Confessions Of A Phineas And Ferb Fan

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summers coming up we're only a month away from the start of summer and nothing on earth was more exciting to baby fo fee back in the day I hated school more than anything so the start of summer break was always the highlight of my year did I go outside to play no did I take fun vacations no did I sit inside all day and watch cartoons hacky yes I did I loved summer vacations so much it was never long enough but I've been out of school for what six years so unfortunately these days summer just kind of feels the same as any other time of year just hotter so the magic of summer has been kinda lost as I become a decrepit old man but if there's one thing that still manages to drum up that childlike excitement for the summer it's a little show called Phineas and Ferb there's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it so I have no idea where these guys went to school because that is way more summer than I ever got but yes today we're talking about Phineas and Ferb the Disney Channel classic from 2007 that seems to be having a bit of a nostalgic resurgence these days and it makes sense I mean the show is nearly 13 years old now and it's been over for like five years but honestly when I first found out people were going crazy for Phineas and Ferb again I was like really why let me explain first if you don't know Phineas and Ferb is a cartoon about two brothers who spend each day of their summer break doing crazy things like building rollercoasters turning their backyard into a beach becoming one-hit wonders and tons of other insane stuff but their older sister Candace always tries to get them in trouble by telling on them to their mom which I don't always get like rollercoasters racecars time machines if that junks dangerous you could put an eye out but sometimes she tries to get the boys in trouble for legit just having fun but it doesn't really matter anyway because everything Phineas and Ferb do always manages to conveniently disappear right before their mom ever even shows up oh they also have a pet platypus which let's be honest is probably breaking some sort of law and that platypus named Perry is also a secret agent who fights the evil scientist dr. Doofenshmirtz who is the best character in the show and that's pretty much it that's the whole thing nearly every episode follows that exact same structure now I want to take things back to around 2007 back when I was a preteen on the cusp of teen hood with the mind of an eight-year-old you guys know baby pho fee was obsessed with cartoons but by middle school I was kind of moving away from that a little I still watched plenty of cartoons but it was becoming more of a passive thing as I started getting more into music and guitar and that took up most of my free time and I remember one summer where I spent every single day just sitting on the floor playing guitar with the TV on just for background noise and when it came to baby pho fees channels my parents allowed me to watch tear lists Disney Channel was yeah kind of seats here I mean the Disney Channel of my childhood was Hannah Montana Wizards of Waverly Place the buzz on Maggie brandy mr. whiskers just a bunch of stuff I was kind of mad on so I usually only put the TV on Disney Channel when absolutely nothing else was on and most of the time of that summer the main thing playing when I'd flip to Disney was a relatively new cartoon called Phineas and Ferb so my first ever experience of watching this show was just it happening to be on during the day when I wasn't even paying attention I was never actively watching Phineas and Ferb and yet I still feel like I ended up seeing every episode at the time I know because even though I never paid attention to it I still knew the show's format and catchphrases by heart G Ferb what do you want to do today Ferb I know what we're gonna do today hey where's Perry whatcha doin Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated a platypus Perry the Platypus you guys are so busted mom gosh you perry the platypus oh there you are Perry boom there you go that's every episode of his dang show I remember thinking it was so weird that Phineas and Ferb had the exact same structure for every episode because I was used to shows like Billy and Mandy invader zim and chowder where you had literally no clue what each episode was gonna be and one of the most unique things about that format was how every single episode had at least one original song now these days I look at that and think how the heck did they do that there's over 200 episodes of this show by the way and some episodes have multiple songs that that's stupid big stupid it's impressive don't get me wrong but if someone came up to you and said hey I want you to make an original cartoon with the exact same format for 222 episodes and you need to have an original musical number in every single one you would look that person dead in the face and say you are stupid that's stupid and the songs work great I mean take another show that had musical numbers in nearly every episode a class of 3000 loved Andre 3000 loved Outkast loved this show but it got a little lazy with the songs quite a few times meanwhile Phineas and Ferb was putting out absolute bangers every single time but back then baby fo fee saw this amazing feat of creativity and was just like huh that's weird anyway yeah for some reason back then I wasn't really impressed I just thought it was weird turns out I was the one who was big stupid needless to say Phineas and Ferb just wasn't gelling with baby fo fee but fast-forward to 2018 and a dope faux fee is watching Phineas and Ferb almost every day doing a ton of research on it for a video and for some reason getting choked up listening to summer belongs to you because it's just the happiest song ever and for some reason that kind of