World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions 2006 Final Table [Full Episode]

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[Music] the history of the tournament of champions has been brief but spectacular there was high drama the first year as phil hellmuth fumed with annie duquan oh my god i won last year sparks continued to fly you're a punk can you ever shut up what as mike madison took down the final table [Music] now this year's final table boasts a cast of characters that promise to deliver all i know is i got 12 cute idiots to beat he's still in kindergarten the race is on for the one million dollar first place prize you got people like daniel lagreneu gus hans and mike matt so they're absolutely astonishing players i feel like i got a rush coming up ten top pros will stop at nothing to win it you know i got chips and i'm bob and i'm leaving i feel like i'm at home especially the reigning champion defense defense that's what it's all about will another pro claim this title yeah that's me or will mike the mouth make it two in a row i have only one goal in mind and it's called back to back welcome to the 2006 tournament of champions presented by sovie adrenaline rush this illustrious event has drawn a huge crowd to the rio poker room and everyone in this room is ready to watch this high-powered star-studded final table get down to business ten top players remain each looking to take home the coveted tournament of champions trophy and the one million dollar first place prize hello everybody i'm lon mccarron along with norman chad in the two years of this event the outstanding poker was nearly eclipsed by the verbal fireworks surrounding the table eventually two worthy champions were crowned annie duke then mike mataso now mike the mouth is in great shape to go back to back there are two poker games to watch tonight mike mataso against the others and mike against himself he can be brilliant and he can blow up so while he has to worry about the big stacks of daniel negrano and andrew black the biggest threat to mike the mouth sometimes is mike the mouth mike madison survived himself and the rest of the field to capture last year's million-dollar top prize andrew black is mike's biggest roadblock at this final table tonight as the dominating chip leader i'm happy when the sucker has the chips i'm no sucker andrew says i'm a buddhist ten players are left only nine will get paid andrew black leads with more than twice the number of chips as second place daniel negranu mataso is in fifth place gus hanson and chris reslock the two short stacks i might be out next time with a mike madison blow up 45 000. you're in a bad seat with crazy and crazier daniel referring to him and andrew the two big stacks to madison's left chris jesus ferguson qualified for this tournament of champions by winning a world series circuit event he will get out of the way others fold over to daniel negranu daniel with five three suited i think daniel calls ahead for suited connectors anytime he plays he will limp in the blinds at two and four thousand now to our chip leader andrew black with pocket nines you may recall andrew turned to buddhism in 1997 after he was knocked out of the main event and stopped playing poker for a while and andrew is going to raise it up to 16 000 with the pocket nines over to gus hanson he'll play any two cards but those are nice cards ace king pushes all in with those big strong arms with his final 74 000 he's all in now action on daniel bergsdorf who made the 2005 main event final table he gets out of the way see what happened raise my blind and the aggressive keto fan says don't raise my blind but he folds as does negrono it is 58 000 more andrew 58. said call he said call lon and black does make the call for the 58 000 and that means gus hanson is at risk of being the first player knocked off this final table and the first player knocked off today will not get paid so gus in danger of going home with bupkus now the flop black with a slight lead eight deuce three blacks two nines are still best a couple years ago people magazine named gus sexiest poker player alive uh-huh a queen on the turn no help to gus hanson he's got one card left perhaps in his tournament gus hanson's gonna need an ace or a king or he will go home without a paycheck river card is a jack of hearts andrew black wins a hand gus hanson eliminated from this tournament of champions in 10th place the chip leader gets that much healthier that's what you get for putting your money in bad andrew black adding to his chip lead here at this final table reminiscent of his chip lead at the 2005 main event he's going to need every one of them don't worry that's right i got to get well ahead i gotta get so far gave up that big chip lead he had at that main event well you were that far ahead of the world series i didn't think you can lose so i mean uh anything you played great the whole of the world series actually the more i think about it no one has ever played as well as you they never did you know over that kind of period of time and also for you it was the best you'd ever played so it was the best anyone ever played and it was the best you've ever played ah yeah that was amazing sorry am i upsetting you mike i don't mean to upset mike the mouth doesn't take a compliment well i think he's more comfortable being insulted gotta admit he did play well in that world series a million bucks to our winner and several ways to make this field of 27. yeah we had the 12 circuit winners from the past year the nine players who made the 2005 main event final table and six sponsor exemptions action on 28 year old daniel bergdorf from sweden king king daniel worked once at ikea and also has worked as a forklift operator he raised it up to 15 000 action on daniel negranu suited cards again queen 10. negrono once worked one day as a telemarketer it's the only time he ever had legitimate work negrono made the call the rest of the table full so these two will go to the flop bergdorf with his kings has a big lead the flop is nine jack eight and that is a flop nut straight for negronu and daniel just sitting there looking like he's waiting for his car to be washed bergsdorff now we'll bet with his kings comes out with 20 000 seeing 300 cards on the board bergsdorff takes a step down a bad road with that bet negronu is going to raise it up 30 000 more and what's going through bergstorff's mind well she said he had to like that flop because there are three cards under his pocket kings and he moves all in over 184 000 more chips yeah through those sunglasses daniel bergstar sees the darkness so negrono with a good chance to pick up a lot of chips bergsdorf needs runner runner for quad kings a full house or a straight now the turn is an eight that pairs the board scaring me like that come on don't do it four eight or a king i wanted just a three no sweat bergsdorff with a four outer now he needs a king or an eight for a full house or he is eliminated river card now it's a seven oh and that gives a scare to the granu but will not do it for berkshire knocked out in ninth place he will win 25 000 from this tournament of champions what a flop man guy got kings nothing you can do what you said did he say owen it's like yummy right you say did he say all in all in music to daniel's ears the 2006 world series of poker tournament of champions is presented by soviet adrenaline rush sustained energy for non-stop living and in part by the world's largest poker school and degree for men protects men who take risks the world series of poker tournament of champions presented by soviet adrenaline rush 27 players played in the tournament of champions i don't think i ever played this tight in my life among them were many of the game's top pros have been more interesting each fighting for a piece of the 2 million free roll prize pool i have miles to go before i sleep but this exclusive field proved too tough for most players to navigate and only the best of the best landed a seat at tonight's prestigious final table i was pretty impressed some of the players who participated in the tournament of champions but didn't make it to the final table here at the rio are watching in the crowd there you see 2005 main event winner joseph hashem i can never make denim work across the way is the man hashem beat heads up to take that title steve dannon i hope mike wins again yeah that would be cool because he'll blow all the money back in the poker community mike has been known to do that but he's got a long way to go to win this thing i know that you know that i know that's why that's why you that's why no matter how many chips you got you can't win because i know everything you know i literally i'm like thinking about it if i did lose to you it would be cause for quitting poker i told you that would be cause don't worry man i already got a doctor lined up for you man make sure you don't kill yourself you got some cocktails for me for someone to actually say that they know everything would imply to me what are you why don't you mess with him a little bit leave me alone i'm not even talking to you yeah but he doesn't he doesn't stand up like a target as much as you do andrew black's a third wheel here these two work a road show alone well andrew black may have found a way inside madison's head scary and the whole cards of chip leader andrew black blocked by a very elaborate card protector but he'll raise it up to thousand five hundred taquito fam jack three 35 years old from dallas on some dental businesses there in dallas keto put a really bad beat on joe hashem on route to winning his world series circuit title in las vegas i'm in and keto is going to move all in why wow over 131 000 chips jack three off suit why