The Owl House: Everything You Need To Know

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Cool, I watched his channel for a while ago.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/chadrocks_2020 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just made a similar post..


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/colordestroyer6 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
all right let's see what to recap hmm star vs the forces of evil nah not now avatar still haven't seen it steven universe maybe i can squeeze a few more videos out of that but [Music] screw it i just want to talk about the owl house so if you don't know the owl house is one of the latest hit cartoons to come out of the disney channel it's a fantasy comedy adventure slice of life thing in the same vein as gravity falls and star vs the forces of evil and it is really good i mean it's only one season in but i'm already hooked and since we don't really know when a season 2 is coming i figured why not go ahead and recap everything that's happened so far you know for fun but before we get started i just want to say if you like these recaps and cartoon videos that i do be sure to hit that big red subscribe button below this video and ring the little gray bell next to it to make sure you never miss a future video also i'm happy to announce that we've got some brand new merch for sale in the foot of a ferret store you've probably seen the classic brief history logo t-shirt like the one i wear in every video well now you can have it in hoodie form the hoodie is super comfortable and unique from the shirt too with a cool front and back design and for extra comfort there are some cozy and colorful foot of a ferret socks too they got the brief history logo front and center and the color scheme is just too cool but it's not just clothes we've got a really nice enamel pin set now too there's me the brief history logo and most importantly my hat the key piece to the foot of a ferret lore and these aren't your average pins that are like the size of a dime either these things are pretty big and i think that's dope i like them so much that i even turned them into christmas ornaments back in december and last but not least allow me to introduce you to the official foot of a ferret an island t-shirt i love this design so much it's too cute for all you guys out there who love watching fofi's misadventures on an island this is the shirt for you so that's a new shirt hoodie pins and socks plus the classic brief history logo and i am the salt t-shirts all available right now at the link in the description or in the merch shelf right below this video but i'll let you in on a little secret if you check them out on the website they all have these little hidden descriptions that i wrote myself and i made them really stupid and silly so it's a little extra something but seriously guys buying merch is a great way to support the channel so if you decide to check it out i really really appreciate it and with all that out of the way this is everything you need to know about the owl house so far so the owl house is all about this girl named luce she's a quirky nerd with an overactive imagination that always gets her in trouble in fact the first time we see her she's in the principal's office for accidentally letting a bunch of snakes loose at school and her mom is just tired of it so she's shipping her off to a summer camp to make her normal top tier parenting right there kid too creative are they too happy just make them someone else's problem for a while and when they get back they'll have the personality of a plank of wood good job but while loose waits for the bus to camp out of nowhere this random owl snatches one of her things and runs off with it in the middle of the day weird she chases the owl into this abandoned rundown house goes through this really creepy looking door and somehow is transported to a crazy fantasy realm huh wow that was fast this is the boiling isles a magical realm built from the remains of a titan also known as just like a really tall dude all the stuff we consider fantasy junk on earth yeah all that's real in the boiling isles fairies griffins demons witches and more speaking of witches while loose is still freaking out of her somehow jumping dimensions she meets a witch named eda the owl lady eda's a bit of a scam artist sending her pet owl to the human world through this fold-up portal door to collect garbage she can sell to people in the boiling isles she's also wanted by the police it's a fun fact for you so when loose draws a crowd to eat his little flea market booth a cop shows up to arrest her but it is like ha nah dude is episode 1 i ain't getting caught and speeds off taking loose with her they soon wind up at eda's house you know the owl house where loose meets ida's roommate the ferocious the evil the king of demons he's just a tiny little baby ita and luce make a deal ida will help loose get back home if she helps them break into a prison called the conformatorium to steal back king's crown it's not like loose has any other options so she agrees they get inside the prison find king's burger king crown freaking click bait start a prison riot and escape in one piece ita keeps up her half of the deal and opens a portal to send loose home but uh given the choice between an awesome fantasy world where