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Nine's baby's got two jacks let's weigh them straight whatever it is pop to continue this larceny even though you have to pair while he is gonna pet it 355,000 Chris lets it go so Eagle we're taking down that pot those friends on the rail having fun Igor's been a pro for nine years from the Ukraine likes it here in LA why not especially when you're making final tables of the LA Poker Classic Jackson's gonna be on Mike Lea he's from Toronto this time he's got Jack nine of clubs will make the raise to a hundred thousand makes the men raised and out Igor with a pair of threes and he's on the button in position up against the chip later but those are the flops of three maybe you can double up here he's made the call a couple falls behind it was a two way action Jack time versus a pair of threes and the flop is a Jack nine for all hearts a nice flop for Mike he's got the top two pair Igor's has two threes and a flush draw I'll be it a weak one Mike's gonna make the continuation bet of 120 into Igor with just the threes he's got one little heart but what is he gonna do and try to find out where he's at right here 320,000 is the bet mic with two pair he's gonna just call no raise and to the discomfort of that man right there King on the turn possible straight as well as possible flush out there now so again with more danger out there microdata checks but Igor checks right behind him any heart coming up let's take a look no ace of spades yeah Mike's not gonna like that card either because opponent could have now made aces up perhaps it's just got two pair somebody likes his hand just didn't want to go crazy with it yeah he's gonna check control the pot size Igor checks behind him Mike they are gonna take it down with Jackson nines to increase his chip lead so the 40 year-old from Toronto in great shape to take down his first WPT title and saving keep it going oh there's a beautiful Brittany Royal Flush girl with the gorgeous you blow watch and that watch extraordinary timepieces we like to call them these days you get that championship you also get that watch alright back to the felt the quick fold by Peter Mike Lea everything going his way now he's picked up ace Queen Hannah he will raise to 120 Anthony the aunt out the WPT champion now it's around to Igor and Igor has caught Queen 10 he's in the small blind blinds are up to 30 and 60 and he is gonna get fancy with a raise re-raise it with Queen 10 like 380,000 into Chris Chris 4th WPT cash but he'll fold it back on my Kalia now ace queen is one of those hands that's so many great procite that I don't want that hand how many like you're a Hall of Famer how do you like ace Queen yeah I'm like everyone else I like it in the beginning until they start raising you and then almost sitting it shrinks down considerably but you're short handed poker game it's pretty good let's see what Mike Lea does with his here 380 he's gonna for Bennett here Vince with an ace queen 680,000 the bet Igor says bye-bye what a play by Mike Lee of their vents I tell you most players would have just called that three bet there with the ace queen if they'd have played it no this is pretty girlfriend Cristal in the audience thumbs up is right crystal especially for that play he's got nine meter chips yeah more than three times as much as anybody else at the table who came in as the chip leader at the start of the file tables down to one point six getting grinded away now Anthony Zeno trying to win back-to-back WPT titles look at this Mike he's got a pair of jacks well he's in last place and he's they have something happened to get back in the hunt here got a good hand here he's gonna race it makes it 125,000 to go he call and Kris out and now Peter Neff the local no he's got a pair of eights well how do you play the mid pairs when someone raised in front of you that's the big question he is raised to 330 Mike out back on the ant no speeders a pretty solid player advanced but he's got aces kings or queens good luck to him these are the two short stacks at the table at this point the aunt will he get his tentacles out yes he does he's gonna push it all in and a good call by Peter Neff so Anthony's got him dominated jacks versus eight the best pot you can be in preflop a hand that is right so a dominating favor here Anthony Zeno is to double up he must win this pot to keep his hopes of winning a third WPT title alive tonight but you can't be in much better shape than this pair over pair before the flop all the money in so the two short stacks in a battle right now here we go to the first three when the flop is 10 10 7 that is good for the ant so far the two jacks out in front I like to hear Peter Neff looking for a snowman here to give him a full house he is in dire straits at the moment turn card let's see if anything magical happens now 5 of spades well we're down to the river Peter Neff must catch an eighth to win this pot otherwise Anthony Zeno is gonna double up the oldest wets even worse than a suit yeah there's any sub OTT one of his buddies routing Anthony on there's a good game of poker himself Anthony Zeno with a gigantic chance of doubling up he's gonna do so a jack you ever get Jack okay oh so nice for the ant that's where Anthony Zeno told me he's been lucky on this continuous streak to make the money is that when he gets his money with the best hand it's held up yeah he understands people get out drawn all the time but he said it just hasn't happened to me that's where my luck is really shined on this streak this season and that hand is gonna devastate Peter Neff who's down to under 600,000 and chips on to the next hand Igor with a quick fold down Chris Claud Nicky he's got a king Jack and he's gonna move it up to 1:30 to go Peter though this time with ace queen of diamonds shoves it all in my clean-out account please and you know now with a king queen of spades this is very playable at this point come on and he is going all-in Wow save me Chris goes out so they turn up the cards Anthony is giving action back to Peter Peter with ace queen of diamonds there's that magical ace queen again let's see if it will win again well peter has him dominated now as we say and on top of Anthony's problems we saw Chris or a king away so Peter in really good shape now let's see if it'll pan out here we go with the flop and the flop is a Jack 10 7 well the crowd moans because they see Anthony xenoka now win the pot if an ace or a nine comes up must catch us straight to win the pot let's see if he can do it went to the turn he can't lose the pot he could tie it if a king comes off Wow what tough luck for Peter and F they're on that turn card wow what a card river card coming up here is so shocked Wow is the right word advance no doubt about it really tough luck for Peter Neff there let's see what happens on the river here it comes [Applause] when you're catching every single tournament appears you're going from back-to-back titles we're down to four fights another player out of here and that is Peter he picks up 250,000 he's over to talk to Matt Savage Peter you came in here with over two million in chips and the things not go your way tonight well yeah lost to all ends pretty much eights versus jacks we gotta play itself out and ace Queen versus King Queen just got unlucky there not a whole lot I can do any other spot but uh Jack played pretty well I'm happy I played alright we had a great week quarter million dollars congratulations thank you so with Peter Neff out in fifth place we're down to just four players at the LA Poker Classic here at Commerce Casino play will continue right after this tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour [Music] welcome back to the World Poker Tour when the Commerce Casino four players remain michaelia well out in front with over eight point eight million Chris Clyde Nikki in second place with just over 2.9 million antennas II know right on his heels and the Ukrainian Igor in fourth place right now on the short stack he looks down at a pair of nines he started out the final table as the chip leader he has dissolved his chip stack and now with the nines he makes a 125 to go but right behind him Chris with a raise with ace-queen that's a three bet here by Chris Mike out exit 300,000 ago ant walks away and will Igor I'll be shocked if they just didn't ship it yeah you go he's gonna shove it yeah it's the call by Chris so this hand played itself it's a classic race Igor must win the race to stay alive two nines for Igor ace Queen for Chris Igor narrow chef's key 29 on the ropes right now he's got friends here he still has hope let's take a look at the flop with a queen Jack aids bid for Eagle Igor's gotten out flopped Chris out in front with two queens now Eagle we're looking for a nine or a ten unless he was my one time a rough flop egor a good sport ego needs to get lucky now he's made three nines and with that card his opponent must catch a 10 to tie they would split the pot up a 10 comes off Igor cannot lose the pot he can scoop it or tie it wow what a difference the turn of a card makes your opponent in really bad shape and now you're desperate to try to get a tire of this hand very disappointed Chris we're going to the river so Igor is gonna win that pot to double-up just stay alive and the Jolly Ukrainian sit back down it's like they're on laughing gas here tonight just enjoying this great event route there man on back to work Igor goes back to work they all go for left fighting it out for this title on the ant nothing hand ego is gonna take a rest now Chris cloud Nicky now in fourth chip position himself picks up a pair of threes here and just gonna limp in and call and let's see if Michael Lea will get aggressive having all the chips nope he's gonna see a flop it's just a king six there's no raise on this one here we go flop comes seven four deuce so as the cars like Chris out in front with his two 3s he's gonna check Mike now with nothing's that's 75,000 they may think king has the best hand after his opponent checked but I'm I warned about that a little bit now yeah Chris made the call we'll go into the turn it's a ten of hearts change there's nothing and Chris checking again Mike's gonna continue to bet with nothing 150 Chris a little punchy from the last hand nice call here by Chris yeah punchy enough to go out though river card is a nine does it help either player so yeah actually Chris again he checks well might just pull up the white flag and just say I've tried I'm done Mike King high no he's got to keep betting 200,000 and now Chris with the threes never raising never finding out where he is a lot of cards have you beat do you pay off another 200 when you know on this short stack that's a tough call here saponin bet the flop the turn and now the river you've just got two threes or you can beat as a bluff oh he doesn't care he's gonna make the good call solid play by Chris and Mike shows his Qinghai sounds nicely done by Chris Club Nikki taking down the pot with a miserable pair of threes well done well you know Mike so many players from around the world showed up this week at Commerce Casino prove is just how global of a sport poker really is and it's that reason that the WPT holds events across the globe first we stopped in Belgium at the Grand Casino Brussels where Heinrich Parker claimed the trophy and eighty-eight thousand euros then it was off to the hotel splendid conference in spa resort where ruslan le in ski took on 52,000 euros at WPT national Montenegro that's right big congratulations to the winners and for those of you watching at home dreaming of putting the WPT trophy on your mantel just log on to wptz.com for a complete tournament schedule but for now let's get back to the action here in Los Angeles there's the monster bar the Royal Flush girls and the ant Anthony's you know a WPT champ he's gonna fold over the Igor he's out as well so the battle of the blinds here there's cloud Nicky did the jacket off suit gonna limp in and make the call into the chip leader of michaelia he's got a pretty decent East nine but he's not gonna put out for a limp he's gonna raise it makes it two hundred thousand ago yep put the pressure on the victim Chris with just Jack eight he's gonna take a stab he's gonna raise it Wow he limped in now a sudden he's raised him with this hand makes it four seventy-five to go and East nine at this point he's shrinking up a little bit chunking up the locked fence says a guy left in now he's raising he all of a sudden so he was trapping you yeah at least that's what you're thinking if you're sitting there all right but that's not gonna slow down michaelia he has pushed all-in what a play by Mike Lea there oh boy this is mind over mind trap over trap no fools at this table michaelia our chip leader very impressive with that push around he extends the chip lead four players are gambling here at the Commerce Casino stay with us we're coming back for more on the World Poker Tour this episode of the World Poker Tour is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports and you can love daily fantasy sports add draftkings go to draftkings.com and your promo code WPT and start playing today we're back with more WPT coverage from los angeles players love playing at the Commerce Casino one of the original stops on the World Poker Tour in fact last season's Club WPT qualifier Jeff Meyers reappeared here this week and told us how winning a seat through Club WPT has changed his life when I joined Club WPT I just did it as a hobby I really enjoyed it and when I won the entry into the LA Poker Classic one of the main things that I really enjoyed was meeting Mike Sexton and the Royal Flush girls and the whole gang WPT that was a lot of fun yeah I decided to play several more tournaments of the best bet in Jacksonville Florida made it to 48th place - almost $10,000 played the five diamond in Las Vegas playing the la Poker Classic again this year I'm gonna play the Chuck tall wptz's inaugural event there at Chuck toe I'm really excited about that my favorite aspect playing online on Club WPT is being able to target those tournaments that I want to go to I'm gonna play in a lot more tournaments here over the next few years I want to make a final table wapt.com offers $100,000 in cash and prizes every single month including entries into live WPT events join today and you could be on your path to playing with the pros we are back here on the World Poker Tour at the Commerce Casino for players battling for this great championship Mike Lea with over 9 million yeah well out in front Yegor in 2nd place with just over three million so right now Mike Lea is the man no doubt about that the blinds are up to 40 and 80 with the $10,000 Annie a couple quick folds around to our chip leader Mike Lea it's got an uneventful jack seven but that is not gonna slow him down he's gonna raise its two hundred thousands into the ant who has a pretty decent pair of sixes pairs are big hands when you plant heads up which is what they're doing here and he just shipping it if you can beat this hand good luck to ya he's just gonna take it down right there Mike goes out yeah the and a guy came from nowhere to push these biggest poker players in the world around well that's the first WPT title in anthony's you know one he played Vanessa selves one of the greatest players in the world heads up for the title when she had the chip lead he came back and won that title he said that gave me confidence to go into this season now is cash seven times going for back-to-back titles again just incredible right in this hand Mike Lea has raised xeno and Igor out chris is calling with ten eight so Mike with Jack for it and the flop is a Jack for five to a pair for Mike Lee oh boy how good is this guy running right now he flops two pair here chris is gonna check chris has got nothing and Mike alia spiking two pair on the flop will make the continuation bet a hundred thousand and oh Chris what are you doing he's gonna raise advance the three hundred thousand with no hand no draw just trying to make a move but it's not gonna work here cuz Mike has two pair you know Mike is gonna move it up again makes it 550 to go well Chris has got to know the jig is up here he took a stab at it trying to raise on the flop to win it but it's just saying to himself wow this guy have a hand every single time what is going on here yeah he's got to lay it down he gets the message Mike alia once again taking a pot Mike forty years old out of Toronto Canada things are running well for him tonight Chris with the big migraine puts his hands over his head like a vise he's got nothing ten five takes a rest now Mike with the six five he's just having a ball right now man so he's just gonna raise everything at the moment 160,000 ago the ant goes out but eco likes the action with the King seven makes the call King 7 versus six five well they come six high here just a great flop for Mike he's got top pair with a gut shot straight draw Igor's checked Mike is gonna fat yeah that's a hundred thousand ago with King high the eagle will stick around though they've just calling him if King high turn card a big ace neither player gonna be crazy about that card mm-hmm he core checks it and Mike gonna slow down river card is a three and that's gonna give us straight to Mike alia just incredible what the Accords got nothing just King high oh wait wait a second just gonna bet here just in case his opponent flopped a small pair may go out now yeah 225 mr. problem is he did flop the pair but he also flopped the gut shot straight draw and just hit it he's going nowhere except upstairs in the pot 625 now the bet trying to put some pain into the Ukraine and Igor now what do you do come on like one of those little skate patches right here disappear and it finally does so my eclair gonna win yet another part the Canadian over 10 million chips so close to becoming a WPT champion well great poker here in LA a lot of good players here including one of our WPT ones to watch this season let's take a look Daniel strollers I grew up in Torrance right by the beach in SoCal the best thing about poker is I can be my own boss gives you freedom it's challenging it's evolving even when I'm not playing poker I'm thinking it or discussing with friends I think what separates me is my heart like I'll pull some moves that a lot of people will be too scared of which can be a good and a bad thing it's definitely backfired a few times the experience is really helping you to get better and be the best that I can pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it [Music] get yours today at monster products.com slash WP team enter code WP t25 to get your special discount welcome back to Los Angeles and it's a BPT yes we're at the Commerce Casino one of the most exciting events of the year the LAPC continues and michaelia from canada with well over ten point seven million in chips yeah Mike Lea crushing this final table right now he's got everybody where he wants him all in the short stack he's got the giant stack he can just push him around at will Igor and Chris Claude Nicky has picked up a great hand pair of kings and he will get $1,000 added to his draftkings account courtesy of draft kings and when it makes pocket kings at a final table on the World Poker Tour is rewarded now Chris is looking to win the pot as well he's raised it mean rage to 160 and Michael Lea has got a six and Mike is gonna three bet well Mike hey just setting them all in is what he's doing yeah and Chris is gonna make the call here new Chris one of this was the short stack at the table thought maybe the pressure might drive him out but right now he's rethinking what he did I could love to hit an ace on the flop and knock out Chris of course will an ace appeared know what the jack 8 deuce that's good for Chris Chris well out in front with the two kings now with two to go six of hearts on the turn Wow gives him two more outs I'm talking about Mike Lake and that one the pot with a six or an ace why can't Jeff Ace King go into the river ten of clubs Chris cloud Nicky the pro out of New Jersey now living in Southern Cal up Chris is an interesting Roland he could be a big pain in the butt I'd be happy to have him go out or at least so I don't have to worry about him getting a hold of chips and and putting me to the test well you tried to put him out Mike didn't work dude not out some Canada all right to the felt Igor gonna quickly fold a suited connector Chris also out and now Mike Lea with Queen three and he's gonna make the raise up to 200,000 here with this Queen three offsuit now the and put the queen jack it's in the big blind and he will make this call well as the cars lie anthony hasn't dominated let's take a look at this flop and it is a queen seven eight that's great for the ant it sure is both players a flop top pair this could spell more disaster for Mike Lea oh yeah raised before the flop with really nothing you hit your top pair you think you're in good shape but he's gonna bet 135 into the ant who's gonna outkick let's see how hand plays is deep Anthony zo born and raised Cranston Rhode Island he's 33 years old and he's gonna raise got a chemical engineering degree then went to law school passed the Massachusetts Bar then became a poker pro makes it 375 to go now Mike does a top Hill Wow he's gonna pop it again it's up to 755 total and the aunts gonna push all in well that's another million or so for Mike Lee at a call but he calls with the two Queens yeah maybe put the aunt on a four flush mistake because right now he adds a great place to double up how about a seven on the turn it's okay with me and easy no always where's the suit at the table looks sharp he says poker players should have some class he's gotta love this position crystal knows their men need some help here the last party doubled up Chris cloud Nicky this party could double up Anthony xeno six on the turn not gonna help Mike leo so the only way Mike alia can win this pot is to catch a three nothing else will do the kicker is gonna play whatever else comes out there so Anthony's you know really in good shape to double up here looking good in the last card as a PF clubs just like that Anthony Zeno has been by this time virtually most of this final table every time he picks a spot it's the right spot he doubles up again how do you always get it in so good luck [Music] this season the Royal Caribbean International royal flash of bonus Awards players who hit a Royal Flush a cruise trip for two to join WPT on our next cruise that go to WPT cruise calm we're here at