The Perfect Chicken Wings | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends I'm making chicken wings that's perfect for Super Bowl it's perfect for any party even if you don't have any party it's phenomenal when do you see my recipe remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends I'm showing you how to make my amazing chicken wings [Applause] okay friends well let me show you how I make my wings most of the people make it the uh uh the buffalo wings with a hot sauce and a batter and it's great I like them I decided I'm gonna do it a little um better in fact most of my friends want me to make it that way when I make them because they're delicious all right very simple friends um though so this is a typical Wing then you get and uh and this is a very small one this is a typical one you find at a grocery store and it's got the flat right there and the flat right there and the drum right there and the tip and the tip we don't need it for nothing so what I do is I take the tip right there and I get rid of it because I don't need it okay so now we're gonna cut the uh the join at the flap between the the um the the the the Trump the drum and the flag so beautiful drum and beautiful flap flat and a drum right there okay so this is a good way to eat it they're nice they're beautiful they're delicate and everything they say for stock I don't need it I save it for stocks what I like to do my friends is the drumette I like to do the drumette because the drumet and I like to when I have time I clean the bone uh you know it looks really nice when it's finished and you can clean it you can take it like that but it takes forever to clean so if you have time you got nothing else to do you can certainly do it otherwise here it is okay and so much more meat to eat your nose but you can do it with the way you can do whatever you want it it really doesn't matter how we do it let me uh clean up my hand just a little bit actually I was I got this rack right here that I'm using and um what we're gonna do now we're gonna clean The Cutting Board and for those of you that are always wondering I always have my sanitized water friends you know white vinegar and a little bit of bleach and water so I sanitize everything it's very important friends all right so now what are we gonna do I gotta dry my hands and what we're gonna do we're going to do this this segment in in three segment first we're going to put a dry rub on it and then we're going to bake them in the oven right about 45 minutes and when they're done when they're cooked that is we're going to take a bath and we're going to put a glaze on it I'm gonna put a delicious glaze on it and then we're going to make a dipping sauce friends delicious dipping sauce so we're gonna make the dry mix okay and the dry mix and I don't need this right now the red mix consists of onion powder this is really onion powder it's not an onion salt it's onion powder grounded onion same thing with the garlic it's not garlic salt it's grounded garlic I get it in in Costco believe it or not they got this ground garlic they come it's organic from California is amazing so if you took garlic dry it out and make a powder that's what you got a cumin cumin and you know I love cumin you don't have to have if you don't like it paprika paprika is an angry in paprika a little bit of cayenne I want a little heat you can have as much heat as you want this is really a quarter teaspoon of cayenne so it's very little and I got a teaspoon of herb deportance and remember in the recipe friends below remember between be uh behind every one of our recipes we have a link says show more and you can click on it it'll give you a link directly to the free recipe on our website and you can check it out okay so you put this this rub right there and what I'm going to do friends is um I'm gonna put a little bit of olive oil and I'm using a garlic olive oil you use a good olive oil it doesn't matter what you use friends just a little bit to rub them to make them a little sticky I mean they would they would stick to it but it's gonna allow them to get even a little bit better color so I'm gonna mess up my hands I'm going to put them in here now I made sure that the skin is is over there because the skin is going to be nice and crispy you see friends I'm gonna put this in here like this and then I'm gonna beg him now I bet them on a seal pad I have a silicone mat they're great they don't stick it's up to you if you have one great if you don't then don't worry about it remember it's cooking it's got to be fun put some music on I've got some wine enjoy yourself cooking is fun friends now we're going to take our um a dry mix and we're gonna put it on there and we're going to mix it I'm gonna mix them really really good and then we're going to put a little bit more dry mix and then we mix them all you see but it's simple right remember I don't do anything complicated if it's complicated I'm not doing it people say why don't you make some complicated recipes so what did nobody do it the idea of this Channel friends is to do things a little different than some people do it you know bring in a little uh little uh techniques and and flavor different than what you've seen so far otherwise there's a lot of great recipes are there for um a buffalo chicken wings there's a lot of them out there a lot of good ones are there okay but we want to do a little difference so that's why we're doing this now I'm going to put the skin back on you see friends look take the skin put it back on because what happened is it comes out and you don't want to put them you want to make sure they don't touch no touching no no touching okay make sure you put the skin really rub it really