The PokerStars & Monte Carlo Casino EPT 12 Grand Final - Main Event | PokerStars

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it's been a season like no other the distinguished prevailed chirayu is the champion every time you win a big tournament of this magnitude you still get the rose the aggressive dominated how good did you run today I couldn't really Alissa day I was just being smashed in the face of the day the charismatic won our hearts next time yeah don't block but you Bravo also I have five the high rollaz ruled the roost this is more like a super high roller final table can't really picture you holding up seven for off for the winners photo that's like too dirty it is over Mike Watson wins the PCA 2016 main event and the prolific performed what you think about even chop no no no no I play for fun so here play for fun okay it's just sometimes I check and now a PT 12 concludes in Monaco with new stories I think it's my turn new dramas I make a big folder the old problem I think that's why I'm the best huh and a new champion we're in Monaco for the PokerStars of Monte Carlo Casino EPT grande fight season 12 of the European Poker Tour ends as it began with more than a thousand players signing up for the main event the vast majority have already fallen just six remain in contention for the first price of nearly 1 million euros and one of the most sought-after trophies in poker welcome inside the most beautiful poker room in the world the room of the Stars playing host to the last final table of EPA 12 so far season 12 has been the year of the Stars every main events been won by a well-known poker pro but that won't be the case here in Monaco yeah all the famous faces have gone I guess young ben dick is the best known player in the final six but that's the beauty of EPT grand final when there are no more stars to be had we simply create a new one and hoping to shine the brightest is chip leader Jimmy Guerrero the French pro made the trip here with his girlfriend who almost made the final table herself let's see the video of a segment of concern when once holding up if I stick my beard on him well you see the obvious dick once appeared on a duty for couscous Google Adrienne Allen is also a big stack and he's looking to bully the rest of the table north year yep an understatement to receive a makeup question was could finally pale even Flacco either OSS area guru closest to the class aggressive only with particle 13 ships is Yan Ben deck the former a PC player of the year and two-time main event finalists as one goal please Pharaoh for trophy it's time for the year's play his two long hair it's time yeah Cala Musa also has title dreams he's a rising star on the French seam and isn't here for the riches I don't care about the money I just play for titles I just play for the Father glory and winning will be better than hers and money this is already Oren Rosen's biggest live cash and a win today would see him enter the record books as our first ever Israeli champ a very proud to represent my country it would be great I'm playing a lot of poker this is my life so it will be my dream the shortest stack at the tables already made history and sent a merabh is the first ever player from Kazakhstan to make an EPT final table and what's more he won his seat in a spelling go for just 10 euros yeah this for New Year and if this fun is like epic well we do it he said olive oil here playing but my dream is first place motivations may be different but the goal is the same victory in the last EPT main event of season 12 while these six players have outlasted 1092 others to make it to the final table five more eliminations will crown a champ hello I'm James Hartigan alongside Joe Stapleton hello my babies ironic 1092 is the exact amount of my minibar charges last year but little huh blind 60,000 120,000 with a twenty thousand ante action folded to one of the short stacks Orrin Rosen from Israel ace Jack of Diamonds Ahrens gonna be RN I know you need it we need the triangle yeah give him give him yes I told you I told you Rosen high shelves yarn Ben dick with ace king riche oven time Orion boom Wow boomer of fault Wow I think your arrows out as well so Rosen at risk and dominated our highest finishing Israeli before this also went broke to a dude named yan season six ashtec fun facts Oren's gonna have to get lucky here or as friends are gonna have spent longer at airport security than they will at this final table flop sees Rosen's equity dropped to 16% he needs a jack or running diamonds or running Broadway cards that takes away all the backdoors a future opportunities but ultimately Rosen is looking for a jack on the river to double up through Ben deck it's a six and he's out and sick nah bummer Rosen crew was probably a grace period the parking garage at least yeah his wife Angelica is pretty stoked old Bendix now playing