keto is aggressive well there's aggressive lawn but there's also absurd black calls him you got me this time well let's see what andrew black's cards are a7 suited he does have fan but fam's got two live cards just about anything was going to beat jack three off suit so kino at risk of being knocked out by our chip leader i told you after the third time i would move on in that's why he called you probably shouldn't told him keto not over yet that all in was preposterous it reminds me of one of my wedding proposals just not enough upside to put that much money on the line here's the flop king deuce king that misses keto fam and he blacks ace in the hole keeps him in the lead the good news for keto there is he still has two live cards he can hit turn card is a seven gives black a pair of sevens and leaves keto with slim hope yeah now keto has only one live card he can hit he will need a jack and a jack only or he is going home river card now is a 10 and kino fam is going home the chip leader knocks him off keto fam will win 25 000 for his eighth place finish and how about andy black our chip leader knocks off another player am i standing there how many tips you got now like about 1.4 million i have no idea you know how much i need to make sure i win these things 2.7 million yeah right great what'd you have last time 98 of the chips or something i've got ahead of that 30 about 33 or something like that when andrew gets 2.7 million he's got a one that's all the chips in play he is the dominant chip leader right now he told us he has to guard against getting complacent with the chip lead it leads to destruction there's our favorite atlantic city taxi driver chris reslock pocket deuces okay chris will raise it up to 16 000. reslock the short stack he won his circuit event right at home in atlantic city action folds around to our chip leader andy black with pocket force black had 35 of the chips when we were down to six handed at the 2005 main event and he could not seal the deal oh yeah so it's 11 000 more to me is it black was in the big blind this would seem to be an automatic call and he does indeed he will so black and reslock to the flop rezlock in big trouble with his pocket deuces all right filming andy black with the two force to the flop we go and there's a deuce a set of deuces for the short stacked reslock black checks all in and of course he goes all in with the three deuces in the short stack no reason for reslock to wait with only 34 000 left and if you didn't put your sunglasses on you wouldn't have to take them off am i right or my right line you are right norman chad you wouldn't have ace king would you does that man look like he's got ace king put your sunglasses back on andy black he makes a call 34 000 more slightly better than ice cream and black looking for his third straight knockout's gonna have to come from behind wow i thought it was winning then when he turned over all right so reslock all in and way ahead as we go to the turn cart turn card is another deuce quads for reslock now you know the kind of hand i've been waiting for and that will give chris reslock the hand reslock still doesn't have many chips to stack just over a hundred thousand he got the extra right out from under the chip leader oh well not to worry about amir flesh wounds but a mere flesh wolves flesh run to you guys got plenty of those stabbing in the heart to some of us black says it's just a flesh wound but giving those chips away to chris reslock definitely got under andy black's skin back at the rio the tournament of champions presented by sobi adrenaline rush has seven players left including 1989 world series bracelet winner mike sexton and in honor of my wpt announcer counterpart he's got big slick mike was the creator of the original tournament champions years ago this is the newfangled version he raised it up to 16 000. action falls over to mike mataso madison with a jack and a mystery card no i think it was a jack ten you think so yes all right we'll see whatever that other card is says he's gonna raise it up there's the call and he makes it 35 000 more yeah if i had jack 10 in that spot i would raise 35 000. you're sure it's jack 10. and mike sexton comes back over the top moves all in sexton says he has learned from watching the young players on the world poker tour be aggressive this would be for all of madison's chips well unless mike's got jack jack i don't think this is a call he can make madison will give it up [Applause] who didn't know that sexton will take the pot with that aggression you were talking about yep he tried his move again it didn't work you know his re-raised move i told you how to eat this he might i i don't want to break this to you but this is like like a poker tournament this like you see flops you play poker there's all this play here it's pretty interesting huh you like that huh you're talking to him mike sexton is the announcer but mike madison is the mouth what are you going to mikey for that's what i'd like to know i mean what have i done the only thing i know is if there's a doubt in my mind my hand ain't good he just bluffs his money off that's what that is i'm going to donate some more chips to the guy because he's going to call me anyway so i figured i'll give him some more on the way out i might give him an extra 40 000. i figure whenever you have an opportunity to listen to some reasonable advice you should take it listen if i thought the guy could play a lick i'd listen to him what have you got to lose as always mataso and negrano giving each other a hard time and when you watch these two interact at a poker table you would have a very difficult time believing that they actually like each other daniel negrano's my hero mike mattis was a buddy of mine most people wouldn't know that we're good friends i hate you me and daniel have a lot of fun i have one thing to say boys of lebanese we are who we are on camera or off camera y'all better just watch out what you get out of me and daniel are two very good friends that like to make each other bleed in the poker game i don't have to worry about blowing up i never get dealt with anything i never stopped you before and mike's a guy i can take in small doses because his mouth will not stop god shall give it and god shall take it [Music] away starts almost every sentence with all i know is all i know is all i know is all i know is he doesn't know very much my feelings are getting hurt if you want to go into a poker induced war i'm going to come out on top i would own his dog his house everything son you'll never learn believe me i know everything he does at a poker table i'm just trying to pick my spot to bust you that's all you know when you're gonna deal with mike it's gonna be an exhausting day shut up man mike madison told me to be quiet yes i trumped them gotcha that's what i say to that daniel says the way to beat mike is to let him bluff you once then eventually the mouth will blow up well the old mic would have just shoved in there but the new mic's got no heart how many new mics are there well this new mic played pretty tight throughout this tournament and it got him here to the final table now to our chip leader andrew black with pocket queens black says he's going to raise it up makes it 17 000 to go ferguson folds daryl dicken folds action over to daniel negronu negroni with five four of hearts he would say that's his neighborhood long that is from the daniel negranu's signature collection of suited connector starting hands cost him 12 000 more to call and he does call look he whistles when he has suited connectors i got him black has the big lead going to the flop the flop is 6 10 5. black and his pocket queens keep the lead daniel negron who got a pair of fives yeah daniel and andrew quite friendly at the table they like each other's sensibilities both check to the turn it's a deuce negrono picked up a straight draw he checks again and black will bet 20 000. he's betting 20 000 to a pot of 35 000. i i don't think that's gonna shake daniel indeed daniel will make the call didn't cost him much to stay in the hand black with a four to one advantage going to the river card and the river is a three and there it is negroni with another straight daniel has a straight mojo going tonight and daniel will come out with 40 000 chips oh and black calls with the queens andrew says and sees the straight daniel negrono takes down the pot andrew black sort of gift wrapped that one for daniel he checked the flop and then just a small bet on the turn can't believe what he saw on the river what do you want me to do i know i had a hand i don't know another flesh wound for black but the psychological damage done by negrano could be a worse injury [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the rio it's hard to keep jesus down keeps coming back he keeps coming back you think jesus is down he's coming back chris jesus ferguson naturally has his own following here in las vegas we've not only seen that he's a great poker player but chris has also shown us many of his other talents whether he's explaining game theory cutting objects with playing cards or cutting a rug but jesus isn't the only player at this table who knows his way around a dance floor [Music] when i used to go to california to play in the poker tournaments over there i would go out to the swing dance clubs and when i went out a time or two i ran into chris ferguson mike's an amazing dancer uh he's in the shag dance hall of fame so i should say a lot about them chris is a little freelance style dancing he's very innovative on the dance floor i give him credit for that and he moves pretty good he puts some moves in there the others might not but fun to watch i don't swing dance as much as i used to so i just go out there and throw in whatever i feel like and have fun it's entertaining it's good exercise and i enjoy it one thing i always believe as long as i live is that people who dance enjoy life more than those who don't ironically ferguson is more of an instinctive dancer while mike sexton is more of a mathematical dancer by the way when jesus won the main event in 2000 sexton finished 12th that year how much you started the day with 20 210 20. 