good on there like that you see my friends right and uh you see just like this and then put them here but no touching because they have to be able to uh otherwise they're gonna get soggy we don't want them to be soggy you see and they're going to be delicious you see you see and that dipping sauce is a must you must make that dipping sauce friends rub them in rubber man rub them in and by rubbing him the way I'm doing it right now I'm making sure that my mixture is everywhere you see my measure is everywhere the flat the drums drum drumet there you go look I'm teaching you English oh wow something my friends but this guy right there I got my oven going at 375 we're gonna put them in there I'm I'm gonna take about 45 minutes okay so the oven is on when I come back we're gonna put the glaze on it and then we're gonna make the dipping sauce I see you in a few minutes okay friends take about 45 minutes you take your time we're gonna take them out of the oven let them rest a little bit then I'm gonna make the glaze all right so they're in there and they smell amazing friends they smell amazing okay they don't look great yet okay so don't worry they don't look great we're gonna make them look great okay okay it's all in the look but they smell amazing you know the the number one smell the number one fragrance is the cumin okay man is special I love cumin a little bit of cumin okay not a lot of cumin it's too much common cumin you're gonna test anything else you have to have it in the background and say you know is that human in here okay all right so now we're gonna make a a a glaze to put on it and then we're gonna broil them for a few minutes just brawl them all right so in the in the glaze I'm gonna put a little bit of a dark sesame oil just a little bit just a little bit dark now I'm not really measuring it you know I'll give you some measurement for those of you that really like to measure but please don't like the measure please don't measure you don't need to measure all the time yeah I don't think I've ever made it twice the same a little bit of hot sauce I'm using Sriracha because everybody uses it no because a lot of people use sriracha and and I like to use stuff then you guys like to use I'm going to use two sweetener I'm going to use a maple syrup and I'm going to use my famous Akasha honey um use whatever makes you happy friends okay it's really up to you uh you if you only have one then use one if you have two if you're like I like the flavor of both though I can't couldn't decide which one I'm gonna use which one I'm not going to use so I'm gonna put the maple syrup in there all right then we're gonna put some oyster sauce the oyster sauce is going to give us a great deal of texture a great deal of flavor and it's really really really important to add the oyster sauce okay so if you don't have it get it out uh it's really important for instance the oyster sauce is going to do a lot and then we're going to add a little bit of Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce okay and this is important as well well I wouldn't put it in there if it was not important what I a little bit of salt right there and a little bit of the black pepper very little black pepper actually and then we're gonna mix all this up right there and we're going to test it I have a little bit of uh of uh of lemon because I like to always incorporate sweet friends okay I always like to incorporate sweet whenever you have I mean one time I wonder about me I like to incorporate acid so it's not too sweet huh delicious but it really needs it you know you could use a little more maple syrup test it you know just make sure when you test it it tastes good to you could use a little more heat to a little more heat test it you see test it look all the ingredients look at all the ingredients and say to yourself can I test this one can I test this one and if you count then add a little bit more because you have to be able to test it and the best way to do is to look at them and then when you test you see when you test you go look at all the ingredients and there's one of them you can't test and you want about it because you're supposed to test them all just a little bit right delicious so a little bit of lemon juice just a little bit that helps bring everything up Prince just a little bit okay don't put a lot all right we're good so now what we're going to do we're going to take them let me see the best way to do it because there's so much of it we're going to take him and we're going to brush him just like this all right friends just like this I'm gonna do it all and then haha they're getting they're hot I just took them out of the oven what do I want maybe we should wait a little bit and now I tell you that right now we should wait just a little bit friends all right we're going to put them on there see they're going to be amazing wow they are so I'm gonna wait for a second because they're hot I'm gonna wait for a second I'm gonna rub them on there and then I'm gonna put them on the uh I'm gonna put him on the end of the broiler I'm gonna put a little bit of sesame seed so let me do all this I'll come back in a second all right friends now I got them all down I'm gonna put a little more on it a little more this beautiful glaze friends take your time now I said take your time and I'm hurrying up ah sometimes I tell you this is a lot of fun I love this this man amazing I could drink that stuff somebody gonna wear though I'm not gonna do it imagine if people new to the channel they would say okay we knew he was a little crazy but he's really crazy now boy what do you think what do you think I think they look good all right all right now what we're going to do friends