Tournament of CHAMPIONS Final Table Highlights WPT Baccarat Crystal

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[Music] [Applause] the hype is real and the stakes are high it's a battle to see which poker great can beat the best of the best hi everyone i'm lynne gilmartin and this is the baccarat crystal wpt tournament of champions hola chamien way out in front with 1.8 million in chips just amazing how maria he's really been able to run over this field i mean i think we did see that he got a little lucky on the previous days but of course at this point having such a big chip lead going into the final table is so important the blinds are four and eight thousand with a big blind annie of eight griffin paul he has ace ten of diamonds now griffin won the seminal hard rock poker showdown season 13 and he is going to raise it to 18 000 ryan going out tony dunst out and now simon lamb picking up his queen great hand for simon and he is going to three bet off of about 42 big blinds to start nick shulman gets out of their way back on griffin now griffin paul is from the san fernando valley i lived for a very long time growing up as well in fact i played with his father back in the day when we were both 16 years old truly who won between the two of you oh i did i guess the clock is ticking down he's got a decision here i mean ace ten suited looks really pretty but if you don't think simon has any light three bets then i do think a fold is good and he's gonna make that fold simon lamb who took down season 17's first event at wpt gardens nice and sir thank you thank you that was impressive griffin paul this time gonna lay down jack ten ryan tosic out tony dunst wpt commentator wpt champion goes away miranda nick schulman with seven six is just gonna call with a 9-4 of hearts content to see three cards here we go flop is a queen 7-3 and there's two hearts nick out in front with sevens eight thousand but ole is gonna bet the four flush nick certainly isn't gonna go anywhere you can tell that he just wants to check call against ola because well as a very aggressive player he's to his left he has position three pairs the board nick's still in front here it's going to check again try to get in cheap and older going to splash it hoping to hit a flush hola on a semi bluff just betting his equity here but of course nick still not gonna fold going to the river can nick survive this no a deuce of hearts ola hitting the flush look at those eyes and nick has to be uncomfortable with that last card he's going to check again hola betting a hundred thousand here which represents over half of nick's stack puts nick in a really tough spot if he makes this call and is wrong then he's really handcuffed now nick is taking one of his time chips that's an extension of 30 seconds each player gets eight of these before the final table starts definitely worth the consideration that nick is taking but he is going to end up letting it go that's a good fold a lot of discipline against someone who is as aggressive as ola and i think we're going to continue to see the trend of ola opening a lot of hands because at this point he's going to put maximum pressure on all of his opponents oh not so fast don't do it with the tony duns he's got a pair of jacks here nice for tony to find jax in the big blind but he is just going to call because in this spot when you have a decent stack size against the chip leader you don't want to play a big pot especially out of position and lose your chip position which gives you a big advantage over the short stack and look at this flop perfect for tony duns as a seven five five appears ola getting a piece of that with the sevens easy continuation bet from ola he doesn't expect tony to have an over pair because sometimes he will hear from tony with a three bet before the flop well he's made it thirty six thousand a good check and raised by tony and ola is not going anywhere he's gonna make this call we're going to the turn and it gets better for ola now he's got tens and sevens tony looking good with jackson fives motown hand tony's gonna come out with a bet 42 tony happy to continue to extract value in this hand oh he's gonna continue five so now tony dunst with fives full of jacks ola with fives full of tens tony's gonna put a bet of eighty thousand doesn't wanna scare away his victim and he's gonna make the call hard to get away from that so tony dunst will take some chips away from the chip leader six players remain here at the tournament of champions [Applause] he'll make it 17 to go but nick shulman wakes up with ace jack behind him nick is just gonna call i think he gives simon a lot of respects for his open because sometimes you will see players potentially put it all in there with nick's stack size i'ma just put all my money in there but that actually opens it up for ryan to put both players at risk you're just gonna do it huh simon lays down the fives and now shulman has a dilemma here with his ace jack also given what tossing's reputation is i do think that nick will end up calling it off here it is for his tournament life but