The Cheapest Steak Sandwich Ever | But Cheaper

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ever had an incredible steak dinner and then put it in a sandwich and then had it for this price that is but cheaper [Music] when you go out on the town oh i'm gonna go get a steak sandwich and on average you're paying this and at a steak house you're paying this what the the reason why this sandwich is this instead is because we have technique we look at all the arrays of meats wow that's a lot of meat up there and we choose not only the cheapest but the most idealistic cut that we can make as beautifully as possible with technique and care with all that being said let's make this shall we a stick sandwich like this is quite simple in terms of the list of elements within its tight buns or well toast in this case you got the bread the boof of course and all the toppings including a wee cheese sauce first bread i don't care if it's about cheaper but better one of them god dang tweeters making your own bread is the greatest way for the ultimate eating experience for any sort of a sandwich or dining experience doesn't matter and guess what brother it's almost always the most economical at the same time it's almost like it was made for a butt cheaper right large bowl add in 750 grams of all-purpose flour 17 grams of fine sea salt 45 grams of whole wheat flour mix all that together until thoroughly combined separately i got 562 grams of filtered water around 95 degrees fahrenheit oh my gosh josh how many grams what about cups well don't you worry we have conversions if you go to the link at the bottom of the description to that whisk in four grams of mince and yeast don't try and get fancy and add more yeast okay just this amount once dissolved pour your yeast juice into your flour mixture and mix by hand until you get a relatively shacky dough rest your dough for 10 minutes then give it a nice slap and fold or you can knead it in the bowl like this by picking it up and slapping it against the bowl sort of in a scooping motion until it begins to turn relatively smooth cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes then grab a small piece of the dough near the edge of the bowl stretch it as much as you can without tearing it and fold over the dough repeat all the way around the perimeter of the dough till you reach your original starting point cover it again and rest for 15 more minutes repeat that stretch and fold process including the wait time two more times then cover it up one more time rise at room temp for one and a half hours and then pop it in the fridge overnight the next day you're gonna take it out and do not punch it down this time right he gets to live using a dough scraper carefully sweeper your dough onto a work surface it will be very sticky okay so where some practice is gonna come in split your dough into two even pieces pre-shape each piece into a light ball by carefully scraping underneath your dough with your bench scraper while simultaneously slowly rotating it to generate tension leave it to rest uncovered for 15 minutes then one piece at a time dust the top generously with flour carefully flip the floured side down onto the board exposing the sticky side stretch and fold the left side over to the middle then the right side over the left fold fold the bottom towards the middle and then finally stretch the top up and down to the base now optionally you can stitch the sides together over one another to create more tension gently roll it from the top to the bottom so the seam now faces down towards the board now gently drag it an inch or two towards you quarter turn repeat that pull towards you again pour the turn yet again repeat the pull quarter turn pull until you go around the whole got dang doe and now you have a taut pool carefully pick that up and pop it into a bowl that's been lined with a generously floured cleaned kitchen towel or of course a banaton with a banaton liner also dusted with flour repeat that with your other piece of dough then cover tightly with plastic wrap and rise at room temp for 1-2 hours or until while that's rising pop a heavy bottom pot or dutch oven with a lid into the oven let it heat to 500 degrees fahrenheit or whatever your oven max is for at least one hour this needs to be something thick and heavy like cast iron and if you don't have that well then borrow one from a family member or go buy bread at the store and honestly it probably won't add much price but it will most likely take away some flavor anyway once your dough is proofed pull out your piping hot dutch oven carefully you know probably using gloves would be a good idea dust your dough with flour and then carefully invert it into the bottom of your dutch oven being careful not to score the ever loving out of yourself optionally using a razor blade score the top of your dough in sort of an x shape cover with the lid and place back in the oven for 20 minutes then remove the lid reduce the heat to 450 and bake for another 15 minutes uncovered or until a deep burnished brown now remove it place on a wire rack to cool the room temp place your dutch oven or cast iron back in the oven with its lid to preheat for another 15 minutes and repeat with your other loaf all right for the steak element look this is tough because most steaks are going to put