How to DOMINATE as Brazil in MULTIPLAYER! | Victoria II

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In Victoria 2 there are many countries for you to choose from, you got France for people who like to be boring, you got the Ottomans for people who enjoy a nice crisis in the morning, and you got Japan for people who- Hey man, you wanna play some Vic2? Sorry man, I’m a bit busy right n- I was thinking I play Argentina and you play Brazil. Hmmm... So why would you pick Brazil? The frick does that me- Brazil in Victoria 2 is, well, actually very easy, which doesn’t follow the history of that time. At the start date of Victoria 2, Brazil was ruled over by a child emperor with the country in chaos. Brazil at this time was full of revolutions, warring factions, and the issue of Slavery to top it all off. It’s safe to say that Victoria 2 doesn’t really emulate the struggles that Brazil had to deal with during this time, in game you’re the strongest country on the continent and pretty much politically and physically untouchable to all the stronger powers. Then how can we make playing Brazil a bit more interesting? Well there is something you can do, although you may regret it. All you need to do is drag your cursor a little bit to the right. And click on, Multiplayer! Multiplayer in Victoria 2 is a completely different experience from what you’ll see in single player. Now that you’re playing with enemy gamers, things start to get really weird. (Inappropriate Arguing) But if you can spare 3 to 5 hours of your life that you'll never get back, it’s pretty fun. The key to having fun in multiplayer is to find the right community. Most discord communities range from “competitive” to casual, if you haven’t played Victoria 2 multiplayer then I recommend that you join a more casual server, and I personally prefer them more. Oh and I almost forgot, there’s a little thing that most communities play with, that’s right, mods! Now you all can stop complaining in my goddamn comment section. There's lots of multiplayer mods, but most of them are going to be modifications of Historical Project Mod (or HPM). This mod adds a lot so I’m only going to bring up additions when important. You also have to keep in mind that Victoria 2 is an old ass game, so the multiplayer is very finicky, at some point you’ll go Out of Sync, get the wrong Checksum, and just Crash, it just happens sometimes so it’s best to not get upset when it does. But besides those issues, multiplayer can allow for some of the most fun moments in the game! What was I talking about again? Oh right, Brazil! Before you make any diplomatic actions as Brazil, first you need to take care of something You see in this mod Brazil actually starts off at war with a little country called Rio Grande do Sul. This war started because some people wanted rights or something like that, in history this rebellion lasted for almost 10 years. Now don’t be alarmed, it won’t last nearly as long for us! They have a max army size of 36k with mobilization, while we can raise almost 63k with mobilization. So basically all you need to do is mobilize and you should be able to deal with them. Now the real thing you want to look out for in this war is them besieging our land which wouldn’t be a big of an issue for us normally, but in this mod enemy units that besiege our land cause us to lose prestige over time. If you lose too much prestige then say goodbye to those secondary power privileges, which will stop us from doing more things later on. So just make sure you have a good attack general, and wipe their army. But other than that, this war should be a piece of cake. Now that the traitors are dealt with it is time to deal with the inevitably of actually playing multiplayer. This part will be very dependent on what multiplayer community you are in, and what countries are allowed to be played. Based on my (limited) experience, there are two other main powers in South America other than Brazil. If given the chance they have the ability to rival you in most aspects. I’m of course talking about Argentina and Columbia. In this mod both Argentina and Columbia have formidable nations that give them a whole bunch of prestige, population, and advantages over you, and they aren’t too difficult to form. There are multiple ways of dealing with this diplomatic situation, but for your own convenience I’ve grouped them into three general categories. The first of these possibilities is what’s referred to as a ‘Hugbox’. A ‘Hugbox’ in Victoria 2 refers to a group of people who ally with each other, not because they have no reason to fight one another, but because they want to keep the peace. Personally I see hugboxes as a negative thing. For one they are straight up infuriating to fight against to a point where it’s better not to even mess with them, and for second hugboxes can be very boring to be in because you basically see no real action. But There are a few specific reasons why you may want to go with a Hugbox as Brazil, it’s the safest, most agreeable diplomatic option you have, and if you generally want your country to be guaranteed to grow in power, then I can’t blame you for wanting to go with a Hugbox. The next way to go about your diplomatic situation is to ally with Argentina and go against Columbia. There are a few reasons why you might want to do this. For starters, Columbia poses more of a threat due to the ability to grow much quicker than Argentina, especially if the U.S is willing to give them some Central American Land™. Another reason