the Commerce Casino for LA PC and as you know commerce is known for their cash game so we took some time away from the tournament to jump into a cash game and see if we could take these guys down [Music] already shoot man they think her just silly girl oh my did she happen to do is that an impersonation yeah I think it was yeah solid - my girl Brittany making fun of me here and then she got broke though all right blinds are going up to 50 and 100 antes of 15 thousands like my fourth what handed poker quick blow by Chris and it is into a Mike Lea I was lost about 30% of his chips in the last few hands but he's raised with nine six makes it 200,000 the gold ant goes out ear goes out Mike Lee is gonna take on this pot he's gonna stop the bleeding a little bit right there by picking up the blinds and Annie's after back-to-back double ups to his opponents at this table Mike Lea from Canada this time also with a 9 6 of clubs gonna raise again to 200,000 and out eager out and let's see what Chris does with a jack 10 he's gonna call learn to play poker from his brother it's paid off in a big way he's made millions at the game let's see if he gets lucky on this flop is a king queen 8 open-ended for Chris check he checks and no continuation bet for Mike he also checks 7 on the turn now Mike Lee is kind of open-ended straight draw as well but Chris is gonna try to take control that's 325 Mike not gonna get aggressive just making the call we're going to the river here and the board pair of sevens that doesn't help either one of these guys check well Chris chicks the only way Mike and win the pot is to Bluff if he does it could be successful here Vincent he is doing it he is not checking a bet 475,000 and I just don't know how you call here with Jack events how could the guy call you on the turn where you have the best hand here after he raised before the flop just doesn't make sense you could raise him be the only possibility you have to win the pot you're never gonna call with this hand in this spot what what that wait a second he is called this he's called it Mike Wow I am in shock yep call him a jack hi Vince he's won the pot calling with Jack hi who is this guy well Michael II I can't believe it don't go away there's more action to come from Los Angeles plus in-depth poker analysis as freedoms breaks it down in the row deal why just watch the World Poker Tour on TV when you can get in on the game for free that's right go to club wapt.com today and see how you could win an entry to a WPT tournament club WPT calm never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed Harvie to use these tournament help seen its fair share of interesting place and tonight is no different always ready to give us his two cents ease our own Tony Dunst in tonight's edition of the raw deal watching a good hero call is one of the best moments in televised poker as viewers were sitting there watching a guy with nothing and wondering why the hell he's thinking about calling a correct hero call can be pretty astonishing like the one chris claude nikki just made with jack-high against my clear so why the hell did he call let's break it down everything is normal preflop Mike raises with nine six suited on the button and Chris defends in the big blind with Jack ten the action on the flop is pretty ordinary - Chris checks out of position and Mike checks behind with a weak hand that has backdoor draws the turn brings a seven of hearts that adds a flush draw and more straight draws to the board Chris leads out with his Broadway draw and Mike calls with his nine high straight draw the river misses everything when it brings the seven of diamonds Chris knows that if he bets all of Mike's hands with showdown value we'll call him so there's no point in betting himself instead Chris checks and when Mike bets in position Chris decides that it's more likely that Mike has a Miss draw like hearts nine ten nine six or six five then a hand that's betting for value he doesn't even take that long and flings his call into the pot everyone surprised when the hands are revealed and even Mike can't conceal his smile the only guy that's not astonished is Chris who knows exactly why the hell he called nicely there Tony tough to call eventual Jack I believe me when I tell you great play by Chris Clyde Nikki there the guy is a real poker player and now Mike alia is down to 5.9 he still the chip leader though blinds a 5100 let's go to the felt actually no WPT champion Anthony Zeno ace for I think one first third WPT titles tonight including back-to-back wins on the World Poker Tour he's raised it Yegor going out Chris out and now Mike alia with a pair of threes yeah he's gonna make the call so pair of threes up against the ant with h4 let's see who gets lucky eight seven deuce no Mike still out in front but he's gonna check and we'll the ant go continuation nope slows down and checks now for comes off so mike has got to put Anthony on two big cards got to think threes are the best hand here after his opponent checked the flop so he's gonna bet 350,000 ante now whoever just made two fours let's see what he's gonna do with him he's gonna make the call pots the building going to the river and the river card is an ace giving a season fours there to the ant Mike now afraid his opponent made at worst two aces if not a flush can't imagine is gonna go too crazy with two threes now it doesn't he checks them now will the ant put his little value bet nope bees gonna peak well it goes check check content to take the pot with aces and fours just didn't want to get check raised in cases opponent I have made a flush on the river for street and that's the patient that Anthony Zeno showed earlier on this final table certainly paying dividends for him now he is closing in on the chip lead he's played quite well very steady all right back to the felt Igor can't pick up hands he's gone the wrong way so he falls Chris also getting out of the way and now Mike Lea he's got the age three in the small blind the Canadian will pop it makes it to 50 to go can't blame him for raising with a side of the small blind Anthony makes the call with the ace deuce the flop comes King Jack a two hearts help us neither player Mike does not make the continuation bet he checks Anthony is now gonna reach for betting chips here okay there you go and he does it just a hundred and fifty thousand just less than 25 percent of the pot but just trying to find out where he's that here and it's good enough to get the job done pushes the rubber tree plant away he's doing well he's a new chip leader we've got and we conclude our second hour of coverage at the la Poker Classic please join us next time when we will crown another champion at Casino the Mike Sexton Vince Van Patten Tony Dunst Matt Savage the Royal Flush girls and everyone at the world / katoa I'm Lynn Gilmartin see you next time on the WPT sandwiches for the World Poker Tour is sponsored by Club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed we're back with more WBZ coverage of the La Poker Classic like a million bucks has been five this time most of this final table every time you picks a spot it's the right spot Los Angeles is often called the city of dreams and tonight one poker players dream will come true hi everyone welcome to the World Poker Tour I'm Lin Gilmartin we are coming to you from Commerce Casino where after six action-packed days of poker and a field of over 500 players we are very close to crowning the next WPT champion joining me to call the action tonight are Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten gentlemen who do you think has the best shot at a Hollywood ending well LAN I'm not sure it's gonna be a Hollywood ending no matter who wins this tournament these are truly top-notch pro players fighting it out for this title obviously a bit of poker history potentially tonight if Anthony Xena would take this title he would tie Gus Hansen and Carlos Mortensen as the winningest player in the history of the World Poker Tour he would also win back-to-back events for only the second time in the history of the tour that that's happened who's gonna cross the finish line with the title I'll tell you folks you don't want to miss this one these guys are players they certainly are Lin and you know we're in LA we're very close to Hollywood and usually Hollywood we have crazy wild endings and this one could be that because Anthony is II know he's called the ant and ants can push 30 times their own weight and that's what he's gonna have to do can he do it we will see well guys only one of them can win so who's it gonna be let's get back to the table and find out well there you see the squirrel chipcount Anthony Zeno our chip leader now nearly 5.6 million the winner tonight taking home over 1 million dollars and a WPT title all right auntie's 15,000 blinds 50 and 100 let's get this started Anthony Zeno the ant picks up pretty strong East Jack of Diamonds gotta love that it makes it 200,000 go Igor euros chefs key not gonna play Chris not playing over to Mike Lea he looks down at an ace 5 and he's gonna make the call you know Mike is from Canada 40 years old tough poker pro and he would go he's Jack vs. ace 5 and the flop is at 9 9 6 he's gonna check it Anthony out in front right now with the ACE Jack he's gonna make a continuation bet 100,000 to a pot that's got a little over 500,000 so not a big bet here and Mike gonna make the call going to the turn 7 my kids make it inside straight draw that's about it either player has a pair but Mike is gonna plunge away maybe with a bat to 25 I just wonder if that small bet the minimum bet allowed on the flop by Anthony xeno might have alerted Mike alia they didn't have much for just trying to pick up the pot there with that men bet so he's gonna bet on the turn here and it's gonna work he's gonna get athing to lay down a better hand boy the ant gets sprayed right there Mike alia very nicely done all right into the next hand eager euro chefs key he started out this final table as the chip leader everything was going his way but it just went the wrong way but still involved he's gonna quickly fold his hand now Chris also going out into Mike Lea and he will pop it up with just a jack juice makes it 252 go behind him the ant with king 9 wants no part of that it's on back-to-back hands Mike he is betting forces Anthony Zeno to lay down the better hand I wrestled through high school I went to national championships and probably would had a good shot to go to the Olympics if I just kept on going with that as I was getting older and wasn't able to play competitive sports poker filled that void gave me that you know chance to compete in that a competitive feeling that sports used to do so kind of filled that void in my life as I got older I just always want to win so it it helps me you want to be the best and to improve my game yeah the great thing about not being a wrestler pokers now you don't have to be on that bird seed diet I can do in the wrestling roles now you can be on the poker diets we know what that consists of why'd you look at me when you said this all right blinds of fifty one hundred here we go four players battling for over a million here tonight Chris Claude Nikki looks down at his hand and courtesy of the draftkings hole cam we see Chris has a stennis paid decent hands in a four handed poker game he's gonna raise it up makes it 200,000 to go Mike Lea gets out of their way and the ant now with a pair of nines he's gonna three bet here with the two nines makes it 450,000 ago Igor euro chefs key goes out now Chris is gonna call this with age ten of spades here we go the flop comes jack 10 3 so chris has taken the lead with two tens actions on Anthony and he checks Chris checks right behind him 6 of clubs comes off anything he's probably gonna think his two knives are good because his opponent didn't bet on the flop never gonna give him credit for a flush he would have better flush draw on the flop so Anthony is gonna bid 425 thousand chris is not going anywhere makes the good call going down to the river five of diamonds changes nothing [Applause] Anthony with just nines he is gonna slow down and check they both check Chris's two tens are gonna win this pot yup he's an East Coast guy born in New Jersey lived there but now he's out with Solano Beach California it's gotta be love with a lifestyle out here in California nice player I'm here with James Fisher who I lasted tens of thousands of players to win the club wapt.com road to the Fiat final and a brand-new 2015 Fiat 500 Abarth automatic that is incredible and yesterday you got to see your new set of wheels was revving engine wanted to take off maybe whack Deborah came here all the way from Illinois to collect your prize what does she think of you playing on club WPT debbie is very supportive of me playing on club WPT and even more so now that I've won the Fiat who's actually won this God as a you or is it different probably Deborah's gonna be driving the car they'll give me more time to go on Club WPT and play there anyone who hasn't played on club before what are some of the benefits of being a VIP member very easy to play games any time as a hone your game get your skills going so you can win a seat and not play in the final fave all the WPT but ya know we're gonna see you here at one of these final tables sometime soon well I'm gonna be trying to get my seed and drive my feet out to the final table I love it well good luck and congratulations once again thank you congratulations to James he won his Fiat on Club wapt.com sign up today and you can play for $100,000 worth of cash and prizes every month visit club wapt.com I never lose a dime playing poker guarantee such a great story for him congratulations and now we're back to these four auntie's are up to 20,000 blind so 6120 Anthony with another pair of 9s Mike yeah two nines and back-to-back hands he lost the last time he had him and he will raise it to 250 and go out Olin and Chris is saying all in he's got just king/queen what a move okay Mike alia out Anthony has him covered in chipcount but still it cost him like 2.4 million more to make the call I thought Mike had cars this whole time oh my god Mike you know how cards I'm so sorry guys I thought I was waiting I'm like I take my call sorry Chris yeah I was like waiting for Mike oh boy maybe there was a slow roll he knows better aunt would never do that it turned out the cards were in a race situation though well Chris clawed Nikki's tournament life is on the line here Wow you know when this body regains the chip lead the flop at 76 three nines out in front and you'll be three players left there's God Nicky needs some paint looking for a king or a queen here turn card 8 of Spades down to the river the tough poker pro mixed game cash player needs help can he get it Chris played Knick is Spike that King on the river to win this pot [Music] so Anthony Zeno taking a hit there by getting out drawing on the river which it was a race situation from the get-go doesn't matter if it comes on the flop or the river but late it's more painful on the river that's for sure just bury the ant poor players remain what drama will see at the LAPC we're coming back with more action in just a moment here on the World Poker Tour pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it get yours today at master products.com slash WP to enter code WP t25 to get your special discount well cut back to the World Poker Tour at the Commerce Casino Mike lea out in front as you can see 7.3 million chris cloud nicky with that double up moves in the second chip position with 5.8 million in he's a twenty thousand blind 6120 let's go to the felt Zeno looks town and attractive a seven of clubs messy short stacked only has boom less than nine hundred thousand so he's gonna ship it here can't blame me might do it to you court out Chris outlets I call Oh Mike has a big hand to king queen of clubs making a call and the aunt has a good chance there's a nice favorite to double up his poker life at the LAPC is on the line right now how do you find that hand Mike knows that he would have been desperate can move down with any two cards there [Applause] Farzin exchanged that versus the lawyer [Applause] very nice they'll remember the last pot Anthony lost when he had two knives to a king queen one time when Chris side they gave a king on the river and saved card for the aunts game we're down to the river and again Anthony Zeno has to dodge a king or a queen he didn't do it last time can he do it this time make it scary like a jack of spades looks like a man that's sick players love to be scared but win and the river card is gonna be a check we call the Jackie gets the jack Wow the answer stretching out those tentacles got to take this one it's fine you know it's fun when you win every wvz so last season I won the Borgata that was amazing but this season has been quite incredible I came in saying I'm gonna play as many advanced as I can and see if maybe I can win another one this is my seventh cache which is a tie with byron kaverman for the most caches during a single season so already that feat is something to be quite proud of the fact that I won Falls view was something that was incredible and honestly statistically unexpected to back it up with another final table at perhaps the most prestigious event of the WPT season I just feel incredible the spot that I'm in right now is literally a dream I wake up every day not quite sure whether I have been dreaming or whether it's truly what's happening it was great well he's quite a guy former lawyer loves poker now he's made a fortune plan and he's highly respected it is always nice to see him do so well he's going for back-to-back titles that is pretty impressive 3 wins if he would win tonight with time with Gus Hansen and Carlos Mortensen as the winningest players in WPT history but we still got a long way to go yet on would we go Mike with King eight of diamonds gonna race and that is a hefty raise two million ago the ant goes out now Igor the era chefs key now with king queen and he is pushed all in he's got Mike wrapped up here in a very good situation he'll again Mike finds himself dominators the money's all in the pot Igor here chefs keen a great place to double up this is gonna implode [Applause] you know I mentioned I know Noah Schwartz and it is about talking to Anthony Zeno here let's go to the flop it's at a 7-7 Igor are you looking good this would take a nice chunk out of Mike leah is fine there's Igor his group just spread out a couple more cards they saw Selma give him a chop he's out in front just incredible as the cars lie Igor now must catch a queen on the river or he's gonna be out in fourth place oh that is a horror card on the turn Igor can't believe it oh boy going to the river now it's Igor that he's the major suck out and it's not gonna happen jack of spades on the river [Music] so eager from the Ukraine taking a horrible beach to get knocked out in fourth place this show Igor does the Frankenstein going home to see his master gonna pick up 333,000 and he's over to talk to Matt savage you are a great tournament you got all your friends here behind you all the way from the Ukraine a lot of ups and downs tonight started off as a chip leader what happened I think I know a mistake okay think you made a mistake what mistake do you think you meant he's mine I must fold but yeah that guy right I think maybe he loved ya gobble me up I knew that one well three very tough players out there you played great all waiting and obviously I was coming with your friends behind you you know a great tournament for a lot of you guys they they did great so congratulations thank you we are one step closer to crowning a new WPT championship our sky cena with Igor's elimination find out who that'll be when we return on the WPT tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour welcome back to the WP teams coverage of the LA Parker classic standing by in command central is Tony Dunst ready to give us his thoughts in tonight's edition of the raw deal it seems that every year in poker a few players go on a tremendous rush and rapidly accumulate big results but what accounts for these miraculous Russians are the players experiencing them taking their game to the next level or are they simply running better than everyone else let's break it down when Darren Elias won back-to-back events early in the season I thought he was a total lock for Player of the Year but then Anthony Zeno cashed in seven of the nine events he played one it falls you and made our final table here tonight at commerce what you'll notice about the guys having the biggest rushes is that they're typically skillful players they're guys who repeatedly position themselves to be a recipient of good fortune through their good play but it's not only skill that explains russia's its statistics there's an old prop fat Amarillo Slim liked to hustle with back in the day he'd go to a party and bet someone there that if they asked 30 people in the room two of them would share a birthday it seemed like a pretty good bet what were the odds that two people fell on the same day with 365 in the year pretty good it turns out because it's not thirty chances at hitting one and 365 it's thirty chances at hitting any of the birthdays that have been mentioned which means the likelihood compounds with each person you ask so what's the actual likelihood that among 30 people to share a birthday over 70% and what does that have to do with Russia's in poker it's that many skillful players entered tons of events and a few of them experienced the best result over a small sample of tournaments if there's 500 professionals who enter 50 tournaments over the course of a year it's pretty likely that a couple of them will have experienced exceptional results of course none of this is meant to detract from the accomplishments of the players I mentioned it's just I really want to be the guy in the rush by the way you know that Tony that's what I actually do have the same birthday so there you go Amarillo those two guys that Amarillo were put in the same room and Belle all right actions going $25,000 an e75 150 now Mike alia with nine seven has raised to three hundred thousand as you know behind them with a queen jack yeah he likes his hand doc gonna raise his callin just gone nicking hitting a big price to call you're now with the suited connector so he's gonna play as well we have three-way action family pot here come the first three thinking Jack Zozi no-hit Jack's but two spades out there that gives a four flush for