Playing A Stranger’s Animal Crossing Town

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i miss animal crossing man back when it first came out i played animal crossing new horizons to death for real i got pretty hooked on this game if you couldn't tell but at this point after more than a year i've pretty much run out of stuff to do at least stuff that makes for an interesting video but man it's just been too long i gotta play some animal crossing any of them luckily a little while ago i just happened to stumble across a copy of animal crossing wild world while at a game shop this was the second game in the animal crossing series released for the nintendo ds back in 2005. so this is an old version of animal crossing and i thought oh that could make for a fun video you know trying animal crossing without all the new improvements fofi's adventures in wild world blah blah blah so i bought the game popped it into my ds and made a discovery see my copy of wild world is used which means someone else owned it and played it all the time back in the mid 2000s someone who forgot to erase their save file before trading in the game this just got a lot more interesting there's a whole town full of villagers here that have just been abandoned for probably over a decade okay now i'm just too curious so change of plans these are now fofi's adventures in a stranger's abandoned animal crossing town oh and before we get started if you like the animal crossing videos that i do on this channel be sure to hit the big red subscribe button below and ring the little gray bell next to it that way you'll be notified every single time i upload you'll never miss a future animal crossing episode or an episode of any other thing that i do on this channel also just a reminder the official foot of a ferret anne island t-shirt is still available at the link in the description along with tons of other cool foot of a ferret merch it's a huge help and i'd really appreciate it i started the game and get to see all the save files now i have no idea whose game this was and even though it's just their first name i think i'm gonna air on the safe side and keep all that stuff private so let's just call him anthony padilla i select anthony save file boot up the game and lord this game is old like i said this is my first time playing wild world the only other animal crossing games i've played at all are new leaf and new horizons you know just one of the most beautiful games ever made so hopping all the way back to the ds's jaggedy graphics and kind of weird controls that's a shift so what are we working with here all right all right it's not bad we got a pretty standard animal crossing house here rocking that classic line the walls with stuff and do nothing else decorating style there's a couple vanities a desk a desk lamp tape deck lava lamp golf bag no couch but a bench a very very large chest piece and an oven i definitely hate this wallpaper and flooring though dark blue vomit green i feel like i'm living in a pickle jar i hate pickles my friend sarah drinks pickle juice right from the jar and i hate that so i vandalized her island so yeah redecorate the house that's the first thing i've added to my to-do list but now for the main event let's see the town i step out of this house i have now claimed ownership of and oh no no no good lord this place is a dump anthony what are you doing man look at all these weeds who do you think has to pull all these up yeah me the guy who randomly bought your old ds game and decided to put all this responsibility on himself for a youtube video instead of just starting a new save file screw it i'll get to it later so let's see what's next well so if you're injured tragic event that kind of thing you're covered totally we get the money straight to you immediately within a day at some point bang well an otter that was creeping around my house just ran up and screamed at me about insurance it really is animal crossing speaking of which i'm finally starting to run into some of anthony's old villagers looks like the town's pretty packed yeah packed full of jerks seriously the first person i run into is trying to sell me something the second person i run into is this chicken named goose who goes whoa what's wrong with your face excuse me what's wrong with your name you're no goose stop lying to yourself you insecure piece of poultry i just met you and i do not like you i'm gonna walk away from you now hey there it's me the ruler of this town who mysteriously disappeared probably around 10 years ago how are you doing hi i'm ugly what are you going to bug me with now uh nothing i could have done could have prepared me for what you just said i'm very uncomfy gonna walk away again now this town is weird dude i mean i had heard animal crossing villagers were way more mean in the older games but i feel like the years of neglect have left these guys a little more irritable than normal i took a trip to the town hall was greeted by a pelican named phyllis and even she was like hey what do you want god is no one happy in this town i'm actually speechless man not a single person i've talked to this entire time has been even remotely nice and that is legit shocking after spending so much time in the new game the villagers and new horizons are so nice it's creepy everyone here is just rude man screw it i'm going home i head back to my house and i managed to get a quick split second of alone time before hey it's goose i'm in your house so i can buy your stuff okay what is he allowed to do that well apparently he is today