2 2 2 10 13. plenty i made one mistake but where is the mic they're talking about madison's lay down to sexton's all in i happen to be watching him before he had like queens or something and i thought i saw a weakness on his hand and there was two queens he looked at his cards real fast and look he didn't have nothing right huh no i didn't think you had anything just a jackpot yeah i told you he had jack 10. i'm an analyst not a dancer you were right all right chris ferguson will start the action with pocket sixes famous for that statue-like pose before making a decision at the poker table he says often he knows what he's going to do quickly and he analyzes everything very carefully before committing any chips well it certainly works for him jesus has made 25 world series final tables the grano with ace four of clubs jesus and daniel play two different games and they both work jesus is more mathematical and daniel relies more heavily on reading other people as sexton folds we have ferguson negrono going to the flop straight daniel looking for the straight again i hope i can stay straight and here we go to the flop it is ace deuce nine well that's not going to do it but daniel pairs his ace that's not going to do it if he's looking for a straight probably the pair in the ace is pretty good a check from ferguson a check back from negroni and it's a four aces up for daniel now ferguson always an economy of motion stuck with his small pair he'll check and daniel will bet it daniel makes it 18 000. and that's only 18 000 into a pot of 40. this is similar to the way andrew black played that hand earlier against daniel that bet is almost inviting a call from chris ferguson and chris ferguson reaching for chips and he will oblige daniel with a call so now negrono with a big advantage going to the river the river card is another four full house now for negrino and that gives him the check mark ferguson checks daniel wilbet makes it 50 000. well jesus often will take his sunglasses off when the only action left is his i believe the only other time he takes the shades off is when he showers all right well ferguson now deciding whether or not he wants to commit more chips but no indeed he'll fold and negrona will take the pot with a full house and ferguson will dance that one around in his mind i want to show but i can't show this daniel what do i have mike four five four five he has one of my cards correct that's pretty impressive i thought he had five six actually five six six andrew you're sitting right next to him just sneak a peek two million dollar prize pool one million to our winner and this tournament was a free roll what's a free roll well any time we eat dinner together for instance you are on a free roll and thank you daniel negrona was one of our circuit winners he has pocket nines legrano raises it up to 15 000. he was the chip leader right up into the last moments of the previous day when andy black took it over chris ferguson another circuit winner falls to daryl dicken also a world series of poker circuit winner with pocket fives dick in an internet legend nicknamed gigabet used to play 10 or 15 hours a day cost him 12 000 more he makes the call madison with king 10 in the big blind and madison will join the party and make the call three-way flop negrondo leads with his pocket nines a flop 10-4 ace matison gets the best of that pairing his 10. that's his mom gloria and his brother scott on the left everyone now with the pair madison though in a dominant position all three players check to the turn another ace ace is up for all three but mataso's tens have him way ahead dickens checks madison now with 21 000 into the pot i can't believe daniel forgot he had pocket nines daniel will make the call he'll call his buddy and dicken will get out of the way so madison with a big lead over negrono these two go to the river negrono looking for a lot of help way behind river card is another ace a full boat for both of them but again madison's tens make the difference he bet 16 000 yes you got a 10. daniel calls it out and pays it off daniels aces over nines comes up short to madison's aces over 10. [Applause] and the defending tournament of champions winner is no doubt thinking the exact same thing right the world series of poker tournament of champions presented by soviet adrenaline rush irishman andrew black king of the table with 20 million chips andrew black takes a big blow to his stack early all in oh wow another huge hit to andrew black one card to come perhaps in black's tournament life he's already put the coat on and a sudden end to andrew black's day this is an immense disappointment andrew says he wasn't ready to win last year says he hadn't worked hard enough after he finished 14th of the 1997 main event he dropped out of poker this time he has redoubled his efforts to play better so far so good for andrew black at this tournament of champions still the chip leader he started just over a million chips has fallen back just a little bit chris ferguson is now the short stack at this table daniel negrano's still in second picking up some ground on our chip leader but you know what's gonna happen mike listen you know this is gonna happen let's just be honest eventually you're gonna get fed up and eventually you're going to make the play you're going to make the big blow up then you're going to be upset at yourself for a couple weeks you'll be fine you'll gear up again and you'll keep doing it it's a cycle thing i mean it's not like it's not going to change all of a sudden unless you make this you make the first step come to my eventually the horseshoe's going to fall out of your butt and you're gonna quit getting all your money and dead and then you're gonna be a nobody hollywood is always making buddy comedies why not kid poker in mike the mouth like he has got a point there daniel likes thank you thank you bro thank you thank you and he's playing both sides of the fence now he's a smart politician daryl dicken with ace eight off suit he folds over to madison i don't think there are any buddy comedies in daryl dickens future mike with ace three of hearts and he will make the call it's gotta be tough for for mike to have daniel to his left and it's gotta be tough for daniel to have the big stack andy black to his left well negrono picks up pocket kings and he'll limp in the blinds at three and six thousand ace king for andrew black our chip leader we'll raise it up to 45 000. that's a quiet announcer over there in the corner table folds back over to mike madison who gets out of the way now negrono with the raise to him raise he's going to re-raise it he had originally limped in with those big kings and now he's putting the pressure on that grondo makes it 200 000 more i'm all in and andrew raises all in call and negrono with his kings will make the call and this makes it the degree all in moment daniel at risk but way ahead with his pocket kings daniel if i'm andrew black i am feeling tortured he's all in against the only player who can dent his big stack and against one of the only hands that could have him dominated and the news gets worse there's only one king and one ace left in the deck this is not how i envisioned it no no no it's terrible i think they both envisioned they would go heads up but not this soon there we go to the flop it is deuce nine queen two spades for black but not much more daniel all in still in great shape andrew is in for most of his chips i think andrew black right now bemoaning that fact turned card is a 10. negrono's king still lead but a straight draw for andrew black now daniel shakes his head as he sees that straight draw come up on the board andrew the buddhist looking for some poker justice from above well i'd look towards the dealer you got a better shot there black can knock out negrono with an ace or a jack the river is a seven negrono earns the degree check mark doubles through the chip later to become the chip leader and a lot of andrew's chips gonna shift right over to his right that whole big stack 70 percent of andrew's chips now go to daniel negranu and what's going on inside andrew's head right now that's tricky business oops sorry you're not dead yet buddy what you're not dead yet i still see us getting heads up considering what's happened so far getting heads up would be nirvana for this poker playing buddhist the degree all-in moment is brought to you by degree for men protects men who take risks back at the rio andrew black trying to shake off that loss to negronu the andy black blow up doesn't sound as lyrical or poetic as the mike mataso blow up but the result is just as deadly for both of them at the poker table action now continues on chris reslock sitting in the middle of the pack right now with his chip stack he folds to chris ferguson ferguson with pocket sixes again and jesus is going to move all in his last 91 000 into the pot chris ferguson doesn't blow up he just runs out of chips sometimes daryl dicken with pocket eights dicken doesn't have that many more chips than jesus i'm all in he moves all in ferguson now at risk rest of the table folds so it will be ferguson with his sixes trailing the eighths of dickens jesus in a lot of trouble the former world champion against the internet champion of sorts okay jesus let's go the choir looking for