with that number and he's like well he's like it's double the speed limit he's like that's what they think that you were going I said yeah just a minute ago he said I was going over 150 and he's like just be happy I wrote you for a hundred eleven so he wrote me the ticket and he was on his way and we started going off and I think I got caught up to our friend probably within that next hour and I think I got pulled over three more times over that next 48 hours and luckily that was the only ticket I received for that but nine times being pulled over on gold rush because of my color of my car and now I wrapped it matte black so I'm don't worry about this anymore and I'm hoping that maybe the officers don't see me anymore so in case you didn't know the way the airplane is actually tracking your speed is not with the radar or a laser because I have laser and radar jammers in my car so I haven't heard of it and I asked the officer and he's like they're actually pacing you with a stopwatch and there's actually lines in the road and it would calculate how long it takes from the get from line a to line B and if that distance divided by your speed equals that you're going you know whatever 111 miles an hour which to me I think his finger was a little off but that's just me by getting pulled over so much obviously throughout those few days there was a couple pullovers that didn't make sense right I was one point I was driving with about 10 or 12 cars and we pull up to like a toll booth that I have and I pass and there's no gate so I just kind of stopped and went on my way not really thinking of it I saw the attendant kind of reach out to kind of like ask for money at the time we're going oh I have an iPad what's the big deal we're in Iowa I passed should working here and so I I start driving and my friends are all with us and we're about 10 15 miles away from that toll booth and there's an officer waiting there and you know we're using Waze and we're using anti police measures just to see where everybody is and we're communicating with other people on the rally they can see where cops are so this officers sitting on a side the road numbers I hate a highway marker 121 there's Oscar winning we're going we all get to the right lane pass him at a normal speed he turns around oh come out after I said no I think I want to say I'm in a third car in out of this pack and I'm like all right well I wasn't speeding if anything is here with the first guy and or the last guy and he kind of passes along everybody and everybody's like alright we're on the radio past me not coming for me not coming for me and finally stops at me and he kind of like looks at me slows down turned his lights on and he pulls me over and I hear everybody laughing because they're like the green car again the green car again the because cars are black grays and whites so I pull over and my officer I know I wasn't speeding because I didn't pull you over for speeding he goes do you remember that toll booth over on the Turnpike and I'm like yeah he's like you owe them a dollar seventy-five I'm like alright and I reach in my pocket he's like no they don't take I can't take cash from you he goes come with me to my car so he pulls me out of my car sits me in the front seat of his car and asked me for a credit card and calls the girl at the toll booth on her cell phone from his cell phone and gives her my credit card number to charge me a dollar seventy-five for the toll booth so all my friends were way ahead of us at this point again because it's took 15-20 minutes so now I'm playing catch-up and and luckily I caught up to them without having to worry about seeing any other officers but other than that that officer was pretty generally happy and nice he kind of jokingly said to me he's like I figured you could afford the toll driving on these rallies you know it's fun it's for a good cause usually and it kind of gives you a reason to get out there and enjoy your cars sometimes some of these guys enjoy their cars a little too much well there was a guy with us our Gold Rush that didn't have a co-pilot and at the time I guess I found out lost his cell phone the day before so he was by himself in a car no radio no cell phone no copilot just driving with us he must have been going 150 160 miles an hour flew past another officer that was already pulled over on the side of the road with another gold rusher and they left him they left that Gold Rush shirt jumped in her car caught up to this Porsche pull him over and obviously arrest him he'd leave his card inside the road but nobody can get ahold to him because he doesn't have a cell phone doesn't anybody get old anybody and on top of it he's a new person at the rally so he's not really friends with anybody so nobody knows how to get ahold of this guy all they can do is go park next to his car wait you know make sure they don't tell it and then also go to the police station where he is and say hey this guy got arrested can we find him out so he was lucky enough to have a couple guys go to the over to the police station bond him out and they were able to get his car and he was able to make it the rest of the rally but after seeing that I mean any being interested so it's not really worth speeding and excessive speeds just rather be safe and smooth than be fast and reckless this month's car stories are sponsored by the ridge the ridge makes a line of wallets and bags that are designed to be minimalist and help us just take with us the things we actually need so check out the link in the description below for a discount and buy one for yourself or they make great Christmas presents and be sure to let them know how thankful you are for their support of Benwick II [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,043,402
Rating: 4.6165147 out of 5
Keywords: goldrush, GRX, GR11, Chicago Motor Cars, Hyperdrive, rally, exotic car rally, car sales, mclaren, 570s, police, countermeasures, speed detection, VINwiki, Car Stories, race, porsche, arrested, speeding, top speed, mantis green, carbon fiber, vorsteiner, sport series, british, exotic, supercar, driving, automotive
Id: yZ1kOAhXvcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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