Adventure Time: Everything You Need To Know

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all right here's the big one ivory capped Steven universe and gravity falls so now it's time to take on the last of the modern cartoons big three Adventure Time yes Adventure Time the Cartoon Network classic about a human boy named Finn and his best friend and shape-shifting magical dog named Jake going on crazy adventures in this fantasy land called to protect the Candy Kingdom where literally everyone is a sentient piece of candy they all got wavy noodle arms and say crazy wacky catchphrases and this shows about war yeah things get a little crazy and there's ten freaking seasons man there's tons of side stories back stories and extra stuff so I might have to over oversimplify this one a bit but before we get started I will say if you like this video and want to see more be sure to head down and hit that big red subscribe button and the little Bell next to it to make sure you never miss any future uploads literally no time to waste on this one so let's start with season one does anything happen in season one I mean we got Finn and Jake partying having fun goofing around and going on random adventures they protect Princess Bubblegum the leader of the Candy Kingdom and creator of all the candy people from the Ice King an evil princess obsessed wizard who is kind of too stupid to be a real threat but he just keeps popping up Finn and Jake live in a tree house with a sentient game boy named beemo Jake state and a rainbow unicorn named Lady Rainicorn etc etc etc and all that is super fun and charming but plot wise this season's pretty barren early adventure time is just pure shenanigans and season two is mostly the same but some wheels do start turning see when you watch the show you might notice that Finn's kind of the only human around and maybe this super buff Girly's friends with Susan strong but that's for later you might also spot a lot of weirdly modern technology just rotting away in this fantasy land like TVs and cars and oh oh yeah so here's the thing Adventure Time actually takes place on a post-apocalyptic earth 1,000 years after this intense nuclear conflict called the mush room Wars and that war is super important it actually provides a lot of context for adventure times insanity case in point Ice King way back before all the magic and nuclear explosions and junk the world was pretty much the way it is now and we got this guy named Simon super smart scholarly dude who studied antiques and lived with his fiancee Betty who he called his princess but one day he finds a crown this thing was actually made millions of years ago by an ice elemental called evergreen to grant a wish to whoever first wore it first person to wear it just happened to wish to become an ice elemental like evergreen couldn't have wished for a sandwich or something so when Simon puts on the crown it starts messing with his mind and giving him ice powers he ends up scaring off Betty and never seeing her again so he dedicates the rest of his life to studying the crown with it slowly changing him the more he wears it and after the bombs dropped Simon was wearing the crown more and more to keep himself and this random little vampire girl named Marceline safe in the post-apocalyptic wasteland so inevitably the crown overtakes Simon and he goes full ice king completely forgetting everything about his own life running off on his own leaving Marceline behind and spending the rest of his days kidnapping princesses oh I get it now this was heavy we don't find any of this out until season 3 and it's pretty much the first time adventure time really dove deep into character development and considering the rest of the show was this it hit pretty hard but that's not even the worst thing to come out of the mushroom Wars now that would be the Lich this ready for picture day looker is a being of ultimate unstoppable evil that Princess Bubblegum keeps in her attic she's managed to contain him for a while but just when she decides to show him the finn and jake he escapes you need better security than just tree sap bubblegum you're better than that and of course then the ice king kidnaps PB again this is a good day finn gives the lich a good beatdown and i'm sure that will be the only time in this entire series that he ever has to defeat him Oh wait spoke too soon the Lich's now inside Princess Bubblegum and she's turning into a giant monster a Finn and Jake team up with the Ice King to freeze her she falls over breaks into a bunch of pieces and the doctors couldn't find all the gum to bring her back to normal so now she's younger is that how that works like if I lose an arm does that mean I'm like five years younger but this is actually pretty interesting because Finn's been crushing on bubblegum this whole show and now they're the same age there was like a five year age gap between them but actually not because Bubblegum's like 900 years old but we don't know that at the time so for while we know they're the same age so this could be a really interesting exploration of their friendship dynamic and how this changes things between them no we don't see PB again for like six episodes at which point she is immediately returned back to normal yep so right when Finn finally had a chance to well have a chance with bubblegum it's tossed out the window like that and Finn he doesn't take it well dude goes all emo wallowing in sadness and cuddling a lock of pb's hair you know like a normal person dude she's not dead she's just too old for you but then he falls in love with another girl Flame Princess in like five seconds and starts literally chasing after her you know like a normal person but despite that Finn and Flame Princess actually start hanging out and eventually dating for a while until Finn screws it all up and gets his butt dumped and if things weren't bad enough for our slightly problematic hero Finn's starting to have freaky premonition dreams about the Lich and wouldn't you know it that dang old Lich is back he uses the dead body of Finn's childhood hero