How to Make Onion (Onyo) & Bacon Quiche | Chef Jean-Pierre

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another fantastic onion recipe an onion and bacon pie stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're going to make them together [Applause] well let me show you how easy it is to make this one you just got to get a little mison plus uh onion bacon quiche i got bacon in there friends and i'm gonna start the bacon and then i'll do i'll get to the dough i got the thick bacon in there and um and i got my heat very low very low very low heat okay because what i want to do is melt the um the the fat that the bacon uh without bruising the lean part of the bacon i don't want to bruise it yet because i'm going to use the fat from the bacon to saute the onion remember onion is always number first unless there is bacon don't forget all right i know you won't forget but just in case the new people they may not know that's why i'm saying that you know i'm not repeating myself to be redundant for my uh for people that have been subscribed for a couple of years i'm only saying that for the new people onyo is always number first unless there is bacon don't forget don't forget okay we got it going right so now i'm gonna go to the dough all right the dough friends this um pie dough recipe i got it right there up here somewhere you can buy a a store bought though it's not that big of a deal okay if you make this one it's a it's a it's a very um crumbly dough when you make it when you imagine you don't think it's gonna get together but it's gonna get together put it together put it in the fridge let it cool really important 30 minutes to one hour right and then take it out and again let it cool so important don't work with a cold dough especially a bottle dough like that okay and uh and let it get the wooden tablet and you roll it and then what i do is i make sure there's a little extra right there on the top and then i put it in the fridge so it has time to relax it's very important if you don't let it relax it's gonna shrink on you okay so it's a lot more than we need right i got it right there and then what i do is i take a rolling pin and then i cut the excess you see i cut the excess and you're going to say oh there's a lot of dough in there good that's what i want i want a load of dough you see well you probably we're not saying that but i'm saying it for you all right because there is a lot of dough right see right there it's good to have a lot of extra though that's a good one oh i didn't cut this one very good you know it's good that i entertained my myself right it's good to have a little extra dough i gotta remember that one okay look guys um now what i want to do is see it's pretty thick right so what you want to do is you want to push it up see the way i'm doing it friends not a question here that jack gets it then you can see it meaning that he can kind of capture it with a camera that's the idea you see the way i do it i squeeze it up all right so don't worry about what it looks like now it's gonna look perfect as long as it's up my friends all right so now what do we do we get rid of this guy right there boom little detail right and uh and then you take a fork and you poke a couple of holes in there don't worry about making too many of those now what happened [Music] is um we're gonna bake this we're gonna bake it and we're gonna take a piece of parchment paper put on there make sure the parchment paper don't cut it too small because you cut it too small you're gonna believe me i'm down or sometimes you don't think you know you cut it too small and then you can't take the the beans or the right side i have a rice that i use as weight this rice i've been cooking it for i don't know 20 30 years our rice is cooked i use it as weight you see so then my uh my uh my dough doesn't go up you know and then we're gonna do what we're gonna do what is called a cook so keep the pepper in there put it on the cookie sheets you don't need anything on a cookie sheet i got a silk pad on there because it looks pretty but don't worry about it right you put it right there and i'm gonna put it in the oven all right i got my oven going at 375 400 depends on the dough you're going i got it at 375. and friends we're going to pack cook this we're going to pack cook it for a good 35 40 minutes okay i want it to be cooked then we're going to put an egg white we're going to put an egg white on it to seal the hole i made with a fork you'll see all right so we got the bacon going and all we're interested in doing right now is get the fat melted from the bacon smells amazing and i use a little thick cut bacon you notice and uh use whatever bacon makes you happy and uh it's a thick cut bacon and then we're going to get the fat that we're going to saute the onion and the onion now you don't want to cut them too small you don't want to cut them to be kind of like a medium dice because um when you cut the pie you don't want any big piece of onion to get in the middle it won't make a nice slice right and then i got some ham i got some um uh uh black forest ham you can get a tavern ham black forest you want to get a baked ham i got a little parsley in there uh and i got an extra egg yolk what do i got an extra egg yolk i got four whole eggs and one egg yolk and the white i'm gonna use it to seal the inside of the thing the the pie dough right um i got the bacon i got a little nutmeg in there and i got three cup of heavy whipping cream but none of that we're gonna use until the our um onion and our bacon are down and our dough is cooked you see friends so what we have to do is relax now the onion are no good until they