Mike alia wow Mike Leo gonna make a bet 375 and zeno with kings and jacks and he's just gonna put all the chips in Chris goes out and a quick call by Mike alia who is the fourth us an opportunity to knock out a two-time WPT champion and that is the ant now Mike Lea looking for a spade to make the flush two runners to make a straight run sevens 209 but it needs some help to eliminate Anthony's Ino came like can you come over here again no it is the wrestler against the lawyer crowd on its feet and we are going to the turn can the hands hand hold up it's a seven well that pairs mic so he can that win the pot with a seven or a spade as you might not look to take out that you guys let me know what happened it's still a pretty good favorite to make this work but he can't look here comes the river card it's a nine of diamonds the ant has done it his hand is held up don't count this guy out fence every time he is all in he wins a pot oh he's got to be so excited I don't know what's going on going for a second WPT title and back-to-back events his third WPT title overall there's a time for the lead Gus Hansen and Carlos Mortensen Chris with Queen seven of clubs gonna pop it to 325 to go Mike Lea with a very decent jack ten of clubs he's just gonna call and now it's on to zero he's got a nine six of diamonds no he may want to play here too and playing DD is moving in vets yep he is squeezing here as we say quick full by Chris just hoping against hope that Mike doesn't have a real hand and the wrestler cannot compete he's gonna take a break it pulls the hand perfect timing for a squeeze play and it was executed to perfection their events by anthony Zeno yes it was to have the guts to pull the trigger this late in the game when he just doubled up before very impressive by the ant right back at him action Chris and he has just called with Jackie and now michaelia with the real hand age 10 and he will raise this to 5:25 to go in the ant man looks down at a pair of sevens nice mid pair yeah he's got the two walking sticks Chris left in there we go Leah raised and now Athena xenos making that 1.9 million Chris gets out of the way it fallen Mike Lee is gonna say all in and of course the against the cold buddy Zeno my favorite hand so another race situation here it's the big one Anthony let's do everybody flip in for 6 fingers like a wind just race he'll be a big chip leader playing heads up for the title if he loses it there still be 3 and Mike Lee will be in third chip position and the flop is a king five deuce no luck there for Mike alia Jackie diamonds or queen of diamonds the TV street for coming up it's a queen of diamonds this gives michaelia a straight and a flush draw as well as two over cards anthony xeno certainly knows it's never easy and this is one of those times Nathan he's got a dodging a sanjac a 10 or a diamond this guy just doesn't lose the pot when he's old and Anthony Zeno wins the race to double up and take the chip lead with three left no one can squash the ant the ant survived three players remain Anthony is our chip leader [Music] the cash games going here are incredible I mean they have from low-stakes all the way the highest stakes anyone in the world could come here and find a game that they're comfortable with which is cool I've been playing the tournaments and I'm staying here at the Commerce the rooms are nice they're renovated and you can go from the tournament room you can be in your room within two minutes to go you know have some snacks just kind of lay down on your bed rest your mind for a bit headed back down the elevator be back in the tournament room in the two minutes my experience here everything's been great we are back here at the Commerce Casino in Los Angeles three players battling for this championship here tonight and his Ino out in front 7.2 million Mike Lee and second with 4.7 Chris cloud Nikki with 4.1 in third place right now offense the cream has resisted to the top these three guys are poker players action on Chris Claude Nikki he's got King three he's gonna move it up to 325 to go Mike alia goes out and now the aunt with ace for making the call and flop comes King eight seven nice flop therefore Chris Claude Nikki as he's flop top pair but Xena was gonna try to take control of this he's coming out with a bet 525 something you don't see often where a guy needs out into the preflop raiser Chris gonna make the call going to the turn six of clubs no possible straight out there now Anthony checks got a gut shot straight draw check Chris checks right behind him doesn't want to get check-raise out of this pot now an ace comes off given Anthony the best hand with two aces what a magical card there for the ant and he's gonna bet try to put some pain into Chris looks like 700 grand if you're sitting in Chris's seat the guy didn't raise before the flop so you know he doesn't have a big ace he let out into the preflop raiser so you can't really put him on a sigh here the way the betting is gone in this hand it's curiosity called by Chris and he is not gonna like it when Anthony turns up the two aces right now Chris talking to himself looks like I miss played it on every street there after the flop I didn't raise him on the flop I checked on the turn and then I paid him off on the river three strikes in a row boom boom boom at this stage in season 13 two players are distancing themselves from the pack early you blow WPT Player of the Year race a quick look at the leaderboard shows Darren Elias sitting comfortably in the second position as he added to his point total with a cache here at LAPC but fresh off his victory at the Fallsway Poker Classic Anthony Zeno has extended his point leave with his appearance at this final table how big Anthony's lead will be is still to be determined and we will keep you posted on the standings as we enter the tail stretch of the season action news ready to resume here at Commerce Casino so let's get back to the table Mike alia looks at a nothing hand and he will not play that mess now the aunt couldn't look at his hand and he's got a pair of sixes here on and he's gonna say all in basically putting Chris all-in Wow King Jack of Hearts oh yeah hard to lay this down bats very culpable it's about 2.6 million but still tough an to lay down here [Applause] No you got to go with that and he has well we're in a race we're talking about trying to race somebody over the past few months out here in the World Poker Tour Anthony Zeno would be the last one you'd want to race for your tournament life with because he is running that good where he wins his kind of key pots Chris would love to hit here right now and double up if he does it you'll be out of here we'll be at the heads-up action here comes the [ __ ] two five three deuce that is good for Zito Christian got hit on that flop now Chris gonna have to catch the kangaroo jacked away is five nothing else will do go into the turn the turn card is a ten of clubs also no help for Chris Klug Nikki well Chris was in this shape once before you had to catch a king or a queen on the river to stay alive now he's got to catch a king or a jack can't he do it again just impossible this would be crazy if he did going down with them over Chris in big trouble right now so you know can't watch okay fist pump is good it's all coming down to the river it's a party well that's going to do it for Chris cloud Nikki one of the most respected high-stakes cash game players in the world out tonight in third place he wins a key race the guy is amazing Vince plays Chris gotta take off for good 51,000 he's over to talk to Matt Savage Chris a pretty tough night out there tonight you overcame a lot in this tournament to get to where you did third place to start off with a short stack what do you buy your play today I was really happy I mean I just grinded it out for as long as I could and ultimately it just wasn't it to me well obviously he said he would be happy with third place or better are you happy no yeah first place it better all right good job thanks with Chris Club Nikki out in a third place we are down to the final two players here at La cooker classic when we return Anthony Zenor and Mike Leo bulgar heads up for the money and the title you don't want to miss it this episode of the World Poker Tour is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports that you can love daily fantasy sports add draftkings go to draftkings.com enter promo code WPT and start playing today [Music] the heads-up battle is about to begin at the Commerce Casino between Mike alia and Anthony Zenor Royal Flush girls Britney and tuba have brought out the money these two are playing for listen awesome pair of Munster headphones and an impressive you blow watch to be awarded to tonight's champion before play starts up and check out the conversation I had with both players Mike yeah can you stop the rush oh sure gonna try you have had plenty of experience heads up in tournaments like this how is that gonna help you tonight I don't want to say cuz after meas listen I'm just gonna play my game then I won't do my best to win Anthony this is kind of unbelievable that we are standing here again you know Lynn I mean yeah literally was two weeks ago that we were in Niagara and you know obviously I'm playing good poke or I worked hard a lot stuff but there are lots of players doing the same and this is statistically improbable I mean it's like to make two back-to-back final tables and have an opportunity to play heads up for a third trophy within a year and a half is like you know I'm just get like choked up thinking about it and it's amazing and you know I just I feel very very proud there you see the chip counters a heads-up poker begins Anthony Xena well out in front with 11.5 million Mike Lea with 4.6 million winners gonna take home over a million the runner-up just over 700 pounds lawyer against the wrestler let's go to it Anthony's you know looks down to date in seven of hearts you know that it raises right Anthony gonna make it 300 makes the men raise Mike leah has a 10-5 it's suited he's invested and he will make this call his defender wants to see a flop here come now a six six so help to either player and it goes check check go on to the turn it is a 10 so they pulled out tens now as the cars lie it's a split pot Mike checks and Anthony is now gonna bat 200,000 Mike is gonna make the call going to the river and the record King of Spades possible straight possible flush out there now Mike is gonna check check Anthony checks it's gonna be a split pot both players will play tens and sixes with the ace kicker look like they're not very happy with that you're never really happy with the split pot unless you come from behind to the hands but yeah it's like kissing your sister a bit they don't start Mike well hey it's a metaphor what is this so I don't know but all right action on Mike Lea he's got a suited connector he's got the button and he is going to raise it to 300,000 xeno with a 9 7 of spades makes the call so gently down the river we go nine seven versus six seven and the flop is a 10 10 6 I swap for Mike he's got tens and sixes and Anthony checks Mike is gonna bet 250,000 Anthony with a gut shot straight draw on the backdoor flush draw it's gonna make the call alright going to the turn they say five of spades so a four flush for the ant and inside straight draw and they both check going to the river it's a Spore so the xeno doesn't hit there so he didn't catch but he's kidding chips out you knows that's the only way to win the pot he's gonna put in a hefty bed of 800,000 now Mike Lea only has the sixes he could take this call those of his opponent called a 7/8 he made it straight diamonds he made it he was slow playing a 10 on the flop Mike Lee a tough call to make he opted to throw it away so Anthony Zeno bluffing that pot to win it not clear just dying to know what he had Mike you won't like it when you see it later can the an to finish here tonight and become a three-time wpg champion we will see what if it was a place where over 1 million dollars in cash prizes and WPT entries would give it away every year well there is and it's only a click away join a club wptz.com today and win a share of over 1 million dollars every year [Music] [Applause] [Music] the heads-up that one continues and as you could see the aunt Anthony zina with 12.5 million likely at three point six a commanding lead now for Anthony's you know Anthony could tie Gus Hansen and Carlos Mortensen is the winningest players history of the WPT he could also win back-to-back titles something Darren Elias did earlier this season on the WPT okay on to this hand Anthony has raised with the King three and Mike is gonna shove all-in with an ace deuce well Mike understands the value of an ace bland heads-up poker he moves in and takes down that pot he applied heavy pressure now he has played impeccably all night long you know it was cards away from being eliminated but now he's in the driver's seat just incredible how this has happened tonight on to the next hand Mike Lee this time with h3 and he has made it 400,000 ago and now Anthony's you know has picked up the weapons of mass destruction the pair of aces what a time to get it just incredible it's gonna raise it but not much up to 825,000 but of course you just don't want to scare your victim Colin and he has gone all-in he's slow the banana peel and the instakill by Zito was a dream come true the guy's got two aces here like I remember a final head of the LA poker classic years ago Antonio Esfandiari picked up two aces and one on the last hand with aces Anthony xenoka do the same here if they hold up that's just how do I get a sucess up this is amazing all I want is just a little bit of sweat just a little sweat like like a two-for yeah sorry four five like a aces that's up you come the first three is alive he's a straight draw how do you that how about a three could be some trouble for Anthony it certainly could be looking for a four to make the wheel come on ridiculous or comes up right now so now Mike needs a three or a four but a four would give him a chop pot now chops fine at this point a catch-all on the swing the aunt one card away to becoming it back-to-back champion here on the WPT this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you seem a little disappointed with your second-place finish yeah well just so close to my first WPTV victory you know disappointing not to win but I think second place is paced pretty good so I'll be alright with it and I'm happy Francie Mike congratulations on your second-place finish Mike Sexton over to you and now let's talk to the champion of the LAPC from Cranston Rhode Island Anthony Zeno your week this week has been astonishing your seventh cash in a season ties the all-time WPT record your back-to-back wins ties the old-time WPT record and your third wAPT title this week ties Gus Hansen at Carlos Mortensen as the winningest players in the history of the World Poker Tour and you do it all with the million dollar cash tell us how you're feeling right now oh my god speechless Adrenaline's still flowing I am still in shock literal shock I've never felt this before actually well Anthony in addition to over a million in cash for your win tonight you also get a customized set of monster headphones that Brittney will present you Thank You Brittney I know they're beautiful you will watch to commemorate your victory Thanks another star on the champions cup ladies and gentlemen let's hear it one more time for our champion three-time World Poker Tour champion Anthony Zito [Applause] WPT champion Wow incredible for my Sexton Greenspan patent attorney dunce Matt Savage the Royal Flush girls and everyone at the world perco to us I'm Lynn Gilmartin see you next time on the WPT I understand what this is for the World Poker Tour is sponsored by Club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed we're here in beautiful San Jose California for the bay 101 shooting star feel like a million bucks bounty we're trying to get it they've been trying to get it all day but still here in San Jose the stakes are high and everyone is shooting for the stars good evening or welcome to the world poker to our I'm Lynn Gilmartin we are coming to you from the bay 101 casino for one of the most exciting events of the season the bay 101 shooting star four days ago the pros arrived the hopefuls were plenty and yes bounties were in play a feral defending champion right here you go from back to back absolutely so this is pretty freakin cool I'm just here to pick up about 1.2 mil excitement was in the air among players and fans alike as the first of two starting days was about to get underway hi everyone I'm Mike Sexton on behalf of everyone at the World Poker Tour allow me to welcome you to San Jose and the Bay 101 shooting star tournament what I wish you all the very best of luck in your quest to make it to the final table dealers let's shuffle up and deal as the Cod's heat the felt the shooting stars in the field were on high alert for the $2,500 bounty on their back two times WPT finalists and shooting star Gregg moolah tried to put pressure on an opponent but ended up being the first bounty collected I just figured that you know he wouldn't want a bust third hand into the tournament so I figured there was 10,000 there I try and take it off he called me I was wrong bounty Optive bounty fell including season three WPT Player of the Year Daniel Negreanu the hands of season 10 Fey 101 champion moon Kim along with a fellow Canadian seroma defeats at the hands of the local play out Ravi soon des players would be allowed one reentry so it wouldn't be the last we saw of those players who were knocked out first time bounty season 13 ones to watch Garrett Priya was ready to join the list of bust outs after his flopped set of sevens were behind to the ponents flopped straight about a miracle 7 on the river gave Garrett quads to keep his tournament hopes alive then it was time for some bounty on bounty violence when Joe Hashem was all-in against Darren Elias in a classic race Daren flopped the nut flush draw Patty's ace on the turn and made his flush on the river to send the Aussie packing but not until Giroux signed the ceremonial t-shirt for Darren bounties continued to be collected with many top name pros making their exit including season 9 ones to watch Jason Mercier and WPT champions Eric Seidel and Scotty Wynn who loves the fans that come out to bay 101 same just a family to me you know I gotta be proud for them to always remember so you know maybe to feel good season ten WPT champ will the thrill' faella who's the last bounty of the night to fall at the hands of last season's california swing winner Michael Rucker at the end of the day 106 players survived and would move on today - and it was defending Bay 101 champion James Carroll who sat at the top of the chip counts with nearly 300,000 in chips James also collected a $10,000 bonus for being the day 182 Pleader seriously it's pretty ridiculous I definitely run pretty good news day one beasts or a new crop of bounties into the tournament including our own Mike Sexton season 9 Player of the Year Andy Frankenberger and past ones to watch up Jason Koon so this is probably my favorite WP thing I think the people here are great really excited about poker you get an awesome turnout it's just amazing tournament several players who were eliminated on day one I also returned to the field including three-time WPT champion Anthony Zeno and two-time WPT champion Daniel Negreanu who took time to sign autographs and chat with some fans taking over announcing Judy's pin fan pattern where to the room and introduced the shooting stars at each table how are you happy to be here of course this is my backyard maybe Vicki paid the World Poker Tour final table six times pretty incredible yeah but no victories so victories maybe you'll get it this time good luck bill all right good luck everybody beans still had to Mike in his hand when he's a partner in crime Mike Sexton was all in we do bounty at risk on a nine high flop with pocket aces but his apartment young pro Griffin Paul was in the lead with a set of nine okay we need a sage but my crew survived here they're going to the turn money Mike would reenter the tournament only to bust again to fellow shooting star Antonio Esfandiari as the field continued to shrink and more players hit the rail local player and WSOP ladies event champion high shoes Aang was collecting bounties after busting Jeff Madsen and then Dan Shak to build a monster stack hi sure would have the chip lead when play ended for the night and earned an extra $10,000 as the end of date chip leader she would lead the way of the 155 players who made it through the day to advance including to season eight Bay 101 finalists Dan O'Brien and Phil Hellmuth I don't I wasn't quite awake until I got here but now I'm like with cod in the air for the first level of the day the official tournament numbers were released registration has closed and we have a total of 708 entrants of the five million dollar prize pool first place will earn 1.2 million as well as a spot on the coveted WPT Champions Cup having chipped up early on day one a Bay Area local and shooting star Faraz Jaka felt pretty secure with a price on his head everybody's gunning for you but I'm so used to playing a lot of hot and people coming at me so I liked it I like to have fun with it I like to tease people right now I've got a huge stack so nobody hasn't asked for my bounty yet another local player enjoying himself was dental lab owner Ron Lewis this is my first WPT tournament and I'm loving it I came in through a satellite I hit a shooting star I've got this guy it's pretty frigging awesome man and more bounties would hit the rail including a three-time WPT champion Anthony Zener who would not be able to capture back to back to back titles apparently someone else is gonna have to win via one-on-one but that's cool a melancholy Phil Hellmuth would have to make the short drive home and the defending Bay 101 shooting star champion James Carroll at the hands of season 13 Five Diamond finalists Ryan Julian as the field approached the money bubble Season 13 ones to watch and season 12 a 101 finalist Garrett Correa felt comfortable with 72 players making the money if someone had to finish in 73rd place and that honor went to retired businessman Larry right whose pocket sevens failed to improve against Griffin Paul's pocket jacks with the fielding the money play loosened up and the fuss doubts piled up riesen LAPC runner-up Mike Lea hit the rail in 