she can be herself and a boring summer camp that will literally erase all her personality loose makes the pretty obvious choice to stay in the boiling isles which is good because if she hadn't we wouldn't have a show so now luce is living in the owl house while lying to her mom that she's at summer camp because apparently there are cell towers that connect between realms she's working for eda learning to become a witch and finding out that the fantasy life ain't all it's cracked up to be yeah lucy's excitement over her magical fantasy life goes south pretty fast since eda's not really holding up her into the bargain instead of teaching loose about magic she's mostly just giving her odd jobs and chores so in the meantime loose goes exploring and makes a couple friends willow and gus these two are students at hexside school of magic and demonics yep we got a wizard school on our hands willow and gus sneak loose around the school cause she's not really supposed to be there and of course hijinks ensue and loose is banned from hexside by the end of the day and eda loves that we already know she's a bit of a rebel but she really hates this witch school and the entire magic industry is that the right word see in the boiling isles there are these things called covens they're basically your majors in magic school the specialty you choose to dedicate your magic powers to sounds cool but when you choose a coven all your other magic is locked away that is unless you make it into the fancy pants emperor's coven eda hates all that so she never joined a coven which is a big no-no that's why the cops are always after her she's sticking it to the man man and then there's lilith lilith is the leader of the emperor's coven a super powerful witch and eda's sister being the head of the emperor's coven she's the one in charge of hunting down eda she's always trying to catch her arrest her and convince her to just join the emperor's coven already so yeah they don't get along it's pretty easy to see why ita hates all this coven stuff but even with all that she still hasn't done much to teach loose any magic herself well at least not directly see one of the few times ita reluctantly decided to actually teach luce something she was like ugh fine just make a circle in the air using the power stored inside the gross green sack attached to your heart and boom but i don't have a green sack attached to my don't care goodbye going to sleep forever well that was a bust oh god giant monster so yeah fun fact it is cursed she doesn't remember why all she knows is that she has to take her medicine or else yeah so while loose is dealing with that she discovers that even though humans have no magic ability she can cast spells of her own using an ancient method called drawing by drawing these glyphs loose can actually do magic and no one really knows how it works but she just happens to learn this handy dandy new skill just in time to turn it back to normal hooray ed is not a now beast anymore king still hasn't done much for the overall plot and loose is finally learning to become a witch but there's another witch in training who's not too keen on lucy's antics introducing amity she's the top student at hexside and she has had loose on her crap list ever since she got banned from school at least that's how it started after learning more about each other through several near-death experiences amity and lou start to see more eye to eye eventually loose learns that amity is just under a lot of pressure to live up to unrealistic expectations amity learns that loose is just trying to find her way in this crazy new world and eventually they become friends which is nice but i mean they don't really see each other a ton it's not like they go to the same school or anything hey kid i don't really know what i'm doing so uh you're going to school now okay bye okay sure ito went down to hexside spoke to the principal got the band lifted somehow didn't get arrested in the process and now loose is going to witch school hooray school is cool being at hexside's going all right for loose or well it's a cartoon about magic school so obviously going all right means constantly getting in trouble fighting off monsters and nearly dying on a weekly basis you know high school but then grom comes around grom is hexside's version of prom there's music and dancing and a fight to the death between one chosen student and a monster that manifests itself as their greatest fears you know high school and this year the chosen student is amity oh boy well at least we got to know her a bit before she dies actually loose decides to take amity's place and face her own fear instead this goes okay until it doesn't the grom monster takes the form of lucy's mom scolding her over lying about going to camp and loose just can't confront it but then amity steps in to save luce from grom the monster shape shifts to become amity's biggest fear and all it does is take a piece of paper out of her pocket and rip it up the paper read will you go to grom with me luke sees this and was like ah you are afraid of getting rejected you stupid idiot and then the two defeat grom together through the power of dance so everything was fine in the end but wait the other half of amity's note has become unfolded the entire note reads loose will you go to grom with me so while the fandom freaks out over that let's