given that he's the shortest stack he's not that worried about trying to ladder up he needs to find a spot to double up and he's gonna like himself in the morning he's a favorite here going in with the best right now they turn up the cards ace check for nick schuman ryan with a king queen and it is a queen seven deuce ryan out flops nick hits the queens a dramatic front there blocker blocker actually a backdoor flush drop deuce pairs the board it's not going to be an ace it's a ten of diamonds what can nick do he picked the right hand at the wrong and let's take a look at the chip counts of the remaining five players ola chamian still having this commanding chip lead over the rest of the players but ryan tosic has built up his stack rather nicely and now poses somewhat of a threat to our chip leader [Music] five players remain and here ryan with the king four diamonds will raise makes it 23 to go tony and simon go out ola still call he's got the real hand ace queen could disguise the strength of it with just a call though ryan continuing to open up his game as he's building momentum and hola of course going to defend ryan getting a piece of that with the fours makes a continuation bet of 19 hola he will stick around yeah it's a big enough ace to call that flop bet you've got two overs to that flop king on the turn now kings and fours there for ryan gotta feel good about that he's gonna bet 75. and for ola it's understandable that he called that flop bet now on the turn he also has a gut shot to broadway so he decides that he wants to continue queen on the river so he gets a piece of it now so he's checking again little does he know he's buried in this hand ryan gonna stick out another better hefty 175. yeah and ola having the queen of spades in his hands means that there's less hands that ryan has that are semi bluffs on the turn that misses on the river because of that ola has to feel like he has the second best hand and you have to be careful when you have so many chips that you don't just start making potentially bad calls because you can pay to see it i think a lot of times that is the mistake that some chip leaders do make clock is ticking down again michael oh boy he's made this call he was curious and he has to pay this off big hand for ryan tosic right there pretty sick hey that's not bad it isn't okay back the action here we got a raised by ryan again and hola's gonna call this and here's the flop five four three three of a kind there beautiful flop for ryan tosic what do you think pretty sick yeah first and second and chips tangling a lot right now ryan always having the best of it so far against ola oof only gets better for him now he's got threes full ola has none of that though but he does have a flush draw now and check again you know for ola calling the flop even though it was such a small bet is somewhat dangerous sometimes because you do turn a card that looks like it might be good for your hand now if a club rolls off you think maybe that ten of clubs in your hand is gonna be good enough but as we can see he's drawing dead to ryan's boat doesn't want to catch a flush little does he know nine of hearts so he doesn't get anything he's gonna check it again ryan is going to put out the oversized bat to look like he's maybe bluffing of 142. yeah i definitely like this sizing from ryan but hola just doesn't have enough to make the call so great momentum for ryan tosic back to back hands [Applause] ola chevy and still out in front with 1.4 but ryan tosic 1.3 the blinds are 5 and 10 000 with a big blind andy of 10 as we go to the felt that's going to be on ryan tosic 21. we've certainly seen ryan raise with worse hands from under the gun but simon picking up ace jack of hearts he's gonna go all in he's an entrepreneur he owns an ice cream store griffin is going to look at an ace 10. not going to be good enough to call off against a three-bet shove this is tilt the definition of tilt is when and ryan smiles as he lays that down the ice cream man scoops the putt show tens yeah no 10 nine clubs oh 10 9 or ten i was like what come on man that's why this guy's got all the ice cream money i know i got him dominating when they got i tried to be subtle i was like he just full-time folded pockets hens what first card ace [Music] and we go back down to the table ryan with ace king ola with ace nine simon with queen jack as well three-way action flop is an ace nine four aces and nines for ola big aces for ryan with the king kicker hola massively out flopping ryan but ryan did just call pre-flop so the strength of his hand is disguised you see that the two chip leaders don't want to get into a huge pot and that's a big reason why ryan decided to just flat pre-flop the four pairs the board ryan's gotta think he's even stronger yeah this board looks so dry really clean for a hand like ace king all is gonna bed at 77. ryan just gonna call it and the river card is a nothing deuce just great for ola with his aces and nines i'm just going to stick out a big bad 215. ryan under-represented the strength of his hand from the beginning just calling