So There's A Cold War Mod For Victoria 2

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you are you you know Victoria - needed skyscrapers hey how's it going everybody and welcome back to Victoria - specifically the world of modding I've still been going through trying to find a whole bunch of fun mods for us to check out as we never really really dive into it and Victoria - now today we are checking out the Cold War enhancement mod which is you want to have a guess of what it must be first before we get into this I just want to say I hope everyone is doing fine at home I know we are currently in some uncertain times but I hope everyone you know is managing to keep saying having a a knife time indoors and just playing some video games obviously and I'm trying to keep you entertained as but should I can if you haven't noticed by the amount of videos I've been completely funneling out onto this channel recently but yeah if you guys want to see any specific videos or for me to go back and check out something else that I may have already done on the channel now is the time to ask I'd really like to know what you guys want to watch in these trying times and I'd be more than likely to listen to any specific requests except an app because for some reason people always fall I said I played banana despite the fact the only thing I ever said about bananas that I would never play it right and welcome to 1946 such a beautiful world where American Germany exists when Ireland is a cool island it's Cuddyer now obviously this is probably gonna be very interesting for us to play it's the first time I've ever actually loaded up tomorrow I've never tried it out I've never tested so it's gonna be pretty interesting for all of us and obviously 1946 just after World War two is a very weird time now I'm not entirely sure who I want to play us but I kind of want to do someone like a little bit differently that might have the option to kind of either a rebuild or be become a new power is obviously living in the world of decolonization which I'm assuming is hopefully programmed into the game playing a colonial nation probably isn't the best thing nowadays cuz you know this land I don't think it's gonna be that land for a while you know oh yeah okay what's going on here alright that's right baby would do it inally yeah so obviously after that whole world war two fig Italy not the best guy in the best of books right now for a second than I thought it said only 14% and the Italians could read after they you know got bombed to hell in World War two but apparently that's just the higher education so they've kind of reintroduced literacy into a game that makes sense but at the same time we're not that good Oh after the you know the great war for Italy probably the only industry we have left is a couple radio factories an electricity plant a fabric factory and a fish cannery oh my god okay we got we got a whole bunch of decisions to go through on a second why is Obama and Putin here it's 1946 right so we're gonna go we're gonna join the Democratic bloc you know we we've switch sides plenty of times but this time we finally found the side that is right for us and that's the one that is winning also because I noticed that when we get to 1950 we get the Italian economic miracle which if we're in the democratic bloc it's gonna give us a whole bunch of fun stuff at 105 prestige Jesus Oh [Music] let me just show that fig pop up now I'm thinking I'm not too sure how this is going to work is that they have actually changed the way armies work here so you have strategic bombers interceptors combats for regulars like infantry tanks and whatnot no idea what I'm supposed to do that but looks I I don't know if these are these have just been rebranded from soldiers which I think they might have but at the same time not too certain because they are the the first one in the Army tab but I have no goddamn idea how well yeah so it's a good good star right there or you got a whole bunch of corruption in our country apparently I'm just casually seeing a hundred and four American bombers over my country not sure what's going on there on a second oh I think I'm not a big fan of is the new like overlay wear has changed colors and stuff because it does make it a bit difficult to see stuffs but if you're down here building in promises because I can't for the life me to see whether or not I can expand a naval base here or if I can't because it's just your grave oh I know what the hell just happened but I clicked an event and now apparently the industry is back from the dust oh boy I might have got away with out of it scot-free but apparently I did I did not get away with that scot-free oh now there was actually a referendum in Italy around this time period I don't know if you know about it that Shiva you kept the monarchy or got rid of it I'm gonna keep it just because I was kind of a historical and we'll see what we can do of a monarchy at least aid monarchy I suppose although I do say that by you by the events I'm getting I'm not too sure monkeys gonna stick around now we got the Marshall Plan which is kind of the American Way of funneling some money back into Europe after was bombed and trying to get it back on its feet which we could go ahead and just take all the money or we could have it balance between our coffers and our capitalists think we're gonna go balanced this time around but it's not like I really need the money to be fair Hey but we are now a great power we've already kind of recovered a