a stack of five million while on rows and caches for nearly a hundred and seventy one thousand euros pretty sweet score for a guy just taking a shot yeah and they make you big folder young I make a big folder it's your problem likely yeah my problem that response was as unwarranted as it was fantastic well the next player out will receive nearly two hundred and thirty four grand up top close to a million which will be by far the biggest live cash any of these players has earned they're gonna need that million I don't want to say Monica's expensive but even the neutrons have a charge action here on asan Umarov the online qualifier he falls leader Jimmy Guerrero is out Ken Keller Musa former contestant on the French reality show Maison du Bluff zut alors got Queen Jack of Hearts well then and he's going with it zut alors Yan Ben deck cool as ice king again what you've gotta be kidding me so Cala Musa at risk close to 40% equity pairs buddies Olivia in our ban he's also being railed by a French mega star Patrick Brielle you know who loves pageant Bruel your mum she actually really does Cala Musa looking to hit this flop and he does that gives him 14 outs who needs reality TV when you've got the drummer of the EPT five six okay okay running five six would chop it right on the turn okay I don't care Pierre I'm from France talk soon so Cala Musa wins outright with a queen Jack or heart and they split it if a six hits the river it's a six I think don't you I can call the Kairos I told it it's a chop pot and you know what they say everyone loves a job but might be the last one of season 12 so Cala Musa survives you exception right five six so Jen you sir so genius you told you I told you five six it's your problem i funny yeah I can call cards should I call for hearts then well the three French players at the table are all good friends and say this tournaments been like playing a home game do you think they have that wouldn't it be awesome if we all made the final table conversation when day one was starting like the rest of us do Cala Musa in McHale top has kings I'm starting to think maybe he can call cards hey could you call for a Mother's Day card I think it's too late for me to go out and get one Calot Musa raises to 240,000 adrenal and folds and Bendix in the small blind with a six of diamonds cope sounds acent Umarov in the big blind I think it's wetter there is only one hand you want here my friend and it's not 7/8 off suits they're both red well he is getting ridiculous pot odds with my guess is that the tenure of qualifier isn't gonna be quite as experienced post-flop is the French grinder and the former EPT Player of the Year when he decides to coal and we're going freeway to the flop hey maybe Patrick Bruel will sing my mom something for Mother's Day Alaa Moussa the favorite here the flop jack six six trips for Ben deck no gross kings no good took action check to the preflop aggressor kalamu SAR continuing for 300,000 of course he's gonna bet he's gonna have the best hand a ridiculous amount of the time bend it Cole's umaril folds heads up to the turn it's a five meaning been deck is a 95% favorite and it looks like he's gonna lead maybe doesn't like that spared one third pot half-a-million could've been a little bigger hole in Kalamazoo shoves cool nice work inducing Cala Musa at risk and drawing to just two outs King unless it is a king on the river he is out in fifth place poor guy probably expected to be up against a flush draw most of the time all right that's how I guess nobody expects yen Ben Dixie and Ben trips hope ordered I'm on the river hey King hit him with the hind I don't know how or why new phone who dis that's why I'm the best huh yan is not amused Baba Booey hello hello hey now the king of all suck outs sorry n what more could he do he got it in good he was a 95% favorite there but kalamu say hit a two-out ER to get the full double up hello my babies want to listen to more of my jokes and embarrassing stories enough poker getting in the way subscribe to beat Yugi not live on iTunes or downloaded from SoundCloud calm /dt TDOT live there's guests competition online dating you can even get some behind-the-scenes gossip on the show you're watching right now that's right more layers then an advanced rubik's cube which has two layers more layers the neck VPT not life here at the PokerStars and monte carlo casino EPT grand final we've seen French Pro Pierre Cala Musa narrowly escaped elimination twice five six okay I can close the kite whoops or the diamond this fight is good fortune Pierre believes ability will win over luck in the long run what Booker is about that is about strategy - but skill and not about skimming way of the best walk but I'm better when I have a big stack so maybe I will be getting a lot to get a big stack five handed at the Main Event final table blind still sixty thousand one