64th place WPT champions Club members Ravi Raghavan and Carlos Mortensen would make their way to the payout desk followed by past ones to watch Matt Affleck and Dan O'Brien play continued into the night until 36 players remained when the dust settled Bay Area businessman Ahmad Allah home sat at the top of the chip counts with a massive stack of over 1.7 million in chips Berger / Taylor par held just under 1.1 million and knee the bottom of the least was once to watch Garrick Rhea who was short on chips but not unconfident we've been hanging around for a while and I finally got lucky when a flip right now that I got got already 36 players remain including four bounties still up for grabs find out who makes it to the WPT final table when we return tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour [Music] welcome back to San Jose and the WPT has play down to the bait 101 shooting star final table continues as the final 36 players arrived to the bay 101 casino on a beautiful Northern California morning confidence was in the air first one here will be the last man standing I've been wearing the same outfit every day this week I wash it every day but I don't care I just want like people to say way you know just keep the Mojo going this is my super boost for the morning that's the ice cream that's gonna get me all the way through to the final table try not to like get too excitable and the rest of the tournament will be played six handed which accelerated the action around the room players quickly began to fall including a three-time WPT finalist at Danny wrong and season 13 ones to watch Garrett Korea played three they went once and I've passed three but always bowling Garrett out the door with season seven of eight winner one champion at Steve breca along with fellow WPT champions club member Sean you cannon made a couple big for today that I made me regret making new as the field grew thinner shooting star Sorrell Mitzie took assessment of the remaining players it's tough it's not a nice little mix so like satellite ball players who play on the circuit all the time so it's a nice little trail mix and it's gonna make for an interesting dynamic hi shows Aang knocked out WPT champions Chris Norman in 18th place to claim her third bounty of the tournament definitely picked a few spots that didn't work out today but I think in this case is just bad timing rather than bat players after Mormons exit only turb antes remained in fields with the stakes getting higher the atmosphere in the room remained light thanks to players like Ron Lewis and his lucky hat but nurse babe down to just three tables local dealer Eric Werner and Cincinnati native Jake Paisley saw that she was likes rising while many familiar faces would fall Isaac Barron then picked up some momentum knocking out Brian Julius in 12th place outrunning Ron Lewis's pocket kings to send him home in ninth place tie cocoons Wow then after losing several putts to poker pro Taylor Park Eric Werner shoved all in and put local player Ravi sunder to the test with whiskey Ravi made the call and would need his hand to hold up to avoid being eliminated no help on the board doubled up Ravi and left Eric with just less than two big blinds amazingly Eric did survive the next page umph when Isaac Barron knocked out day two chip leader Ahmad Allah hung in eighth place I couldn't shake him off everytime they raised yet it'd be good this day Eric Werner's time was up and he was eliminated by Jake Paisley in seventh place which meant the final table was set Isaac Barron would lead an immensely talented group of players that included two shooting stars or looking to capture their first WPT titles and the over 1.2 million dollar first-place prize after such a hard-fought battle it is only fitting that it has come down to such a talented final table joining me tonight are WPTZ Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten gentlemen set the stage for us tonight well Lynn this is a terrific final at least it should be that's because there is a lot of talent at this table tonight the top five players at this table have live tournament winnings of nearly 25 billion dollars and for those five players are in their 20s the two chip leaders Isaac Barron and Taylor par are the two youngest players at the table and there are sensational now as good as these guys are they're gonna have their hands full because the two guys behind them in chip count our two shooting stars and Vince these remaining shooting stars could have a whole lot to say about who's gonna win this tournament tonight well you're right Mike they're superstars in the game let's start off first with the Canadian at his Sorrell Mitzi he won two million dollars in one tournament alone pretty impressive but then let's move on to the local here Faraz Jaka four-time in a WPT final table he was the season 8 player of the year for the WPT he's fantastic this is a great bunch of players thanks guys and before the players took their seats at WPT executive to a director Matt savage caught up with four-time finalist and season eight WPT Player of the Year for us jakka frost what is it gonna take to add a WPT championship to your resume tonight you know what I've had a lot of final tables and I've never had a win yet and a big main event so I'd love to get that monkey off my back and you know it's gonna take running well I'm gonna have to get good cards but more importantly I'm gonna have to play well this is a really stack final table it's one of the toughest mountain tables I've ever been at so I'm gonna have to outplay some of these guys sir who will win their first-ever WPT title here at bay 101 players starting up so let's get a look at the chip counts and head down to the table there you see the squirrel chip count as ik Baron out in front with six point seven million Taylor par in second place with 4.2 million Jake Paisley in third with three point nine million and that is what they're playing for the champion will take home one point two million seven hundred thousand for second the champion will also take home the beautiful you blow Watts right there well this is gonna be an exciting final table to borrow a phrase from the PGA Tour these guys are good the antes of five thousand blinds a twenty and forty thousand first to act ravi sundar first ever WPT event he's a local he quickly folds into Faraz Jaka also folding his hand action on the Canadians real Mitzi who I'm a big fan of the way this guy plays poker looks down ace Jack of Hearts this guy is tough I mean really tough makes it 80,000 to go Isaac Barron out and now Wow I can't believe it Jake Paisley picks up two aces on deal number one puss been raised in front of him he's gonna three bet it here makes it two hundred fifteen thousand to go into Taylor par young poker pro out of a San Diego California he's gonna fold it so back to Sorrell Mitzi you know he wants to see a flop of this hand does he know what kind of jeopardy is in he's gonna make the call Sorrell from Canada 28 years old making the call hand number one here we go with the flop it is an 850 for all different suits no hearts this flop could save Sorrell Mitzi some money Paisley lining up for the continuation bet 225 pretty easy get away now for Sorrell lays it down so hand number one going to cheek Paisley [Music] never swept in this season the Royal Caribbean International Royal flash fairness Awards players who get a Royal Flush a cruise trip for two to join WPT on our next cruise and go to w PT Cruiser [Music] it would mean everything for me to want to WPT title you're always gonna be remembered or co-champion I mean I started off as a fanboy like watching ivy Negreanu and those guys so like now playing with these big final tables cool as hell I've gone seven and two WP keys so this is my first opportunity to you know make a televised final table it would definitely be the highlight of my career to win a WPD title for a non-pro poker player that's a dream come true that'll be a life-changing Ewing you never know when your next shot is gonna be so I'm gonna give it my best effort you know obviously there's some stuff that's out of my hands but I'm gonna do all that I can and hope it works so I've been around the block in the dopey P world you know one WPT Player of the Year I was one of the ones to watch and I just haven't taken down a tournament so it'd be nice to get that monkey off my back Isaac Barron he's the chip leader he has six point seven million Taylor par with 4.2 Jake Beasley also with four point two and on the short stack Robbie sundar with about one point four well Vince here's what I find interesting about Robin he's his own amateur at the table he's a software engineer has been for 16 years earlier in this tournament he won the bounty of sorrell Mitzi now it's one rebuy allowed to everybody determinant so Sorel Reba but there's a chance that Robbie could win sir rails bounty twice in the same tournament that's on her Ravi I'll make you a deal if if I knock you out then you give me back the shirt if you knock me out then I'll give you this shirt and we'll and I'll have to walk home and with no shirt on I want that shirt back that's not gonna happen and I'm gonna get that shirt off anyways he's a new shirt he hasn't changed his clothes the whole week just thinks it's superstitious well that's window Sorrell Mitch he's taking the shirt off before he made a swimming bet where I could swim five kilometres who of Brazilian Island right off the coast when he was down there raise 150 thousand by doing that around to Isaac Barron who's gonna get crazy with a nine five makes it a hundred thousand ago Jake out Taylor par now with that King Queen of Spades making the call and only one left would be Ravi and he's got a little pair of threes he's a local Lisa I don't call him amateurs I call him non professionals he's a tough player first time ever on the WPT in the first cash of course so very impressive Mahlon and he's gonna go all in with his hand he said he was gonna play fearless at this final table Vance we are seeing it come her over the top of two players in this pot think one point for you here with just two threes Isaac with the quick fold and now tail apart is also gonna give it up Robbie taking that pot no I'm messing with my blinds chill okay he's a defender and this guy is not afraid to apply pressure Ravi is awesome yesterday I wasn't playing I'm pretty sure I said to several people that he's my new hero he was just playing crazy I think someone came to me and said he he puts me to shame for a jacket one of the most aggressive players out on tour but Ravi is more aggressive constantly applying pressure Ravi does a lot of that action on Taylor par from San Diego 26 years old let's see what he's got six four of clubs he's under the gun he's gonna raise with it he thousand Ravi out a couple folds behind him three folds and now it's around to shake Paisley who has a quality hand age 10 off suit he's gonna call out of the big blind look at a flop six four versus age 10 let's take a look II know what a flop for Jake Paisley's flop three tens here Flint to Saginaw he checks well setting up the trap Taylor what did you do to yourself oh no he's gonna make the continuation best eighty-five thousand little does he know the monster that's lurking before him and there's the easy call going to the turn five of diamonds comes off no help to either player but Jake is gonna check again see if Taylor shuts down here yes he does why is they done Taylor going to the river hope you don't catch a peace queen of diamonds he does not and now the man with the real hand it's gonna make the value bet of 125 hoping against hope the dope will call but he doesn't gets away sneaks out of that hand Jake Paisley former basketball coach former college player as well James played and coached at Christian Brothers in Memphis Tennessee now he's out here on the throw poker circuit there you see him sitting now in second chip position and Isaac Barron well the great thing about these guys you see that they continue to fight for pots don't necessarily have to have a hand just imagination creativity sometimes it doesn't work but other times it does right we've got a couple folds and a raise now by Isaac Barron just keeps touching the hot stove this guy doesn't learn as awesome Jake going out Taylor par not gonna play now the non-professional race he said he was gonna be aggressive vets we are seeing it no doubt about that he's coming right over the top with a king-queen offsuit here against the chip leader to us only 5 37 years old family man father of two makes it to 75 trying to push the chip leader out of this can he do it extremely intelligent guy there it goes there's also a chess master one time okay Isaac's going out and look at Robbie saying I'm gonna show you this mediocrity I told you my blames are hot man never steal my blind I'm sure he'll keep trying I knew you know I folded Jack's just can't handle the pressure well you only had your fun have you ever dreamed of playing in a televised World Poker Tour events club wptz.com awards akha jizz to travel stay and play in a w ptomaine tour event on club WPT comet you can today and play on TV tomorrow walking into the casino they had the pictures of all the bounties and my favorite of course is Daniel Negreanu to meet him I can't tell you how much that means to me we did have an empty seat at our table and all of us on the table were wondering who the bounty would be it was Phil Hellmuth it's an honor to be able to sit at a table with someone that plays poker as well as he does loves Debra dbt sings very well so far so good this was a true VIP experience I've got to meet some some pros and I get to play with some pros you know one minute you're watching these players on TV and then the next minute year you're sitting at a table with them I made it today too I would recommend anybody to join Club WPT it's something I never thought I would be doing I would get the chance to but it could it could actually be you well seizing the day it's just a click away get the club wptz.com and find out how you can win your way into a live WPT event well there you see the chip counts of the players Isaac barring out in front with 6 million in chips Taylor par and Jake Paisley pretty much tied for second with just over 4.2 million the ante still 5000 but the blinds are going up 25 and 56 players battling for this very prestigious title at the bay 101 shooting star quick fold by Faraz Jaka and sorrell mitzi isaac baron he looks down at ace queen gonna raise it up with this hand 125 to go Jake Paisley nothing hands folds Taylor par going out how much and how the local Ravi sundar says how much he's got King four and he's told everybody don't raise my blinds I'm a defender he calls here he'll certainly be proving that and he does make the call with a king for offsuit out of position Wow he would go as Queen versus King for flop is at eight six seven they'll help to either player just give Robbie the sucker into the straight draw but he checks isaac checks right behind him going to the turn it is a king and that is good for ravi hitting Kings 135 Isaac started out with a very pretty East Queen now he's just got ace high and he will fold the hand so Robbie sundar taking down that pot he is making these guys very uncomfortable I would just wonder what the lone amateur at this table Robbie is thinking about knowing how great all these guys are can he compete with them now this is the first time he's ever cashed on the World Poker Tour he is not intimidated whatsoever came in on the short stack Vince and he said you know I'm just gonna play my game I don't care who they are they're gonna be calling me go on to the next hand a couple holes now Jake Paisley can't pick up anything seems disgusted goes out tail apart not playing around to the man of the minute the local Ravi sundar the non-professional player and he's got a nothing hand 125 but that's not gonna slow him down look at this Wow just phrases right out of position with a nine for off suit in the Faraz Jaka who makes the call with the ace deuce arts flop jack ten seven Roberts got the gut shot straight draw but Jack's they both check going to the turn 10 pairs the board so Ravi rates before the flop didn't bet the flop and now he's getting brave again getting the chips out yes 225 and a quick fold by Faraz Jaka so ravi sundar dabbing it right now vance with no hands at all just making plays pokers a stressful game if you want to play poker go meditate so it's from bottom of his stomach it goes up and then it comes back you know if you do a lot of meditation towards poker you will not be in tilt even if you take three bad beats God say do like couple of minutes of you know breathing in and out you can't be until you'll come back as a new player there will be a new energy it regenerates you that's very good for poker Ravi is definitely interesting and he liked to be called all omen meditation all right so Ravi once we called open very well Mike I need to go study meditation like he does he's vowed to take a 10-day period of silence and meditation allows jock I sitting right next to Robert he's in the meditation as well in fact he went to a 10-day meditation retreat in Thailand a lot of meditators here at this table tonight what seems to be working all right back to the felt pair of sevens for Jake Paisley and he will raise it to a hundred thousand into Taylor Park who looks down to the pair of jacks Taylor very aggressive player but just popping the call here there's not raised with the jacks Ravi out for us not playing Sorrell ejects Issac now with the 6-4 he's in the big blind he's gonna stick around skin him up big price to go here and he does so so three-way action here the fluff is a jack for deuce three of a kind of Taylor par now Isaac's got two fours he checks Jake might like this flop of two sevens thinks it's the best and he's gonna bet it 140 thousand and to tell it will adjust to the okey dokey call Willie get aggressive he's trying to double up oh yeah he's gonna raise it he's gonna hope his opponents got an overpair maybe a flush draw where he can extract a lot of chips from him but all boys pushed his ban away Jake gives up the two sevens Taylor par taking down that pot don't blame him for raising though he was trying to win a big one pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it get yours today at monster products.com slash WP to enter code WP t25 to get your special discount if a 101 shooting stars always a fun stop San Jose has the best fans in poker and they make us feel very special every time I'm here one of the most interesting things about Bay 101 shooting star is the bounty aspect amateurs can come in and play against some of their favorite pros and they knock them out that get that bounty and also a sign teacher man that looks good thank you very much thank you though I still get really excited by all of it every year I come back I'm always impressed with the turnout and what a great event that they run here at Bay 101 [Music] well players 211 here today 101 they're treated so well by the casino and the fans if you polled most of them they would say their favorite stop on tour is here at the Bay 101 Isaac Barron he's the chip leader right now with 5.8 let's go back down to the felt actually known tail apart from San Diego quickly folds his hand let's take a look at Robbie soon doors hand courtesy of draftkings hole cam looks down at a king 9 offsuit that's a big hand for this guy and we've seen him play a lot worse than that but gonna lay it down here now Faraj are gonna raise it with a king 7 off suit into Sorel mitzi has a 9 5 of clubs and he says re-raise between 50 to go got a 3 Bennett here with a 9 5 take Paisley out back to four eyes no he will not play it either so Sorrell who hasn't made many moves here tonight does make a move with the shell if they don't have to show up so they're gonna credit it makes it unlikely but not in - King of Diamonds yeah I guess I had the case to things on oh he's trying to say that he has Kings Oh Sorrell you sly dog not gonna work Sorrell all right back on Ravi he will fold the hand for Raja also out Sorrell taking a breather Isaac out over to Jake and a small blind this is the Battle of the blinds Jake gonna limp in here into Taylor who has just a 7 for says I'm gonna raise this makes it 150 to go and a quick call Taylor understands people to limp in usually don't have anything trying to see a cheap flop so he raised it to junk hands competing against each other let's take a look at the flop wow it's a queen Jack ten all spades very pretty neither player have a spade jake has flopped an open and straight but checks here comes a continuation bet by Taylor the very tough for Jake to continue with that hand he throws it away so aggressiveness paying off for Taylor and I can tell you he was trained by two of the most aggressive players in poker paul Volpe and mark herm so like those masters Taylor par very aggressive at the table yeah he was the 2010 card player online Player of the Year this guy can really play a younger player at this table as well on to Faraz Jaka Queen Jack he will make it a hundred thousand ago Sorrell out Isaac out over to Jake with two fours you always like to see flops or small payers hoping to flop that set where you can double up he's gonna make the call Taylor part behind him with a pair of tens will he squeezed no just a call so I'm just called with two jacks a minute ago where he flopped three jacks now our wildcard Ravi 475 475 he's gonna try a squeeze play with a nothing hand he goes to 475 Feroz out Jake out oh there's one more to beat up on that was thought to mine yeah so that's a million start Owen obtain a par going all-in and okay man it's that time of the day huh is this I've got a pocket pair how about you say 100 don't say don't do it to yourself I feel I'm going get this hand it's just lying through his moustache poker is all about engineers short-circuiting his hand here would be short-circuit if he thinks about playing this ok forgot it and he's finally gonna fold and show one awful card PS flowing here at the bay 101 we're coming right back this episode of the World Poker Tour is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports and you can love daily fantasy sports add draftkings go to draftkings.com enter promo code WPT and start playing today welcome back to San Jose California and the legendary Bey 101 casino we've got a star-studded final table and over a million dollar payday for our champ action continues so let's get back