is the Panama canal, if you play your cards right you could take Panama and become a bigger player on the diplomatic scale. But there are some problems with going down this path. Because Columbia is usually so chummy with the U.S, you may not be likely to win a war if America sides with them, although you could possibly go after them early and try to take them on before they would be protected. If you want to take this path as a whole I recommend that you are at the very least competent at diplomacy. The final path you could take involves allying with Columbia and going against Argentina. The main reason you’d want this is the land. The southern part of South America is quite large but it can only really give you Prestige for taking it. But to its credit nobody really cares about Argentina or this area, so you're pretty much fine if you want to attack them. But going this route could mean that Columbia could grow to contest your power, and plus in the beginning Argentina is stronger than Columbia military due to their puppets. Now personally I’d recommend this path, but if you're going to go down it you're going to have to be at least competent militarally in order to go up against a competent Argentina. Now let's see how you’d go about dealing with your enemies. There are two ways to deal with Columbia, one is to fight them right away, and the other is to wait until they have their puppets, and in my opinion the ladder is the better option. Now you may be wondering, “Now why in the Sam hell would I want to fight a Columbia that has puppets rather than one that doesn’t.” Well there’s one major reason why, and that’s because militarily Columbia is weaker than ever before. Think about it, Columbia just got out of fighting a war with both Venezuela and Ecuador, and as a result weakened both their military and their puppets’. The real thing you have to worry about when attacking Columbia with its puppets is the allies it will get. Now typically Columbia will ally with the U.S because of their distance and ability to help one another. Now as for your allies you could have many, you could have the U.K, France, Spain, or the U.S as great power allies, some of these powers will be much more willing to help you more than others. So the best thing to do in my opinion is to get in good with the U.S, so when the war breaks out the U.S will hopefully not intervene on their side. Now when you’re in the war you have to keep in mind that there’s only one province you can attack Columbia off the bat from, so you’ll have to take a detour through Venezuela in order to get more Warscore. The Columbian player will most likely try to form all of their units into one big stack in order to stop your much larger army, but this will actually work against them because they will take major attrition from the jungles and the mountains that they're trekking through. If they don’t form big stacks then your much larger army will be able to wipe the floor with theirs. In no time Columbia should surrender and you get 2 states out of it. The first state I recommend grabbing is Antioquia because of the population and the Precious Metal RGO located there. Now I’d also recommend grabbing Panama because of the diplomatic potential with the Great Powers, but Panama doesn’t really give you anything other than that so feel free to grab something else. Now let's move on to, Argentina will be a bit harder to deal with, for the exact opposite reasons as Columbia. With Argentina allies aren't such a big deal because of Argentina’s isolated location, Now what you have to deal with is Argentina’s army, surprisingly Argentina can actually create a large army from its small population. Not to mention that Brazil doesn’t share a land border with Argentina itself. So you’ll have to go through their puppets in order to actually get them. So when keeping all of this in mind, the best time to strike is as soon as you can before they get powerful. Now without a doubt this could go many ways, but the best way is to have a large stack on hand and try to find their large stack and kill it. This will be very important so be sure to attack them in plains and have either a +4 or +5 attack general going in. Argentina generally has the advantage if you attack them, but if you win this battle and follow up, they should be done for. Now that you’ve beat them it’s time for the peace deal. In terms of land all of Argentina is basically worthless, so if you were to take land it would only be for the prestige. Now in this mod peace deals allow you to demand reparations which I would personally recommend. This gives you a whole lot of money and cripples the Argentines. But you should still take some land in order to truly prevent them from forming La Plata. I’d hate to interrupt the video, but cool fun fact, 91% of you goblins are unsubscribed, so please consider subscribing so that you know when I’m next uploading. Anyways, take it away from me 3 months ago : Now that you’ve dealt with your main rival of choice, it’s time to look at what you can do now. To be honest, basically killing another player’s game is going to give you a bit of bad reputation, so it’s best to lay low for a while, but that actually works to Brazil’s benefit. There’s a few things that Brazil is crippled by and that prevents them from becoming a major player, those are its economy, literacy, and population. Let’s first deal with the economy, Brazil is actually in a pretty good situation in terms of building up a large economic base. While you don’t