The Complete Star vs the Forces of Evil Timeline | Channel Frederator

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The book does say long after he has existed but long before he was born.

I kinda disagree with part of the 2017 parts, but overall I agree with the timeline for the most part.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jweaver0312 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Star and Marco born in 2001...
Sooooo, they're 18 in 2019.
That's means...

\Sacred Scripts posting intensifies\**

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MikeCrossCG 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

um.... so when does the movie night tragedy takes place ?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Weedeeutna 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
we all know that you're upset that star versus the forces of evil is over it ended beautifully but I kind of wish there was more of it thankfully like gravity falls star versus does have a full story for us to study and put into a chronological timeline so let's indulge in a completely new perspective on the rise and fall of magic Muni and the butterfly family I'm Jacob with Channel Frederator and this is the complete star versus the forces of evil timeline I also am recording this intro after I've recorded the voiceover for the video and let the word butterfly has completely lost all meaning to me and every time I say it I feel like I'm saying it wrong it is pronounced butterfly right I'm not losing my mind alright my freidbrain aside we do have a few notes before we get started I love this show but it's not so great at giving exact dates and times apparently only Solaria was kind and compassionate enough to chronicle her rule in cold hard years so a lot of this timeline is educated guessing from all of us at Frederator but they are incredibly educated guesses seriously we did some painstaking math to try to get all of this right oh there was so much math like figuring out how old the Queen's of Muni were when they had their children is kind of a doozy since so few of these powerful ladies seem to prioritize childbirth overruling Muni we're gonna assume that each Queen gave birth to their first child around the age of 30 since we have nothing better to go on oh and by the way while muni and earth do have different calendars time passes through both at the same rate so we're gonna be using earth years for our timeline not that dates or times are gonna be super important right now because we start at the literal beginning of time the wheel of progress the beginning of time the universe gets started when father time begins running inside the wheel of progress which causes time to move forward don't ask how we got there the universe is allowed to have its own mysteries the realm of magic and Glosser it comes into existence a ridiculously long time ago through whatever forces magic comes into existence in the realm of magic this realm and it's incredibly pretty golden liquid is the source of magic in all dimensions and as such it has a gateway into every dimension in the shape of a waterfall anymore who comes into the realm immediately loses their memory and becomes childish however a strange little man named glass Erick comes into being as an intermediary between mortals and magic and his alignment is famously or infamously true neutral you'll never get him on your side but I don't have a side you don't do you glossary creates omnitrix's Prime still a ridiculously long time ago over his lifetime glossary would create several beings to help him manage the vast world of magic his first creation is Omni Traxxas prime whose job is to manage the multiverse and make sure it doesn't you know eat itself effectively making him the master of space-time glossary creates lek net and the magical high commission hundreds of thousands of years ago Wow that's literally almost a number once intelligent life exists in the universe it becomes clear that glossary would need more hands on deck to oversee everyone's usage of magic so he creates lek meant to remind everyone of the impermanence of their existence one such way of reminding them was that every time luck Matt used his powers his lifespan would shorten Glosser ik also founds the magical high commission with luck met and omnitrix's primed to monitor all magical activity in the multiverse glossary creates hecka Phu the concept of dimensional scissors and Romulus thousands of years ago eventually it becomes clear that people would need a way to hop from one dimension to another so Glosser creates hecka poo and gives her the unique power to create dimensional scissors which create a portal to almost any dimension for people to jump through to get a pair of these scissors from heck of who you have to pass an incredibly difficult and sometimes long trial you can also just you know steal some likely around this time Glosser ik also creates Romulus to be the muscle of the magical High Commission he apparently serves no higher purpose other than being awful humans arrived in Muni and glossary creates the wand around 1200 a small handful of humans arrive on earth which look like pilgrims for some reason even though the timing for the pilgrims would make literally zero sense this is one of those inconsistent rabbit holes I mentioned earlier the original writer of this video literally wrote a footnote that was like a page long trying to explain this but the calculations land in around the Year 1200 so that's what we're rolling with anyway some humans wearing some drastically ahead of their time fashion fall through Earth's well of magic into the magical realm the group eventually winds up travelling through the portal to mewni with absolutely no idea