to the game Isaac Baron still out in front but not by much Taylor par right on his heels right now with just under 5.7 million we're gonna take home over 1.2 million at this event action on Sorrell mitzi he's a Canadian he's got ace five of Hearts seems to like his hand at this point makes it a hundred and ten thousand ago Isaac and Jake and now Telep are also going out to the crazy man Robbie sundar he's got seven six he's gonna make the call of a small blind rose jhatka who looks down at that lovely pair of Queens first real handful rogers picked up at this final table let's see how it plays it grace the three bets at up to 375,000 Cyrill gets wise goes out so does Robbie so Faraz Jaka not getting quite the action he wanted but he will take down a nice pot he has made so many final tables here on the World Poker Tour 10th cash ever fourth final table action now on Isaac Baron quick fold by him as well as Jake Paisley now it's into Taylor par and Taylor with an eight-five he's gonna raise it up with this I had a hundred thousand to go Robbie making the call with the a Sadoff suit bowled by Faraz Jaka and Sorrell joining the party with a jack 7 off suit three-way action here is the flop it is a Jack six five so Jack's for Sorrell he's gonna check painters flat bottom pair so he's gonna make a continuation bet here 120,000 Robbie getting none of that in no hand no draw makes the call and Sorrell now has top pair what do you do here you have a lousy kicker days before the flop a continuation bet and call but Sorrell spoker instincts second to none he makes the call with the jacks we're going to the turn turn court is a six that pairs the board and helps nobody Sorrell checks caleb poor now can't be too enthusiastic he's gonna slow down Ravi and I get nutty honest nope he's gonna check is nothing hand and to the river we go it is a Fahd giving him a full house fires full of sixes for teyla par Sorrell checks and they're getting out betting chips here 385,000 and robbie has nothing here mother oh no oh no he is going all in Sorrell out he's trying to tell Taylor he's got six is full if you're in Taylor seat that's exactly what you think the guy's got all you can beat is a bluff here even though you have five full not that much more though that's the problem it's only about a million more of course Taylor does have over five million you got a lot of heart well he's right about that well he does have a lot of heart like nine hundred and something more right [Applause] I think you're bluffing it's one thing to think it is another thing to man call on that assumption all right I call boy he's gonna do it yes I wow what a call by Taylor with five full and his instincts were correct Ravi was bluffing Ravi now out in sixth place and out goes Robbie sued Arthur's take a lot of yoga to get past that one [Applause] give the guy credit he tried to make a move to win their pots they just got picked off by Rob he's gonna tickle my honking 68000 he gets to change his clothes and right now he's over to talk about savage I would look like a real chump if I go really thank you Robbie you talked about running some crazy Bluffs tonight that's why I take it a little bit too far on this one yeah that's right I didn't put him on a five out of six I thought he was playing a high and that's reason I thought probably it could be a split pod 168,000 plus a bounty are you happy with the result absolutely actually I know I wanted to finish in 72nd position which is in the money I made it like 12 times happy so yeah I could last a little longer yeah that'd get caught well well done the first play we have to say goodnight to is ravi sundar out in sixth place and that will end our first hour of coverage from San Jose California please join us next time when the action continues at the bay 101 shooting star for Mike Sexton of Vince Van Patten Tony Dunst not savage the Royal Flush girls and everyone at the world Park it to us I'm Lynn Gilmartin see you next time on the WPT I understand what this is for the World Poker Tour is sponsored by Club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed season 13 coverage of the bay 101 shooting star continues right now [Music] like a million bucks [Music] Thank You bully tonight there are five million reasons to love poker at bay 101 casino good evening everyone and welcome to the WPT I'm Lynn Gilmartin season after season the fate 101 shooting star delivers with big payouts and dramatic action and this year is no exception to get us up to speed on where we stand at this final table I turn to my esteemed colleagues Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten guys how has the action here in San Jose lived up to your expectations well then it has lived up to it and it's going to live up to it even more before this tournament finishes because we've literally got five all-star poker players left in this tournament but the guy you got to be impressed with so far is the youngest guy at the table Taylor par yet bogey the hole yet came to the final table in second chip position with 4.2 million he's now got over 7.5 million Isaac Barrett at second place Jake Paisley in third advance let's not forget about the other two guys shooting stars oh yeah absolutely the Canadian Sorrell Mitzi and Faraz Jaka two high stakes players they are great but they're on the short stack they're at the IHOP right now for the pancakes let's see if they can come back thanks guys and with the 1.2 million dollar first place prize still up for grabs we are sure to see more fireworks here tonight players ready to start back up so let's get a look at those chip counts and head down to the table there you see this grille chip count Taylor par out in front with 7.5 million Isaac Barron in second place with 5.6 million Jake Paisley in third with 3.6 and the two bounties in fourth and fifth place the life-changing money for the winner 1.2 million and he's a 5,000 the blinds at 25 and 50 let's go to the fellow Faraz Jaka gonna raise with a 5-3 Sorrell mitzi out isaac baron also out and now jake Paisley with a pair of deuces and he will call three million little love like whooping it in these events couple players told me that this is the toughest final table we've seen in quite a while on the World Poker Tour it's race into Tayla par and he's up to applying pressure you're gonna see it right here this the three bit up to 385,000 for skips away and now Jake with little pair of deuces yeah the Ducks are gonna go quacking out of here aswell LCS Perry and Taylor par the 2010 car player online Player of the Year there you see some of the superstars in the house watching the action here let's go back down to at the Canadian Sorrell goes out and now Isaac Baron with a jack ten of spades and he has made it 125 to go Jake going away Taylor Park gonna take a breather and Feroz chakra will make the call with a queen eight of clubs for I was gonna defend out of the big blind and four eyes a flop top pair I get him in trouble as his opponents got a gut shot straight draw and a flush draw with two over cards cross-checking Isaac Benton 150 no raised by Feroz just calls with the top pair go into the turn they can they're for Isaac let's see what he gets well he gets a pair of tens now has the best hand and the best draw for us in trouble he's gonna check Isaac gonna stick in 350,000 and those yellow plaques worth on if that leads and a good getaway by Feroz they're lost the least he could lose there after class on top there and is Isaac's mom Mary Dumont in the house well Isaac takes down that pot both players from the Bay Area both desperate to win their first title here at home Faraz left this area to go to college with University of Illinois since then has been a traveling poker pro I do mean traveling folks there's no residence I like to call him the homeless millionaire he made me his plan poker but lives out of a backpack travels the world he likes to live among the people there's a lot of meditating and yoga quick full bite Jake and now Taylor par with a king Jack he'll raise it to a hundred thousand and Faraz Jaka behind and with a king ten look at this he's stacking up raisin chips and it is he's got a three-bed adhere to 250 thousand Sorrell out Isaac I'm not gonna play back on Taylor the chip leader he's got money to spare is gonna make this call so King Jack versus King 10 let's go to the flop and the flop is a taste King 10 to pay for Feroz Davis got two kings and a gutshot straight throwing checks for eyes with kings and tens it's kind of bad 320,000 out flopping Taylor but Taylor it's going nowhere yeah he's gonna get stubborn second vest and a straight drop gotta make this call this is getting dramatic we're going to the turn and the turn is a jack how do you like that Taylor down with two pair gives Taylor the best and both players fearful their opponent might have a queen in their hand which would give them a straight so they both check down to the river 7 and Taylor he's got to think it's good here vets after frost checked on the turn you put in a value better to just say the heck with it this guy could be slow playing the Queen no he was the value about 520 pretty good value bet over a half million gutsy for Isaac got two pair and you have to know your opponent's not gonna bet two aces on the river here whoo Feroz makes the call not crazy about this call what can your opponent have you can beat that he can bet on the river Wow curiosity kills Feroz right there pays it off to the chip leader Taylor par as he extends his chip leader you see they're looking for eyes his face says it all gosh yeah threw me on a turn I've been saying for years that if there's one tournament I could pick to win it would be this one I'm about a this is my hometown if there is a tournament I'd wanna win it would be this one San Jose California of my hometown playing they were no one shooting stars I love this tournament it would me to win this event San Jose is my hometown so this tournaments always special I am gonna take it down one year I'm out here guiding for a reason and that's to win and OPP tied up I feel like I've accomplished a lot in the poker world and that's the one thing I haven't done the W Player of the Year back in season 8 also one or two remaining bounties left in this tournament well he's a great guy very stylish Faraz Jaka can he do it here tonight the andes are going up to 10,000 the blinds of 30 is 60,000 action on Faraz quick fold by him 120 there's the other bounty right there so realm is he from Canada gonna raise it up here with king queen of spade 120,000 into isaac baron who's got a king 8 of clubs he's gonna get aggressive with it he raises to 275 Jake out Taylor out but sorrell going nowhere he's made the call so these two guys will compete king queen versus king 8 and the flop is a king can deuce and both players of flop King Sorrell has him out kicked some ground checks after three Bennett's before the flop Isaac checks on the flop they go check check seven of diamonds on the turn so well must think he's in front right now serella is in front and he does make the bet 375 but he is gonna be cold by Isaac how can you not call a top payer here got to do it River card for diamonds desk put three diamonds on the board but be a backdoor flush if somebody made him what's the real going all-in with two kings just feels like they're the best and in fact they are but now if you're an Isaac seat you checked out pair on the flop Wow what do you do here tough decision for Isaac Barron he's we bent before the flop the guy called I bet to turn he moved in on the river Isaac Barron with a decision right now she makes Sorrell rich this is now a guy you want to double up here [Applause] Isaac lays it down what a good lay down by him real Mitty takes down that pot it's a you blow watch the champion will take home what a great timepiece that is and there's the WPT champions cup and the bread all go on this champion tonight 1.2 million as great as all these players are none of them ever won a WPT title actually not for us pair of fours for Faraz he says all in Sorrell and Isaac go away Jake Paisley a former college basketball player and coach look sounds to tens I've had a couple of nice game winners in my career and I always wanted to take that last shot I want the burden be on my shoulders he goes over the top ball in Taylor out and they're gonna show the hands it's a showdown whoaa Jaffe Rutten is plenty Jake Paisley on here well it's tens and fours it's Highway Patrol if Feroz doesn't win we'll be over and out for him Matt you ready for your line there's Matt savage circling the table like a vulture here's the flop flops not good for 4/7 reduce the five ball so much potential Faraz needs help easy to catch a four to take the lead or two runners to make a straight otherwise he'll be our fifth place finisher no sir was not a sir do I look like an auditor yeah for crowd on its feet here comes the turn an ace to six or a for now is what Feroz needs to stay alive it was cool calm and collected let's go to the river will Feroz stick around it is a jack Jake baby the former basketball player not only makes the shot he gets an n1 for knocking out a bounty at this to forget t-shirt it's 2,500 for the bounty it's just so much more than just the cash and the prize or I'll cash money at the table to make you look like a boss bounty it's ego it's all about that Feroz always a gentleman though gives the t-shirt thank you you guys make it legit at 25 I didn't count well Faraz Jaka one of the classic players season eight WPT Player of the Year gonna take home two hundred sixteen thousand let's go hear a story Frost not really what you were looking for tonight how disappointed are you I mean I'm disappointed that I didn't win didn't go further but at the same time I'm happy with my play when do you think we'll see you take one of these down you know I'm not gonna stop playing these anytime soon so hopefully at another event this season all right I'm sure we'll see you back with Faraz Jaka out in 5th place it's the final four going after the title when the Bay 101 shooting style continues tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour [Music] hey everyone I'm Jeannie I'm cat and we're here at Bay 101 where the fans are gathering to watch let's go see what they have to say about poker and club WPT and where are you from do you watch often yes all the time we like Garrett Greer and I love Jo Ciroc someone has a crush true true have you ever heard of Club WPT all right you play on it yeah you should go on Club WPT calm because it's free to play I'm gonna give away $100,000 in cash and prizes every month you can actually win your way instead of turn them in by going on Club WPT and playing perfect you can even play against me now what do you think about that I don't know if I can beat you and win I'm gonna go on Club WPT and win I'm gonna go on Club WPT and win I'm gonna go on Club WPT and I'm gonna win with $100,000 where the cash and prizes up for grabs every month isn't it time you got the game yourself visit club wapt.com and play unlimited poker for fun and for free all right we're back here on the World Poker Tour at the Bay 101 shooting star the chip leader right now Taylor par 8.5 million youngest guy at the table is doing it right now action on the chip leader Taylor par looks down at h2 soft suit that's good enough to raise gonna make it a hundred twenty thousand ago Sorrell out Isaac not gonna play and now Jake Paisley looks down at a queen nine he's got money in there he will make this call defending out of the big blind and a good defense it looks like so far as it comes Jack nine six Jake making two nines and checks Taylor checks right by and they've turned card Taylor picks up deuces they're okay they're well aware that those kind of middling cards could possibly help his opponent Jake bets on the turn here with the two nines but Taylor is gonna make the call with the two deuces 150,000 okay and the river card is an ace deuce oh man that gives Taylor two pair aces of deuces how good is Taylor runner at this final table ace on the river to give him the best hand take his kind of check and here comes Taylor 420,000 shakes into himself with this guy really cold on the term with just a sigh I'm gonna pay him off my two nines but he's not gonna like the result he knows he was out drawn on the river there not a good feeling yep yep no apology though by Taylor that is poker that's the way you do it Taylor extends the chip lead very cool calm and collected very logical bet all right we're going to felt sorrell with a quick fold now isaac with king queen and he will move it to 135 to go Jake busy looking down at pocket kings because he's picked up pocket kings draft Kings will put $1,000 into his draft Kings account as we raised tailors out Isak calling good luck Kings versus King Queen and the flop is for four deuce no help for Isaac Jake come out with a bet swinging away at 3:25 now I think is making the call with king queen I know he's got the Queen of Hearts working back to her flush but maybe he's just calling the flowed hear the phone whatever checks he's gonna bet he the clubs on the turn 600 and Jake is gonna continue to pound away 600,000 with the kings [Applause] and if your AIESEC do you get the memo yes you do as it gives it up Jake Paisley take it down that pot for the former hoopster the like in that one you see the chip lead of Taylor par 9.1 million in chips Isaac Barron in second with five million Jake Paisley and third with 4.4 million Sorrell mitzi the Canadian down to 2.5 right back out and we go it's gonna be on shake picking up King nine and just won the last pot so gonna raise this one makes it under and 20,000 to go Taylor par with a queen 5 look at this event I know is the chip leader I know he's on the button he's got position I know is aggressive I guess you had holes up and you just three bet on the button with the queen five offsuit into the short stack Sorrell who has a king queen Sorrell it's the best and it's been raised and re raised in front of him but look at this serella it's got a four bet here with a king queen and it's the best hand Isaac out Jake out now just an incredible feel by Sorrell and my opinion psyche he could read both his players and their weakness Taylor can't play it is for bet with that hand to take it down well done by Sorrell this episode of the World Poker Tour is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports then you can love daily fantasy sports at draftkings go to draftkings.com enter promo code WPT and start playing today [Music] I don't know what it is in the water here in San Jose but the fans here are more excited than any place in the world that I've traveled to and I've been all over Europe Australia you name it and this place right here in San Jose they just look to poker and poker professionals in any unique way and I think a lot of that has to do with the effort that Bay 101 is made Rebeck the bay 101 is tons of fun coming in as a bounty it creates a totally new dynamic they do a really great job of rolling out the red carpet for the player Daniel posed them with fans yeah welcome back to world poker tour four players remain and Mike I remember when you and not only the bounty but you made the final table here well I did that was a lot of fun we've got one bounty left in this tournament that's a real Mitzi from Canada but either part or chip leader right now with eight point eight million Isaac barrel at about five million in second Jake Paisley and third four point two and sorrell has now crossed the three million chip mark don't count him out action on Isaac quick fold by him and Jake Baisley 120 that's gonna make it 120 to go with a Jack ten and it's on the button raise it up Sorrell gonna defend out of a small blind it's got one of those little seductive hands four or five of Spades let's see if he gets lucky with it now flop is queen three do Sorrell with the open end straight draw he's gonna check comes the continuation bet by Jake Shirelles gonna play will he check raise he or no just gonna call just hoping to hit the magic card he's straight can he do it no King of Hearts well that gives Jake an open straight throw Sorrell is checked so both players drawn to an opening straight one the lowest rate one the high straight right now jake has the best hand with Jack high but because he's got that draw he's firing another bullet 375,000 tougher to draw that baby straight now so Jake applying more pressure and Sorrell doesn't want to take the risk doesn't want to gamble by the way this guy is a big gambler in real life loves the action I've basically dedicated my entire life to playing poker that's all I've been doing the last ten years I went to the Army Reserves when I was 16 and I did learn discipline but unfortunately as soon as I left most of that know went out the window I've been very blessed in that I've had a lot of really big scores through my poker career but I've also had a very hard time keeping that money I'm really hoping I could have a big result here so I could prove to myself that I can hold on to money and that you know I'm not just this raging degenerate Sorrell certainly with another big chance to make a nice score tonight over 1.2 million goes to the winner here he looks down at ace five offsuit he's gonna raise it up here makes it a hundred and thirty thousand to go Isaac out Jake now with a pair of sixes he will make this call Taylor gonna take a rest let these two compete for it a spy versus pair of sixes flop comes King five deuce rainbow surrealist flop middle pair with top kicker shakers checked it Sorrell and he is kind of bad yeah 140 bet yeah but jake hasn't beat with two sixes he's gonna make the call and we are going to the turn and another five hits that makes three of a kind for Sorrell what a card now he's hoping his opponents got a king in his hand so he'll keep playing with him Jake is checked so we're not gonna fire yet again like 375,000 at the point but Jake knows they can only be the bluff but he thinks the sixes might be good he has made the call river card is a three of hearts changes nothing again Jake checks the sixes Sorrell now what's the right increment so you get your sucker to call 725 pretty hefty bets will that be the number because it's such a big bet jake has that look in his eye or behind the sunglasses I should say that maybe the guy's bluffin nope he's gone out Jake gives it up and turns out it's a good lay down Sorrell Mitzi taking on that pot and climbing up the chip leader board Northern California is home to some of the