pre-flop and the flush draw missed i really don't see any possible way that he could get away from this so ryan is going to take some more time puts another chip in there maria you know ola is going to put a lot of pressure on you especially if he feels like you have a hand like a weak ace hola has no idea that you have a big hand like ace king in this spot and ola would even value bet ace queen here and possibly ace jack so for ryan to possibly get away from this is too sick for me he is going to lay this down beautifully done wow i mean especially against a player like ola who is certainly very capable that is super cool vince but i gotta say i was lucky enough to receive a gift bag myself but the wine was missing so maybe i need to check with lynn on that one i was thirsty back to the table five-handed tony dunst moxon 8-3 simon lamb from southern cali he's going to raise with king nine oh hola with ace deuce of diamonds making this call and griffin paul from los angeles goes out ryan too sick with a six seven of hearts gonna stick around very playable hand to defend with from the big blind for ryan flop is a queen 6'5 so ryan out in front with sixes and it goes check around and a big ace on the turn great for ola that ace on the turn gives ola the best hand now a top pair but simon given the fact that he did raise pre-flop is gonna represent that he has this ace he's pretty tight at this table for him to bet a quick call by ola though not going anywhere queen on the river pairs the board simon's gonna continue with the follow-through bet 85. and you know simon has had a pretty tight image at this final table so far hasn't really gotten out of line that the players have seen yet so for ola it looks like he might be out kicked here and he decides to fold simon lamb taking a nice one down with a bluff and simon whoa he picks up a pair of jacks here very consistent defense simon's just going to call in the big blind and that's because when you look at the stack sizes you see griffin paul with just 130 000 you really want to outlast that short stack and be able to ladder up in the pay jump flop was great for all our hitting aces ice cream is melting on the turn so not very good for simon he's going to check again now ola gonna stick in another bed it appears oh yeah 72. and just more over cards keep rolling off that deck and simon now with a gut shot straight draw but ola still has that gut shot to broadway as well it's a pivotal moment in this hand if you call on the turn and you're simon it's just because you think ola has some pure bluffs here he's gonna take a little more time wow and instead of calling he decides to go all in i mean vince the ice cream man puts the sprinkles on the whipped cream how about that how about that i definitely prefer the all in to the call you do block jack 10. you have two blockers to the nuts right now 3 16. he is going to lay it down and he was just totally manipulated by simon lamb right there beautiful play by simon action is on ryan tosic who has been playing great poker tonight he goes out and now tony dunst with ace four of hearts will raise ola with king jack of clubs though will make this call so two-way action great looking hands for both players and the flop is a queen jack a two hearts for tony for a four flush but ola out in front with jax tony happy to check that pot back flush draw flush he gets there ola is going to bet this turn though he does want to protect his middle pair and he wants to charge maybe some hands that have just a heart in them show tunes going off and tony dunstan as he has the nuts at this point and he slowly calls 38 000. five of diamonds just a great river card for tony he's all going to take another stab no he's going to check it 140. tony's gonna make the oversized bed of 140. and all i recognize is that tony does have so many flushes here on this board considering tony did open from the button and sometimes tony does have just the naked ace of hearts here calling on the turn hoping for another heart to come off on the river but i think ola is going to give him credit here yes he is he's going to give it up tony ryan's gonna raise with an eight six of hearts but tony dunst with the pair of sevens right behind him what will tony do just gonna call let's call simon with a very seductive nine ada clubs also going to stick around kind of surprised to see olan not defend there with king nine offsuit from the big blind flop is a jack 6'5 so ryan getting sixes and he will make a continuation bet of 30 000 tony dunst good flop for him actually pair sevens in front makes the call yeah just one over card to tony's pair so he's gonna take one off and simon's gonna come along too with that back door flush draw and gut shot five on the turn pairs the board but now ryan with a four flush and the sixes let's try to take control of the spot he is going to bet 150 000 tony dunst going out with the sevens the actual hand in front yeah and i do believe if ryan didn't turn that additional equity with that backdoor heart draw coming in he might have checked and that hand might have played out