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the idea of a dysfunctional family in media has been around for a long long time especially becoming popular as a responses shows that have a perfect functionally always in tune family the idea of parents fighting with their kid or the parents of one side fighting with their in-laws are ideas that can work and have worked before so in my search for the worst we look at the parents and find out is this the worst episode so I probably sum up my thoughts on both season six and Gumble episodes that censor in on the grandparents of Nicole and Richard like okay maybe not hate hate but I don't generally have many of these episodes on my best of or favorites list they seem to be on paper like any other episode just when it's had bit more bickering but I think it's deeper than that a lot of these episodes whether it be granny Jojo and the kiss or the whole saga between granny Jojo and Louie it seems very slow and full of constant arguments the entire episode reeks of being a special kind of snarky one that sets me back this episode even tries to trick you into thinking that it's going to be a fast paced episode with the fast pace opener we have gumbo and a yeast Darwin and Richard tried to get snacks and their favorite foods into a grocery cart for what it's worth it's actually a fun cool little scene that shows the coal in her prime mom mode it feels like a great start to an episode that deals if Nicole as a mom going through the struggle she deals with on the dates a day however none of that here matters directly neither does the conversation about her pain why can't we just have one treat cuz it's the end of the month and I work a dead-end job where I get paid peanuts that's not a figure of speech by the way and why are we even here because I asked for an advance on my next quarter and they said yes the joke about her pay not bad it feels like a great start to an episode that feels if Nicole as an employee and going through the struggle she deals with on a day-to-day however none of that here matters directly neither that's the commentary about how bad or good we have it in current year well they're from the 60s but look only 20 it's for the whole pallet I guess times were easier than if you're a man and not a minority and more comfortable with the constant threat of nuclear annihilation how things have changed huh yeah you know what I'll be the first to say the joke about how in certain aspects minorities still have it pretty bad now even though they did have it bad back then is a pretty funny joke delivered by the responses of Nicole's family and don't you dare bring up that Ricky Morty season four episode there's nuance of both of these deliveries but anyway it feels like a great start to an episode that deals with Nicole as a woman going through in a struggle she deals with on a day-to-day however wait a minute am i reading the right line here dad mom the episode builds up a lot of different aspects of Nicole's such as the fact that she works a dead-end job to support her generally ungrateful and in one fat Rabbids case unproductive family and has to be super cheap in order to feed her growing pair of children and Richard lifts that her standards are also super high which has been transferred over from her parents and while she would like to pretend that she doesn't have these aspects except in the fridge she has shown resentment to them ever since which has led to a lack of communication on both sides now this seems pretty heavy for a gumball episode especially one that has her parents come back so late in this series they were only seen before at least in a significant way in the choices in episode that displayed Nicole's parents in a very direct way you could at least argue in the choices we've seen a dynamic between Nicole and Richard for a long time whereas here it feels like the lack of a buildup beyond that episode feels like things need to be cramped into an 11 minute episode and guess what they do come on let's give this another chance just promise me you'll be good this time I can't just promise that why won't you open up there's so much bad history between us I mean we stop talking over 20 years ago why are you always so hard inside I guess it's a way to protect myself but you're right I'll try my best to be open thank you Richard anytime I really do want to highlight how great this episode has been up to this point with jokes that I feel led perfectly it is season six so things have certainly toned down in many episodes however the humor of gumball works great in hyperactive situations calm situations and everything in between however speaking of gumball the character now not to show him especially in this episode he has been cast aside to being just the ungrateful but lovable 1 . he serves as the one who breaks attention because he has no social cues to really understand what's going on he serves as the one to make the most jokes because that's gumball he's the lovable one even though it's kind of an inappropriate time and it feels like the episode shamelessly really wants to sell this jerk with the lovable side character like it used to before but he remains very little sense to see come Bal so ungrateful especially with no end goal in mind besides living up to this vague character standard generally when gumball is acting too selfish there's a goal in mind they keep up the jokes in the style of gumball that I enjoy because it appeals to my humor I said the atmosphere so thick you could cut it with a knife I love it and I'm glad to see jokes like this land well but there's a problem and a quite major one at that to describe it well I want to use one of the most unpredictable and polarizing topics to show my point the YouTube recommendations so a while back I remember I got recommended something like near-death experiences but with SpongeBob music very edgy and I may have tapped out like a softie not seeing some of them closing my eyes but imagine a spongebob episode that has a near-death experience okay not like that but I mean in the fashion shown in said video we're in this much Bob episode people are actually near-death and it's played straight even in the style of spongebob there are certain ideas I don't want to see I wouldn't want to see SpongeBob's parents arguing or a spongebob arguing with his parents awaited its scene here even with the spongebob style jokes around it likewise even though the gumball jokes here are pretty good I don't want to see Nicole arguing with her parents it wasn't build up to and as well received as the choices was I don't believe that it was that good to warrant a saga of seeing Nicole's parents at this point I'd rather see more of Penny's parents or even Darwin's parents because at least there's something built up from before but this kind of seems like a chore even with the good jokes I want to make that clear so they decide to not be spectators to Nicole and her parents arguing and come up with an idea and granny married to air their issues and will decide who's in the rap or in and hear me out hear me out or I'm serious hear me out that would go horribly wrong because all three of them are stubborn as you have built up in the story greatly and you would essentially just be splitting up the family even more that is actually a really dumb idea from a character that probably doesn't know any better but it's season six and everyone is under an idiot a grouch or a snark for comedy you see I don't want to talk about gumball in this light I love gumball I don't want to tell you how