The Best Caramelized Onyo | Chef Jean-Pierre

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what is he doing well that's a lot of onion right those common eyes on your amazing I serve it with up with a mashed potatoes and you can make them in advance and put them in a freezer its economy its Calaca you making a pesto it's amazing I'm telling you remember if you liked the video subscribe give us the thumbs up and ring the bell alright let me show you how to make those caramelized or you know those are fantastic I use them for so many things I use them for my tomato pie I use them when I serve a tomato mozzarella I put a beautiful slice of mozzarella or tomato first a mozzarella caramelized on you on top I use them on top of fish I use them on top of meat I love to do a New York Strip on a grill or in the oven and I when they when it's almost done I take it out I put the carmelized on you on top put some blue cheese let it melt go back in the oven for a few minutes those caramelized on your amazing I serve it with um with a mashed potatoes and you can make them in advance and put them in a freezer it's a condiment it's colicky making a pesto okay it's very simple right so first you got to get a big on yoke it seemed like every video or ìiím I make I got a lot of big on you look at these guys look at this thing I guess we must get them from a big supply okay I don't know if he's big in size but look I mean you don't see this kind of on your honor grocery store this is my hand look at my hair up pretty big look at this they're bigger than my hand alright so but we're gonna cut it a special way that's important so I'm going to show you first I'm gonna even with the roots I don't care what anybody say online about the root or they own you on it go dole don't cut the roots or on you're gonna cry yeah yeah well guess what I'm removing the rule of the onion okay it makes no sense whatsoever not to cut the rule in the audio it makes no sense at all what do you think like like the the gas then is released when you cut the onion do you think it's only in the root of the onion there's a little bag of gas in there and when you cut the onion you're gonna release that gas because you cut the roots makes no sense whatsoever what a mess sense about not cutting the root that has nothing to do you know normally I have a garbage Bowl I don't have one so I got putting a garbage here but normally what is good about not cutting the root when you're gonna mince the onion is if you don't cut the roots it stays together better but if you could just a little bit if it stays together perfect but we're not gonna go there I have a video a video on how to dice an onion online already you want to check it out and then you don't know how to do it correctly we want to cut them in half that's for sure so we cut them right now we're gonna cut the onion in half and now normally you would cut it this way Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam you can do that but if I did this Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam back that I'm in a very very long strip which makes it difficult if you are serving it if you're making a tomato mozzarella got a big on your strips this is difficult to eat so I cut them in half looks even especially when you got a big one like this one so what I do is I cut them in half right there right then I keep em together and then what I got to do with these points and guess what I got right there okay so now I'm getting over here right and now it's a little tight right so what do I do look I pushes this guy over there I flip this guy down and look okay so if you notice the piece of only oh my god the biggest piece of onion god is this one by the time it's cooked it's not gonna be much of a no-no so now what I do with this well I grab my scraper because remember folks you do not grab the knife you don't go grabbing a knife like this because the knife is microscopic t and you don't want to hurt him by scraping your board with him so you don't do it this way so you take it and I got a pot going over there I'm gonna tell you all about it I'm gonna take my my ownio right there I'm gonna put them in there you can say what is he doing well that's a lot of onion right yeah because I do a lot of things with the onion you carmelize don't you I do a lot of recipe with it I use it all the time let me tell you I'll never serve a buffalo mozzarella a capricious RR with that my caramelized on your own top it's amazing I'm telling you so here's what I do I put a pot that has a very tight cover I put my own on there and I got a very very very low heat going and this is gonna go for an hour and a half two hours I'm gonna poach the onion in their own water in that water yeah yeah look I'm gonna turn it off now so I don't have to worry about it because I told you what I did already all you need is a pot with a cover you got a pot with a cover you put it on turn it very healing go do something go do some shopping come back an hour and a half later you're gonna find these guys right here look look this on y'all I cooked they're just not carmelized they're just not pretty right but they cook and they're released a lot of water you see all that water right there that water is liquid gold you don't throw our war away friends you put it in a freezer next time you make a vegetable stock you use the water you can use them in soup you can use that as a stock you can use anything you want this is sweet you would be amazed them