Gordon Ramsay's Sandwich Recipes

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and one of my all-time favorites a dish that always creates a stir is the daddy of all brunches steak sandwiches [Music] for me the secret of a great brunch is fun and casual fuss-free cooking and everyone helping themselves this is the ultimate steak sandwich you want the rolls royce of beef it has to be fillet now season it beautifully i like to open up the top of the peppermill to increase the size of the pepper in the steak so it gives that bit of heat nice little chunks you just roll now nicely all the way around now slice the garlic in half pan nice and hot olive oil in hold the steak and just place it into the pan don't drop it at the front of the pan we're going to tilt the pan forward to cook the back of the steak dual purpose now roll it back and sear underneath next my garlic and roast that garlic thyme fry that time i want to hear it we're not looking for a lot of color because you're going to dry out the fill it so just one end turn it back down and steer the other end in lift up your time place it on top of the garlic there lift up your fillet and sit there on top of your garlic butter in take a spoon tilt the pan gently lift up and baste i've got that scented garlic thyme flavor the steak is going to cook evenly because it's sat on a little a little bed in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes [Music] pan on for the relish you think of a steak sandwich you think of a sort of nice heated tomato relish to make the relish finely dice a red onion three finger rule one in front two behind through and chop wow next roughly chop a chilli keeping the seeds in for extra heat start off with the olive oil into a pan onions chili [Music] generous with the olive oil i want a nice sort of rich silky relish from there take your tomatoes you can't just use red tomatoes but these yellow and red make the perfect combination now put your salt in cut them and then roast those tomatoes off take a wooden spoon and just sort of break them up once the skins blister the whole tomato just starts to release all that really nice sweet texture a little teaspoon of cherry vinegar gives that nice acidic balance the sweetness of the tomatoes turn down the gas and just let them sort of stew perfectly now a steak sandwich would not be complete unless it had the most amazing mustard mayonnaise simply add three tablespoons of mayonnaise to three teaspoons of whole grain mustard [Music] now i've got the reddish almost down to like a really nice jam now i want to make that relish a little bit more fragrant some basil slice it through sprinkle that basil in there [Music] beautiful look at this there she is my crown jewels time to take it out smell is incredible just baste one more time to fill it the touch is quite soft in the center so it's just coming up to mid-rare let it rest the same time you cooked it it'll be nice and pink evenly throughout the steak to make my sandwich i'm going to char grill some sliced chipatta bread season it nicely just a little drizzle of olive oil i want to get that bread nice and crispy pan nice and hot bread in push it down smell is amazing that char sort of charcoal flavour once you've got those marks on the bread it just stops the bread from becoming soggy and look at this here it is stunning on slice it gently one beautiful slice wow it's nice and pink all the way through and the beef is so soft it's almost like slicing through butter let the knife do the work take a little bit of mayonnaise spread that the back of the spoon on both sides next lettuce take that beautiful slice of beef and then relish on top of that beef and just slice the sandwich in half beautiful now that's what i call a steak sandwich trust me serve the sublime sandwich for brunch and you'll put a smile on everyone's face [Music] my next easy standby supper is beef meatball sandwich with melting mozzarella and tomato salsa [Music] top a lightly toasted roll with pan-fried meatballs then tear off chunks of creamy buffalo mozzarella pile it on and melt it under the grill for the tangy salsa slice sweet red onion then add juicy diced tomatoes and roughly chop fresh coriander season and drizzle with olive oil spoon over [Music] perfect in a flash beef meatball sandwich with melting mozzarella and a tomato salsa a sandwich to die for [Music] melting my lunch when i was growing up was very plain pretty trashy but i still love it now and again fish fingers with a delicious chip butty the secret of a good chip butty is in the potato now these are desiree potatoes one of my first ever jobs was working in a chip shop i used to put sacks and sacks of potatoes into the rumbler which was then the potato peeler all day long today i'm going to do something a little bit healthier for my oven chips with a twist simply peel slice and blanch for three to four minutes drain season and cover well with propeca spread evenly over an oiled baking tray and place into a preheated oven for 20 minutes simple as that next up easy fish fingers this is pollock a really nice firm delicious fish got the fish in finger size batons of fish put them onto your plate and just lightly salt them you can do that literally 20 minutes 30 minutes before you start cooking the fish it firms the fish up beautifully and it allows it to become a little more durable especially in the pan now for the coating start by thoroughly coating the fish in seasoned flour and then just roll it to get rid of those little sharp corners because then it stops those corners almost burning in the pan in to your egg wash and really coat them wonderful and then this is