some salvation for their man [Applause] and jesus will need a lot of help on the ropes dickens leads with his eights against the pocket sixes of chris ferguson ferguson hoping to add the toc title to his five world series bracelets and now our flop deuce queen nine no help to chris ferguson the eighths of daryl dicken are still best absolutely no draw now for jesus he's only looking for a six at this point and now the turn card it's an ace ferguson one card from elimination and for chris ferguson he's looking for just one card jesus is gonna need a six and a six only or his toc is over and now the river card it's a four chris ferguson has been eliminated from this tournament of champions he'll go out in seventh place and take home 50 thousand dollars in this free roll daryl dicken knocks off superstar chris ferguson slow day for ferguson here never got anything going thank you jesus going over to his people hey i got a fan club over here the problem the problem with two sixes is if you'd have got a set you'd have six six six you know it's like swimming upstream who's more powerful come on well jesus always has time for his fans giving out a souvenir autograph but a player's favorite souvenir would have to be a flushie and the annual awarding of these honors is the subject of this edition of the nets take it away norman backed by popular demand well back anyway it's the plushies the awards for the other side of poker the best thing about the world series of poker is the way that it brings people together this is me up this cookies where else could you find a welder mingling with a top pro when no place friendly poker a heavyweight champ with a lightweight challenger and a six foot eight celeb with a five foot one master oh i pick up men i thank the academy but when it comes to the spirit of unity few could match serial hugger john gayle he hugs you when you win he hugs you when you lose heck even hugged me and that alone gets him a flushie for best hugger as always at this year's world series people wanted to make a statement some did it with their play others did it with fashion and more and more did it through song young [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then there was the singular pralad friedman who gave us a wrap that sounded like crap poker is fun for everyone sorry prahlad you get the plushie for worst song of the year the high stakes can bring high stress which often leads to fireworks at the poker table how could you put me in with king jack and you know this was a banner year for bad behavior when phil hellmuth's antics were actually considered mild are you kidding me some exchanges got as quickly as a desert cactus take a walk and jeffrey lissandra discovered that pralad friedman's words are tough to take even when he's not rapping you haven't like an idiot i'm acting like an idiot right you're gonna stop are you gonna stop i don't trust you sir i'll take your head off buddy they never kissed or even made up and now they can fight over their flushie [Music] and with that pralad friedman becomes the first to ever win two flushies in one year congratulations pralad on your groundbreaking [Music] achievement norman i have mixed emotions about your hug with john gayle well i can't believe you did it i'm at the same time curiously jealous okay next hand skippy the cards have been dealt daryl dicken with ace five of diamonds dickens shot pool for income for six years before he turned to poker now he says playing online i have seen more hands than anyone else and he says that gives him an advantage even over the most experienced pros at this table he raises it up to 20 000. action folds around the table to mike sexton a very accomplished poker player over the last 25 years king five of spades from the big blind sexton is donating half of his winnings here to charity he makes the call cost him 12 000 more dicken will have the big advantage going to the flop the flop is four king four sexton hit his king but two more diamonds for dickens sexton checks dicken with just the flush draw he'll make a bet and he'll bet 28 thousand dale describes himself as very aggressive online almost the point of being maniacal this is just aggressive great sex is gonna raise it up and makes it a hundred thousand and that would be for almost all of daryl dickens chips and he moves all in it would cost sexton 28 000 more not echo and sexton will make the call and put dicken at risk the thing is lon because sexton is an announcer he can see the other players hole cards that's a big advantage that was an easy call for him all right so advantage two mike sexton action now on daryl dicken dickens looking for help here on the turn kick it all in and now the turn card it's another four sexton now with a full house and because of that full house back i guess the flush now is a moot point sexton in control to stay alive dicken needs an ace for a higher full house or if a four hits for quad fours on the board dickens ace kicker would win river card is a deuce sexton will win the hand so the old school poker pro takes out the new school internet poker wiz dicken out in sixth place with 75 thousand dollars and the 89 bracelet winner mike sexton makes a little noise of his own at this challenging final table [Applause] the 2006 world series of poker tournament of champions is presented by soviet adrenaline rush sustained energy for non-stop living and in part by the world's largest poker school and degree for men protects men who take risks welcome back to the rio we have five players left all vying for the million dollar top prize in this tournament of champions this guy over there is an announcer and he doesn't talk at the table you tell me chris reslock folds over to mike madison danielle matassa with a jack at least again being coy he's pooping it i think he has jack 10 again suited connectors for daniel oh baby how much i did that i did madison raised it to 19 000 and negrono made the call i call he's supposed to be whistling with suited connectors i thought you had him read yeah like that's my first misread ooh maybe this could be it buddy this could be the one careful careful necrono needling his friend the flop eight jack deuce all clubs mike makes top pair daniel hits middle pair mullin how much all in all in count your money madison turning up the heat out that money daniel auditioning for the new game show count that money 134 okay let's decipher mike's hand together king of clubs queen of diamonds is that you possibly wrong answer no okay jack queen off suit wrong answer he gets one more try absolutely nothing you got it i don't believe you how much is it 134 daniel's trying to figure out if this is the mata so blow up he predicted yikes all right mikey you take it he folds he had it right the second time though oh i got it right jack queen nice what a laid out with my pair of eights jack queen i got you i got you i called it second time that guy is amazing it took me two this time but i got it daniel sometimes it's just positively unearthed queen then i went jack queen a little off i guess i flopped as big as i could flop right you had me crushed i had an eight i'm not gonna start playing like a madman all of a sudden really i mean i might i've been known to do that but i'm gonna try not to good luck all right with five players left to this tournament of champions you see daniel negrano has a chip lead of almost one million over second place mike sexton andrew black who had the big chip lead at the start of this final table is now the short stack is andrew black panicking at this point or are we way beyond that norman he's got to be fidgety at this point and i'm telling you i do not trust an announcer who never talks the whole cards of black king nine of diamonds worthy of a raise he'll make a 22 000. sexton folds back to his conservative ways madison with pocket kings now this is a guy who's not an announcer and he never shuts up how much do you have left not a lot 91. that plus his original 22 000 chip raise gives andrew 113 000 total mataso will raise it to a hundred thousand total nearly putting andrew black all in negrono folds now see mike sexton should lean over and tell andrew to fold because mike knows what everybody has but sexton won't say a peep wow does black want to risk it all now okay and everything does go into the pot oops again it'll cost madison 13 000 more there'll be no doubt that andrew black will be all in and dominated one how much 113 000. why why you were so far ahead so andrew black once the dominant chip leader is way behind with his tournament life on the line andrew staring at a repeat of his o5 main event final table where he was chip leader and then finished fifth he was chip leader here again looking to finish fifth yeah rooting against his buddy madison i don't blame you for rooting against me because you know if you have to play me head up you can't win blah blah blah yeah like daniel said come on let's have a miracle that's about all that's going to help andrew flop his five queen four and two diamonds for black that'll make madison sweat i hate poker well at the moment i think andrew black hates it a little more he still has no hand and if he doesn't improve he's going to have no chips this is what the best spot you could have been you think he could hope for anything better now the turn card queen of spades no help to black but he still has some outs check that one off for mikey black is running out of time for those outs and right now andrew black doesn't even want to look i feel like the deuce of hearts andrew black's gonna need a diamond on the river or his tournament of champions is over they just never make it easy on me and now the river card black it's a ten of clubs madison [Applause] and the defending