unwatchable it can be when it brings up family but this is such a common occurrence I can't ignore it I really see it work out well in fact there's another family centric episode that made the search for the worst list as well but we'll get to that when we get to that so now we get a bunch of back-and-forth comedic and cartoonish granted but annoying jokes about how Nicole was pushed to an obnoxiously high standard as a child but only because her parents loved her and wanted the best for her basically Nicole is telling her own version of the fridge you may have noticed that this episode has a lot in common structurally with the fridge so let me give a quick recap there so Nicole in that episode sets gumball and the rest of the family to the standard pretty close to what her parents wanted to instill in her with hard love and a sense to get a family to succeed and have the drive to win like herself I've seen a pretty mixed reception of that episode having a lot of funny moments and the paintball scene being pretty cool but on the other side I've heard that in the fridge Nicole was extremely unlikable so when you have this episode that has funny moments and the grocery cart scene in the beginning that was pretty cool but on the whole just seeing the Cole's parents unlikable as ever and Nicole I can only be consist and not like this either why would I want to sit and hear them are you even with jokes in the middle and in hindsight it didn't bill to anything no offense but we always thought she could do better than a slacker with a dead-end job who got their pants at the army surplus store in the parachute aisle how dare you my wife's behind it so small only bats can hear her to a man ear then the joke kill you okay the job it gets so apply max where they share their dirty laundry which makes them both in the wrong I at least appreciate that both sides are doing some wrong actions here like Nicole sending our parents retirement papers and Nicole's parents trying to ship Richard far away it makes it seem petty on both sides with the underlying narrative being that both sides are doing it as revenge for the other side but it had to start somewhere right after after I don't remember me neither why are you still angry at each other why can't you just make peace this is so cheap Amazon won't even sell it in bulk oh so you're trying to tell me that they don't remember the origin story as to why they're fighting and for no reason at all in this episode was it never shown this difference in life outlook has been a persistent issue okay I can completely understand if you wanted to hide the origin points and make it look like both sides of being silly for letting it go if they truly loved each other but then don't show me Nicole literally out the womb already dealing with these issues don't show me Nicole growing up as a child and being put in an overwhelming amount of extracurriculars because their parents are too oblivious to understand how a child would feel about that don't show me Nicole growing up to be a young adult moving out and starting a new family with Richard don't show me Nicole basically confirming that her life with their parents is pretty crappy and her parents who are a big reason why and then after all of that trying to tell me that you don't remember where the origin story is because I can tell you when the origin story happens everybody gather around sit down the origin story it's when I put a newborn on a suit and named her doctor just because Nicole and her parents don't know what happened in the fluted mess that is their relationship doesn't mean they they don't know where the origin is it's with her parents and you're not gonna pull the wool over my eyes and make me believe any different I know this episode really trying to make it seem emotional and guess what that's my kind of gumbo episode if you've ever seen any other Gumbel episode that I reviewed before to search for the worst I love talking about the show I love talking about the matchmaker I love talking about the future but those episodes had a meaning behind it it had the momentum of the storylines behind it and it made you want to see it progress maybe I'm in the minority here but I'm perfectly okay with not seeing Nicole's parents ever again outside of the choices I guess if you must do it and you really don't give us something new give us something fresh something different that we can say okay what now this episode doesn't do that it wants to wring my emotions dry with this pseudo drama crap well let's get to the biggest offender here we spend the last 4 to 5 minutes of this episode with gum ball playing the motion card with the song okay I know this is the cheapest dirtiest kind of emotional manipulation but there's too much on the line here so ooh we see Nicole their parents really do want to talk to each other but they just keep missing the cue I'm sorry am I supposed to be engrossed in the story am I supposed to be rooting for them to get together none of the story made sense and it's absolutely nothing about the episode that would ever Dima rewatch especially with the wing to the audience said hey this is actually pretty cheesy and a shameless way they draw out emotion the song is great love the singing jenker but I can care less about what this episode represents I think the song is a great message that if it's so hard to forgive give with no strings expect nothing in return see what happens then however this episode is only showing me two bitter sides that are written to accept each other at the end when they somehow mid argument forgot what the argument started with and tried to make it seem like it's origin is non-existent we know when this started this is something that you cannot argue with me we know when this started even if you don't think the new born is when this all started she was shown in school already dealing with these problems she was shown before moving that there is these problems how could you tell us that the origin is non-existent or that they wouldn't remember it this is an empty season 6 episode amongst the other empty season 6 episodes that really want you to tell a story and then gross you into the character dynamics and a relationships that may have to end now or never but this was a Miss also towards the end gumball loops in a pretty obvious way gumball wanted gifts not to reconcile her mother's friendship and make her happy what a shocker and that was the parents is this the worst episode No even with all that I don't like about this episode it's not even the worst season 6 episode that goes to the Inquisition for now if we are to assume that this show is done however this is a candidate for the top 10 for sure if you have an episode that belongs in the search for the worst let me know in the comments below until then special thanks to the supporters of April and until next time take care alpha [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 969,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gumball the parents, the amazing world of gumball the parents, amazing world of gumball the parents, the parents gumball, gumball the parents song, gumball the parents episode, gumball the parents reaction, the amazing world of gumball nicoles parents full episode, the amazing world of gumball nicole meets her parents, gumball the parents review, alpha jay show, the amazing world of gumball worst episodes, alpha jay show gumball, gumball nicole meets her parents
Id: gPFeS7HtGYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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