you out of the price range no matter what you do unless you know the butcher you can give them a little kiss for a nice discount that is until i discovered the beef chuck tender roast it's the solution to the chewy eye round that nobody really wants and you're gonna need about two and a half pound or one kilo piece optionally you can tie it off at three to four intervals across the whole length of the roast to help it cook evenly season then generously salt and pepper to taste now get yourself a medium sized pan add just enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom of the pan heat to medium high until ripping hot add your roast sear for two minutes per side until beautifully crusted and browned deeply then pop that bad boy into an oven set to 225 for about 45 minutes or until the internal temperature hits around 132 fahrenheit remove from the oven and rest for 15 minutes before slicing now while that's resting let's make our toppings first off do not disrespect the humble peppers and onions specifically referred to as peppers onions it's an undefeated combo for many things so get yourself a 12 inch pan with just a vegetable oil to coat the bottom heat that over medium-high until hotter than it was before more specifically nearly smoking add in one sliced onion one green bell pepper sliced into half inch wide strips saute until it starts to develop some color then season a taste of salt and pepper continue to saute until just softened next mushroom quite literally one pound or 450 grams of cremini mushrooms sliced and yet again 12 inch pan over medium high until searing hot add in your mushrooms and sear aggressively stirring occasionally for four to six minutes or until you get some good color on those mushroom and they're nearly cooked through season a taste of salt and pepper reduce the heat to medium and continue to cook another minute or so until beautifully cooked to your liking now set that stuff to the side move on to the sauce a cheddar-based mornay sauce let's keep this classy medium saucepan add one tablespoon or 14 grams of unsalted butter set to medium heat once melted add in one tablespoon or nine grams of all-purpose flour cook stirring often for 30 seconds whisk in one cup 120 milliliters of whole milk then continuously heat and stir until it begins to thicken cut the heat off and then whisk in one cup of 65 grams of grated cheddar cheese and continue whisking until completely melted and smooth add a touch of salt and pepper to taste and that's a basic but fulfilling cheddar cheese sauce look you can always add other stuff to it if budget allows all right but this is bud cheaper time for assembly slice your rusted roast thick or thin but ideally enough to get all the servings here which is gonna be about six to eight servings i will note that there's a line of sinew that runs through the middle of the roast here so i cut the roast in half against that to remove the sinew and then slice the beef against the grain next slice your beautifully crusty loaf of bread into half inch thick slices toast each slice on one side in a pan with butter or in a toaster even a broiler if you got it until toasted to your desired level you want a nice sort of golden brown crunchy depth on that side but still now starting with the untoasted sides add a light spread of mayonnaise on both slices and if you don't like it then be sure to go ilyeki in the comments follow with a generous spoonful of your cooked mushrooms layer on some of your sliced beef a nice stack of your peppers and onions and lastly a light drizzle of your cheddar sauce top with the other slice of bread toasted side facing up of course and this just looks beautiful that's a stick sandwich i'd pay 15 freaking dollars for by golly i might even pay more but you're only gonna have to pay this per serving now we know this has to be good but what about that beef huh does it live up to my standard let's find out we could channel our inner julia child no stick steak sandwich wow look at that immediately when i put this together my first thought is i paid 15 for that hell i paid 20 for that oh yeah i want you to close your eyes take a seat singing a nice dinner table candlelight you're waiting for your loved one they're on the way or if you're single sorry smell the meats emanating in the air plate comes down it's a beautiful steak juicy wait a minute it's a sandwich oh there's peppers and onions and cheese and all sorts of wild things and it's this sandwich you wouldn't have been able to tell the damn difference and for this price right here you'll never have a sandwich this gourmet for that but you know what you will have b-roll [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,116,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, Steak sandwich, steak sandwich recipe, how to cook steak, best steak sandwich, mayo recipe, sourdough recipe, affordable steak recipe, but cheaper, date night recipes, homemade bread, how to make mayo, steak recipe, restaurant steak recipe, easy steak recipe, the perfect steak, cheap steak cuts, cheap cuts of meat, steak sandwich, easy sandwich, artisan bread recipe, bread recipe, easy bread recipe, budget friendly recipes, healthy recipe
Id: XXL0ptVsmiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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