2018 Spring Poker Open $1,000,000 Guaranteed Championship

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once again everybody who would like to view this we will be lying streaming this on our live Facebook page just go on Facebook that's going to be forgotten hi everyone and welcome to Borgata Hotel and Casino for the final table the spring Poker Open Championship this is the $2,700 championship and it drew 519 entrants for a total prize pool of 1 million two hundred ninety seven thousand of $500 I'm Ricky Guan and this is Ana antimony hello everybody and we will be taking you through the action tonight of the final six players as they play for over three hundred thirteen thousand dollars and the action let's get down to the action all right let's go over the players um we have unseat one Nicki Palma Nicki P from the boogie down bronx are very forgot his very own he's sitting with 3.4 million in seat two we have a forgot a polka render Knicks Alan beanie he has a 1.8 million he is a local here from Brigantine seat three we have David Mach with 1.2 million from Boston Massachusetts seat four we have Ally I'm sure of it from Vancouver Washington he has 4.4 million then we have Richard Picciotto and c5 3.8 million from Clarksville Maryland and seat six is a read Jack Jack - team yeah he said both are ok so I don't know yet jatin he is the chip leader with a 5.9 million and over 2.5 million in career earnings so let's get down to the action so we have an awesome final table lineup here a bunch of regulars who are you know very proven in the live poker scene and a couple of up-and-coming players who you might not have met before furry comes in with the chip lead and one of the more most aggressive players that I've ever seen you know in the live poker world I was on a live poker stream here at Borgata during the WPT last year came in as the chip leader as well so he's definitely has a bit of experience playing on on this live scene I had heard about that I heard that um he had a little blow-up at the final table yeah that was I was one of the most epic followed table moments in Borgata history I would say came in as the chip leader and decided to five that Jam the 5-4 off suit that was the WPT that Jesse Sylvia came in and and tucked down yeah I mean I mean but those are the players that are exciting to watch and are very hard to play against because when they have it they're gonna get paid off most of the time exactly and and see what we do have Nicky pea who is very popular in the in the poker world these days yeah you can catch him on Twitter selling action for every event Nixon been awesome for the poker world I heard he's gonna be vlogging over the summer so all of his hands will be looking forward to that as well that's except I mean I feel like a lot of people are always rooting for him like he kind of comes in to this table as an underdog and I think I think a lot of people are kind of pulling for him to do well mm-hmm and I see to Nick I've played a bunch of cashier at Borgata with with Nick he's a regular here and really awesome to see him at this final table as well yeah nick has the lifetime earnings of over 118,000 he's more of a cash buyer I've seen em around Borgata for years and I think if he I think this will be his biggest live score to date yeah who's your pick for for this final table I know um I mean right now I'm just gonna have to go with Farida he's aggressive he's been running really well and he's just he knows what he's doing and he's hard to play again so I think aggression aggression and running good really pays off at final tables mm-hmm I'm gonna have to go with my buddy Ollie over here he's been crushing the live poker scene over the past half a year won a PokerStars $10,000 high roller down in PCA and has a bunch of other final tables as well and he's also a crusher online most people to know about this but he's had one of the best starts to 2018 that anyone can have online so my pick here will be will be ollie does he does he play and locally or is he not here in New Jersey but um we actually moved into a house recently here in New Jersey so you might see see Ollie on on the site so oh he moved in with you you did yeah and do you have a vested interest in oh we I do not for this tournament on fortunately but best of luck to him and the other six players as well yeah I was gonna have a quick turnaround here as he gonna be here at this final table and he also won a party millions C to Montreal on Borgata Poker calm so as soon as he's done here at Borgata he'll be heading up to Montreal for that yeah I heard a lot of people are going up there best of luck to everybody going that will not be me so we have Richard Picciotto raising to 110,000 in the hijack 8 for off firlock he's gonna take it down so this final table started unofficially with with ten players and four we did have the chip lead from the very beginning um Ali being very aggressive player on his on his right right now might have a little bit of trouble with for read on his left but I do think he's gonna be in there battling for for most of the time here yeah that that's very true I mean I definitely would not want to have four read on my left but I think um when it gets down like forehand it'll even out with the position so all six players right now are guaranteed fifty seven thousand eight hundred ninety four dollars and patients are are pretty significant seventy thousand 4/5 ninety thousand for fourth 113,000 for third 176,000 for second and the three hundred and thirteen thousand dollars for for first year so a lot of big money of up for grabs and we'll see how some of these players will navigate you know some of them might be waiting for Paige ohms very ICM conscious and maybe someone like for reading is just out there trying to win the entire tournament what do you think about the chokers raised under the gun here with King ten off I'm not really a fan of this play someone like for read such an active player behind him and aggressive and King ten off just doesn't play very well post flop I I'm not a big fan of this raise I think I would just well I think it's just a fold under the garden yeah Richard's a little bit handcuffed here being you know having four million in chips with Farid on on his left and he's also opening into Ali's big line who is gonna be defending a lot so it's a very speculative open but we'll see how he navigates post flop with this hand so for read three bets here with the fives from from the hijack what do you think of his history bet from this position versus ender gonna open I mean I like it because he's keeping the pressure on the players and it turns I mean anytime you get three bet you start wondering you know like if you have if you raise pocketknives you get three bet you don't really have any idea how strong your hand you know what I mean like you call it comes Queen Queen seven five and you don't know what to do next so it's it's it puts every player in a hard position Richard looks like cutting out a razor and decides to chuck raised on this eight 3ds board this is an interesting play I mean these players that play a lot last night and he definitely knows after Reed has been very aggressive very speculative hand choice with King tend to be going forward here on the eighth reduce board but the thing with four he doesn't he's not gonna just give up a hand so you're you're playing back at somebody who's pretty sticky and has the chip lead so I think this is a little bit wishful it's also see that the fireworks have begun very early had this six handed final table yeah as expected we have a bunch of aggressive players here I think there's actually a hand I wanted to talk to you about last night Nick EP and Nick salvini got into with a flush over flush I thought it was interesting that Nicky Pete didn't didn't get it all in with his nut flush it was a spot where I talked to some of the players about and with Nick only having 800k on the river and bending 500k Nick tall was a spot where it was gonna be really hard for him to get called by worse and for if there was any chance that Nick could have a full house in that spot then Nick would still be alive in this tournament it was on a 10-5 three four ten board so the board was paired so the nut flush wasn't well the bulbs head on the river I was saying it was interesting that they didn't get it all in on the flop with a fresh drawn two overs both of them and then once the flush hit on the turn see and this is the thing also when you check raised with nothing and get called and then you kind of just give up on the hand I feel like if you're gonna go for it you have to go full force I mean yeah you're gonna have to you're gonna have to go you can't just give up on the hand again someone like for Reed so I mean yeah I didn't like this play at all so for those on on switch right now Anna and I will both be in chat we'll try and follow along as much as possible but some of the comments do go by pretty quickly but if you do have any questions we'll we'll be sure to look over them and the mods will be there to help answer anything as well so I feel like from what I've been reading on the blog I think Nikki P has a very very tight image so I would like to see him open up more at this table and kind of uh you know wrap that image so I like I like to see him opening here with a seven eight suited so Maddon chat asked do you think the BB&T has changed gameplay at all and this was the first time that the big blind ante was implemented here at the Borgata series all the no-limit hold'em events did use the big one Andy and I was a huge fan of it as I thought it's but I'll play a lot all the players that I've talked to both professionals and recreational were a big fan of it I totally agree I loved it I I actually went to commerce in February and that's when I first played with the big line Annie and I was a little confused at first but then everything just made sense and I was like this answer so many questions and speeds up gameplay and nobody has to wonder who didn't put in an e in yeah I love it I hope every casino starts incorporating it into the game I always love to see one tooth layers have the same hand and then these spots usually they're you preflop aggressor who who wins most of these pots just because of you know how their range is constructed on almost boards it's like Nicky P has a free rolling here now have you played with any of these players I just play with Nick for for a lot of date three alley I've you know I've been nicking pee oddly I've known for for a little while now and we do a bunch of studying together talking hands and Farid I also played with on on day one here and he was sitting on my left and it was one of the most uncomfortable situations that I've ever had at a poker table just because he was being so aggressive 3-betting me so much and it's really hard to play against a very good aggressive player out of position in a lot of those spots yeah I totally agree nothing drives me more crazy at a in the tournament when I get three but by the same person like four times also big props to Richard here coming in with only $2,400 in live earnings and making this this final table of an event where the buy-in was 2,700 more than his his total live earnings so far is true that's funny I always like to see how I mean I think someone like Farid is always going to have a little bit of an upper hand in these spots because he's been at these final tables before and it's just it the pressure does get to people sometimes and I think knowing that people are in camera and being judged they play different sometimes we have a raise here from David mock with ace 10 off and the svet see bet will take it down all he also does a great job of getting his table to talk making sure everyone is having a good time and from from the looks of it and from what it sounds like this table this final table already has the field that it's gonna be a little more talkative than in previous years yeah I see sound beanie hazard shut up since we sat down I played a lot with Nicki over the the last year and it's always fun to have him at the table with the banter and you know just just the fun that he has playing the game for for such a long time yeah I agree I think he he's just like a fun guy and I've never really seen him in a bad mood so I'm definitely pulling for him and it looks like you have some fans in twitch chat over here s dub says hi to you didn't see any hello everybody I didn't see all right back to the action we have ovaries from Ali with ace Jack suited for read three bedding from the button with deuces once again putting the pressure on people I mean and once again this is another time when um you know ace jack of spades you're gonna call but if you don't flop anything it's kind of hard to continue oh my god that's a flop sometimes I feel like these hands are so like when I play online I feel like they're so setup and now watching it live you're just like like how do you get that board you know what a flop so Holly opens here from from the hi jack with ace jack of spades gets three bit by free with deuces which is you know a speculative three bet but can definitely fit it into into his range ally has no choice but to appeal the ace Jack suited in what a war to come out both players just absolutely smashing this flop Ally with top hair and and the nut flush draw and all in a furry wood bottom setter now this is interesting because Ali came into this table was it was it fourth and 13 chips yeah Ali Ali came into this final table with actually second and chips through each started with about six million in Olli with about 4.4 million so these are two of the bigger stacks here and you know with with a bunch of short stacks here Ali does have to be a little bit I see him aware but his hand is just so strong in you know what do you think about this checker is here with how wide for Reed's ranges here I think check racing is definitely an option if he's three betting you know all his pocket pairs a bunch of board with Broadway cards ace Jack definitely is strong enough to to go for value it's just unfortunate that that Ferrari decided two to three bets on these lower pocket pairs and he's uh he's run into a really strong hand oh I honestly I mean I honestly think with how strong Ali's hand is on the flop I like just a flat there I don't think you need to build the pot he just furry gets the nut card and continues uh yeah God running like how he has been daily Kwas for for read here a spade on the river would just be discussing yeah it's so hard to put read on pocket deuces or pocket fives or ace deuce Ally decides to continue here in the turn after check raising the flop with a hand that he actually cannot win with a lot of Olli fans here in twitchchat rooting for no Spade on the river farid has the absolute nuts here and I don't see him doing anything but just sliding here and if Ali ever has a bluff allow him to continue blasting off on the river coming into this hollow table we knew that their attorney there were gonna be a lot of fireworks between Ali and Farid but no one expected this well this was exactly what I was saying when um how aggressive for Rita's he's going to get paid off in situations like this I'm not a big fan of the check-raise on the on the flop I think I would like to disguise how strong my hand is and also it is it is easy for free to have ace queen or ace king so I would like to see a check here and Ali does check no I mean the pot is the pot is more than what Ali has left do you think he's gonna go for all of it I think that's the only option here you're so polar by the river you have a bunch of Miss Spades sometimes I miss gutters that for all your value hands think the only size here is to is to go all in the backdoor flush also got there as well so Ali might be able to to find a fault here one blocking spades and two unblocking the backdoor parts I got there which Farid might be feeling on the flop if he has some sort of 3x or 4x of Hearts that he decided to free bet he did go for all of it I mean he puts Allie in a very tough spot Allie being put to his house early here at the six hand upon table this is such a tough spot because Farid is such an aggressive player and three betting so many hands pre he's also known to be floating a lot of flops and turns post flop so he also hasn't shown I mean it's so hard to put him on a hand because he was just gliding in position I think that's some of the toughest spots when of you know someone flops a set and you're just betting into them also for EADS cricket glasses are really distracting me so it's hard for me to take in seriously I don't think this is an easy fold but the fact that the spades or a jack didn't get there I think he could find a fold this is such a tough spot to be in and and this was this is another time where I always wonder how much a lot of stream plays into it because you don't want to be the idiot folding you know top hair with a quality kicker to the most aggressive guy at the table when if he has seven eight off suit you know and everybody's I think it's always so much easier for people to judge your play when you can see everybody's cards shuffle what a full byali here grateful so yes it's true this just true that it's hard for free to bluff there on by the river but he also has a very few value combos left with Ollie blocking aces which is you know one of the most which is a very very strong hand that Farid will be three betting and and getting it in by the river chips are flying here at this final table yeah they're all flying Farid way I mean if we can talk about how good he's been running I mean he plays very very well but from what I've been reading on the blog because I didn't make it to day two he he's had a pretty easy ride here to the final table I did see him make a very good call with a seven offsuit ace high yesterday it was on the blog and looks like your boy Dan got banned from twitch chat I'm pretty sure that was the fake dance unique because the real dance unig is the Red Sox nets account so he has a he has a fake yes I'm sure all accounts out there that's when you know you've made it exactly shout out to Dan sunic regular here here at Borgata and always it was on twitch always nice yeah Nikki P with the King six off suit raised on the button haven't seen much from Sandy knee he's just kind of been quiet I think he's short and just waiting for waiting for a hand now this is an interesting spot um David Marquez what does he have a little under 15 big blinds okay so the blinds are at fifty thousand right now so he has a little over 20 bigs I think well over 20 bags yeah so I mean it's tough to defend King seven off out of position so we are live both on Twitch and on Facebook so shout out to all the people watching on on Facebook as well so now without lis being a little