hundred and twenty thousand with a twenty thousand ante now's when the real poker starts Cala Musa folds his fellow-countrymen Adrian Alon is going to get frisky and raise it up with nine six of diamonds sure why not round to the blinds San Omer off folds in the small Jimmy Guerrero in the big ace Queen Jimmy likes his hand Jimmy thinks we should play for a bigger pot Jimmy's gonna three bet the chip leader re-raises to 850,000 what's the lamb doing for bed alert he has looked at his cards we're actually I don't hate this move his hand isn't strong enough to call but a stack is strong enough to for bet 1,800,000 Jimmy's girlfriend T played this event she finished 14th quite the sweat now Guerrero out of position he calls were going to the flop well Jimmy has flopped a gutshot and a flush draw he is almost a nine to one favorite hair as a hell of a flop phrase queen with the Queen of Hearts he's checked it to a line who had the preflop betting lead he continues for 1.5 million and that is a terrible flop 496 of diamonds Guerrero calls the C bet and I think six nines just give it up here most of the time he's gonna have less equity than hillside property and pompay four clubs on the turn pairing the board alone has less than a pot size bet behind Guerrero still playing in flow checks at a second time al and checks behind hope for his sake that is the white flag being waved a third four hits the river Guerrero checks a third time putting an adrenal and moves all in a huge Bluff now this is the perfect run out to get folds but I have no idea what I Lana's repping the two biggest acts at the table go to battle and then this happens one is six come Boyer King Cesar kabuki Jimmy's got the right idea there aren't a lot of combos of aces and kings out there yeah Wow unfortunately he is not beating ace-king as a bluff tough spot for him even tougher for that coffee stirrer sorry he finds a coal here a lands out show me if I thought maybe huh yeah I know TV yeah I know same time time has been cold they'll put Jimmy Guerrero on a 60-second countdown and one minutes not even out my French is a little rusty but I'm pretty sure he's complimenting his opponents play sure good choice of time how do you look he knows this is a bluff most of the time it's either that or a slow played monster every once in a while which is it Jimmy then I nice Bluff sure breath sure very nice breath take what did you predict with your deep huh yeah them hey hey John well right he shows and receiver oh yeah proceed blue shows them listen I'm with that Bluff getting through we have a new chip leader Holly you don't own bond karakia stunt rubber arm LCD deco because pastel autocracy photography mostly aerobic y8 missa missa the back yellow hair the hospital she sure is short on it Dejan father almighty destiny polisher if he obeys Martinelli pooja Babu - Annika in stamina and the jaegers a specimen she canyon de minas Phillipa tena koe or cats Amidala all the Middle's lapid led a paternity poor by cat Solyndra the Himalayan meta on the LED system on Krajina Ann Seton became repete Cisco logo deception a la lista de vocês say fantastic one man's response code a leader who says sunny jalapenos a veritable infect OCD syllabus was source a criminal p-president a nunca se parte de hecho la la Chimere a monomial who knew from Polynesia sofrito massage for Lucas $11 question remember you can't spell a land without are all in Jimmy's still smiling he ain't sweating it and talking of sweating we're gonna play this hand from mr. Guerrero's perspective Jimmy's got a sweat Queens under the gun Jimmy's raising Queens it makes it 250,000 Kalamazoo folds if nemesis Adrian Allen is on the button wow these guys are deeper than the Marianas Trench that's third deepest perlier you please read a book a medical journal something I knew what it was Jokers I've seen the Octonauts watch a cartoon then so Alana's 3bet to 675,000 everyone else has folded action back on Jimmy I'm gonna recommend that we don't fold but I do think calling or for betting is fine Guerrero elects to Coll we go to the flop think calling is slightly better King eight seven only one over cards Jimmy's Queens we still hate it action check to a LAN Jimmy's got no choice but to check car least one Street it's a continuation bet of 500,000 I'm sorry we have no choice but to check Karl one Street there's the call turn card seven-of-hearts powering the board Jimmy checks a LAN is betting again by the looks of things we prefer he didn't so it was half a million on the flop it's a 4 million on the turn honestly I kind of like just folding Queens here and we look like a genius when he's got his King Guerrero does fault wow he did it and Al and did have Ice King we do look like a genius well after that hand Adrian Alon has extended his chip lead he's now playing thirteen point nine million Jimmy Guerrero second in chips