who where they are luckily Glosser ik happens to be traveling through time with baby meteora he intercepts them at the shore and informs them that they're the first settlers to mewni then he places a baby unicorn from the magic filled sea into meteors rattle transforming it into the wand he gives the wand to a random settler who we assume becomes the first queen of muni Gloster ik nonchalantly tells the humans you could do magic with that thing okay so you know I'm sure this is one of Gloucester excites that won't have any bad repercussions whatsoever oops we've barely started this video glossary calls have suggests that the new settlers take shelter from a coming storm in a nearby stump this saves the group's lives creates a sense of general camaraderie and would become the basis for the human holiday stump day muna pendants about twelve ten of course Muni was already inhabited shortly after the human or Moomin settlers arrived a war breaks out between them and the previous inhabitants the monsters naturally historical accounts of how this comes to pass vary wildly between monster and Moomin perspectives the Moomin Queen is said to have used magic to turn the weak peasants and her party into strong soldiers after several years of fighting half the monster population is massacred and the Moomins win well sort of the Moomins would be dealing with an on-again off-again war with the monsters for something like the next 800 years magic becomes relegated to the sanctuary sometime in the 12 hundreds when the settlers boat first crashed into muni the entire ocean near muni was made of the same golden magical liquid as the realm of magic while future queens would eventually come to believe that the first queen discovered the sanctuary the truth is that an early queen was likely responsible for building the sanctuary and then containing the magic within the loose' tourists steal half of Muniz population around 1600 butterfly kingdom would come to be the capital and literal center of muni but several other lesser kingdoms would develop around above and below them around 1600 the Lusa tors pull half of Muniz population into the underworld this severely wounds the butterfly royal lineage and the remaining population for a century the monarchy would suffer from scandal shame and general incompetence first butterfly castle and book of spells destroyed 17:09 we don't know a lot about the first 26 queens of Muni because the history of Moomin Queens is recorded in the book of spells and in tapestries and butterfly castle it's too bad the first version of the castle and the book of spells are destroyed by dragon fire during Queen lyrics celebration for princess Skye wins one passing ceremony cuz now all that's pretty much lost a time sky one would begin a new book of spells three years later when she becomes queen butterfly Castle proves trickier the first was made of wood partially from the stump so naturally the whole thing burned up construction begins torturously slowly and wouldn't be finished for another four years they're technically another nine now Queens sky one uses a time repetition spell to turn one day into five years Muni expands 1720 even with the castle done Muni citizens rely on Queen Sky one to magically conjure them food and their general ineptitude makes them easy fodder for frequent monster raids fed up the Queen eventually refuses to conjure food anymore she clears the forests and the monsters around the castle and Moomins learn how to farm their population quickly doubles which causes them to build more and more into monster territory the demons learn to fight and start skirmishing over land use Romulus gets snakes Fran 1725 Gloucester X bin mi a ever since the book burned he's been dealing with Romulus and giving him a lesson by turning his hands into snakes but Gloucester ik returns in 1725 solaria becomes queen 1755 after her significantly older brother just in the unclean has a brief run as the Prince of Muni embracing the celebrity lifestyle of being the next heir he relinquishes the one to his baby sister when she's born that sister eventually becoming Solaria the monster Carver sorry Justin this is strictly a matriarchy from the get-go Solaria views the previous Queens as being weak for not properly dealing with the monsters she immediately plans to wage a brutal war to keep expanding muni and she's fine with either subjugating or killing every monster in the process Mina love very becomes the first solarian warrior 17:70 the big break in Salieri's war comes when she develops a triptych of powerful spells that can change any peasant into a superhuman warrior these super Moomins have heightened senses and possess no fear or conscience each warrior gets a blade that's fired up by Solaria is wand of aggression so they can kill monsters with one hit a rag peddler Mina volunteers to be the first warrior she's the head of the butterfly's army for the entirety of her abnormally long and possibly now immortal life Solaria soon accrues an entire army of super warriors and the war gets incredibly intense Eclipse amides glog orb 1773 even with her super army battalion Solaria can't stop monsters from advancing on butterfly castle her daughter eclipse' is in Solaria is view kidnapped by one of the monster commanders Gor Solaria captures the Army in the act and reclaims eclipse' but eclipse' continue seeing glob Gor in secret as she grows up the siege on butterfly castle ends 1778 finally Solaria sends an envoy led by hecka pou to the pony head Kingdom and the underworld for reinforcements later that year they return and bring butterfly castle back from the brink and yet Solaria turns down the magical High Commission suggestion for a ceasefire she also secretly begins working on a Total