closer to the pack there's nothing gonna be a lot more he's definitely a little more I seem aware and not probably not opening as many hands as as he would have liked to with him kind of being tied to some of the other sacks here yeah I agree and I think Reed's gonna be putting on the pressure even more now absolutely you're such a stranglehold on on this final table now that I mean it's so tough when you have somebody like Fareed who's super aggressive and just smashing every flop it's almost impossible to play against and for those who are unfamiliar with what ICM is stands for independent chip model and each chip value that you have at a tournament represents some sort of dollar amount because of the prize pool that is left to play for yes there is 313 K for first place but you know there are pay jumps you know going to first place and each of these players will have to be slightly aware of making some of those payments for you know a potential six-figure score here and with for Reed having a a massive chip lead he now gets to open a lot more hands and really put a lot of pressure on on some of these middling stacks that can't really get too out of line because they have to because they will be making money if someone else busts before them another quite interesting spot for read raises under the gun he's gonna be opening up a lot and he has a pretty wide range and king-queen offsuit in the small blind um we got a flat here from Holly what do you think about this call I definitely like it it's hard to 3bet out of position with the hand this strong you don't want to get for bed off your equity and with him being tied to some of the other stacks it's definitely you know what they're for him to to see a flop here and navigate post lob and not try and play huge pots with Farid do you like his call better now that he has top hair in a Royal draw oh absolutely we all love to be results-oriented in poker I know I do I wouldn't be shocked if a Red King came on the turn ten of diamonds here on the turn and doesn't change too much Farid still has his gutter but with Ali check calling the flop he's gonna have a lot of connected hands with this board some pairs some straight draws that will continue to have a lot of equity here and for Reed having just the gutter without the spades I don't see him continuing here unless he is absolutely gonna go for it I think he just has too many chips I don't think he's going to be just giving them away hello there you go I mean it's a great river but it's kind of irrelevant I don't think he's going to get any more chips from Farid I don't love this check I probably would have went for a small small Valley but we've seen some big there's so many hands that check back there if anything if Farid has a you know a boat he might raise but I just I mean check raising this river is so strong I I would have just like to see him go for a small value bet on the river it's interesting because the Aces is a good card for Farid strange Ali's not going to have all the full house combo Spears of aces queens jacks and because for reed has that in his range it is a good car for him to to continue betting on it's unfortunate that definitely did River some sort of showdown value I do like Ali's line here to chuck river he's not gonna have that many King of Spades combos in his hands and because a lot of the hands that he will be peeling out of the small blind will be suited so it's a card that he definitely should check to to Farid and allow him the ball pawn so in this final table so far we've seen quads and we've seen a royal flush gonna be hard to top that going forward we have Olly raising King Fahd suited on the button pretty standard and for reading with the coin off we're gonna get the king queen v flop I don't think Ally will be opening as wide as he as he wants to at this final table right now just because he has fewer chips and he is opening in tougher reads big blind it's always difficult to be opening into the chip leader especially one that's going to be defending a lot the more hands that that UV pip that you choose to play the more likely it is that you'll have a chance of busting out of the tournament whoo one for the underdogs Holly rivers a five-year I'm gonna assume he's gonna just check behind and showdown the five I personally think that out rivering this five here all he does have a hand strong enough to bet for value he does get called by a bunch of ace highs weaker 5x and if we did have a better hand by the river you would expect him to put out some sort of value but himself so I do like all these bet here with the five if he had a weaker five you know like a five for suited or so they decided to check here so the river might be a little more speculative but with how strong his five here definitely think it warrants a value but and for reading my column here with King high I feel like at my experience usually when players check down to the to the river and then bet they usually have some sort of hand then they can I mean it just seemed like such a value but I guess it could have been a bluff but I feel like if you're gonna blow if you're gonna Bluff the jack six nine board so I don't love for Reed's call on the river it was a time maybe but he has enough chips - uh yeah this man it's you know pretty awesome bet bye bye ollie there - to get called one necklace is a little handicapped we haven't really seen him in any pots and he can't really uh you can't really get too crazy and Nick is very experienced he's played a bunch of final tables so he definitely he's definitely aware of the ICM implications here and and the value of just waiting around waiting for some of these shorter stacks to bust and getting a couple of pay jumps and going from there so for Reid here on the button with the nine five suited we'll definitely see him open pretty close to a hundred percent of hands if not a hundred percent with the chip lead that he has yeah I agree especially having two tight players in the blinds who aren't gonna be playing back at him too much we have Nikki P with Ace King off suit against for Reed's range that looks like aces Oh and patience does pay off Nikolas hasn't played a hand and gets two black kings in the big blind with a raise and a rear A's in front of him and I'm just talking to myself Oh whatever this is it's gonna see the bad news we have the two tightest players at the table with a skiing and kings we haven't seen any ASA get folded so we still have some hope for Nikki P flop is 10 6 4 so Nikki P here needs an ace and only an ASA to stay alive some backyard straight rollouts and the turn is a queen picking up a Broadway draw then they keep you here needs an ace or Jack and the river is 5 I mean that's just crushing it it's just impossible to fold ace king six handed especially the way it played out with a Fareed raising button I honestly think that Sal and beanie probably shoves wider than that just absolutely due to who's raising button that is unfortunate I think is he crippled or does he have hard to tell so Nikolas doubles up to a little over three million here and Nikki P still has over over 1.5 million chips see and this is one of those spots where if it was me I would be thinking about the flush over flush hand and how I could have gotten him out the day before so we've seen some big hands already here at the final table a lot of stock shifting but it's still freed with the overwhelming chip lead here and a bunch of these snacks still still bundled up thanks to all the Maas and Chad who are doing a great job right now controlling everyone yeah we have a lot of big talkers in the chat that is fun though like everyone you are welcome to uh to be a part of the stream we want this to be interactive and for everyone to have a good time I personally spend a lot of time on Twitch myself and it's very enjoyable to be a part of the chat experience and to kind of feel like you're you hear part of the action with us we have Ally opening King Jack suited under the gun for Reid calling in the cutoff and David Mach defending 6/7 offsuit oh no he folded default yeah he folded now what do you think about Ollie's check here with the nut flush draw on that flop all he does want to work in some checks here ace 5/3 is a board that's pretty close in a navy for for both players because Farid is gonna be flying you know pretty strong hands versus all he's under the gun range I think ollie is also aware of who is in the blinds in this situation and he can open up slightly more into them so checking some strong flush tiles here is definitely good he allows for retail to bluff with some some worse hands and his hand will be very disguised if he does hit a flush on the turn of the river hello so now it comes down to what four Reed thinks of Ollie's checking Ranger on the flop does Ollie have any flushes because for Reed himself has the Queen of Hearts so it's a great card that he can put max pressure on if Ollie has anything worse than you know top pair of pair of aces freakin can kind of just blast away here blocking flushes not expecting Ollie to have a better hand than than a sax but Ollie being the awesome player that he is is balanced here with some flushes in his range yeah savories I feel like free it's not going to get too out of line here I think he just has a good hold on the table right now and he's not gonna not gonna hunt away his chips like he did the year before lesson learned interesting to see that Farid didn't even really think about doing anything on the river here versus all these blocks for everyone watching if you have any questions for me or Anna or you know about Borgata in general feel free to type it to us in chat or tweet at forgot a poker using the hashtag for god of poker live ah Ricki looks like you have a fan I'll leave the goat I see a few comments in chat about ELISA clothing choice for today and yeah that is that is one of the most awesome hoodies that I've seen yeah I'm a fan I like it I think it was a WSOP boy who gave Ollie that hoodie on his birthday a couple months ago and seems like he's been running pretty well since he's gotten it are you superstitious like that a little bit yeah you wore the same socks for Alex but I definitely have have some clothing choices where I feel like I've run a little better than the nathers so Nick opening the cutoff here with the ACA doll suit and Olli defending the Queen six of diamonds Ali check raising three three for rainbow flop yeah I'll eat choosing to be very aggressive here on this paired board not thinking that Nick has many 3x in his range so definitely see a check raise here with Queen sex backdoor diamonds backdoor straight draw being a play and he gets a pretty nut turn card here picking up both backdoor draws he has and by check raising flop and barreling here on the turn it puts a hand like Nick's with ace high into a pretty tough spot because Ollie himself can't have a lot of 3x here defending the big line and Nick decides to give it up so great checkers bye bye ollie here and getting a good card to continue barreling on yeah I like the checker is on I think Nick might have continued on um a lot of different cards then the dues kind of puts every draw and any draw that uh Ally might have raised with out there so yeah really hard to continue deuce five five six any a sex for the wheel would get there so exactly whatever you know Ali decided to check raise bluff with their that deuce of diamonds us does swing the equities a little bit into his favor I think people are just gonna put pressure on Nicki P because I think he's been known to play a little bit on the tighter side so it's gonna be really hard for him to I don't think he's gonna get it all in with just a sigh right so what the blinds now at 60,000 Nick is Nick has about 25 big blinds here and is one of the shorter stacks has 5 than the high Jack and I personally think that this 5 is open is a little closer and might be a fold despite how how strong fives can be because of of ICM I agree it's definitely it's definitely close it's not always a full but yeah it's on in such a on such an aggressive table I don't I don't mind a fold there especially with this structure I think you can afford to wait for a better Han and David waking out what these King suited here goes all-in and picks up a a decent amount of chips here increasing a stack by by a good amount by by just taking it down pre-fall you can see a little bit of a turn in Nicky Pisa demeanor your leader here feels a little deflated probably and it sucks I think we've all been there makes a battler though so you know he's been in the spot many times he knows how to play play a short stack you know pretty well and he'll he'll navigate he'll I expect them to continue being at this final table for a little while Nik opening ace Jack suited or read what the ace king I mean it really is crazy how many hands he's getting yeah he's being he's being very aggressive but he's also getting a lot of a lot of good hands it would seem like with how much he's three betting and all the pressure he's putting on he you know he's doing it with more hands than than just premiums so when he does get a strong holding like this it's very dangerous for when he puts chips in the middle and Nicolas is definitely aware of this you know when he's opening into a free big line he's gonna get some sort of resistance and he's gonna be opening you know slightly tighter but what the hand is strong is ace Jack suited I do expect him to continue in some sort of way here yeah I mean we haven't seen Farid 3bet out of the big blind yet he's been flattening a lot I like flatting here in position your hand plays very well post flop I don't think there's any need to for bet yeah for by getting it in here with you know Nikki P being so short is a little disastrous and with how strong the hands plays and how old plays post flop you know with the student it's well we'll see him navigate here so Nicolas does decide to appeal da shock see to here for comes Queen six three both players still have ace high before reads kicker slightly better what do you think about a Farid sizing with the three bed Nick open to 144 read three beds 555 it's kind of a large three that with how deep they are and I'm pretty sure that's the trend these days is to go slightly bigger out of position not giving your opponent who's in position of a good priced appeal personally I might even go slightly bigger than the the 555 here just because you're so polar out of big line you either have really really strong hands or some you know some kind of trashy low low suited connector kind of hands that you want a three-bet to balance with so I personally like a three besides that might even be a little bigger than this 555 here with him as the chip leader though and how often he might be three betting out of the big line I think the sizing choices is still perfectly fine so on the ten of Spades both players pick up a gutter River pairs the board and for EADS ace-high here is there's going to be the best hand at showdown yeah I think for it's just gonna be check calling anything on the river mm-hmm and I think Nick thinks he just has I mean he does have showdown value so he's just gonna check behind mm-hmm and I don't think he's gonna be trying to bluff or read it's interesting though because frites hands might be slightly strong enough to to go for value here with how much he's three betting ace king is still pretty high upon his range especially when he checks down here to the river I don't see him having many stronger hands that that gets it the river here after after checking twice so the ace king officer might worn a thin value but I don't I don't mind a check I think I mean that there's I think Nick definitely has pears in his range that he's checking behind on the Queen high board and par controlling so for those just tuning in I am Ricky Guan rated GTO on all social media platforms and joining me in the commentary booth here today is Ana antimony hello everybody ana wasn't where can they find you on social media I am I am blank I am at bona fide Ana on Twitter at Chipotle on Instagram and Ana antimony on Facebook just use my regular name it's crazy so we see our first blind be blind confrontation here between Farid and and Nick I won't be surprised if we see all this go in the middle and it does Freed's assigned to razor and put on pressure nick having to Broadway cards here really strong verses for each range which might be any two cards and both players get the money in the middle and I mean it is crazy how many hands-free is getting these broadway cards probably look like aces to uh Nikki P right now but I mean if we look at the the hands at the final table breed really hasn't been getting out of line at all so pretty interesting floppier King ten ten Nick picking up the the open-ended straight draw I mean a lot of out stuff to catch up as we all know if you have the most outs you're probably gonna end up breaking out and the three of clubs to seal his fate unfortunately for for Nikki P finishing in sixth place today for fifty seven thousand eight hundred ninety-four dollars pretty awesome run for for Nikki here it's gonna be disappointing now but I feel when he looks back at at this at this run that he had it's gonna be one that he's gonna be proud of and Nick home I had a lot of fans who who showed up here today so shadow doll to shout out to all the the Nick Palma fans watching yeah I think a lot of people were rooting for him he's a big personality on Twitter you can go follow him Nicky what is his food that Nicholas Palmer and it is Paula's on Twitter Nicholas underscore Palma and we'll definitely see him you know thinking about the next big tournament and hopefully again here at another Borgata championship final table we haven't seen David mark hasn't been too active got pocket tens here David had the Ace King suited recently so pretty nice to see some premium hands at this final table and it's gonna be feeling pretty good now that he's gone that pay jumped to fifth place so all players now are guaranteed at least seventy thousand four hundred eighty dollars here at this final table playing for three hundred thirteen thousand dollars for for first place now once again I don't love the chokers flat here in the cutoff with a king seven suited to and under the gun raised mark hasn't really done anything out of line I don't even think he's played any hands he has a little bit over 20 bigs and he's raising under the gun I mean it's just a clear fold here toca David's gonna have a lot of strong hands here opening under the gun you know Freitas on the button you know in position to him so it's gonna be a little tough to navigate if three driver sides though to put money in the middle King Simon see that does look like a very pretty hand though now for Reed with the East for suited as the chip