best and brightest poker players in the game and now a new rising star is hard at work on the felt putting her a new business plan into action I am a go-getter if I decide to do something I'm at at 100% I opened six yogurt shops in Northern California that was a huge just like learning experience for me with that I was able to sell and earn some money and I just decided all right get right in jump into poker and give it a full time shot and Here I am I think that I'm a risk-taker and business is a risk and so is poker you definitely have your downfalls and you just have to keep a positive attitude and build yourself back up you can never be 100% happy unless you win it but I am super proud of myself that I made it this far I haven't won that title yet but I'm going to I know I'm going to pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it [Music] get yours today at monster products.com slash WPT enter code WP t25 to get your special discount we are right across the street from the bay 101 and the girls are gonna play we've got Mike Sexton out here I'll tell you get worn out walking across the street to get here we're gonna hear a little music out of the monster superstar speakers they're fantastic okay we're about to play some basketball big deal like shockingly decent [Music] well is an absolute miracle no but you were pretty good Mike well thank you Vance but we know you're the real player of the group but how about the girls Jeannie and cat they play very tough very competitive you were terrific okay the antes are 10,000 blinds up to forty and eighty thousand here we go actually on Taylor par chip Bader looks down at two fours I'm gonna raise it under the gun here 160,000 to go into Sorel so well this time has just a jack eight of clubs he's gonna three bet on the button with this hand against the chip leader 380,000 Isaac out and shake now with the pretty ace queen 880 Wow he's gonna reap off what good timing by him eight hundred eighty thousand by Jake Paisley here tailor mucking the force very quickly Sorrell going away so a good play there by Jake the hoopster in stroke right now events you know if he was a college ballplayer great competitor Jake Paisley now lives in Cincinnati Ohio Isaac Barron you're looking at there also well known for his three-point shooting maybe those guys should get out on the court and settle this quick fold by Isaac Jake won't play now Taylor's just about three very strong eight ten of diamonds and it's the Battle of the blinds here and there's the race two hundred thousand to go Sorrell with age three he is gonna make this call and then there was Taylor cut button raised with any two cards so it calls him with the ace high here and the flop is a 9910 that's beautiful for Taylor he flops two times with ace kicker and he's reaching out for betting chips 215,000 Sorrell of course knows this guy would make a continuation bet with any two cards so he's gonna call him with the ACE I Taylor didn't hit you might think Shirelles hanging around with mid cards like that deuce of Spades on the turn and there's the pummeling though of Taylor saying you're not gonna get off cheap no free cards Sorrell has to go away so many times you call somebody on the flop just thinking they're continuing betting but when they bet again on the turn you reflect that strategy-wise fold by Sorella these are up to fifteen thousand blinds 5100 action on the Canadian Sorrell former army man now it dedicates his life to poker he's got a nice hand he's 10 of spades and it's gonna put 18 big blinds here flowing and he's going all-in with him Isaac behind him with a pair of fours has folded now Jake again with the ace Queen just for bed at a minute ago to 880 with ace Queen that worked for him on daddy go he's gone all in here Taylor ejects they turn it up there's a Sorrell in the deficit here Jake babes the out in front with the kicker ace-queen versus age ten realm it sees tournament life on the line he's the last bounty left in this tournament no one out of ten known at once paid all right I'll take Sorrell gets up on his feet the superstar rail birds we've all loving this moment here at they 101 little sweat let's do this don't do the clean floor for looking to get his name match on that champions cup must suck out here to do it is he dominated his opponent a moment ago Jake now at the out draws opponent needs a queen or Jack looking a little punchy after that flop but things can change on the turn and now there's four spades as well Jake must get you Jack or queen that's not a spade to win this pot all right fine it's to Jake's out away from him okay now Jake a huge underdog on the river card let's see what appears it's a nine of diamonds so well we'll double up after all going in with the worst coming out with the best four players remain at the bay 101 lots of celebration and partying on the World Poker Tour they 101 continues here four handed poker Jake Paisley emotionally drained that's just look at him at the table in this posture he had been in a strong second chip position with three players left and his ease between BT 810 and now he's got to bounce back from four players left big jump in prize money right now next couch it's 310,000 but third place 460 1000 second place $700 in the winter force gets over 1.2 million so the demonstra tween fourth in first place is 900 thousand that is a big big big jump as we know anything can happen in the short hand poker game including a pair of nines for Isaac that's what he's got let's see what he does yeah make it two hundred thousand total Jake that with Queen nine of clubs will not play that Taylor a big chip leader with a king Jack oh wow he's gonna raise five fifteen total sorrell out much painters got almost half the chips in play with four players left and three bits adhere to five hundred and fifteen thousand on that's four million yeah Isaac not backing down moving all in with the two nines yeah Taylor can't take that heat Isaac will win how'd you learn how to play this Taylor part just come on with the top of him take the pot back away from me well it helps when you have a pair of nines to to do it so it's gonna work for him right there actually back on Taylor let's take a look at his card say Queen eight well he is relentless vets most people just throw this hand right away under the gun Taylor gonna raise it to 200,000 Sorrell behind him with just a four deuce yeah most players would throw this away too especially if it got raised in front of 460 but sir Ella's got a three bet here with the four dudes he is gonna take a shot with absolute zip and pip well he knows Taylor lost the last pot he knows he three bets light and raises light so he's just kind of three bet him here even though he's just got a four deuce everyone has to fold nice play by Sorrell it's a Canadian who's he suck got to stay alive and a lot of times you say to yourself you know if I get lucky like that this could be my night I'm gonna take it down that's not just luck it's making it happen you have four deuces and to take a pot like that that is playing poker okay to the action this time he's got a suited connector eight of clubs that kind of hand you'd like to see a flop with he's gonna raise it up to 200,000 here Isaac Baron from Menlo Park California a local here he's got King ten and he's gonna raise folks just look at the hands these people are three betting with time and time again at this final table King jack off suits four deuce off suit King tens so you can tailor go out and Shirelles gonna call we're gonna go to the flop it's a queen ten deuce mozzarellas got a gut shot straight draw back to a flush draw he's gonna check Isaac with tens just over 1.1 million in the pot Isaac gonna bet 375,000 into Sorrell inside straight draw whoa when your opponent calls you with this kind of board you think they either have a straight draw for Queens of the week kicker maybe two tens also well Sorrell could not connect five of Spades on the turn so he's got nothing he checks again but Isaac's gonna slow down and check as well go into the river seven of Spades that's a great card for Isaac there because there was no straight possibility after that flop go check check Sorrell just wave as a white flag why not betting on the river just says you take this pot and Isaac happy to take it now the Isaac Baron came to this final table as the chip leader nothing much has gone right for him but maybe winning that pot will put a little pep in his step again there are 100,000 reasons to love club wapt.com because there's a club WPT VIP you get the chance to win a share of $100,000 in cash and prizes every month club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed there are many ways to play a hand and perhaps even more ways to dissect it standing by is Tony Dunst ready to break it down tonight our final table is comprised of five of the best young players in the game the only amateur to make the final table was Ravi sundar who is eliminated at the end of the last episode when he was caught bluffing for his entire stack he tried to make a move to win that pot he just got picked off by the top row and while his bluff didn't work watching Ravi play made me wonder if you're the least experienced player at the table is the best strategy to stay out of the fray or shoot back at the professionals let's break it down after watching Robbie's hand against Taylor par it's clear he believes in shooting back Taylor raises the cutoff with five eight and Ravi called on the button with ace eight a hand that most professionals would opt to raise her full Sorrell Mizzy made the call in the big blind and the players went three way to a jack six five flop Taylor bet out with bottom pair and Ravi made another loose call with ace high and no drop Sorrell actually had the best hand and over called the flop with his top pair every player checked when the six paired on the turn leading to a five on the river which put two pair on the board Sorrell checked for a third time and Taylor made a bet with his full house just seconds later Ravi announced all-in monitor Sorel could be folded and tailor was left with the nauseating decision although I wasn't a fan of how Robbie played the early streets his River Bluff is pretty interesting it's a credible line to take with six is full and Kaler knows that Robbie is loose enough preflop that he can call with many hands that contain a six he's crazy and crazy means you you can always win I think what really prevented Robbie from winning this hand was his stack size if he had another half million to start the hand I think his all-in probably wins the pot instead Taylor was getting such a great price with his hand that he eventually made the call high call yes I so let's revisit our original question should Ravi be shooting back at the pros absolutely because if you're always tight and tough tables your opponents will know better than to pay off your bets Ravi's Bluff might not have worked this time but if you're making bets that give pros its reaction thank your bully then you're giving yourself a chance to win well Robbie did show a lot of heart there but the top Pro Taylor par picked him off like a cherry on a tree thought it was bluffing and he was but I tell you something I missed that Robbie was a spectacular player takes all kinds of risks you just love action junkies ah he was great Jake Paisley now he's 6 they're not gonna play it Taylor with Jack 10 he's the chip leader and he will certainly play this on the button in position with chips aggressive player gonna raise it 200,000 Sorrell out and now Isaac Baron with a king 9 sometimes you hate to call raise with King 9 off suits out of position against chip leaders but gets extremely aggressive players like a tailor for is when he's got chips you just have to make a stand sometimes or they will just push you all around fluff is a queen Queen 3 Isaac gonna check and Taylor par now nothing on the flop he doesn't care 180 is bet gonna make the continuation bet what a call here by Isaac just call him with King high knows Taylor can be raising with any two cards continuing with any two calls him with King I'll hit the King on a turn to take the lead now the wrist three spades out there now this also gives Taylor an open-ended straight draw well most people once they made that draw I'd be happy just to get it but Taylor is gonna bet again yeah 450 for the call by Isaac so Taylor now knows he's got something here's the river card six of clubs Isaac's gonna check Taylor wisely checking behind him Isaac Barron having some heart their eyes are gonna win the pot with two kings there's Isaac's mom in the audience very excited for him I think love sports has special talent for three-pointers in basketball he says Mike I'm banishing see him at Jake get on the court and shoot it out wouldn't it Jake Paisley of course by the division two basketball was a basketball coach but Isaac says I've got a knack for shooting threes we can shoot a little bit if you like in fact the game Taylor this time with at a Stein of clubs it's got over 8.4 million in chips he's gonna raise this to 200,000 Serrell awful-looking nine six last time swear I was on the button III bet with a four deuce he won the pot with that here he's gonna free bet with a nine six offsuit is a madman makes it 450 to go with a 96 out does gotta love this and Isaac goes out and now it's on come on Jake Paisley he goes all in with ace Jack I'm all in for bet with ace Jack you just don't see it very often that is knowing your opponents raise light and three bet light Taylor has to go out and sorrell with an awful hand he releases that as well what action we are seeing what aggressiveness beautifully done and with that we conclude our second hour of coverage from the bay 101 casino in San Jose California be sure to join us next time when we will crown a champion in the thrilling conclusion of the bay 101 shooting star for Mike Sexton Vince Van Patten Tony Dunst Matt Savage the Royal Flush girls and everyone at the World Poker Tour I'm Lynn Gilmartin see you next time on the WPT the World Poker Tour is sponsored by Club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed there will be a champion at the bay 101 shooting star tonight [Music] like a million bucks [Music] tonight in San Jose California hooker destiny is written in the stars hi everyone and welcome to WPTZ coverage of the bay 101 shooting star I'm Lynn Gilmartin now this has been an exciting final table and we are so close to crowning a champion as the remaining players take aim at the 1.2 million dollar first-place prize joining me to call the action our two stars in my vault Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten well and what we're hoping for is an epic conclusion to this fantastic tournament four players left fighting it out for this title the three chip leaders came in they're still in first second third chip position have been a reversal though Taylor part is now the chip leader events we have one shooting star left let's not forget the Canadian Sorrell mitzi he is very exciting and I'll tell you some of these are four highly regarded players that have made a ton of money in the game of poker battling for this great championship thanks gentlemen play he's about to stop back up so let's check the chip counts and get down to the table there you see this grill chip count Taylor far out in front seven point eight million Isaac Ferran in second with six point one Jake Paisley with three point nine Sorrell Mizzy with three point two million in the winners gonna take home over one point two million second place seven hundred thousand Danny's are gonna start a fifteen thousand lies are 50 and 100 let's go to the filled tale a par with a pair of fours Taylor the chip leader as the to four is gonna raise it makes it two hundred thousand ago the Canadian Sorrell myths he goes out and now Isaac Barron Isaac's a local he's 27 years old what a tough player and look he's get those plaques out Wow 550,000 these bet and those yellow flax worth on a thousand each purple chips are 25,000 Reds or 5000 chickpeas that goes away and now tailor will make this call and it's got the small pair is looking to flop before where my bus this guy a pair of fours versus King nine of clubs here we go and the fluff is an ace ten six of clubs it's all clubs fantastic for Isaac Barron flopping the nuts the stone-cold nuts as we say and checks him he does that cuz he knows this guy's very aggressive and my bet here at Taylor doing just that he is gonna bet the two fours 480,000 do you race or just call here it's the okey-dokey call as you like to say men on you never touch it raise there when you have the nuts so tunes going off in his head let's go to the turn now the queen of clubs comes on off so this gives Taylor a flush as well but not like Isaac's who's got the best hand possible nice it's gonna try to trap again he checks Taylor too wise for that checks last card coming up jacket diamonds comes off the kha'zix our lead out here no he's gonna check again but even if the guy had a straight he's gonna check here with four clubs on the board Vance yeah they both check he might have got paid off at he bet because Taylor did have a club by making that nut flush Isaac barriers retaking the chip lead in this for Hannah battle he left some money on the table right there though for sure but let's go right back down to it so on Sorrell from Canada and Sorrell is 28 years old has King knighted diamonds and he will race makes it 200,000 to go Isaac going out over check Paisley he looks down at Ace 9 on the button 1 the last pot and he will pop it to 330 total Taylor out and Jake will take that win just like that take it when you can what an aggressive a bunch of players we have here talented the a nice going up to 20,000 blinds us 60 120 at this point actually on Jake Paisley meant seemingly every pot is three bet or four bet before the flop by these guys are all very aggressive players Jake going out no Taylor with the Queen 9 of clubs he makes a 240 sorrell out and how Isaac with a Jack 10 and he's gonna make the call out of the big blind this is Isaac's 12th WPT cash first bottle table impressive here tonight and the flop is a 10 8 6 so he has hit tens I think with top pair is checked the two chip leaders at the table the two youngest players at the table fighting it out here Taylor with a two-way straight draw he's gonna bet 285,000 a quick call by Isaac with top pair turn card deuce Isaac checks top pair and with the two-way straight draw Taylor fires 555,000 at him [Applause] and again Isaac is making the call with the top hair down to the river we go is Taylor gonna hit no ace comes off and there's three diamonds out there and again Isaac checks attainted powers going for a three barrel Bluff events Wow 1 million two hundred and fifty they bet on the semi-bluff on the flop in the turn and now in the river it's the stone bluff what a nice cultist would be by isaac but what a bet by Taylor I mean it's just tough to put 1.2 million in there on two tens in this pot when the guy has raised before the flop at the flop at the term bet the river boom-boom-boom your hand decreases every time he bets and Isaac is gonna lay this down tear apart is relentless in his aggression and it pays off for him there yeah those are two former online poker players of the year who went at it they're all for these guys cut their teeth in online poker they are tough starting out online definitely gave me a tremendous advantage in live poker because I got the fundamentals down which i think is very important when I'm playing my best I'm like not really even thinking you know I'm just kind of reacting and sake homeless like just second nature I've seen so many more hands than anyone who started playing live and just being in these positions time after time it's gonna make you a better player when you play a live tournament you're playing one tournament a week online you're playing twenty to thirty a day that's well I'm not surprised by this group making the final table I'm not surprised either they're all very talented players they all got their start online they switched over to live poker and all I'm doing very very well winners gonna take home a whopping 1.2 million back down to the money pit we go action on Isaac Barron and he will quickly fold his hand over to Jake Paisley on the button with junkie fold so it's a battle of the blinds here Taylor par and the small blind looks down their pocket kings and when you pick up two kings at a WPT final table you get $1,000 in your draft kings accounts courtesy of draft kings Taylor raises to 300 thousand but Sorrell with Jack 10 of spades quickly makes the call and here's the flop Queen 10 5 so Sorrell picks up a piece of that I could hurt him there comes a continuation vent with the two kings by Taylor 255 but Sorrell going nowhere after flop in pair of tens if he's gonna make the call go into the turn let's see if anything crazy happens no just a deuce of Hearts I can be let up in pressure with two diamonds out there two hearts and a two card straight Taylor putting in a strong 625 nothing fancy just wants to bulldoze this hand and he's done so good lay down there by Sorel against an extremely aggressive player like Taylor tough to get away from second pair of sometimes Sorrell did it wisely there there's Taylor's parents well you just don't know what the river card was gonna be so moving on yeah Jake looks down at age 10 pretty good hand in the four handed poker game 240 and he's gonna raise it makes it 240,000 to go and to Taylor who has a nice little pair pair of fives in case you're wondering how to play small payers if you watch Taylor Park just 3bet with him he's doing it 600,000 yes yes sir we'll Mitzi with a nice check long since all in Isaac out a four-bed all-in with an ace Jack offsuit second or third time we've seen that play at this [ __ ] table tonight this is knowing your opponent's good lay down by Jake may raise light and three bad light so Sorrell just moving all in with the ace Jack but he's getting looked up here by Taylor with the two fives so we have a race and Sorrell Missy's tournament life is on the line here it's a flip must win this pot to stay alive Taylor definitely priced in to meet that call makes the call and we are racing puts his bounty badge out there that's not showing a lot of confidence in winning this race Sorrell 28 years old a big action player needs to get lucky here not gonna happen on that flop as a Queen three deuce appears Sorrell he's the catching a sure jack to take the lead or two run