How do you outrun 3 police cars on a Cannonball attempt?

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and she kind of just has us look like i got pulled over yesterday and i'm not helping these guys back at the beginning of covid um i've always had a i guess a dream of taking the cannonball record which many many people do and you know there's a guy here right now in this room that happened to take it a couple years back and you know right when covered was occurring i think i was probably one of the first ones to attempt the covid record i decided i'm just going to do this whole thing completely cold turkey in my r8 that gets eight miles a gallon at best at speed most of the time five and i was like i just want to see if i can take this record by just driving you know crazy so my fiance and me drive up to new york the night before wake up the next morning and i'm like okay i feel refreshed i feel ready to go so we go and get a bagel and i hop in the car with a bunch of five hour energies so i'm driving you know across the country and you know the first couple like coming out of lincoln tunnel i remember you know ed had sent me a message saying like this or somebody in a group chat because you have basically all the former cannonball people verifying it with a you know an app that you put on your phone and they can watch as you move across the country to make sure it's real and everything else you know they're like oh you're you're doing really well coming out like this is the fastest we've ever seen anyone come out of new york and you know i mean again this was the first coveted record so or a record attempt that's good it's a good sign i'm off to a good start you know i've never tried before i did literally no preparation i mean the the car was stock my goal was to do it solo break the record under 24 hours if possible but really just breaking the record and to just do it completely unprepped and nothing but waze and just my radar detector and just just go and i mean my thought process was pretty simple when i followed through on it just don't stop and just pretty much drive until there's nothing left in the tank and then pull in to as quick as a gas stop as i can i use this software called i exit it's really convenient because it tells you like if the gas station's one mile off the exit or like a tenth of a mile off the exit i spent most of the time listening to music or talking on the phone with random people because when i'm driving i just like to chat with people so i'll just call people on the phone and waste an hour and a half of my time and it makes the drive seem like it's nothing because you're always talking with somebody about literally anything the other key to my you know cannonballing is just the copious amounts of cigars i just puff away on i smoke at least six or seven cigars a day it's really hard to go to sleep when you smoke a cigar or i've just finished a cigar it's like impossible you know like the nicotine just is surging through you and it's just like i i can't sleep at all so as i drive through pennsylvania it's 3 p.m 4 p.m you know onward across this trip and i get to around 9 00 p.m and i pass by a few cops at this point and my theory proved true i would pass them at 150 160 miles an hour which was what was required to kind of take this record and then they actually just wouldn't do anything i don't know if they were scared of getting covered or if they were just like that's way too fast i'll never catch that guy i'm not gonna do it so it's getting a little bit later you know 9 or 10 p.m about halfway across the country according to a certain cannonball person i was a little bit behind but not horribly so and i was told that the west coast is where you start to slow down but in my long cross-country drives that's where i tend to speed up the thing with that record too that was difficult for me was the truckers they were doing these like side-by-sides where they wouldn't move because they had pretty much suspended all the traffic laws for them you know to keep the country moving and get everyone to mask so they would just sit there in the left lane cruise along and you'd be stuck behind them so i'm in missouri and i you know passed by st louis and things seem to be going fine i'm you know starting to get a darkness and the speed starting to increase you know i'm probably in the 160 170 and you know i'm realizing that around 164 165 the gas mileage really starts to tumble on the r8 for some reason and i'm probably about an hour outside in central missouri and i see a cop on an overpass and i'm at about 160 i have 50 miles left on my tank and i'm like okay i have to bring up the speed like this guy's chasing after me right turns his lights on comes down this overpass roaring like he is coming and i'm like all right here we go i'm like i'm probably gonna get arrested but let's see how this goes because i got 50 miles so i can pick you know i have some exits to pick from to fuel up and i want to get as much distance as i can i'll be far enough to get gas 5-10 minutes get back in the car and then bring them on an additional chase if they send cops out and just keep going until i get to the next state which is only like 150 miles away which is you know basically a tank of fuel in the r8 so i just keep accelerating and i bring it up to 180 190. i notice that okay realistically now with the gas i'm burning through i'm gonna have 30 or 40 miles as i'm cruising i lose the cop in maybe a minute like you can't see him anymore and i never saw him again but then i pass a second cop that's sitting in the median who immediately rips out starts chasing me lose him then i see a third cop as i'm getting closer to the exit i maybe have 10 miles left on my tank i'm like i have to go to this exit i can't make it one more exit past i text my fiance who's in the air i'm like i'm probably going to jail like you know we'll see how this plays out but i just i saw the last cop like five minutes ago or four minutes ago and it's just a little too recent to feel comfortable i have to get gas there's no other way and this is i mean the one problem with not having a fuel tank but it's also kind of luck right because your fuel tank could have been near empty too if you had you know a fuel cell or something like that so you know part of cannonball i think at this point is somewhat luck like did you get into a wild police chase or not so i pull off the exit and i i made a decision i'm like you know what i'm just gonna pull into this gas station put the car on the side of the gas station walk inside and just get some just get a snack and give it two or three minutes to see if anyone shows up