leader here he can definitely go both ways here ace for Sudha's play well enough post flop where he can you know peel he can also consider three betting DS for a suited with with a good blocker and really putting a lot of pressure on on both of these players here by by squeezing yeah I agree I think he but I think he's also taking to consideration and um David stack size and the fact that he hasn't played too many hands this flop changes things king of clubs jack of spades three of spades here richard flopping top hair with the with the king seven and four Reed with the nut flush draw David tan went from first place to two now last on on this fall not the flop you want to see with parkington's and two players behind you richard would top they're now putting a bet of 200,000 in the middle I mean this is the tough thing about calling with hands like King 7 and a really aggressive player on your left I mean if he puts a little pressure on you do you really want to call off your whole stack with a top hair and 7 kicker it's just it puts you in a really tough spot I say free just calling here it's gonna have a lot of hands that that side appeal here and David and Richard peeling and under they going to open and then betting out into this this Slav he's saying that he has a really strong holding so getting in with with just a flush draw probably isn't the best play but you have too much equity to do anything else but take another cart Jack of Clubs on the turn is interesting so anything that you know for Reed's gonna have a lot of King X Jack acts you know some drawers Broadway drawers flush draws that decide to appeal the flop here versus the the bet for all those hands that Farid had that word Jack it's now ahead of Richards king curry will have a lot of stronger Kings here as well so so this bet here is a little speculative but you know Richard feels that he has the the best hand here and wants to get a little more value for first king I mean is he going for value or is it a blocker but praying he doesn't get raised I mean I don't see Murray is gonna be raising too much in position in the spot a lot of his hands are going to to want to just call all this draws don't want to you know blow the pot too much and Richard betting out here is it's pretty strong after betting into three players on the flop and for Rican tin Ewing you know in position against him as suspected I thought that I mean you have a player like that yeah it's just I think it's a much easier check call spot there's a lot of draws that he has there but you you put yourself in a spot to get raised yeah by betting turn there David puts himself in a really tough spot if he decides raise our person didn't expect a raise coming but free did sense a little bit of you know weakness and in the bet if David had had a stronger holding might have been a little bit more so he might have looked at the sizing there and said you know maybe he doesn't have a strong as a hand yeah you bet 200 on the flop and 300 on the turn I think it's a better bet with that sizing if you do have a jack in your hand yeah I don't love I just don't like putting yourself in a position when you know you have a very capable player right behind you so Fareed adding to chip lead over 10 million chips now yeah he's definitely uh getting away from the bunch and he's just owning the table right now I mean he's running good he's playing well raising a queen town offsuit in the cutoff and Nikolas is gonna have the East King off suit maybe some we see some big hands here in the block house that's gonna be a very tough spot for David I think he might find a bold it's just really really tough well we'll see what Nikolas does here first but if Nikolas does decide to it's a three bet here with his holding then David will have a decision on his hands all the players here know that for Reed is opening really wide and you know Nikolas might might n 7and three-bed you know more Holdings than than just premiums so nines is gonna be pretty close did he flat have a little delay on the action looks like Nikolas that decides to put in a three-bet here to 450,000 and David off of a 1.2 million started the hand with about 20 big blinds nines is such a strong holding when you have have 20 big lines but with the amount of action that he sees in front of him right now he probably doesn't have much fold equity against Nikolas who whose 3-betting here and you might be flipping out best of you put in put in the nines David makes the fold yeah I don't hate the fold just Nikolas as I'm so so solid I mean we've seen him play two hands at the hole on the whole table with Nick having the stack that he does and David being so short in big wine I find it hard to see him three betting too many weaker Holdings and nines against a range that's only going to call you all in isn't doing particularly that great especially with a little bit of amount of of ICM involved here yeah and somebody in a chat mentioned that Reed isn't opening wide he's opening frequently and I think that's something to consider I think he's had hands and he's been opening fairly often but with solid holdings so he's not he's not just messing around with people richer once again getting involved here opening the ace-queen under the gun and overtrick choosing to use a slightly bigger preflop sizing than we've seen the other players use here opening to 160,000 and honestly might be a pretty good shirt strategy against ally who who's gonna be peeling pretty white out of the big line you want to get you know a lot of value out of out of your strong holdings but unfortunately for Richard alley flops top hair hair and improves to trips on on this turn card now what do you think about this ally defending jack by lawsuit to an under the gun raised Richard you know has been you know splashing around a bit might not be opening as tight as some of the other middling stacks here and and all he knows that all he's also very confident in his post-op ability being able to navigate you know putting in some check raised Bluffs as we seen with the Queen six hand before so he's definitely very comfortable playing post flop and I'm not shocked that he decided to appeal the the Jack five off suit now on this turn after Richard checks back kind of captures reigns just a little bit I think because we expect Richard to be betting a lot of a stronger Holdings here all he deciding to over bet the turn which is you know a trend that that we're seeing more and more these days when your opponent you know when your opponent's range is captain in that way ally puts in a bunch of studying time with you know with it with with his friends on on choosing different sizings knowing which hand to do it with and with the hand of strong as a jack here he's definitely going to be putting a lot of chips into the middle pots now and almost 1.2 million and I expect him to put in another over bet here on on the river or something close to pot as a bunch of gutters have missed the club flush draw has missed Richard might decide to hero here with ace high after after checking it back honestly think it's gonna be more of a frustration call because I think he's kind of hasn't had the best run here at the table was made a few mistakes and now that he's had he has a you know a top holding he's kind of just frustrated I think that he didn't hit and hoping that his ace high is good yeah the deuce of diamonds is such a brick on the river so many draws missed Ally is definitely capable of putting in a you know an 80% bet here on the river with less than a jack you know a lot of his Bluffs he does lay it down here just you know good fold on his part in this situation with without leaving value betting a very strong hand somebody asking what Richards last name is named as last name is pitch oka he's from Clarksville Maryland he has a little over 2400 in live earnings yes Hendon says that he has 2400 live earnings he does list that he has a tournament cash up $12,000 somewhere so somebody wants people to know about him he loves poker haha if he could be one person for the day he would be the guy on his left so he could have position it's very interesting son this hand Farid opens under the gun with the king Jack offsuit and Richard feeling a big blind with Queen Jack and we see a jack high flop here on Jack eight three both players flopping top hair and we're gonna see some money go in the middle here what do you think about the chokha leading into Fareed I personally don't have that much of a leading range after defending the big one especially on on this flop texture furry it's gonna guess he's opening why but he's still gonna have pretty strong Holdings after opening under the gun here and it's really hard to be balanced when leading out of the big blind on on this board I mean I've mentioned before he he isn't really opening that wide I mean we haven't seen him do anything crazy I mean I think I think the only hand that he's really open was like Queen 10 off suit it was like probably the weakest hand we've seen him open and both players now get the money in the middle with with top pair Richard very behind here and eating a queen and a queen only two to stay alive does have some backdoor gutter outs but looking pretty slim and the turn is a tenth bringing in a straight draw for Richard Richard needs a queen or a nine to stay alive here oh my god hello and the river is a nine giving Richard a straight to the Queen and a double up here off of our chip leader Fareed what a run out yeah I mean it's a little bit frustrating I think for Fareed because I think he just has every player exactly where he wants them exactly erases the flop and I mean there's so many draws out there I mean it looks like it could just be raising so many hands and he's been raising Patoka and I think that was part of the Joker's plan was to get raised and get it all in with top hair only to see the bad news and then get lucky it was gonna be pretty inevitable for a lot of chips to go into the middle here with both players flopping top hair and a very good kicker and Fareed obviously this pointed with with the run out here but Richard back in the game here over 3.6 million chips now and we still have five players remaining here at this final table I mean as we all know it's part of poker to get a little lucky sometimes I'm interested to see if the Choka makes any adjustments to his game after making a few mistakes so far the next place v is guaranteed 70,000 I believe that's probably the biggest live score for three of the remaining five so this is the $2,700 buying one million guaranteed Spring Poker Open Championships we had a total of 519 entrants for this tournament I was one of them so as Ana and it generated a total prize pool of 1 million two hundred ninety seven thousand five hundred dollars and a good chunk of that to play for here with our final five players if somebody sees buried during the break and they could fix his glasses that would be huge help they're a little bit crooked and it's been bothering me okay so Richard limps in here in the small bun with suited ace now I love this play Farid raises three four offsuit in position I've I've seen a lot of players do this where they they raise the just their their air and kind of check back stronger hands just hoping to get a fold and play in position I mean Fried's gonna call a lot of his hands because he just knows he can he can play any two in position this is definitely a very interesting small blind limp 3bet and I personally do this at some frequency as well I personally would have chose a slightly bigger sizing than 650 you're giving for Reed a really good price to peel out of the big blind yes he has a you know pretty marginal holding with the 4:3 officer that he decides to ISIL with but knowing for read and how sticky is preflop you do want to make it a little bit bigger so that he's not as incentivized to peel really any two cards that he's a he's he's isoing with but we do see a flop in connects with both players Richard flopping to pair here with aces and fives with his pork ticker and for Reed with his a gut shot and backdoor flush draw the tough thing with Freitas he's not gonna just give up a hand I mean he you know he has four hi here and he's not gonna just let this one go you know flopping a gutshot in position and we see a very interesting I think we raised here by by Farid really pulling a lot of is a lot of pressure versus Richard here if Richard doesn't have have an ace pretty hard to continue versus versus a raise Farid wood for high doesn't you know partly with the nut worth holding here assuming that uh the three high isn't in in Richards range and Richard P has had enough of breeds raising him yeah I think I mean I don't I don't mind this play but it's it seems kind of like a frustration shove where he just doesn't want to get outplayed anymore and I think Richard came in with the strategy today that he was gonna flop top hair make good hands and then put in a lot of money laptop hair and just get it all in against Farid well look at how much for read is you know raising in that spot and you know the amount of air that you could possibly have here by applying pressure honestly not a terrible strategy to to make to put in a lot of money with with your good hands but with someone as aggressive as for Reid who's capable of bluffing um you do want to allow him to kind just punt it off once in a while like we've seen him done done in the past yeah I mean I definitely agree I think I mean there's different ways to play against somebody like Farid I think someone like Patoka who doesn't have a lot of experience at final tables I think he's a little bit more gun-shy to play post flop so it's a little bit easier for him to just get it all in holding top pair as we saw Ali before had a stack of spades against uh against for Reed set of deuces turn quads and he didn't get it all in and it saved him the tournament I think if Ally had that hand he might have been out for all those in twitter asking about us fixing some of the commands here I will do that when we go on our next break here so that all the information will be correct by the time we get back in the booth we have myself Anna antimony and Ricky Guan for everybody asking see David mark has a few fans in the chat he looks familiar I think I've played with him before I think he's a little bit and flopping too much but I'd like to see what he has to offer if he if you get the hand he where's he from he's from Boston Massachusetts 29 years old career earnings of one hundred and twenty seven thousand yeah David's had some poker results for for quite a few years now and he only started playing full time this past year so it's pretty awesome that within a year he's made a big file table which he he lists as his uh biggest poker accomplishment if he could be one person for a day uh David mock wants to be Drake in God's playing video giving out money so hopefully he wins and gives us some money I will be first in line so for read here continue to apply pressure here with the seven six suited I expect him you know we seen him three but with a wide range of hands small pocket pairs suited connectors good Holdings like gays King he did before so he's definitely getting some good card distribution here to continue to to attack this table with yeah I agree I think what's more important to him right now is just keeping the chip lead and kind of navigating the whole table I think once you lose that chip lead uh it's a little bit kind of a plays into how you end up you know playing against other players so I think he's just trying to keep control of the table at Patoka almost out the door and lucky number nine even the straight so I think who's who's uh who's uh v and chips right now hard to see the the chip yeah free to stolen the chip lead here with about seven million chips Richard now after you know that double up and flopping top here there is now pretty close to has I believe five million Nick has you know a little bit under this three million here ally was about four four and a half million and I think David is the shortest stack here so at this final table we are playing 60-minute levels blinds are now up to 80,000 with a BB ante of 80,000 as well what do you think about David fold here with the King Jack suited to four reads open in the small blind I think with you know only about a little over a million chips here Sheree is gonna be opening a lot of hands out of the the cutoff here for we did choose to use a bigger sizing 220k @atk BV into Ali's big wine so might have looked a little bit into that sizing you thought that for we might have some stronger hands and to let the the King Jack C to go I mean I know when your your short stack our table and the pay jumps really matter it's just hard to kind of pick a hand that you want to yeah go all-in with obviously you know if it's unless it's the top like for hands you know you got aces or Queens or but it's definitely hard to not go all in with to go all in with a made hand not a made hand even though David as though is a shortest act here and the King Jack suited against if free was opening his entire range to that 220k sizing definitely a profitable shove there out of the small blind but you know you might have seen something in infrared that made him not want to do it at at that moment another interesting hand here we have blind worse blind alley flops top hair Richard Picciotto with the open ended and an over lead limping the jack seven here richard checking his option in big one with the 86 and on this seven five deuce board richard with the open ender and the backdoor flush draw now it's a texture that favors I think the big blind a little more than the small blind just because of the low kind of the low numbers the 7 to 5 the do's Ali's not gonna be limping too many you know do sex and some like offsuit like 8 dues 9news hands but Richard in the big blind will have all of those holdings because he was it was opted in there so I'll eat using to use a pot sizing on the on the flop here which if he were gonna bet I think it's a it's a good size now do you fold here to Ali's bet on the turn while you have open-ended I think it's still too much equity Ali you know did use a sizing less than pot there on the turn and with the Spanish strong is eight six you you do want to appeal you're in position so your opponent tricks to you on the river you have the option to bluff and all he's gonna be fairly aggressive on that board but after using a pot sizing and you know and continue on the turn scientic giving up is not a terrible option there as we see from Richard strategy since the very beginning it was to make good hands to put money in middle with so might be a little shy to do with withdrawals going into the river where you only gonna see one more card guys feel free to reach out to us on Twitch or