to trick Finn into opening a portal to the time room that is an actual sentence that I wrote into a script and said out loud in the time room you can make one wish that creates an alternate dimension wish reality the Lich uses his wish to extinguish all life but Finn jumps in right behind him and wishes that the Lich never existed and instead of creating a paradox that explodes the universe it instead creates a separate reality where magic doesn't exist except for the Crone I guess spins now a normal human boy with a nose in a robot arm standard human boy fair and Jake is just a dog there living on a farm with an actual human family this is so normal that it's weird there's this whole ordeal where the Ice King sacrificed himself to freeze the bomb that caused the apocalypse and with Simon dead the crown was just like ah this sucks I'm bored and plunged the earth into a 400-year Ice Age and now after the world went back to normal that warhead just kind of sits there still frozen and ready to go off any day but Finn just sees the crown and it's like whew hey old dummy puts on the crown and just bin goes nuts and starts throwing ice everywhere the commotion cracks the frozen warhead and what time is it ah apocalypse tough oh well crap oh wait there's Jake you know maybe this ain't all bad oh my god Jake's gotta let you pin him this looks like the end for Finn and Jake but then we cut to our Jake still chillin in the time room just watching it all go down it's a good use of time my friend oh that's right Jake can still make a wish to fix all this he wishes to change the Lich's wish to I wish for Finn and Jake to be back home safe in ooh huh that was way easier than I thought it would be but wait does that whole farm world dimension still exist what about the Lich they didn't kill him or anything he's still out there what are they gonna do about huh look puppies Jake and Lady Rainicorn had puppies they grow up by the end of the first episode and don't really play into the plot after that but puppies oh and Finn broke his sword now he's got a new one a fancy one that's made out of grass attached to his arm at all times and is apparently cursed I'm sure there's no reason to look into that anymore right now so let's see what's going on with the Ice King wait what so one day Ice King got hit with the wave of some kind of anti magic reverting him back into Simon and while he's come to his senses he opens up a time portal so we can say goodbye to Betty but Betty pulls a Galaxy brain move and just jumps through the time portal yeah poop Betty runs off to try and find a way to reverse whatever magic is keeping Ice King all Dumbo in the brain and bring back Simon so in the meantime jumping back to Finn dude gets a massive drama bomb dropped on him when he finds out that his dad is still alive and in some giant space prison called the Citadel Finn and Jake hop over there immediately but because nothing is ever easy the Lich goes to he starts using goopy gray gunk to free all the prisoners including this human guy named Martin that's Finn's dad and he's a total bum the Lich starts closing in on Finn as Martin bails to try to escape but Finn downs the Lich with this weird regeneration juice that turns the Lich into a giant baby that's uh that's pretty weird but no time for that right now Finn's dad's about to get away Finn tries to pull down the big rock Martin's escaping on but he just isn't strong enough but then his cursed grass sword randomly switches into Maximum Overdrive to try and help Finn and Oh God Finn's are popped off oh and it's been a cute little flower but also well that could have gone better Finn and Jake head back to leave the giant harmless baby Lich on some old couples doorstep and things go back to normal for a bit or well as normal as things can be when you've lost an arm dad don't worry Abbey voice by Chloe from life is strange falls in love with Finn's weird arm flower and somehow that makes it turn into a tree explode and then turn into a fresh new arm for Finn with a little thorn sticking out of the palm I don't know any of this works hey wait who's that over there oh right Betty forgot she was a thing she's working with this guy named Magic Man now Magic Man is a jerk he turned Finn into a giant foot back in season one so you can tell he's pretty messed up also he's apparently from Mars so there's that but when their experiment goes wrong Betty winds up absorbing all of magic man's powers as well as his jerkiness making Betty crazy and magical and making Magic Man just normal man dude just kind of dips back to Mars after that gee that sucks hey what's going on in the ice kingdom well ice Kings just kind of chilling with his penguins including his favorite Gunther Gunther Gunther they say it a bunch of different ways in the show and I don't know which one's the right one oh look Couty is you would never even guess that he's actually an ancient cosmic entity called the orgalorg who was banished to earth for attempting to take over the solar system by consuming the power of a comment that was barreling towards the planet yeah and hey there just so happens to be another comet barreling towards earth right now so the orgalorg takes over Gunther and springs into space to try for a do-over but Finn goes right up after him only to find his dad in the mouth of a giant moth it makes a bit more sense when you watch the whole show like I said I'm kind of having to oversimplify things here for the sake of time so Finn and Martin wanders space for a bit until they find the orgalorg chowing down on a comment Finn jumps inside the orgalorg mouth the thorn in his arm sprouts into a giant grass tentacle and he absolutely wrecks the orgalorg but uh then the comet breaks open and reveals some other kind of cosmic entity and they're like food you were a comet once I guess you lived many lives over millions of years you created me or maybe you didn't I don't know hey you want to hang just you and me we can travel to the end and beginning of all things together or I guess you can stay on earth and do earth junk if you want