Annihilation spell you know like how level-headed generals do Solaria dies in battle and eclipse that becomes Queen 1788 Eclipse inherits the book of spells but doesn't want to be queen any time soon however Solaria suddenly dies in battle so eclipse' becomes queen right away not only that but Solaria has written in her will that eclipse' will marry Prince Shasta kin of the spider bytez but that doesn't stop eclipse' from seeing her true love glob gory and secret eclipses a elopes with glob Gor around 1791 despite the Romeo and Juliet type romance between eclipse and glob Gor the monster army and Solari Moyer led nu an army continued to fight eclipses vote for an armistice has continually drowned out and glob Gor is dealing with some Restless rebellious sectarians so to save the kingdom in a sort of twisted but very romantic way eclipse a elopes with glob Gor and that's when things get pretty crazy as if things weren't already crazy enough we have even gotten to the show itself yet star versus the forces of evil has enough lore to make junior Tolkien be like whoa dude actually you know what do him and yourself a favor by listening to his works on audible the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit are both there but if you want a really deep dive you should listen to The Silmarillion it's got all of that good lore that you don't get to hear about in the other books like this timeline so far if you're looking for a more recent story then I recommend you check out Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series the world is fully fleshed out and it makes the fantasy power struggle super compelling not unlike star versus oh and there's magic and sometimes it goes wrong but I've said too much already just jump into miss Bourne starting with book 1 the final Empire ok ok so maybe there isn't room in your life for another libraries worth of magical mystical lore so in that case just chill out and listen to a classic where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak it's just a simple story about a kid hanging out with monsters yep definitely not a highly study book or a book with a bizarrely introspective film at Mt directed by Spike Jonze what are you talking about you can start listening with a thirty-day audible trial and your first audiobook plus two audible originals are free visit slash channel Frederator or Tex Channel Frederator all one word - 500 500 again that's slash channel Frederator or text channel Frederator one word - 500 500 all right now this star versus timeline has been pretty straightforward right well it's about to get a little messy the princess swap around 1792 eclipse and glob Gor ultimately end up in the monster temple where they have a daughter meteora however when meteor is still an infant she seized from her parents and turned over to Shasta kin Shasta kin deems meteora unfit to rule muni and wants nothing to do with her so he gives her to Saint Olga of st. Olga's reform school for wayward princesses over the years Saint Olga and her Clockwork Orange like brainwashing techniques would suppress both meteors butterfly and monster characteristics as well as meteors memory of ever having them years and years and years later meteora now heinous would unplug Saint Olga take over her school and steal the life force of its students to preserve her youth while listening to thrash metal that detail is very important meanwhile Shasta kin replaces meteora in the butterfly lineage with a totally random non-royal PI foal girl who was left behind in Muni after the PI carnival but Shasta Ken's big mistake was not dealing with glob gore first presumably as revenge for tossing away his daughter glob gore breaks his vegetarian vows and devours shasta can I must have caught the magical high Commission's attention because they crystallise glob Gore in the monster temple shortly thereafter and since eclipse' loves that monster she gets brought to the crystal dimension and also gets crystallized fearing her allegiance the glob Gore makes her a liability on the bright side at least the new butterfly line is super good at making pies there's not a whole lot of bright sides here everyone kind of sucks Vista view becomes Queen 18:10 after all that Muni is queenless until Festiva comes of age the High Commission raised her to believe that she's the daughter of eclipse' and Shasta kin and that both of her parents were eaten by monsters which is it's kind of half true except that her parents aren't her parents but you know as soon as Festiva becomes queen monsters attack human villages and a new war begins fastidious sends the Silurian warriors off to take complete charge of the war and for safety calls all of them human citizens into the castle grounds then she does what any of us would do when faced with a war throw a party for literally five years straight right until the war ends Mina love Barre is the only Silurian warrior to survive probably explains why it took five years and not five minutes the rise of castle of arias 1843 soon after Festiva his daughter crescentin becomes queen she has to address the cetera problem which eclipses and glob Gor must the swept under the rug when they were eloping the sub terian leader Seth is gaining support from the larger monster population to undercut his popularity crescendo decides to hold an election for a monster monarch and she campaigns super hard for Pema various she would act in the butterflies interest in exchange for the money and the power and all that fun stuff Pema narrowly beats seth in the elections so trey a new era of weird peace with the monsters begins we'll see how long that lasts echo creek is settled 1846 hey remember earth it's fine at times it felt like even the show couldn't be bothered