you can tweet at us at Borgata Poker using Borgata Poker live ask any questions on Facebook or twitch the opportunities are asking of any ladies went deep I actually I don't I think this is the first time that I did not see any ladies on day three of the tournament it was a little bit disappointing Nicholas opening under the gun here with the ACE Jack offsuit into freeze big blind and he gets to kind of play along with Reed here guessing trying to guess what hands he'll be three betting either big hair now this is interesting spot because I feel like Nick just had this spot with ace Jack suited Farid raised his behind with ace king we don't know what Fred had here it would be interesting to see for Reed kind of bluffing here just using the reputation and also with David being so short right now he can definitely apply a lot of pressure to Nick here by three bidding a wide variety hands out at the big blind Nicholas you know with with how the pay jumps are right now it's really hard to to put too much money in the middle with David being so short because there is a $20,000 pay jump from fifth to fourth here so all these other players will you know be a little hesitant to put money in the middle especially against for Reed who who can bust them before David either doubles up or goes out I leave here with Kings in the cutoff we are not seeing for eat hands three with the ace three suited here and I wouldn't be shocked to see him putting a three about here with you know he knows that alleys is still gonna be opening kind of wired here but for Reed in the small blind compared to when he's on the button in position tomb or in the big blind where he's getting a good price to peel so this is this is a spot where all he can definitely be opening a little bit wider and Ollie is just probably salivating mm-hmm hoping for a three but he does get peeled here by by Farid I mean so far you really do Seyfried making all the right decisions I mean he flatted David's under the gun raised wouldn't David had the tens I think David would have a four bet shocked with the tens their urine very definitely picking his spots here he knows that all he's a very capable player they both played a lot yesterday where they got into a lot of confrontations so so it doesn't want to be you know three betting all being playing out of position too much because Ali is aware of David being shorter and him needing to play slightly tighter with with David being so short here we got three players to the flop and ten four deuce I leave with the over pair with the kings and furry flopping both a wheel draw and a backdoor flush draw with his ace three suited it's pretty awesome that we've seen some pretty connected flops for for all the players that are putting money in the middle preflop here yeah I mean it's kind of and Nick gets lucky to kind of just get out of this flop without flopping a queen or jack I think that could have been trouble for him absolutely um what do you think about breeds lead here into Ali's Brees definitely an interesting play here I think and do it at at some frequency Ali's not gonna be folding too much of his range here on this 10-4 deuce board a lot of his you know over carts at a 10 won't be folding of course all this pairs won't be folding so free leading out here doesn't really accomplish too much with the ACE 3 and all he kind of knows that and I expect him to put in a value race here on the flop with with his kings here and he does the problem with leading this uh the straw here with bio-viper read his hand is like kind of strong enough to it's a check call or or even you know put it in a check raise but when you lead and you get raised you now have to put in more money with with you know with just a draw versus a range that you're probably behind against at this point yeah I tend to lead with my stronger Holdings and kind of either check all check raise with a hand like ace three his hand is still strong enough to to continue with especially with how deep they are here he still has that backdoor flush draw that he can you know kind of piggyback off of and if he turns a five here he doesn't make a wheel yeah five would be disaster it's just I mean it's hard for Ally to put him on five I mean on a wheel and also he has Kings so really clean turn card here for ollie none of the immediate gutters get there the eight should be pretty irrelevant for for wreath leading range and then calling this flop with and the only hands that I really improved here are if we decided to lead a hand like ten eight but it's not too many combos of that that decided to peel the small blind either yeah I would assume that if Farid did have a hand like ten eight of hearts he would probably be three three betting that from the small blind all these hands definitely strong enough to go for a value here on on the turn and it looks like he's cutting out a bed of about 1.2 million here if your ally what are you putting Farid on the most obvious hand choice is that Freitas gonna leave here are gonna be some of this stronger 10x and some of the the gutters here you know possibly some open tenders with some backdoor flush draws so versus that entire range Ali's hand is definitely strong enough to go for value here you don't expect for Reed to be really leading any sets here fours or deuces and tens will probably be three betting him preflop with the wide range that free is gonna be three betting with so kings just so far ahead of Farid range and oh my god I think you just went all-in i what up what a move he has no choice but to call here Wow what a fake oh my god and river is clean for olly olly doubles up and takes the chip lead from Farid what a move by Farid here against Ali but unfortunately running into an overpair and not getting there I mean it's an interesting spot I mean it's really easy to judge his hand when we see it I think he does get a lot of folds yeah 10x is from Ali but I mean I I think we just saw another Bluff yeah it's just so hard to be reppin anything when you when you leave call and decided check-raise this turn like all your strong hands are going to be fourth and deuces that you decide to lean and like that ten eight so your value range is so minimal at this point and Ali's sensing that puts in the snap call with with the kings and the best hand does hold here by the river I mean it's really hard for him to get kings to fold on such a dry board obviously the mines not really trying to get him to fold kings no no no I'm saying obviously never puts him on such a strong holding just it was just I was actually just gonna say if it was the eight of clubs I could see him check raising all-in right yeah if you picked up that equity I thought he was really just going to fold but like I said I think it's one of those things where furry doesn't want to give up a hand yeah and he's been every one of his moves have been working all of his check raises and I think he just got a little overconfident yeah what a sick checker is on the turn though just citing I have a gutter I'm gonna try and apply max press max pressure would have been sick if you know he didn't run into such a stronghold and he got it through but unfortunate for him ollie you know did have one and all he now takes the chip lead and has over 10 million here at this at this final table I mean honestly I think a check ship looks a lot Bluff e'er than if he raised like you know 2.5 X with the stack size is how we ran ollie you know basically putting 1 million to a two million chip pot there for Reed to check raise four for a little less than pot from what the stack sizes seem to be full double off their end getting a bit of deja vu from last time DT last year as you guys see on screen here Borgata will be hosting its 250,000 guaranteed summer kickoff series will be for starting fights starting May 26th to the 28th day two will be on May 29th it's a three hundred dollar bond 250 K guarantee here at Borgata starting on May 26 can I change my pick for who I think is gonna win furry saw the shot here he has the chips and if he is able to get things going again he can you know come back really quickly so I wouldn't come up I wouldn't count count them out just yet j-cap says anna he's repping 10-8 this was how free please he doesn't care about money i once again i disagree i don't think that he would be flattering Tenny suited or not from the small one I think he's three betting notes of his weaker Holdings from the small barn so it's really hard for him to have rep 10-8 I think if anything he might be repping a set that's a pretty speculative hand choice by a bar free to do it with I definitely understand his reasoning for it you know having nut gutter and possibly that you know over card he blocks some of Ali's stronger hands that will call here such as aces in East ten so not not a terrible you know check-raise but it's not like he didn't have any equity going into into the river there if he was called but just just not a play that I personally would have decided to make no definitely not I mean and as we all see Ali's the last person you want to give chips to at this table yeah absolutely Hollywood now with I think they're twenty million chips in play so he now has about half the chips in play here five handed over ten million chips anyway thousand big blonde yeah if anyone knows what to do with the chip lead at a final table it is ollie oli now with that mountain of chips in front of him and what I personally think is the most beautiful chipset in poker with the Blues 5k is the watermelon 25 KS and the bumblebee 100 KS I'd like some watermelon right now I imagine free just kicking himself right now I mean yeah it's pretty deformed Shipley - it's a short stack here yeah there's no I mean I think it's worse you know if you get bad beat or if you make a huge huge mistake hmm you know if I just lose aces - two kings all in pre and I get crippled you know I think that's a little bit easier to deal with and just punting off my stack yeah it's a little out of your control and when you just get into a cooler situation but it definitely feels you know a little a little more terrible when when you do Bluff at all David leave it finally found his strong holding pocket jacks it looks like he's gonna get this one through here I don't know I'll see Richard Pachuca okay now we've seen Farid be the chip leader pretty much all of day three and most of today so it'll be interesting how he navigates as the short stack on the table he still has a decent amount of chips here you know David is still still our our shortstop Vereen still has over 2 million over 25 big blinds here so he definitely needs to be a little bit aware of this page on coming up although knowing for Reid not sure how much he he cares have have it yeah I think so much of Poker is really mental and I think when you when you lose a huge portion of your stack it's so deflating and a lot of poker players mentally just give up instead of you know getting back in the game for furries you know what a bunch of tournaments he's played a bunch of hollow tables and it's not the first time that I think he's lost a fleet so he's been here before I expect him to to still play you know fairly aggressive even with a slightly shorter stack here no I agree I think he's gonna know you know he's not gonna miss any spots to to shove this is gonna be an interesting spot with the choker raising a state suited and for Reed with the kington off in the small line we can see a show of use it's pretty close uh-huh really depends on how much he thinks Richard is opening here he is for thin chips right now which makes it a little less appealing to put the money in when there is a shorter stack behind when there's a shorter stack on the table but I'm pretty sure Farid is here to win all the chips today so he'll probably be taking as many chip evey spots as he as you can for all those who missed ali's double up here he opened Kings for Reed flat at the small line and Nick flatted the big line it came ten for Deuce and Farid led into into the flop got raised by Ali and peeled with his eastery suited turn brought the eight of Spades pretty brick card not connecting with either player three checks Holly decided to bet 1 million into about a two million chip pot and for recheck raises all in for 4 million and of course Ali made the call and and held so I he's up to over 10 million now and um Farid is down to about 2 million in chips really swinging the the stacks we're all D now has half the chips in play and the other Richard has about 4 million a pretty clear second and Farid and Nicholas tied for a third and fourth it's pretty interesting to see Richard check back the a set of spades here on the 4 for 3 board with the nut flush draw yeah I went to check I mean he he has a strong strong hand that he's kind of disguising and if a spade comes it's really hard to put him on a flush and also I mean there's just so many hands on the turn that you can get Nick to Tibet it's hard though I don't think Nick is gonna be bluffing too often versus a check back range here especially with how the stacks are distributed right now I don't think Nick's gonna be doing anything really crazy for now while he's shorts - yeah I think the least likely person get out of line yeah I think he's really just playing his cards right now and waiting for a double up you know coming into the day I talked to ollie and he said you know he is aware of the ICM situation with Farid being the chip leader and on his left but if he were to get involved with Farid and he were to have a stronghold and he wouldn't be afraid to put all the money in the middle even with all that I see and pressure and you know it can definitely work to his benefit today now with him having half the chips in play at this final table yeah I mean I think I see him application is important but I also think you know you have to play to win so you can't really be scared to put the money put the money in when you think you're ahead we have a raise from Pachuca in the cutoff with King Jack suited david defends the 10-8 off which we haven't seen him doing too much I haven't seen him defend too many big lines Joker flops top hair I think we're just gonna see a fat fold Red Sox net sets so weird that Fried's three bets deuces and non-ace three of spades in that spot I think there was a little bit of a difference I think deuces were on the button and I think the ACE three suited is a pretty strong hand where he can see a flop and I think he's just kind of trying to balance out his range I do think if he did have the ten eight suited he would have three bet so far we have Nikki P out sixth and the fifth place is guaranteed 70 K so Richard Michalka opening the ace nine off in the small I mean under the gun David mocked all in this is an interesting spot I think David hasn't gotten out of line so it's really not a snap call here Richard feel free to join me whenever you want Ricky it's interesting to see Richard opened the the East nine off in Sally's big blind here and then David shoving out of the small line he's been fairly tight so far at this final table so ace nine being the bottom of your opening range they're under the gun indefinitely CC folding Red Sox there's a lot of things that you would not do that a lot of other people would to clarify shoutouts for Ahmad Beck's Hall in chat for helping with fixing the commands kind of doing double-duty over here so thank you so much Michael join us this Saturday starting May 19 join us on May 19th for the $100,000 guaranteed Saturday series here at four got a very popular tournament that always crushes the the guarantee here the $400 buy-in on May 19 and the last couple times that poor guys had this event there was over $40,000 for first place so please come and join us on may 19th for the $100,000 Saturday Series so we see another blind people on concentration here between Ollie and Richard the two biggest stacks at this final table so another low connecting board of six four three here and Ollie deciding to check this time with his bottom pair Richard having a the bottom gutter here with his nine deuce although it's interesting Ali limped in Richard decided to raise the nine dues in position in a fairly small sizing - as I see lolly rivers two pair we've been seeing Richard kind of he has an idea kind of to go with a hand and then he ends up giving up on the turn I'd like to see him fly a little bit of more pressure on the turn that's a pretty funny move that all the understood a pretty much funny moment we had there I'll be grabbing a large amount of chips to possibly over but this uh this is river here and Richard kind of angling his his cards into the muck leading all these are betting the minimal that is a good feeling though when you go to bluff and somebody just snap MUX their cards unfortunately for ollie here value this time for all those all the fans in chat yeah Aldi is way beyond super singing right now referencing his a hoodie that he's wearing right there David with the ninth diamonds here I think this is a good spot to shove and he does I see Ali folding the ace eight off suit and hurried is gonna fold the 8 deuce it's gonna take it down so a couple of promos to tell everyone about here live at Borgata there is a five hundred dollar hi-hat every 15 minutes every Thursday in May from noon to 10 p.m. and online at Borgata Poker calm you can now qualify for your chance to win a share of over $11,000 in monthly prizes by you know just playing tournaments every every single day and I myself actually qualified for this $2,700 main event online at Borgata for a fraction of the buy-in so definitely a lot of great tournaments on there for everyone to play if you're here in the state of New Jersey it doesn't matter where you live as long as you are in the state of New Jersey you will you're allowed to play on Borgata Poker online so we see Richard limping in on the button here with the King 9 suited definitely mixing it up here bye bye Richard Fariq completes the small blind with the Queen 7 off and Nicholas checking his option with the 8 6 trucks the richer and he leads out here with his middle pair and definitely see furry continue in some sort of way with his top pair here yeah this is an interesting limp vibe Richard I do like it when you have someone like furry news on the shorter side and more aggressive and probably gonna be three by jamming a lot of your ear raises mm-hmm definitely can mix in some blimps here with ally as the massive chip leader and him folding the cutoff Richard is kind of free to open the open up open up on the button here applying pressure to both Farid and Nick with David being the the shorter stack but if he feels that he's gonna get three but possibly jammed on by Fareed a lot then limping a hand such as King 9 where you don't want to raise call but you still want to be able to see to