Finn's like Earth junk please but Martin decides to take the comet up on their deal so Martin doesn't exist anymore and that's the end of season 6 what the heck did I just watch that was the weirdest season finale I've ever seen that was weirder to me than weirdmageddon the finale that was meant to be as weird as it could be the first time I saw this it went in my head but all i processed was anyway now it's season 7 and everyone starts calling Princess Bubblegum by her real name for some reason her name is vonabell or Bonnie for short they revealed this name in season 2 my feelings but now it's becoming a pretty regular thing so I'm gonna do the same thing in my video one day Bonnie's just chilling in this cabin she grew up in when Marceline that vampire girl Simon protected back during the mushroom Wars literally bursts in and asked Bonnie to make her not a vampire anymore we've seen Marceline countless times in the series at this point she's a vampire but she's not evil she's friends with Finn and Jake she plays bass she's a fan favorite she just hasn't been super plot relevant till now but trust me her wanting to not be a vampire anymore is a big deal so bonnie tosses Marceline into this machine and saps all the vampire out of her but that wakes up a bunch of evil vampires that Marceline had slain years before so Marcie and Bonnie and Finn and Jake take out all the vampires before they can cause trouble vonabell and Marceline have a lot of really cute bonding moments heavily implying that they got a bit of a past and after doing a bunch of slaying all the vampires are gone well except Marceline by slaying all the vampires she absorbed their powers which means she's back to the way she started but yeah she's cool with it now glad we went through all that then so we've kind of danced around this for a while now but what the heck is going on with the whole grass sword thing okay so after Finn got his new arm he started using this new sword that had some kind of sentient Finn consciousness inside it it's called the Finn sword but when someone steals Finn spin sword making Finn's Finn arm sprout fins Finn grass sword again he accidentally breaks both of them and that makes Finn big shed and it makes the consciousness of the two swords meld together fast forward a bit and Finn is getting into a huge fight with Susan strong remember her well now she's not only confirmed to be human but we even find out she's got some kind of funky mods installed in her head that are making her go crazy she beats Finn up and throws him to the ground but Finn's arm is just like oh no you do not mess with my rest of me like that and that big grass tentacle sprouts again and knocks Susan on her butt and then totally ditches Finn's arm to go grab Finn's discarded bin sore this boy cannot keep an arm to save his life the two swords merge together and create fern a sentient grass dude who is convinced he spin dude's got a lot of issues to work out so he rides off into the sunset for a while but don't worry he'll be back in the meantime bubblegum gives Finn this fresh new high-tech robot arm that has a bunch of different features and abilities remember that and speaking of robots this giant stingray robot randomly just showed up on ooh looking for Susan but it also recognizes Spin for some reason obviously this is suspicious as but so Finn Jake and Susan all set off to find where this weird stingray ship came from they end up on this super fancy high-tech island where they find whoa that's a humans that's a veritable baker's dozen of humans and why is that one looks so much like Finn well funny you should ask me because that is dr. Minerva Finn's mom oh okay you're just gonna drop that one on us like that all right Minerva's lived on this island her whole life this is where she fell in love with Martin and had Finn before a series of unfortunate events led to Martin running away from people trying to hurt him leaving Finn on a raft in the middle of the ocean while trying to protect him and Minerva being left on the island by herself with no idea what even happened these days the real Minerva's not really around anymore because she put herself in cryostasis and uploaded her consciousness to a ton of robot clones so she could help protect her people from a deadly virus that spread across the island wiped out all their health workers and couldn't be stopped by quarantine Aang okay this just crossed the line into official two-reel territory and I am NOT okay with that but yeah now Finn's mom is a consciousness spread across a ton of robots to keep the humans safe and now that her son's come back to her she will not let him leave but Finn's like yo that mess is dumb and stupid and wrong Minerva's like yeah you're probably right and then they leave oh except Susan this Islands actually where she grew up so she meets up with an old friend and they head off to have new adventures oh and her real names apparently Kara we don't really see her again after that so Finn and Jake's say their goodbyes and head back to randomly picking up this vial of nightmare juice from a dream demon on the way back I know that's a little out of No but trust me it's important the guys get back home just in time for season 9 we're in the homestretch here people and good thing too cause my brain is pushing out on me which is appropriate because while Finn and Jake were gone ooh totally mushed out on them place is a mess apparently this ice elemental patient Saint PIM used Betty's newfound crazy magic to cast a mega spell that made the other elementals go crazy and corrupted all of Ooo splitting it into four sections fire ice candy and slime Betty tells Finn that they can reverse the corruption if they get all the Royal elemental jewels but once he does Betty just Ewing some and bails ah poop yeah Betty doesn't really give a crap about anything other than Ice King so she tricked Finn into bringing her the jewels so she could run more experiments to bring back Simon but you know that Ice King he's dumb dude doesn't even register what's going on and messes up her whole