differently but that was a good bet to get the best hand at that time to fold by simon lamb and now griffin paul on the short stack picks up a pair of sixes 115. he is going to make it 115 and that is all in for griffin paul from los angeles ryan can't play michael tony duds wakes up with ace king and makes this call and here's the flop and it's a good one for griffin as a jack eight four appears two diamonds tony gets none of that so the sixes are in front for griffin black queen on the turn of diamonds see that's a that's a spicier card black queen works now all black queen works griffin has a diamond in his hand the six is looking good at this point can he double up here last card is a three of clubs 26 year old griffin paul got a double up this time with a very strong ace king he'll make a 25 to go toss it goes out tony with the pair of fives making the call and everyone else out of the way five on the flop as a nine eight five appear three spades tony dunsa flops a set 18. griffin has the king of spades so to him the swap doesn't look all that bad for him he has two overs he does have the second nut flush draw all in tony is gonna put him all in here yeah he's not gonna let him get off cheap here if you want to draw you got to pay for it tony with the set there's griffin's family you know it's a tough spot for griffin but i don't think you can bet fold this hand i think as long as you believe you're live then yeah i think you have to go with it he does make the call it's a nothing three of hearts tony dents looking good it's a ten of clubs so tony duds has knocked out griffin paul he is out of here in fifth place he'll take home 84 000 and dad doesn't have to buy the drinks of course has the ice cream parlor great guy what's your favorite ice cream maria i'm a big cookies and cream gal really yeah never really liked anything else as much as i like that you live on the edge mine's vanilla yes for somebody who likes vanilla i feel like cookies and cream is on the edge but there's a whole world out there vince finally get to play raised by ola it's been a while i know a call by ryan a flop of king six three so that's three of a kind for all of the razor and he's gonna bet 30 ryan here with just ace eight doesn't believe ola he's making this call and now he gets a piece of it with the eights he's gonna check again i think it's understandable that ryan called the flop with ace high and now making second pair i don't really see him going anywhere to this second barrel a lot of chips 140 and ryan thinking he's in front perhaps just doesn't believe ola he's so far behind though and a five on the river hola in the driver's seat oh he's getting out the big weapons yeah looks like a pretty hefty sized bet 380 000 into a pot of 418 000 now we saw ryan make a really spectacular lay down earlier with that ace king against ola's aces and nines but here you've got to think that if he oh yeah i mean if he makes this call i mean and he does make the call it's because he just thinks ola's raising range from the button is so wide that perhaps he's bluffing that's a tremendous part and ola shemion will take it down and tony dunst has a big ace queen and he's just gonna call it here we go with the flop big ace queen four so top two pair but there are three clubs out there ryan with aces as well ryan's gonna bet twenty thousand ryan happy to have the backup club a lot of times he will take this pot down right on the flop but once tony calls ryan realizes that top pair might not be good especially with the ten of diamonds coming in on the turn they go check check nine of diamonds so finally tony's pretty cleared for a value bet it would seem and he's getting out the chips yeah he'll bet 80 000 try to get paid off but ryan too smart for that goes away so tony dud still on a nice little rush quick full by ryan and tony and simon with a pair of tens simon started this hand with just over 30 big blinds and you know that tricky limp here with a really big hand again i think just a nod to ola's aggression but of course king jack of clubs really great hand 125 i expect ola to raise that always and simon feels really good about that limp re-raise working for him ola not going anywhere pretty solid king jack of clubs he can make this investment and we are going to see the flop flop is a 10-7-6 simon flops a set checks it and he's going to hope that all the bets hit ola has a pretty good-looking hand i mean he has two overs back flush draw back door straight draw but don't forget the big re-raise by simon is gonna potentially slow down ola yeah he's respecting it now as we go to the turn of four so nothing for ola huge set here for simon he's going to try to trap again with a check will it work no it doesn't go into the river and it's a queen so ola gets none of that simon with the big hand would like to get more value 160. so he's going to bet 160. and i think the thing with ola is yes he does have a reputation for being aggressive but he doesn't get out of line in situations where he just knows simon's very likely to have such a big hand to limp re-raise their pre