play post is one of those options you see a check back by a Patoka on the turn which I like yeah that's a very tough call on the river I mean queen bee to Jack 10 gets there a lot of gunshots see it going forward here I definitely expect Olli to be opening up a lot of hands more so than he was doing already everyone is pretty handcuffed at this point with him having such a massive chip lead I don't expect him to do anything super outrageous like Fareed had done but he's nothing gonna be trying to apply apply max pressure here richard with pocket eights here in the and i cut off you guys have any questions feel free to talk with us in twitch chat on facebook live and on twitter using the hashtag for god of poker live Wow we have a jam from David Mach here I think it's a pretty easy call for Richard I mean David actually has the best yeah proportionate for David to be flipping here once he gets called by Richard but his tournament tournament life is at stake here and I need to hit one of his two over cards to stay alive flop is Jack seven deuce does giving some back door outs to David turn is a six and now he'll need a queen or a ten only to stay alive the river is a nine and will see David finish in fifth place here at the Spring Poker Open cashing 470 thousand four hundred eighty dollars a pretty big payday for four for David here and his biggest live live score he adds to his one hundred and twenty seven thousand career earnings what did you think of that Jam it's one that personally wouldn't have made Queen ten is a good enough hand to be flattened preflop seeing a flop obviously if you flop top pair with a queen or a ten it's gonna be pretty hard to get away but you know I don't think Richard has been opening too wide lately and just seeing him limp the previous hand kind of crease the dynamic that if he were to have a slightly weaker hand he would continue limping and if he had stronger holdings like you did with all those pocket eights then he's gonna be raising them so three by jamming in so you know a slightly stronger range and normal is not preferable he was still flipping for his term in life there and unfortunately he he didn't win that flip I think with us David's exit now Farid is gonna be last in chips or very close to him and Nick are very close and yeah they both have about you know 2.3 2.4 million here I'll leave the cleared ship leader and Richard in second and with you know two shorter stacks of behind Richard we we do expect Ollie to be raising you know some of this Holdings here to apply max pressure on on Richard he gets this one through I'm surprised I mean 7/8 off blinders blind in position yeah it's typically hang you would peel there is slight ICM and Ally didn't make it over 3x so slightly bigger sizing than what Richard normally you know might see there so kind of d incentivizing him to peel such hands 87 might be you know slightly too strong to to fold versus ollie just because all he's gonna be raising so many hands but he really does have that much incentive to battle with ollie at this point he can sit here latter a couple of spots and earned himself you know possibly an extra $100,000 yeah I agree I just think we haven't seen him shy away from playing pots so I was just a little bit surprising to see him fold they're in position mmm-hmm then you can see parades frustration yeah Ali is loving life right now this is the dream spot for anyone at the final table to get the chip leader to punt off to you that and you know be able to to open a bunch of hands when you do have that chip lead Ali is originally from Vancouver Washington over on the west coast travels the world now to play a bunch of live tournaments he's been you know here in New Jersey a bit recently played in the winter WPT here at Borgata and was here for for a couple events of the of the spring open the man loves to travel and just play poker and recently moved in with you yeah we we did get a house here in New Jersey together I'll send a bunch of our poker friends so sure that's a fun time yeah just get a little closer to Borgata where God has always been I'm kind of like my home casinos where I play tournaments you know five times a year with the five big tournament series going on at least five times a year so want to be a little closer to support gotta and be able to play here more often this is gonna be an interesting spot to see how why Ferrari decides to open his bunion to Olli now that he's one of the shorter stacks here because whatever he does all he can apply a lot of pressure to him and we do see him decide to limp here that is interesting since we haven't seen a limp from I think things things have changed a little now that he's gone from the chip leader to one of the shorter stacks and this is a trend that we're seeing more and more these days with players comfortable playing post flop in an ICM situation not wanting to get denied off all their equity so definitely bringing the the limp back here and for about 25 big blinds effective ollie shoves his East three how do you think you see three doing this with his stronger Holdings like blinds yeah he definitely should especially with ollie going to be applying you know a lot of pressure he can definitely still split his range where he can be limping some hands and be opening some hands it really depends on how he thinks Ollie will be reacting in the big blind so Ollie ollie definitely showed him how to play a three properly that's a trend that we're gonna continue seeing here oli winning most of the plots most of the pots at this final table going forward if he maintains this ship lead of his interesting raise here my neck I think it's it's tough because if you got raised you can't it's a lot harder to call off what do you think yeah it's a spot where because you know you're you're tied in third / fourth and chips with Fareed opening there is gonna be a little bit dicey if all he decides to put pressure you have a stack that's really you know easily leveraged when I when I Lee three bets you but I think into Richards big one here he does have some options to raise seeing Richard fold a king a doff my didn't sent advise him to be opening slightly more and especially if Ally decides to be pit without three betting then he's gonna be able to play a pot in position against them Holley opening the 10-9 off here on the button and for read with about 26 27 big blinds here it's gonna be moving all the ships in the middle and taking it down preflop we know how much he loves small pocket pairs so we were never expecting anything less yeah definitely spot where because Ollie is opening so wide definitely a profitable game with with the large ships we got Baltimore poker cam is the man in chat saying you guys are doing a great job in the booth thanks so much man thank you appreciate it nice to get some love from the chat and Ali is just running the table for now yeah when you obviously switched well you know you're gonna be opening a lot of hands and you look down at hand like ace 9 suited it's you know kind of like Christmas right there when when you have such a good holding yeah I mean I think we have such a big chip lead and somebody like Ali who is obviously experienced being at final tables I don't think he's going to make as big of a mistake Asbury did I think I don't think it's gonna be as easy to get his chips read with a stick suited on the button snap shift up a little bit to approximately 30 big blinds so we'll see we did see him limp earlier and and kind of get attacked by Olly with the when he had the jack 10 off suit so we'll see how he decides to mix a strategy here on the button with Holdings such as suited aces looks like he's gonna continue that strategy of of just limping and not really get blown all of his equity Nikolas folding the eight six often Ollie has a has a king 10 off suit here so we'll see these two go to battle once again yeah I definitely like a reed mixing it up another flop that connects with both players here for Reed flopping the nut flush draw with the a succeeded and Ally flopping top hair gutter and you know we're gonna see some some chips go into the middle here as well Ali was such a strong holding versus fruits that memory decides to check raise with his King ten suited King 10 off suit and free what the a succeeded here can do a couple of different things you know the flush draw definitely very strong but three betting here hard to see a sizing that doesn't commit himself and you know peeling is definitely an option here as well and play some turns and rivers interesting to see him just call here you expect Ali's uh Chuck raise range here to be pretty strong it's a board that should connect with the button limping range slightly more than the big line because of ollie did have stronger Holdings like kings jacks nines King Jack you expect him to to be isoing out of the big blind quite a bit so it's afford that slightly favors for read a little bit more so he's definitely gonna be you know continuing verses that check-raise that is pretty strong bye bye ollie yeah I mean if you think I think it's hard to think Ali would be check raising like a king for on this flop I think he would just be calling so I mean he has like Jack nines in his range after check raising flop here ollie decides to to lead the third lead the turn for 305,000 and getting such a good price we expect for Rita definitely peel off at least one more he does have to be slightly aware that he started this hand tied and chips with Nick so there is a you know considerable pay jump to be to be aware of here third places one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars so there's about a twenty three thousand dollar page on from from fourth to third here I think I think Farid has made it quite obvious he's not too worried about the pay jumps I think he's planning to win so I don't think I don't think that that is a factor for him at least and now on on this river you know once he misses his flush draw and Ali continues barreling he can possibly get away from his hand now but knowing for Reid he's going to think about it for for a little second here and we'll see how he reacts to to this sighs bye-bye all eco bets 515,000 into this it's this river I mean I just think it he I don't see any other option besides of holding essentially because Ally you know is using a small sizing on the river I know all he definitely splits his range here where he has both this sizing and in a bigger sizing which probably would be all in at this point looking at the stacked apart ratio so Farid is definitely questioning this sizing a little bit trying to determine what hands all he has in his range here and I just don't think that I mean I don't know what Ali looks so confident I mean there's just not many hands that he's raising here that he wasn't gonna call him I I don't think a a bluff shove would work here mmm-hmm Ali is the chip leader here at this final table right now so he does have a lot of incentive to put on pressure especially against the other players here so when he check raises and then that's pretty small on both the turn in the river definitely you know raised some eyebrows for for freed and maybe he wants to attack such sizing thinking ollie might be slightly imbalanced towards having weaker hands here although I think he's giving off slightly too many tells life tells to be raising in the spot so Martin is he if he's yeah it's just it wouldn't be the first time that he's done it at this final table where he's made a speculative call with these high on the river it's such a drive ward I mean such a wet board for him to I mean there's just even if even if Ali is bluffing with a nine nine minimis flush draw like he doesn't really beat anything yeah you're blocking some of the you know more obvious Bluffs that ollie would have here such as those flush draws so having those reverse blocker is definitely you know the incentivizes you from calling what the hand such as this you're gonna have you know straights in your range king axsjax that blocks a bunch of Ali's value range as well so calling this ace hi here would be very very speculative and at this one out least just begging for a call because there's no way for it has shown so much weakness in the hand yeah I think unlucky run out I mean now that he's short and he's not really flopping too many hands it's it's kind of interesting to see how the tides are turned Holley continuing to add to his Chipley here now over 11 million chips and I mean I think that's like I mean he's in such a good spot the only other person that has just as much experience as him at final tables is the shortest stack at the table so I'll be continuing to use a raising strategy here blind be blogging with Richard you know being that middling stack having to wade out both Nick and Farid here at the sauna table so we're definitely gonna see him over fold in a lot of spots here allowing all each a pretty properly raised while I'm aligned with almost any two cards so now what for we losing that pot to toiley he a little more separated with with Nick here and pretty clear clearly in in last place now ollie opening the button with his Queen six like you do pretty sure he will be opening a very wide range of hands here Richard flighting the small line and Farid waking up with a real hand what a great spot for Farid here be interesting to see what Patoka does it's a a Stein is a pretty strong holding it is for a lot of poor handle yeah or hand it is you know and I think his hand is so disguise it's definitely a close decision here for for Richard I personally wouldn't be making the call here for for over 20 bigs yes it's for Reed but you're still committing a large portion of your stack here and doubling for Reed isn't the most comfortable thing to do at this final table with him being on your left and if he does double here through Richard both of them are gonna be tied for for second and chips so Richard has a lot of incentive to yeah I may jump but he does decide to make the call here and for Reed is a pretty big favorite here to Freitas probably happy to see that hand call him absolutely I agree with you I don't think that I don't think this is a call but I don't think it's an easy fold either I think we've seen afraid be aggressive but he also has not shown down any bad hands so I think sometimes we we mix those two up where we think someone's aggressive and sometimes they're just getting cards and getting hit with the deck Richard now turns the what they both turn a gutshot and flip out here three doubles up here East King versus ace ten and now they're both essentially tied for second and chips this is not what Ali wants to see well actually Holly is actually you know probably okay with this now that both stacks have evened out there's no clear second place and chips anymore and they're both they're all in now incentivize the latter both for Reed and Richard are both handcuffed now with Nick being the shorter stack here so so Holly would actually be able to apply more pressure than he originally would Richard wasn't gonna get too involved you know anyways if Ali had opened I don't think that uh Ali wants to go three-way with Richard and and Nick and not Farid I don't think that uh I think he would like to see someone take him out or if not him himself you know so yeah I mean had some variance yeah I mean I don't think seeing I don't think anybody wants to see furry double of the table I think a lot of people you know say I saw people in the chat saying he's a fish but I mean consistency is really key and I think he always gets himself in these spots and that's what's important and he's definitely not afraid to put the chips in you know sometimes he has quads and sometimes he is three high so I mean he's not easy to play against and those are the most difficult people to have at your table so I'll be opening here from the cutoff with these five stood erect a line the East nine from the button and now has a pretty deadlock on this hand after flopping two pair I like Ali checking twice I think I'll he definitely thinks he has the best of it it's hard but I mean when when you well I showed the Aysen folds pretty nice lay down by vilely they're sensing that Richard was getting very strong and I think that's the first time we've seen any cards shown at the table maybe it's cuz they're going on break aside to be friendly Ali trying to make Pachuca feel better about his call so it looks like the players will be going on a 15-minute break and we will be as well so please come back shortly as we continue four-handed coverage here of the $2,700 Spring Poker Open main event [Music] stretching your hammies and splitting aces now that's a win toasting the perfect marshmallow and turning up five cherries now that's a win waiting for a nibble and setting a trap with pocket kings now that's a win do what you love and get the thrill of Borgata anytime and anywhere New Jersey play online poker slots blackjack for real money the Borgata calm now that's a win get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] loving up on the pug 'let's and looking down on four kings now that's a wind showing off your soft top and shoving in on a straight flush now that's a wind banning the tongues and taking down a hot tournament now that's a wick do what your love and get the thrill of or gotta anytime and anywhere New Jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the war gotta calm down that's a wind get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] you stretching your hammies and splitting aces now that's a wind toasting the perfect marshmallow and turning up five cherries now that's a win waiting for a nibble and setting a trap with pocket kings now that's a win do what your love and get the thrill of or gaana anytime in anywhere new jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the Borgata calm now that's a win get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] loving up on the tug 'let's and looking down on four kings now that's a wind showing off your soft top and shoving in on a straight flush now that's a wind Manning the tongues and taking down a hot tournament now that's a wick do it your love and get the thrill of Organa anytime and anywhere New Jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the board gotta calm down that's a wind get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] you stretching your hammies and splitting aces now that's a wind toasting the perfect marshmallow and turning up five cherries now that's a win waiting for a nibble and setting a trap with pocket kings now that's a win do what your love and get the thrill of or gaana anytime in anywhere new jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the Borgata calm now that's a win get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] loving up on the pug 'let's