caramelize and there's no way they will caramelize in um there's no way they will caramelize in the um in the custard as a matter of fact remember it's a custard okay we're baking a egg and cream right it's a custard right and so today i'm using onion and bacon because that's my quiche but you could use mushroom you could use spinach you could use broccoli but whatever you use you have to make sure it's cooked before you put it in a custard see a vegetables needs 211 degrees to cook to boil to cook a a custard only needs 145 degrees to solidify so if you were to put a raw vegetables just giving you a quick cooking lesson if you were to put a raw vegetables in a custard it's not going to cook before it so the the egg is solidified the custard is cooked so now all of a sudden you got a solid custard and you got a raw vegetable so you cook it first one word of advice friends um is you must uh make sure the vegetables is cooked and if you do spinach you got to get rid of the water if you do mushroom get rid of the water before you put it in the custard because that water will make your custard not nice and smooth and creamy the water will interfere with the consistency of a custard so very important you're putting vegetables in there go right ahead but let them drain the water after you cook them especially spinach you may want to squeeze them to get them out of there all right so friends there's nothing we can do now we're going to saute i'm going to put some crushed black pepper and i'm going to put a little salt in there and we're gonna wait for this to get golden brown we're gonna wait for the dough to cook when this is beautiful golden brown i think what i'll come back real quick to show you when this is golden brown and then we're gonna have to wait a little bit again because that that those are gonna be golden brown before the uh the pie dough is ready that's for sure so it's just a timing thing i will write a complete recipe for everybody remember friends for those of you that are new to new to below the description there is a title there is a little description and is the link is the show more click on show more and you get the printed recipe all right so we'll be back when we got those come those onions beautifully caramelized okay okay friends well the dough is still in the oven gonna be in there for a little while but i wanted to show you really quick you see a bacon is uh is uh is the lean part of it it's not bruised at all sometimes they cook it too much and for a custard dish like that we don't want to do that so i'm going to turn the heat off and uh and that's all there is to it you see it's nice the onions are caramelized they smell wonderful the bacon smells amazing imagine this is going to be the base for our for our uh our pie so i'm going to put them in a bowl and i'm going to let them rest i got my heat off now so i can relax because i don't like to burn the onion oh oh i don't like to burn the um the bacon i especially don't like to burn the bacon okay because sometimes you do it too much yeah the only time it's kind of okay to really bring it to the next level is uh is when you do bacon bits because that's kind have that crunch folks i'll tell you what uh the only thing i'm gonna do uh is i'm gonna mix the egg and the cream and um and i forgot to tell you i'm putting the onion salt also in there because it's amazing it's a instead of a garlic salt and onion salt delicious all right i'm gonna put all this together and then i'll come back we'll put the pie together okay friends we're gonna well actually when we come back i want to show you the technique of uh uh brushing the egg white in a pie dough and then it'll go back in the oven after i do that for uh 10 more 10 15 more minutes to cook the egg white and that will seal so then the dough stays nice and crunchy all right so we'll be back in a while okay friends well all we got to do now is take the rice out try not to um put rice everywhere it wouldn't be the first time that then it happens to me trust me see right there on a stove all right like mamma mia and well thank goodness it went on the stove i can clean that up hey you know i always got something to tell you and uh how i clean my stove uh you know i make a mess every day i clean it you know every time i cook i clean it guess what i got i got a little shop vac that i use right there just for my stove i suck everything up put it in a shop vac and then i can clean it up really quick it's very easy it's a good tip let me tell you i don't just show you how to cook i'll show you how to clean your oven i'm telling you it makes it so easy take a shot back don't put it in the garage just leave it right there in the kitchen it's my kitchen control bag look guys let's pre-cook right so now we're gonna we're gonna take the egg whites right and then what we're doing we we're sealing the dough we're sealing it that's what we're doing you see so then the uh the custard doesn't get into it and it doesn't get soggy so we're going to continue cooking this a little bit longer you see and another five minutes that's all i do i cook it about five minutes right and then five minutes now be careful when you do this it's okay to put some on the side but not don't go and don't go like too much on the top so it falls in the back it's okay to put a little bit see on the top like this but don't go ah so the egg goes between the mold and the and the um the mold and the in the dough because then it'll stick and then it won't take it won't come out as easy it's also gonna come out so easy you won't believe it it's very simple right you know everything i do is simple i mean okay so sometimes if you don't know