with the 16 000 big blind andy and now around to ola with a big ace four of diamonds fifty fifty thousand ryan with an a6 decent hand for ryan to continue in position against ola and the flop is at ace queen four aces and fours for ola and of course aces for ryan whoa what a good flop for ola and he is gonna make the 50 000 continuation called of course by ryan who is in a lot of trouble right now wow six on the turret ryan gets out of that mess with a bigger two pair down what a lucky turn card for ryan because he was likely to pay off all bets depending on the run out and now you know ola of course still has to believe he has the best hand puts out a bet of 215 000 ryan you know he doesn't have all that much back i think this is a good spot to just go all in i'm at the wager all my chips that's what you do he has gone all in and ola's gonna hate it he has to make that call of course disappointment for ola but what an opportunity for ryan tosic huge favorite going to the river to double up how about a queen queen would give them a chop so all right all right let's go paint paint on the river okay i'll take it hola not being greedy not asking for a four this is a big moment give the man a queen then let's see what happens it's a jack big time double up for ryan tosic we now see somebody who is very aggressive on top of the chip counts i do feel like he is going to take this chance to go for the win this time simon with the pair of sevens will raise this tony dunn's gonna stick around here we go with the flop eight six three sevens with simon lamb here and tony dunst with an inside straight draw pretty safe board for simon to bet at but tony it looks like he's got some other plans with that gunshot i don't mind this raise i think it's a really great spot because of course you know you're not gonna get to show down and win with four high so you might as well take the aggressive route and try to get your opponent to fold right here but of course simon not falling for it just quite yet jack on the turn let's see what tony does he's gonna check it simon with the sevens out in front at this point also checking so we're gonna go to the river and it's oh it's a miracle cart for tony hitting a straight here and what he did by taking that aggressive route is he got himself a free card on the turn and now he's no longer bluffing he is going for value and it's really tough for simon because he has the seven of diamonds in his hand and that might be enough to make him look tony up in this hand he blocks the straights he blocks some flushes all of which are the types of hands that tony would have raised the flop with are those kinds of draws it's going to take more time here with this time chip he's on the short stack you don't want to be giving up chips but he's going to give up an additional 120. got curious and he has to pay that off to tony dunst tony dunn's cut out raised by ola with the little suited connector making it 35 to go tony dunce with an ace eight interesting fold and simon though we'll mop it up with a king seven with a call let's see if simon gets some revenge here and okay he's out in front with sevens flop of queen seven four huge draw for ola open-ended straight flush draw there's no way that ola is going to go anywhere in this hand and simon he probably won't go anywhere either he's got middle pair king kicker back door clubs he has pushed all in and a quick call of course by ola and this is almost a coin flip that is a spicy draw so let's see what happens it's another club no i don't know you don't know what to ask for simon's looking for a club that's not the eight of clubs or the three of clubs otherwise he is gone he is out of here in fourth place here's the river card it's an ace of hearts that is safe for ola simon lamb is out in fourth place since three players left chip leader is ryan tosic and our start of this final table chip leader ola shemion in third place now ryan tosic 10-8 this time great field going on tonight for him he has raised it but tony wakes up with ace queen behind him and he's getting out those raising chips 125 total into ola goes out i'm so surprised by this very loose call by ryan he's out of position can't lay this down 10-8 off-suit against a three-bet but look at this flop for him 7-6-5 he's open-ended beautiful flop for ryan tony making the continuation bet of 90. well if you're going to play 10-8 off suit this really isn't a bad flop for your hand so i wouldn't be surprised to see ryan make a move yep he is going to make a move 260 total these are the two chip leaders in a big pot here tony's gonna call this doesn't believe him yet his instincts are correct now i feel like they're playing some poker vince because ace queen doesn't look like that big of a hand anymore on this type of flop especially against the check raise and the ada diamonds coming on the turn so ryan now has a pair but he also has the aggressive action right now great card for ryan hitting eights and he's gonna stick out a bet of 300 it's gonna work mr too sick a little bit of a sheepish grin on his face there well put it's the