to remember earth as thousands of American families moved westward the seventeen pilgrims in the Bonner party with the beasts settle in an area that came to be known as nature's landfill or just echo Creek but alas the lands already occupied by a particularly violent and territorial band of opossums the Bonners emerged victorious on the subsequent twenty six day war and build echo Creek Academy on their hard-won land Reno the riddled accidentally kills John Roach Lee around 1880 anyway back in muni crescendoes daughter a queen rena doesn't have a very good love life her husband John Roach Lee is kind of a dick so she creates a spell to break his heart thing is it works a little too well and is a little too literal so he killed him since Roach Lee is a second cousin to the Lu Satori's this creates some simmering tensions between humans and the underworld Estrela the drafted becomes Queen around 1930 both Estrela and her mother Selina the shy have very chill reins Estrela is an avid drawer so it's a peaceful time for muni and apparently whoever gives the queen's nicknames has a sense of humor because I would have assumed drafted men you know like conscription but they meant the drawing kind of drafty great job not confusing at all by this time the various family has fallen from grace having sunk their fortunes in the corrupt scratch-and-sniff trade but their heir Archduke bat Winn is still popular among the monsters comet the chef becomes queen 1980 after putting off becoming queen for as long as she possibly could comet the chef takes the throne she's already an incredibly well-traveled chef with an infant daughter so she for culinary skills to handle the monsters in a different way instead of fighting them comets first act as Queen is to hold a banquet in honor of the archduke of monsters bat win set the Sept Aryan dies somewhere between 1980 and 1995 a group of rebel sectarians led by our old pal Seth are a cause of concern for both Comet and bat win but comet writes that she's not afraid of crusty old Seth and she was totally right for unknown reasons Seth dies during comments rain hey I'll make the news I just reported I'm just quoting what Darren FC said herself there is another set Aryan that she should have been afraid of though toffee kills comet moon becomes the Queen and Fries eclipse' and the Moomin Monster record 1995 this is a stacked year comet devotes her time as Queen to cultivating peace with monsters and after perhaps a little more than a decade she and batwing are about to sign a peace treaty however one of bat winds generals toffee rebels an assassinates comment cometh 17 year old daughter moon immediately becomes queen with no clue about how to handle the monster situation moon asks Romulus to unfreeze eclipse a long enough for the Queen's to talk moon strikes a deal with eclipse' eclipse' gives moon one of her dark spells in exchange for her assured freedom once toffee is killed moon uses the spell but is only able to burn off Toffees finger permanently though this hit to his regenerative capabilities is enough to cause he and his rebel army to retreat for the time being she vows to continue to fight monsters that threaten Moomins and the seriousness of her threat soon leads to the Moomin Monster record while the exact contents of the corner foggy I assume it says that monsters and Moomins will leave each other the hell alone a year later moon finally decides which boy she likes and marries River Johansson all before even going through mewberty the birds of star butterfly and Marco Diaz 2001 finally star butterfly is born to moon and river butterfly so yes a star is born go ahead and make your Lady gaga references in the comments or preferably that much better song from Hercules meanwhile unearth an unlikely force in the changing of the multiverse Marco Diaz is born to Rafael and Angie Diaz ludo of arias takes control of Castle of areas around 2005 despite their dwindling fortunes the various family continues to live in their castle that is until the entire family goes on vacation without the runt of their fifty a glitter Ludo well they're gone Ludo has his gang of monsters move in and change the locks running his family out of their home Ludo then dedicates himself to stealing the from the butterfly family pony head steals hecka poos dimensional scissors around 2014 one would think that the soul forger of all dimensional scissors would be careful with their personal pair but hecka poojas leaves them in the bathroom of the bounce lounge a multi-dimensional Club sure enough pony head finds and steals them they later go to star butterfly and then Marco would borrow them consequently screwing it up before being offered a challenge to get his actual own scissors but I'm getting ahead of myself star butterfly comes to earth 2015 star butterfly grows up to be a little unruly rather than immediately send her to st. Olga's her parents offer her a second chance to chill out specifically by going to live on earth where she begins living with Marco Diaz and his family Stark meets him at school that's that's how she meets Marco they didn't they weren't like friends before she went to earth or anything the Blood Moon ball still 2015 every 667 years the Blood Moon chooses two souls and curses them to be eternally bound Tom Luse at or the current heir to the underworld it takes his ex-girlfriend's star to the Blood Moon ball without mentioning the curse part but hoping that the curse would pick them instead the curse picks star and Marco womp-womp Ludo various hires toffee even still 2015 meanwhile ludos attempts to get the wand from star haven't been going well so he decides to hire some help managing his goons that help turns out to be toffee who slowly begins to take control of