champ has some chips to play with the only good thing is now quite light on his feet there huh and andrew black has to wonder where it all went wrong he overplayed a couple of hands and just like that gone andrew black wins a hundred thousand dollars for his fifth place finish here boys boys boys it's almost a poker game the tournament of champions final table began with 10 top players doesn't look good but six players have been eliminated including the man who once dominated the leaderboard yeah i had an only black blow up um yeah my mind just went for a moment and uh i overplayed ace king that's all it was too now just four players remain including the defending champion mike the mouth madison we're back in action boys which one will take home the title and the billion dollars that's what i'd like to know for norman chad i'm lon mccarron see you next time as the tournament of champions rolls on two of poker's biggest talkers are in the throes of battle i can't win because i know everything if i did lose to you it would be cause for quitting poker leave me alone i'm not even talking to you one seemingly wants to be your buddy big plans for you my friend boy it's gonna be sweet too the other wants your fury all i know is i got 12 idiots to beat but both want your chips i'm just trying to pick my spot to bust you that's all tournament of champions reigning king mike madison looks to go back to back i don't think there's anything more important than defending my title in this tournament daniel negrono aims to dethrone the mouth basically the game plan with mike is just wait for him to blow up i'm not gonna start playing like a madman all of a sudden it's like a walking time bomb tick tock tick tock when you least expect it tonight two heavyweights lead the fight for one million dollars and the championship hold on to your seats it's about to get crazy welcome to the 2006 tournament of champions presented by sobi adrenaline rush from the rio in las vegas the elite field of 27 players is down to just four all have major poker victories but only one can walk away with a prestigious tournament of champions title and the million dollar first prize hello everybody i'm lon mccarron he's norman chad history has told us to expect confrontation in this event and the verbal sparring between mike madison and daniel negrano is not disappointed but now with just four players remaining the focus will be on the man who can elevate his game above the noise this is an easy field to handicap lon in one corner mike sexton and chris reslock who won't speak much in the other corner mike madison and daniel negrano who won't shut up much who will be the last man talking here nagrano usually has the most game and at the moment he has the most chips daniel negrano has been sharp so far his reads have been dead on resulting in his big chip lead mike madison has lacked momentum at this final table in defense of his tournament of champions title 58 year old wpt announcer mike sexton created the original tournament of champions he's sometimes called the ambassador of poker and there's 58 year old atlantic city taxi driver chris reslock who is now the short stack the one thing we got good going for us the old men are going to start getting more tired than us i'm already tired what about you well that gives me a bigger edge over all three of them the mouth does have an edge because they have to listen to him well a big crowd here at the rio poker room being treated to some very entertaining poker at this final table three pros and a taxi driver mike sexton with pocket kings and he's going to raise it up to 22 000. there were three ways to get into the toc win a circuit event make the final table the o5 main event or get a sponsor exemption madison was at that 0-5 final table negrono and reslock won circuit events and sexton got a sponsor exemption negrono with queen deuce will make the call sexton with the advantage going to the flop the flop five seven six rainbow sexton's kings keep daniel in hot water daniel checks and sexton will slow play the kings to the turn it's a deuce daniel pairs his card a couple more outs there for him daniel's still far behind but he has got to bend it 30 000 chips well for all daniel knows his deuces are the best hand right now sexton might have just a couple of high cards and sex is right behind him with the call river card is another five sexton gets the check mark with kings up negrono will be first to act and he checks it now mike sexton with kings and fives bets 50 000. that got daniel's attention he's betting 50 000 into a pot of 110 000 value betting this baby daniel's thinking you know what can i beat and of course what does he have you might have like kings i guess it's crazy he might two kings that is unearthly daniel might be an alien time and time again we hear him call out his opponent's cards he might have x-ray vision i just want to see him oh he's going to pay for the information and make the call here is this guy you have kings how scary was this really yeah i thought that's the only handout you could have was two kings at least i called it right what is that is dabbing up there now i didn't have any clue what you had how's that i put them on kings and still paid it off that was impressive though that was a nice read yeah i could i had no clue of michael it was a nice read i would have threw it away but actually no it was a finery because that's the only hand i thought that never mind wow i just paid it to see if i'm playing good basically but you said kings he would have showed you that i'm talking about that quality offices all around america tomorrow yeah give me a confidence boost that's why the man was the player of the year i was just gonna say that norman i wish sexton would stick to his own network 2004 player of the year daniel negrano is our chip leader and with sexton's last win he moves a little closer to daniel chris reslock is hanging in there but it's an uphill battle against the three bracelet winners reslock with 10 nine of clubs gonna raise it up to 25 000 the blinds are at four and eight thousand right now madison with king nine they go into the muck i think mike's waiting for a bigger audience before he blows up negrono with six four of spades the usual little suited connectors he lives for he'll make the call and king ten for mike sexton in the big blind and he makes a call it's a three-way pot i have visions of working with mike sexton one day queen 10 queen sexton and reslock pair their 10. sexton has the stronger kicker daniel checks he missed the flop sexton checks behind him reslock an accomplished scrabble player turned to poker because there's more money and he is all in 182 000 chips into the pot with a pair of tens well negroni says reslock is a maniac in a conservative man's body rezlock is more aggressive than he looks daniel folded geez confused he knows that if rezlock had a queen in his hand for three queens chances are he wouldn't bet this much he would bet less trying to induce a call from sexton so sexton is perplexed as to why reslock would bet this much i'm not calling sexton's going to take a shot might be a good call i got a 10. and mike sexton loves to see that he's got the tens with a better kicker here his best shot survival would be a split pot i knew it was a good call mike good talk ace queen or a 10. you see those beads around reslock's neck they give them to you here at the rio i've got a trunk load in my room along with those little shampoos turn is a jack and that's about the best card that chris reslock could see right now gives him a straight draw that means nothing are you kidding me now a king or an eight oh i got a straight drawing with a king or an eight oh okay yeah yeah yeah it's the worst card for him yeah reslock had both feet in the grave at least for the moment he can take one foot out i got a few more outs now i can even win the pot now holy mackerel he went from nowhere else to having plenty we'd have a split pot if there's an ace queen or ten still like your hand better rezak can win it all with a king or an eight to make a straight otherwise he is eliminated and it's a four it's a blank as far as reslock is concerned chris reslock is eliminated in fourth place done in by mike sexton reslock will take home 150 thousand dollars nice showing at this tournament of champions you know lon i think we're supposed to root for the announcer aren't we i think you're right with reslock's departure mataso is our short stack daniel's still leading but his margin is slim good luck with them chips mike i hope you win it make me look better if you do mike sexton right now has the momentum at this tournament of champions final table the 2006 world series of poker tournament champions is presented by soviet adrenaline rush sustained energy for non-stop living and in part by the world's largest poker school and degree for men protects men who take risks [Music] the world series of poker tournament of champions presented by soviet adrenaline rush welcome back to the rio in the tournament of champions a million dollars to our winner tonight three players remain daniel negrano is still our chip leader but the fireworks between daniel and mike demouth have cooled a bit as mike sexton has been on a roll picking up chips and eliminating chris reslock you you are a very good player man i'm gonna put you in my fantasy pool mike sexton is best known these days for talking about other players successes but his own prowess on the felt speaks volumes i've certainly had more than my share of success in tournament poker i'm proud of my bracelet that i won here at the world series of poker and i don't care how long you've been playing poker and how good you are the great thing about the game is