The gas station heist mix-up!

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do whatever the man with the gun says so we can all go home with no extra holes in her body we had this old farm truck it was just an old square body chevy somebody owned it before that was a big fan of like chains and stuff they had all this like chain license plate and a chain shifter and it's all this kind of gangster stuff on this truck yet it had a lift kit on it it was uh just a kind of awful but kind of cool at the same time so anytime i had to run to town to get a part or something like that for a tractor whatever i'd always hop in this truck it was just my favorite it was very old school i hopped in it one day and i had two fuel tanks in this truck like a lot of trucks that the days did and you could just hit a switch i get in the truck and uh it's almost out of gas on one tank but i just figure i'll just fill it up on my way home i drive into town and i get the parts i needed as i'm driving back out of town truck starts to sputter i'm hitting the end of that fuel tank so no problem i hit the switch and the fuel tank gates just shoots right up and then immediately fell right down again and the truck proceeds to sputter to a stop in the middle of traffic on a hill so i am causing some traffic flow issues to say the least but i looked down the hill there was a red light so i waited till i had a time light turns red i put the truck in neutral and just coasted it backwards down the hill there's an empty light i was just gonna hook it into the light get out of the traffic so as i do that though i'm coasting backwards down the road and some fella just didn't look turns out of his driveway you know pulls out almost hits me i hit the brakes again i get cussed out and i believe spanish and you know now i'm stopped again so i have to get my minimum up again wait for another red light finally get the truck off the road i'm like okay no problem i leave the truck parked in this empty lot in not the best side of town and i had a particular handgun at the time uh glock 23 i've had for 25 years and i took it out of the box and you know put it back in my pants got my wallet got my stuff and proceeded to walk and go try to find a gas can i get to a uh convenience store they've got gas but no gas can so i walk a little farther i get to another store and they also have gas no gas can this happens at one more store as well and i'm starting to piece together that this sort of rough town i'm in a lot of people maybe don't have working gas gauges in their car so a gas can is a hot commodity i think i finally found an auto zone now they don't have any gas cans either but they do have a bright fluorescent yellow diesel gas can which i just need to carry the liquid that'll work fine i buy this bright yellow gas can and now i'm walking back towards the truck now it obviously made no sense to get gas at the closest gas station and then walk farther with it so i'm just going to go to the very last gas station so therefore i have to walk as little as possible carrying 20 30 pounds of gas so i get to the last gas station it's on this corner next to a car dealership and the open pump is sort of the one kind of facing the street get the pump going and i go to try to get the nozzle off of the gas cap and it's one of those new it's not like back in the good old days with just a cap it's this new thing with the vapor lock and you need like three people to hold the spring and twist the other thing and pop this thing out so i'm kind of wrestling with this thing and you know when i carry a gun i prefer to either go just ankle holster back pocket something subtle i'm not really a small to back kind of caring person but that's what i had with me that day and you know i stand straight when i walk so you know if i've got a gun you don't know it unless i've pulled it out so you know in my efforts to keep this gun concealed but yet also wrestled this gas can at some point i had just like bent over just enough wrestling this thing that i guess the print of the gun in the back of my pants was evident through my shirt now i don't think about this until about 10 seconds later when i heard an engine of a car just revving in anger and i look over my shoulder and there's a police car who had been sitting in traffic that red light literally coming over the curb like into the gas station and i'm honestly don't even think it's me i think oh my god something must be happening maybe it's getting robbed maybe it's an emergency so i just kind of you know get out of the way to let whatever is going to unfold unfold but sure enough he's coming for me you know car screeches the halt guy gets out you know you know freeze you know and i of course dropped the gas can i thankfully had not got the pump going yet so i'm just you know and i get the full felony stop thing you know down on the ground you know on your knees face away lay face down so now i'm like laying face down in the greasy spot there at the gas pump you know hands on my head you know the guy jumps onto my back takes the gun out of my pocket throws it he threw it under his car which i guess is a training move maybe kind of smart anyway throws the gun zip ties me gets me up on my knees and then puts away his actual gun and switches to the taser gun and he's like standing there holding me with taser gun and i'm just going full compliance here you know i'm not even this is not the time to explain yourself this is just do whatever the man with the gun says so we can all go home with no extra holes in our body so you know he's just amped up and excited and i'm again i'm just waiting for instructions the guy's like you know what's the gun for what's the gun for and i was like i've got a georgia conceal carry permit in my wallet if you would like to observe it it's valid i'm not wanted for anything can you tell me why you're so excited about this and you know he proceeds to you know get around me gets my wallet out you know pulls through the thing of course sure enough valley concealed carry permit you know guns not stolen no wrong doing on my part at this point you know i'm like you know can i get up now please you know and so he gets me up and i you know tucks the zip ties off and just kind of calms down and and now i can see him being he's very embarrassed at this point he's a young police officer i'm waiting for my opportunity