and looking down on four kings now that's a wind showing off your soft top and shoving in on a straight flush now that's a wind banning the tongues and taking down a hot tournament now that's a wick do it your love and get the thrill of Borgata anytime and anywhere new jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the war gotta calm down that's a wind get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] you stretching your hammies and splitting aces now that's a win toasting the perfect marshmallow and turning up five cherries now that's a win waiting for a nibble and setting a trap with pocket kings now that's a win do what you love and get the thrill of Borgata anytime and anywhere New Jersey play online poker slots blackjack for real money for Borgata com now that's a win get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] loving up on the pug 'let's and looking down on four kings now that's a wind showing off your soft top and shoving in on a straight flush now that's a wind banning the tongues and taking down a hot tournament now that's a wick do what you're loved and get the thrill of Borgata anytime and anywhere new jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the war gotta calm down that's a wind get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] back [Music] you stretching your hammies and splitting aces now that's a win toasting the perfect marshmallow and turning up five cherries now that's a win waiting for a nibble and setting a trap with pocket kings now that's a win do what you love and get the thrill of or gaana anytime in anywhere new jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money the Borgata calm now that's a win get $20 to play when you sign up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello friends you are joining us here in the commentary booth I'm Ricky Guan this is Ana antimony and we're here for the $2,700 spring poker open main event hello everybody we started this final table with six players Ferrari jetan had the chip lead at the start of the final table with approximately six million of the twenty million chips in play and we are now down to four and a big shift in stock sizes with ally and service now with the overwhelming chip lead with over 12 million of the 20 million in place yeah it's been interesting to see the switch here of roles between Ali and Farid frites kind of on the bottom now and it's he he just doubled up before parade against the ACE ten of the chokha which we said I mean I think that call there can go either way I think I don't think that's a bad call against Murray's range I think he could also be flipping with him a lot there so yeah it was kind of just unfortunate that Farid woke up with a hand yeah and a lot of interesting hands so far here at this final table all four players are now guaranteed eighty nine thousand nine hundred eighty eight dollars with first prize being three hundred thirteen thousand three hundred eighty six dollars so a lot of money still to play for here and a lot of big hands have happened so far you know some some coolers but the main want to talk about is where Ali got the Chipley from from Farid with that King's end yeah that was a that was an interesting spot a lot of people would tend to say that he hunted off his stack there mm-hmm yeah in that hand alley open the cutoff with Kings for Reed flat at the small blind with ace three suited and Nick came along in in the big blind so on a flop of ten four deuce Farid decided to lead nikka the way Ally raised with his kings on the 10-4 deuce board for repealed with his ace three his wheel draw and both players saw turn of the eight of Spades and you would think it's a brick turn not too much more money's gonna go in but after four rechecks Ollie ollie bets 1 million to a pot of 2 million for recheck shoves for 4 million chips all in and Ally with his strong holding deciding to call and holding and taking over the the massive chip leaf from for Reed and has been pretty in control of this final table ever since all right and we're back off break four players left playing with three hundred thirteen thousand last place fourth place is guaranteed 89k right now and this final tape with this star with six players Nikki Nikki Alma was our sixth place finisher for fifty seven thousand dollars and David mock was our fifth place finisher for $70,000 so let's get back to the coverage here a forehand to play here at this final table at Borgata guys I'm not depressed this is just my regular voice all the time see this is hand number of 55 of our final table here we start with six players down a for now Ali with the massive chip lead for Reid and Richard here both tied for second in chess what about 3,000,000 and Nicholas are clear Schwartz Takeo with about one point eight seven five million pretty easy fold for Nick with the Queen 10 off suit against Farid opening under the gun here I think Nick has been pretty solid and he's just kind of he's not gonna get out of line with any moderate holdings get a shout out to de la Cruz I have a fan one fan in the chat so we are now live on Twitch and on Facebook live feel free to be a part of chat and feel free to ask us questions we'll be answering your questions both in chat and if you tweet at Borgata Poker using the hashtag for god of poker life shoutout to all you watching out there shout out to all the mods who are doing a great job in chat so far as well yeah everybody's doing a great job that's keep the chat friendly these are just the opinions of two players yeah also thanks to the production for all this we have a new final table set here which looks amazing if you're able to see this in person the lighting is absolutely incredible and really really excited and happy to be a part of all this ya know they did a really good job I think it's a cool feeling to to get to play on that table mm-hmm so blinds are now 50,000 100,000 with a 100,000 big wine Annie and I'm very interested to see how this big my nanny will affect some of these players strategies going forward because if you know with this big one Andy it's effectively kind of like 25% of of the of the big line that each players contributing at this point so much bigger than if we were using a standard anti structure where we would only have about 500k of Annie's in the middle but the big line Andy we now have a total of 1 million in the of the Andy in the middle yeah I've heard a lot of poker players talking about this and debating whether or not you're supposed to defend more a wider range from the big blind yeah there's more dead money in middle so as you know now four handed as a standard Andy structure so definitely more incentive for players to be opening a little bit wider because of all the debt money in middle and a little more incentive for the big one to be peeling wider one because of that Andy and two because of these slightly wider opening ranges as well Patoka raising ace five offsuit under the gun alley defending a seven suited flopping top bottom so Richard assigning to check back his top hair here on this ace-queen 7 board typically a board that's slightly more favorable for the cutoff than the big line defense the big one is not going to have as many strong Holdings as the as the cutoff here will but I do see a lot of players you know opting to check back some of these weaker race week or a sex hands Ollie now leads the term of this two pair and gets raised by Richard here with just a pair of aces Ollie now has a decision to make Oh further not to just call here just in case Richard has any bluffs in the spot which we haven't seen him really have or just put in all the money with with such a strong holding as two pair here yeah I mean we have seen Picciotto kind of overvaluing his top top hairs mm-hmm I'll be interesting to see what he does here you know Ollie being out of position here and not really expecting Richards have too many Bluffs off in his range decides to move all in and now Richard is you know and quite a bit of a predicament here decided to raise turn with with this top pair and now not really loving the situation after being put all in by out Lee here on this ace Queen seven nine rainbow board yeah I mean it's hard to give Ollie and you kind of turned drawers you know so I think it's a little bit of an easier fold right pretty dry board I mean typically when players check back you know there are top pairs on this ACE Queen seven board they're looking to navigate to showdown but uh Richard opting to call here and now is drawing to basically a chop to for his tournament life he now needs a queen or a nine to survive and to chop this pot and if not he will be our fourth place finisher here and the river is a 10 and we will now lose Richard who finishes in fourth place here for 89,000 $988 yeah I mean it's tough I think it's his first time on a stage like this and I definitely think the pressure of you know being live-streamed and playing with the aggressive players for such a big amount of money I think maybe got to him I think you could see the lack of experience on his end definitely Richard did come in with a strategy today to put in a lot of money with you know a lot of his top hair holdings and I had served him you know pretty well so far ran pretty well at this final table to the ladder gets a fourth place but um kind of just ran into it there with ollie flopping two pair versus his his top pair and Ollie now adds to his overwhelming chip lead three handed now here at this final table yeah I mean we haven't seen Ali get out of line at all so I think that was a pretty easy fold for Richard but still don't its it I mean you really can't beat anything just a complete complete love nonetheless what an amazing result for for Richard now coming in with only about $2,400 on his hendon this is by far his biggest live tournament cash and $90,000 is gonna go a long way for for him yeah it's awesome I mean I love seeing the players you know who haven't really don't really play that many tournaments or maybe haven't had that much success make it this deep it's always fun I mean they always switch it up you don't it's it's hard to even commentate on their play because you just never know what they're gonna be doing exactly but still an amazing run definitely know how harborage feels in this spot and this is you know might be a breakout score that'll lead to him playing more and more of these tournaments in the future yeah I mean the good thing about making table as as you bus there's always a little bit of a consolation prize with the money involved so I think 90 K is it too bad of a of a goodbye present so now we are down to three players here Ali with 15 million of the 20 million chips in play and now gets to continue to really run over this table here opening for deuce off on the button to Nikolas is big line Wow another very connecting flop for for both players who are in this pot wow what an interesting check back here by Ali I think there's so many turns also that are bad for his hand yeah all he does have you know pretty weak preflop holding but you know on this flop it's not one that's gonna be typically connected with the button range as much as you know let's say the the big blind range here does off to check and turns trips when Nicholas has top hair and a straight flush draw so after a betting turn here and Nicolas callin we get the ace on the river and Ally with the over vet shove for a 2x pot on this river and I personally am a huge fan of this play right here not just because we see a deuce in his hand but because the ACE is such a great card for Ollie's range Nicolas shouldn't have many a sexes left in his big one calling range as they're gonna be defending pre so all he's just gonna be so polar in this spot and Nicolas knowing that decides to make the call and sees the bad news finishing in third place here at the Borgata Spring Poker Open for a $113,000 yeah what an awesome run for him I think he kind of I mean sometimes you're just kind of handicapped by the cards that you got when you're short stacked coming into the table mm-hmm I would have loved to see him you know play if we had a little bit more chips he's a really really solid cash buyer here at Borgata so now we got heads up with it's actually funny because the two people that mean you both both said that was gonna was gonna make it so it'll be interesting to see hey everyone I think we're on camera yeah I don't know welcome back to the to the commentary booth we are now heads up here at the Borgata Spring Poker Open Main Event final table both players have locked up one hundred seventy six thousand two hundred one dollars and will now be playing heads up for that first place prize of 313 $386 so really quickly down to a heads up here and and the two biggest snacks coming into this final table are now here heads up yeah I mean they're both playing for the biggest score for any of them up-to-date Farid has over 2.5 million in cash it is Lee has over 400 KN caches and just had his recent biggest live score at the PokerStars Caribbean adventure in January for 160 K so he's just crushing right now I think he's feeling good and it'll be interesting because I don't think fries it's gonna you know free it's not a face up player he's not he's gonna fight for every pot as he's shown us so it'll it'll be very interesting to see what happens if Farid can find a double here exactly and yeah coming into his final table I think this is the heads-up matchup that the poker wanted to see the two most aggressive players at the table the two most accomplished players so far at this final table and now we get to see them battle it out for three hundred and thirteen thousand dollars yeah and I think Ally has you know he's played very solid throughout and I don't think we've seen him splash around too much so it'll be interesting to see how he plays heads up exactly and I know Ali has a lot of heads up experience here and with this overwhelming chip lead and that experience he's gonna be a very heavy favorite to win this but you know what for Reed's playing stall and his approach to taking those higher variance routes this is definitely gonna be a battle that is gonna be fun to watch yeah I'm definitely excited let's actually go back to that hand where Nick finished in third place oli choosing to over bet the river they're an amazing play by him and now one that we don't you know see a lot of poker players using because you know such a large sizing but you know pretty brilliant spot for Ollie to choose it yeah it also makes it a little bit easier when you have trips that's who yeah I think it's and I mean it's not it's not a bad call mm-hmm by Nick yeah at least be bluffing a lot in that spot so let's throw it back down to the coverage here as these two players begin heads I'll play here for the spring Poker Open main event titled so we Seyfried now applying a limiting strategy to start heads up here with about 30 big lines and Ali immediately attacking that that limp I'm surprised to see for it the old king hi there heads up yeah I'll leave did decide to I so you know to over 3x here and with an off suit King doesn't have that great of playability post flop so you know wreath not a folder pre but not a great candidate to appeal and play post with it'll be interesting to see if he applies this new limping on the button strategy for the rest of the heads-up match and super interesting because with BB ante and play the big wine now is forced to come in and extra big line into play and normally in heads-up there are very few antes or even no ants yet all in the middle so this definitely affects how how gameplay will be going forward it's hard to see the button really folding any hands that say that there's dealt with because of the price they're yelling but because of the price they're getting to play in position ollie opens the King 8 here and 3 defense with the 10 six of clubs we get an ace King deuce board and we're interested in all he decides to to bed 100k into it the board that's very favorable for the preflop aggressive for the preflop opening opener here on the button as for Reed will be three betting a bunch of his you know strong a sacks and King X hands so definitely a board that connects more with Ollie's preflop range oh we have a front here in the booth mr. Matthew want Minh he busted 12-12-12 place he got he took he was in retirement he was in retirement for a little bit he will be joining us shortly for a little bit so a pretty good turn card for for Reed here on the 4 of clubs but Allie checks it back and freak bricks out on the river now showing up on the river here with 10 hi probably one of the weaker Holdings as a bunch of his wheel gutters have now improved two out of the wheel or trips so this is definitely the weakest part of his range here and needing to bluff it ollie with the decision on his hand now after checking back the king versus the over better for Reed here on the river we CLE breaking down a hand spot where all these trying to figure out how many bluffs to read gets here with and if he's ever using this sizing as as his River Bluff like I said a bunch of those lower wheel gutters you know have improved in some way so furry would have to be floating a hand like this and getting to the river to be bluffing with for for ollie to be good I'm sure he's gonna see that in-stream you know on this 30-minute delay if this heads up last that long to use that information really well wow that's a very surprising folder I really thought that was a pretty easy check halt spot and all these I mean it's always different when you're in the hand but I thought he was you know checking to call pretty much any of three beds it's really tough when the four hits the river though just because you know like I said a bunch of those Bluffs now do improve and furry might not even bluff some of those queen-high Broadway gutters that he gets the river with so it's really hard to see him Bluff in that spot and unfortunately I'll be making that incorrect fold but great bluff by Farid knowing that he is at the bottom of the range there by the river and needing to loft at hand so we see Farid open the button here with the Queen Jack Queen Jack offsuit straying away from that limb strategy that he had had and Ollie peeling the jack 10 off suit on this 8 7 3 flop Ollie picks up both a gutter and two over cards so we're definitely gonna see him do something here on on the flop all he likes to check Hall with his two overs and and not gutter very interesting 7 on on the turn here we might see all they do some sort of leading especially with you know a good part of his his range on this turn card as to read my check back a lot of his 7 X and 3x so yeah I mean this is a really interesting card that is the option that I'll he decides to do and with the sizing that he's choosing here I'll he's saying that