especially if you use in Battaglia ano I squeak this water is but regular audio you'd be amazed it's a lot of sugar in there on you so now we got to do the carmelize anything they're cooked right they're totally cooked now we gotta make them pretty we gotta caramelize them so for that we have a traditional 18 year old bazaar make vinegar they're gonna use the vinegar folks use a good vinegar okay this is traditional balsamic vinegar it's a little sweet if you are gonna use a regular balsamic vinegar then you buy the grocery stores usually four or six years old it's quite acid so you have to put a lot of sugar with it if you're using an aged balsamic vinegar you use very little sugar and the sugar I'm gonna use tonight anyway is a a light brown sugar light brown sugar so now we're gonna go and we're gonna cook those on you now we're gonna caramelize them so for this I take a little bit about her just a little bit he didn't put a lot about it people are always asking me see why do you have such a big bora-bora that's for emotional support and I'm gonna put a little bit of butter infused olive on you whoop just a little bit of butter infused olive oil we're gonna get this hot all right so far I haven't done anything complicated right it's just the time than it takes to caramelize those onion and like I said very little heat one and a half two hours melt your butter melt your butter what's gonna happen here we're gonna get hot right we're gonna put them on you and you notice what I did I'm draining the oniel I don't want all that water in there so I'm draining him so it's a long process you cook them for two or three hours no no to us depends our bigger parties and not being the only ways and now hot you heat is you know Anana just do it slowly until they're two completely soft right then you got to put them in war in the in in a strainer like I just did right to drain all the water out of there and don't throw that water away now like I said that water friends is liquid gold so you know what I do with it there you go don't throw it away I don't throw that water wait so now let me explain you the trick it's very simple okay everything I do is very simple when you take the time to explain everybody gets it I promise you folks you're gonna make those ano and you gotta leave me a comment you gotta let me know after you make them and and so so now when you make a make a lot because you're gonna put them in the freezer okay and then you can use them for so many thing I don't if you've seen Maya my tomato pie recipe but I use them in their homes you see in a tomato mozzarella recipe but I use them in there is also fish recipe what I put them in there a steak recipe or in a pork chop on a veal chop is the fabulous it's a condiment think of these are the condiments not like oh I'm gonna make some caramelized on your own for dinner tonight nah you know you put em on a sandwich on a hamburger oh my god no and yeah sometimes I get excited you go to a restaurant and the way this is you do you want um roll on you or carmelized on your on your hamburger how many of you are gonna say caramelized on yo wait why cuz it that's better honor on a cheeseburger a caramelized on your Oh your eyes I don't know I'm telling you it really is that's why you want to make it see see how many things I just said we can use with this I'm telling you you can make this so remember this is like a special its economy okay so look we're gonna put a salt and pepper and I promise you look I've been doing this my whole life okay I've been doing the I being a professional chef for 54 years what I got on you in my hand a little salt and pepper right and I'm gonna cook them until a beautiful golden brown you're gonna see what's gonna happen okay you know this by the way it took a very large fry pan right and I'm making it as flat as possible you can put too many onions if you put too many onions what's gonna happen is the bottom of it is gonna cook and then the top of it is never gonna cook so look now you take it and you're flipping you're flipping you flipping because you see they cooked they just not caramelized see they cook and but they're not common eyes when I make an onion soup I do the other way around i caramelize them first then I cook them in this case I cook them first and i caramelize them later you see and I said what we're doing right now so this is the two-step process but trust me it's worth it yeah I want you to leave me a comment after you make them and let me know what do you think else you see no look now I'm gonna wait a little bit oh oh let me explain you why I put the butter in there too because batter as milk and milk protein burns the 250 degree but I don't know by you but I like a little brown butter and a brown butter gives you the nice caramelization of protein it's really a good flavor so a little bit lightly pure and batter is fabulous it really is and that's what I'm doing right here so not only do I get the color from the caramelization of the sugar in the onion but I get the color also from the milk huh from the batter all right and look look we're getting really good now we're getting the color we want in a minute we're gonna put the balsamic vinegar and a brown sugar now let me explain you so you understand the concept why am i doing balsamic vinegar and brown sugar now the fact that I'm using an aged balsamic vinegar my 18 year old bud zamak vinegar I don't need to put that much sugar but if you want to use a very young but stomach vinegar