of diamonds to run of cars to make it straight can he do it on the turn no another Queen comes out so Sorrell mitzi the Canadian down to his last card needs a sucking out otherwise it's back over the border for him here it comes he must catch an ace or a jack to stay alive it's a five of spades no look for Sorrell that's gonna do it working seroma Z out tonight in fourth place I want that savage cat okay your fire collecting the last bounty of the tournament at Sorrell goes out twenty five hundred more in cash is walloped the Canadian out in fourth place tonight it could just never really get it going to no advance yeah a great player hung around but he couldn't quite make this swim at the bay 101 out in 4th place these over to talk about savage savage with the needle interview afterwards is always needling people tough table out there today what stood in your way not winning a coin flip is definitely stood in my way I mean I got lucky earlier and I've been lucky several times throughout the tournament sometimes you lose whoops yeah 51 shooting stars you were the last one do you take any pride in that yeah absolutely I mean the shooting stars this year were very talented and to be the last one of all of them is obviously a tremendous accomplishment so I'm happy with that well that ensures that you'll be won again next year thanks Matt there's more exciting action up ahead stay tuned you won't want to miss it club WPT VIP members won over $100,000 worth of VIP packages during season 12 this season is set to be an even bigger year a club wptz.com members when your way into an upcoming WPT main event only our club wapt.com World Poker Tour is really all about trying to bring more people into the game by getting them to feel comfortable having a good time and that's what poker is about everybody loves the tournament so everybody comes into play so we have the best in the world here where else do you go and you find a bunch of guys asking for autographs with pitchers out here I mean I think it's better than the World Series here it's more fun people that play one tournament a year play the bay 1-1 shooting star and I think the staff the dealers and everybody here that works at day one makes it a place that they want to come back year after year sure right about that players love playing here they get treated great fans love them players just think this is the best tournament of the year for a lot of reasons all right down to three players and the chip leader Taylor Park quickly folding his hand Isaac Barron now with a 4-3 as made a three-hundred-thousand ago these guys are playing with air but right behind him Jake with an ace three will make this call flop King 7/3 with two diamonds they both got threes and I isn't gonna make a $300,000 bet Jake with a big kicker and the threes still just bottom pair though but all these guys know anybody raised before the flop is gonna continue after the flop whatever comes out their cheek will make this call go into the turn and an ace comes out there what a nice card there for Jake he now has aces and threes and here comes Isaac jumping right into the trap here drawing dead Jace had getting better and better $500,000 bet and quickly called big trouble here for Isaac going down to the river and his seven pairs the board now Isaac getting our chips again for glutton for punishment could snap Coco's myself a huge vet over a million Jake is winced here because he had AIDS and three his hand just got worse his opponent would time if he just had an ace in his hand because they both be playing eight seven seven with the king kicker oh he got it but he's made the car and he's going to win this fight [Applause] there's a quick break in the action so let's check out the current view blow WPT Player of the Year standings after back-to-back victories Anthony Dino has secured the top spot but who new players have moved up on the leaderboard with his cache here at Bay 101 casino once watch guerra Korea is now 16 total points and with his performance here tonight Jake Paisley has vaulted to third in the standings knocking good pals Jared Jaffee and his oka rim down a spot on the leaderboard it's definitely a little bit competitive between everyone and poker I mean it's just natural but I got a group of friends that I travel with mainly Aaron Massey Jared Jaffee though cream and when you're talking to people who've been there before and that's where you get the best information and it's just great to have multiple minds to bounce ideas off of and everyone's pretty supportive in my cash well that's what a lot of touring pros do they travel on groups they live breathe eat sleep poker discuss hands 24 hours a day where's my group I want a group all right back to the action here quick fold by Jake and now Taylor with a queen 8 and he's on the button he's gonna raise it up 300,000 it go Isaac who has a junkie a 93 but he says 700 he just blew off all his money the last pot bluffing at it and here he goes again back-to-back pots Isaac take it a shot at this the tale is not so quick to full 1.1 what poker were watching here these guys are not waiting on a hand to bed folks they are going with their gut feelings as to whether or not their opponent has a hand doesn't matter what they have Isaac MUX the hand completely discouraged I'll play there by Taylor ouch that Taylor just says he might be making a move there cuz he lost the last pot on the bluff trying to get his money back so what do you do you just come over the top of them again Taylor you're twelve point four million that is big bucks can he close it down the stretch here action on Taylor Queen 9 offsuit relentless reading through these guys like a pane of glass and he'll make it to 40 to go is it gonna take a break catch his breath a minute here now jake has picked up a stand out of the big blind and just calls doesn't rear ace yep disguising the strength of his hand hoping to have things work out on the flop let's take a look and it he's a ten nine five so beautiful flower Jake he checks that's a beautiful flop not only cuz he's got top pair top kicker because his opponents got the second pair and he's a better 260 and a quick snap call by Jake you know with top pair top kicker what a place to be in go into the turn nothing card deuce Jake checks again Tanner's putting him on some kind of drawing and Matt you just think the guy's gonna raise your back beat a flop top pair Tanner is betting this for value thinking the two nines are the best hand here 480,000 oh and again a snap call by Jake well it's just a nicely played hand so far by Jake hopes nothing crazy happens it doesn't seven of clubs and that is a possible straight card if you've checked all the way with top pair you might do it again here and it goes check check and the two tens are gonna take down this pot for Jake Paisley container a little surprised it is opponent had top pair top kicker Jake playing it unorthodox take it in the pot he's got all his friends out here three players are battling beautifully down the stretch here at the bay 101 on the World Poker Tour [Music] pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it get yours today at master products.com slash WP to enter code WP t25 to get your special discount I'm joined by out Club WP t qualifier michael williams who won his way into this tournament by playing on club WP t so michael was playing this WP t event everything that you hoped it would be it was great i was treated like royalty I got to meet some great players and I heard that you brought someone along he's very special to you yes I brought my wife my name is Denise she loves it she loves the game she loves to play and she loved being here it was wonderful it was her dream come true as with my dream and what is your favorite thing about playing on club WPT well my favorite thing is that that's convenient I can play what I want and I can win cash prizes and then here because okay I won the tournament they placed me right here right now oh thanks Michael thank you man it is great to see a husband and wife sharing a passion for poker with a monthly $100,000 prize pool club wapt.com is the place to play for so many husbands wives friends neighbors and they're all enjoying unlimited risk-free poker and you can too there's a club wptz.com where there's always a game about to start and you never lose a dime guaranteed three players left Taylor par out in front with ten point six million Jake Paisley in second with five point nine million and Isaac baron in third right now with four point six million let's go watch some play action on Isaac Baron he's got a beautiful hand Ace King 240 and he will raise goes to 240 that's the minimum raise Jake behind him with a king 9 625 oh he's gonna get fancy here makes it 625 Taylor out 1.35 there you go make it expensive Jake and now you can't be like in that hand too much anymore now it gives it up so Isaac Baron take him down that pot there's this family Isaac is a local a top player 27 years old what a shot he has tonight to become a millionaire okay a quick fold by Jake Mike the antes are going up to 25,000 blind 75 and 150 Taylor cold and Isis gonna race the 450 with nothing on and all in quickly makes Isaac's Plouffe go away Taylor lifts him with the deuces Isaac raised it thinking he didn't have much and then he moved all in Taylor did with the two deuces to take down the pot these guys are super aggressive anything can happen they play really fast top-notch poker going on here Isaac right now first actly let's look at his cards jack three of spades can't play that junk that's it play faster more ways than one and now I'm fast acting on their hands they're fast when it comes to putting chips in the pot Jake with a pretty solid East nine yeah he's just gonna disguise it just calls and Taylor with it attracted King 10 of spades also not gonna play it fast clumps of 763 shocking almost to me that Taylor did not raise before the flop of this and when there's a phone was left in but it's just like he knew but he's gonna bet here on the flop after his opponent checked but Jake quickly makes the call with the ace high turn card is an 8 that's ei the Spade you've shaken open in straight to him but it gives Taylor a gut shot straight draw and a flush draw but one thing we've learned about Taylor is he doesn't check drawing hands on the turn he bets them for 50 most guys happy to check get a free card off in this spot shake on Wow he's gonna push all in he's doing it with a sigh and a draw just over 30 well it's about 3 million more you see Taylor sort of chastising himself there a little bit slapping his hands aggravated a bet where he's gonna get possibly shut out of this pot he could have taken a free one off today or the what the rivers gonna be on TV hey watch the rabbit hot can I can i bribe him to show me that means he's not gonna call this otherwise he'd see that guard he is laid it down what a play by Jake Paisley there and of course we can rabbit hunt let's take a look at that whole card to see whether he would have been lucky oh my goodness a seven of spades River he did knock them out we don't we playing heads up Mike good drop horrible outcome tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour well numbers gonna call him 10 nominee is gonna be our champion air vents [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now there you see the former champions of this event the three remaining players would love to add their name to that winners list Taylor par our chick leaving axes on Taylor and kidnap those raising chips it appears yes he'll make it four hundred thousand ago Isaac out and now Jake with a four three of diamonds he's going to defend out of the big blind with the suited connectors and the flop is a king queen 7 but there's two diamonds that gives Jake a four flush he checks it Taylor of course gonna make a continuation bet as he does every single time doesn't matter what comes out there whether it hits him or not and here he's betting 225 thousand not a big bet into a pot that's got 950 thousand in it and Jake quickly calls let's see if you get hit a diamond no with the deuce of spades again Jake Jax Taylor too smart for that he checks as well let's see if a diamond happens now no seven pairs the board well the only possible way Jake could win this pot is to bet at it I see he's doing it right here five hundred fifty thousand with four high going out on a limb Tanner has nothing he has Jack I but look at this fence he's getting out raisin chips here he's not gonna call the jack eye he's gonna raise with it well this would be another bold play by him if he should finish it yes he is gonna raise he's representing he's got three sevens there and he takes down that pot but how about both of these guys bluffing on the river vents WPT champion Jerry Jaffe tells pole bopi to keep it down to his golf club but someone who is not so quiet he's Tony Dunst ready to give us his thoughts on tonight's play in the raw deal in the early years of televised poker it seemed like bluffing was always talked about as a battle of egos it's about applying pressure to your opponent's bullying them out of pots and becoming the table captain but in reality morphine is more technical than psychological and making good Bluffs means understanding hand ranges and board textures let's break it down it's obvious the Taylor par plays an aggressive game but it's a form of controlled aggression and he's not blindly trying to win every pot and when Taylor makes a bluff he picks situations where he has equity and can plausibly have the hands he's representing first there was Taylor's triple barrel against Isaac Baron Taylor flopped a straight draw against Isaac's top pair and fired both the flop and turn the river brought an ace which completed the backdoor flush draw and Taylor fired a third barrel at that point there's several hands he bet for value like two pair sets straights and flushes there's not much Isaac can do but for because most of the time he calls in that spot he'll be paying off a better hand then Taylor made another River Bluff this time against Jake Paisley Taylor bet the flop with air then checked behind in a brick turn the river brought another seven which is the least likely pair for Jake to call the flop with as it turns out Jake has a bust to draw himself but when Jake bet the river 50 Taylor Made arrays designed to represent a 7 that's an additional benefit to making these types of plays sometimes you're not even bluffing you're just preventing yourself from getting bluffed so the bluffs the Taylor makes are based on the hand range he puts other players on and the way the board runs out not some arbitrary desire to bully his opponents but all that aggression has made him the de facto table captain so he'll just need to lose hoody and add a hat tailor part definitely the table captain so far tonight at this final table there you can see he's well out front fourteen point three million Isaac very three point seven Jake Paisley three point one the plaza going up to one and two hundred let's take a look at Taylor's cards holy mackerel para kings and that means another thousand dollars of the draft Kings account he's gonna raise the four hundred thousand it go on well I think he's got an ace high here moving all in Jake with East nine before don't think you can Cohen the guys raised never guys moved in he goes out and of course the inste call there by Taylor with the real hand the pair of kings you know Tanner's just been raising and three betting consistently at this final table with no hands now he's finally picked up two kings Isaac in trouble here he's too sorry man sorry yeah Heidi's nan Taylor pretty big favorite right now Isaac squirming in his seat can Isaac get lucky not there eight seven four does give him a few more outs though yeah it flaps a good shot straight draw any five will give him a straight ace will give him the lead Taylor still out for this Isaac's mom praying friend of the poker guides here she knows her son needs help let's even get it he needs the long shot to come in let's take a peek even though Jake both of the nays he found one on the turn to take the lead it's not over Isaac not jumping for joy yet he knows his opponent could catch a king to beat him there's Taylor's parents down to the river we go and now Isaac the big favorite the something stupid happens but it does it three of hearts on the river I is it gonna take this one no how ironic is poker Vance Taylor's have been raising the rear eizan all night with nothing now I picked up two kings and doubles up with an opponent with them we've still got three players left fighting for this title this episode of the World Poker Tour is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports and you can love daily fantasy sports and draftkings go to draftkings.com enter promo code WPT and start playing today welcome back to the World Poker Tour with the Bay 101:3 players for me hail apart the chip leader with 9.5 million Isaac Barron right on his heels Oh with 9.3 Jake Paisley with just 2 point 3 got to get moving let's go to the felt Jake Baisley on the short stack picks up ace 5 of clubs and he's gonna push all in Taylor out and isaac baron caught with a pair of Queens what a time to get him quickly calls of course these five versus Queens thank you with all the bad luck Jake Paisley's had so far in these showdown battles maybe we'll get some good luck here he's do can we bring that other dealer in the báb you doing let's see what happens but oh there's an ace right like that ace nine three just a grateful hop for Jake Jake out flopping Isaac Jake's and finally I get a break but it's not over still going to dodge a queen this would be the ultimate pain for him now if a queen comes up it comes the turn will it be a queen no it's a deuce of diamonds say for Jake and Isaac looking completely discouraged to pick up Queens in a 300 poker game and be way behind river card can it be the miracle queen no it is not deuce of clubs appears through 23:15 Jake Paisley it's gonna double up to stay alive we still have three players left yeah I get seven and Benson back to back hands we saw Taylor par with two kings Lou's doing a six now we see Isaac wearing two queens lose to an ace five Isaac quickly throws away his handshake just doubling up got a decent king 70 clubs he's got some chips now and he just limps in and calls out of the small blind with King seven of clubs that's never gonna fly against this guy especially owners got a real eye on Taylor with the very attractive ace tennis bades so he's gonna raise it 525 total Oh Jake is pushed in an instant call with ace 10 Wow Jake babes I just fought to get ahold of jumps he could get them all back right here crowd completely silenced here come the first three there is an ace deuce deuce beautiful flip for Taylor miss King is burning let's peel Jake it's gonna have to hear two running sevens or two running kings to win this pot nothing else will do for him they could come deuce deuce they would split the pot shaking a whole heap of trouble as we go to fourth Street it's a nine of clubs wow that's gonna wrap it doesn't matter what the river card is Jake a super tough final table how intense was that three handed battle seemed like oh never end the worst hand just kept winning it's just really tough when you're up against two good opponents and it's got to try your hardest what's your take on this heads-up battle Isaac and Taylor to the best players around I think it could last a while they're pretty deep and they're very knowledgeable so could also end quick though they're pretty aggressive so who knows all right thanks again see you walks away with over seven-figure payday at the bay 101 shoe store we'll cut it right back [Music] [Music] [Applause] the heads-up battle is about to begin at baby 101 casino between Isaac Barron and Taylor PHA Royal Flush girls Jeannie and Kat have brought out the money these two are playing for Plus a pair of monster 24k headphones and an exquisite new boy watch to be awarded this nice champion before play get started check out the conversation I had with both players Isaac how sweet is it to be heads up for WPT title in your own backyard yeah it's amazing I mean I could never have dreamed of it I've been wanting to do well in this tournament forever and add my friends and family here supporting me it's unbelievable now how are you gonna overcome Taylor's cheap late I mean he's playing really well I'm gonna have to get some luck but I mean I like my chances all right well good luck all right Thank You Taylor yourself an Isaac seemed to have been going at it throughout this entire final table is it any surprise that the two of you are now heads up for me no not really coming in especially with the way that ships were there are lots of good players but I thought coming in he was taking myself out of the equation the best player so I'm not surprised at all heads up battle begins there you see the chip counts of the players Taylor par out in the front thirteen point four million Isaac Barron with seven point seven million the winners gonna be taking on over 1.2 million here we go action Owen Taylor he's got ace 5 why it's a 1 and 200 I'm certainly gonna raise with this hand makes it 400,000 to go Isaac gonna splash around with a 10-6 defending out of the big blind it cost him a half a bet in the flop he's 10 3 they both have some of that Taylor of course out in front with aces Isaac checks it makes a continuation bet as he does every time doesn't matter what comes up nice things gonna stick around and pay him off going to the turn juice doesn't help Isaac and he checks again Taylor with aces there he's gonna slap out Wow 800 and Isaac not believe it I'm gonna pay him off at this point Isaac in a bit of trouble here river card five of spades there's a four curve possible straight on the board Isaac checks again potatoes got aces and fives now and Taylor pillaging ahead that's 1 million 250 very hefty and Isaac knows now I can beat a bluff you've seen Taylor to it a lot tonight oh but Isaac's gonna lay this down turns out to be a good lay down but Taylor par increases his chip lead after making aces up there right back on it nine ten of hearts his type of tailor and he is getting the raisin chips out makes it four hundred thousand ago right behind him Isaac with ace nine 1 million fifty thousand well 1 million and fifty thousand is the bet now and Taylor who can afford to make this call and look at a flop does so so over 2 million in the pot h9 verses 910 when the flop is a 9 7 deuce for flush