ludos organisation and Ludo doesn't really notice because he's dumb wheel of progress reconfigured even more still 2015 so yeah father time has been running around on the Wheel of Time for forever so sure he's in great shape but you know doing something forever gets kind of old once star casts a free spell and knocks father time off the wheel he only agrees to get back on once star reconfigures it into a chariot pulled by hamsters miss heinous is driven out of st. Olga's 2016 heinous has been living large running st. Olga's reform school for wayward princesses with an iron fist but her Haven comes crashing down when star and Marco infiltrate the school and inspire rebellion led by one prince esther dina actually Marco the students turned st. Olga's into a party school and kick heinous out along with her servant Gemini so heinous develops an obsessive vendetta against her Deana the destruction of castle of arias still 2016 meanwhile Tuffy's patience has paid off he finally controls ludos organisation his gang and even castle of arias itself toffee lures star to the Castle and forces her to perform the mysterious whispering spell to destroy her one but the only thing that ends up getting destroyed is castle of arias and some monsters the one gets cleaved and Ludo finds one of the pieces however that cleft piece also contains top EES consciousness who was blown up in the magical blast from the wand actually toffee is corrupting stars new one - because he's contaminated the entire realm of magic the golden liquid begins turning into a dark sickly mucky green Ludo obtains the book of spells later that year now that Lu knows on a roll with his wand and his spider and his eagle he's able to snag the book of spells and therefore get relative ownership of Glosser ik well as much as anyone can own Glosser ik anyway he takes Glosser ik to his new home in the monster temple and starts learning but once he sees the Dark Arts spells and eclipses chapter Ludo makes himself vulnerable to be possessed by toffee meanwhile star prepares for her song day a tradition as old as Muni itself where each Queen to be formally introduces herself to her subjects however star uses her song to inform the populace about the missing spell book so you know that goes well also the bard who wrote the song rue barian elects to make some creative choices of his own revealing through the song that star has feelings for Marco and things were awkward until like literally the last two episodes of the series so thanks Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy the songs a banger though the death of toffee and like Matt and the destruction of the second book of spells 2017 once toffee takes over Ludo his first order of business is to take out the magical High Commission recommends Accra Feist as himself to make sure that moon gets out alive Ludo completely on his own accord destroys the book of spells out of frustration glossary ultimately survives but his mind is kind of damaged all he can do is shout glob car however toffee has the voice in ludos one does convinced Ludo to take over butterfly castle but his reign is short-lived long story short moon gives Toffees finger back and starry purifies the corrupted realm of magic and blasts toffee into smithereens and then Ludo crushes him and delivers the best one-liner of the series star moves back to Muni and Marco shortly joins her as her squire but since toffee is actually dead now eclipses freed as for her agreement with moon the magical High Commission immediately declares her to be evil but star convinces them to give Eclipse a trial and let her hang out in her room the castle until then heinous remembers still 2017 meanwhile after a failed attempt to reclaim mistress ship of st. Olga's heinous continues pursuing her arch nemesis princess tur Deena she makes her move during a party star's holding at the supposedly Rhea banded monster temple a mixer for teenage Moomins and monsters to improve relations and it goes great except that Mina love Barry has started camping out in the temple and begins capturing the monster guests then heinous stumbles across her old bedroom from her forgotten infancy Mina reveals heinous is actual identity eclipses daughter meteora for those of you who needed reminding but before things can get too saucy the magical High Commission intervenes heinous slowly begins to regain some of her monster trades the cover-up unveiled and eclipse' becomes Queen again still 2017 while preparing for eclipses trial moon and Eclipse I discovered that meteora aka heinous has been completely erased from the history books and replaced with a stranger named fastidious moon eclipse and star make eclipses trial a very dramatic trial by box which forces the magical High Commission to admit their cover-up or you know die of being crushed but that means that star and Moon figure out that they're not actually true butterflies meanwhile heinous Sheikh Saint Olga down for the truth about her past as meteora now knowing that the throne is rightfully hers she destroys Saint Olga along with pony heads horn and continues to grow more monster like and like way bigger she also learns how to balloon off' i people and shoot lasers out of her eyes eclipses that intervenes in moons fight with media or accidentally sending moon to the realm of magic with moons whereabouts unknown she's presumed basically dead and star unexpectedly becomes queen star goes to find moon in the realm of magic but they both get magic brained and sent back to where they belong for star that means muni but for moon that's back with the pie folk also since moon has used dark magic she begins contaminating the magic pool just a little bit over time when star gets back to muni she sees that meteora has