because i just so happened to boot this game up on flea market day where you can walk into any villagers home and ask to buy their stuff but at the same time any villager can barge into your house and try to buy your stuff so goose here just waltzes in and is like hey sell me your stuff and i'm just like i don't like you so he leaves just for another villager named chow to show up and be like i have arrived show me your things and at that point i just said fine and i sold him everything in the house sorry about your stuff anthony i needed to make room for things i actually wanted like this bed and table someone threw away and this reel-to-reel player i bought from a bunny with a mustache and this violin that i only bought because the birds selling it wouldn't sell me their cello and of course some better freaking wallpaper and flooring now i live in a library with no real books just fake ones this is an improvement oh wait i just noticed there's stairs here that we have a second floor apparently let's check it out and okay back outside i think it's about time i get rid of all these weeds all the villagers that i don't know or care about have been complaining so i might as well clean the place up here give me a second hey anthony fixed your town you're welcome now that things are clean i think it's time to really map out the town and take attendance so maiden oh yeah i forgot to mention the town's name is apparently maiden actually now that i think about it that also needs to change i'ma just call this a town if it ain't broke don't fix it so a town has a museum just as empty as i expected a couple of shops a town hall and eight villagers we already met goose chow tipper jay and gaston but there's also a duck named dina a cat named punchy and another duck named freckles who has literally just moved into town can you even imagine that they probably started the moving process back in like 2009 or something but then anthony just shut the game off never played it again and now only now in 2021 have they finally been able to move in so i guess i'm not the only new kid on the block welcome to the dump freckles speaking of moving i stopped playing for a little while came back the next day and found a letter in the mail turns out goose decided to move away dang was it something i said i don't like you but hey i got my least favorite villager to leave after just one day of playing i'd say that's a speedrun record for being a bad neighbor and there's already someone new moving in in their place they're a super cute super nice koala named melba so i'm gonna call this a win but i gotta say one thing i really didn't think about going into this was how little there was to do i mean this isn't new horizons a bunch of the usual stuff i'd be doing in that game it's just not here so i'm not really sure what to do apparently there's another event day coming up called lottie day i've never even heard of this i guess it's only in wild world but hey it's something to do let's try it out so lottie day is all about the town tune a little jingle you can customize that gets played at various different points throughout the game during lottie day the villagers come up with their own songs and will sing them to you hoping you'll pick their song to be the next town tune but uh too bad for them because there's only one person who gets to write the town tune and it's me i already wrote it man it was one of the first things i did when i started this game and it is staying but just for fun and for fairness i started running around my town talking to everyone so i can hear their songs oh punchy that was great no ciao i gotta be honest i kind of hated it gaston love the mustache but it's a no from me man freckles i know you're new here so i gotta be real with you i wasn't even paying attention on and on i went exactly like that until i had crushed the dreams of every single villager in town you hear that anthony i took over your town i sold all your stuff and now i made all your villagers sad i i have no idea why i'm being so salty towards anthony they literally did nothing they didn't do anything they traded an old ds game in at a store and i'm just throwing them so much salt for absolutely no reason well at this point i've done about all i know how to do i've seen pretty much everything this abandoned town has to offer but there is one thing i've been avoiding one very specific place with a very specific person but i can't wrap things up until i face it uh hey welcome to nookway how can i help you wait a minute have we met before nope never seen you before in my life i'm i'm just here to buy a water can okay bye okay okay that wasn't that wasn't too bad maybe this won't be as bad what was that okay just just look at the paper man just just look at the okay okay you're fine man you're just being a little anything i can help you with all right see you later you be sure to come back now we'll be waiting [Music] you
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 432,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, new horizons, animal crossing music, animal crossing wild world, animal crossing ds, animal crossing island tour, animal crossing update, animal crossing direct, animal crossing switch, animal crossing island ideas, animal crossing new horizons island tour, animal crossing new leaf, tom nook, footofaferret, footofaferret animal crossing, footofaferret animal crossing playlist, footofaferret animal crossing music, foafy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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