ass an Omer ah've in the danger zone danger zone which is 13 big blinds cuz we're now playing 81 60 with a 25k ante now's when the real poker starts and Ben dick first to speak I don't think he likes it he doesn't like it terrible poker face number of faults Guerrero on the button passes Pierre kalamu set in the small blind as ace for Olli he shoves it's a big shove but he's rarely gonna be bow get his behind adrenalin calls with ace Jack its Dominus Shawn Ness Yong vive la France hey if this ended like a French film they would all lose and also diet it would be in black and white well Pierre's buddies have seen him survive to Orleans can he make it a hat-trick ah that's a chapeau trick James I'm Pierre's putting on his lucky scarf his lucky a sharp look here what key it's in the flop gives a land top pair kalamu so drawing waffler thin yeah that's Beth me someone's gonna explode well Adria knows that with Pierre daint over till it's over a king on the turn and shopportunity submerge they will split with a queen question is can pair find another miracle river not this time yeah Calum rooster out in fifth place forgive me yeah Anne's just shy of two hundred and thirty four thousand euros is just smear commentator bonds you at the end what with Pierre gone it's another pay jump for the remaining four including online qualify as an Omer off would you like to follow in his footsteps you can qualify for a main event at PokerStars calm went down to four at the PokerStars of monte carlo casino EBT grand final were so far Adriana LAN has been showcasing his quality on the big stage and no one's felt that more than his good friend Jimmy Garren negative sugar sure but this isn't the time to lose focus and apparently that's where earplugs come into play offer two vegetable kit for Stevie imported on Liberia if Attili live will talk via book could win a bow good question able to do professor mostly consulting Muslim community focuses on my belief or something mr. to the Bukit related fatigue existed divine avatars one nature lets you increase residue from the inequality finish proportionality everyone focuses on visual tells but what about olfactory I bet I can tell your emotion right now James just by the smell go on and amuse me annoyance you nailed it lines till 81 60 action on Yan Ben deck EPT 9 Player of the Year two-time main event finalist no Bluff my friend number seven six of Spades on the button he raises that's your problem online qualify us an umma rob has a Stein in the small blind he shoves someone easy shove I'm willing whoa now let's everybody slow down for a second Jimmy Carrera wakes up with Kings and the big blind Umrah shops this should be an easy fold for Ben dick but he's gonna rub his belly and stand free we're kind of speaking come on Yan there we go giggle look boomer off the player at risk here and a two-to-one dog you have a nice ho Yin Yin is you better than Lena do get out we do have an ace you really don't want to know the answer to that either way he's coming on the tongue the King coming on the river yeah king of speed uh-oh okay good luck good luck to you clean queen Jack on the flop boomer off with three outs Kazakhstan in the house tennis pig is good no mm-hmm six on the turn - yeah because for him barry greenstein required ace on the river for Umarov to survive it's a jack begin pose again thank you murmur of out and forth as Jimmy Guerrero finally wins a hand test Ivanka sick run buddy in for only 10 euros Kazakhstan and deliver cashes out the three hundred and five thousand six hundred and sixty euros don't feel too bad buddy it was a Kazakh standard spot I'm sure he's pretty happy with his result good experience he is yes I like this I I love this I will of course I'm happy now is small disappointment but tomorrow I've been told I can't do a Borat impression so all I will say is it's nice so two big stacks and yam Ben dick bringing up the rear with twenty four bags Guerrero with ASUS Jimmy's getting rockets he remember that guy with the toothpick from Uncle Buck classic so this is a raise from the button to 350,000 a LAN is folded action on Ben deck in the big blind so do 50 it's got King seven of Hearts sure why not he calls ace ace king 7 to bend it flops to pack oh man this is what I like to call a Fang and there ang stands for Ace is no good actions been checked to the preflop aggressive Guerrero set to continue it looks like a great flop races 375,000 I say the move here is to just call I don't think this is gonna be a call yeah yeah and been dick is meeting pretty clear that he marches to the beat of a different drummer boy you check raises to 925 K I mean clearly that's what attracted Angelica to him in the first place Alice Guerrero gonna respond he can get in real trouble here if he thinks bendix going crazy with just a king he's counting out a rear ace that's one point eight five million