best hand why wouldn't i want that i yes is jack 10 suited pretty sure but do i want aces is that my favorite hand yes but what have you been the most lucky with no sentimental no i'm not superstitious i have no sentiment well look at this hand right now big slick for ryan and ola with jack tan ryan's come over the top and he won't get the action he wants so everything going ryan's way now ola shemian who has to be feeling a little depressed had so many chips in the beginning now he's down to the short stack i've seen ola play several times from behind and he is able to get back to a place where he can find himself on top ryan with a huge ace king of clubs and he is not going to disguise that he's gone over the top and when you're as unpredictable as brian has been you will get action even when you have big hands because players just don't give you that much credit anymore and seven six of spades in position is not a bad hand to continue with he will take a shot hope to get lucky the flop is a jack 4-3 ryan's going to check it a 5 would give ola a straight and he has some backdoor spade possibilities as well betting 65 000 is not a bad play ryan is gonna call it eight on the turn ryan's gonna check even more equity for ola now that he has that backdoor flush draw to go with the straight draw and ola has about 500k left there's 412 000 in the pot clock is ticking down well he's taking more time and ola's going to just shove it put it all in here i got nothing i'm very surprised to see ryan think about this there's a lot of players who pretty much would have instantly folded he's going to take more time this will be the worst call ever but i'm gonna do it wow wow this will be the worst call but excellent call by ryan he's in front i'm a plo player i can't i can't lose my share of the pot okay big chance for ryan to knock out ola so he needs a spade or a five or a seven or a six vince because that's how light ryan's called him and here we go with the river card it's a spade so ola has hit the flush he gets lucky and he will double up be a little less confrontational than maybe the other two all is back in front as the chip leader with 1.4 and he's going to raise but ryan with kings and he has re-raised to 125 total tony gets out of the way getting called by ola hola hoping to flop a set but it's ryan who flops the set when he didn't need it that's 125. he's gonna chase out ola three over cards easy folds i've never had it i've never known that feeling at this final table there's ryan with the chip lead with 1.4 million you know got a lot of chips blinds are still eight and 16. these three players are playing extremely deep stackton when the level of poker is this high and they have that much playability cool we're going to see some very interesting things happen ola with a 910 of diamonds called it oh yeah this is the one oh yeah let's go no sorry i have to it's been a while since i raised this spot so i'm confused whatever that is you'll make it 55. that's an acceptable race i accept and 109 suited is the type of hand that if ola decides to limp with he's clearly intending on calling a raise and the flop is a queen eight deuce two clubs neither player has a club ryan's gonna continue 50 000. both players have an inside straight draw though which is enough for ola to continue against ryan's bet three of clubs neither player could be excited about that card and they go check check down to the river we go it's a seven misses everything so this is gonna be won by the man with the most heart to bet and it looks like ola's first one to put the punch out there and i like this bet size of 95 000 into 226 000 because that gives him a lot of value hands with this size ryan's got to fold it ola on the comeback trail [Applause] tony dent's gonna call with his ace eight and also ola with an ace deuce gonna call so here we go the flop is a jack eight four tony hitting eights ryan with the fours ryan also with the backdoor club draw was hoping that he could get two folds right here but tony of course continuing ola goes out gets better for tony dunce aces and eights and he's gonna try to trap and check again ryan going to check behind him though and a queen on the river big hand here for tony dunst you know when tony leads here that it's just going to be value because ryan doesn't think that this is the type of board that tony would try to bluff at ryan won't fall for it he gives it up to tony dunst well all those great wpt champions won the way into this event but we're down to these three right now ryan tosic in front with 1.5 million in chips 1.3 for ola tony dents with about 9 15. and here we go ola the german with jack nine is gonna get aggressive with it makes it 45 000 and tony dunst with an attractive queen ten of hearts will make this call yeah suited broadways have a lot of possibilities flop of king 10-3 so tony gets tens although with an inside straight draw will continue to fire away 35. he's hoping one of the queens that tony has will come off on the turn tony's calling with the tens nothing card tony's still in front gonna throw some rope