have much diversity in terms of RGOs, the RGOs you do have you have in swaths and you should be able to produce just enough money to build all of the factories you need in a timely manner. So if you were planning on building lets say a Textile Mill, then you would want to put it in a state like Nordeste where you produce cotton. But other than that building up an economy shouldn’t be too hard. Next up is to fix your literacy, at the start of the game you should start with around 5% literacy, and OOF that’s bad. Now the fix for this bad of literacy is to research both the Social Thought and the Philosophy branches in the Culture tab, you also need to max your funding of your education budget, also you can use your National Focuses to up the amount of Intellectuals which should help you research faster, and finally the last thing you can do to help your literacy is to up your School Systems in the reforms tab. Speaking of reforms, that brings us to the last issue plaguing Brazil which is it’s population, the vast majority of your population are rural farmers with slaves coming in second, and even your total population is smaller than other secondary powers. So how do we fix this, well there's a simple fix to most of these problems, REFORMS! Reforms are pretty much the lifeblood of most American nations, reforms give benefits like any other technology or innovation but they also give you immigrant attraction. Immigrant attraction boosts the likelihood of immigrants coming to your country which will allow you to climb up the population ladder into a powerful nation. And that little slave problem you have, well with one reform then all of the slaves will be free, to pay taxes! But how do you even get reforms? Well it’s as easy as just promoting the liberals, the liberals tend to vote Yay on every positive reform, so all you need to do is get a little under half of your upper house full of them and you’ll be able to achieve whatever reform you’d like! Now that you’ve built up your economic biases, fixed the literacy, and the population, that bad reputation you got should have gone away when Germany inevitably did something stupid to distract everyone. That means that it’s time for a risky play, and by that I mean colonization! (Now if you haven’t seen it already, I made a video basically all about colonization and you should check it out in the link in the description) You see in this mod there are three things different about colonization that I should bring up. The first one is you got a whole bunch of new countries in Africa, from Trarza to Xhosa to Warsangali, Africa is filled to the brim with new people to pillage- I mean “civilize.” Next is there’s a new parameter for colonizing, now you also have to have the invention “The Dark Continent'' which you can only really get in 1890 which effectively pushes colonization back by about 20 years. Third thing is that some colonization is done through events, but as Brazil you don’t get any special colonization events. Now how do we take advantage of these systems, well it’s actually quite simple. Normally Brazil can barely reach the western coast of Africa with upgraded ports, but luckily it’s filled with a bunch of Uncivilized countries which will allow you to just take a nice boat trip there instead of relying on colonial range. So now it’s time to get a piece of that African pie! By the time that you see fit to conqu- I mean “Civilize '' the people of Africa, the major powers may have already beaten you to it, most of the good places will have been taken. So it’s best to get in there while the pie is still warm, because people usually want something immediate to spend their infamy on that’s a safe bet at the start of the game, where else to go but Africa. But where exactly is the best spot to “Civilize''? Well you don’t want to take a place that is very valuable because then that would only make you a target for taking it, but you also don’t want to just take any backwater that’ll give you nothing. So in my opinion the best place to take is the Congo or Ethiopia because you should be able to get a large amount of population from off them and you'll get some more RGOs. Now that you know where to go, you have to get a foothold there, so take some transports and speed off. Now because immigrants pretty much stop coming when you’re at war it’s best to go as fast as you can when taking over land. Hopefully within a month or two you should have taken it! Now you got to make sure you are a large player there, so grow your empire, invest in the land, and make sure people know it’s yours. Hopefully doing this will give you some stake when people start wanting to actually colonize the area, either Diplomatically or old-fashioned. Now from there claim as much land as you can, however how much you can claim will depend on how strong you are and how strong the great powers think you are. Hopefully that early attack and your control over the area did you some favors in intimidating the other players. That should give you some leeway to take a bit more than what you’d expect Brazil would take. Now of course you can’t take all of Africa (that’s Portugal's job) but you can take a portion which should give you some more population and prestige. But all in all that is what you should do when playing multiplayer Brazil. First deal with Rio Grande de Sul with minimal losses. Next, exert your power over your neighbors, and finally become a major player to take some of Africa all while growing in size due to immigration. For the rest