for Taylor and nines Isaac obviously with a top here with a bigger kicker I is it gonna make a bet over a billion and Taylor phone just calls here go into the churn three of diamonds comes off so Isaac out from still with top pair big kicker Isaak 0.65 well but one may is 6:50 and a snap call by Taylor he doesn't raise even yet all right I got it all in there if it have been me but Taylor par just calling here going down to the river Taylor's behind Taylor has to hit a heart or a ten it is a five of hearts Taylor Poor's made a flush now he's just gotta hope that Isaac Betts seems like he has to to me you're just not gonna put your opponent on a flush draw Paulin he's going all-in can't blaming me ask to call there's the call Taylor par is gonna win you're never getting away from top pair top kicker he's the champion first Matt savage talking to a runner up deepest run in a WPT 704 thousand dollars are you disappointed or satisfied a little bit disappointed but at the same time I'm pretty happy with the results so yeah I'm happy all right well obviously a great run here let's talk to the Bay 101 shooting star champion from El Dorado Hills California Taylor par you drove it down the middle you didn't make a bogey [ __ ] as I thought you played terrific poker outplayed everybody at this final table congratulations tell us how you're feeling right now like a million bucks I feel good like it's greatest poker accomplishment of my life beating a bunch of good players makes it that much sweeter well you played sensational no doubt about that in addition to over 1.2 million in cash you're entering to the WPT World Championship at the end of the season you've also got a pair of customized monster headphones for you that cats gonna present to you you get a beautiful you blow watch that teeny will now give you and one more time let's hear for the bay 101 shooting star champion Taylor Park [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the season of 13 Bay 101 shooting style champion from Mike Saxena Vince Van Patten Tony Dunst Matt Savage the Royal Flush girls and everyone at the World Poker Tour I'm Lynn Gilmartin see you next time on the WPT you bought me your faces in this tournament one year you know I did I didn't know that I don't understand what this is for the World Poker Tour is sponsored by Club wapt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed welcome to Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the World Poker Tour [Music] feel like a million bucks I've been a cash like sex will be so disappointed if I don't cash tonight's poker heads back down to the Sunshine State the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown good evening everyone welcome to the World Poker Tour I'm Lynn Gilmartin Hollywood Florida continues to build its reputation as one of pokers top destinations and this week players flocked from far away to show their game has no limits and to grab the top prize here at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino allow me to welcome you to Hollywood Florida and the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown who want to wish all of you the very best of luck and your quest to make it to the final table okay let's get this party underway dealers let's shuffle up and deal plays were excited to get into action on the first of three starting days including two-time WPT champion Daron Elias and season 13 ones to watch Cristian it who made the trip down south to play in this massive event I flew in a couple days earlier for this event and satellited right in so pretty excited about it whether it was the sunshine the beautiful accommodations or just the ability to re-enter if illuminated the field was in good spirits if I can write a book I can't read a book I'm gonna write up showing the crowd why he's the boss drinks we're on home town poker pro and season 12 wunst watch Danny Seward fellow season 12 ones to watch Aaron Massey had a rough day but got plenty of encouragement from some fellow pros got in bad twice today you're great I'm a great drinker according to Willie he's always been one yeah there's always tomorrow though also making an appearance or was last season's Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown champion Eric F reacts it's been said he'll be waiting for it for the last about a month or so getting the little bugs of the stomach but I think a video defender at the top of the counts was Florida based poker pro Barry hutter he ended the day with over three hundred thousand inches day one B got underway with some new faces gracing the field plus some familiar ones including to season 13 best bet bounty scramble finalists hoary Hawkman and a Jared Weinstein who are looking to make another big splash I'm feeling good very good ready makes them up with a massive field there were plenty of recreational players in the mix who proved tough work for some of the pros in the room new guys like women every hand it gets a teammate's job just don't know what's going on player after player hit the rail with some already thinking about their next bullet I'll see you tomorrow definitely see tomorrow I may be early tomorrow [Music] one player off to a huge start with WPT champion Jared Jaffee he's accumulation of chips took a detour when he went to a nearby Urgent Care on dinner break by the dedicated poker pro soon returned and was back in action last two days like my sinuses in the bothering me from the plane I was just like I couldn't even see straight which is probably why I got all these chips so I ran and got a quick Jared Jaffee survived in many ways finishing with 191,000 in chips good for seventh on the leaderboard at the top of the chip counts was Canadian poker pro Ryan rivers with over two hundred and twenty six thousand back well it's number four plenty of previously eliminated players took another shot on the final starting day but the field did include some new hopefuls I'm gonna play today if any I don't know about you but yeah you get the Miami Vice look here man even haven't shaved look good here you're stylin you fit here in Miami I get to wear this once a year Mike that's it okay local Pro and Season 13 ones to watch blad missouri ski also felt today was his day to take a shot Vince Van Patten finally decided to join the field M was promptly all in for his tournament live top hair I was weaned finn's was able to chip up throughout the rest of the day and finished with a decent stack of nearly one hundred and five thousand at the end of the day 570 entrants had registered for the final starting day with two hundred and twenty two players surviving to join the combined field on day two California poker player Alex Greenblatt finished at the top of the leaderboard with over two hundred and sixty seven thousand chips feel pretty good about my little peppy drink with me he's shifting the beers in a couple hours if I'm still around wish me luck everyone would need a little luck to make it to the end of the day we're 550 for surviving players of the three-day one starting days finally under one roof he's drawing that today against me as play get underway the official numbers were released with a 5 million dollar prize pool 150 players would make the money with first place taking home 1 million dollars plus a spot on the coveted WPT champions cup nicking the cash at the WPT would mean a lot to me it really would with Mike and Tony doing so well I haven't played too many tournaments but I think I'm overdoing it we got a gamble if I get lucky with the plan for the field to hit the money today there was no shortage of players hitting the rail while others built up monster stacks and the pressure built with fortunes on the horizon I bet a cash Mike section will be so disappointed if I don't cash down to 151 players and on the money bubble past WPT finalists and Florida native Darryl fish moved all in with pocket tens he was called by Bruce Snell holding ace king after a safe a flop a Darrell had to dodge an ace or a king to survive but a king fell on the tone to give Bruce the lead no help on the river sent Darryl home just short of the money with the bubble burst play opened up and the field began to shrink as players hit the rail including season nine ones to watch Jason Mercier season 12 WPT world champion Kevin Stallman plus two-time WPT champion Darren Elias who ended his run in 116th place hashing for a record-breaking eighth time in season 13 Darren was still in second in the you blow WPT Player of the erase to anthony zener but still had a chance to catch him with a deep run at the WPT world championship another two-time WPT champion most ensure Anja was heading in the right direction after scoring a double knockout when his full house bested the hands of Lazaro Hernandez and Steven wall on ski moseyin would end the day with eight hundred and sixty thousand in chips good for 14th on the leaderboard Texas native Brian Greene finished second in chips and at the top of the counts with Raj Bora also surviving with a decent stack with Vince Van Patten who is focused on making a deep run XIII I'm ready I need the money so Mike's excellent look for your new partner my friends today like I feel about 90% so that's you know like a normal person at about 50% day 3 was moving day at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown with 92 players remaining playing down until just 18 were left three times WPT finalist Dan hi Miller had a philosophical approach to the day ahead every day starts to turn pretty much as the fuel began to thin out several players emerged with big stacks including a local le levy poker pro Joey Banks and 22 year-old Griffin Pole just keep fighting get the right reeds and play well Vince Van Patten was having a good day despite taking a little ribbing from table mate Stephen McCoy that's the truth in every part some players who saw the end of it Hornet run on day three included WPT champions given oyster Noah Schwartz and Jared Jaffee le Levy scored a double knockout when he hit turf hair on the river for Bruce against Scott Efron and Bruce Snell le stack soared to nearly 5 million on an ace-high board Vince Van Patten shoved all in for nearly 800 thousand only to be called by Sean shark Vince would need to hit a king to stay alive but the nine of hearts on the river ended Vince's deep runs in 27th place I had a lot of thrills in the last three days there's a lot of fun I made some money it's played really well we happy with the way things turned out after an up-and-down day day to chip leader Raj Bora was eliminated in 22nd place at the hands of two-time WPT champion MOS in Tirana WPT champ Ravi Raghavan was the next player out the door at the hands of surging Shaun Shah when the field reached 18 players play concluded the night Dan high Miller found himself at the bottom of the chip counts with just 500,000 but on the other end of the spectrum the top of the counts saw a close battle between Griffin Paul in second with over 6 million and le Levy in the chip lead with close to 6.3 million the coast is starting to clear as we close in on our final six which player will make their way to the final table find out we return to the Seminole Hard Rock burger showdown tonight's episode is sponsored by you blow the official watch of the World Poker Tour this episode of the wolf Haute Couture is sponsored in part by draftkings if you like poker and sports and you can love daily fantasy sports add draftkings go to draftkings.com enter promo code WPT and start playing today welcome back to the Seminole Hard Rock of Poker Showdown where eighteen players are still vying for one of the six seats at the WPT final table on a beautiful sunny South Florida morning the remaining players gathered in the Seminole Hard Rock ballroom ready for battle day one b chip leader Ryan rivers confidence was high I don't know what a million chip Lita le leve continued to dominate early in the day knocking out season 13 LAPC seventh place finish out Vladimir Doral of ski in 18th place then to two-time WPT champions so their days come to an early end Cornell simp an in 17th place and mercy in tirana falling in 15th place there's no one more tournament Loftus seasons Florida player Andre crooks began climbing up the chip counts by knocking out two players in a road to send his stack to six point four million and although you came into the day as the short stack den high Miller proved tough to eliminate and shipped up to over 8 million when he knocked out harvey van devon in 12 in a monster pot between the two start of date ship leaders Griffin Paul moved all in on a 10 high board and was snap called by Le Loi when the cards were tabled a Griffin was a huge favorite and only had to dodge a 10 to knock le out a 7 on the river gave Griffin the 10 million chip pot and sent le home in 11th place I'm 55 to sit here in this action for three days think about it down to just 10 players that the field was combined to one table Mike Sexton stopped by to check out the action a lot of guys in my generation that we're playing this tournament a lot of them got deep but I'm looking at these final 10 I see too many old guys left what happened years continued to prevail as Griffin Paul knocked out David Peters in 10th cracking David's pocket aces with Ace King off suit after making trips on the turn then dan hi Miller's amazing comeback came to an end when he found himself at the losing end of a race against the surging Andre crooks too bad I had bad luck on the end but I had a lot of luck to get that far with one more elimination before the WPT final table was set Shawn Shawn moved his short stack all-in and was called by Griffin Paul Shawn's ace 10 dominated Griffin's King 10 but a king on the flop gave Griffin the lead which he held on to sending Shawn home in seventh place Griffin Paul would bag the chip lead heading into the final table featuring five other tough players all looking to win their first WPT title before play gets started it's now time to turn to WPTZ Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten for more insight on this final table now Vince first off congratulations on cashing in this tournament you played with some of these guys how tough was this field well then these guys were tougher than a steak at my in-laws barbecues believe you me amazing impeccable poker they played you know I didn't catch many cards really I was playing selective in emulation poker just like my man Mike Sexton taught me I was doing fine and then in the end I became Billy Bluff on my bluff top of my chips I should have been there for you well done and Mike the stakes are very high tonight with 1 million dollars going to our champion how do you think this will influence players decisions well then players are always a little nervous when they make a WPT final table their friends and family are watching they want to look good on TV and it's hard not to think about winning a million dollars but after a couple of rounds you know they settle in they focus on the game and they just play poker tonight I think you have to make the chip leaders Griffin Paul the youngest player at the table at 22 and Andre crooks the favorites but as Vince said all these guys are tough this should be a good one all right thanks guys and before the players took their seats we grabbed a quick word with a chip leader Griffin Paul I'm a little nervous to be honest but once things get going I know must play my game and adjust to the table I solid players so I'm gonna have to get through a real tough field it's a big scene out here but I'm just gonna do what I do best and hoping hope it goes my way we'll have to wait and see who will add their name to the WPT Champions Cup when coverage of the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown continues pure monster sound you have to hear it to believe it get yours today at monster products.com / WP team enter code WP t25 to get your special discount [Music] you can't get the adrenaline rush and a cash game like you can't in tournament playing for a million dollars and anything can happen to be the champion be unbelievable this is best moment in my life I played so many tournaments and been in this final table situation that I sort of know what to expect from the other players so I'll use that to my advantage whatever way I can making this WPT final table is my biggest accomplishment so far it's kind of like validating the last 10 years and grinding it out it's gonna be sick if I win that million walking under the language I feel it yeah this is my first WPT main event I was like hey you know took a shot you know if I don't they could do it why can't I I've got a little bit on intervention I think I've just felt like things are coming to me really good the last few days there's just a time that things are gonna happen and today feels like month time the WPT tale is very prestigious I believe this is the top of the pinnacle and this is where everybody wants to be I don't play for anything else at this stage of the game the money doesn't even matter I just want to win the title [Music] we started with fourteen hundred and seventy six players we are down to these six Gryphon Paul out in front with over 14 million in chips and that's what they're playing for the winner taking home 1 million dollars and also a great tan it is beautiful down here in Florida there's the you blow watch the champion will take home what a timepiece all right the Inez of 15,000 lines of 50 and 100 here we go Sean Wynn quick fold by him Brian Greene from Texas also folding as does the local Andre crooks and now Griffin Paul the chip leader he's gonna raise with a nothing hand jack 4 moves it up to 200,000 ago Joey banks out pay a 3s by Ryan rivers Brian rivers from Niagara Falls Canada and a pro for six years makes the call with two threes flop comes ace Queen Queen no help to either player action on Ryan he checks into the chip leader will he make the continuation bet yes he does 200,000 Mike Ryan gonna make the call here going to the turn the jack comes off this gives Griffin the best hand here with queens and Jack's but he's gonna check them yeah they both check going to the river and it's another Jack Jack's full for the man that was slopping around Griffin Paul yeah we're iins gonna check again Griffin it seems like a bit of a beast when you wash him and you're not seeing what hands showing down he's the one you want to worry about it's hard to tell if he's got her that's that stuff the plugins but she's got all the chest man he's kind of bad his full house here 525,000 into Ryan and then forcing it for Ryan he's now playing the board he's just gonna give it up so the rich get richer Griffin Paul the 22-year old photo out of Calabasas takes down that pot there's this family and friends they flew out from California last night to be here today pretty exciting stuff for a 22 year old all right on to the next hand Andy's are up to 20,000 blinds are 60 and 120 action on Andre crooks he's got ace 10 and he will call now back to Griffin our chip leader who's got the suited connectors and I needed clubs you always beware of the limper as they say so he's just gonna call here not gonna 3-bit next up Joe Ebanks 29 years old from Ohio won't play that Ryan will though with a six and the cup button call with the ACE I Shawn when they call him Q he's gonna make the call a small blind the big blind said let's go and Vance just like that we've got five way action Wow now that's a poker game five guys out of six is exciting here we go with the flop it's a 10-5 dus tens for andre crooks with a big kicker and a four flush for griffin Paul Cube's gonna check Brian checks top pair big kicker makes it bat 310 the question is will the chip leader raising this spot or not remember these are the two chip leaders here in this pot you know it just calls Ryan out Sean out Brian goes away so two handed now the plot thickens going to the turn and it's a king of spades no Club yeah Andre thinks his tens are good indeed they are makes it healthier bit this time 575,000 and Griffin Paul has had enough doesn't want to go for that flush falls the hand auger crooks gonna take this one down Andre owns a used car lot West Palm Beach and in car sales for ten years an online poker player for 12 he says the money is secondary to winning the title I heard that before I don't quite buy it no or hey Griffin ball now with a quick raise he has ace five he's moved it to 240 but Joey banks right behind him with a pair of kings and when he gets pocket King to the final table in the World Poker Tour draftkings puts $1,000 into your draftkings account he has raised it up to 625 fold by Ryan Shawn gets out of his way Brian Greene looks at age three won't play that Andre also folded so back on our chip leader Griffin Paul in five oh boy he's gonna raise it he is going to 1.5 doesn't believe the guy on his left he could get punished here well chosen third chip position right now but I'm guessing more chips are going in the pot here well you think he knew yourself is impossible this guy has a pair of aces if so it's just got to pay him off oh and he's gonna go all-in yeah it's going all-in you just can't give your opponent a flop in this situation especially if he's the chip leader yeah he is gonna stun Griffin Paul who invested heavily so Joey banks take it home that pot we're just getting started here at the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown stay with us we're coming back for more on the World Poker Tour this season the Royal Caribbean International Royal flash bonus Awards players who hit a Royal Flush a cruise trip for two to join WPT on our next cruise in cartoon WPT cruise calm poker is a game of both skill and luck and after winning a seat online some WPT qualifier earnest evans showed that he had both this week hearing for that I was surprised to survive day one actually I started with 30,000 and I ended the day at 12,500 there's my youth in the bagger goes neigh - was different from day one I finished with a hundred and eighty three thousand chips bag chips twice cashing in a WPT event was very exciting for me not only was I able to win some money but I was able to meet some great poker players took a free roll thank you great thing about Club WPT is what actually happened to me which is I was able to play and succeed online and that led me
Channel: World Poker Tour
Views: 326,169
Rating: 4.4712644 out of 5
Id: GBQeHl5IxTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 34sec (14254 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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