holding my foot Bendix shoves in Carrera snap calls Wow I am surprised to see aces get it in there so happily yeah nothing you mean fool Nathan I got a quarter of the time he's gonna catch up seem vendek hoping that Kings and sevens hold hair turn can't seduce additional outs for Guerrero you thefor or an ace rather card is a queen they think listen van dyck doubles up now playing close to 8 million we an been deck has been a regular on the EPT for quite some time but it wasn't until season 9 that he really made his impact yeah and dominated the side events to claim Player of the Year this is a lie is my season I mean I think for tournaments or five tournaments second and run play three it Goods his own for me I play two times final table in Prague it's a sixth place and San Remo place five in this game why lose chance for winning tournament this time I play for trophy I am a gambler big head it should be noted that when he told us about his big heart he was actually informing us of a medical condition blind still 80 160 Guerrero first to speak thanks for 15 raises the button with ten nine I'll and folds seven three four young bender any defense that's a fine defended this stage I would never do it but I'm also the seventh best player in my short-handed home game flop is Jack nine six second pair for Guerrero nothing for Ben deck who quickly checks and Jimmy checks behind five on the turn yeah now has a double belly Buster you can make it straight with a four or an eighth Jimmy still with the best hand but it's yarn who'll bet hair 525,000 car hear from Jimmy seems reasonable taking us to the river which is a four it's a straight for Ben dick what is I am gambler gonna do Collini Wow huge over bet shoving on Guerrero he's kind of hated so that he's never getting called by worse what an insanely perfect run out for seven Trey Guerrero falls bend it like bentham bend it bend it like beckham i will get there eventually ben dick like bedlam nope in your own time Joe ilan playing 17 million Jimmy Guerrero the shortstack with 4.6 million and first to speak on the button 7:3 again he folds deuces for Guerrero in the small blind Jimmy's goin quack-quack he raises to four hundred and twenty five thousand Oh ace Jack for Adriana lon I haven't heard much from him for a while I think you're about to hear something uh all in well let's start with a standard three bet just over a million much twelve sixteen sixteen at the beginning hmm you get definitely jammed uses here especially after that six nine nonsense from before good morning that's the OL and and there's the call I know you have a good exec huh good one flip good look Guerrero's tournament life is on the line and we're off to the races you always did Corp on a pickle huh played football like Marcel Marceau versus Gerard Depardieu you one of these two hands is the slight favor to be a national treasure of France but in a while Jimmy's gonna channel the energy of Israel youth underfoot we are flipping for hundreds of thousands the flop has an ace and a jack on it deuce is in big trouble yeah for five hit with four five everything's fun or when you go run a runner and in this case you also don't go broke the turn card is a six so only a deuce will save the start of day chip leader it's at any sales in surplus noggin yeah Guerrero has got Sagar ergo but not without taking home a significant chunk of Gerardo can definitely afford a new coffee stirrer now we're heads up yam Ben deck against Adriana lon listen larger adren we're heads up at the Polka stars of Monte Carlo Casino EPT grand final where generations and playing styles will collide Jocasta cosmic egg a more precarious fisherman UN's upon all present in oku mines up cash game you see Christoffel my crush me to the senior follow me stand up heads a player I sing have no chance gambler a standard player I thinking heads up a much better stop Hama Hama I have to be mean or because anybody nearest nanocrystals especially Sturgis magic it's time for the layers play it's too long hair it's bad Bendix got a three to one chip disadvantage but he's got at least a three to two heart advantage blinds 100,000 200,000 with a 25,000 ante Al and Cole's on the button in the small blind with eight bend it raises from the big blind with Queen Jack Oh Dean Allen shoves o'cool unbend it Cole's rough to the races already he said he was a gambler and the story checks out that is one way to take the edge from a GTO player yeah this is for the title everybody flip Daniel is a plug in and we don't know at least in poker your physique has got nothing to do with how well you flip the flop he's crunchy old clubs if the flops the first hurdle I'll and just caught a cow lots of additional outs for Ben deck no so - yep yeah was priority the turn card is another clock that'll do it Wow Ben dick jumbles up with a flush play on players well Yan has