of the game I recommend going with the flow, and that I mean fight in international global conflicts. Fighting in multiplayer is both the most fun part and the most unbearable part. If you're winning a war with a bunch of other people it’s fun, but if you’re losing a war then you’ll feel frustrated and unmotivated when it’s done. But as Brazil you’ll basically win every war you fight (if you don’t mess it up). The only way your mainland can be attacked is through naval means, so in order to prevent any attacks it is best to have a strong navy. Now navies cost a lot so it’s good that we strengthened our economy earlier in the game. Now another reason why you’ll probably be fine in any conflict you enter is because nobody cares about Brazil, the only time someone would even want to invade you is if you look weak or in a war when all of your other allies have died, but at this point you look anything but weak and your alliance should give up before anyone would want to attack you. In most of the conflicts you want to join up with either the U.S or the UK, you don’t want to mess with either of them due to their conventionally large navies, so the best thing to do is to just help them. The best thing to do in these wars is to just look for the weakest member of the enemy alliance and try to invade them navally. This should prove to be quite the annoyance to the enemy alliance, because if they do nothing about it then a whole bunch of Brazilians will start appearing at their border, but if they do something about it then that means there's less troops on the more important front line which could be just enough for their line to collapse. Now that you should (hopefully) have won a war, you can ask for some concessions, such as expanding that colonial empire in Africa of yours. But that’s pretty much it in terms of the mid to late game. Oh I almost forgot, one more thing! Oh come on, the power went out! Well I guess this gives me an opportunity to tell you what you can do in single player I guess. Let me just find it real quick! Ah here it is! So as mentioned at the start, playing Brazil in single player is literally one of the easiest things ever right next to playing Prussia, you literally only need half a brain cell to be successful. To start off the game we’ll attack Columbia to steal Panama, this is so we won’t have to deal with every major power trying to sphere them later on. This war shouldn’t be too hard, just be sure not to attrition and wipe out the Columbian units in the field, farmlands, or hills. Next conquer as many of your neighbors as you can, all of your neighbors are really weak so it should be simple to take care of them. Just be careful of them allying with each other or America trying to sphere them. The next problem in taking over all of South America is Venezuela, Britain tries to sphere them almost instantly at the start of the game for some weird reason. So in order to take them, what you need to do is when you become a great power you need to influence Venezuela and keep influencing them. Pro tip : When an AI discredits you it’s best to stop influencing that country because then the AI will also stop influencing that country. By doing this trick you should eventually be able to kick out the U.K from influencing Venezuela. But be sure to not sphere them because when you take them over later \ you will lose 10 prestige and gain 1 militancy when you have to kick them out of your sphere. The final but optional step is to colonize Africa. As stated previously, an upgraded port of yours will be in rage to colonize Africa, and taking what we learned from the last video we’ll be able to take a larger amount of Africa this time around compared to when we played multiplayer. Oh would you look at that, my power came back on! Well unless they rehost I can’t really join back so I guess that’ll have to do it for today. But let's think about what you’ve done, you were able to take this South American powerhouse and mold it into a worldwide power that players and AI alike fear, now let's just hope you don’t get on the U.K’s bad side! Hey guys, sorry I didn’t upload for 9 months. Time really slips by when you're doing nothing. This video has really been in the works ever since January but it was only like a month ago when I started grinding it. Anyways I think you know the drill at this point, I'm going to read some of your comments and make fun of you. So the first one we got here is by Curious Connman and he says, “I should be ashamed for having more sub than you, you have great production quality.” You shouldn’t bring yourself down man, you actually upload consistently. Also thank you to everyone on the last video that showed love and support, there were way too many of you guys! Ok next one, hahahahaha, I hope you liked it! Ok last one is by Evert Balforthe who says, ”You oughta try to get into one of Bokoen’s games.” Ok first of all at the time of recording I only have 7k subs while Bokoen has 331K more than me, I think he’s a little out of my league. But even then I am way too busy right now to even consider it. Anyways that's going to do it for me, be sure to subscribe, leave a comment, and follow my twitter if you want to be notified when I next upload, and with that Auf- wait who are you?
Channel: TheCoolRev
Views: 53,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vic2, victoria 2, Brazil, multiplayer, history, Paradox
Id: jOOLejbdK5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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