he's gonna be leading a large portion of his range here one if he does have an 8 a 7 or 3 to deny equity versus a bunch of four reads holdings and two to get value when he does have strong hand so definitely likes to you know really awesome to see him mixing this Jack 10 off suit as part of his leading range on this turn card someone like Farid is not gonna just let the hand go and I think he's uh weighing out all his options right now right it's it's really difficult with queen-high in this spot because a lot of foods hands you know will have either gutters in them pears in them or just stronger a sign king highs so at this point queen high is fairly low in partner for each range so I think folding there is a good option and Ali gets his Bluff through getting a better hand to fold they're on the turn today we see Ali bringing out the total playbook you know early here hearing heads up I'll move that you know we might not see a lot of players do but you know definitely one that Ali has incorporated into his game with the wealth of studying that he's done lately yeah I mean I think also you know being a huge chip leader is like it's just such a huge advantage mentally you know you can you can do you can put so much pressure on the other on the other opponent and I just I mean Ali's just been so solid I don't think he's gonna get out of line and I think he just he's just gonna be patient and wait for for the spot to just get it all in I don't think we're gonna see him you know Bluff off any of his chips to double for Reid so I'll leave deciding to use a Lim strategy I'm pretty much strategy he's opening some hands whipping some hands and opting to olympus ten deuce flops bottom pair and decides to to check it back here King on the turn doesn't really improve either players hand and Farid now gets the river with nine high and I expect him to be bluffing in this spot with you know pretty much the bottom of his range here yeah I mean if he bets it's definitely hard for Ali to call with just a deuce it'll be interesting to see what sizing he chooses here because he can definitely go go two ways one you know smaller sizing or where he thinks all he's gonna be super polar you know in this spot he decides to with the over a bed here and all he's not quick to fold his his bottom pair in the spot it's just so hard when you have a just bottom pair Ali chooses to make the call here and is correct with his deuce what an amazing call by hi Holly him this five yeah that's a great call I'm definitely loving heads up plays so far with both players mixing it up not afraid to put in the over vets and making you know an amazing call like that by ollie these were two of the most accomplished players here coming into this final table and not a surprise to see both of them doing some pretty awesome things to begin heads I'll play here yeah very rarely do you see somebody two people coming in first and second and chips and then getting heads up so it's it's kind of cool to see these people get heads up and like you said they were the most accomplished players at the table with the most experience at final tables so they'll definitely give us a good heads-up match so I've been traveling a bunch and studying you know hands with ollie over the past few months and since the sense of WPT here in January we were all talking about when we were gonna get a chance to see him play on stream so really awesome to see that he's accomplished that so quickly and here in such a big spot for him yeah that's awesome I mean I just saw he's 23 years old so he's very young exactly accomplished so much already that's gotta be I mean awesome for your self-esteem and when you're just starting out it says he's been playing poker for a year and a half I'm gonna assume that's professionally yeah so you know he's worked so hard over the last couple of years to really study the game do as much as he can to become one of the best in the world and you know for those who don't know his story just you know two years ago he was playing two cent five cent online and really grinding micro steaks putting in 3040 thousand hands a volume each week and from from those five NL streets he is now playing you know 10k high rollers winning them and now here at this Borgata final table playing for three hundred thirteen thousand dollars pretty amazing story for Frawley and i think every player dreams of playing to five cent and then exactly winning a 10k yeah it's amazing amazing story and he's working immensely hard to get here so big props to him for for all the work he's put in and I'm really happy to see that he's gotten so many results so quickly in his live poker career much-deserved where do they have two son fights not I need to get in on that game well you can play right here you know at in New Jersey on Borgata Poker calm oh I was not aware of that I'm gonna have to check them out anybody in the chat who thinks I can't play come see me at the two cent five cent table I would appreciate backing for the for the game Oh we have a guest joining us Matthew want men aka Bucky yeah dick get down - heads up fairly quickly here I know our last few final tables lasted almost 10 hours long so these players were a lot of big hands collide a lot of big pots being played and we have our two biggest snacks now heads up for the title it's been a regular here at Borgata for many years that many people know him he actually took a little time off of poker and just came back for the spring open and final did you final table those six max I did six max it was a rough finish but it was a good time I I finished in fourth place with about 11 left I got very lucky ace 5 versus jack on preflop but then at the final table I ran deuces I had threes and I ran into deuces on deuce deuce 3 so that was a little bit unfortunate I mean that seems like an easy fold I mean your opponent can't really have too much yeah for most professionals you got to just put them on the on the deuces knowing that that's the only value they yeah you also you had a strong comeback because you also got 12th in this main event I did and I actually know all the players at this final table I played with him over the years so I do have rooting interest and luckily for me the only player I bought a piece of in this tournament finished in fifth place I was hoping he could do a little bit better but definitely can't complain about that Dave Mach a good friend of mine from back home from Boston yeah we play in cash games and Hampshire did you get to watch any of his play I did get to see some of his play I saw he had that interesting spot with ace Jack when it went raised from Ali with the ace Jack suited and read three bet the deuces that was a really interesting hand and then Dave elected to fold ace Jack obviously did you see the the and when he folded the nine I did not see it was a very similar spot with Farid opened Nick three bad Nick three be freed open the button and Nick's Alan beanie who's been very very tight three bad from the small blind with ace king off suit and he has 20 big blinds in the big blind and he had not pocket nines and he elected to fold so he had like basically no perceived fold equity definitely not an easy spot but either way I mean oh there you are fixed that so hopefully you guys can hear me better now but no I mean for the most part I think David played very solid I think he kind of got squeezed out of a few hands coming back to a hand here yeah it was a great finish for him Wow interesting so Creed's all in here with the top hair and Ollie has a real decision this was a limp pot preflop limp pot preflop Oh Ollie but the blob the over bet shoved it looks like get raised on the turn and not the blocker vet and I mean there's a draw heavy board I and with Ali having the queen of clubs he is blocking some of his Bluffs here at the Queen 10 obviously but with that being said it's still a tough call tough old guy they're very tough old heads up against a play like Farid we saw him do this on the flop against the pachuco with a king Jack where he flopped they both fought top pair and he he raised him he does he does find a call here it could be over so Farid now I mean 9% favor - to double up here I said it would be really interesting if free could get a double this is gonna be the longest river Reed doubles up that's huge so what is it 4 to 1 now instead of a 2 or something yeah Ali now has 15 million to 4 reads 5 million here so it's only 3 2 1 Wow we got a we got a good match here and they're still very deep effectively it's at 100 K BT right now so we're playing for Reed's about 53 big blind stack effective here with the 1.5 X so the hand played out where for Reed check raised the flop and then check raised the turn for all-in Wow you do not see that very often these days the double check raise yeah in a limp pot as well Wow Wade on the turn alleys but yeah alleys bet on the turn I still think there's a lot of value there to be betting that that turn Queen 9 is still high enough in his range and he did choose a very small sizing after four recheck race checked so I personally agree with the bet just because you still can get value and some sort of protection you agree with it also because he's your friend you know Holly's a very sharp flair in has done a ton of studying so you know there are times where I will defer to him in strategy but that that was one play that I could agree on calling it off though was a little different Allie is a little stickier than than I am in those spots yeah I had never played with ollie and we ran into each other in the six max he was on my left and that was not fun but fortunately I got a couple of hands against him and I had a perfect hand to call him down on a bluff and he gave me a lot of chips which obviously helped my run but no he's a really nice kid I really enjoyed playing with him in the main we played together on day two and day three so I got to know him a little bit and we shared a lot of laughs so it was definitely a good timing you know Ollie definitely makes skin yeah and he goes for in every spot it's just unbelievable just to see him you know literally take every single four-bet spot and not even bat an eye when he gets shoved on and he's just smiling the whole time exactly but a lot of the online wizards that you see these days that come to the table really quiet you know not not really doing too much in terms of interacting with the other players but with ollie it's very different it's very refreshing to see that someone who's up-and-coming who's gonna be a staple in the poker world for I think a very very long time yeah someone's gonna make you know who's gonna show everyone that you know with hard work and studying you can get to the top and have a great time doing it yeah I mean he's already made a big name for himself online I mean not a lot of people know him but obviously you know we know who he is some of us so what do we have here both in the little pot here where Ali is on the button with the ten four and pre decides to check back these three suited in the big line so Ali lived a tent for Wow mm-hmm so he's probably not folding much so with how the BB&T structure is is right now the big line is forced to put in that one ante and with such a good price to play in position pots it's really hard to really fold any buttons because you're always kidding oh Christ to peel out of the small wine slash the button yeah I forgot how massive some places do where when you get two heads up there is no ante so there's not as much incentive to v-fib but with one full ante in the middle and another one and a half lines dead it's hard to see folding many buttons for sure and with his chip advantage - he knows he can just you know play pretty much every pot and not have to worry too much with position especially I think both players are just not gonna give up pots post pop so it's just interesting to see them battle heads up I think a lot of times you see a less experienced player playing heads up and they don't flop anything they just tend to fold you kind of see both of them fighting for every pot yeah these guys are battlers I expected them to get heads up but I was hoping they wouldn't as I had a piece of someone else and you know and might that be Nicki pea even though I didn't have a piece of him he is the people's champ you know I really he's been making a lot of deep runs lately he was a massive underdog but yeah that's what I mean I said that everybody's gonna kind of root for the underdog I think you know yeah and I think we all know he knows how tight his images like I heard you guys kind of talking about a little bit earlier I did see him open up a bit when you had the ace eight on the 334 and he thought cauldros ollie that was a really interesting and obviously the deuce of diamonds when ally has the straight blocker and the you know he has to bet there but I don't know I feel like Nick tried to play a little bit more aggressive today he definitely did I mean no way once I hunt again I think a little bit when you're when you're wow so heads off here but we have a big pot developing here we had a ton of outs oh yeah infinite out on Eternia for me I think it's interesting cuz it went a check down till the turn right for me over but the turns over but the turn with his two pair I don't think he's gonna shove so it's definitely not gonna be over but it's gonna be really hard for him did that fold here interesting if he like I still think his hand warrants a check right especially having a ton of hearts in his hands it's really hard to see what sizing he's gonna choose except for all those go he's just so polar in this spot and I could definitely see Farid harrowing it off here absolutely this is a situation I think for Reed will find the lay down here just because he doesn't block any of the flushes or the straights that Ollie will be check raising all in here when a lead you know called calls the turn and decides to check raise on this river he's saying he either has a flush or a straight and unblocking you know all he doesn't really have many two pair combos left at this point so it's just crazy because Ally had the street and flush draw on the turn and he just like it became a king or a heart Farid could get away from it so much easier but it just came the offsuit nine right definitely makes it easier for I'll lead a shove here with the ten of hearts in his hand blocking the flush but I'm not sure that the all-in is the correct I mean I think there's only really one sizing to check raise all in here like all the hands that wanted I think the reason that Farid could and should be able to get away from this is Ollie has not done this yet like he hasn't Bluff like we haven't seen we saw him do the over bet what the deuce for and he had trips I mean I think he's trying to end the tournament and he knows that farid has a hand that he could call with and i think i think i mean if you like I told you I don't think he's gonna blow up off all his chips to Farid yeah and but at the same time fread knows he's capable if there's anyone at this final table that could pull off such a big bluff it would definitely be Olly so I wouldn't be shocked if he called here but I I do agree I think he's gonna let this one go but if he doesn't though if he does call here Ali will be the champion of this spring Poker Open I wish it was David so he could give us all money like he said what a tough spot for read you over bet the turn for value this is putting a big bet on the river for valuation it's so hard when you bet for value on the river to think I'm gonna fold one my opponent cheque raises but this is such a tough spot Tartabull to pair on this board heads up for the title it's even harder yes ollie hasn't shown down too many Bluffs here at this final table but you know he he is definitely capable I've gotten owned by ollie plenty of times in a similar spot before so definitely capable but we'll see what for Reid decides to do here personally I hope he folds because I want this to go a little bit longer yeah you just joined us yeah we can't end it now we're just starting to have a little bit of fun yeah yeah Farid is he is quite old but in on day 2 this is how he ran his stack up oh he does make the photo carry does make the fold and that's a great fold I mean and I think this I mean it just shows that Farid is a solid player he knows what he's doing me he thinks hands through and he's not just you know clicking buttons as some people might say you know he put me in one of the toughest spots ever on day one where I three bet the small blind with ace ten and he called on not many chips behind and became like you know nine five three and I didn't I wasn't sure what to do I bet and he called with like nothing behind in the turn was a really bad card from head a Sten with no clubs and it was three clubs and I checked the turn he felt like four thousand with like five thousand back I called and there was the ace of clubs so it's four clubs ace five deuce three all clubs and I checked he's got four thousand with 1k back and I called because the odds were just unbelievable and he had like six seven off suit for just complete nothing but he was probably gonna Bluff my socks off if I didn't get the ace on the river so that's a sick brag though ya know that I got lucky I made a really really tough spot I was able to break him down and call the whole way going to bluff me i even admitted it that like I don't even like my play on the flop I should have just shot but I didn't see him for full value I didn't like it him you're on the next level Bucky you know I was at the table with Bucky yet at that time I was not surprised to see for Reed with the 76 offsuit oh so you were actually there for that hand exactly yeah wait so I wasn't surprised you left one of the thousand chips and now he's a second no no no like I said he bought back in day - no of course he bought it on day two and he ran it up quite nicely that's how good this structure is you know you can buy in on day two with forty thousand chips and five hundred thousand I believe it was for the first two levels and there were plenty of Reba's on day two we'll just put it that way in all those entry all those entries added up to a 519 entries here at the Spring Poker Open Championships for a total prize pool of almost 1.3 million dollars one of the biggest events here in the Northeast before the World Series of Poker yeah are you guys going out to Vegas of course I will be there for the seventh year in a row are you going out for the full series or I I'm actually going out even longer this year I'm going out May 15th that's when I have a house for a few months and I'm gonna fire some of the Venetian events and hopefully get my series off to a quick start with with EDC okay you know I went to EDC last year and it was the time of my life but you know looking