narrowed the gap between them substantially like to work add rien now's when the real poker starts Jimmy Guerrero taking a seat on the rail it's a real who's who of French poker players out there combined earnings of tens of millions of francs so yam Ben dick will be first to speak here and we've only caught one of his whole cards the king of clubs I'm gonna do this hand with one eye open he raises to 675 thousand Jack ten of diamonds for adrionna lon oh sorry my depth perceptions gone I had he defense the flop 1010 3al and flop strips such a great feeling actually goes check check and al and improves to quads on the sand what the actual with no continuation bet from bending on the flop a LAN leads the turn for 500k and bend it calls yeah there's lots you can get caught by heads up the river card is the four o'clock sand I really hope for Yan say he didn't just River a flush even a flush isn't super strong on this board online is going for Valley 1.6 million flush is actually just a bluff catcher hmm cold been dick must have something he's cold kukuku took something ago the Cook was just a river much can't be quads I don't he can be constant I think cords are good maybe he had a full house but I doubt it well we're now back to a situation where Adrienne Allen has close to a three to one advantage over Ben deck back where we started Lan's got ace king who just calls Ben deck with a small pocket pair ollie he shoves gets cold and once again we're flipping for the title a standard flip arrived at in a very not standard way i-i'm can open sure Silas well now I guess I know why he limped face King gets there it's over an adrenal an is an EPT champ so Jack five deuce flops six is a holding I took of it opportunity number two for the Frenchman to put this away a turn card is a queen that gives al an additional outs till now Kapoor was it - that's what he's an ace king or ten on the river sees the Frenchman ship the tournament it's a three been dick doubles up again this has got to be frustrating and for the first time of this final table Yan bendix taken the chip Lee's yeah boys two chances to misses for a LAN I mean you're supposed to win half your flips what the H lines are up 125,000 250,000 for the 50,000 ante adrenaline first to act pocket eights here we go again he raises to five hundred and twenty-five thousand we may be going again Bendix got tens this isn't a flip it comes the rear ace then dick makes it 1.65 million no now that he's got chips he's not all Jam happy they are pretty deep it doesn't have to go all in preflop a LAN just calls and he'll get to play the flop in position and he flops a set maybe just maybe the ACE will save Ben deck from getting stacked here I don't know the ACE might be a scare card but I'm pretty sure Bendix fear receptors went out with popcorn ceilings he's continued the flop for 1.6 million a LAN calls will that slow bend it down nothing has slowed him down thus far the turn card is a 10 that's bar game a cooler developing here set over set now Ben dick finally slows down then dick has checked it a LAN is betting 1.5 million a small bet into a huge pop really small hold on tripling would this is a terrible Hollywood or just a plain old dgaf then I'm leaning toward the former I'll and breathing heavy I think it's because he expects to have the best hand pretty much always been dick loading up for a check race he makes it four point two five million everything in his hand has been standard up until this point against another player a land may not be loving this but Bendix plays everything super fast even to pair hands just a coal from a land and he's gonna need those quads again oh man I didn't even think of that nobody gets quads twice complete brick on the river Holden Bendix shoves a land calls and it's over let's everybody take a second to let this sink in the grand final champion has been crowned ya been dick has won the EPT 12 grand final and France cannot believe it a PT 9 Player of the Year three-time main event finalist and on his third occasion he is a winner I forget if he becomes the first ever Slovakian EBC champion okay you do oh no wanna punch me and he will wave that flag with pride big heart big gambler big title Hatcher aniline is crushed Slovakia small country a big player so the two big stacks had to settle for bronze and silver because the player with the big heart claimed the big score yam bend it wins more than nine hundred and sixty one thousand euros and he finally is an EPT champ you said have you been wait that's why I'm the best huh nice roof Sherbrooke I think it's my turn : you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 1,093,233
Rating: 4.6607609 out of 5
Keywords: poker, pokerstars, online poker, live poker, Poker 2016, 2016 Poker
Id: 3mqC6ownqf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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