to speak my bit now that the tasers and the guns everything's gone away let's just wait i'll get my turn to speak here so now it's my turn to talk and i'm like what are you thinking he's like well well you know you got to understand you know i you know as a police officer you know i was just sitting there in traffic and i saw you pumping gas and i saw your gun and you know when i see a gun i go to my training and i'm like you know did it occur to you that i might be carrying that gun legally as we have now ascertained and he said well you know you gotta understand around here and what he is referring to is this particular town you are more likely to encounter somebody that is either a felon or perhaps an illegal alien and if you did see somebody with a gun chances are in this neighborhood they weren't carrying it legally so i can at least sort of see but this guy just had a tremendous overreaction to this thing so anyway he's very apologetic and i'm thinking i can handle this two ways you know we can call your supervisor and make a big deal about it and you know get you in trouble but honestly no harm done i got a greasy spot on my already dirty jeans i'm alive let's just take an opportunity to have an after-school special moment and i'm like okay look officer this sort of thing could get a person such as yourself in a lot of trouble and i know you're just doing your job but the next time you see a gun that's not being actively used in a crime dial it back a little bit he said well you know you were at this gas station i don't know if you were about to rob it and i was like buddy i got a 5 gallon gas can pumping gas like do you think i'm going to pump five gallons of gas rob the store and then try to run away with 40 pounds of fuel with me he said whoa i didn't really didn't really think i'm like look let's just in the future just count to ten think about the situation go about your day so we parted ways i didn't feel a need to give this guy a harder time than i did and oddly enough this is where the day gets gets weird so now i'm wearing a bright orange t-shirt i've got blue jeans on cowboy boots carrying a pretty large five-gallon fluorescent yellow gas can i'm not inconspicuous so i'm about to cross the street and you know there's no red light there but obviously you know the main roads got right away there is a car coming to a stop but you know coming approaching this this intersection so i wait to see that they are indeed slowing down and sure enough they're hitting the brakes coming to a stop i'm like okay cool so i start walking across the street the car comes to a stop at the stop line just before i get there and as i'm walking in front of the car um this is kind of like like bruce willis character when he runs over marcellus wallace and pulp fiction you know as i'm crossing in front of the car i see the lady come to a stop she looks left she looks right and then just punches the gas and like just drives into my legs now you know she's only two feet away from me i'm not there was no speed involved i literally didn't even fall down she just sort of as she came at me i just kind of turned sideways and kind of hopped onto the hood of her car kind of kicked my legs out of course she hits the brakes which slides me right back off the hood i'm still on my feet i don't even fall down and i kind of look at her like what are you what are you thinking and she sees me just for a second puts the car in park and the only thing i can think of is that you know she obviously realized she had just hit a pedestrian and i think she was worried that she was going to get in trouble somehow like like that she needed to somehow cast the blame off of herself so she jumps out of the car and just starts kind of yelling to i guess anybody around there was a few people pumping gas there was a car dealership here with some mechanics kind of hanging outside and she never even dressed me directly she just starts going this man jumped on my hood did y'all see that this man just jumped on my hood and she's just yelling like this man jumped on my hood this man jumped on my hood but she would never even address me directly and i'm trying to kind of calm her down at this point i'm okay but you know she's having some sort of panic kids are in the car she's this man jumped on my hood and i was like man ma'am i'm okay no you know i didn't jump home and you're yo this man jumped on my hood i'm like no i was walking through your hood you hit me with an oldsmobile nonetheless she just really can't dial it back she gets back in her car rolls up the windows and i haven't really said much at all but finally i'm like okay look you know what i'm okay i'm just gonna keep walking and so i just i'm just like god this is a weird day anyway so i continue to walk another mile or so back to the truck just thinking like what a weird day i'm having about time i'm getting back to the truck i can see the truck and i'm thinking like i made it back without anything else weird happening and just then a school bus just came thundering past me on the highway and immediately i heard this kind of kind of this flappity kind of sound and just as i turned around to hear what the sound was a notebook hit me in the back of the head just the ring binder just popped open exploded papers everywhere you know this thing hits me i don't know 40 miles an hour some kid obviously on the school bus see some poor guy walking carrying a gas can and says i'm going to hit him with a notebook snatches the notebook resembling some smaller weaker kid flings it out the window which admittedly remarkable accuracy i would like to give this kid credit hooks it out the window i can only imagine some sort of spectacular spinning arc of english got me right in the back of the head and i looked down at the notebook and it was a notebook belonging to a kid named christian and it was his agenda the only thing i could think of is that you know that was in a transitional period of my life and perhaps i wasn't living as good as i should have been and that's why i got hit in the head with the christian agenda [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 200,775
Rating: 4.949821 out of 5
Keywords: Christopher Michaels, VINwiki, car stories, bad day, out of gas, police, cops, small town
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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