you can always get better most of my career i'm pretty conservative player you know ben unless you got it but i've watched every hand that's been played in the history of the world poker tour the guys that are getting the money are the guys that are gambling more taking chances and being aggressive i've adapted my style a little bit now to a more aggressive style whereas i'm on it i really believe i have become a much better player you playing so good that it scares me and i still consider myself a player first in a commentator second before he became a world poker tour announcer sexton was in the top 10 all time in world series caches before i became a world series announcer lon i had the largest pez dispenser collection in southern maryland that's scary mike madison with one of the biggest mouths around the poker tour king deuce of hearts calls the pig blind which is now at ten thousand eight seventh for negrono offsuit daniel loves playing small connectors suited or otherwise 7-3 for sexton in the big blind okay let's go with him sexton says i've got rags deal all three to the flop the flop is nine queen three sexton paired his three madison with a heart draw and daniel has been uh flop light so far he checks it everyone wants a free ride to the turn we go and that ace hits no one sexton's pair of threes is still the hand to beat daniel checks again as does mike sexton madison won the heart draw bets 20 000. if i were madison i'd bet there one non-believer as sexton would say he's gonna look him up daniel folded sexton made the call to the river jack of diamonds no help to the mouth sexton gets the check mark with a pair of threes and checks mike the mouth reaching for chips and he's going to bluff with 60 000. mataso trying to steal this one away with a pot sized bet his second straight bluff at this pot sexton just with a pair of threes essentially he can only beat a bluff sexton makes the call nice you gotta get him and madison says it's all yours madison's not gonna like the hand that beat him sexton shows the threes oh my head you just got toned real bad there oh that was dirty mike that was dirty beat him in the pot with two threes you gotta swallow you can't swallow after that one this might put the mouth on half tilt that was pretty sick there wow he had you there come on give it up they [Laughter] he had you pegged right there yeah yeah me pegged i didn't have anything you didn't nothing wins a lot of pots for madison but he got nails a tricky announcer maybe he did watch those final tables you were on from the tv booth sexton learned something about madison and it paid off there [Applause] back inside the rio three top pros still gunning for this tournament of champions title daniel negrano has been very comfortable throughout this final table and he continues as our chip leader mike mataso has yet to get on a real roll now in defense of his title from last year while mike sexton has played some tremendous poker short-handed mike kudos to you bro thank you three seven huh i that's the best call i've ever seen you gotta go with your good instincts you know oh mike madison is going to need his gut and all five senses working if he wants to experience the unique thrill of winning the tournament of champions two years in a row last year was a lot different coming to the toc against a lot of the best players in the world i was more out to prove something time to go to work boys i thought i played fantastic madison wins the hand on a bluff i really wasn't looking to give it to phil i'm at war with you now but he kept opening himself up for it i never ever give up i guarantee you ain't getting my chips and catching a couple breaks madison wins it with a flush on the river it was just great great poker [Applause] even if i never win again yeah i could always look back and say well finally i got my break but uh i want to win the day so bad you you don't even know i have only one goal in mind i've been thinking about this day for the last six months no pressure at all i know i'm gonna do it you don't understand it's mission it's it's it's clearness when i like put my mind to something in poker i actually play good i'm ready to do something that's never been done and that's defend a million dollar championship yeah that's what's gonna happen madison often can't stand prosperity he's been on a horrific streak the past few months he was losing so much online his family and friends took his computer away from home daniel negrano with suited queen three this is wonderful raised at 25 000 mike sexton with an offsuit queen three not going to be easy to defend that title years you know i see this that is that was a sick call bro that was like like like like like like like like the sickest call ever mike the mouse like like like a cardboard stopper that's the same old same old i'll probably call you in the dark but let me look all right sexton folded madison with 10 deuce suited in the big blind and he'll be in the hands so these two will go to the flop that was unbelievable there's mike's brother scott and his mom gloria that sexton call really was impressive the flop is 10-5-8 a pair of tens for mike madison heart draw for daniel 25 madison makes it 25 000 to stay in the hand all right all right okay daniel kiss these chips goodbye turn eight of hearts cool baby and that gives negrono a flush on the turn matasol got two pair and he bets 30 000 like a machine he's a machine never stops daniel just flat calls it's as if he's setting up the mouth for the kill rivers another five and daniel with the flush gets the check mark madison will act first madison still with two pair tens up sick hard that is thirty thousand more into ten daniel makes the call and shows the winning flush a plus yeah what do you think i play with nothing i got a hand when i'm in there ten ten what is ten gonna get you y'all they're schooling me like a little kid it's a private school tuition's high and that takes some of the wind out of the madison contingent in the stance and daniel keeps needling his buddy i thought i had the best hand i understand you did madison gives up more chips and is left to contemplate the ever steepening road to defend his title the world series of poker tournament of champions presented by soviet drummond rush back inside the rio mike and daniel taking a short break yeah what time we're playing them yeah you know we might just do that because it's probably better off play for it we'll play for this on the golf course right that'd be good eight shots while poker success seems to come naturally to daniel his latest passion golf is more of a work in progress i'm just totally addicted to the game it's so much fun oh that was perfect if you play poker you're always in a casino you don't get much exercise you're always stuck inside with golf you're outside you're still being competitive you're competing against yourself just like you are a poker whoa too much [Music] it's a mental game too so it satisfies everything drop baby oh that's so sick poker frankly i wouldn't say that i've mastered it because you never do but i've got it pretty well figured out whoa i got it right jack queen nice this golf thing though there's always something you don't want to remember that swing make sure you keep your arm over here you follow through make sure your back swing's not too big and you know so many new things to think about don't you dare go in the bunker you can never master it drop baby drop one time you always can get better it's a game that i feel like i'll be playing until i'm like seven years old god willing if i lived that long i'm worried about daniel he's recently married and he's addicted to golf that's not a good combination oh yeah he also gambles yeah he also gambles mike madison now with nine eight off suit razor i gotta raise daniel one of these times i raised the 30 000. they play for a lot of cash on the golf course daniel says if i win the toc that's golfman almost had this queen one of spades he's a defender believe me no daniel's gonna stick around here's the flop it is six deuce five that i know is him indeed daniel got the best of that pairing his deuce madison with a gut shot straight draw you just bet anyway you don't care 20 000 from each you know it's me and you still bet oxymoron guy oxymoron guy a new nickname for the mouth turn card is that jack does nothing to help mike mataso he's reaching anyway that doesn't usually stop mike from firing 35 000. still me i mean still got some of it i'm still working still working at something you know it's as if daniel knows what mike's going to do before mike does it river card is a blank negrono with a check mark with those deuces well let's see if the mouth wants to take a third stab at this pot with squat douche he missed everything on his hand that protruding lower lip shows you how determined madison is to defend this title and he fires again with 40 000. that's a good value bit it's a good value bet and now daniel in the same position mike sexton was a while ago against the mouth he really can only beat a bluff finally played a hand good mike first one today mike sexton was able to read mataso let's see if daniel can read his good friend sicko this is like a if you you're bluffing you're just you're definitely if you're bluffing you're definitely going broke very shortly it's like there's no way around it if he's buffing at that card wow are you going broke in a bad way daniel's figured it out does he want to put his money where his mouth is no he falls this time i guess i'm going broke in a bad way that's what i said you are going broke in a bad way i had the deuce you're a sicko i thought that was the value pit bluff the value bit bluff baby here comes the blow up somebody call a limo for this