experiment blowing her up in the process don't worry she's fine she's just on Mars now it makes sense Ice King brings the jewels back to Finn who's hanging out with lumpy Space Princess now Lumpy's been a fan favorite recurring character since season one but she's never really been super plot relevant not until now see LSP here is actually immune to the corruption that's messing with you and its people so with all the jewels in hand a lumpy Space Princess suction cups herself to the ground and runs a full system reset turning everything back to normal hooray LSP serves a purpose but things in ooo don't stay good for very long fern starts having a total existential crisis and goes a little bit crazy apparently this magic grass dude randomly developed the power to cloak himself to look exactly like the real Finn so he attacks real Finn and tries to kill him so he can take his place you know like a normal person Finn obviously doesn't want to hurt him but he accidentally activates one of his robot arms special abilities that completely mulches fern so he's dead and as you might expect accidentally murdering someone who looks exactly like you is just a wee bit traumatized so as we enter adventure times tenth and final season that whole ordeal is weighing really heavily on Finn that is until oops burns back and now he's tall and he's got friends friends that look like they could be princess Bubblegum's family or something well that's because they are these are the Bubblegum's I don't know if that's their official collective name but that's what I'm gonna call them there's cousin Chi clay aunt Molly and uncle gumball duh save that one Princess Bubblegum created them when she was little and things were pretty chill at first but little did Bonnie know her family was secretly conspiring against her bonnie was like hey no this can denature dope let's plant trees but gumball was like money he wanted to build apartment buildings and sell merchant stuff and wanted Bonnie to stop standing in his way so he created this goop that would turn Bonnie into a big old dum-dum and the whole family was in on it that is until gumball tricks the other two into taking the dumb-dumb juice and they got turned into oh wait those are those are candy people we've seen those guys tons of times this whole show oh this just got way darker dude luckily bonnie manages to use the dum-dum juice on gumbald and save herself and that's pretty much how the Candy Kingdom got started but here's the thing when lumpy Space Princess reset ooh in season 9 she also reset these candy people back to their original forms the Bubblegum's and they want revenge okay this is getting serious like big serious bonnibel and gumbald are prepared to go to full-on war with each other the troops meet on the battlefield and stuffs about to go down but then Jake jumps in with the nightmare juice how convenient that they just happened to get that right before a war and everyone gets knocked out into a dream state where they work out their differences Finn and fern are cool now and PB and gumball decide to call a truce except he was actually gonna double-cross her anyway so aunt lolly jumped in and dum-dum them that is a very perceptive piece of gum oh and ferns dying yeah they like killed the grass demon thing inside him during the dream and that's made his body unstable somehow and now he's withering away I don't know shows weird but yeah looks like the wars off seems like a pretty anti climactic ending yo crap so this is gold he's an ancient giant demon baby of chaos summoned by Betty and normal man as part of Betty's plans to bring back simon and gold is just wrecking the place ice king goes over to Betty and makes her experiment blow up again classic Ice King but then gold befall on swallows Finn Betty and Ice King and starts digesting them in his stomach and I don't mean digesting like with stomach acid I mean they are being broken down to their essential forms which is kind of just a convenient way to have the crown reset and have Ice King turned back into Simon permanently which is nice but that reunion is short-lived because the walls start closing in they're gonna get smashed dude meanwhile everyone else is still fighting gulps monsters bubblegum gets full Han crushed and Marceline who I forgot to mention is also there panics but when she realizes Bonnie's okay she rushes over to hug her and they kiss that's so sweet oh and I guess Finn's gonna die or whatever in classic Cartoon Network style everyone starts singing to solve their problems and Gould hates their song so much that his stomach starts opening up letting Simon and Finn escape betty stays behind and uses the newly reset crown to wish that she would become gold herself so that she can leave ooh sacrificing herself to keep Simon safe and with that it's all over not everyone made it out alive in the end but the fighting is over and so is Adventure Time we get a really amazing montage of everyone's lives after the war and a glimpse into the future of Ooo but yeah after all this that is the story of adventure time from beginning to end the most innovative and influential cartoon of the last decade and my god is it easy to see why and yeah we got some new Adventure Time specials coming out and that's all fun but I'ma be honest I'm starting to get pretty exhausted after all this recapping so let's just end this the exact same way Adventure Time would perfect [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 2,140,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, adventure time distant lands, distant lands, adventure time theme song, adventure time ending, adventure time finale, adventure time full episode, adventure time songs, adventure time minecraft, adventure time distant lands trailer, adventure time trialer, come along with me, finn and jake, Finn the human, Jake the dog, cartoon network, adventure time recap, footofaferret adventure time, footofaferret, foafy, a brief history, ABH
Id: GxXWCPd_hbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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