it's not def it's not easy but by the time i'm finished showing you you should be able to do it all i promise you there's nothing i do then you guys cannot do okay nothing cooking is the easiest hobby in a way to learn i don't care why anybody tell me anybody can be a great cook i say it all the time and i'm going to continue saying it you see look i sealed that you see all the holes i made with the fork i seal them all right i'm gonna go back in the oven five minutes and then when i come back into the oven uh uh we'll put it all together we'll again put it in the oven all right so i'll see you in a little while okay i wanna show you look look how quick it is you see you take your thing off stay right there boom okay you see all right i'll continue that later let's go back to the recipe but you see how quick that is boy then you put a wet rag and sometimes i put it on degreaser whatever i got on it i wipe it let me tell you five minutes i got a beautiful clean stove every time before i do any recipe clean it up like brand new okay let's take the uh the the shell the the pie dough out of the oven we keep the oven on all right so now we have it right here friends all right so we got our onion and our bacon right there we got all the ingredients we got our cheese and all we got to do is mix a few things so we're going to put it right in there just like this nice and even let me tell you something friends this is delicious that's all i gotta tell you okay you gotta try okay and and if you buy the dough you don't have to make it it's really simple to make that recipe it really is no big deal at all okay so we have it right there we're gonna make sure let me get a spatula to make sure it's spread out evenly because you you wouldn't want to have a slice of it where you don't have any bacon or onion you see so we're going to make sure everybody gets some onion and everybody gets some bacon okay every slice is even so that's why i put this first right i put this first just like this boom boom boom very simple even even even nice nice be nice all right so then we're gonna take some the the hem and again you can skip that for those of you that don't eat uh ham or if you don't eat ham you know making this one with bacon either can you you forget it don't don't do it no no don't do it make another one you know we'll make another one for you we'll make a broccoli one or something you know broccoli cheese mushroom spinach all kind of stuff right all right so done uh then uh then let me make sure i don't forget nothing okay i don't forget nothing the cheese cheese cheese cheese so i got a mixture of cheddar gruyere and and mozzarella do whatever you want in here friends you use any cheese you want as long as it's good cheese you know at the end of the day remember you're only as good as the ingredient you're using my friends and i got almost two cup of cheese okay shredded that is so you know so whenever you shred it and look at this don't don't don't be shy on the cheese okay yeah parmesan i'll see parmesan cheese okay parmigiano-reggiano will be perfect in there okay so now we're gonna make the custard okay so we got the egg we're gonna put a little bit of nutmeg freshly grounded nutmeg if you have a grinder if you don't they use the nutmeg your grandmother gave you 30 years ago tastes like nothing so i highly recommend you get a freshly ground nutmeg you put some chopped parsley in here we're gonna put a little bit of garlic let me get a spoon to get the garlic out a little bit of garlic fresh garlic i don't want to put a lot just a little bit just a couple of things this is my chopped garlic right we got the nutmeg we're gonna put the onion salt okay and we're gonna put some more fresh cracked black pepper right and then we're gonna mix all this up and then we're going to put our cream three cups it's probably going to be a little too much custards but we're going to mix it up really good friends we don't want to put too much bubbles in there that's what i do with a fork not with a whisk that's why i broke the egg first so i don't put too much air bubble i don't need air bubble in this okay and then we're going to put some chopped chives well let's put the custard in there because it's going to take a little while for the custard to um you know i'm going to pour back in there friends because it's easier to pour out of here you see it's going to be easier to pour so let's make sure you got it all in there you know the cool part about doing these ones is uh you can make it uh ahead this is great you can make it on a sunday afternoon and then during the week you have a slice of it for lunch take your time take your time give it a little time for it to to settle in you see what i'm doing just give it a little time to settle in okay it's gonna take a little time see right there it's getting full over there so i'm gonna give it a little time here so let's give it a time to settle while it's settling i'm going to cut a little chives in there and uh i'm going to put let me make sure i just cut the little chives that i ski came up keep keep them all together and then we've got to put some chives you see it's uh it's not settling in enough so what i got to do i'm going to take a fork and i'm going to show it i'm going gonna move it around you watch okay i forgot one here you go we're gonna put this right here let's take a fork and let's find out the space for it you see there's so much cheese and things then the cream is not finding its way but that's okay it will it will this is not my first rodeo folks this is my second one so look how you like that trick of the vacuum pretty cool look i've been doing this my whole life and