gentleman he's going home very soon remember daniel says the way you beat the mouth is to let him bluff you once and then he'll blow up well there's the one bluff let's see if the rest of daniel's prediction plays out as these three battle for one million dollars [Music] problem is you're like that guy with a in the wizard of oz you got a lot of heart but just you're missing some upstairs my friend well we all know that to say what they say to each other they have to be good friends mike madison jack 8 the defending champion here at the tournament of champions we'll raise it to 25 000. daniel played snooker and pool in toronto pool halls as a teenager i guess it was inevitable he'd start gambling on golf he folds mike sexton seven five of diamonds from the big blind and mike will make the call so madison and sexton to the flop the flop is a seven and a couple of deuces sexton takes the lead by pairing his seven daniel would have flopped a pair of sevens with a better kicker than sexton checks madiso in the mood for firing bets 25 000. madison with you know one of those standard i don't care what my cards are i've got a bigger heart than you do bets sexton reaching he's going to raise it to 75 000 with a bigger heart i guess well that should shut down the madison bluff factory it does and sexton takes the pot wow that's impressive the announcer is playing some pretty impressive poker what could you have there 75 000. this guy's schooling me like there's no tomorrow you you you suck this guy here he's schooling me mike madison's starting to feel the heat and mike sexton is our new chip leader i'm starting to get a little bit upset [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now welcome back to the tournament of champions presented by sobe adrenaline rush three players left in the hunt for a million dollars this is like war boys a lot like a harder war than the than the than the hellmuth point match not supposed to be easy what type of analysis is that and he calls himself a poker announcer madison of course referring to when he went three-handed against phil hellmuth and hoyt perkins before winning this tournament of champions title last year madison raises it to 30 000 with ace nine off suit daniel with suited connectors again he makes the call mike sexton king nine off suit in the big blind play it play it you twangy chip leader he folds it come on i'm gonna go on to the world poker tour and show you how to play this could be the one mikey i feel you bubbling i feel you're ready tick tock tick tock daniel hoping to finish off madison here's the flop king nine ace mike madison hit aces up and mike sexton's kicking himself he would hit kings up but he's fortunate to be out daniel checks and mike checks behind him madison is going to sit on his aces up hoping to get more out of daniel later great card on the turn a five for negrono he gets both a straight and a flush draw that's a good semi-bluffing card for daniel if he's in the mood he hasn't made a hand yet still trails but bets 30 000. mata with aces and ninths makes the call just gonna call why isn't he ramming and jamming and there's a queen of diamonds and negrono hits his flush negrano has backed into a monster hand courtesy of mike the mouth and with that flush daniel's gonna fire with 120 000. a pot size bet from daniel and i don't know how the mouth gets away from aces up [Music] and mike the mouth shows his aces up wow oh my god wow and everything going wrong for mike madison you're not gonna believe us had king nine i laid down king nine here i wouldn't have got there i put him on like king queen yeah so that's why i flat called i even saw the diamonds i said so i raised here uh he can't have a diamond draw just unlucky i'm trying to trap him three-handed what am i gonna do i got no you're really unlucky you're really unlucky i didn't call before the fluff mataso now in a very deep hole as daniel negrano now retakes the chip lead but just barely over mike sexton daniel degrano will start the action ace six of hearts i can't lay that hand down there i don't give a crap how could you lay down what how could you possibly fold i would bet kings and queens 25 000 to mike sexton pocket sevens that works for him oh a lot of players would have raised in sexton's spot ace four for madison i'm all in and mike is gonna risk everything now count it count it count it all in with a weak ace mike madison putting his tournament life on the line 244 000 total it's curious if sexton had raised from the small blind madison might have mucked instead madison pushes all in i'll give it up daniel does muck the re-raise back to sexton he just said 244. you need vince van pat next to you to tell you that in the crowd there's tom sexton here to support his brother i'm gonna call and sexton will make the call this is the degree all in moment the defending champion mike madison all in and way behind mata in deep doo-doo two outs i had a six of hearts good call mike sexton's made a lot of good calls mike he blew up brother scott has now upgraded mike to full tilt here i almost called him too he's six of hearts yeah nice that's a good that's good sixth and hearing the good news that some of mataso's outs are already taken he's gonna knock mike out mike goes home i just got him covered mike the mouth left to mull over the fact that he went all in with that ace four here's the flop now jack king three that is no help to mike madison mike the mouth trying to defend his tournament champions title mike the announcer has had his number and moved in one time looked like the right time madison has played very conservatively throughout this tournament of champions maybe bemoaning that fact of four of clubs now a pair of fours for mike but he needs more help he would have beat me yeah that's right daniel trying to make small talk with the announcer who doesn't talk donkeys believes the other one blew up this madison needs help on the river needs an ace or a four and now the river card it is and that will end it for the mouth mike sexton earns that agreed check mark eliminating mike madison the defending champion scott madison not so kind to his brother mike the mouth close to going back to back but a couple of missteps turn into his final steps and the mouth goes out in third place and mike sexton has regained the chip lead for the moment all right well this will be fun daniel negroni was right on his heels as the mouth heads for the rail i wanted the defense so bad you know it's kind of weird my my body my brain started acting funny and i started not feeling so good and i just kind of like got out of my rhythm i was really in a great zone all day this sucks it sucks because i screwed up [Music] the degree all in moment is brought to you by degree for men protects men who take risks [Music] back inside the rio we're heads up now for the tournament of champions title mike sexton versus daniel negranu both players have a wealth of experience both world series bracelet winners only one will collect a million dollars and the title i'm not an easy mark i don't give much away and i'm pretty tough to beat this guy here he's schooling me i feel like i'm one of the top players if not the top player you have kings how scary is this guy i have a good chance to win i feel comfortable i'm going to be trying my hardest my absolute best i got a hand when i'm in there it'd be the most money that i'd won in a poker tournament and this would be a great feather in the car when here against some tough competition that's another win for the books cool baby this one is huge sexton won a bracelet in 1989 for stud high low he was 12th in the main event in 2000 has made 18 world series finals these guys look like they're getting ready for tomorrow's golf game we'll be acting so bad tomorrow won't be all right so from an elite field of 27 players we are down to our final two with almost even stacks and a lot of money on the line sexton's donating half of his toc winnings to five charities sexton limps in negrono with nine seven off suit checks his options i believe daniel's donating his toc winnings to sexton doyle brunson and eric lindgren on the golf course he's getting better now here's the flop nine six seven negrono hits two pair mike sexton gets one pair and a straight draw daniel bets 20 000. sexton makes the call worth it for mike with bottom pair and that gut shot turn card is a four no help to mike sexton who still trails daniel checks i don't know why daniel slow down there sexton checks behind him to the river we go another six gives sexton the best hand with trip sixes what a river card for mike sexton daniel checks sexton will bet that's cold-blooded there 90 000. that's a cold-blooded card is what that is remember daniel with top two parrots wow i don't see how i can throw it away but just know you got like six three or something as usual daniel's radar is in working condition he'll pay to see it 6 10. that's about right and sexton will take the pot [Music] daniel shows sixth in the two pair and that's good news for tom sexton and the rest of the cheering section that's why you're supposed to get river cars got a big hand there mike sexton has five top 25 finishes at the world series main event and he's made an early statement here heads up the trophy and the money looming nearby sexton with 8-7 of clubs sexton went to ohio state on a gymnastics scholarship tells people he majored in cards because he played poker or bridge every day he raced it to 50 000. negrona with unsuited connectors makes the call daniel sexton will have the advantage going to the flop the flop jack four eight mike sexton pairs his eight and puts daniel in a deeper hole agrono does pick up a gut shot straight draw he checks sexton bet 60 000 with his