we're gonna brawl him a little bit okay and when they come out we're gonna put the uh well first of all I'm gonna clean up all this and then when we come back I am going to uh to put the toaster semiola on it just for a second when they're in a board because if I put it now I'm afraid they're gonna burn okay so I'm gonna wait a few seconds to put this at the last minute okay so uh when I come back all this will be clean and we'll make the we'll make the uh the dipping sauce okay friends the end of the brawler so we don't want to leave him there too long but you'll see they smell amazing smell amazing they smell really really really wonderful so what I'm going to do now I'm going to put my sesame seed on them you see you can put the toast sesame seed if you want I put the white sesame seed in it make it look kind of cool right make them look cool and like a little uh the crunch of it all right it's up to you friends what you do it's always up to you isn't it right they look beautiful I'm telling you friends they look amazing I said I make a sauce okay to make a sauce I'm gonna put a little sour cream and you notice I'm not gonna measure it I don't want you I want you to learn not to measure anymore a little sour cream uh that's gonna give us a cream and I said oh mayonnaise it's gonna give us some nice structure structure structure you got it uh little yogurt and I I use a not too much yogurt because it's gonna make it it may make it too liquid a little Dijon mustard Dijon mustard yeah I love Dijon mustard use whatever you want um Arisa now this my friends this my friend is is a hot sauce and it's if you don't have it put your hot sauce in there I don't want to put too much on it it's a minute it's a phenomenal sauce if you've never tried it before I wish I used it in a lot of dishes you can find it in many many grocery store put just a little bit because I don't want my dipping sauce to be too hot it's really up to you okay A little bit of chopped garlic and I and I mince my garlic really really fine and you know we made a video two years ago three years ago about how to make my garlic puree I use it all the time it's a fabulous way if you've never had it you should try try it out now this I know it's going to be um some people are not gonna like it but it's okay you don't have to do it I'm gonna add a little bit of blue cheese you know I don't like blue cheese that's okay you don't have to add blue cheese this is just that next one so it's going to be delicious without friends I promise you okay A little salt and pepper so you add the blue cheese if you like the blue cheese you don't like the blue cheese then don't don't I love blue cheese so uh this is a rockerford okay and you can add more if you want you're gonna add less if you want you can skip it all together and don't worry about it remove all those ingredients out of the way so Jack doesn't have to deal with us he's celebrating already so you see look guys pinkish color of it because of the Arisa I'm gonna put just a little bit of chopped by silly in there you know again it's going to give us a Oh Mamma Mia look at me I'm such a clumsy clumsy sometimes I wonder about myself I am so clumsy look at the clumsy I am mama uh yeah man if I'm at home I'm still clumsy I'm clumsy all the time it doesn't get any better okay when you're clumsy you're gonna remain clumsy the rest of your life friends let me test it make sure it's good oh even if you don't like blue cheese just buy good blue cheese now don't be buying the some of those blue cheese they put in some of the grocery stores and absolutely terrible friends they're really really hot I'm gonna wait for a second before I can eat one and dip it in the sauce I'll be back in a second okay I don't want to burn myself because they are really really hot actually they were babbling when I took them out of the oven I'm gonna wait a second okay friends look at the beautiful platter oh it's beautiful you know I never understood what is a celery and the carrots until one day I went to a party I got enough of those and uh and it went out so good she won't tell anybody and I gotta eat something so I ate the cows in the celery you know it delicious because the dipping sauce was good anyway friends I saved myself a little drum I'm gonna put in the sauce because I I don't want to make a it's going to be terrible if I eat that right now on the on the camera so um um oh um friends they're delicious again for those of you that have never tried blue cheese I'm highly recommending you try friends about remember you gotta buy a good blue cheese or you can buy a a Rockefeller the French if you if you can find Maytag blue cheese it's amazing um or or I mean there's a lot of but good it's got to be good if it's no good don't put it in there it'll ruin the whole thing I hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget Thumbs Up And subscribe and don't forget to ring that Bell friends we found out the other day that only 10 of you rings the bell ring the bell thanks for watching have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 220,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicken wings, Chicken wing recipe, superbowl food, superbowl snacks, best chicken wings, baked chicken wings, chicken wings recipe, how to make chicken wings, chicken wings in the oven, baked chicken wings recipe, how to bake chicken wings, homemade chicken wings, superbowl food ideas, perfect chicken wings, chicken wing recipes, crispy baked chicken wings, oven baked chicken wings, Ailes de poulet, Recette d'ailes de poulet, Receta de alitas de pollo, Alitas de pollo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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