so i'm very leisurely i'm kind of picking pistachios or peanuts or whatever decided to go with the peanuts i'm talking with the lady at the counter you know she's like where are you from and i'm like dc i'm doing a little drive across the country and she kind of had this look and she's like well you know they're a little crazy out here the cops right and i look to my left and i see three cops around my car and she kind of just has us look like i got pulled over yesterday and i'm not helping these guys hurry and i'm like more luck so i'm like well there goes that and i look around and i'm like there's a hampton inn i see like another gas station some other stuff so i'm i've parked the car in the side i walked in the side door of the gas station and i walk out the front door and i'm standing there eating my peanuts looking at the cops to my left with three cops around the car a kid's like taking a photo with the car right and i just go on my phone call an uber go on a hilton app and reserve the hampton and across the street get a room check into it through the app and i'm like this is this is a good position like i can just play like stupid you know like i was just here getting peanuts i'm staying at that hampton inn here's my reservation like i don't i don't know i didn't see that guy come in it's been here for a couple minutes or a couple hours i don't know but they never came up to me they stood surrounding the car just staring out into the you know waiting for the owner to return so the uber comes i get in the uber ride to the hampton inn which overlooks the car so i'm sitting in this random hotel in central missouri at a hampton inn with no anything like it's just me i have no bags no nothing and i'm like okay well either they're going to tow the car or what you know like what are they going to do we're in a better position than we were three minutes ago but the cannonball run record is not going to be happening today because at this point we're 45 minutes or an hour into this escapade at this point it's just worth it to quit and see what i can do to salvage you know the car and its situation and you know if they're going to tow it so i watch i'm watching out my window and i i watch a tow truck pull up to the car right this guy gets out of the tow truck it's one of those like swingy arm ones on the back where it's not like a flatbed and he's talking with the cops and he's shaking his head and shaking his head and i i can imagine the conversation goes something like i don't want the liability for jacking this r8 up i've you know probably never seen one of these in that town before or wherever i was it didn't seem like a particularly um affluent area but it you know it was a college town so i just get the sense that the tow truck driver was like i don't want to end up with some ten thousand dollar bumper bill to help these guys out so he leaves and the cops kind of stay there for a little bit while longer and then one by one they leave now the car is alone in a lot and i'm like i really don't think it's a good idea to go get back in this car like 150 miles that way or 150 miles that way to get clear they're still looking for a wrapped uh luxe rally card but i'm like they're clearly waiting on me i'm not going to mess with this so i call my friend jovian uh who calls a friend of his in missouri who happens to own a uh wedding you know a wedding hall and has a bunch of trailers and other stuff um on his property so he asked me to do a shout out if i ever told this story so i recommend sunset bluffs it's a great wedding venue if you're gonna get married and i mean he's a great car guy who was really uh willing to go out of his way at one in the morning to empty out his trailer and drive out to me in central missouri which was about an hour and a half drive for him load the r8 in and i i was like here's what i want you to tell them like if anyone comes up to you just say some llc and i gave him the name of the llc he said to come pick this car up they they gave us the you know we had we had a spare key or something and you're just a you know the truck driver and you don't know anything about anything right and he's like okay i got this so he pulls up you know to the hampton inn i give him the key he loops around goes to the gas station across the street loads the car up then goes and picks me back up all right so now i'm in this car it's an enclosed trailer i'm in his or her truck right we have the enclosed trailer with the r8 behind us and we just close it up i get in the car look around there's no one around and we get back on a highway he drives to st louis right i get on a flight literally a 6 a.m flight because now it's like 4 or 5 in the morning by the time he came out and we went back and so i'm like okay there's a six a.m flight out of st louis so i get on i get to the airport and of course it's coveted so like right in the start so i go to get on this plane and there's five people on this plane to dc two of them are congressmen so we're all chatting oh what are you doing in in saint louis or what are you doing here i'm like well i'm like i was here attempting a cannonball run and you know what it was funny the congressmen were like that's amazing and they're like tell us more about what you were doing and how you ended up they're like or you can't make it clearly because you're only halfway here i'm like well yeah here's what happened tell them the whole story they're like that's crazy it was a fun little flight home a fun little night out and it taught me that really i just need to make sure my average is at 160 and you know which actually will put your average at 108 or 110 or whatever the current attempt to take the record is but i was probably at 104 105 which at that time was pretty close to taking it you know and i i really wanted to take it solo cold turkey because i want to change their record a little bit in that i want to make sure everyone has to do it solo and stay up for the 24 hours or 27 hours just to just to make the bar a little bit higher for everybody so i'll try again at some point um i won't discuss when but it will it will definitely happen again shopping for insurance can be an absolute nightmare but it doesn't have to be thanks to policy genius they're our sponsor for this month at vinwicki and you can visit them at the link in the 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Channel: VINwiki
Views: 331,120
Rating: 4.8474193 out of 5
Keywords: cannonball run, cops, david eisen, lux rally, travel agent, road trip, audi r8, police chase
Id: FadDv2wQbHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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