set fire to butterfly kingdom destroyed butterfly castle and sucked almost everyone soul out in the ensuing battle eclipse a tag star out of the fight so she can destroy media or herself her own child yet miraculously eclipse a spell reverse meteora back into a cute baby star decides that the throne in the wand are rightfully eclipses eclipse' moves the queen's functions away from the destroyed butterfly castle and into the monster temple where guam gore is still crystallized from there she immediately integrates Moomin and monster society which lots of new aren't too happy about in fact its everybody and they hate it everyone hates eclipse' except the fans we love eclipse' star Marco and River dedicate themselves to finding moon and after they do star ops to stay and help Eclipse awhile River and moon go into the nearby woods and build a yurt cuz why not after taking up residence there moon encounters lots of disgruntled Moomins whose homes were either destroyed or reclaimed by monsters soon enough she finds herself acting as the de facto queen of a new budding city the Blood Moon curse is removed 2017 just the rest of the series is 2017 meanwhile it becomes painstakingly obvious to everyone that Marco and star have lingering feelings for each other though star doesn't want to admit it Tom reveals that the Blood Moon ball was in fact a curse so he ventures with star and Marco into the underworld and has the curse removed castle of arias has reclaimed Lunas brother Dennis purchases the ruins of castle of arias from one evil jail and Baron who gives me professor Ratigan vibes problem is the contract actually forces him to hand over the entire various family fortune as well as the castle so Ludo does what any good brother would do he takes care of the evil landlord and reunites the various family - the lackluster parents to rebuild the castle moon conspires against eclipse' and glob Gore's freed moon discovers that a rumored ghost and butterfly castle is actually good old me love Barry who's been protecting the abandoned castle from looters but she's also kind of sort of scheming to kill eclipse' the way Mina sees that eclipse' is allowing a bunch of dirty monsters to ruin our beautiful Kingdom moon eventually agrees to work with Mina to take down eclipse' believing she's stopping Mina from doing far worse moon and Mina rebuild the solarian warrior army with citizens of moons mini city moon also convinces Romulus to uncrystallized glob gore during eclipses coronation and frame Eclipse afford but that ends up backfiring wildly because glob Gore's instinct is actually to run away so Eclipse I won't get into trouble I mean she kinda does anyway but the sentiment is there glob Gore's kind of a cinnamon roll even though Romulus tries to convince everyone that glob wars and Evil Mew man-eater star figures him out glob gore is so obviously just a concerned dad that Muniz population eventually votes to accept him as king the end of magic that doesn't sway the magical High Commission moon and Mina from their plan though the Commission shuts down the portal to mewni after me and his army begins attacking monster castle moon strikes another deal with Eclipse and convinces her to surrender the wand title of Queen back to moon however Mina isn't satisfied just yet since she and her soldiers pledged their loyalty to Queen Solaria she doesn't have to listen to moon so Mina continues killing monsters and monster sympathizers as she pleases star realizes that the only way to stop the overpowered Solarian army from completely destroying muni is to get rid of magic altogether besides Magic's done nothing but cause problems and like its entire existence so she eclipses a moon and even little meteora go to the realm of magic and perform the whispering spell on the entire realm all the Solarian Warriors powers are stripped away but destroying the magic also destroys every being made of magic which includes gloss Uruk and the members of the magical High Commission and nothing of value was lost it also means no more dimension-hopping and that everyone has returned to their native dimension which is a problem for star and Marco our dimension cross lovers both of them jump back into the realm of magic just before it's destroyed they're sent back to their home dimensions but a wormhole portal appears on both earth and Muni when the portal shrinks the two dimensions combine into one the series ends with the two that started at all star and Marco who are finally able to be together so that covers our timeline of events but we didn't really even mention the real war in this video which is the shipping wars star Co supporters please feel free to gloat in the comments and everybody else please put your reasoning for why Kelly should have ended up with Marco those are the only those are the only two answers that all except those and Tomko anyway I've been Jacob with Channel Frederator and thanks for watching our star versus the forces of evil timeline don't forget to subscribe and remember Frederator loves you [Music]
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 1,243,641
Rating: 4.9012671 out of 5
Keywords: star vs the forces of evil timeline, The Complete Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Timeline, star vs the forces of evil, starco, marco, star butterfly, mewni, the complete story of star vs the forces of evil, svtfoe, marco diaz, timeline of star vs the forces of evil, star vs the forces of evil story, past queens of mewni, disney, disney plus, star vs the forces of evil season 1, star vs the forces of evil season 4, complete timeline, channel frederator, cartoon, tv series
Id: xtSKBu7F1oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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