pair of eights is that enough to buy it it should be daniel doesn't have a whole lot to hang his hat on in that flop just a gut shot oh daniel's not going anywhere though daniel makes the call he's looking to get lucky or looking to make a play later in the hand turn is a ten of clubs sexton gets a little stronger he picks up flush and straight draws to go with his pair of eights that's a decent card for daniel he now has a double belly buster straight draw and he's going to bed at 120 000. negron negrono's gonna lead out and pretend he's strong now sexton with another difficult decision or is it comes right back with 120 000. and again we see sexton with the right instinct river is another ten sexton gets the check mark finally with eights and tens but daniel's maneuvering sexton with a wary eye on his opponent and daniel goes with 250 000 chips on the bluff well on the flop daniel had called to bluff and then indeed he bluffed on the turn and he's going to bluff again on the river he postured when the 10 had the turn and then he goes with 250 000 with a 10 at the river i think this is an easy call as i've pointed out before because sexton is an announcer he can see the other players [Music] daniel wins it i don't normally do this but something's got to change and i gotta bluff one one time all right it showed the bluff he doesn't usually show a bluff he's not trying to show up sexton he's just trying to set him up for later plant a seed in his head thanks daniel four sexton out of the hand change the tide somehow that was a good bet great play by daniel grano i didn't have much but i didn't think i had to beat really i thought i was just trying to represent the 10. the 910 the 10 queen something like that whatever he was trying to represent it worked very well for daniel negranu he just won't die just trying to hold on no my old age will give in here that's the plan all right sexton is 58. negrono 32 sexton still has the chip lead survival plan pocket nines for mike sexton and the grano with ace jack of clubs daniel says you want to get into someone's head understand how they approach the game and then you play their tendencies sexton limped in negrono raised it to 50 000 and mike sexton re-raises well sexton is tired but aggressive so 125 25 mike re-raise 100 daniel's gonna go right along with him i'll even check in the dark just for you that's nice it's a big pot already daniel pulling a lot of tricks out of his bag sexton with the slight lead with his pocket knives the flop three jack six negronu pairs his jack to take a commanding lead remember he'd already checked sexton historically a conservative player but watching young turks he's not as conservative anymore they both check to the turn it's a 10 no improvement to mike sexton's hand negrono still leads fires with a hundred thousand with his pair of jacks top pair top kicker daniel likes it and mike sexton makes the call sexton not believing whatever daniel's representing at this point they'll go to the river it's a seven negrono now with the check mark and no hesitation from daniel it's 200 000 to sexton this is where daniel's bluff earlier comes into play he's now betting 200 000 into a half million chip pot it looks like a value bet you're dying from there call this huh and sexton's trying to figure out if it's a value bet or if it's a value bet bluff mike sexton has really been tested today he's been put in a tough position many times has usually made the right decision but a misstep for sexton he makes the call and will lose to negrono daniel shows ace jack for a pair of jacks with an ace kicker daniel out thunks mike on that one daniel's got a lot of gears and he just kicked it into fifth it's a tough battle but i know it would be yeah two great poker minds trying to out maneuver each other negrono back in the [Music] [Applause] lead the 2006 world series of poker tournament of champions is presented by soviet adrenaline rush sustained energy for non-stop living and in part by the world's largest quicker school and degree for men protects men who take risks back inside the rio daniel negrono in good shape to add this illustrious title to his already impressive poker resume has a pretty good size lead over mike sexton now this tournament of champions negroni with queen jack of diamonds you know if daniel ever wants to become an announcer line i've got a feeling i'm out of a job i'll back you up i'm a dead man negrona raises it to 56 000. sexton with king queen will raise it to 215 000. for the record sexton says the world series announcers are quote phenomenal we appreciate that from mike i don't think he threw one away sexton noting that daniel 15 calls will see a lot of flops and daniel will make the call but sexton will have him dominated as they go to the flop you got a little pot brewing well i think we could all be going to bed soon two pretty good hands and heads up the flop is four king eight sexton keeps his advantage pairing the king daniel picks up a diamond draw sexton is going to come out with 255 000. separating some chips from his stack race and a raise of 255 more and we see a lot of big raises on only a draw when he gets the heads up you hope to take the hand down right now or you might get lucky down the road and still win wow i'm all in sexton moves all in goal is let's gamble negrono makes the call what a hand we've got yeah yeah diamond draw yeah i tell you they can see each other's cars you have ace king or something a king queen against queen jack oh you might win it sexton needs to win it he's all in daniel knows he's the one in trouble though sexton all in but he's not getting up now diamond corner pocket diamond corner pocket or a 10 make it exciting man if i lose this spot i'm in big trouble [Laughter] big big trouble the turn card is a seven of clubs daniel is still in big big trouble sexton one card away from doubling up and he can almost taste the chip lead and daniel a bit tired decides he can't stand up for the rest of this hand sexton still at risk here negrono needs a diamond and a diamond only to knock out mike sexton and take home the toc title river is a club and sexton wins this kitty hands he survives is all in and doubles up through negrano that's a big blow to kid poker what a win for mike sexton who is now the overwhelming chip leader back to the drawing board all right welcome back chips back to the drawing board daniel's drawing board is pretty small right now and with that double up mike sexton now is the leader by 1.2 million chips and sexton with pocket aces and he will limp in queen jack of hearts for negronu daniel with a good hand too and at a bad time and he'll raise it up 64 000 total it would cost sexton 40 000 more to make the call but he's going to do more than that a re-raise to 220 000. i don't know if daniel is paying by the raise or just exhausted tom sexton watching his brother play these pocket aces well every step daniel makes now is crucial because of his dwindling chip stack daniel makes the call cost him 180 000. sexton with a big lead with those two aces going to the flop the flop is 8-4-10 no hearts daniel did get a straight draw i'm all in and moves all in on the draw wow i call sexting calls you got it you got a big pair i need a nine and this could be it got my queen jack again daniel sort of channeling mike madison a bit here that previous hand i could see him calling you all in on a diamond cold decks came your way brother every call deck but going all in here on just a gut shot straight draw plus sexton had come over the top of him before the flop or an ace in the turn be good then a king helps a jack a lot of cards nine would be best though nine of hearts that's a good one yeah i think a nine might come i'm gonna sit back down daniel's tired of talking and he's covered all his bases two across team sexton looking for low cards on the turn mike sexton on the verge of a title okay here comes our turn and now the turn card oh it's an ace yes that's not as good as they might think they like that card that was a good one for me yeah daniel re-energized here comes the king now daniel's like double belly buster straight draw i heard a lot of screaming for the ace put a king out there king or nine that would be sick if the king comes hold that one talked himself out discussing the outs he's gonna need a king or a nine or mike sexton is the tournament of champions winner and now the river card it's an eight sexton has done it congratulations man mike sexton is a 2006 tournament of champions winner sexton started the final table seventh in chips now he ends up with all the chips he made some great reads at a very tough table negrono had controllers final table most of the loosely but could not reign in mike sexton and will finish in second too many coolers can't handle that and how sweet it is for mike sexton he created the original tournament of champions now comes back to win the new version of it and what a way to wrap it up congratulations to mike sexton the winner of the 2006 tournament of champions for norman chad i'm love mccarran we'll see you next time from the world series of poker
Channel: PokerGO
Views: 717,289
Rating: 4.7058177 out of 5
Keywords: Poker strategy, how to play poker, poker tips, PokerGO, Poker Central, watch poker, pokerstars, poker vlog, poker 2020, poker night, WSOP, World Series of Poker, poker all in, wsop main event, wsop final table, wsop academy, wsop app tips, wsop all in, learn poker, WSOP 2006, wsop videos, wsop video, stream poker, Norman Chad, Lon McEachern, Daniel Negreanu, Mike Sexton, Poker Hall of Fame, WSOP Tournament of Champions, Andy Black, WPT, partypoker
Id: 65bWhBfKxj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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