stuff makes me cry what changed here well for me at the moment where everything Phineas and Ferb clicked was the episode dude were getting the band back together this episode is all about the boys getting their parents favorite 80s hair metal band a love Handel back together for their anniversary now that already made me turn my head a little back in the day as a kid who was learning guitar and getting obsessed with music but then the first song came up Phineas and Ferb walk into a guitar shop alright cool you have my attention and the lead singer of love Handel sings a song about how most popular music genres can be traced right back to blues music and at that time the only thing I loved more than 80s metal was blues music so a cartoon talking about both really made me stand up and go excuse me it really impressed me this was the first time I'd ever seen a cartoon appeal to guitar and music nerd side of me in such a real way and this was the episode that made me start taking Phineas and Ferb seriously back in the day or well as seriously as you can take a show about aquatic mammal secret agents and kids who sing gibberish songs but even then I didn't suddenly become a die-hard Phineas and Ferb fan or as I call it a now I kind of formed a sense of respect for the show I still didn't seek it out but any time it was on instead of thinking all right I was more like oh cool and that was the extent of my experience with Phineas and Ferb for like the next decade or so a lot of things changed during that time watching cartoons went from all I cared about to kind of a passive activity to something I rarely did at all once I got into YouTube but then sometime between 2017 and 2018 I started getting back into cartoons thanks to shows like Steven universe and gravity falls and it was like an immediate 180 man I went from never watching cartoons to suddenly going right back into baby FOFA mode wanting to watch as many cartoons as I possibly could all day long and the best part was now I could cuz it was my job so I was binge watching all sorts of new shows star versus the forces of evil gumball ducktales all that but I'm a sucker for some nostalgia so I also decided to go back and revisit a few shows from my childhood there were a few obvious choices like Spongebob and Teen Titans and a few less obvious choices like sixteen and total drama but then I started thinking about that one Disney Channel show from back in middle school that Phineas and Ferb thing I never really cared about but for whatever reason just stuck in my head for years I'd seen a few people talking about the show on YouTube and Twitter kind out of nowhere and it took me by surprise a little see like I knew this was a show people remembered I knew it was decently popular and like I said I enjoyed it well enough as a kid and had some level of respect for it but it was never something I was super into I wouldn't call myself a fan of Phineas and Ferb back then and to put it bluntly I didn't remember it being anything that special the overall but as more people started reminiscing about it online I got more curious figured I must have missed something so I took the plunge started rewatching phineas and ferb and my god this show is freakin incredible man like yeah I thought it was fine back in the day but as an adult Phineas and Ferb is a near perfect cartoon and I can't believe I didn't see that before the characters are likeable and fun the scenarios are ridiculous the songs are painfully catchy the format never gets old and they really play around with it at times and the whole show has this nostalgic vibe that just reminds me of being a kid excited for summer and like I said I'm a big sucker for nostalgia suddenly I was waking up every morning and turning on Disney XD to catch Phineas and Ferb reruns during breakfast and whenever I get really into something like that I immediately want to start working on a video about it so I fell down the rabbit hole learning every little thing I could about the history of Phineas and Ferb who made the show how it came to be everything and I made my Phineas and Ferb brief history and it was only then more than a decade after the show premiered and after I put two weeks worth of work into a video retrospective gaining an entirely new perspective and appreciation for the show and it's legacy that I realized huh I think I actually like the show a little bit okay jokes aside Phineas and Ferb is without a doubt one of the best things Disney Channel ever produced the creators of the show clearly captured lightning in a bottle that has stuck with people for over a decade as evidenced by all the videos about the show still being made on YouTube the memes being used to confuse PewDiePie and all the tic TOCs I've seen referencing the show and even ranking the songs which on that note I'm and just say it Busta's overrated it's fun it's catchy but ain't got rhythm is clearly better and hey the show's actually getting a comeback pretty soon with a Disney Plus original movie which I suggest we call D palms from now on so I guess the world's longest summers just gonna keep on going people are really gonna hate me for that busted comment aren't they yes yes we are [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 699,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phineas and ferb, phineas & ferb, phineas and ferb theme song, phineas and ferb songs, phineas and ferb full episodes, phineas and ferb ending, phineas and ferb fabulous, phineas and ferb get busted, phineas and ferb gitchi gitchi goo, phineas and ferb memes, phineas and ferb simp, perry the platypus, dr doofenshmirtz, disney, disney channel, footofaferret, footofaferret phineas and ferb, brief history phineas and ferb, history of phineas and ferb, a brief history
Id: Q5j87Ck8MFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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