like a like a four-year-old balsamic vinegar 6 your balsamic vinegar you gotta put sugars very acid it's called gastrique where you balance the sweet and the sour so the the sweet is not very sugary and the South is not very tired it's a perfect balance between sweet and sour so let me tell you what's really cool about this is you can taste the sound the sourness of the vinegar and and and you can taste the sugar the sweetness of the sugar but none of them is overpowering so when you eat the onion it's not like oh it's sweet you say I can taste the sugar but the sugar is not too much you know what I'm saying you see and for those of you that are professional chefs out there you know what I'm talking about the gastrique and for you then they're not professional chef right there you just learn them then you need to do is very important you know it's called powder it's in cooking it's creating a dimension in cooking it's creating dimensions of level when one doesn't overpower the other they're perfectly balanced that's why it's called a gastrique live it up you know what in a in oriental cuisine they're called sweet and sour and French cuisine they call it the gastrique the French people like to complicate things no I'm only care I don't want to pick on the French people otherwise I know it's gonna happen and especially the Italian I know as my mom is not gonna speak to me anymore here we go folks we already put about that but that make vinegar okay you know we got some nice colors okay look see nice beautiful caramelization now we're gonna put our balsamic vinegar right here this is an 18 year old they say they're traditional you could put a fig balsamic there you go two black cherry buds I make vinegar in there right and then we're gonna put a little bit of a light brown sugar this is very little my vinegar is sweet enough already so I really don't need it to be too sweet but like I said if you're using a vinegar very very tough vinegar like a young vinegar Li if you're paying if you're not spending much money for your vinegar you're probably buying a very young but zamak vinegar because you see in the production of a balsamic vinegar although it is more time they have to transfer in difference barrels smaller barrel it takes a long time to produce so it takes a long time to produce which means it's more expensive to produce which means it has to cost more money so let's do it at the end of the day you get what you paid for you know you get a vinegar then it's very very smooth and a little sweeter and it costs more money you know in Italy you can buy or you can buy here a hundred year old but zamak vinegar it's like a syrup it's like almost a consistency of honey and and you can put it on ice cream with black pepper that's an experience let me tell you try that now it's really good so it will go friends this is a calm and eyes going on right in all right so now what you need to do is you need to test them you need to test them because they have to have the perfect balance not too sweet not too sweet not too sour and they have to have the right amount of salt and pepper mmm oh yeah mmm mmm mmm that says when you see a sample that is to do now let me give you one more tip no I'm not finished I am not finished and I'll give you one more tip remember don't just remember when you test it you want to be able to test the vinegar but you don't want it to be too tards you want to be able to taste the sugar but you don't want it to be too sweet so it has to be the perfect balance right so now look what I'm doing I'm taking this right there out of the pan and I am putting them I am putting them right here and the reason why I'm doing this is because I want all of that steam to get out of there especially friends especially if you're gonna freeze them in advance let me explain so you understand the concept that steam right there is all water steam we want that water out of there if the water let's say you just go right now you put them in a freezer right now because you wanna you refrigerate them your trap all that water in there and in the freezer that water is gonna be transformed into icicle it's gonna destroy the texture of the onion they're gonna be mushy so you want to make sure all of the steam is out of there so you do you do not refrigerate them or you do not freeze them until they are at room temperature and all the water that's come on that goes for everything if you put your hand on it and you feel a lot of heat then you know then they still is water coming out so you refrigerate them like that and when they're cold you put them in your container and you freeze them and they're gonna last in your freezer for 17 years I don't know how many years but they're gonna last in there a long time you got to make those the fabulous you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 931,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onion chef, Onyon chef, onion, caramelized onions, how to make caramelized onions, how to caramelize onions, caramelize onions, caramelized onions recipe, caramelizing onions, onions, easy caramelized onions, how to cook onions, onion recipes, caramelize onions fast, browned onions, caramelized onion recipe, caramelized onions video, caramelized onions for steak, chef jean pierre onion, caramelized onion, how make caramelized onions, how to cut an onion, caramelize onion
Id: 5o-u7zjlShQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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