out again hola firing again on this semi bluff probably because he thinks that if tony has a hand like bottom pair he might just give it up we know tony's a bit stronger than that he's gonna make this call and it's an eight on the river helps neither player tony gonna check again ola says okay i've had it show me your pair yeah there's just not a lot of draws that missed on the flop so i think he realized that tony has quite good value there so not gonna try that time ryan with ace queen of diamonds he just limped in kind of sneaky move there and tony fine with that jack five deuce on the flop ryan betting tony gonna call it and we get a seven on the turn tony decided to float that flop for the backdoor possibilities but since none of those came in on the turn and ryan's willing to check it to him tony's gonna try to steal and he will be successful with it so there you go tony nice little rush going on i'm happy just to pick up these little pots ryan talking to his rail there what does that mean what's that what does it mean oh and i don't like this i was just joking with my girl because you were looking at me no no i got no hard feelings towards anyone no i'm just asking you it means nothing one thing i learned throughout my years vince is not to take anything personally at the poker table god it means something it's never directed at you that's a good point and here is a flop of ace king five all the picking up kings here tony's gonna lead out in bet 60. tony getting a little more aggressive right now in this blind versus blind situation it's been called 10 on the turn tony's got to be pretty discouraged you would think but he does have the betting lead and that jack in his hand which would help if a queen came off but he doesn't even have to worry about seeing a river because ola is going to give him a lot of credit [Applause] day one was tough i barely made it through i was very fortunate on day one to get really good table draws and seat draws i mean especially relative to this tournament toxic we'll go to 45 000 call by ola i think i just got it in flipping every time in day one and i barely survived the flop is a queen 10-7 two clubs huge flop for ola with top hair and the flush draw the check check smart check by ryan on the flop though i think he was happy to see a turn doesn't want to play too big of a pot with just middle pair on such a wet board all about a hundred it's been called river cart three of diamonds all those queens in front little value bet of a hundred same bet so a hundred thousand into three hundred twenty thousand it gives ryan such a great price to call the flush straw miss the straight draw mist queen he is gonna be called i would say that ryan lost the minimum there i don't think he could fold to that river bet hola will take it down and he's gonna try to disguise the strength with just a call ryan just calling as well yeah four three of diamonds from the small line only ten thousand more so can't blame him for coming along tony also in and tony getting lucky eights and fours on the flop and fours for ryan this might not work out for ola trying to slowplay the king's pre-flop wow he's betting 55 now tossing he's going to raise it he goes to 175 and that's got to be music to tony's ears he flops two pair tony is going to re-raise that check race from ryan so now ola in a i was going to say in a tough spot he made it look like it was easy folding that quickly sure sure you're going to get to find out in 30 minutes i never looked this up you never find these things out no wow come on oh one time you could know incredibly stunning that he should drop at least that quickly maybe it's just very good instincts but you would think he'd take a time chip out at least nice thank you crazy see all the wants information he is dying to know whether he was good or not or what these guys were raising on now ryan on this hand looks down at a queen seven of hearts just gonna call it tony goes out and ola with the king deuce of hearts let's go flop him flop is a six five three two hearts big flop for both players ola has the second nut flush draw but ryan has a gunshot straight draw and a flush draw so it's got to look pretty good to him this is a huge all-in it really puts hola in a tough spot because he's got to think to himself what type of hand would ryan just make this massive over bet shove with it looks like a draw wow and all is going to make this call against him olaf feels pretty good about his king high flush draw sorry and let's take a look if a heart appears no nine here so ryan now has a double gut shot though so he is looking for an eight a four a queen or a seven that's not a heart otherwise he is gone he'll be our third place finisher here comes the last card it's a jack of spades ryan 2-6 tossing is out in third place he played a heck of a game it was just one big roller coaster for him today all right the heads-up battle about to begin ola shamian from germany he lives in austria now with 2.1 million in chips against tony dunst the american with 1.6 million in chips ola's doubled several people up at this