back on it it probably wasn't the most prudent decision considering you know how it just messes you up with your sleep schedule and all that but it for anyone out there who's never been to EDC I highly recommend it yeah for all those who are looking to play some bigger poker turns we have some plant family venues of MGM at Bellagio and REO that are gonna be hosting some WPT events before the World Series as well so if you guys are interested in playing some $10,000 buying events definitely be there to check those out and I will be in Vegas to stop me if you see me I'll sign some autographs definitely we have to make sure we get ours before we leave Bucky definitely gonna make sure that Bucky I want your autograph at the a cycle after my 12th place finish yeah after your 12th place finish yeah I've already signed a couple but uh they've really slowed down since then we have back to the play I forgot that we were doing a live actually poker B we're supposed to talk about all right so Ali does fold the ten six all right good follow dolly I just found out how to pronounce his name correctly it's I'm sure of it instead of like like we I found I'm sure of it but I'm sure this pretty cool that's a pretty actually Ricky didn't even know that I didn't know that they were living together and he doesn't know I asked him and he said it's I'm sure of it's just I mean that's a pretty like solid - anti-money so it's like not really good for don't tell me that's how you pronounce it that's not how you pronounce it that's how you should pronounce it yeah that's how you pronounce it that's how so everybody pronounces it yeah there was some good table talk though I mean like you guys were saying earlier you really don't see much you know talking at the final table but it's refreshing to see these guys not afraid to be socializing yeah I mean so much right I think I think both of these guys have had big scores before and it's not as much about the money for them I mean three hundred three hundred thousand is nice for anybody but word on the street is Farid is no one to Bank of timex about eight hundred percent of it so let's turn in tournament so we really don't know how much he has in himself and what he's playing for I would love to have a I don't really believe that it's a solid flop for Ali Farid has ace three so he's probably gonna go all-in this is favor noon slightly above average flop for Olli here seems like a good spot for the 10x posh of the Seekers like a good checker a spot for free to go all-in he decides against it he's really switching up his game so did the levels they changed back to sixty minutes so it's now 30 minute low turbo here all the money not really a turbo because you do get a lot of hands heads up so the structure of these Borgata mains are amazing you play 60-minute levels during late reg 75 minutes after late reg on on day two and three yeah this structure is honestly too good I was saying with a lot of people I was playing with I mean compared to like the Montreal 5k which the structure it doesn't isn't even close to as good you really can't find a better value than the Borgata at 2700 so for real limping here with the 8 deuce of diamonds and Ollie deciding to ISO with the Queen 9 offsuit and looks like Ollie will be has shown to attack quite a few of these limp so far taking the betting lead in a lot of these pots Farid brings out the raising chips but decides to just call with the 8 hi wouldn't mind a lone 3 but here with the 8 deuce oh if there's anything to do it another flaw that hits both player here Oh Ollie flopping top hair with as Queen 9 and freed with his 8 high flush draw on this Queen 632 diamond board even though this is super action slob I don't think we're gonna see a race on the spot it's interesting because Farid has chosen to play a lot of his hands very aggressively three does decide to just call hearing we're gonna see a turn card turn is a five obvious tell has top pair here but furry now picks up a gutter as well probably gonna see another betting qahal it's interesting now because I like Ally doesn't have too many of these uh low cards that he decides to ISIL with maybe he does if he's deciding to use that polarize sewing strategy but the five is pretty good for a Fried's uh calling range here on the button riki muted my mic sorry had to shower you it was time I don't think you could not I so heads up I think you guys are just up maybe you can mute me again Solly does decide to continue betting on the turn here with this top pair and hurry just you know has too much equity to fold at this point you know considering raising or or just calling in the spot and we have seen him raised here before I wouldn't I I don't I don't mind seeing a shove here actually I mean he's blocking because alley alley I mean he's seen him doing this before and I don't think he thinks he would do it again I would be shocked if he thought it if all he calls here for Reid will have just 25% to to double up and be alive in this tournament I actually love this the shove obviously a tough spot here it's a really tough spot when he's locked of diamonds and two he blocked the nine of diamonds very relevant here because it blocks a lot of the combo drawers that Farid might have such as the 92 to 97 suited that he could possibly do this with so not a great car to have in his hand but all he does make the call and he is a 75% favorite to win this tournament he just needs to avoid any diamond 24 and he will be our spring Poker Open champion this is exciting guys this is the most excitement you're gonna see out of me furry needs a diamond or four here to stay alive and the river is only nice of diamonds and furry doubles up believable what a river card this is the difference when you shovel all in with a inequity hand so now this how there along with people he just had him like eight to one right farid now doubles up and didn't breathe air both you know a really tough call for ollie and you know he just got unlucky I'm surprised he shoved the turn honestly - no I actually I actually loved this shove on the turn with his hand and the history that they have I think I think you know Ollie might think he's not going to do it again without having me beat but at the same time Ally's not a big folder so if he has any type of value he's probably getting it did yeah he's not going to make the hero fold I mean all he did make the hero fold with ace Jack suited fries not getting paid on this river did you see that hand or were you sleeping I'm gonna take the ladder and I say obviously guys Ollie had a very big hand in the beginning of the tournament where he raised a stack of spades for Reed we're gonna show that we'll go over that with you Matthew alright so we will see that Allie can make big folds alright guys I am signing off good to be here and good luck - thank you for coming here Matthew yeah here right good seeing you guys that was a Matthew Bucky went menhir finished 12th place here in this main event thank you so much for joining us it's been a quite quite the journey for for both of these pleasures up and down in the chip count and now they're both fairly even in chips as their as their heads up yeah it's been awesome to watch them play I mean I think this is what viewers want I think viewers want to capable players who you know are gonna give us a show they're not gonna you're not gonna just give up and it's been awesome watching these two I think you know possibly we might both be right as opposed in terms of who wins looks like they're having a little bit of a chop discussion but we don't know both players still still in this hand right now I'll be opening the the jack for often for defending the King 7 flopping top hair on this King 8 3 board and unless all he hits on backdoors here for read my poll even closer in the chip counts if both players are very deep now almost 100 big lines effective in this heads-up match as we know a lot of variance heads up they're playing for a lot of money huge pay jump from second to first hear from 176,000 said 313 thousand so three picks up this pot here and pulls even closer and now they're almost dead even both with ten million in chips yeah I mean this is uh this is fun to watch I mean because now now both players are even and it's a it's I just feel like it's an even battle against two really really solid capable players absolutely and I think both players are taking a short break here to discuss some numbers and know they're both fairly even in chips so well let you know after the negotiations what these two players come up with welcome back everybody we are just finishing off I think the players aren't on break right now yeah they're on a small break right now to discuss some numbers the possibility we don't know we don't know yet not know anything so yeah they're about anything second place here is 176,000 and first place is three hundred thirteen thousand so a lot of money to play for heads up and both players are off to discuss some numbers and possibly come back to a play for for for a little less than than that pay jump that we originally discussed but so Ricky yeah you being such a big alley fan are you uh chopping this with buried if you're in his spot it is a lot of money just for the average bunions that we play both players are very accomplished and are you know very goodness but but there's so much variance in heads up to play for this much money is definitely a lot I personally would would definitely look at the numbers it's no guarantee that I'm gonna chop or anything but if they are you know in my favor then it's definitely something that I would consider I think I mean being somebody who's chopped several tournaments and also won outright I think there's pros and cons to both and I think both players of this caliber I could see them wanting to chop and just and I mean it been a very long day of battling and they are playing for a lot of money and at the same time I can see them wanting to play it out for the title because to a lot of players the title is more important than than the money yeah for these two I can definitely see you know there's a lot of pride in in their game and while there is a lot my people were there they will definitely still hopefully sure that that trophy afterwards and whatever they decide to leave on the side but yeah exactly well there was 517 players that wish they could be playing for this price ball me being one of them I definitely donated a few buy-ins for this tournament was not my tournament but yeah Ricky actually we didn't talk about this but you made it pretty deep you almost weren't here next to me he I was getting a hold I say I thought I would be playing at that foul table instead finished in 28th place after playing for probably a million chip lot at a twelve kbv but definitely really excited for for these two players that are here right now there were you know as we said 599 trees and 517 them do wish that they could be in this position right now playing for for this much money but you know another great tournament curb or got a huge prize pool almost 1.3 million dollars in the total prize pool and you know at this final table of six we had a lot of fireworks to get down - heads up really quickly we even saw a Royal Flush not a lot of action but we did see row of lush exactly we saw quads we saw a royal flushes we saw you know big hands running into each other a lot of big Bluffs being pulled you know typically at these livestream final tables we see a lot of very tentative players who first time on a live stream isn't going to get too out of line well like we said we I mean this has been a little bit more exciting because we see these two players have had a lot of experience at our tables they've had experience winning a lot of money so I don't think it's as much about the money and they're not scared to put it all in I don't think they're I was worried about pay jumps definitely made it a lot of fun for us to commentate in and be a part of yes and hopefully for all of you viewers out there as well hope you had a great time w2 jibraan found another fan hmm we have the summer kickoff series on May 19th 100k Saturday Series buying is $400 I believe yes Oh on May 19th we will be having another regatta favorite event here at the 100k Saturday Series for hundra it's a play on line here in the United States on on Borgata Poker as well yes I agree let's talk about some of the amenities that Borgata has look at this TV set how crazy like we have a few restaurants here izakaya is one of my favorites hmm we have Angeline's that I've been to a few times which is fairly new Italian place we have a Brighton butter that's open 24/7 it's good when you're getting killed in cash games at the end of the night you have a sad breakfast sandwich to make up for it yeah a lot of real losses yeah burrata is like my is my home casino I enjoy coming here you know every single every single tournament series and it's one of the decisions why I decided to move to New Jersey this year is to be closer to Borgata and be closer to all the offerings that this place has and you know for those who forgot it is one of the my favorite casinos yeah I love being here and they have a lot of great amenities it's awesome being here in the summer which I don't get to do a lot yeah it's I mean you're right next to the beach and the it's just such a cool vibe out here in the summer yeah and also we are back okay so we see a lot of preflop action going on here and it's because we are told that a deal was made by both players they decide to to chop the the prize pool so we're gonna play one final hand here to determine I don't know win the trophy I don't know they talked I think they're just getting it all in them all right Ali decides to go all-in with the 8 hi it's Barry I'm like what all he's been doing this is a very interesting hand pretty pretty aggressive very aggressive they just decided to go on break and they looked very friendly and now they're just getting it all in a super exciting flop we get the top hair verse middle pair so they're probably gonna get it all in anyways knowing these two knowing these two crazy folks Fareed will definitely not win this hand oh god the 5 on the river what a cooler Wow if you guys didn't think you saw me excited before this is crazy this is the most exciting hand that we had the whole tournament and it's just unfortunate I mean Farid got it in with the best hand and lobbing top hair laptop hair almost best kicker and paid 6 outs for the overwhelming chip lead here at this final table it's just unfortunate I mean you you play your best and you get it in and there's not much you could do the title goes to your best friend ow yeah definitely we're not rooting for the whole time yeah ally ally definitely deserves this title and I still think for read one mm-hmm well they both want they both won mm-hmm one an accomplishment by both these players Ally is going to be taking some winners photos here with some of his friends kind of wish I was out there actually Tim but uh Ally will be joining us here in the booth shortly for a winners interview and talk to you guys say hi to all of his fans and you know tell us about his experience playing here here at Borgata and winning this awesome title all right like we said we have a 100k guarantee coming up May 19th be sure to check out Borgata calm for any tournaments upcoming tournaments dailies uh cash yes I'll just to hang out with Ricky and I like I just want to come here and hang out with us yeah we'll be here in new jersey for a while but up or god it does have the saturday series on may may 19th the summer kickoff may 26 or 28 and for all those looking to stay here at Borgata there are a couple of promos we're on Sunday through Thursday for an overnight stay for $169 you can stay at Borgata get a hundred dollars in dining credit and two tickets to the comedy club and a bunch of other promos for Borgata online events as well so for all those who are looking to play online you get a chance to be qualified for free promotions where we're giving away a lot of money online for just playing for tournaments as low as $5 buy-ins and don't forget after the the World Series the summer come back here to Borgata in July where we will be having the summer poker open another huge main event with a livestream file table so if you want to be just like our final table is here today and play on a live stream for over three hundred thousand dollars please come join us in July for the Borgata summer Poker Open now Ricky do you have any friend equity where he just gives you like 5k for being his friend leaving in him and rooting for him oh but we will definitely go and celebrate afterwards I am beyond happy this is the second time that I've seen allyship a tournament for four six figures so I celebrate do you mean you're gonna like go over hands and geo oh gosh yeah I mean we'll definitely talk some hands I am a poker nerd at heart so we'll definitely be doing that but it's gonna be a lot more relaxing of a celebration later tonight probably play some ping-pong shoot some pool and my possibly play play another home game where Ally can donate us some of his three hundred thirteen thousand dollars and winnings Ricky what would you do with the money if you won what would I do man a lot of it would you know probably go towards you know helping my family probably start helping with some of the businesses that you know my family runs and being a part of that and possibly playing in some higher buying in tournaments as well trying to win some more money yeah I agree I think I would just jump into like a 300k high roller and just sometimes you got to believe in yourself exactly and with Ali's score we will definitely be seeing him in a lot more by in tournaments he's already begun playing you know 10 KS 25 KS so coming up this summer there will be a lot of big buying events that we will hopefully see him in and when well I must say that I guess I lost the u1 with your pick for the brother final table I'm not sure I think we're wrapping up I'm not sure if we are having the winner join us but yes producer let us know does not look like he will be joining us so I think it is a wrap all right so thank you so much for joining us everybody appreciate all your comments good and bad and hope to see you guys next time yeah this was the regatta Spring Poker Open main event where we had a where we had almost a 1.3 million dollar prize pool and the winner Eileen times I'm serving for almost 4 over 3 I'm sure of it his name your
Channel: Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa
Views: 160,215
Rating: 3.7282052 out of 5
Keywords: poker, championship
Id: Dh9KaEvmd_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 49sec (14269 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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