i discovered that that vacuum trick just a few years ago and it makes it so easy because you know when you put stuff on the stove because you do no matter what you do it's gonna fall right it's very difficult to go in there and catch it all it makes it difficult to clean by the time you get rid of all the solids that have somehow found their way into your stove the rest of it is easy to clean that's why i clean it every day because it's easy to clean if you do it every day right if you wait a few days then it's not easy to clean my friends you see we're gonna i just want to make sure that it all goes in now it's not all going to go in there we're still going to have some left but it's okay all right i have too much than not enough right and then i'm going to carry it in the oven and then the idea is to make sure you don't over because if you put it too much but as much as you can with that going over friends it cannot go over me and you kind of cannot go like on the other side of that mold or that dough right there okay you cannot go and restart that's going to be tough to put in the oven oh boy i tell you what not to do and what i'm not doing i'm doing it it's that's how i teach you i tell you what not to do and i'm doing it so here we go the last ingredient is the chives the chives are barely going to cook just by the time the custard is done we're going to be out of the oven yeah i don't want big pieces okay i don't want big pieces i just want nice and the chives is another onion it's one of the most delicate of all onion just a little warming is enough for the chives eh you see all right friends see there's a big piece of chives right there and i don't like it so i'm taking it off with it there you go stay over there all right now i'm gonna go to the oven oh it's hot and um i don't want you to watch in case i mess it up so i'm gonna go to the oven and i come back when it's all cooked and beautiful and puffy so i'll be back a minute i take it out of the oven so you can see how beautiful it looks okay so we'll be back uh it's probably gonna take a good uh 25 minutes when it's beautiful puffy we'll take it out and i'll come back all right be back in a few minutes okay it's been about 35 minutes friends i'm gonna take it out i'm gonna take it out and uh i did good i did good i didn't uh i didn't speak oh he's hot i didn't spill anything i did pretty good uh friends uh see how beautiful and puffy it is you're not going to stay like that and you want to serve it like that but you can't because this is a hot custard it needs to set so we're going to let it rest we're going to let it set a little bit and when it's cold enough we'll cut it so i'll be back when it's cold enough to end mold and i'll show you the quick trick i don't mold it's really simple when you have one of them removable bottom but it's beautiful it smells amazing my kitchen smells amazing i wish you were here to eat it my friends because it's really really amazing so i'll be back and cut a piece and uh and we'll eat it together okay friends you gotta let her rest first of all to set and then it's cool enough so you can't handle it and then you can warm it up if you want in the oven or you can do it when it's hot but it's going to be jiggly it's going to be it's not going to hold the custard has to uh cool in order to set right so see i can i can grab it it's not really hot and um i'm gonna put it on a um on the um container that i have remember it's a removable bottom right so now i'm gonna go in i'm gonna let go of this and voila that's a really easy technique right really really cool cool so it's not not too hot here you go right there and now i have to remove my bottom and you can probably hold it with a fork you see what i'm doing i'll hold it for the fork and if you let your pie be gentle be gentle you see flip it right out because your dough is uh it's got butter in it lots of butter and it's not going to stick if you haven't made your dough and you bought it um you may want to spray with a baking spray your mold before you do it uh if you put butter it's going to burn on them so you have to use a non-stick spray because the bottle by itself will burn unless you use clarified butter anyway uh we're not there so now we're gonna cut it and we're gonna eat it because that's what we're doing this whole thing for is so then we can eat it so voila it's it's still uh pretty uh uh lick not liquidy it sets but um soft if you will so it's not like hard you know well that'll be the opposite of soft with uh and voila my friends look at beautiful dudes you see so now i'm gonna cut myself a piece then i'm going to cut it and this is going to be absolutely wonderful mmm you can test the onion and the bacon are like wow and the good thing is the cheese is secondary the first thing you taste is the onion on the i hope you make it my friends i love it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you soon with another fantastic video thanks for watching everybody [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 356,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onion Pie, Onion Bacon Pie, Custard Pie, cheese and onion pie, onion pie recipe, how to make onion pie, onion bacon cheese quiche, cheese onion pie recipe, cheese and onion pie recipe, easy cheese onion pie, best onion pie recipe, pie recipe, cheese & onion pie, custard pie recipe, Bacon Pie, bacon pie recipe, homemade cheese onion pie, cheese onion pie, simple cheese onion pie recipe, easy onion pie, Quiche au bacon et aux oignons, Quiche De Cebolla Y Tocino
Id: R2ccbO-oR5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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