final table coming in as the chip leader but tony's played a much more steady game we'll see how they fair heads up tony's raised with ace four and he's going to catch at ace as ace 10 5 hits the board about 40 with the continuation bet olo with just king eight of clubs with this i don't mind ola's call and has up play you just assume that your opponent is going to raise super wide so you can't just give them connecting with top pair here three now tony will not give a free card though it appears he's going to bet this again 110 and ola's had enough tony with a solid pair of eights here makes it 50 to go ola wants to see the flop with jack three of clubs the flop is a seven seven ten nice flop for tony definitely feels comfortable to bet eights and sevens thirty five thousand hold on gonna get creative with a raise with nothing goes to 110. tony's sticking around there are a lot of good cards for ola on the turn he knows he can turn a lot more equity with all of those backdoor possibilities he gets a good card as a fourth club for him that's going to strengthen his will for sure and he's going to stick out a bit of 225 this just makes it tougher for tony at this point because ola could have easily had a lot of seven x's because heads up you know your opponent's gonna be calling your raises pretty wide the pressure takes tony off the hand ole chamian with the chip lead battling it out against wpt's own tony dunst the blinds are going up to 15 and 25 000 and tony duns picks up a pair of nines he's gonna raise to 60. ola with a pair of sevens and i like this just call from ola they are playing so deep stacked no reason to really get too over confident with the sevens pre-flop mop is a jack four do so good for tony they go check check though turn card eight of hearts both players have a heart tony's is bigger ola is gonna bet i think he thinks it's a value bet because there are worse hands that would call him he also does have that flush draw with the seven of hearts in his hand last card ace of diamonds i think both players feel good about their showdown value no real reason for either of them to bet hold up not going to bet they go check check tony's going to love it pear over pear with that pot tony is going to clear some of that difference now between their chip stacks 1.95 million for ola to 1.85 for tommy good no three but push your head tony with jack seven no race here hola with king six the flop is a 10-9-7 so tony getting the best of it with the sevens you bet 25. now an eight would be a really interesting card vince because that would give tony the jack high straight but would give ola the 10 high straight it is a four and check check go into the river a king so ola spikes the right card on the river but the flush draw and the straight draw from the flop does come in but i still do think that ola does have to go for the value bet well tony is gonna get aggressive he's gonna try to make a bluff out of this he's gone to 400 000. i really like this play from tony especially with that very key card that jack of spades in his hand i like it now maria i think olaf he bets top pair there has to call but you can't blame tony for trying he tried ola quickly called read his man quite well tony takes it well he's keeping his composure and now we look at the queen nine of spades for ola and he'll make it 60 000 to go tony this time with a king five 250. wow he's gonna stab at it again you know roughly your account 1.3 i believe raises it up to 250. ola has a great hand to play in position he has called it and let's see this flop there's a king jack 10 and that's going to make a straight there for ole and kings for tony dunst bingo bango bongo vince that's it top pair for tony not much he can do here but i like his check because he doesn't want to bet and get raised there are a ton of draws possible all is going to come in with a bet 200 get this pot cooking and tony compelled to call can't blame them and we are going to the turn it's a four spades not that ola needed it but now he does have that backdoor flush draw working as well tony dunst can't win just can he prevent the damage hola betting 420 000 and now if tony wants to call here it's pretty much all of his chips so this is very pivotal for him to decide whether he's going to go with it or not paul oh he's gone all in it's gonna be over yeah because tony's drawing dead he's gonna hate to see this [Applause] that's gonna do it the tony does ola shemion will take down this punt and the championship you know when you get heads up you always want to win uh and that was a very quick finish but um damn man you know like great result feel pretty good overall we're with our champ hola shimion right [Applause] [Music] here [Music] you
Channel: bCp - Poker Highlights
Views: 141,272
Rating: 4.5986161 out of 5
Keywords: Poker, Ole Schemion poker, Final Table, Poker 2021, Main Event poker, Baccarat Crystal WPT, Poker Highlights, High Roller Poker, Nick Schulman poker, WPT Final Table
Id: Teojl9Q2vuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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