pop back over to eda while loose is going to school learning magic and making friends eda's struggling her curse is getting worse it takes more elixirs and more of eda's own magic to keep the owl beast at bay lilith keeps telling her that if she just joins the emperor's coven the emperor could heal the curse himself but yeah that's a no-go then one day luce and her friends take a field trip to the emperor's castle right around the same time lilith barges into said castle after another failed attempt to arrest eda luce follows her to the emperor's room and this place this place is creepy man there's a giant green heart pumping over the throne and as lilith approaches the emperor is struggling to breathe but then he cracks open whatever this is pours hot soup in his eyes and he's suddenly better this is normal it's very normal but yeah this is emperor bellows 50 years ago he rose to power claiming that he could speak to the titan that birthed the boiling isles and said everyone was doing magic wrong they were all using magic freely like eda but bellows was like no so we created the coven system and punished anyone who didn't fall in line emperor bellows promised to heal eda's curse if lilith can arrest her and bring her to him but if lilith fails she'll be fired and treated like a criminal so while loose is sneaking around the castle lilith attacks and takes her hostage to draw ita out the two then meet at the castle for a duel they're flying through the air teleporting zapping each other up and it's really cool but then lilith's like oh by the way that curse that ruined your life yeah that was me i did that and i feel bad about it but and i'ma throw your kid off a cliff now so that's a thing now truth's out eda's furious and loose is falling to her death and flashback time so way back when eda and lilith were kids they were training at hexide and for their final exam they'd have to battle each other to decide who would enter the emperor's coven but lilith knew ita was better than her so she put a curse on her that she thought would stop her powers for a day instead it just turned her into a giant al beast eda didn't even want to join the coven you didn't have to do any of this but oh well this is reality now ita is now forever cursed for no good reason and lilith just takes her place at the emperor's coven flash forward back to the action luce is still falling to her death but it quickly casts a spell to save her using up the last of the magic keeping her from permanently becoming the owl beast alright cool so we all hate lilith now right we're in agreement here sick but the emperor promised to heal eda right that's why lilith's been doing all this well guess what bellow slide refuses to heal eda and now he's gonna turn her into petrified stone and force everyone to watch whoopsies oopsie poopsies loose and king managed to infiltrate the castle and find eda who comes to her senses long enough to give loose the portal to the human realm and tell her to go home ida is then carted away to be petrified big poopy but then lilith shows up and asks to work with loose to make things right big poopy but of course the emperor immediately captures them big poopy bellows makes loose a deal he'll let loose go to save her friends in exchange for the portal to the human realm we don't really know why he wants it yet but it's probably for bad reasons but loose agrees only to pull a fast one on the emperor using her magic to rig the portal to explode stopping the emperor's plans but destroying her only way back home luce then stops the petrification escapes with her friends and heads back to the owl house lilith redeems herself by casting a spell to give herself half a vita's curse which turns eda back to normal but her magic's still gone but hey now luce gets to teach eda how to do all that cool paper magic stuff everyone is safe and they all lived happily ever after for now yeah all this was just season one the emperor still has some tricks up his sleeve it all has to do with something called the day of unity and this giant machine he's building out of the remains of ita's portal door plus lucy's mom keeps getting all of these letters from lucid camp that she definitely isn't sending so even though so much has already happened in just this one season the owl house is just getting started but i can't help but feel like i've forgotten something i've covered every major plot point across all the episodes i got most of the big cliffhangers but i just feel like something's missing how could you forget about the best character in the show hoot hoot i protect the house i'm a magical beast okay maybe i should have just done another steven universe video [Music] you
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 421,512
Rating: 4.9510155 out of 5
Keywords: owl house, the owl house, owl house season 2, owl house episode 1, owl house theme, owl house full episode, owl house reaction, owl house king, owl house luz, owl house eda, owl house amity, luz, amity, eda, owl house season 2 trailer, owl house finale, owl house theory, gravity falls, disney, disney channel, cartoon, animation, owl house recap, owl house everything you need to know, footofaferret, footofaferret owl house, footofaferret gravity falls, foafy
Id: HwRp6PLon3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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