little bit there which means we can start doing a bit of naughty stuff around the world I'm gonna go for a no on that one America but for the love of God what why don't hold a chemical weapons give me 26 prestige are you kidding me that's not very prestigious Italy yes Cold War thing looks like it's gonna be over pretty pretty goddamn quickly just uh counted our first crash oh so I don't know you know this but in real life the Italians actually got given Somalia back as a trust territory of the UN now everyone out I can hold on to this it's gonna be a different thing but I get the feeling I probably won't be able to mmm do I want to commit a lecture all right I got the Winter Olympic Games a 1950 I don't know who's really gonna turn up though all right we can do the Italian economic miracle which is pretty goddamn good we can also develop some chemical weapons while nobody's looking medium Cold War tensions were you guys not just off war interestingly enough as well the PRC's are now winning the Chinese Civil War I'm imagining because the Russians are a bit busy doing something else one yeah and they're checking out what the immigration map modes currently like and thoroughly enough India is getting a lot of immigration from China I'm suing cuz you know that whole country is on fire but it's kind of weird oh and uh Canada is really reaping the benefits from that Chinese Civil War isn't it they're all the chill the Communists are fleeing to Canada well I added Yugoslavia to my sphere but it appears they do not want to change for their government type which I could go in and you know change it for them but I can't ask because the Soviets are still allied with them which I'm not a big fan of no communist China oh I just saw something very interesting papa there we hold up my live I do tell him for me easy peasy we also got the option to influence the Yugoslavian politics again and this time they actually did flip to a republic so that's one communist nation down just up two more to go oh there you go oh that's right baby chemical warfare is back on their menu uh hold on a second who taught who taught you how to do that hold on a second all right God the chemical weapons got the nuclear bomb we got the whole thing go freely right now you know the whole phrase liberal Pope I don't think that goes together oh and Germany is what's going on the only water reclaim French term illness going on down here now it's written a war with France that's that's - die how that would oh I just got an alliance with the UK for an event I don't know if I want oh my god I don't know if I want this at all kind of you know poetics that the British army was completely wiped out by the French in Dunkirk they're uh they're really taking a step further aren't they oh oh they're really taking it a step further now I can't really tell her is it the Empire of Japan or is it American Japan which one is it Japan [Music] hope hope okay I cut yeah okay I'll take care of for you you and no problem and of course I get the fun part of taking over Scotland to the K crash we should probably probably keep an eye on that that didn't go that this thing go too well last time did it Greg because they didn't dismantle this time around our dream of an Italian Scotland has been crushed that's just a massive coincidence why are you calling me into a war Somalia the Kenyan Somalian territorial dispute there are they really I'm the one getting UN sanctioned right now I didn't even start this war Hagar I did go ahead and end the war though and now we got Italian Kenya just don't mention that the colonization is very naughty nowadays space for the great power with South Korea in this fear what you don't you steal that I mean the Great Palace is exactly what I imagined really except Spain not too sure right you Spain ah so about what's going on your country right now yeah all right we've hit 1970 in this was just a little look at the Mart nothing crazy happened really I've got a couple Wars going on right now you've got so Soviets destroying Europe of course but yeah this mod does run until the 90s plus a lot longer I believe I haven't again have this the first time I've ever played it and I know there's not a lot of war that goes on it's much more of a economic and political simulator than it is conquering stuff per se but yeah it's actually a pretty firm art pretty well done surprisingly usually with Victoria too much they're kind of even really bad or you know somewhere in the middle there's not really one that's a quite up to scratch per se but this one is very well put together it is the Cold War enhancement mod for Victoria - very much recommend you guys give it a go if you want to try some it different in Viki yeah nonetheless I hope you enjoyed this look at the mod if you want to see me go ahead and play some more make sure to leave a that like button down below let me know any other games you want me to play in these pandemic II ties but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video leave like and I catch you on the flippety-flip [Music] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 332,633
Rating: 4.9680243 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, victoria 2, victoria 2 game, victoria 2 funny, funny moments, funny montage, funny videos, victoria 2 funny moments, paradox interactive, paradox, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron iv
Id: hN9ILXNOfng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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