dill goes brilliantly well with a fish and run the dill through my breadcrumbs that makes it more aromatic lay them onto your breadcrumbs nothing wrong with the chip butty nothing wrong with fish fingers just give it a lovely modern twist beautiful once the fish fingers are thoroughly coated they're ready to pan fry and they'll need around three minutes on each side i want the fish fingers to be nice and crispy get a really nice color on them first and then we'll flip them over and finish them with butter bring the heat up into the pan and a nice little knob of butter that'll work wonders with the breadcrumbs and the dill nice and carefully take them out they look and smell incredible stay nice and crispy now to assemble my chip butty starting with buttered thick crusty bread get a slice of bread mop up that amazing flavor on slice in half never slice in an angle my mouth is salivating beautiful on with the ship butti there's one thing missing and it signifies that i've never forgotten the joy i've come for food but my god that makes me feel like a nine-year-old excuse me for a moment when you want to stuff my face [Applause] [Music] homemade fish fingers and my ultimate chip buddy so simple to make but trust me it tastes amazing [Music] this is a picnic sandwich with a twist but the secret is in the layers i'm gonna make a delicious tapenade a puree of olives seasoned with capers and anchovies a nice tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil garlic in a little teaspoon of red wine vinegar that just sort of zaps up the flavor quite like leaving it nice and chunky tastes better and feels richer i much prefer spreading a smooth layer of tapenade rather than using butter now to prepare my first mediterranean sandwich filling i want nice long slices of courgette because yes can be a bland vegetable season them nicely once that grill's nice and hot a tablespoon of olive oil the more color you put on those courgettes the more flavor while my griddle courgette's cool i can prepare the bread this is a stunning beautiful country loaf but we're not gonna slice it i'm just gonna cut the top off because i'm assembling a picnic sandwich basket and then an inch from the crust and go around scoop out a nice large hollow don't waste this bread put that out to dry it makes the most amazing bread crumbs the secret now is filling that cavity with all those wonderful mediterranean flavors i'm going to leave them to sort of sit and marinate lightly season the inside of the loaf drizzle of olive oil line with that wonderful tapenade and spread it generously puts the groundwork in starts to set the tone for the flavors that we're incorporating traditionally the main protein in pambanya would be tuna i'm sticking with the med but replacing the fish with some of my family's italian favorites palmer i'll start lining my sandwich from the center every time i add another ingredient it's just another stunning layer of texture and flavor but what i'm thinking about is what actually complements the next layer mozzarella a little spoon of my tapenade we've got the most amazing tequila pepper so we've got a nice smoky barbecue flavor open them up and lay them on top next layer these wonderful grilled courgettes on top of that some blush tomatoes concentrated but really chewy and delicious and each time lightly press them down creamy mozzarella again and then finally peppers push that down not too firm fold in and seal that with your tapenade almost like a little glue now lid on to seal all that flavor in there and not only travels well but actually tastes delicious that is one stunning picnic sandwich next a brilliant picnic salad that's just as robust as your pan bun yeah carrots and cumin and orange perfect combination again travels brilliantly it doesn't wilt it doesn't disintegrate orange zest [Music] squeeze the orange over sunflower seeds a bit of crunch in there pumpkin seeds again another bite next a hint of spice toasted cumin seeds ground with the help of a little coarse sea salt a nice fine powder now for the dressing tablespoon of dijon mustard tablespoon of honey half a tablespoon of white wine vinegar and then a nice glug of olive oil fresh mint and coriander the minute you start picking fresh herbs all that flavor comes out a nice mix vinaigrette mix that in give enough dressing bind it together excite the palette not drown it if it was a leaf salad then i'd take the dressing separately but because this is a robust root vegetable they can sustain being dressed now and eaten in two hours time sweet spicy fragrant can't really ask much more from a carrot can you beautiful [Music] just when your guests think that you're cutting up a delicious country loaf [Music] look at that baby wow and who would not want to join you on a picnic with a sandwich like that my ultimate picnic lunch to surprise and impress panbania bursting with rich sunshine flavors and serve with a refreshingly zingy carrot cumin and orange salad [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,231,991
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Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay Steak, Gordon Ramsay steak sandwich, Gordon Ramsay sandwich, Gordon Ramsay fish, Gordon Ramsay fish finger, Gordon Ramsay fish finger recipe, Gordon Ramsay fish finger sandwich, Gordon Ramsay steak recipe, Gordon Ramsay sandwich recipes, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay easy recipes, steak, sandwich, steak sandwich, gordon ramsay steak sandwich, fish, fish finger, steak recipe
Id: QClxL_mEoCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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